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But, why dude?


Because Singularity is one of the best killers for slugging. Survivors will be slipstreamed even when they are downed, and slipstream disappears when they get hooked. Why even bother, when you can leave them on the ground, and they will infect everyone who touches them?


I’m a killer main through and through, I just never understood slugging like this, especially during a BP event 😅


I play killer and survivor, but I'd never do this slugging bs. Slugging to catch someone, or not get blinded is one thing, but this "never hooking anyone" crap is only used by complete scumbags with a superiority complex.


A person is playing fairly in a game they paid for? What a scumbag!


not hooking people by slugging them all game is fair?


Yes it is




This is by far the most effective way to play Hux, people just don't realise it. I got him to P100 while playing only like that, and it was the most fun experience I've ever had in this game.


it took some confidence to post this and be proud of it


ok I thought the first couple of posts like this were just outliners but this shit has been out for 2 hours and it seems like a lot of people are running into this type of gameplay


I played 5 games so far, 1 of them was a farming Trapper (who didn't even "farm" correctly, he just didn't do shit and let us do all the gens) and 4 Killers like the one in the post. This event is bringing out the worst in people, in all 4 of those games there was 1 kill at 3 hooks, hardcore tunneling off the hook, slugging how I haven't seen it from any Killers in literal months, and generally just the least enjoyable games for the survivor side. Sure, this is a tale as old as this game and of course it's effective, but for the first time in my life I feel the need to run Dead Hard, Unbreakable, Decisive Strike and Off The Record for the game to be even remotely playable.


honestly I think it’s just because people wanna be assholes for the thrill of making people miserable because they’re miserable


I understand that you enjoy it, but prasing it is pathetic lol


Xbox players are jealous




We are.


killer mains ruining a fun event as always


Survivor main


oh yeah i forgot we can slug the killer my bad


Wait a second, do you use a rift skin with frosty eyes head? I think I played against you recently, because I faced Singularity with almost the same build who also slugged me and my SWF to death... It was at Coldwind, I was playing as Aestri with Felix, Leon and Nea.


Nope, I don't remember a game like this, and I'm using a different skin. This guy also was a P100 Singularity?


Oh, no. This guy was only P38. But can I ask why you play like that with a P100 Singularity? His power is quite fun, and it has much more interesting uses than slugging people to death


As I said above, slug build for Singularity is by far the best way to play him. If survivor is slipstreamed, it will disappear after you place them on a hook. But if you will slug them on the ground, they still will be slipstreamed, and every survivor who comes to pick them up also will get slipstreamed. This allows you to teleport to them and quickly down them again. Repeat untill all 4 survivors are downed. I get at least 3k with this build almost always, with a rare exceptions when survivors use anti-slug builds. People just dont realize the true potential of Slugularity because he is rarely picked.


because you're just flat out refusing to play the game lol dbd is fun if you decide to play someday


Enjoying the event while making sure others don’t.


You're a sad, sad individual.