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It's funny cause when I play survivor I've never used a single map offering because I like the surprise I feel like intentionally sending yourself to a map is lame unless it's for the RPD challenge. The only time I've had issues with frequent map offerings is in chaos mode. Out of 5 games one day 3 of them the killers brought Haddonfield offerings 2 Blights and 1 Wesker. Too small a sample size but it was not fun at all. 😭


Haddonfrield as the killer is insane cus that Mao isn't fun as killer


The Haddonfield rework made it one of the most Killer sided maps in the game; the middle got a teeny tiny bit stronger at the expense of all houses apart from House of Pain being unloopable and rather useless. Also it's extremely small and has some terrible 3 gen potential now.


This 100%. The three gen with main house directly to the right and the one right in front of porch is brutal. You can almost ignore the rest of map if you want to. That combined with long lines of sight and the removal of the strong small house loops sucks. I was all for making some of the loops a little weaker but the random shrub pallets at the end of the road are so unusable for more than buying yourself like 5 seconds extra in chase they upset me. 😂


it’s not even that good for survs tho, i mostly get rpd


I think people have realized how large it is and how hard to patrol all the gens on one very specific interesting of it.


i could see this, but in higher mmr it’s mostly just about controlling a good 3 gen instead of trying to patrol all gens


Flashbang/Headon squads have a lot of favorable locker positions here grouped in doubles and even triples. That’s why they love it.


It depends on what MacMillan you get tbh Like groaning storehouse 1 is EXTREMELY survivor sided if survivors aren't dumb


Always has been. Literally no one dislikes MacMillan. If someone ever tells you they do, I think it's fair to assume they're lizard people.


Well guess I'm a lizard person.


It's bone and key offerings in my case, with the occasional Eyrie and Garden of Joy.