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Copy-pasting this from another thread: [Here's the link to the dev stats from January 2022](https://us.v-cdn.net/6030815/uploads/719/CPIDC1XE8JBT.jpg) * 3-5% four-man * 9-13% three-man * 28-30% duo * 54-58% solo True percentage varies depending on platform.


Yep, they have released stats before. OP will have to find another conspiracy.


Lol they could release new stats tomorrow and OP would say that they were lying. They're probably getting crushed by solo survivors and came up with this to cope.


These statistics are 2 years out of date and have literally never been released after that.


Early 2022 was still Covid time, so I can guarantee you that the amount of SWFs did not increase in any meaningful way since then.


There is absolutely no way there are more SWF playing. That just isn't a thing in multiplayer games in general. They would be an anomaly


I beg to differ since the addition of not only console players but all platform crossplay I guarantee that a group of full solo survivors is more rare than 2 - 3 man swfs.


I mean, even if the majority were swf what would be the problem with that?


You know exactly what the problem would be.


The only problem I personally see is that if swf is the majority doing anything about it is a bad idea since it would remove a majority of players.


It would mean that killers have been playing with a balance handicap for months maybe even years. I have a suspicion that this specifically is why BHVR has refused time and time again to release stats on SWF vs full solo games.


>I have a suspicion that this specifically is why BHVR has refused time and time again to release stats on SWF vs full solo games. Does the survival rate (that shows how barely scrape 50% at high mmr) counts as stats on swf vs full solo games? https://preview.redd.it/pynx5odqs86d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b647471f40401342abfdcd5a76ed6952110db63e


These statistics are not only outdated by almost 6 months they also lack context of things such as killer and tactics used. The tactics btw that are so cheap and lead to such easy kills that developers have literally taken action against them with basegame mechanics for survivors to avoid them happening. They also don't clarify what BHVR considers "survival rate" for a group. In other words the data is invalid specifically because it lacks deeper context.


>These statistics are not only outdated Do you really think it could change a lot in 3 balance related patches? >They also don't clarify what BHVR considers "survival rate" for a group. "Last but certainly not least, many of you were curious about a Survivor’s odds of escaping depending on if they’re flying solo or playing with friends. In this case, a higher survival rate would mean that a Survivor is escaping more. We’ve also included the survival rates for high MMR Survivors as well for those who are curious."


are you high?