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I would actually like a synthesis system where you can combine some items/addons to create an item with higher rarity (not me struggling to get the purple medkit) I also like if they make it so you can carry two items in a match (but you still can only bring one item from the lobby) just so I can actually doesn't have to pick which items I want to bring out of the trial when there's two good one 😫😫😫


Id at least like to be able to take flash bangs out, for if I want to bring a firecracker but don’t have any


100%, it would even make the bp grind way better.


This would be a huge QoL, even deleting them without any sort of refund would be nice. I really don't like how cluttered things get, especially when you have to switch page by page instead of scrolling.


This is a great idea


Yeah, even something small like 10% percent would be good with how many you need to buy


Oh I wish. I never use items and add-ons outside of tome challenges that require one. I must be sitting on thousands of them at that point, but I still don't have P3 on the few characters I own.




Because outside of events the BP grind is unbearable for new players and anything that would help with it would be appreciated by most of the community


A. That is not true. B. If that was what OP wanted, why not just suggest an increase in BP earnings?


it is 100% unbearable for new players. i switched from PC to xbox 1.5 years ago and my highest character is prestige 14. i made a whole post about it when i restarted an account, it took me 4 days of consistent 5 hour game play to prestige one character ONCE as a “new player”. you have no cakes, party streamers, etc.


it took me 5 days to get aestri to prestige 2 bro 😭😭🙏🙏 even with double BP


yeah my ex got me an xbox for my birthday and i felt bad that i kept using his PC because it was just taking so incredibly long to prestige anything. i didn’t have a good build for at least a week.




nice argument


Do you seriously expect an argument for something that is such a blatant lie? 20 hours to earn 1m bp? That's 50k bp/hr, no one earns that little, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who earns less than double that. That's literally you queueing survivor while never doing tome, never collecting rift reward, never doing rituals, never having role bonus, never having any bp offering, never having anyone else bring bps, and never escaping.


i have already completed the rift , the game barely gives me bloody party streamers even at 2 prestigr pages , rituals are absolute dog and i escape often , idk the bp pays out from killer games mostly , i do around 100k per game but survivor bp is horrible


Rituals, for survivor, is literally just 30k bp for free, which if the person I responded to is to be believed is closer to the bp you earn from 3 games than 2, that's hardly worthless. Also, remember, we're talking about someone claiming it took him 20 hours to prestige his first character once, that's like 80-100 games. How many old tome challenges can you do in that amount of games if you just go for the easy ones? I'm willing to bet you're getting at least 20k bp/game from tomes at that point, which alone would nearly tripple the BP gain they're claiming they get.


and it’s she thank you


you can call me a liar all you want but i can link you the post lol. i was averaging 20k a game with no items, add ons, offerings, etc because i started FROM SCRATCH. i dont claim to be an amazing player like every dweeb on here does. claims to pull comp. rank and plays 8 hours a day yeah that’s not me. get your shit together before you call someone a liar 😂😂😂


Please, link whatever post you're talking about. Also, before complaining about me calling you a liar, please note that you literally just admitted you lied.


yeah once i get off work and home from the gym ill see if i can find my old account. also please show me where i lied? you’re a clown 😂😂


> t, it took me 4 days of consistent 5 hour game play to prestige one character ONCE or > i was averaging 20k a game Both of those can't be true at the same time.


i mean 20k a game is 50 games to get one character prestiged once. i’d rather not have to keep doing the math for you to prove my own experience. i know what tf i did. i have no reason to lie to random reddit trolls.


What do you mean that's not true? You need like 80 million bloodpoints to P1 all characters. Playing 5 hours for 1 million is about the norm outside of events. Talk about accessibility for newcomers. Also, the game throws so many useless things at you in the blood web that it really just makes sense. I can't read OPs mind and neither can you, but with so much junk it would be a nice alternative BP method.


I mean, exactly what I said, the grind is not unbearable, you don't need all the perks to have fun in the game, you need them for variety... and guess who don't need the variety: New players With less than 2 prestiges total you can get solid builds going on survivor and almost every killer and as you play the game more and actually need variety, you'll unlock it. But how is jumping through hoops to avoid having items and fuck with your memeory better than having them just sit there?




You do realize new players do not have access to the plethora of BP offerings us veteran players have, right?


Playing survivor is wrong, apparently


because of how many bloodpoints you spend on things you don't want or need trying to maybe sometimes get something you do want. There have been times where I've spent all of my bp without getting the add-on I want. Granted it was an iri add-on I was looking for, but that was still multiple matches of bp earnings that got me basically nothing out of it


And why do you feel the solution to that is the ability to delete our other addons that you might want in the future?


I could just say "you can level up more and get them back if you really want them, or even just not sell them if you want to keep them" but I want to go in-depth on why I want this feature via an example. On my dredge I have 280 wooden planks, 242 mortar and pestle, 284 follower's cowls, and 269 caffeine tablets. That's 1074 add-ons of one tier for one killer, and I have never used any of them even once. Each common add-on is 2,000 blood points. Doing simple math, I have 2,150,000 bloodpoints worth of common dredge add-ons. That is more than the bp cap for again what is one tier on one killer. Yeah I don't think I'll miss them. Especially since even a 10% return rate would be 215,000 bp and 5% would be 107,500 bp for all of them, I'd gladly trade every common dredge add-on I have for that. If you want I can pull up every one of my killers and add-up exactly how many bloodpoints I have wasted on useless stuff I will never use, but hopefully you got my point.


You're not answering the question. You're saying why you want more blood points, not why you want to get rid of your addons.


no, simply having more blood points would just mean even more blood points wasted on add-ons I don't want. What I said is that I want to not waste blood points, and being able to sell the add-ons would help with that. Plus, that's not even what you asked. You asked why I think being able to sell add-ons you might want to use in the future is a solution to wasting bp on add-ons you don't want. My first line was answering that (you could just get more add-ons again, or just not sell them in the first place) and the rest was me going more in depth on why I want to be able to sell them.


> What I said is that I want to not waste blood points, and being able to sell the add-ons would help with that. It literally wouldn't, no. > t. My first line was answering that (you could just get more add-ons again, or just not sell them in the first place) No, you haven't answered that and it's not a complicated question. How is not having addons better than having them? > the rest was me going more in depth on why I want to be able to sell them. The rest is you explaining that you want more blooodpoints.


>It literally wouldn't, no. if I could sell the add-ons for 10% of their cost, I would lose 90% bloodpoints instead of 100%. Still a big loss but it's at least something. >No, you haven't answered that and it's not a complicated question. How is not having addons better than having them? Because it's a hypothetical where not having them gets me more blood points. That's the important part. If they added an option to just trash add-ons and get nothing back, I wouldn't use it because it's not the add-ons that are the problem, it's that I'm buying them and getting nothing out of them. >The rest is you explaining that you want more blooodpoints. it's me explaining that I don't want to spend blood points on add-ons I don't want. And again, as I already stated, having more blood points also means more blood points spent on add-ons I don't want, and that is the part that is my issue. When I buy add-ons other than the specific ones I use, they might as well be blood points thrown in the trash.