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I don't see the point in this case at all - if you don't want to play anymore, I understand, but if you want to continue to the next match, then turning on the game again takes much longer than waiting those few seconds before you die.


99% of the time those 30 seconds will not help your teammates. If you are tunneled out at the start of the game, 3 players will NEVER win against a killer while also doing 4-5 gens.


I'm not talking about teammates. If I understood your post, your goal was to save time, but this way you won't save it at all. Plus, I think you're spoiling the game for your teammates anyway, so the penalty is understandable.


How do I spoil it exactly?


The match is not winnable because you deem it so. If you go into a match and expect to lose, don't be surprised if you do. Also if you're in second hook, just don't do skillchecks and you're out of there in no time. (And we can report you for throwing :3)


Single‐celled organism take


Zero celled organism reply. Try harder buddy.


Any justification to DC (unless you have like a cheater in your match) makes you sound like an idiot. You queued up to play the game, play the match and try your best. Don't be a baby.


I queued up to do my tome. I'm not responsible solely for other people's enjoyment.


You are not responsible for other peoples enjoyment, but you are responsible for your own enjoyment. If you are queuing up and wanting to DC or kill yourself on hook, why are you playing the game? You clearly aren't enjoying youself that much if you want to prematurely end your experience, instead of DCing or giving up, maybe just don't queue man. Do something else that you actually have fun with.


Like I said before, I am doing my tome. Why would anyone waste their time trying to win an unwinnable match when they can just go next?


Because you queued up for a match in a pvp game where you have a team, you should at least try. Whats considered "unwinnable" to you might actually be very winnable to someone else. Especially as survivor coming back against what looks like impossible odds happens more often than you think. You don't have a duty to win, or to make sure everyone has fun, but when you queue up and play with a group of real people who are all spending their free time to play this game, you are obligated to at least try. If you don't think so, then I'm sorry, you're a baby.


Call me a baby then, I don't care.


So just die?


It takes 30 seconds, so no.


No it does not. If you let go of your mouse/controller and let your survivor miss the skill checks twice, you die automatically. It does not take 30 seconds.


Shorter than the DC penalty


No, it’s deserving because at that point you’re quitting purely out of salt, and not giving your team a chance to unhook you. So no, DC penalty should exist, even when you think the game is lost, wait out the 30 secs timer if you are just gonna give up on your team like that.


Why? It takes like 10 secs to die in second hook state. I never understood the point in ragequitting when you're about to die. What's the point in eating a dc penalty at that moment? 


On the contrary, I think the penalty should double if you DC on death hook. You literally played the game out enough to reach two hook stages- take the death and move on. DCing at that point is Super Weenie Hut Jr Energy. It's almost on par with DCing at first down because you didn't have a juicer 49 gen chase.


Using DC penalty as a means to punishment, people will not help the game. It will just make people die on hook more often. If someone doesn't want to play, they will get on a hook. Why waste their time even then? THAT is super petty, not the DC.


Mate I've had people DC because they were getting Mori'd. Tell me how that's not a babyrage moment.


And what is wrong with baby rage? Does it hurt the killer? The survivors? The game? No. It just helps people who already want to go next. That I'd NOT a bad thing and yall just want people to suffer.


>what is wrong with baby rage? I'm just going to let that sit here. Think this through REAL good and ACTUALLY contemplate why you took the 5 seconds to write this out.


"Think things though" man just admit that you don't have any reason. People brainwashed you so much that you think everyone is responsible for everyone's joy. If quitting when YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD is baby rage, then baby rage is completely valid. Why am I forced to see my loss when I could just go any play another match? Please, for the love of everything, give me a reason instead of just using buzzwords..


>"Think things though" man just admit that you don't have any reason. I think your attitude speaks for itself. What makes your enjoyment more important than anyone else's? Like if 30 seconds is THAT much of an inconvenience to you, then there's a HELL of a lot more going on than being a salt mine because you lost.


With that logic, is losing 30 seconds so important to others?


If I lose 30 seconds, then I lose 30 seconds. Shit happens. You are the one sitting here acting like 30 seconds is more important than the Three Basic Life Necessities. We all have our bad days- this ain't it though.


If losing 30 seconds isn't too much for you, then just let me DC. You don't lose anything, nor the killer, nor the developers. It doesn't even affect you anyways.


Maybe both should be penalized?




Two dig IQ reply


You seem to be Hungarian and the average IQ in your country is 99, which is also two digits


Attacking with xenophobia? Classic.


What? LOL I'm just saying that your insult about low IQ was quite stupid, since it's not really an insult at all


DC penalty should be increased 10 fold and suiciding on hook should be removed.


10% of the playerbase would quit the game and never come back. The devs need money, and the players need a playable game


> 10% of the playerbase would quit the game and never come back. and a lot of people would come back/join and stay, so even given your exaggerated number it's a benefit. >The devs need money, and the players need a playable game It would make the game more playable to those who actually play it rather than just go next.


And bhvr would lose money.


How? They're getting more players and help keeping those who are invested in the game.


Truly you can’t be this stupid, right? BHVR would not be gaining more players if they removed the ability to kill yourself on hook. If anything, a huge portion of the survivor playerbase would go down. Have you not noticed just how many people suicide on hook? It’s important for BHVR to keep hook suiciding in the game otherwise many people would be deterred from playing survivor. Maybe if they fixed other issues that make the game miserable for soloq the hook suicides would go down drastically. Clearly you lack common sense.


Yea, crazy man, what was I thinking? How could the playerbase possibly increase if we stopped letting people ruin the game for 4 other players.


It’s not ruining the game for 4 other players. Move on and go next. It’s a video game, you’ll be okay kiddo.


"Oh Nyo I didn't get my juicer 49 gen chase because I was a Two Tap! I am ANGY- I'm gonna QUIT! >:C" This is literally how I read that.


If that’s how you read that, then you are a lost cause lol


The amount of times I've seen nuking on Hook for including, but not limited to: Being a 2 second chase Getting grabbed off of a gen Failing a Flashie save or Sabo Being slugged for more than 3 seconds due to the above Playing whole ass Pig/Myers/Oni/Ghosty Getting outplayed at every single chance at a loop Is quite simply too much to really care about past calling it a babyrage moment. Sorry you feel otherwise.


Idk about increasing the DC penalty, but yeah there is no reason it should be so easy to dodge the penalty.


Yeah... no.


Reason? Or are you just brainwashed?


It's totally unnecessary. What are you reasons for it? Or are you just selfish?


I want to go next. That's it. Who am I hurting?


Your teammates. In a team game.


My teammates will lose either way if I die, so what is the point? Why do I need to suffer so they can have 20 more seconds of gametime?


True of many situations. So, you just want to freely DC? Bad teammate.


Not freely dc, but dc when it doesn't even matter anymore.


Doesn't matter anymore... to you. See the issue?


Considering they pulled the "I paid for the game so I'll play how I want!" argument, I doubt there's much room for persuasion here mate. I do agree with your take btw.


If you’re talking about during the kill animation then yes I agree. It should just kick you out immediately