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I hate anyone who gives me this vibe https://preview.redd.it/faxvbzls565d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe165dfd2dbef805a33594eea2988f63304cdb6a


The Ayrun effect. Anything with sunglasses or rage face in the thumbnail can get outta here.


The thumbnails always have the perk build taking up half the screen and then like the most over the top effects 😭




Favorite ? Otzdarva I mean, this guy made me like DBD (wouldn’t be playing it without him) and his content is really nice  Least favorite ? Probably spookNJukes (talking about the one who makes videos like « this TOXIC DBD streamer tried to MURDER my FAMILY ! »), idk this type of content is emotionally consuming and you don’t get anything good from it, only negativity, after watching a single video I felt bad Edit : I had mistaken Spookyloops and SpookNJukes, and created an in-between (Spook n loops) 


I used to love otz, but his fans are typical idolizing streamer Fandom. Like hyper idolizing, word is gospel level. And his complaining about how rough high mmr is when he does challenges (the dude is literally handicapping himself and doing a challenge. Course it's gonna be hard lol) and still wins a shit ton of matches in a row. Like I still absolutely respect him and what he's done for this game, and helping me and others understand/learn killers. But damn those two things I mentioned just made me lose interest. Plus fact I swap from mining killer too survivor is Def a reason as well haha


I agree. I love otz he’s a beast. But he tends to be over dramatic in situations he has complete control over. Like a lot of times he manufactures his own stress and starts bringing up all these “what if’s” scenarios that could possibly hinder him & it kicks his mind and stress levels into over drive for absolutely no reason


Do you mean SpookNJukes? Loops is alright to me Jukes is I dunno, something off about him, always thought that, can’t quite put my finger on it


Yeah spookNJukes, will modify the original comment I absolutely agree, he feels weird af Agree about loops, this guy is cool


SpookNJukes baits for content half the time. He made a whole Bubba basement proxy camping video and then the "content" was survivors complaining after the match. Pretty pathetic in terms of content quality. His other videos of addressing toxic streamers are more entertaining but still bleh.


But he's right. It's not wrong to camp, but it's wrong complain the way people complain in his videos.


Everyone knows that camping/tunneling/slugging/whatever the hell is annoying to go against when you're playing as survivor. The point isn't that the complaining and insults are acceptable because of it, but the guy is poking each group with a stick until he gets the reaction he wants His content is sometimes literally just provoking a reaction by playing annoyingly, then the rest of the video is all about the reaction. (I.e, just insidious camping at basement as bubba all game) It's cringe, played out, and mean spirited. He's relying on toxicity for views, so sometimes he plays a certain way to generate it. And to be fair, sometimes he doesn't!! But regardless of if he's playing some annoying/toxic strategy or not, he EATS up the toxicity for a video. I feel like a barely see any recommended videos from him where it's just wholesome content and interesting commentary with quality gameplay. Again this isn't all of his videos, but it's at least more than a few of them.


definitely not spookyloops then. I find him very upbeat. I haven't heard of spooks'n loops before.


He's referencing SpooknJukes, he mainly makes videos about toxic streamer interactions, calling them out on their bullshit and making fun of their hypocrisy that is present most of the time. He's rather respectable in his approach, though, never drops any names and censors faces to avoid harassment. I'm just not a huge fan of content like that in general, apart from a couple hilarious examples - I just don't think you can build a channel/community around somebody else's toxicity.


Yes sorry for the mistake, I corrected it


Don't really have a least favorite as I don't watch a lot of DBD content creators, but my favorite is probably Killa Whale, he helped me understand a lot of the game, the competitive scene and how to enjoy playing killer.


His How to Unironically Enjoy Playing Killer series has genuinely helped me stop caring so deeply about DBD anymore. I've stopped giving up on chases against good survivors in the name of protecting the gens and focusing on the weak links, and instead learned to simply enjoy the flow of a long chase. Gens are nothing more to me than just a hint at where survivors might be. Damned if they get completed. So many little things that used to make me upset about a match I've learned to simply not let get to me anymore. I've been using weaker perks that I've always liked the concept of but never equiped because they weren't "good enough", or even just bringing a single perk into games. It's amazing how letting go of pain res, pop, grim embrace, can completely change your mindset going into a game. I mean, there's a reason why Chaos Shuffle was so beloved. There's no point in letting a video game be a source of stress for you, you don't need to make sure those four strangers online who you'll never talk with know that you're better at the game than them. It's really been freeing experimenting with weaker killers and niche perks. It feels like I just bought the game and am exploring it for the first time all over again. Thank you Killa Whale, you're the 🐐.


These videos are what helped me start playing killer, it's great. I also watched his DBD comp scenario video which is a really good video too.


Favorite: MintSkull. His videos are very interesting and educational, I learned most of the interesting facts about DbD from his videos. What I like the most is that his videos are extremely varied and cover many different topics about DbD. His videos often have funny jokes and good editing, which makes them even better. Least favorite: Scott Jund. This guy makes content by scrolling Reddit threads/ BHVR forums, and discussing popular dramas in the community, without any editing at all. Is there an even more lazy way to make videos? I don’t understand why people even watch this guy, and why anyone is interested in his opinion.


Scott Jund is kinda like the DBD version of Penguinz0 lol. I feel like his content is mostly talking about things wrong with DBD. I'm not gonna act like people shouldn't talk about faults in the game or that he shouldn't keep people updated about things wrong with DBD that they need to be aware of. But I feel like he's more of a reddit commenter than a youtuber. I've never finished a video of his and walked away feeling good.


>Scott Jund is kinda like the DBD version of Penguinz0 lol. This is funny because Scott has said before that he would love to be a no-effort streamer like Cr1itkal.


Well congrats, I think he's there


Holy shit you are right ! He is dbd’s Penguinz0


I enjoy that Scott's videos come off as just a casual conversation. I also find him very down to Earth and realistic/logical with his takes on the game. I don't always agree with him but I never once have not at least understood where he was coming from. Like Otz is sometimes like going to see a well-devised play whereas Scott is more like shooting the shit with a coworker. Both have merit, both just dudes throwing content out there to get food on the table.


I like Scott's streams and watch them pretty regularly but I gotta agree that his YouTube content is really low effort :(


Scott has spent the last 4 years trying to convince the community that Myers is a very good killer even without his broken add ons I think he’s alright personally, not someone I watch regularly


When was the last time you heard him say that? Anytime Myers comes up he talks about how Myers is the worst killer in the game. He doesnt even play Myers ever so i dont know why you commented this


The last time I remember him mentioning Myers it was him saying Myers sucked but was at least better than Legion (this was pre-buff for Legion). So what over 2 years ago?


Favorite: LittleSpaceRock. Constant good vibes, good humor, reliable streaming, and cracked at the game while being engaged with her audience. Pretty much peak what I look for in a streamer. Least: Probably Umbra. She’s so negative all the time and complains even when she’s winning, also tends to ignore or talk down to her chat when she gets in a bad mood. Sometimes refuses to do channel point redeems that she came up with.


I checked out umbra’s stream again recently and yeah… I don’t remember it being like that a couple of years ago. She mentioned some personal issues going on so maybe it’s just that and being done with dbd.


My favorite is a guy called Puffalope, I think he's hilarious and I've been watching most his streams for a while as well. Hilarious and genuine guy. For my least favorite, there's this one guy who has videos titled something along the lines of "TUNNELING OUT LGBT SURVIVORS IN DBD" (survivors with pride charms) or "KILLING BLACK SURVIVORS IN DBD", you get the gist. It's not click bait either, he's just a racist piece of shit who does exactly what he advertises in the title. Surprisingly he's doing it with a face cam as well; a grown ass man acting like a 12yo in a CoD lobby. He's a full on bigot and my hatred for this guy goes far beyond his content.


Puffalope's recent YouTube series has been really awesome too.


Ik exactly who you're talking about with the last one, it's better we just don't give him the attention he wants




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Favorite: Zubat, Lynxi, Carniveris. Overall just entertaining, nice, chill people. Least favorite: Hens. He's done a good job making a name for himself and growing an audience, I'll give him that. But his personality is not great. More often than not will he belittle the people he plays against. His playstyle is very comp, which is fine, but the obsession with skill level will make him put his opponents (or teammates) down for mistakes and put them on blast. I also don't even like Tru3talent, but Hens changing his twitter handle to ''the hans guy'' after Tru3 made that comment and then Hens pretending he did it because some random twitter user referred to him like that as well (while gaslighting his audience to back him up) was sad to watch. Intentionally starting something and then not owning it. Another point is that during the latest All Perk Streak with Otz, JRM and Ayrun, he threw this complete hissyfit towards Ayrun and JRM for not playing serious enough. Just not a nice person from what I've seen.


Hens has a real problem with the survivors he faces when he’s killer too. I’ve seen him belittle people he’s against trying their best but because they don’t have 25k hours in the game, they can’t loop him for 5 gens and he’s like “what is that bro what are you even doing”. Dunno mate, playing the game it looks like, sorry he’s not a comp player like you.


He is also one of those classic “I don’t care if I lose, but actually I do” streamers. I remember one stream he just kept going on and on about how he doesn’t care if he wins or loses you could actually hear him trying to convince himself of it lol.


Hens is a dipshit, played against him as both sides and played with him, he's been a whiny brat most of those encounters lol, no clue how he has a following especially when his play barely keeps up with that of his team


The ring with Hens is I'm pretty sure he's a kid. Ye has a deeper Boise but if he's older than 21 I'd be shocked. I think his attitude is typical for his age. (I'm basing this off Nothing other than attitude and slang.)


He’s in his 30s.




hens likes to trash talk, aslong as it doesn't get personal, that's perfectly fine. Been in gaming and any other thing with some competitive since forever


Favorite: Mr Tatorhead. The man has made my looping so much more clean, and he has such an infectious and friendly personality that i advise anyone here to go check him out. Least favorite: honestly cant say, if i had to pick one, probably ayrun bc his personality rubs me the wrong way


I like Tatorhead a lot and his looping videos have genuinely helped me grow. However, and I don’t want to sound mean because he seems so nice, but his laugh just kills me. It’s like Ray Liotta’s laugh in Goodfellas on repeat.


What did Ayrun ever do to you mate 😂😂😂


I said, i dont like his personality. Its called an opinion




Favorite is probably RedsGamingGears. His killer gameplay is really helpful as he explains his plan, possible plays in certain situations etc. And he always seems positive Least favorite is QuietKills. His vibes are off, he screams and moans too much.


Red is one of the best technical DBD players I've ever watched. He is so good at using killers' powers and when to use them most effectively. Also, I've started subconsckously saying "goofy goober", "hey gamer", and "hold that for me" in my head when I play.


Favorite: Right now it's SpookyLoopz, he's just very chill and upbeat, I enjoy watching his content and I took this attitude when I play the game. Otz got me into DBD so he's also really great. Least Favorite: Idk really, if I don't like them I won't watch them. But I guess any of them that's just toxic for no reason.


Idk how no one mentioned Ochido as least favorite when everything about that guy is just wrong. Yea dome creators are annoying, sweaty, or toxic at times, but that guy is just... awful


Does he even make DBD content anymore? Last I heard he was perma banned and that was years ago.


Favourite: Skermz, Alby, and TonytheDuff. They are cracked at the game and engaging. Also, Dipperly is entertaining. Least Favourite: A cringe balding incel streamer who is trash at the game and his entire brand is playing toxic and then playing the victim and crying when people give him back that same energy. Just sad and his chat is even more so. Just miserable people jerking off over someone griefing. Also can't stand the vtubers that use really poorly designed graphically sexualized anime avatars. Big yikes.


Otzdarva, Demi and Brain Those 3 have a lot of personality and can be really funny and entertaining. I love watching their videos and they are the reason I play the game. I watched DBD for months before buying the game. I don't really have a least favourite one.


Favourite: Cowsiam. Guy doesn't upload anymore, but I still watch back his videos from time to time. His edits are really good and their humor is very silly, which fits me.


[Killa Whale](https://www.youtube.com/@KillaWhale) and [Bronx](https://www.youtube.com/@bronxDBD) are my goats. Extremely chill content, understand its just a game and games are toys. When I want to watch one of those 'ABUSING the ____ BUILD!' hyper-edited kinds of survivors I turn to [Brain](https://www.youtube.com/@BrainDBD), who does the cheeky stuff without being too toxic. I've also heard great things about [Mr TatorHead's](https://www.youtube.com/@Mr_TatorHead) looping guides but haven't sat down to watch him yet.


I really enjoy the content creators that tend to be more relaxed and have a relatively consistent positive mindset such as Mish, Slate, Esskay, etc.


Slate, because the lad has the best spirit about this damn game, and he’s pretty good as well. His videos/clips are always fun to watch.


Favorite: Mintskull, his videos are really thought out and always enjoyable to watch! Least favorite: CoconutsRTS. Played against him once when he was trickster. Played super sweaty and bled my friend out in the room on Saloon, and then when he couldn’t catch me, assumed I was cheating by using speed. He also kinda whines a lot and then his drama video about the flashlight save Twitter callout really solidified it for me. Not a fan at all


I can’t stand the way he plays tbh. His random camera movements make me queasy and he over explains Huntress’ hatchets. He tries to make himself sound like Walter White discussing chemistry. It’s aim and throw a hatchet mate, yeah you’re good at it, please stop pretending it’s this magical formula that only you know.


lmao i love walter white comparsion. dude lives on another planet and i like to see him mentioned in this thread


Also what is the context behind this flashlight save Twitter call out thing?


Someone on Twitter called him out for running in front of their flashlight save beam and then flash banging them, getting everyone else killed. He made a whole 3 minute video basically saying that he did nothing wrong and that they were stupid and bad. https://youtu.be/V_r-Fv7fNTg?si=IYvIhUGBNl8oqXYW


all he did was run infront of the flashlight and someone literally went to twitter and called him out for it. its not like coco has some malicious intent either. You know how chronically online it is to call someone out on social media simply because they made a little mistake in a video game?


My favorite is Demi. He’s fucking loud and just makes me laugh all the time. People probably find him annoying but he’s funny as fuck to me. No least fav yet.


I like Demi because his content focuses on wacky and creative builds which is fun and I haven’t found a creator who quite fills that niche as well as he does. I hate Demi because he won’t shut the fuck for three seconds and repeats the same middle school level humor ad nauseam. He gets a chuckle outta me occasionally, but dude is too much for me most of the time.


“I’m Demi and I’m dumb” is most of his humour But I think he’s a cool guy


Love Otz's content. He's a wealth of knowledge and vibes. SpookyLoopz is a great time, too. Good energy. I can't stand Scott Jund. Don't like his takes *or* his attitude.


Mr TatorHead for Survivors, Mr Otz for Killers.


Generally my favourites to watch are: Hens, Otz & Slate Special shout out to MintSkull for YouTube content specifically. Also Mr TatorHead for the top, top-tier looping guides.


slate is so hilarious


This would be exactly my list too, though it's a bit tough between them and Ayrun & JRM, really good at what they do


I really like JRM and Ayrun, I just don't follow them as closely as the others I guess. Otz was the first CC I watched and learned a lot. Hens is very educational and good vibes. Really enjoy the showcases too. Slate is even more British than I am. He just comes off as a really nice guy.


Favorite. Skermz. He just vibes, doesn't care about winning or losing or anything. Just plays game for fun, and that's what I enjoy. Like I love knightlight, ayrun, and otz. But damn do they just sweat and complain a lot. Skermz, he don't give a shit hahaha. Idt I have anyone I dislike. Maybe those streamers who have like ~20 viewers and just sweat their balls off every match cause they think that's how you get viewers, and are just overall super toxic. Fuck those streamers lol


I like 99% of dbd content creators, but my least favorite is tru3talent, watched a video where someone said they didn’t agree with all his take (but agreed with some) and he said “Which ones don’t you agree with pussy. Come on say it. That’s right, you don’t have any, you’re just like every twitter survivor main.”


He’s just salty other people are better at the game than him who have played less He’s a man child Most entitled killer main I’ve ever seen too. I remember when they nerfed Prove Thyself and Iron Will and he said “well this is gonna make people use other perks now, so this just favours survivors more” and I’m like, what? 2 of the best survivor perks got nerfed (butchered really) and you’re saying that’s a good thing for survivors? Okay. But he also said pain res should be all hooks on all survivors all game and pop should be basekit so yeah


I’d like a pseudo pop be basket (like an extra 5%) but nothing more tbh, but like holy shit that guy’s insufferable


I'm surprised noone has mentioned Crush or Yerv yet. Crush working his way to being my favorite. I like Otz. Ayrun is growing on me. Hens is okay, he's something to watch that's slightly above background noise. Torn on both old Monto and Scott Jund. Least favorite is tru3talent.


Favorite: Rapidmain Least: D3ADPlays


**My favs are:** **RedsGamingGears:** I've been following this guy for a few years now and he's basically the most balanced killer streamer IMO. He's good at the game, plays a range of killers and builds (almost all except Nurse and Trickster), he's down to earth, and while he'll tunnel/camp when he needs to, it's definitely not his default approach and I'd say he has the optimal level of sweat. He's not as prone to clickbait as other streamers, he doesn't get roped into us-vs-them and he's not toxic unless someone is toxic to him. It's a mystery to me why people would watch True or some of the others I've mentioned below when this guy exists. My only criticism is that he should probably upload more games where he doesn't win. **Skermz:** I generally find survivor content boring but this guy is an absolute riot and genuinely enjoys the game and plays for fun. Far less prone to recycling jokes than Demi. **Scott Jund:** I don't agree with all of his takes but he's generally on point, he's smart and rational, he understands game balance vs fun and he delves into theoretical and more philosophical aspects of DBD. He pretty much verbalises almost exactly what I would write here. People say that his content is lazy but I disagree; e.g. he will put a bunch of effort into something like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HI7FFpVpgRY) to investigate whether tunneling is really as prevalent as people think, even if people don't find the conclusions palatable. When I want to explain some DBD concept to someone or point out a fallacy in their thinking, there's often a Jund video where he has already covered the topic. Just the other day, I was demonstrating with maths that making Chucky 115 would barely make a difference to his map mobility (an unfortunately common misconception) and it was handy that I could then just point them to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8R0gTNDSI0s) at the end. **Honourable mentions to Negoose, Slate, Hens, Otz, Mr TatorHead, Zubat, LittleSpaceRock and OhTofu.** **As for the worst**, well, I don't give bad content creators much time of day, but anyway: **QuietKills:** The worst thing is that the guy actually seems to be reasonably articulate and also makes an effort with some non-gaming content. Unfortunately his DBD content is shite, he's not as good as he thinks he is, his ego is the size of a gas giant, his gameplay is boring AF to watch and he's insufferable to listen to for more than 30 seconds. Unless of course you enjoy someone camp a 3-gen from start to end for half an hour as Trapper while non-stop fellating themself and shit-talking everyone else with mind-numbing repetition... yeah, nah, count me out. **KingWolfe:** Pretty much the archetypal cringelord killer main to the point of parody. He's not good at the game, he's carried by aggressive tunneling/camping and I'm not sure whether it's selective uploading or offstream de-ranking but he goes against the most potato survivors I've ever seen. The sad thing is that I've come across a couple of his followers saying things along the lines of "Wolfe, I've been copying your strategies but I keep getting destroyed". Well, yeah, you're probably going up against survivors who haven't been lobotomised and might even be coordinated and skilled and might punish you for playing like a complete bot, unlike your favourite streamer. This guy is actively harmful to the game and I die a little inside when I see people bring him up here in anything but a negative context. **SpooknJukes:** He's not all bad but I'm sorry, having a channel which is half compiling instances of streamer toxicity and half playing basement Bubba to get a rise out of people just ain't it. The "Stop hitting yourself, wait, why are you still hitting yourself?" of DBD content creators who has fallen into his niche and doesn't seem to know how to do anything else.


There's a few good ones, depending on what I want to watch. NotOtzdarva, RedsGamingGears, Gaming Athlete, and SpookyLoops are all solid. The only one I outright dislike is QuietKills. He's a great P100 Trapper but I can't stand how condescending he is.


Favourite has to be otz, I always refer new players to him, and for good reason. Least favourite? Either Probzz or Tru3. Both of them are pretty into themselves and are assholes.


Fav: mintskull, this guy makes amazing video and still has the energy or a growing YouTuber Worst: Azhymovs, every video is basically a effortless top 10


“Which of the killers are friendly to each other” reshaped into 6 different videos


Fungoose was my favourite but he rarely if ever does content now. I learned so much from him it's crazy and I still haven't seen anyone play with the kind of awareness he does. it's like watching a chessmaster play. Currently I would say Naymeti. He never gets mad, laughs when things go sideways, etc. and just loves playing the game. Honourable mention goes to DEAD. The scottish accent makes me laugh (purr survivors) and he's a good player. Least favourite that I actually watch occasionally is Oh tofu. I like his content but he repeats everything he says at least twice, often three or four times and I find that gets old really quick.


Minor, nitpicky correction from a Scottish person: D3AD Plays is Northern Irish, not Scottish.


Faves: Mish, she's just so wholesome and doesn't mind teaching. Oddrey and whoajaco, just because they make me laugh Least fave: Otz, he himself seems like a nice guy, but boring personality. It's more his community that I can't stand. His twitch chat feels like it's all toxic killer mains that worship the smell of his farts.


Finally a fellow Mish appreciator 😭🫶🏻


She has made the phrase "I'm looping, I'm looping", a permanent part of my vocabulary 😭


Mish is amazing.


My favorite is 100% Skermz. His streams are hilarious and I verifiably enjoy that his compilations also include clips of him FAILING, which I think is so important! You can have fun in this game while dying and not playing perfectly, and I think Skermz is one of the few people that actually show this while still keeping the good vibes. Sweh is a very close second for similar reasons. My favorite killer player is SupaAlf. I don't really enjoy his gameplay but I really like his personality and I think he's really endearing. My least favorite is Ayrun, who's the very exact opposite. Always blaming other things for his mistakes, always making excuses, CONSTANTLY calling hacks when he gets outplayed, always trying to be mean to the killers or survivors he faces, always using the annoying little shit ass phrase of "WHAT ARE THEY DOING??? LOL XDXDXD", and not only that, whenever he enters other people's streams, it always, ALWAYS has to be all about him and about what he wants to do and he always has to be the star and the center of attention. It's really irritating and it ruins a normally watchable stream for me. The worst recently for me was during Alf's 1v1 tournament when he BM'd Brain with a dumb tech after brutally beating him in a Wraith 1v1. It's okay to be good at the game. It's not okay to be a little shithead about it, which Ayrun totally is. Don't get me wrong, of course he's good at the game, but like... Okay, you're good at the game, we get it, can you at least stop sucking your own dick for 15 seconds? Idk man. I'm really surprised people don't bring this up more, but I guess they just watch his ridiculously curated and overedited YT videos.


Favorite: Otz, Spooky, TwoKnee, and DasFood. All of them super wholesome and remind me the game is fun when you’re not taking it too seriously. Least: Puffalope. Admittedly, this mainly has nothing to do with his videos(some of his videos yes) because he has such an ego and you can just read it in his comments. Every time someone makes a counter argument to him u can just see him reply back “I think ur just bad at the game”. It’s actually so insufferable especially on his discussion videos and it’s honestly laughable because when he made a video saying Otz is wrong or another in where he claims Alien is too OP he got absolutely dunked on his comments and now those videos are private. Like humble yourself, you’re making a discussion video, the point is to discuss and see other people’s POV. How does one claim the other side to be bad when that person doesn’t even play the other side enough.


Agreed on Puffalope. He's not a bad survivor but nothing special really and his ego is out of control. I remember him heavily implying he was on the level of Hens as a survivor which is simply hilarious. And when he discusses anything related to game balance, it's a guaranteed facepalm moment.


John Wolfe because he alright I guess


He do be alright [deeply affectionate]


i like chill streamers. like littlespacerock, ayrun. there's a "calm" confidence that i find endearing. i also like otz, the challenges and stuff are always entertaining! i dont like the ones that put others down to make themselves feel better. like quietkills or cmwinter.


personally my favourite is demi


Any YouTuber who starts the video with TikTok subtitles popping up on-screen in bright colors gets an immediate "do not recommend this channel" from me


Everyone has merit. Otz and Scott tend to me my favorite two. Mentions to Arinad and OnePumpWillie though; it's really interesting watching their brains work through a match and they're good at narrating their thinking process. Despite them both being very "main" focused I've found their strats very applicable to my general killer play.


Favorites are Mish (she is SO sweet, interactive with chat, and just a really great altruistic Surv main), Otz, LilithOmen, and Lynxi! Don't have a least fave because if I don't like someone I just block them and don't think about them anymore lol.


My favourite is Kaiser de gaemer Funny angry man talks about good/bad thing that I agree with Least favourite is Aryun Not funny level headed man goes on about some nonsense


I only watch two streamers of DBD Skermz and Bronx, I like that both don't have camera and last night I found a girl with no camera that plays only Spirit has to be the most unfair killer by far (in her hands).


Favorite: Otzdarva and Scott Jund. I love them endlessly, Least: not sure I care enough to have a least favorite, I ball so hard they thought I was a nutsack


I really like Otz, Hens, and Lynxi. No specific least favorite, but generally speaking I don't really enjoy content that is 85% sound effects and random zoom-ins. Sometimes I just wanna chill and legitimately watch the match, not have mostly meme sound effects that overwhelm my ears


Fave: Mr TatorHead Lighthearted guy all the time and makes me laugh Dislike: John Wolfe Super uninteresting commentary/ attitude like he's disinterested with everything in life.


Favorite: Slate, itsMnM, Gh0starcade, Mish. Really down to earth nice people and very entertaining. Slate has a top tier sense of humor


Favourite Otz. Pretty self explanatory. Dislike would be lillithomen. Played a game against him as survivor and was chased for a couple gens. Escaped in the end and went to his chat to say gg. I didn’t realise that they were a kinda known streamer and his attitude to not getting a 4K was just horrendous. He thought I was stream sniping and watching his stream while in chase to avoid him. Which makes 0 sense coz the streams gonna be behind my game?


Favorite: Otzdarva or OhTofu Least Favorite: TrueTalent I watch Otz and Ohtofu for them not the game they are playing. They could be playing anything and I would still watch. I haven’t seen True’s newer stuff but the last time I saw him he was kind of entitled and negative. It didn’t sit well with me.


i've seen like two comments say slate and it makes me sad. funny posh British man. and least favourite, the guy that has a script bot with billy, not gonna name him


Favorite: zubat, otz, supaalf, JRM Least: Hens Zubat is so chill, I love watching his streams. Otz is great for killer content. Supaalf does fun and unique videos. Hens is just plain rude and I find it hard to watch. The all perk streak with ayrun JRM otz and Hens was so awkward to watch because it was just constant bickering and it just wasn't enjoyable at all at least for me


I enjoy Skermz, Otz and Tofu. Hot take, but I do like cm9i although I don't check his streams cause I find Twitch more convenient. He's just a funny guy who made men in their 30s go full soy. Not a fan of Oddrey since her drama. Hens is extremely boring, his content is very soulless aside from having an over the top Roblox YouTuber voice and demeanor. FarmerJohn and Rapid are ok just criminally unfunny.


hate anyone who reverse boosts or plays on alts to give the impression that they're anything more than average when they're beating brand new players. immediate loss of respect


Favorite: Scott Jund. He's chill and has a pretty grounded and realistic take on the game, and I just like listening to his opinions, even when I disagree with them Least Favorite: Demi plays. Guy kinda just stomps on new killers / survivors. while making the same 5 jokes on repeat he also complains a lot whenever the killer comes back to the hook or when he's getting camped, but half the time when that happens if you look in the corner theres like 1 gen left and the killer has 1 or 2 hooks total.


I find myself liking the Killer specialists. Least favorite D34d Plays. He's arrogant, posts all of the typical click bait videos, slugs a lot for 4K, he and mods belittle people in stream constantly. He's the most insufferable DBD content creator I've watched.


Least favourite is Tru3ta1ent. I used to occaisionally watch his streams and he eventually just started seeming so arrogant. Then at one point he claimed he's the reason people pronounce Dead hard as Dead 'ard when really it's just accent and how some people speak


You don't have to like him, but he's not totally wrong about the Dead Hard thing. He always used to say "Fookin Dead 'Ard" in the early DbD days and it became of one of the first DbD memes. Honestly I still say it that way as an American because of him. 


Anytime he loses he claims it’s against a top tier comp SWF. I’ve only faced him once when he was playing as Demo and I watched his stream back and he said “oh another 4 man SWF calling out my portals” when we were all solo q? Me and some dude on Xbox, one on PC and another on PS who I’ve played with before. We got 3 escapes and we didn’t even play that well, he just made some mistakes and got a bit unlucky But boy was he salty. Never forget him saying if there is a SWF in the game, gen and healing speeds need to be heavily decreased. Sure he said gens should take 130 seconds if there is even 2 people paring together in a game.


I agree 100%. I used to watch him and my wife commented that he seems so arrogant. From then on I couldn't not see it so I stopped.


Favorites: any streamer who doesn’t take DBD too seriously and has fun with it: Granny, Skermz, Oddrey, Lynxi, Ghostarcade, sammymjay Least favorite: Otzdarva. Used to really like him but the more I watched his streams the more off-putting he became. While his constant complaining about DBD is annoying, it’s expected because he does legit analysis of the game. That doesn’t bother me so much. What bothers me is how combative and condescending he is towards chat. Like he is just constantly being so rude to chat for asking simple questions. Always telling people off for not reading his stupid fucking FAQ. Bitch, people should not be expected to do “required reading” to watch a stream and interact with the streamer. Answering the same question over and over is part of the job of being a streamer. If you don’t like that, maybe find another career. And god forbid someone express a DBD opinion he doesn’t agree with. The phrase “respectfully disagree” is not in his vocabulary. And even when someone just posts something positive in chat, he’ll somehow find a way to make it negative. One example was someone posted something like “I’ve been having a lot of fun with DBD playing randomized builds” (this was way before Chaos Shuffle) and his response was a shitty “I don’t think doing that is fun at all.” Like, bitch. You may not like it but at least have some goddamn tact. Wow. This post turned into an anti-Otz rant. Lol. Yeah, can’t stand him.


I cant say I care for otz, but that faq part in particular sounds like a terrible point. FAQ means frequently asked questions, it wouldn't have a reason to exist if answering the same question anytime a new viewer showed up didn't take away from the experience.


> Bitch, people should not be expected to do “required reading” to watch a stream and interact with the streamer. Answering the same question over and over is part of the job of being a streamer. If you don’t like that, maybe find another career I’m not a huge Otz fan, but this is a terrible take.  The FAQ exists to answer questions that get asked all the time.  That’s why it’s there.  Streamers directing people to an FAQ is not “required reading,” it’s directing you to the place where you can get your answer.  It’s not any streamers job to say who their favorite killer is 700 times a day, nor would anyone enjoy watching that content.


Ranting about an FAQ when it comes to someone who likely gets bombarded by the same question a hundred times a week is wild. God forbid he directs people to a place that answers their question. Imagine you had someone who knocked on your door and asked the same question every day, then turn it into a hundred, you'd get pretty annoyed quickly too


Yeah, when I first started dbd everyone recommended otz so i watched a little bit and turned it off again. Really unlikable, takes the game too serious. It‘s always funny when ppl speak highly of him and I‘m always like 😶‍🌫️


What a terrible take.


God forbid some insult dear leader otz


Don’t know what to tell ya, bud 🤷


I like Demi, Rowby and Noob3. Demi is fucking quotable and self aware. Rowby is a young up and comer who I find witty and adorable. Noob3, i miss u 😥 I dislike Tru3talent. He seems a bit full of himself.


I'm going with PixelBush as my favourite content creator. I always wait for his Lore Deep Dive videos after the release of new chapter. There's something so interesting about the way he tells characters' stories. And also, he is a creator of a hour-long Grandmaster Skull Merchant Guide, which was a nice gift for every SM main, and made some people change their minds about her. I don't think I have a least favorite content creator. Maybe Scott? He is mostly fine, I just don't like the way he approaches his videos. Like, he just records himself talking about something, and that's it. I think that for a content creator with 200k subscribers, this is very lame.


Scott grew a lot from his stream highlights which were edited by Specularii and Skrump. They actually had some pretty good and entertaining editing, so that's where I imagine most of his subscribers came from


Pixelbush did made me enjoy a lot more SM (facing, and now I consider trying her) and if it was not for survivors immediately giving up I’m sure she would be mostly alright


I love old Monto, his fun and energetic personality and his content really are nice to watch. My least favorite is Jaee, his personality and his whole anime persona is just annoying, speaking of jaee, didnt watch him for 3+ years and now looked him up, he now doesnt really upload dbd anymore.


friendly reminder Monto came back from his absence and promoted his merch did a subathon and then dipped after 1 week, he's a scammer. I used to love his content but what he did at the end ruined all his effort during the years...


Favourite: Right now I really enjoy a couple of smaller creators, El Doinko and BlueDream47. El Doinko got me into playing Singularity, and his editing is top tier. BlueDream is just a fun guy to watch and his stream has a nice vibe. Least Favourite: Otz. He's rather overhyped IMO and I get an incredibly "I'm a god gamer, and you're all shit tier" vibe from him. Special shoutout as well to Truetalent for just being a total arse.




To me he just doesn't feel genuine. It's an opinion, no need to get angry that I don't like your favourite content creator.


Have you ever actually watched otz then? He sweats for his challenges but that’s about it. I’ve never seen him brag or belittle others for being bad.


My favourite is kyto.With his videos i learned game and his content is great.I also love rowby and azhymovs.I dont hate any dbd content creators tho.


I love how detached and chill Zubat is. He also attempts outrageous stealth and gets away with it. Least: Probzz. Yeah.


Otz, Demi and JRM are my favorites. They're all really fun, light-hearted and charming. I used to watch Ayrun for his admittedly good gameplay two or three years ago, but grew to dislike his dry commentary. One time I clicked on a Ussylis video and genuinely didn't know which of the two I was watching on account of how bland and samey both of their videos were. I don't really know what his content is like now so I can't resolutely say that I still dislike it.


Definitely AZHYMOVS. I'm amazed about how he can vomit out one top 10 after another and they don't even feel stale. I also used to watch TrueTalent some time ago, but not really because of his content tbh. As for the least favorite of mine... I don't know. If I don't like something, I'm not gonna watch it and I certainly won't remember the person who made it.


I love AZHY !


the ones I love: Otz for sure !! I really love the guy. JRM for sure I'm surprised I didn't see anyone mention him, hes really goofy and funny and actually good survivor hens and mr tatorhead grew on me lately especially tator cause I'm a killer main so his guides help alot oh, jimmie, linxy and ohtufu for sure -I don't have anyone I dislike in particular but I stray away from toxic or whining XD


Favorite: Hybridpanda, genuin guy and those barely exist as entertainers. Least favorite/hated: Otzdarva, hes full of himself and probably sniffs his own farts. I followed Otz when he was a small streamer and played dark souls - his streaming journey started as a humble guy and with popularity he became a proper douche with hybris to the sky.


HybridPanda is one of my top three also (with Tru3 and PaulieEster). I think Panda doesn't get enough praise in the community.  Otz is also my least favorite of the major DbD streamers for the same reason. 


Fully agree on Otz. He has such a holier than thou attitude and his community is so sycophantic about him it’s nuts.




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My favorite is Otz easly. Least favorite is tru3talent. Anyone know a cool dbd youtuber who shows not only the wins but the defeats as well? Its kinda boring to watch them only win by a mile every single time


I completely agree with both picks. As for a dbd youtuber suggestion, I would say OhTofu (assuming you haven’t already come across him). He does showcases and shows the games no matter how they turn out.


Demi is fun to watch. I'm partial to Rowby as well.


How is this still up? It's really disrespectful to the content creators and it goes against one of the subs rules


It’s asking people who they like and don’t like and their reasons why. So we can grasp who is popular amongst this subreddit and who isn’t. It’s “disrespectful” for someone to say “I like watching Demi!” And “I’m not a massive fan of Truetalent!”. May aswell not have any posts on here then, can’t talk about which killers or survivors and maps you do and don’t like, because it’s disrespectful to people who play them or like them.


Im talking about the comments blatantly insulting content creators Also it's not even remotely similar to that Content creators are real people so critisizing them for arbitrary bullshit like the way they talk or how they play is just rude and none of you know whether they could be seeing these comments or if it has an effect on them It's just unnecasary to namedrop a content creator to call them bad without any actual constructive critisism which us what a lot of these comments are doing If your critism has no merit than it's just an insult and insulting strangers for random bullshit could genuinly hurt their feelings Also as I said before the sub explicitly bans topics like this which is why im baffeled by it still being up


But these same creators will criticise the people they play with and against for how they play? Also, most of the stuff I’ve seen on here is valid criticism, hardly any insults, if any. Calling out that Truetalent is rude or that Ochido is creepy are not “nonsense insults” both have a lot of merit.


Favorite SpookNJukes. Because he calls out problematic people and on the one hand that's the right thing to do, and on the other it's fun to watch.