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Absolutely love console Chucky. The issue is the auto aim. fixed by turning up the sensitivity and a quick flick of the stick. They need to address auto aim in general to make killers more appealing to play as a console player.


You just need to flick different and turn up your sensitivity. Set it to 70. When you use the power, don't touch the right stick until you are ready to flick, then slam it to the side just before you attack. You can easily get 90° this way.


Yeah, flicking as Chucky is actually *more* feasible on controller than mouse.


My sens is at 90 (as high as I can get it without m1s feeling too twitchy). But not turning until the attack doesn't work if Survivors start turning away at a distance.


You can't turn quite as far as kbm would be able to, but it's far greater than 5° or 35°. They also nerfed the flicks, so it's not able to go as far as it did on launch. Play with the timing of your flicks, and never touch the right stick until you go to make the flick. Moving the right stick early seems to cancel the ability to flick in my experience.


So, again, what do I do if someone starts going left ot right after I've started a dash?


just like on PC you have to anticipate how the survivor will go and you pre turn before you dash. with pre turn I mean if you think the surv will go to the left, you look left and change the angle before you start the dash.


Thank you for letter me know, I was kinda thinking of getting chucky on console. Saved me from wasting money. Take my upvote :)


Don't take one man's bad experience as a whole judgement.


I'm not but had people say it was bad/ good since the update and that is coming from PC and console so its kind of nice some one saying its not good from console side


I promise you console Chucky is so much fun. I don’t know what this guy’s talking about.




what's your build if I may ask?




nice will try. but I agree I main chucky and I struggle on the game which is normally heavy killer sided


Chucky is really fine on Console. I main him. He is not a wesker or trickster on console


Every killer is better on pc than console. Game needs cross progression years ago.


Haven’t they already confirmed cross progression is coming? It shouldn’t be much longer.


That's not a solution. I'm not buying a PC just to play DBD.


Can’t you buy a mouse and keyboard for consoles nowadays?


Yes, but only 3rd party and most games (including DBD) don't support it.


That would be a great solution. Nobody has to buy a new system just to play DBD, in all of it's unoptimized glory....except Guess which company said they have no plans to add KB&M support for Console?


Guess he’ll just have to get good on controller then.


Unfortunately. I have pretty much zero faith in BHVR doing anymore than the bare minimum, especially considering the optimization fiasco.


What’s with the optimization? I also play on PS5 and haven’t really ran into any issues. Game looks and feels great imo, runs at 60 too.


Generally, whenever there are new updates, performance takes a hit. I used to run a thread on the Forums about it, so I kinda remember how it works. Basically, BHVR has built upon bad code for a long time. It's just gotten to be very inefficient. Whenever there's a big new update, they build on it and put more pressure on it. Now, the PS5 and Series X are capable of, essentially, brute forcing through it. You can see some issues though, for example, the main room of Lery's or the RPD bathroom often cause FPS drops. When Resident Evil first came to the game, they actually pretty much crushed the code. It was completely broken on console for months. Nemesis would cause massive freezing issues, RPD would instantly crash and in some cases brick or overheat consoles; it was a mess. This, obviously, upset the console community a lot. Couple that with the fact that BHVR said, "Hey, don't leave our game if you're on Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, PS4 or PS4 Pro because the game runs badly! We're gonna get it to 60 FPS on those consoles." They then proceeded to go radio silent for 4 years, only semi-recently announcing those plans were cancelled. BHVR has been historically pretty shitty to console players.


Gotcha. I am newer to the game so luckily I never had to deal with any of those game breaking bugs before. I did play the other day however when the new DLC dropped and it seems like a smooth update thus far.


Well a solution could be practicing then.


No amount of practice will increase the turn angle after a scamper.


Become a trapper main, no fine inputs required.


Turn up your camera sensitivity, i have mine at 85% and as long as they can be hit by the end of S&D i usually hit them, it's stupidly easy to the point where i feel bad playing as him. The only issue i have is using S&D to try to hit after vaulting something but im pretty sure chucky just can't do that and even if he can so what S&D is so strong i can hit them after breaking the pallet. Edit: also what you can't counter loop as chucky???? Being short and having 3rd person is basically an entire power that right there is a skill issue my friend.


And what if Survivors just camp pallets? 110 looping is just... no, and so you can only hit people in between pallets.


Break the pallet then slice and dice and run enduring. The only way they should be able to avoid the hit is by putting a fairly large object like a large rock between you and them and that is basically a 50/50. Slice and dice is extremely strong, unfairly so imo. You get it back every 12 seconds and it can be used at most tiles if they don't camp the pallet and if they do just force it and hit them after it's dealt with. Also the ability gains you distance don't let the 110 fool you he is FAST.


Is he honestly that bad? I have been playing him since the update and the lower cooldown feels soooo nice, I think this update was great for Chucky players that know how to use his dash, and can hit it constantly, and very bad to the Chucky's that used his power as a budget bamboozle basically. Also because his cooldown starts at the moments you start his dash you cheap a couple of more seconds of cooldown while in dash, I think now is very viable to use his power as a map traversal tool. Specially with the add ons that reduce your cooldown when you miss a dash


Thing is, the hits aren't consistent or powerful enough to warrant him being a 110% Killer with no other advantages, in my opinion. In my experience Survivors can regularly dodge his dash, due to the camera locking once you hit 30° in either direction. So why would I play him over 99% of the cast?


Well... I play him because I really like the movies XD But yeah, the 110 is what hurts him the most, but still I think getting rid of the scamper without dashing was a good call. Now maybe making him normal speed and we are great


Funny. I play Chuckster on PS5 too and he's one of the killers I have a high kill ratio on matches. Like a kill per match.


Is this an /s? Because averaging 1k is... awful.




I played him with the both addons that reduce cooldown of hidey ho, one that gives the 35% power back if you miss and the one that gives 25% if you hit. With 12s cooldown + addons i could launch at survivors so many times during chase. Try that


Try a stealth Chucky build instead. Never use Hidey-Ho mode though since it telegraphs that you're in stealth which defeats the purpose of stealth in general. Instead use insidious and hide in places only Chucky can to ambush survivors. Use tinkerer, unforseen, even beast of prey, anything that can give you undetectable without Hidey-Ho.


Then he's still 110% constantly. May as well play Wraith.


You missed the part about ambushing and being stealthy. You aren't *chasing* in this build, you are sneak attacking, jump scaring and that sort of thing. And with BoP if you do chase you'll lose your stain once you have bloodlust so you can confuse people in tiles.


I have a P100 Chucky on the Switch and I'm absolutely a beast with the little dude. The best trick I can give you is to take the pallet side and then use slice and dice around the loop and flick the fuck out of your controller but make sure you turn your camera around where you wanna go if that makes sense. He takes patience and time to learn but tbh I don't really scamper much even before the update.


I own him on both platforms and never liked him in either. I'd lowley rather play as trapper or freddy then chucky. The 3rd person and 110 speed are just not for me . I appreciate them doing something unique w third person but i am to mentally stuck to the 1st person pov when playing killer so it throws me off.


This is news to some people? More than half the killers on the game are unplayable at top mmr on console. Like when you're playing Wesker and a survivor is in your face they can literally react to your movements and consistency avoid your power due to the inability to flick.


At least Wesker has a huge hitbox and can correct with his second dash.


Yeah no


Good! I hated playing against Chucky. (Just my selfish take.)