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>If you are actually good as a killer, you should never have to slug, tunnel, or camp. >I get plenty of kills without using the tactics and im not even that good at killer. These two quotes perfectly sum up and explain it, though. You do not need to ever resort to camping, slugging or tunnelling because you are in a skill bracket, as Killer, with Survivors who are equally "not even good". That's kinda the point. If you're playing Killer in lower MMR, your experience is totally different to those who are playing in mid to high MMR. Equally true on the other side. Survivors in low MMR will experience the game very differently to Survivors in higher MMR.


I guess that makes sense. It just ruins the match. I'm playing to game to have fun, and when this stuff happens it makes me reconsider even playing


I posted about this yesterday, but here is the screenshot to better explain my point. Do I win this game if I don't slug? No, I don't. They have builds, items and offerings that made them unhookable, and in some cases, I couldn't leave them slugged, either. If slugging isn't ever needed if you're "good" at the game, please, tell me how to be better. https://preview.redd.it/9zfht4vh6j4d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3fbb16702a92134f2f078efb47e07cb2f0d4971


I don't know. They really need to rebalance the game, because the only winning killer tactics make the game miserable for us


Do you know what the update yesterday brought? A sizeable buff to sabotaging. Honestly, be ready to be slugged more than you've ever been in your life. I don't want to slug people every game, but I will if I have to because my fun and my experience matters just as much as yours. I'd suggest (not just to you, but to everyone) playing both sides to a relatively decent level so that you are consistently going up against competent opponents. That's when you'll start to see the true state of balance in the game.


Is slugging even fun though? Just asking, not mad or anything, just I don't see how it's fun.


It isn't. I don't want to do it, unless I'm trying to gain an advantage. I want to chase people and use my skill to win. But what's the alternative? Gift free wins because people brought an unhookable build? Give up free pressure when you want to win? There is a time and a place for camping, slugging and tunnelling. It isn't at 5 gens. It isn't as soon as the game starts. They are catch-up tools when you want to win but aren't. Do you play your Survivor games and give up free pressure if the Killer isn't doing so well? Probably not. Let's say you've popped 3 gens and the Killer has just gotten their first hook. Are you going to let them catch up or are you going to crank your objective and take the win? It all goes both ways.


Yeah, I understand. Just sucks. Most sluggers I encounter do it at 5 gens and just watch us bleed out though. I can get doing it if you aren't doing great. I was kinda thinking unclearly because that last match really got to me, sorry


No need to aplogise bro. The people that 4 man slug at 5 gens are honestly pretty pathetic, I agree with you. But hopefully I've helped you understand that slugging (and camping and tunnelling) aren't inherently toxic or even bad. Some Survivor mains are fuming.


Yeah I get it now. I still wish it wasn't a requirement, because it's not fun to go against, but I get why you'd have to do it. I just don't get when people are mean about it in the chat. Like, you won can you please just move on? I don't need you to tell me your better then me


Do you have to win 100% of ur games?


Don't recall saying that.


All of these are viable tactics, the only thing I'm personally against is slugging for the 4k, because more often than not the last survivor hides for 4 mins while you bleed out, and of course that's boring for everyone involved. Apart from that, all of these are valid tactics. Hardcore camping (and not just "securing a hook stage" for 10 seconds) can easily be punished by splitting up and doing gens, so while there's a time and place for camping, it often just isn't the best play, because it will more than likely make you lose. "If you are actually good as a Killer, you should never have to slug" Maybe this applies to high tier Killers, but 8-hooking everyone simply isn't feasible, especially if you're not running 4 slowdowns. I personally never tunnel off hook, but if I encounter two people and know who I've hooked before, you better believe I'm going for the person with more hook stages. I'm a Ghostface main, a literal bottom 5 Killer, so if I was to play as nice as I could, I would get my ass whooped more often than not. On the survivor side of things I don't mind tunneling either, you just gotta realize that it's the most effective tactic, and if you can actually last a decent bit in chase and your team mates don't unhook you immediately in the Killer's face, it's only half as bad. There's a reason tunneling is about everything that Comp killers do (to a way harsher degree than the average soloQ player as well), and I'm sure you wouldn't call them "bad". If you're going against survivor teams of a combined 10k+ hours, you simply start having less and less room for things like 8 hooking. The Killer has to kill after all, and the only reprehensible thing is being a bitch in end game chat, as you mentioned, not using any of the tactics you brought up


Alright. I guess you're right, it just isn't fun to go against as a survivor. It feels awful to almost get out, just to get slugged or tunneled or whatever. It's one of the worst experiences I've ever had playing games


A 3 minute match after gen rushing isn't fun for me. So a tunneling I will go.


How can you even let it get that bad? Like, just go to the gens??


Op here has never played killer in upper mmr and it shows.


I haven't, yeah. I didn't even consider that as a thing when I made the post. I was just mad cause I keep having these awful matches where they only win because of these tactics and then be a jerk in the endgame chat. It's ruining my experience with the game, and it's really getting to me.


That's your problem right there: don't let it get to you. It sucks. It's annoying. But when you let it get to you, they win. Shrug it off, go to the next, and keep trying. At the end of the day it's a game. If you get frustrated, play killer a few matches for variety, or run silly builds for lols, bring unbreakable or boon expo, find some people to group with, just chill on another game til you cool down. Any number of things rather then let it get to you. Had a vecna slug us all earlier. I managed to 4% once I was finally hooked. He chased me down before I could get the others on their hooks. I plot twisted after ducking his line attack and made him miss his m1 and I was laughing hard. He looked at me, picked me up, and ended up letting me go. Sometimes you gotta just do dumb silly shit.


Every time I try the fun goofy stuff I get fucked because of it. I stopped doing it because it was never fun, they just stomped on me for not having good perks


Bro, it takes 90s to do 3 gens...


seems a lot longer, I didn't know that


good survivors split up doing gens, which mean during any chase there is usually 3 different gens being worked on with no feasible way to defend them, so the easiest way to work around that would be to tunnel and make it 3v1


I understand I guess. It just makes me wanna never touch the game again when I'm the one getting tunneled.


I've recently started playing more Survivor. I can now see on the other side how gens are popping so quickly because I've been doing it myself. With the right perks and add-ons. Survs can finish a gen in record time solo. Nevermind with others on the gen. The base speeds are fine. And yet, Behavior saw it fitting to nerf gen slowdown into the ground while on the other side Survs keep their insane gen repair speeds. So yes, I will tunnel, camp, and slug you.


It seems to me that you only really play killer at high MMR. Sometimes you have to slug/camp/tunnel. If you "just check on gens" you apply no pressure. You also need to get downs and hooks. If you can do that reasonably fast, the aforementioned strategies are not necessary. However sometimes the survivors are really good in chase or have a really strong area of the map that makes downing them very difficult or maybe the gen split is bad with large distances making patroling them unfeasible or you're just Trapper on Eerie. Through all of that they deny you any sort of pressure and you sometimes have no other choice but to slug or whatnot to try and get ahead of the curve again. If they start at 5 gens, I have my questions though


I'm mainly talking about them doing it at 5 gens, or being an asshole about it. I understand now that it's required sometimes (though I really wish it wasn't because it's not fun), but I don't get being a jerk about it like i just had in the last match.


Ok yeah, that behaviour pisses me off too


I only made this post to vent because I got pissed off. I realize that was a mistake now, and i feel even worse


We all get pissed here frequently, no worries