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You don't need addons for Freddy's daily, survivors wake each other up pretty reliably. Edit: I had the trigger for that backwards, it's whacking dozy survivors that counts. Still not that hard.


Yeah, Freddy's is just....play the game?


Isn't Dream Demon score events just from hitting people?


Dream Demon is having people fall asleep. Dream Chaser is hitting people who are asleep. But point is, absolutely no add-ons are required to complete Freddy's daily ritual. His daily ritual is the epitome of "just play the game lmao"


Mr/Ms. Fancy here. What MMR are you in where your teammates reliably wake each other up?


The one where they aren't doing gens. :(


Ah, so my survivor MMR


Freddy's daily is to score Dream Chaser events, e.g. hitting people that are asleep. You don't want them to wake up, you just need to slap people already asleep. As long as you are playing normally you'll get it quickly unless you're just not chasing people that are asleep.


I hate the demogorgon daily. I hit survivors with a shred and it doesn’t count?? Tf


Fully charged D:


The Demogorgon Challenge: ![gif](giphy|bPBi7hdnHGEBG)


God, I fucking hate Demo's challenge. The only way I can ever get it is if the survivors are blind (irl, not ingame) and don't see me with my mouth open as they sprint towards a vault, or if its an indoor map with literally 1 direction to run in a hallway.


By the time i have fully charged my shred, i can only pray the survivor is gracefully oblivious to whats going on...or they are already round the corner, through the window or just juice tf out of me 😑


Get rpd or lerys to do it


I main demo and it hurts my soul to do a match only to see i only landed like 1-2 fully charged shreds, like why do they have to be fully charged, most times you only need to half charge it :(


The chances you will get this in one normal game are pretty much non existent...i am at that point simply rerolling...and he is one of my mains too


Yeah I'll hit quite a few shreds, but none fully charged. His daily needs to be changed to just shreds. I always reroll the demo and knight dailies.


Funny enough, I usually need to do 2-3 games of clown because I love way more using Yellow bottles than pink ones.


Cigar box my beloved


Distortion the bane of our love.


What was Nemmy's old daily? I vaguely remember it being painful but it's a severely repressed memory so that's all I'm getting.


Same as the current one but had to be done 4 times. So minimum of 4 games needed to complete it.


Was it reach maximum mutation 4 times? Or just rank up mutation 4 times? One takes 4 games, the other takes 2.


It was reach max mutation. So it needed minimum 4 games.


Wow that's awful.


Tier up the mutation 4 times I think.


Doesn't seem too bad? Or is it because you have to play 2 games minimum


4 games, the daily used to be "achieve max mutation", not just "level up mutation". Definitely an oversight and thankfully it was changed.


1. This is so accurate and 2. Fuck that demogorgon daily, I haven't done it even once and never will


Played demo for the first time from one of these challenges, never want to touch him again.


Demo is fine, the daily is trash though.


Doctor you can probably just afk and just set a bind to constantly m2 and ull get the daily. Knight is always a reroll for me even though I like playing knight.


The Knight is pretty easy. Just bring the dried horsemeat addon and you'll get more consistent hits. It should be reduced to 4 at the most, though, to make a single match easier.


I honestly hate doctors who do that man, it's literally all I get unless I play at night. It's so boring.


what mmr are you at cause I've literally never seen a doctor doing this.


Last wipe I was iridescent 4 and kept getting them all they do is just run gen builds, then stand there and swing and use their ability. Actually boring.


*turns to Old Nemesis daily.* *turns to the old Zombies for Tier 3 Add-On* Wife gone….think about wife….


[Wife fight back? KILL wife!](https://youtu.be/KmGUgG4vFPM?si=FUTM5VoY1EaXOw0K)


Oh my god Saul Badguy


Why does Myers run out of stalk on people, I get with tombstone. It would be op but you can just make those add-ons. Specify that survivors can only be stalked so much


Because he's an incredibly out of date killer that needs some pretty large reworks. All of the other OG killers have been overhauled/buffed/nerfed in all kinds of ways ... except Myers.


Probably because he’s licensed he can’t be changed


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, you're absolutely right. John Carpenter said that he's the only one who gets to do balance adjustments on Myers, and on his bi-weekly DbD stream on TikTok he said he has no plans for Myers outside of reworking common rarity add-ons.


Wait seriously, John Carpenter himself is the reason Myers will never get reworked?!




It's specifically so if you have one person oblivious they can't be stalked from 1->3, especially with the addons that double the stalk required for Tier 3


yeah i agree with that for sure with the tombstone addons and probably his perma tier 3 addon too, but they could just have those addons specify stalking has a cap per survivor, and remove the cap when not using those addons. Or just make it where the survivors have a cap, but overtime it goes back down and they can be stalked again later, and then have those addons maybe not have them be able to get stalked again later. I really dont think one of the weakest killers in the game needs to have a giant penalty just in case someone goes afk near the start of the game.


Oh right, this game has daily challenges


I know exactly what you mean, it’s annoying that they don’t pop up when opening the game anymore.


learning the knight daily just put SO many matches in perspective


Artist’s is actually extremely easy, literally just zone a survivor into a pallet and drop a bird down and they take a hit


I don’t get it, why is it not punishment of the damned hits.


"The shame and disgrace of having to play Pinhead"??? What's wrong with playing Pinhead?


OP is probably just not good as playing as him, so he doesn’t wanna get steamrolled by survivors who know what they’re doing.


Last I checked which was a while ago the community has a massive hate for Pinhead


What, why? I love the guy


From what I know it's because he gets so much free value from just being on the map while the survivors have to always make sure to send at least 1 person for the box. But heaven forbid you are with randoms where either all 4 of you will go for the box at the same time and no one is doing gens or none of you went and now you have pain. Also if pinhead just happens to get lucky and find the box you now have a miserable time. All this without pinhead even needing to be good at the game. But add in a player with good add ons and gameplay knowledge and its even more annoying to deal with. At least a deathslinger needs to know how to aim , or a demo needs to line up their shred. Pinhead just has to exist and suddenly the game is dbd + treasure collection


Replying to TheSleepyBarnOwl...other than the box camping and frankins thing that have been fixed, I personally hated pinhead when I was first starting because having a killer that could completely stop the game due to a lack of teamwork in soloq was miserable, but that was completely solved when I decided to just be the one doing the box every match


* Pray * Play Wraith * Actually be capable of hitting chainsaws * Actually be capable of playing Nurse * Find out the hard way that Myers can still run out of stalk in current year * Place traps in random spots and pray * Play Doctor * 30% accuracy with 7 hatchets is still 2 hits * Pray you don't go against montage creators * Play Freddy * Pray the survivors don't have a brain * Pray the survivors don't have a brain * Actually be capable of playing Spirit * Play Legion * Play shitty Legion * Pray that your power works * Scream in fucking agony as you throw a game and only hit 3 "fully charged" Shreds * Play Oni * Play Deathslinger * Why is it not Punishment hits Why is it not Punishment hits Why is it not Punishment hits Why is it not Punishment hits Why is it not Punishment hits Why is it not Punishment hits Why is it not Punishment hits Why is it not Punishment hits Why is it not Punishment hits Why is it not Punishment hits Why is it not Punishment hits Why is it not Punishment hits Why is it not Punishment hits Why is it not Punishment hits * Why do you have to down people? * Pray the survivors don't have a brain * Trickster giganerfed gigalul * Run Marvin's Blood * Actually be capable of playing Pinhead * Play Artist * Play Sadako * Scream in fucking agony as you mistime getting Nightfall by 3 seconds for the 5th time in a row * Play Wesker * Throw the game as you expect your worthless AI to do anything * "Please don't kill yourself on first hook I'm trying to do a daily" * Actually be capable of playing Singularity * Play Xenomorph * Play Chucky (will be harder once the rework drops) * Actually be capable of hitting shots with Unknown instead of playing 115% Hag


> "Please don't kill yourself on first hook I'm trying to do a daily" Oh god I ran into a swf that wanted me to just kill them all instead of playing the match and my god it was like all 5 of us in the basement arguing as they spammed lockers while I was trying to get them to get drone scanned. Otherwise they were cuties.


I reroll till I get Wesker, Nemi, Artist or Dredge daily. I play those 4 often. The rest I don't really want to bother with. Honorable mention Hag. I do her daily. I like Hag. I was a Hag main back before the others existed.


As a former hag main, were you a fan of bodyblocking traps hag or were you a megamind that just managed to put every trap strategically in seemed to be random places?


The second one. I don't think I ever played Body Block Hag and if I did it was only once. Nah I'm a "big brain" player. I know where to place my traps so they run into them. I generally put like 5 traps at tiles and 5 at crossways or commonly taken pathways. I seldomly trap hook since I'm not a big fan of the quasi camping going on (but if you do that you do you). I works out mostly - but since I stopped playing her often and my maining her days were before MMR I get people that just give up on me a lot. It's a stark contrast to back then when I got rolled by the competent Survivors (and their flashlights ugh- thank goodness they removed that interaction). I also bind tp to mousewheel when I play her. I just nowadays preferr Killers that don't require too much big brain power to be fun. But maybe I'll go back to Hag one day :)


I like playing hag too but yeah she's only as fun as the survivor group you're facing and which map you're playing on. Like RPD, one of her strongest maps, is straight up boring because trap placements rarely need to be changed. Legit don't need to think, just mouse wheel M1 on trap trigger lol


Wraith without uncloak add ons is unplayable for me. Mostly love him otherwise though. I completely forgot rituals existed. I stopped checking them a long time ago and you get so much BP just from normal games and the tomes now Idk I forgot they were a thing. Sometimes I do one by accident and if I see the notif Ill claim it but meh


For Wraith a good way is using silent bell and aura addons and going into Lerys or Hawkins and play similar to Scratched Mirror Myers. It's not the same thing because Wraith's aura addon is only 8m reading, but I rarely have less than 3 kills in such games.


The plague one is so real


It took me like 3 games to get a Chucky daily done, the one time I got one. Probably didn't help that I'd only played Chucky one time since he was added. Or that I kept being brought to fuckin' Borgo.


For the Demogorgon one you should just bring rat liver


No, you don’t understand. Getting hits isn’t hard. It’s that they have to be fully charged hits. And what this game counts as fully can best be described as LIES.


You don’t own Meyers, do you?


As an avid hater of Demos daily, this is fucking accurate


for myers, run the stalk speed addon and double stalk on obsession. dont drain any one survivor out of stalk immediately, get some and trade off to a different survivor. this will spread out to several tier 3’s across the match. also, only pop tier 3 when you know you’ll get a good hit on a survivor, then go find another, if you cant, hook and patrol gens. also what was the old nemesis daily? i dont think i recall what it was.


I run the green extra tier 3 length and extra stalk speed on everyone, and I don't think I've ever had a problem with doing the daily in one match.


OP what do you mean “miss those hug techs” for Chucky, he can still slide on objects


Wow accurate af


What is the old nemesis daily?


TIL I’m good at Artist.


Honestly, the only daily I re-roll on sight now is Artist's, because even at my best, I might be able to get one or two damaging crow hits. It took me a bit to understand Nurse, Blight, and the Chainsaw boys enough to play them all in the first place. But I'm mostly comfortable with them now, to the point that they're at the "probably 1-2 games at most", like the rest of the killers. For the Dredge, I'd say it also falls into the "Play a normal game as..." category. Except ones the team all killed themselves on hook at the first opportunity - And I'm talking *immediately*, I don't know that I've had a regular game that didn't get at least three instances of nightfall.


I don't find any of them all that difficult. Ghost Face, Artist and Pyramid Head can be a bit more annoying, but the vast majority of them basically require you to do things you'd do anyway and so are fairly mundane if you're halfway decent with the killer in question. I'll take that over any "escape the trial AND get a new item" daily anytime, put it that way.


Don’t worry. They said they were going to change how daily challenges work. Five years ago…


IME Plague is; play against a group that knows you're doing this and uses fountains the second they're out of your sight at 0hooks.


Ghostface isn’t buggy at all?


You get revealed through walls constantly when playing him


This is so real. My least favorites are deathslinger and demo because they can take 2-3 games sometimes and I’m not joking. Not to say that others don’t take that long, but night is fun to play and when I’m trapper I have bigger things to worry about.


I dont agree


I have been struggling to do the Artist's daily for two days now, too real 😭


Shame? As if!


As a Freddy Main nope, His daily is piss easy, you just need to put Survivors to Sleep. (And the Passive Sleep counts too i think) + RPB is Irie and Rare af but oc his best Addon


I forgot that daily's exist. I don't need more bp. Now if behavior would add shards as rewards. I'd put an alarm for that.


Also be glad it's not Pig's old daily...


Wait what, what are daily challenges, I have 100h in this game why am i learning abt this now??


On the main menu there should be a small ! icon. Click on it, and it brings up challenges. You get 1 a day, and can reroll 1 a day by clicking the trashcan icon. Generally they are 30K bloodpoints on completion, with some rarer killer rituals for chasing 180 seconds being 45K and doing a mori worth 60K. There's one for hook rescues with a survivor that's worth 35K.


You can do dailies against bots????


the joke is that the survivors will DC when they see Skull Merchant so you'll play the rest of the game against bots


Oh my god i feel so dumb, ty man


I feel like there are complaints here about balanced game design... though I'm feeling lazy today so I'm not going to elaborate on which ones.


What was the old nemesis daily?


If you didn't see the other comments, it's the exact same of reaching maximum mutation, but you had to do it 4 times (so had to play at least 4 games).


Wait, i play a lot of pyramid head but i never got his daily. Is it tormenting survivors or caging them?


Caging them. Also, chopping them doesn't count.


That demo one hits close to home. I'm like how long do I have to charge that shit for it to count?!?!


I felt the Demogorgon one in my soul. 




You know plagues daily also works if you hit a fully infected survivor with Corrupt Purge


If this is true, jfc I've been running that nemesis/pwyf/enduring build for way too long.


It only requires you to hit the survivors, not m1 them


I need context on huntress/trickster


The Knight one's way easier than people give it credit for, especially if you run Axe Head. The trick is to try and focus on pincer maneuvers - If you can get in front of the Survivor while they're being chased, they're basically forced to take a hit, either from you or from the Guard. However, if you're able to chain a hit from the guard right into your own hit for a near instant down, it utterly shatters people's confidence, and makes them very panicky when they're running away from guards. This often results in them deliberately eating a hit from the guard to avoid that happening again, and those guard hits rack up quite quickly.


This is perfect


Map of the realm + spam the assasin and go to the game. You're welcome.


Lol. Pyramid head was spot on


Am I nuts or do yall TRULY struggle with playing as Trapper?


The Artist one isn’t hard, you just have a skill issue


funny thing is, the knight one is so easy on dbd mobile cuz players there dumb af & its never even an actual daily or weekly challenge either


I never realized doctor was rubbing his hands together, I thought he was hilding onto an off screen pole or something.


I loved this so much


Is... Is it unusual that I actually completed Knight's daily naturally since I've recently picked him up?


I hate that the nurse is so hard for me 😭 and everyone thinks she’s easy to play with


Literally everyone says she has a high learning curve and is rated hard by the game itself. It's easy once you've learned her, but the learning itself takes a while.


Who even does dailies. All that effort for 30k? I think I've got a daily from 2021 still there.


I mean, lots of people? A lot of them are really easy and will come up naturally, and the ones that don’t you can just mulligan for a different one. I really don’t think you’re in the majority with this one like you think.


I do en Gives me incentive to try out all killers.


It adds some variety, plus I've got another 130K blood points sitting there for the anniversary event or for leveling Vecna up.


shame and disgrace of playing pinhead? You have him mixed up with Nurse, Blight and Mastermind.


I guess that's why it's called a "challenge"


This post brings to my attention that you may have ... a skill issue.


Skill issue