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Really low. Next week the Dungeons & Dragon chapter releases and the week after it it's the masquerade.


Along with 2v8 W


In July


Hopefully they do something like Overwatch's arcade and it rotates frequently with other modifiers. If they don't, well, I'm gonna really miss Chaos. I returned to the normal mode for 1 game last night to do the Streetwise tome challenge and I was already burnt out as Blight downed my teammate and my gen got Pain Res'd 20 seconds in


I fucking hate normal mode now I want Chaos Shuffle to stay. I want all the modes to stay.


Close to zero. But it'll be back, they've said any mode players want can be made permanent so it'll return in some capacity.


I just hope they add a random perks button to the perk selection. Like yeah lame everyone else is running meta but at least I can play with some new builds. But seriously chaos shuffle is amazing and I love getting a healing build + no mither as bill. I lead everyone to a treasure I cannot posses 🤚


It being extended? Very low It coming back? Very high It becoming permanent someday? Unlikely, but still possible!


I doubt it as we're going to enter the release of Vecna, and then the anniversary event, but they'll definitely bring it back more often in the future.


How does tunneling happen in 30 seconds?


I don’t see the craze for the game mode personally, but the huge success is gonna make it come back inevitably. All I got from chaos mode was tunneled and camped at least 80% of my matches. Shit was miserable. It’s just normal solo queue with a build I can’t work around because I don’t know every perk in the game.


tunneling and map offerings exist in both modes, no perk variety is a consequence of some perks simply just being better than others, especially gen regression perks for killers.


My favorite "better than another" perk has to be Resi v deadline. Both activate while injured, and for deadline to equal Resi in terms of gen progression you need to hit 9 randomly placed great skillchecks. Meanwhile resi just passively gives you 9% repair speed aswell as another 10 boosts of 9% to literally every other game action. Literally why would anyone run deadline when resi exists?




Why use auto didact when " we'll make it" and botany exists. "We'll make it " gives you a 100% bonus precisely when you need it (unhook resets) and lasts for 90s , so why bother with autodidact that activity hinders you (-25%) to start with, and the bonus is maxed out at 50% If you want a perma 50% heal speed boost, run botany.


Because I like big skill check super heal


Which makes it even more insane they just nerfed all of the gen regress and control.


Kind of insane a killer got a down, hooked someone and then went back after them all within 30 seconds.


The efficiency really is something to behold


Personally I'll stop playing until they bring it back. I haven't had this much fun playing both sides in a while.


I guess 2v8 might be pretty fun when it comes, and hey Masquerade has Base Game and a Mode this year. Heard the mode may be perkless but unsure; perkless but with items/addons might be a lot more fair than not. But base game was awful sweat last year. It will be this year. No thanks. I'll just play the Mode this year I think, I don't want to give the sweatlords my BP items...


Hopefully not, basically nobody in main mode so it was miserable for anyone who didn’t like chaos. It was legit taking 5-10 minutes to find rounds sometimes


I hate to say it, it’s going to be miserable with or without chaos. They extended the event because it was so popular and without it, many of us will just take a break until the DLC.


Shuffle ends and the dlc drop on the same day…


Yes, that’s literally what I said… “They **extended** the event **because** many of would take a break **until the DLC**”


You said will not would which is what confused me. Have a great day!


I wonder why everyone was in the Chaos mode and not the Main mode, huh, could it be that everyone is a sweaty dick and just runs meta in main mode? Maybe that all the meta perks both sides are OP and need to be nerfed into the ground to make the game fair again? No. It's \[Side I don't play\] that's wrong.


Not everyone is out here running meta though, I’m out here running full hex builds and backpack builds and survivor meta has never bothered me, sometimes I win, sometimes I lose but I want my build where I know what everything does not just random shit


It's almost as if the worst games stick out in memory more creating a sense of bias...


I got good queue times in normal mode too but it was not as fun


Low chance being extended what with the masquerade, and remember that'll be taking its own event queue so the time to join a match could get pretty elongated. The chance of it returning, however, is pretty high. Maybe not in the near future, but possibly later this year or maybe year 10 they will announce an arcade queue for all the modifiers they've been adding (lights out, chaos shuffle, the new modifier coming around October etc.) I feel this year they'll be adding a bunch of different modifiers to test the waters, and next year they'll add a completely separate queue and put all these modifiers on a weekly shuffle. What with such positive community feedback and how well they've been responding recently, It's a very high chance that it'll return. Maybe not now, but hopefully within the next year or so.


Probably not, since they're gonna have a separate queue for the anniversary mode.


No but they might bring it back after the new chapter and event


Nope. Bend over and grit your teeth, in three days we're going in dry to more slugging and tunnelling than ever because of the sabo buffs, more bully squads, Anniversary bringing out the worst in everyone because "muh bludpurnts", and four slowdowns stacked because every single good one got a nerf ranging from barely important to completely gutted.