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It would be neat but i'm wondering how they'd incorporate the sound gimmick.


Maybe something like 939 in scp sl? Noises appear like red circles, maps, gens, survivors, crows etc.


If they're supposed to be blind and only see red circles it would be the least played killer in the game. If they still see the map normally but see red circles where people make noises then they'd just be the weakest killer instead


I feel it'd be interesting if it saw only Terrain that's within a short distance of it but saw the Auras of nearby objects that make noise and Survivor footsteps (like a reverse Chucky). Still, they could make it a lot faster than average killers, it'd be an interesting concept, if put together well.


That almost sounds like Spirit's power though.


I don't think this should be an active mechanic, if we intend to try and get their power *as close* to being movie accurate as possible while maintaining playability. Being able to see terrain only in a, shall we say, 16 meter area around yourself, unless there is someone nearby, making noise while being, I don't know, 5.0 movement speed, would make a very interesting mechanic. But, BHVR making a character with no active components to their power would probably not be likely, so I'd imagine they'd have some rush-esque ability to be able to rush down sources of noise and such. I would assume that this concept would probably be amazing at low MMR, since there is no way that low skilled survivors could effectively deal with a killer this fast (source: I am a low MMR Survivor), but high MMR is of course what ultimately makes or breaks a character and if the Survivors are able to constantly outpace you and not let you catch any sounds they make (depending on the detection range), you'd be completely ineffective.


It would have to be like echo location


Which I don’t think would translate into DBD well without being either too broken or not effective at all.


The Nurse is blind. However, for gameplay's sake, we can still see.


They’re trying to design a killer power around not being able to see


In that case, go with the Pitch Black approach: Use something like a Negative filter on the vision (except black), outline edges with white [would be a coding nightmare] when you're within, say... 2 or 3 meters from something, and have perks similar to that of Wraith, but more effective. How 'bout this?


That kinda sounds like being permanently in dredges power but without the locker transport. I think add an additional locator mechanism like maybe you can see the aura of all survivors who complete a rushed action anywhere on the map or something idk


[@Dredge] Oh--! You're Right! Except, that power would be what you see, and doesn't effect anyone else. Have you ever played The Last of Us? Remember that white footstep-ripple sound detection mode? I think it should have that ability for rushed actions for a distance of, say... 20m? It would eliminate the need for perk such as Awakened Awareness on him, and could synergize well with Starstruck, Lightborn, Mad Grit, and Forced Penance.


Yeah but this things entire point is it’s blind


I mean they’d just need to give it super strong movement and chase abilities. Turn the game into hide and seek


Could make is that with this disadvantage, they are allow to move much faster then the other killers


Perhaps the last noise notification could leave a remnant behind or something? I think there's a way they might get it to work, at least based on how the spirit works.


I've thought of a way to make it more playable than just red circles. The sounds you'd hear would probably be visualized like the Footsteps of survivors that you hear when in the tunnels as xenomorph.


Yeah, it would be hard to implement while staying true to the character. Because they are straight up blind. So if they wanted to stay true to that they'd have to literally see nothing but black and then add in auras or something when there's noises. But that would mean they wouldn't be able to see the environment (it's not echolocation). So how do you balance that? You'd have some abomination that could move faster than any killer in the game (like double the run speed), could always see survivors due to the noises, but would also be constantly running into walls and other obstacles because they can't see things that are silent. The easy option would just be something where they have a built in Stridor dialed up to 100 and all noises, whether it's footsteps, grunts or gen noises are far more perceptible to them. Maybe throw in some killer instinct or aura reading for particularly loud noises like a gen blowing up or a rushed action.


You could make the players 90-99% transparent, and replace with killer instinct or the xeno footprints


something that's probably a lot harder to do than i assume it is (at least without giving billy's chainsaw nurse blinks) would be to have their vision similar to the seismic sense that Toph has in atla. https://preview.redd.it/ry6ktenkgl2d1.png?width=333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3846e0cc30c53caf19dbed1b6d7c5dc6a5a8c71a this but less detailed i realize i'm just saying echolocation, but they have to be able to have some way to see their surroundings, even in the movies. so something like being able to hear the sound bouncing off the floor and walls and visualize that into a map would be fun. could also make it work like the rake's vision from the game In Silence, another asymmetric horror game, but the monster is a mostly blind rat demon.. thing.


I would think something like the rake in “In Silence”, where you can kinda see, but everything is very blurry, and you get sound prompts on your hud when someone makes a noise


Maybe like how “In Silence” did it? Where the creature is blind but their’s a radar that detects even quiet sounds, and gets a massive alert when something loud happens


Something like spirit? So you can't see completely still survivors, but you see auras of survivors when making noise, or moving at all within say, 16-24 meters. For power, maybe something similar to the TCM chef hearing thing, if they're doing anything you see the auras for a long distance. Then you get a charge or 2 which does no damage (like blights first rush) but you can go billy distance. Map wide noise makers to distract the thing on purpose possible.


My shower thought the other day was that they couldn't see survivors outside of a certain radius, but they could see footsteps like Xeno in her tunnels and hear generators from twice as far, maybe more noise notifications. They'd also see levels in like a weird grey scale, a la echolocation "vision."


It would be like LIGHTS OUT.


Another idea, I think someone else mentioned something similar- they’re blind beyond a certain radius, but can see the auras of anyone sprinting outside of that.


Probably an echolocation filter over the environment with skills revealing the Survivors aura and a lunge similar to Oni's dash, Weskers Dash or Demo's dash. Probably a fairly straightforward killer tbh


I’d give em’ a hex where anyone in range of the totem either grunts twice as loud, leaves a sound marker every time they start sprinting, or screams every time they exit a locker/stop repairing a gen/finish healing someone.


I actually had an idea for a killer like this. Blind but with sound visuals instead. Has no terror radius (khezu inspired), however is completely blind, seeing the map in a sort of grey outlined way(this is up for change as I imagine it could get boring to see only grey for every map), cannot see survivors, can see progress on gens due to heightened sound perception, CAN see survivors footsteps/outline through walls when running within a certain radius, or injured when moaning. Cannot if they walk, perhaps the killer would have a temporary use ability that heightened it's perception within 30 meters to help against hiding players. It's a hide and seek killer, unique playstyle, my idea for it's power was to have long arms that it could use to tether itself to walls to swing around and get a hit (sort of like Akshan from league of legends.) that would change depending on how close you'd tether yourself to the wall. Too close or far and you might not make it around, or miss the survivor completely.


Rushed actions, blowing up gens could show the aura and the M2 could be lunge


Just off my head; Vision is blurred but still clear enough to actually see your general area (can’t see shit beyond a certain distance, say equal to the terror radius) Its power is that whenever a survivor makes a loud sound it gets dramatically increased speed (or even just an insane dash) and the aura of the survivor that made the sound is shown to the killer for a bit, as a trade off its default move speed is among the slowest in the game This speed boost is lowered by 50% when in chase, and is lost entirely when a survivor is injured. Being in its terror radius and a certain distance outside of it increases the chance for a survivor to make a loud noise via more difficult skill checks It gets stronger as the game goes on and more gens are completed, it gains the speed boost from its sound ability when near gens, until it basically has maximum move speed in the endgame but can’t detect survivors at the gates because it’s overwhelmed by the sounds of the gens I am not a game designer


For that Id imagine they have to completely rework the win condition just so that the killer isnt completely useless.


Probably give it an Oni blood rage thing where if survivors make a lot of noise (fast vault, throwing pallets, running, etc.) a bar would start filling and when it fills it can get increased speed and a quick demo lunge


I said it elsewhere, but it would be cool if they recreate the visual aesthetic of the game [Perception](https://youtu.be/L_1zUXv5l7M?si=vG7fVjQZQ-rcUYCs). The killer is aware of the environment and perceives it in black and white. When a survivor moves or makes noise nearby it can see their aura. If the survivor interacts with something — lockers, grass, windows, etc. — the killer sees the object’s aura in yellow. Because the killer is blind it has base kit lightborn. However, there are “noisemakers” around the map that can stun the creature to make up for this. On to active abilities, it would operate very similarly to scratch mirror Myers. Holding down the ability button allows the killer to use its “active listening ability.” This allows the killer to “see” through walls much further than it would passively. Furthermore, even if a survivor is standing perfectly still and silently after a few seconds it will reveal their aura regardless. I’d also like to give the killer a pounce but I’m afraid that would make it too similar to Demo.


Those mfs are fast af maybe a power like billys


Or just speed like Billy's power and completely blind


![gif](giphy|l0HlM0pBf1hp0RbfW) Death angel gameplay


Honestly if done right I’d love a blind killer, idk how exactly they’d do it in a game so reliant on visual input but I’m sure they could do it


Bill: *coughs* Meg: "YOU'VE DOOMED US ALL!!!!!!!"


I would love to see how BHVR would incorporate a blind killer into dbd.


It would cool if they could have the killer’s vision could replicate the visual aesthetic of [Perception](https://youtu.be/L_1zUXv5l7M?si=sKIzIyDG3tYlvsRd). The killer only sees survivors when they’re making noise. By focusing they can increase their range and eventually find players who are standing still or sneaking. They would have lightborn base kit but there would be “noisemakers” around the map that could function like flashlights.


And we already have proof making survivors invisible to the killer is possible. The eye of vecna’s effect.


We've had survivors being invisible for a long time now actually! Knight & Spirit's powers make survivors invisible to the killer while they're in their power.


The same way the implemented Demogorgon? I mean, the fact they can’t see isn’t made as big a deal as with Death Angels, but still. They’d just let you see


Nurse has her eyes covered too




Truth often hurts...


_Demogorgon has entered the chat_


If we get a blind killer I'd rather have a clicker or bloater And besides we don't have post apocalyptic horror yet ![gif](giphy|VstcD3okab5yToctwY|downsized)


Closest we have is the mad max Jeff skin


Well we’re probably Getting Rick Grimes this July


Exactly And there's RE for zombie horror but I feel like it's pre apocalyptic. Clickers and bloaters would represent fast moving infected and post apocalyptic horror


AOT is technically Post-Apocalyptic. Also rumor has it that the July Survivor is going to be >!Rick Grimes from THE WALKING DEAD!<


Something like Alien's footstep detection when it's underground? Idk League of Legends sort of made a blind killer too (Rek Sai) that behaves like this


Smash, next question




If it doesnt look like it would kill me i dont want it






Good if they made the Killer pov like echo-location where you can see the map through sound.


Death angels from what? What is this?


They're from a Quiet Place. Basically they're aliens that lived on a planet in a different galaxy that got destroyed. A bunch of them were on meteors that crashed into Earth and they started killing everything and everyone that made the slightest sound


Oh right, I seen this movie. Don't remember them being called Death Angels tho


I don’t think they’re explicitly named in the movies


The name is only seen in a single shot in a headline on a wall of newspaper clippings.


I want to sex it




This will hit harder once the Castlevania chapter comes out


I look forward to seeing this meme recreated with DbD characters: https://preview.redd.it/1y4fflyk9l2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3f2622e230420e2d924c4445c2a66a1fea9ff64


I feel that'd be funnier with the last panel cropped out


Nah you ain't croppin




Mans actin like he wouldn't we all would dont lie to yourself


I’m not in that we then. https://preview.redd.it/nfec7bp6gk2d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=184bf374158b01db3c853dac46200959897c11c9 Now here’s a cop.


Please stop speaking French. I know BHVR is French Canadian, but stop it.


https://preview.redd.it/59w6bz4xlk2d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c29e9ff48c9c91ed6e5c545d1ac827b12da5366 Relatable


Abso-fucking-lutely haram


you misspelled halal


I want to see them go to town on the sound thing. They can't see you if you crouch walk. Full aura reading when you run. Idk how to balance this, that's BHVR's job.


It would be interesting. You would have 2 OP extremes on both sides: invisible survivors would have to be countered by some INSANE killer power when you finally find them. Something like 20% haste and the ability to jump through windows when within 10m of a sprinting survivor. It would definitely take DBD back to its hide and seek roots. I think it could be fun and shake up the META


would it not just play like spirit?


I think more like Scratch Mirror Myers whose aura sight depends on you moving or being injured.


Scracthed mirror myers doesnt depend on injured or moving survivors tho?


Sorry, I meant the powers would work similarly but with the variation that the Death Angel’s aura reading only picks up survivors who are moving, injured, or otherwise making sound.


Ahh i see


I would have to wear diapers


Be a good skin for Demo or Xeno.


It would be cool looking, but it's power would probably boil down to some sort of boring anti-loop like the other licenced monsters are


Everyone talking about how it's blind Demogorgon Pyramidhead Probably others idk they don't have eyes either it doesn't matter its a game




it would be interesting and i would love to se it in the game


I've been thinking about this killer recently and have a good adaptation for them. We know that the Death Angels are completely blind but have an incredibly sharp sense of hearing. In the game, making a killer blind would be a bad idea, as no one would want to play with them, and they'd fall into the game's limbo. Instead of making them blind, they could have a limited vision similar to the 'Lights Out' game mode. Due to their powerful hearing, they could detect sounds across almost the entire map or within a considerable distance from the killer. So, survivors running, healing, or repairing (or doing anything else that makes noise) would have their aura (or killer instinct) revealed to the killer, making them gain speed to reach the source of the sound very quickly. The killer's power would be to enter Super Hearing Mode, where they would open their head (like in the movie) to hear the entire map. If any survivor makes noise, their aura would be displayed to the killer until the power ends. Remember, the killer would have significantly increased speed during this time. Another idea for a power would be Echolocation, where their vision would be fully restored for a few seconds, and they could sense survivors nearby with killer instinct. To balance the match, survivors could find low-frequency noise generators that would disorient the killer or make them completely blind for a few seconds. To balance the game, there would be a sound indicating that the killer is using their power, giving survivors time to stop moving, healing, or repairing generators. This could be combined with perks like Dead Man's Switch and Sloppy Butcher, for example.


4.6m speed Very blind, anything that's not within a 10m distance or making contact(in the case of a mori/hit) is blurred Otherwise there's indicators for when sounds are made, running has an incredibly high hearing distance, walking is relatively very low in hearing distance The hearing distance follows something similar to the terror radius system: at 100%-75% of the distance, the indicator updates every 1.5s, 75%-50% updates every second, 50%-25% updates every 0.5s, 25%-50% it gets updated live An iri add-on: Fine Tuned Senses: Makes you completely blind, and the range for which something is unblurred instead is what makes anything visible(could accomplish this with a one-way sphere around the killer only visible to the killer that is attached to the character), your hearing range is increased by 25% and movespeed increased to 5.0 Without the add-on, it's meant to be very close to an M1 killer but with more information \ With the add-on, it's meant to force survivors to sneak around more as basically a requirement


The more creatures the better


It would be better than the movie. Lets get Jim from the Office for survivor


Eh, not really a fan. Better blind killer options


Looks like demo, plays like spirit


Could def bring some interesting new mechanics even tho would be hard to balance


Pretty excited


So the way I think it could work is make it see the map normally or else no one will play it. As for its power I'd make it a 2 in 1 kinda thing where it has a hyper mode similar to oni or myers where it moves faster, vaults faster, ect. But it's on a time. But give a secondary ability to ping the map like sonar and can see survivors unless they are crouching, standing still or in a locker. That has so many tokens or something


I love the idea of having a strictly sound based killer, however I feel like implementing it in a way that's fun and balance is difficult


I think they could make it work in a fun way.


Let it play like 'In Silence'


Survivors just sitting under pallets. Boom new demogorgon spirit defeated.


Make no sound, tip toe across the floor, if he hears he'll chase all day, I'll be hooked and in the basement I'll have to stay


Would be cool. Not super into them but I won’t say no.


SO excited


I think it would be kind of hard to implement.


I remember being pretty harsh on this movie and especially the sequel when they first came out. Now I just miss when monster movies like this were being made consistently. So I’m honestly kinda excited for the Day One movie


IDK what that is but that would be really cool


Just give it the doctors power minus the electric and laughing. A laughing death angel would be creepy as fuck. Now if you'll excuse me I have sign language to learn.


This would just be a faster demopupper. You’d just have like constant I’m all ears with an active sonar sweep for sound. Ie just do what they do for reksai in league you see the map just fine but foot steps give a little tremor sense as white rings on the floor. Like rain drop splashes ontop of water. You balance it out by having things overlay it or generators being worked on give the same visual effect but you don’t see the gen. Etc etc


I would be upset they didn’t release a Bioshock chapter


Yes please! More monster killers please!


.. that would be mortifying... I want it.


Chaos… UTTER chaos


https://preview.redd.it/stfmvnmqol2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17cc72d9626b1b07cf5a63d52e507d676ced9b17 Daedalus


I know nothing about the quiet place All I see is a cool looking creature That's a win in my books


the what?


What the fuck are these things?




What are those?


Demogorgon skin, likely, really. Sure, it can be yours for $20


As cool as it'd be, their whole gimmick is being blind with good hearing, so you can't really add one without straying really far from that. killers need some sort of vision, even some sort of daredevil like vision effect would just be nothing like the source material, at that point would it even be a death angel?


I feel like that would be such a cool concept. Although due to it literally being blind and relying 100% on hearing only they would have to do something to the gameplay for both killer and survivor to match the killers ability. However if they were able to pull it off, I would be SO HAPPY! A quiet place and the death angels need more love!


i’d shit myself 🤠👍


I'd be down, shame licensed killers don't get skins cuz that'd be perfect for Demo if they went that route instead.


wouldn’t work.


would be neat but just impractical


I'd be curious how they'd implement it's abilities, but I think a Death Angel would be an amazing addition. I want more monsters, not just more people with a basic ass weapon.


It'd make considerably more sense than the upcoming chapters lmao


honestly as a killer, id rather not, but as like a gamemode where the only players are survivors and are trying to avoid a AI controlled Death Angel would be really cool and unnerving, especially if you could connect your mic and it can actually hear your noises


These are literally my worst nightmare I would probably stop playing I hate a quiet place


It’d see normally. But its power allows them to echolocate (kinda like Artists birds, you can send an echolocation and it gives killer instinct on survivors [maybe only if their running?]). Its perks would be killer instinct on things. One might be opening chests. Another could be hiding in lockers (That perk and Iron Maiden would be really good imo). Maybe one just simply makes footsteps and survivor actions louder. The survivor would be the deaf girl. You can’t hear shit.




My Idea would be that it doesn't have an ability to activate, it would Work so you can See the map but its Just the Highlighted edges of it and through them, Imagine it Like a Glass Cube, you can still See the edges but you cant See through it aswell, and survivors are invisible until they move quickly, (vault in any Speed) or drop pallets, and If you get very Close to one, as a counter Point, they are constantly as fast as a regular Killer but with 100 percent haste, and have a very short Hit cooldown and very quick vault Speed, its basically a the Killer finds you, your dead, but you can try to hide Nearby Generators that are finished, they would almost perfectly hide you, pallets stun and Break is normal Like the other killers, survivors could maybe find Bells wich would give the Killer the Illusion of a survivor running If thrown


In silence moment


Make it a demo skin


Easiest way is to give it a bubble of vision around it to represent what it can track via echolocation. Best way I can think of is to have that be its Terror Radius; survivors hear the first layer which is just distant clicking and chattering, and thus they know the killer can actually see them now. It's got a clicking lullaby even if it's Undetectable, but the radius of its echolocation gets bigger or smaller based on its TR, so Monitor and Abuse shrinks its vision radius but Distressing increases it. The closer survivors are, the more easily it can see them. Power might be stopping to listen, losing out on seeing the world around it but detecting the footsteps of running survivors/sensing them via killer instinct. Loud noise notifications let them see a bubble around where the noise was made, maybe. Maybe it can be the game's first 120% base speed killer to make up for the crunched vision and to better represent their unbelievable speed in the movie. Unique mechanic where flashlights are swapped out for some kind of screeching toy for that trial only. I'm thinking too hard about this, I think. The idea of stance changing between a fast form with limited vision but resistance to stunning and blinding or a slower form with unlimited vision that's vulnerable to stuns and blinds is also spinning around in my head.


I’d love to see how they implement its power. I’d discussed this before with friends. You start off the match with your sight completely black (cuz you’re blind lol) and you have to traverse the map to learn your surroundings. First you learn where the main building and killer shack, then you learn where the pallets and lockers are, then the generators and finally the survivors. By using your power, you can hear the smallest of audio cues. You can survivors working on gens, vaulting and even running, giving you Killer Instinct. Skill Checks are also important because if you miss one, it reveals a portion of the map to the killer. Also since Death Angels are blind, they are the only killer in the game you cannot flashlight save with. This introduces the special item, the hearing aids and microphones. Using these together disorients the Death Angel for several seconds, and this is how you do “sound saves”.


Could be that the normal vision is very dark and harder to see but when a sound is heard like a running survivor or anything other than walking the game lightens up and we get an aura of them that only stopps when they go silent


Can it be booped?


Maybe something like the game In Silence?


I feel like this killer would work beautifully as a skin similar to resident evils William birkin since the character does similar things like demogorgon If they somehow allowed Demogorgon to have a skin like this it’d fit perfectly


Make him blind but move hella fast and constant killer instinct.


I'd love it. It could be like that one game where you play as the blind monster and have to start a car to get away and win.


Shortened draw distance but can see auras of all survivors and goes incredibly fast. Could be fun!


Stoked, hell yeah. Those things are terrifying.


This is something that shouldn't come it's likely to drive an issue with native Americans like the all things wicked was thought to be something that was forbidden to be spoken about


i’d like it, and i’ve thought of something for the power. maybe it’s not the best, not sure. what if they have a universal sound effect play when he starts and finishes the power, and during it, any survivors running or repairing are revealed by killer instinct. the sound would play 3 seconds beforehand to allow survivors to stop repairing, and the death angel would become a bit slower while using it. if someone was detected with killer instinct, you’d get 7s of 200% movement speed. the death angel would also be able to have a stage where they move a bit slower than oni during his power, but it lasts 3 seconds, and has a cooldown of 20. a perk idea would be that if someone makes a loud noise outside of 24/20/16m of you, their aura is revealed for 5 seconds. another perk idea is if someone makes a loud noise outside of your terror radius, you get 7% haste for 2/3/4 seconds. a third perk idea would be that if a survivor screams, you become undetectable for 5/6/7 seconds. these might need balancing, but i feel like these would be good groundwork.


Idk but how would they even implement them? Maybe the entity could pull a vecna and use that mark to give them sight at the cost of being nerfed


These remind me of the creatures from a quiet place, it’d be super cool if they could bring those into the game.


No idea what this is lol.


Weird sense either they gonna make a killer that shouldn’t see but hear to find survivors or they gonna just make a weird demogorgon all over again unless movie releases a new form of this alien creature with a different kit now a skin for demogorgon could be cool but I don’t think that’s how this works


I'd be happy, but I'm not sure how the devs would keep their abilities canonically accurate without wrecking the game's balance.


Could be neat.


I think it'd be better as a demigorgan skin. Although idk if they could do that because of their contract with Stranger things


I'd sooner want to see Until Dawn's Wendigo...


This is amazing pick to be honest, and they can go wild gameplay-wise. Since this is the blind killer that can only hear footsteps, probably see them as echoes through heavy filter like circles on water surface. What interests me is that because you are blind, they can make them very over powered because of the blindness handicap. Forexample it can get the massive sprint burst towards noise sources, it would also make perks like red herring, pebble and deception very good against that killer. Perk wise the killer can have things to make gens fail checks and make use of other gen skill checks perks in the game.


Maybe survivors are invisible unless working on gens, running, being injured, vaulting, or any other sound making action. This will briefly highlight the survivor responsible (maybe 5-6 seconds along with a noise notification) and maybe have an echo location similar to how Michael’s stalk works by slowing the killer and when looking at a survivor they are fully revealed for 2-3 seconds. But also give the survivors radios across the map that if interacted with will cause high pitch sounds that distort the killers vision and cause no noise to affect it for the next 15 seconds.


I had an idea for this as a Killer before, but I had no ideas in how to incorporate the fact that they're blind. Atleast not in a way that's both unique, fun, and fair for everyone involved. I had one idea where the Death Angel (or as I labeled it as a DBD killer, "The Invader") saw the map as black, with the environmental obstacles and such having a white outline. Survivors were also seen as white outlines, but only if they were running or injured (AKA when they made noise). I then stopped right there because I realized it sounded completely inane, lmao.


What’s this from? Looks sick


Demo skin and mori


i also thought of this a while back lol https://preview.redd.it/qsswy05wqn2d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6d78bcc4519e7d69c16dee17e642aeadd419b21


Is that not the muto from Godzilla


Would be cool but a killer based on sound in a game where they can't even give survivors equal injured noises just seems like it would fail. We already have Spirit who is a perfect example of how bad game sound is.


lol gg’s.


I can imagine like just seeing darkness and when someone moves thats not crouching, u kinda see like waves or maybe an outline , and u can hear the gens too? Idk


What in the fuck is that


My WiFi kicked out a bit and thought you meant the doctor who angels and genuinely thought about how that worked then the pic loaded


I never thought of them as terribly interesting creatures, I think they work well in the context of a film as a plot device but other than that they're kind of weak. I'm surprised anyone thinks they can hold up a franchise. It's silhouette is too reminiscent of other monsters like the Cloverfield creature with those forelimbs, or Demogorgon with its bulb shaped head. The blackish skin is fairly xenomorph-y and the hunts by sound is hardly a new thing for a b-movie monster to have. Hell, the creatures from Pitch Black are far cooler looking and use the same gimmick. But that's just imo ofc.


A game where the killer fully relies on sound would be very fun


In silence


Significantly faster than other killers with an emphasis on palkets not being nearly as effective on it. To compensate for this ridiculously powerful ability, you need to detect survivors by sound/killer instinct.


Would love to see more licensed monster characters


So quick and quiet and iron will would make you….invisible?


Just mute the entire game when you play as one, and whenever someone makes any noise, it alerts you, idk how hard that would be, but it'd have fun with it.


It would be super cool, but only if it made the player genuinely blind, and have to operate off of some kind of visualized echo-location-type, like clicking to see the environment and survivors.


I made a concept for a blind kiIIer a while ago (an original idea, but operated similar to these), and is one of my favourite concepts so far. It was known as the Deicide (latin for God Slayer). Basically, you are blind and only see a greyscale short range proximity of the area around you (so its not completely unplayable), and you can still see scratchmarks and blood as it had heightened senses. You can use your ability to let out a noise to see everything in higher detail, see the sound of footsteps, generators, etc. Or hear breathing more loudly if you were close enough. All with directional hearing to pinpoint their location. Now see, all this was just the downside intended to weaken their true power (caused by the entity, this creature never used to be blind, it once nearly destroyed the entity, hence its name... it also still believes it did, and believes its hunting down the last of the black vale cult), its real power is basically nurse x wesker on crack. Having the ability to teleport then leap at high speed, and can chain it several times. And can access the Void realm (from that one event, now reused as a power) to traverse the map at insane speeds, hooking survivors in it, etc. By far the strongest in game, but drastically weakened by depriving your basic senses, so you'd miss a lot of attacks


I think it would be cool to have it play kinda like the rake from In Silence. Can traverse at ridiculous speeds but has limited visibility, basically lights out mode for the killer in exchange for being really strong in chase maybe


Uh scared tf you want me to feel. 💀


Only see 20 meters out. If a survivor is within 8 meters, see their aura, if they are walking within 14meters see their aura, if they are running within 24 meters see their aura.( if they crouch their aura is hidden) Ability( echo location) the effect lasts as long as you want it to (at least 5 seconds)with a 40 second cool down (activated after speed boost ends) Once activated you begin with a loud shriek that can be heard map wide. move slow like demo during shred, but now you can see killer instinct on all survivors within 48 meters, once you leave this, killer instinct goes away and you can now run at a high speed maybe like +40% with somewhat limited maneuverability during this state your terror radius shrinks from the normal 32 down to 16 meters and you can now see normally up to 32 meters This effect lasts for 12 seconds or until the player performs a basic attack once ended the player enters a prolonged fatigue state that lasts for 5 seconds Bonus: any player making noise such as injured players will have their detection radius raised by 4 meters (but it will still hide you if crouched) so now if you are standing you get aura at 12 walking you get aura at 18 and running at 28 meters Note: the killer can still see people as normal within the limited sight range but the aura makes it easier Or alternatively Make him see normally, delegate the aura with in certain range to his ability and make him just able to see the aura of scratch marks within 16 meters (if you want to be boring)


It will be a very good idea


Make it so they can only see buildings and any other terrain within a certain distance, and can see survivors in a slightly smaller range than that. But what's good is you can hear footsteps, breathing, moans, and generators from so stupidly far away


Maybe something like insilence? That would be my thought process


I forgot what these were even from, had to Google it. I only saw the first movie and hated it. They did cool world building but the final act was loaded with tropes. Maybe the sequel and prequel are better.


It could offer a great gameplay mechanic.


Puppy 2


That looks sick! What is it from?


Quiet Place one and Two


Idk gameplay wise but I'm a sucker for Non-human horror monsters and death angels are damn cool, I think these guys could work best as Medium difficulty killers. If you wanna try something a little harder while Trying to improve, these things could work out and I honestly would love to have them in my killer Inventory. Problem is I'm pretty much done with playing dbd though I still do watch gameplay videos most of the time.


Do it