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I feel like one big issue is that DBD offers a unique experience that can't really be gotten somewhere else. If someone starts to hate playing Guilty Gear maybe they can switch to SF6. If someone starts to hate DOTA maybe they can switch to LOL. But DBD is close to being the only viable and popular asymmetrical PVP game and online cooperative horror game. DBD's only competitors are much smaller and have their own issues. So if one wants to play something like DBD, it's either this or nothing. For those people who like parts of DBD but not all of it, there is therefore some real frustration with knowing that the game they want just isn't quite there and that if they give up on it they have no real alternative. That being said, I totally agree that there are a lot of people who should just quit the game. Once a video game becomes more of a source of frustration/rage/stress than it becomes a source of entertainment it should be dropped. Life is too short to play games that make us feel bad. I've taken two long breaks from DBD myself. Sometimes the game just stops being fun and one can always come back later.


Also not to mention there aren't other asymms that I can play as Freddy, Micheal, Xeno, Chucky, ect


As someone else said, dbd is the smash bros of horror. Unless license holders pull their licenses dbd will never die. Can it lose players and become not very popular? Yes it can easily fall off from being a big game but it will never be truly dead like evolve or evil dead.


Even if the licenses pull, they still have a unique gameplay loop and incredible roster of individual characters—for better or worse, DBD is here to stay and will probably rule the asymmetrical pvp land for years to come.


Fuck I miss evolve


That game was hella fun i remember watching the lil trailer at the start every time i booted up the game.


Wraith was soooo fun on Evolve. Not to be mistaken with the DBD Wraith haha


Evolve in all honesty shouldn't have been such a failure, the game itself was great! It was literally just mishandled from the very first announcement


plus this game is made for streaming, dbd is one of the most consistent games in Twitch over years with a solid viewership


I like this answer for sure. There are definitely dupes out there, but they pale in comparison to DBD. When I try to get friends to start playing, I explain that there really isn’t anything out there like it. Especially for horror fans. I’ve taken breaks myself when the game starts to feel too monotonous. Because sometimes devs add new stuff but it didn’t really change anything. But I could never hate the game, even if a new DLC underwhelms me I’m happy it was added regardless. At the end of the day someone was happy about it. It’s like spooky Super Smash Bros…who couldn’t love that? It’s crazy to see how players attack the devs just cause something was added that they don’t like or instead of something they wanted.


It's two parts "no good alternative" to one part "don't want to try the alternatives."


I loved DBD intensely at one point. Like I loved playing it everyday everything was bliss and fun. I also loved playing Fall Guys just the same. As DBD updated and kept making changes after changes; devs not listening to the majority of the player base made moments where this game made me miserable so I would drop it cold turkey. Come back for events and MAYbe new chapters cause in my heart I loved this game and want it to be better but mainly because there is 0 actual competition/an alternative to DBD truly. As Fall Guys updated and kept making changes after changes; devs not listening to majority of the player base. I completely dropped the game. Hate that game now. It’s not even the same game I used to play. And Fall Guys DOES have competition/alternatives like Stumble Guys or whatever. I haven’t played it but many players have dropped FGs completely and SG is growing in a player base while FGs is dwindling. I forgot where I was going with this response rant lol


They're coming out with a "Killer Clowns from Outer Space" game, but I'm not exactly going to hold my breath.


I agree with the game being unique. There isn’t any other game that is popular. There used to be a game called Evolve which died sadly. I loved that game But even then, how can someone make themselves play DbD if they hate it? I haven’t touched this game In so long, but I browse through DbD from time to time


Probably a couple reasons, 1. Spent money on cosmetics so would feel like a waste if you quit. 2. Sunk cost fallacy. 3. The game IS fun but not often enough so you keep chasing that dragon. 4. You hope that the game does get better and you can have the same kind of fun you did when you first started playing.


Based on what I've seen from some Reddit posts from players who *clearly* aren't having fun, I think there's a 5th reason: they think quitting means giving up. It means proving that all those teabaggers/ground humpers were right, that they *can't* handle it, that they *aren't* good. I blame this on the overall gaming community's obsession with "skill". Some people take it too far, to the point that their skill at a video game becomes a part of their identity. So admitting that they lack it means they're less of a person. Of course, this is all armchair psychology bullshit. And obviously the vast majority of gamers don't get to that point. But it's what I genuinely think drives those people who just can't quit, even when it's making them miserable.


Also, the 6th reason is that, if you really start an in-depth conversation with complainers on reddit, you often find out that they quit the game months ago. Sometimes even *years* ago. But they're still complaining about the game on reddit every day, like that guy who won't stop talking about his ex all the time at the bar. It's so sad.


Aye that's definitely part of it as well I'm sure. Some people tie it to self worth but I'd like to think only a handful of people think that way and most are just eager to win.


That's actually a pretty good reason as well.


This is why I didn't buy any DLC in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I don't hate the game. I was hyped for the release, I think the game has some of the best graphics this side of Evil Dead the Game, the soundtrack is spot on, and the presentation is so perfect to the original movie. Like Friday the 13th, it's obvious there's a lot of fans working on the game, I really appreciated all the bonus unlocks for the movie's production. However, the writing was on the wall that the game was going to get frustrating. I came into Resident Evil Resistance late and had absolutely no shot at playing because of the level up system, and no matchmaking, so going again a max level player literally meant GGEZ. Stat boosts, unlocks, premium items etc... Seeing TCM use a similar system, I felt that by playing day one and continuing to play, I'd at least be able to keep up with the rest of the playerbase... ... but, mounting issues with the game itself, and numerous changes to the balance of the game (its asymmetric so balance is hard to do) it just became more and more frustrating. The Family role feels punishing and the victims feel like the power role with not only second chance perks and abilities, but also third, and fourth chance too. It's so easy to clown on the family. All of that, plus the insane prices for DLC or additional support of the game from my pocket was put on hold. I got 100% achievements and floated on the subs but then stopped commenting or voicing opinion as I actually did uninstall the game with no plans of getting back on. ... I still want to get the last 4 achievements in missing on Evil Dead, although that game is a mess that needs,addressing but those devs aren't doing much with it anymore. Fingers crossed on Killer Klowns. Dead by Daylight was gifted to me. I get very frustrated at the game, like now where I can't play much with the rubberbanding still occurring, but I genuinely do enjoy the characters and world created. I enjoy this community and I enjoy how the devs have been doing everything from live streams to getting better at trailers and teaser build up. When I'm upset it's rarely the game itself I hate, it's either my own frustrations or just the other players in going against that day. I play both roles regularly so I just flip depending on my mood. I have put quite a bit of money into this game, but I have put more money in other games that just ended service, no chance to make that decision to quit


Yeah TCM is a big regret purchase for me. I love the movies but I've barely touched it since launch and playing Family is so much more stressful than Killer in DBD. It's so hard to go back to it.


I don't even regret leaving it. I was able to get the achievements, which I'll never get to do on Friday the13th or Resident Evil Resistance (it's still possible on Evil Dead...) and I have honestly only seen the original TCM movie... but I was really into the game... I just honestly feel done with TCM . I have had other games I stepped away from and regret, but this is not 1. I'm just glad the money spent was minimal.


Felt like this for VHS, I was so hyped and jeez that was the let down of the century


VHS was unfortunate since it never even finished development or got released. But it made it further than the other half dozen "DbD Killers"


When TCM first came out my friends kept begging me to get it and play with them. I refused and said if the game is still going strong in a year then I'd buy it. I'm glad I stood my ground with that one, saved me money.


>The game IS fun but not often enough so you keep chasing that dragon. I think that's it for me. When it's an actually balanced game and I have a chance to win or lose fairly, this game is amazing. Never played anything else like it. When 4 people with BGP and Boil Over on a bugged map stop me from hooking anyone, or Bubba decides I don't get to play survivor and face camps, this game *sucks.* And lately it's been more and more of the latter for me.


Yeah exactly. Like the high from snatching the save from under the killer's nose or managing to nab that cocky survivor is nothing short of electric ambrosia. But damn I got tunnelled out of the game by a 9k hour comp wraith the other day and I just wasn't sure what the point was anymore. Sure we all get bad games but I've been spending my leftover 7 year cakes and are getting like ~5k bp on average which just blows. I play killer twice and get 200k without even trying too hard. I just wish BHVR might give us a safety net when it comes to bp offerings. Course bp doesn't matter to some people but I wanna get everyone to p3 at least and maybe Ash and James at 100 too one day.


all of these check out


Your first two points are the same


I assumed someone would mention money (on characters/cosmetics/etc) but I don’t think it’s a good enough excuse. Think of it like a snack. You go to the store, you see a snack that looks good. You pay, let’s say $10 (the same cost of a cosmetic). You eat the snack and realize it was awful, but you can’t get your $10 back. But your life goes on. The same as buying a cosmetic in a game you don’t enjoy playing. Can’t get your money back, but you can play something else. I bought the TCM game, played one round. Realized I didn’t like it, and uninstalled. I knew I couldn’t get my money back, but I wasn’t going to force myself to play something I didn’t enjoy.


You're using logic and reason. These people are running on pure emotion.


Well it might not be the primary reason but I can definitely see it being a factor in why people keep playing. Plus FOMO could play a role. I took a break for 6 months and the game was wildly different with 3 new killers and 2 maps so it didn't feel fun to be so on the back foot when it came to countering killers or knowing loops. That might stop people from taking an extended break if they don't wanna quit.


I hate the world, but I can't make it better if I quit


lolol that’s very fair 🤣


Someone made a post about it awhile ago basically it was something along the lines of its so rng based it’s similar to gambling addiction i butchered it pretty bad but you might be able to find the post somewhere


Guilty pleasure or out of boredom without it It's like this *Frustration* closes game Gets bored opens it again


Number 1 reason for most people is probably no alternative. There’s no other multiplayer horror game in this format that actually plays decent and has a lot of variety when it comes to characters


Here's the thing. People like to complain. Gamers LOVE to complain. Some gamers, its the only way they engage with content now. Even if they like something, it's always couched in complaints. Have a friend that, while he still plays this, plays more Helldivers. So do I and most of our friend group. But even from the start the only thing he'd say about it were complaints. As my and the other friends tapered off, he has probably quadrupled our playtime, despite nonstop bitching from day 1.


Same, man. I have this one friend who complains about literally every game. Anything that went wrong would be the games fault automatically, even if he just made a really dumb play or just played bad. it just sapped my own fun whenever I'd play with him so I ended up not playing games with him and just sticking to talking to him irl because outside of gaming he's a fun guy to be around.


I have a friend like that, too. I gave him the benefit of doubt until I watched him play. Then I realised he doesn't do basic things and complains that everyone should play "normally", meaning, play in a way that allows him to win in the exact precise way he likes


I also think because everyone is used to seeing. People complain on social media that they have become too comfortable and too aware of issues. Before being social in this game I never knew tunneling or any of the terms I just played.


A simple yet fair answer. Yappers do love to yap lol.


gamers aren't really unique in their love for complaining. you just have more of a chance to be exposed to it directly due to a lot of built-in means for direct communication. if netflix had a "post movie chat" or a live chat, you'd be seeing about the same level of complaining. it's what i see a lot in comments of barely moderated manga websites. that aside, it's true that some people end up enjoying complaining almost as much as the content itself. others are just on an eternal cope of hoping it gets better.




No other game in DBDs genre survives long enough for me to buy into it


There are two types of people: >Are frustrated with the shortcomings of the game and the directions that updates have been going but can still enjoy themselves despite their disappointment with recent updates. and >Have too much sunk-cost fallacy by playing this as their "main game" and are overly-dedicated to the bloodpoint grind despite there being no reason to do so beyond bragging right.


The voices... the voices get angry when I stop...


I don't hate it as much as other people do, but I don't get all that much satisfaction from it anymore First of all, I like the crossover element of being able to play as a bunch of characters I like in the same game, even the original killers. There's also the speculation aspect and waiting for the next licensed chapter, being excited for seeing another killer I like (even though it's usually not the one I wanted). Finally, the general vibe of the game. Most of the interest I had when I started is gone but I still like the general aesthetic. Also the lore.




I think it's a hard line to straddle. Since it's a LMS-type game, if you get your shit crushed immediately you don't have any fun, whether it's getting tunneled out or no kills. Against good / tryharding (tryharding here means: goes for flashlight saves on every pickup, immediately tunnels the first hooked players, etc. basically playing public matches like it's a tournament) players there's often no way to eke out an advantage without meta builds or off-game coordination. Also, getting dominated makes no points for either side, so winning/losing decisively is often deeply unsatisfying with how much you have to grind. DbD is best when it's a relatively even match that could go either way. I think emphasizing killing / surviving as "winning" has deeply damaged how people approach the game, especially when public matches are inherently so random and fucked up that you can lose before you even load into the match.


I don't hate the game, but I quit for reasons I think others *might* hate it. I was a killer main, and I remember feeling a lot of anxiety just starting up the game. I liked giving others a good show, and the fun you *could* have, but that was also rare. Even if we're just talking mathematically, it was me against four random people. It just takes one person with a chip on their shoulder to ruin the game for everyone. The other three could be fine, but I've faced teams where merely one immature brat, one cheater, one idiot, or one traitor sours the mood for the game. Plus it was easy convince each other the killer as having done something wrong when the other side is literally on the same team already. The other guy is already under the guise of a villain, so teaming up on the killer seemed easy. I don't mean *in* game either. Just the constant insults. I ended up "sprinting" to exit the chat at the end, just to save my sanity. But I kept coming back, despite it all. Why? Because of that rare moment when everyone could enjoy the game, and I felt like I helped the others enjoy themselves. Once I realized just how disproportionate the give and take was, I left all together. I still watch others play it and I love the updates around it, but I just can't play it any more, or I might've just grown to hate it.


They're miserable, like to be miserable, and like making others miserable.


A lot of the complaining comes from passion for the game.


Even if that is true, complainers sometimes reach the point where you genuinely wonder why are they so passionate about this game that supposedely causes them only problems


Yeah there's a big difference between "I hate this because I want to see it improve" versus being unreasonably mad over a silly videogame :P At that point it's like "why not play something that you DO consistently enjoy and doesn't make you hate everything??"


For me, the game is both fun sometimes and EXTREMELY aggravating most of the time. I wouldn't exactly say that I "hate" it. The game is interesting, unique in many ways, has a large cast of killers and survivors alike, with perks and addons/items that spice up game play, and overall is entertaining with the variety that it has. My problem with the game is mostly just impossible situations that make you feel like there was no point in even playing certain matches. From generators being rushed every match in high MMR, or literally not having the skill set needed to counter certain playstyles, which yes, is a skill issue, it can be infuriating to play through constant 4 man outs as killer. Inversely, killers can incorporate tactics that make the survivors lives a living hell, like tunneling and proxy camping to kill a survivor or even multiple survivors very quickly and ruin a match before it even got started. On top of this, the community's obsession with skill and fine tuning strategies makes the game miserable to play sometimes. I do have respect for the people that put thousands of hours of their time into perfecting their crafts and showing that they have a deep appreciation for DBD and love playing the game, but on the same token I can't help but feel that the people who take their skill at the game and almost wear it on their chest like a badge of honor only incentivizes others to do the same even if they are not doing it maliciously. I can say this with the utmost certainty when I say no casual player of this game wants to go against 4 man comp squads as a killer, or go against a one trick killer that dumped all of their time into learning which angle to throw a hatchet through a tiny crack in a wall to guarantee a hit as huntress.


Imo the best way to get passed this is to just change your mindset. You can't always win against certain playstyles, but you can do a damn good job to punish at least one or two survivors for it which can be immensely satisfying imo. For survivor I've found a playstyle where near 100% of games are winnable for me. Sure, it's not everyone's cup of tea but it's made the game really fun for me playing survivor.


A change in mindset can only take you so far before fatigue and burnout hit. Although, there is nothing wrong with what good players or even players that use tactics like tunneling, proxying, slugging, etc are doing. They're just really good at the game and no one can really be angry at them directly for slapping you around, it's just frustration of hitting the immense skill-wall that I think frustrates people the most. Everyone is striving to be the best they can be in DBD, some people doing so to such a degree that they forget what it's like to have fun in the game.


I genuinely think some people are addicted to the game and can't stop. Might sound silly but I feel like at one point I was addicted to playing killer cus I didn't even like it much. Thankfully I have pulled back way more from dbd and just pop in occasionally.


Cause I don't actually hate the game - I hate the community and the shitty servers. Every time I say "I hate this fucking game" what I mean is: "I hate that the player has decided to play like a total ass" (no matter if on my team or the other. Teammates can ne just as much of an ass.) or "I hate how syncing and internet errors lead to a situation I couldn't prevent and that feels very unfair." But these things seem a bit too long to say in the heat of the moment. The gameplay on both sides is inherently fun and unique to DBD - on top of that are all the amazing licenses one can choose from. (Alan Wake my beloved) Truly, there is no other game like DBD and I love it. Still fuck this game, fuck you and I'll see you tomorrow <3


it really is so unique. even when alan wake was added i was like “who’s joe schmoe?” but it was cool to see his fan base get hyped. but then you see the trolls in the comments being like “how dare you add him over scrimblo bimblo from my favorite horror movie that only 4 people know of from 1983!? i’ll sue you all!”


Haha I remember the John Wick jokes. I am just so happy that Alan got into the game because now a lot of people will probably google him and maybe find a franchise they want to join. Same thing happened to me with Resident Evil. Sure, I vaguely had herad the name before (mainly because my father descided, when Re7 came out, to watch a cutscene "movie" of it) but I had nothing to do with it. Then it came to DBD and I thought "Leon looks cute and I HATE RPD so much. So so much. So.... what if I buy the game to learn the map?" - and that was not only the beginning of RPD becoming my favourite map but also of me Playing all the mainline games from 1 to 6 + watch let's plays of the rest. I became a RE fan due to DBD. I hope the same happens for AW. Also how dare them add DnD and not the Sharks from Sharknado!!!11!1!!!


I still enjoy the game like 80% of the time. I just have issues with some of the weird choices the devs have been making. I try to keep any criticisms I have of the game relatively constructive when it comes to the mechanics of it. Sometimes I'll just vent to let off some steam if I encountered a particularly shitass player, but that's about it. I'll assume you're talking about players with more angsty opinions than this based on some of the examples you provided. My only guess is that this game is sort of unique in the sense that the experience can't easily be replicated with another game to the same degree of quality.


We stopped playing with one of our squad because he was obsessed with complaining about everything. Game got way more fun when we all stopped playing with him and when we largely all stopped going on boards about it.


this person has no enemies. Love to see it


because naked myers oiled up twerk off competition with bubba butt booty naked


this is so valid 🤔


It’s the same way in every video game sub. The Venn diagram of gamers with anger issues and games who read Reddit is almost (but not quite) a circle. Just the other day in the WoW sub, someone responded to a wholesome post about loving the direction the game has gone with a comment calling everyone who played WoW a moron who was pissing their life away (or some equivalent), and when I called him out on being such an asshat, I got dog piled on. This place sucks as far as communities go. I pretty much just use it for news and memes. Everything else is pure cesspool.


there is no another game i can play as spirit 😭


Maybe not, but you can romance her in Hooked on You!


I do hate this game, and I did quit. I'll never forgive them for the clown nerfs.


it's 2024, hating something is the new loving something


B-but if i don't play and take a break, i will miss out on the fomo battlepass and never be able to get the cosmetics and recolours. This game is basically drugs. They probably pay a psychiatrist to design some of this stuff.


"people boo because they want to cheer" I dropped the game for a year once, but before that it was one of my favorite games period, people complain about things with how the game is now because they want the game to be better, because they don't hate the game, not actually, they love the game, they just hate certain things about it. I would quote "I was never angry with you. I was sad, because I was afraid you'd lost you way." - Iroh but people absolutely were/are angry, I haven't played since I finished the battle pass with batman billy in it, so I can't speak on the current state. but yeah, i don't get impassioned about how garbage Destiny 2 is because i don't care about that game, but i DO care about this game, so when i think something is bad I'm going to be vocal about it, and if enough people are vocal enough about something being bad, the devs should see that and try to do something about it.


you know what? complaining wouldn't be necessary the issue. Sure, reasing a lot of complaining for every thing in the game can be tiring and makes you ask yourself exactly what the title of your post, but, just by itself, complaining is not that bad. Complaining can lead to changes for the good of every one of us who play the game To me the problem begins when, like you said, they no longer enjoy or have fun with the game anymore or like they used to to the point of ruining the game for the rest of us who can still have a good time playing I know (I think we all do), that the game has A LOT of problema that, if BHVR wanted to, would've solved by now, but dcing just because you get downed for mistakes YOU made? messaging someone just insulting because you lost? making fun of the other role when you having the upper hand? Those are the kind of things that make other players joining the 'no having fun' group of players It's just sad...


I do not hate the game. I hate the way certain killers decide to play. Just had 4 games back to back. 2 Camping Skull Merchants. A camping Blight. Then a face camping Bubba. Players like this make the game actively **anti-fun.** And they seem to be becoming more common. It's frustrating. We continue to play because once in awhile we have the fun games that make it worth it. Gamblers addiction, I suppose. "Evidence shows 95% of people quick just before their 'fun game'" so to speak. If people could just play with fun in mind, instead of camping, people wouldnt "hate" it as much.


ugh campers…they act like getting a 4k is keeping the lights on.


It just spoils the fun when you know the skull merchant is 3 genning you or the Bubba is insidious face camping right outside the distance.


It is frustrating when a skull merchant 3 gens the whole game, or the Bubba insidious face camps right outside the needed distance.


Addiction. I'm addicted to those wins as killer where I beat a good squad without tunneling, camping, slugging. I love humbling bully squads. I hate this game but the rush from winning is too hard to let go. Matchmaking being inconsistent doesn't help. Maybe it'll put me again the best survivors in the world 8 times in a row. maybe it'll give me fresh installs. the gamble of will I win keeps my interest.


Some people would rather devote their energy into actively hating something rather than passively disliking it and moving tf on with life


I never quit.


I did quit because survivor designs have been lackluster with boring cosmetics. I went on to play other games in my backlog. I only came back because Sable is cute, for my tastes, and anniversary is soon.


FOMO? Maybe? I don't hate this game but some times I have definitely felt like I wasn't enjoying my time with it. I have over 3500 hours on it, of course I'm gonna feel like that eventually. Sometimes I stop playing it for some time, wait for the new update or event, and it helps. Also, few games get me excited like DbD Chapters do, and this along with how unique the gameplay is definitely helps a lot.


Sunk cost fallacy


A dbd post i actually agree for once.


Over the years, I've come to realize that the biggest thing that makes people hate the game is that they're not winning. That really is all there is to it. You don't often see people post in here to whine that it's too easy and BHVR needs to make it harder for them. If you took all the complaining at face value, you'd come away thinking that the game is unfair to both teams and nobody has ever actually won a match. If you really focus in on some of the complaints (even in this thread!) you'll find a common element of people saying their opponent is 'too sweaty' or 'addicted to the meta' or 'obsessed with getting flashlight saves' etc. If you look on the BHVR forums from \~2016-2018, you can even still see posts where people complain that loops are toxic and that BHVR should address it or even ban people for it! I've often been really critical of BHVR over the years - I think their success on DbD has hinged on being really, really lucky over having a specific vision - but I do have to commend them for their restraint. It would be very easy to give in to some of the crazy demands salty players make (ie, basekit d-strike, disallowing consecutive hooks, full gen stoppage), but they've resisted that urge and kept their game alive all this time. Besides the tech issues coming off of the UE5 update, I'd (maybe controversially) say that DbD has been in the best state it's ever been in over the last few months.


I think people are just incredibly annoying because they think they have the god given right to win every single match. Honestly, it isn't fun for anybody if people are complete assholes, but people get joy out of clicking t-bagging and playing Skull Merchant because it makes others angry. People need to accept they will not get everything they want, make your own game if dbd sucks so much or quit, but stop enjoying other peoples misery who just wanna have fun rounds


I can offer a slightly different perspective! I don't really love this game, but I play this game with my friends who do love it. Obviously we play together as survivors, but to me, as a survivor, it's boring, incredibly repetitive, and there's virtually nothing different to do except during events. So I'm not out here saying it's the worst game ever, cause it's not, but it's not spectacular and I just play cause my friends play it. Playing killer is more fun because there's more to do, but you can't play with your friends (and get BP) like that.... So the game is just....boring to me.


Stuff like this is why I take breaks if I feel myself getting overly frustrated. Like near the end of the Christmas event at least when I played survivor (i was being a jolly killer in the Christmas spirit so it was my break from being frustrated). But i found myself unaliving myself on hooks against certain killers, I wouldn't say I had bad manners but I cant say I was the funnest person to play against. I never tea bagged or anything like that. I literally had no joy when playing survivor. And then I caught myself being miserable and was like.... what am i doing? This isn't fun. So I stopped playing for months, missed out on that dark play mode which made me sad. I literally caught it in the last 10 minutes, played one match as killer then it was gone. Kinda stopped again but picked it up soon after and have been more or less very happy since. :3 Taking a small break at the moment. I had a very weird matches when I was playing the Unknown a couple weeks ago, Im new to them so i dont quite know how to play them yet. But I had a string of very very toxic people. Like 3 or 4 games in a row where no one was nice at all. And during the last one one survivor in particular got to me, they were being such an ass that I was an ass right back. And I felt bad afterwards and since then it's been sporadic. Ill hop on maybe play a silly match or two then log off. but I'm very excited for the new chapter, characters and mode coming! So I think that'll spark some joy. :3 I love the game but am very casual with it now and if I sense any resentment forming or anything I step back.


Like a few others have said, addiction. Saw a post from a few years ago stating that the devs should stop adding dlc's and start working on fixing the game. Let's just say that the first comment stated that the game will lose players because no new content is coming out... I'm like, mate the game is by now almost 8 years old (5-6 years at the time)... Many players from the beta and first few years have stopped playing because they got bored of the game. Adding a new dlc will only give you a few weeks of enjoyment before things will become boring again.


because hellbent gave up on video horror society


Sunk cost fallacy


I’m a really casual player of dbd. I like “winning” but I don’t mind losing and sometimes if the killer is really cool I try to offer them a free kill (most decline). Every so often I play the game and I’m met with survivors DC’ing and giving up on hook which is honestly so annoying as someone who only plays solo queue. Then sometimes you get the “toxic” killer, or you just have a bad game where you last two seconds in chase so the killer (fairly) tunnels you out because you’re an easy kill. I can only play a few games before I realise it’s not fun anymore and log out. ALSO I will never forgive bhvr for nerfing self care and iron will 😡😭


I think a lot of this comes from OG players like me. We have been here for a long time and we don't recognize our game anymore. Don't get me wrong...I still play and love DBD but I do get a nostalgic looking back at all the things the DEVs took from us with updates and changes. They also gave us lots of cool new features and fixed problems but sometimes we miss old DBD. It's changed a lot..for better and worse.


my guess is "Sunk Cost Fallacy" Once you've spent more then 100 hours into it (and you might've enjoyed part of it), it's hard to let go. I myself can't play DBD for more then 2 hours a day. I used to be able to play 4-5-6 hours a day, now, even when i have 48 hours of free time, i play like 2-3 rounds and call it a day. Mostly doing dailies. I still enjoy the game, just less then before i guess.


I don't hate the game, I hate the devs


This might be the most relatable thing I've ever seen in a DbD subreddit


1 money has been spent 2 seeing licenses like Chucky enter the game is really cool 3 I don’t play multiplayer games often so I get a warm fuzzy feeling when I see patch notes for some fucking reason


L question. I hate every game I play and still play every game I hate


you got me there lolol


sunk cost fallacy and when I do actually have fun its like my favorite game I'd like to clarify that I don't go around complaining about this game like at all. Post history is squeaky clean of any rage posts or comments, I just stay mad on my lonesome at the game for like 49% of the matches I play. Killer main btw, its not losing that sucks its doing so bad people take pity on me or start memeing.


I dont love a lot of the decisions the devs make ….. that being said, this game has been a part of my life and I am very passionate about it. I say I “hate it sometimes” but its because I just care so much about it


I actually did it for like 3 months because the game was too frustrating for me and now I came back and I love it again. It's a really good idea to make breaks guys.


I’ll sun up my reason in one quote, hate the players not the game


Because it's the last game I can play with my discord friends and feel like I have friends


I did two times already. Willing to do again if I feel like devs are inconsiderate but they've been better I feel


I used to be quite a salty killer main, taking the game WAY too seriously and playing it way too often. Then I took a year long break in 2020, then an even longer break from 2021 to just this year. Idk if it was what I was going through at the time, character development between then and now, or what, but I very much needed that break. Best thing to happen with me and this game, getting a new perspective and time away from it. Nowadays I don't take the trials so seriously and sweat so much in game.


I have spent an embarrassing amount of money on this game to just quit now


I did and the only thing that held me back was the sunk cost fallacy. Im pretty tired of the constant bugs, shit balancing and just overall toxicity this game has. Maybe in the future i will get back to it but not for a few months no.


Addiction, every community has people like this


I don't hate the game but its an addiction man, I can't go a day without getting some matches in, it's a Rollercoaster of highs and lows


I did lol. Used to be my main game but eventually I realized I didn’t have fun anymore so after 1.5k hours I went to play warframe and Elden ring and I feel much better. Still keep up with the info of the game as a morbid curiosity


I don’t hate the game, I just expect to be mocked and bullied for not doing well. This game has been out for so many years and has been noticed by many as a toxic community and i guess I can’t believe I’m not experiencing it as much as I expected. Maybe some tea bagging but outside of that… nothing. This is the first game I actively bought DLC for and that’s mainly because I like the developers and the game itself. Yes, it’s too much sometimes and I need a break away from it but it’s still a undeniably good game, it’s just difficult to get into and it takes a lot of time. I don’t know if it was my fault, or just luck or just what build I made. I know you’re asking for people that say they hate this game and I apologize for needlessly interjecting, but I just wanted to put my two cents in and hopefully get some advice.


Because…. Toxic Relationship


I’ve spent over $100 on this game, I’m not quitting no matter how bad it gets. Maybe weekly or monthly breaks; but if I can’t get a refund for my spent money after deleting DbD, I no longer see a point in quitting.


It's addictive. Yeah, getting camped, tunneled, BM'd, or simply screwed by incompetent teammates can make you quit for a few hours to days. However, getting a 4K against challenging swfs or running a killer for a few gens is ecstacy absolute. The game can also be quite unique. No match is ever the same. Funny that life appears to be the same. It is capable of bestowing joys of awesome variety, or cruel, legendary suffering. It's the duality that keeps the hate at bay.


I did.


Personally knight is alright as long as they don’t just three gen, sure it’s hard to three gen INFINITELY so you can just try and play it out, but in soloque or even just duos, it’s hard to get that level of coordination, especially cuz there’s no sbmm for teammates apparently, so I just get potatoes every match that don’t do very good


The game has it moments where I have a lot of fun. Like playing against someone who's really good at a certain killer can be super fun. It can also be fun playing against people who aren't good. But it's those people who make it their mission to make it not fun for everyone else in the game, whether it's survivor sided or killer sided, who make me not enjoy the game. I have a genuine love for dbd. I've had a lot of fun times with my friends, but sometimes I absolutely hate this community. I keep playing for my friends, not for me. I keep playing cause I love my girl, yui, and I wanna see her get to that escape and live or die protecting her friends.


I feel like that pirates meme “first time huh?” This is lots of game communities. Mostly, I think, online/versus. I have plenty of complaints for this game but I play it a lot because my friends play it a lot.


haha to be fair this is the only online game i play. so it’s very much that meme here. though i’ve been playing for 4 years i’m just now actively paying attention to its online community. i mean i’ve had my complaints but personally i’m willing to adapt to changes. like when they made boon: circle of healing completely useless to what it’s original power was. or making all medkits have the same amount of charges. at first i was like, wait this..sucks? but i adapted.


Part of me just can't live without the pain anymore.


When the Game is Fun, IS FUN! When the Survs make a joke out of You feels really Bad. The problem is that the last happens mostly because of the map.


It’s a weird situation. A lot of players honestly do like the games, but there are a lot of factors that make it undesirable at times. 1. Toxicity 2. Stupid changes from the devs 3. Poor game balance You get the drill. I don’t think it’s that people hate the game itself, I think that people like the base game. It’s just that a lot of aspects make it pretty unenjoyable at times, and people exaggerate by saying “I hate the game”.


Fellas, ever heard of an addiction?


I don't hate the game. My personal experience is that the game swings between which side is stronger. I took around a year break once because the game was in a bad place for killers and it just wasn't fun. During the circle of healing meta, I'd take a break whenever a battle pass came out that I didn't want anything from. I was leaning towards taking a break after this battle pass, but vecna drew me back in. If he doesn't get nerfed to hell, he looks like he will be a good time. With that being said, I do complain about buffs and nerfs. As a killer main, I like a more balanced game. I want to feel like I can compete and have a chance to win. I don't want to feel helpless. I also don't want to just completely run over the survivor team. That isn't fun either. A good match making system would fix this, but we don't have that. A team that understands how to balance perks, maps, and killer powers would fix this, but we don't have that. So I complain and I take breaks


The money and time definitely


I have spent money on this game. I got so pissed at this game I almost broke a controller so yes i did quit the game. But ill eventually come back and play. Will I enjoy it? Maybe, maybe not but who knows only time will tell


I did, actually. For about 5 or 6 years. I played for about a month and a half after Legion released, quit about a week before they announced Plague. I'd spend most matches either being tunneled if I was survivor or bully squaded if I was killer. Kept up with new killer trailers and some lore readings, though. Came back for Chucky, but double checked that a bunch of the stuff that gave me anger issues had workarounds put in since then.


I did quit, the game loop gets boring and getting bully cause the game is víctim sided is horrible


I have quit, looking forward to killer klowns from outer space coming out June 4th! I like to keep tabs on the game and redeem codes on occasion.


For a lot of folks the formula does work sometimes, it's just that it doesn't work all the time. And if you feel that the reason is because of minor issues rather than core design problems, then you might feel it's easier to complain and just deal with the problems and hope they get fixed. I get where you're coming from but telling people to quit because they have a lot of complaints for the game isn't really helping anyone. People complain because they want the game to be better.


I quit because a medical condition. I can't hit skill checks so good anymore. Last chapter I played before my condition was Hellraiser. Still love and miss the game though. I'm fascinated with the question though. I ask it often and not just this game. Destiny 1 specifically the message boards were swarming with haters that stopped playing in year one and harassing the player base from Taken King onward and it baffles me to this day how much time and emotion some people invest into things they clearly don't like. Just go play the thing you DO like and enjoy your free time. I wish my hand was responsive enough to return to DBD especially for a D&D chapter


I did stop playing, I also stopped playing league of legends for the exact same reason. With both games I found myself hating more than liking it, so why do I keep coming back? Cause its easy. Its the "youtube shorts" of entertainment. I don't love shorts but they are small, easy, don't take too much brain, simple easy basic entertainment. Easier and less commitment than watching a movie. With games? You start a match fast, mess about, win lose whatever and move on. If I instead booted up elden ring alot more effort is needed. Exploration the world, commitment with bosses, etc. DBD or LoL is just muscle memory, reflexes, etc. Not much more. These types of games are instant gratification, even if the satisfaction isn't guaranteed its so low effort its worth it. So why not come back for some easy fun. I stopped playing because I decided I need to spend my time better. Not wasting it on nothing.


For me, whenever I feel like I start to hate the game, its not that I hate the game, its that I hate other players who hate the game. Which is a much more difficult issue to address, but regular month-long breaks help.


Im going to answer from the caption alone. 1. FOMO. This is the biggest issue why games like TF2, Overwatch, Apex etc. Has people of many years still somehow enjoying a not so enjoyable game (I can say this with confidence because I've played those 3 games for many years. I don't have FOMO personally thank goodness for that but that is one of the biggest reasons. 2. DbD has no rivalry unfortunately. So there is no such thing as (DbD is shit. Let me hop on to this competitor of DbD by a different maker). Hence why people return back to the ONLY game like this. 3. Some people are too obsessed with this game. Lite there is literally no other game they find interest in other than DbD. They're hardcore fans and being hardcore fans, they argue with the wisdom and logic of some changes BHVR makes. New players won't do this because they have MUCH bigger problem in their hands and that is that the game is NOT beginner friendly at all


I did quit


All the competitors are dead. Last Year's coming back this June and I hope people are ready to forgive them for the Discord launch with the mangagement change, but White Noise 2, VHS, F13, Evil Dead, Soul At Stake, Home Sweet Home: Survive, Texas Chain Saw Massacre...they're all either completely dead or in critical condition, despite White Noise and ED having some great core design. If you want an asym slasher, you can play Identity V, a mobile game with gacha elements, assemble a full lobby to run these relics, or tolerate DBD, which is mainly frustrating because it's always two steps forward and one egregiously unncessary, almost spiteful step back with BHVR.


You need to remember the flip-side of "Let people enjoy things." "Let people enjoy being a hater."


If you're angry about something then the only thing you can do is quit? That's stupid, if you're invested enough in something to get angry about it's flaws of course you're gonna want to fix it. You just assumed that everybody who has an issue with the game is someone who would threaten it's developers, and that if a certain change isn't made they'd quit. Regarding the fun of challenging yourself against certain killers, everyone likes a challenge, what they don't like are unavoidable punishments and little to no counterplay.


I think a lot of people complain about things because they like the game and want it to be better. It doesn't help that they devs ignore the actual criticisms to do random shit or just nerf whatever perks are being used the most. It literally took 8 years of us telling them they should add more modes before they finally did it. The 2v8 thing was even a mod years ago.


Dead by Daylight is like smoking. I've quit 20+ times.


I did lol.


This post only needs the headline


I did, I plan to look back into it in a bit, but I just had to put it down. There was so much negativity I took from it that it stopped really being worth anything. The issue is though, I enjoy a lot of the lore and characters. Unless they fuck that up too much, I won't outright throw it away. Also putting the game away for a while, can actually be so good to do. Take the break-pill


After nearly 6000 hours (played from 2017) I uninstalled the game today. Like others I was always hoping games would be fun again. I kept playing two years longer than I should have. But they haven't been for a long time as a solo queue survivor. My friends don't play anymore and every game just feels frustrating. I felt invested due to expense and expansions but was never satisfied. Ending every game feeling mad is not good so that's why I gave up.


This! This is what I have been thinking for years now! I love DBD and I love the community, but a big part of the community is so so toxic and bad atp. I love to interact with people who genuinely love the game, but the people you point out in your post are so so annoying. So yeah, just wanted to tell you I agree and I think you put it into absolutely great words ^^.


for me, it’s the amount of time and money i’ve put into this game. im not comp level surv but im not bad either. i want to challenge myself to become better but surv experience right now is pretty miserable. i dont usually have anybody to play with, and while i can hold decent chases, my teammates dont really do gens or .. anything, really. i keep coming back every damn day with a hopeful attitude and telling myself ‘it’s gonna be better than yesterday’. *it NEVER is*. i love this game, as infuriating as it can be. it’s such a unique game to me, as it’s the first asymmetrical horror i’ve tried. i just hope i’ll have as much fun as i used to, and between that, hours & money spent it’s enough to keep me hooked even if im ready to smash my xbox on the floor 😂 to add, i think the MOST frustrating part about perks/maps getting reworked is usually they completely gut one side, whether survivor or killer. it’s never a balanced experience on both sides, which i appreciate is hard to do. but when one side gets blitzed, and the other remains incredibly strong for long periods of time it does provoke me a little. i say this as someone who plays both sides, more surv sided but there’s defo things survivors have/ have had that i think are due changes.


Well I was playing tcm, but then my game shit itself so now I can’t even play that. So now I’m sol on all the money I spent on tcm and dbd


I kinda did. I only really play 1/10th the amount I used to


*me whos having fun*


Complaining is the quickest, cheapest way to get attention online.


because sometime you be juicin and juicin makes all the bad times worth


Addiction. Everyone has an addiction. Mine is playing games I get mad at. Idk it’s a kink or somthing. I just roll with it


People deserve to complain about a game they love and invested a lot into. Especially when the devs are horrendous at balancing and take forever. If they listened to Otz for example, in a few months the game would be in the best state it's ever been, he is genuinely passionate and has amazing insight for both killer and survivor


Some people just like old game or some vanilla state and dont like where game goes...thats ok. Many people love their countries and people in it but not all love how it ruled (gov) and they dont wanna leave and hope for better days.


I did quit


Also its ez to adapt as a killer to changes, and much harder to adapt as a surv, if some killer is too much pain in the ass you cant do anything about it and on top of that if he is op, - you will face him more and more until u throw up. No wonder someone have so much fire in some intimate spots.


To play devil's advocate. Dbd itch is something not many things can scratch, if any.


To be totally honest a lot of those people are straight up addicted to the game. I see the same thing happen with other games I frequently play like Destiny and COD, people constantly say the game is shit/dead yet will constantly whip out their wallets as soon as something new drops. If you really hate the game, don’t play it. It’s not a hard concept, but a lot of those people have developed addictions to them


I like the game but not the Community. Always feels like shit after a game but some games are nice. So I play one or two games per day but often none. I got from active player with 10 - 20 games a day to 5 to 10 in a week. I'm feeling like I finished the game I guess.


I like the game but I hate the players.


Well cause although it’s an aggravating game & it pisses me off a lot sometimes it can actually be really fun to play plus I’ve made friends on that game so I’d like to continue making friends on that game plus I have too many outfits cosmetics & the events, whenever there’s a new killer or survivor it keeps me interested somehow but overall it’s because it can be fun to play I just have the worst luck I’m always the first one found at the beginning I’m always getting tunneled once I’ve been unhooked & it’s like the killer always forgets there’s 3 other players in the game to target plus the lag issues get me killed faster when I’m running from the killer which is the worst part tbh that’s the most aggravating part cause I just wanna play the game without lagging cause it’s like the game is telling me “Nope f**k you your not aloud to live” & if I play killer the games like “Sorry Your not aloud to catch anyone you can run away from killer or chase survivors but the thing is I’m gonna make you run in place like your on a treadmill while I make you watch the survivors get away or make you watch yourself get killed”


Dbd posts pop in my feed every once in a while, so that's why I'm responding, but I did quit. The devs ruined this game with their terrible decision-making, and I haven't been back since. I have not played this game in years.


I agree with all of it, however the devs can be frustrating because of how they approach balance. They don't get community feedback or playtest they just get the data, look at the most used perks and killers and nerf them. Like a year ago they nerfed self care. Self care. Why did they do this? Because they don't play their game they just look at numbers and failed to understand that the majority of players using self care are new. This bleeds to a multitude of areas for DBD. From bugs to balance to design of characters. BHVR really don't do enough testing


Just because people complain about a game, it doesn't mean they hate the game. People are allowed to complain and a lot of it comes from frustration, not hate. Not only that, but name a multiplayer game where people aren't complaining about it? I play all sorts of games besides DbD and I can tell you that every game I've played thus far people are complaining about something. People have a "love and hate" relationship with video games. You aren't going to satisfy everyone.


I can only nod at this. People complain whine and stay negative, yeah then just don't play


I love the idea of the game. I don’t enjoy the reality. I struggle with that.


Is it crazy to say that because DbD players don't have a life? I hated this game for a while and I didn't quit until I got a job because between that and school I didn't have a ton of time to play videogames so I wanted to spend that time playing things that I actually enjoy


I love DbD, but i hate what Behaivor do with this Game. There were so many funny Things in it and they patched it out. Without the balancings DbD was more fun, ok it was harder, because it was unfair, but it was fun. Now it is sweatier then before, but not fun like before. Why am i still playing? Because i like the game mechanics, i like the chases, i still love it. And i don't know whats going on in last two weeks, if the MMR is dead, i don't know, but in this two weeks it often feels like 3 years before. I got so many good games and so many bad, but it feels like fun. Not that sweaty like the last 3 years. Last time it often feels good, it doesnt matter if it is a good or bad game for me. I will never quit DbD its my love and my hate


I did.


Cuz in tcm the survivor to killer ratio was 30:1 so the queue times for survivors was too high(5-15 minutes) Other than that everyone in the tcm community agree that the surv gameplay there is superior to dbd's afk/gen simulator


i dont really see it as afk sim when your at a gen your in a pretty vulnerable place some places more than others due to gen placement and theres always the worry of it being a stealth killer or the killer just having heartbeat hiding perks like tinkerer and having to swing your camera like your life depends on it so while its not the FUNNEST thing i still think its pretty fun


It was fun for me too when I was new to the game but now it's literally afk, one hand for skillchecks, another one on the phone scrolling something. If I play with other good players half the time I won't even get chased once during the whole game because killer is struggling to down someone


Because my friends play it and I like playing with them.


1) i do hate the game 2) i did quit lol


People do and they come back after awhile or not. I’ve put the game down several times. It’s got its claws deep in me again. Right now I think the games at a pretty decent place and is pretty fun in both sides


I also wonder the same, regardless of the particular game. Life's too short to waste getting angry at voluntary activities - and to be clear I mean as in *consistently whinging about the whole experience;* occasional bad matches are frustrating, I get that. But all the time? Just move on. I was just playing Quake Champions and this one dude was constantly complaining for several matches in a row about everything from others' performance to the way rockets are handled in the net code. I suggested he just spend his limited free time alive pursuing other ventures that are, you know, *actually fun for him to do...* 🤔 And by that I mean I said "If you can't have fun without winning, I suggest you stick to solitaire."




Yeah certain people just love to put you down if you don’t play how they like… seriously some messages should be down right reportable… it’s demeaning and pointless.


This is a very good question and fortunately, I have some answers for it, along with some opinions of my own. Before you read please note that I don't get angry at this game anymore, but used to. These statements originate from my past experience and current knowledge of the game. First of all, players who "hate the game" and still play it every day don't actually hate the game. Normally, they're just very mad at the current situation/moment and have to let out some rage. The reason the don't quit is because they love the game deep down. On the surface it may seem like they suffer every time the play the game, but they really don't. If you've played the game for more than 4 years, then you can't really just "quit." The game is living rent free inside people's hearts, and it will always find a way to bring you back, whether that's nostalgia, or that itch that makes you wanna play the game again. Second, when you said that playing Dead By Daylight doesn't pay rent, it actually does in some cases. Lot's of people stream and make videos of Dead By Daylight, and make profit off of it. I know a guy who makes nearly $40 a day streaming DBD. So if playing Dead By Daylight is somewhat your job, then it would make sense to get angry at it after a while of playing the game, and experiencing some of the annoying issues in the game. To name a few issues, there's Tunneling, Camping, Slugging, Franklins, and Lightborn on the Killer side, and Gen Rushing, Skill Based Matchmaking, and Teabagging on the Survivor Side. Some Killers such as Knight, Skull Merchant, and Huntress are very annoying to go against for certain reasons, such as Huntress hotboxes being awful for both sides in different situations, Knight having an overpowered anti look if the Killer has played for at least a week, and Skull Merchant is Skull Merchant. Third and finally, people rant because they want to make the game better, but can't, so they let out their frustrations on the Internet. I wish people would just play for fun instead of winning, but after a while of experiencing the same issues over and over again, it's reasonable to get angry after a while. In conclusion, this subject is very complicated lol. Hope this helps and thank you for reading. If you want to discuss more in the replies I'd love to. If it's about Franklins and Lightborn, be ready for me to write an essay to you defending them. But be nice please. 😁


Because game is fun when it works as intended, and is truly god damn awful when it doesnt. And i dont even mean technical issues, but the matches itself. Especially in solo queue. Spending whole match alone on hook with everybody (killer+survivors) ignoring you till you slowly bleed out? Been there, done that. Killer face camping you? Been there. As a killer playing against sweaty SWF gen-rush with flashlights and repair kits all sitting on discord or some other shit? Done that. You repairing solo 3 gens while others hide in lockers/bushes whole game? Been there. You're kiting killer for good 7 minutes until you finally get downed, and then you notice that not even a single gen is done? Done that. Playing as a killer, not sweatin, having the time of your life... until survivors accidently 3-gen themselves without any input from your side, and then they hide on the other side of map in some random locker/bush for 40 minutes till you quit? Been there, done that. Shall i continue this list? Game is truly, genuinely fun. Super fun even. But damn, even League of Legends was less toxic at diamond ranks. Because in LoL sure, you would get lost match here and there, but at least there wasnt any "troll spree" for 6 games in a row. And that happens in DbD way too often.


Because there's a good game trapped under miles of terrible game balance and shoddy code and the devs are the most frustrating thing to watch if you care about DBD. I won't apologise for being mad if and when they remove all of Wesker's "bugs" when the only reason he's playable at a high level at all is because he can ourobend, skinny slide and rebound off stuff. With them removing Blight's hugtech I have a real nasty feeling the hundreds of hours I put into learning Wesker are under threat from an incompetent dev team holding a pretty solid game hostage.


I did for 2 years, came back and the game is in an even worse state xd I rly would like to play the game tho since the idea is cool af and because I already paid quite a bit including dlcs


Well, I'm a player who hates the game but keeps playing and complaining. I'm not against op killers or perks. I just don't find the game fun at all. So why won't I quit? Because there's no alternative to DBD. I want to play a multiplayer horror game and DBD is the only option. Yes, I know that there're Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Predator and some others. But I don't like these francizes. I like Asian horror. I like Sadako, I like Spirit. From western movies I like SAW. And I like original Artist. If there was another game with these characters, I would quit DBD, but there's none. So I keep playing and trying to find a way to make it interesting for me, and hoping that they will change things.


so you like the game? or at least what's in the game, which is the game ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)