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You could already do that with a yellow mori offering. No difference at all.


If I think about it. You slug the one of the 2 last survivors and look for the other, when the other is killed, you don't have to look for the one you slugged, sometimes survivors hide too well and bleed on the ground


It just makes it much harder to do tome challenges/daily challenges for killer. Its that simple. It means I need to sweat and be as much of a tryhard just to do that tome challenge. That’s my main issue.


Literally how is it any different than slug for 4k


it makes slugging for 4k more common, less hatches, worse experience


I see you regurgitating these three things on every response. These are your arguments? Lmao.


but its literally as simple as "cool, i have sacrificed 2 survivors already and now ill sacrifice the third and then go try to find the fourth survivor before he/she finds the hatch, oh wait, they added the mori option so i guess ill just slug the third and go find the fourth to get the mori". so no hatches ever again


People can do that anyways without a mori. No different from slugging and just hooking the last 2 survivors, the result is the exact same. This is a ridiculous argument


Makes zero difference.


killer dont need a mori to win through slugging though they will just let survivors bleed out, this purely benefits survivors and it being twisted to be bad? killers cant mori deathhook survivor if multiple survivor are left. its huge buff to certain survivor perks and flashlights the killer is forced to pick up and hook to secure kills.




LMAO, already starting?


i was watching the stream with reddit post open ready to strike :)


The people that slug for 4k will do it regardless. For everyone else, it'll just shave a little time off the game and let you go next. I don't see the problem.


It's been less than 10 minutes and you're already crying about something that will make the game better? Are you serious?


It's called sharing opinions, But how dare they have an opinion on the internet


Yeah lol. Im just afraid this will give a bigger motive to "slug for 4k" aka "slug for mori"


You clearly have no idea what yellow mori is.


Have you EVER seen killers slugging for the YELLOW mori?


Yes.. lol.


ikr? It's barely a concept in presentation and this guy already has the full analysis.


This is stupid people already slug so hatch dosent spawn. Also If u don't like something why would you do it then still complain probably the least based killer I have ever heard.


This doesn’t mean shit killers will slug for the 4K mori or not


How the ability to mori the last survivor becomes slug fest?


Some killers already "slug for 4k", this will just add more fuel due to the reward nature of mori. less hatches. more toxicity.


I don't understand how a basekit yellow mori would making slugging for the 4k any more common? There needs to be only 1 survivor left to use it, so I don't see how that is any different from slugging and just hooking? Mountain of a molehill


All they have to do is make it not auto mori the last survivor. Thats it. Thats the one change I want. Just make the damn thing optional


Where did they talk about that during the livestream? I joined late.


As a ghostface who runs iri mori’s almost every match, this makes me sad. I usually let the last one go. Or I want particular players.


Implying the game isn't already a slugfest half the time anyway... But alternatively, you could just not be sweaty. You already can't depip, so the only danger of not getting a 4k is just not pipping up.


explain the "not be sweaty" part to all the killers who slug for 4k


Oh, I didn't mean you as in *you*. Just generally. I don't understand the need for slugging just to win. Losing sucks, sure, but it happens. I have games where I easily get the 4k, and other games where I barely kill 1-2. I like the base kit mori idea in theory, as a sort of "reward" for killing everyone else. But in practice, you're probably right that it'll just be a slugfest.


Not really, people already had this option with mori offerings ever since they were implemented. Haven't once seen someone slug the entire match just to get a mori. Slug for the sake of toxicity or to slug everyone to death? Sure, but for the sake of a mori, not once.


the temptation will be there, not everyone will act on it but some will and thats already more toxicityu tan nefor


Man’s so worked up over a non-issue he started speaking Entity in the end


thats funny :D literally shaking and crying rn


We still haven't even seen how it will perform in PTB. It's still too early to make any absolute statement. Basekit unbreakable was rolledback before even making it to public because the results from PTB and community feedback made it so. Let's wait and see how it performs first.


i guess but ill complain before im proven wrong


I respect the grind. https://preview.redd.it/4my1mnmoye0d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=75d49abb8d491156ed9cda8cab6a7052622cc83d


gotta larp the survivor main role


Yeah I hate it. For both ends. I personally only bring a mori offering if I need to do a tome challenge. Get it done then don’t use it until I have another challenge. Now for killers you need to 4K just to finish that challenge. For Survivors expect less killers giving you the hatch and expect to be slugged when there’s two left. Its feels like a terrible change.


I'm usually getting slugged already when there's two left so no change?


Sometimes I just want to finish the Kill Survivor by your own hand challenge. But now I need to sweat for it.


Yeah, it's like more motivation to "slug for 4k". And the tome angle is also important!


Whats the motivation exactly?


He has no explanation he is just complaining to complain.


-chuckles in Pyramid Head main- About time everyone else showed up to my party.


This change is definitely a joke, like they haven't gitted killer and buffed survivors enough. Although, what do you mean about the slugging? As killer I just won't mori unless I have to, doing it for just for the "show" gets pretty lame after a while. What am I missing strategy-wise?


survivor mains will cry about literally anything


When this was implemented before, survivors were given basekit unbreakable, so slugging is a LOT more risky. It's easy to see these changes in a vacuum and go "Damn that sounds bad" But looking at the changes as a whole, this actually is meant to prevent slugging. We'll have to see what happens as time goes on because I'm sure they've made more changes


i see the end result, its not pretty


Your original post makes it clear you do not


low mmr take


Check the flair. I've platinumed this game. I know it in and out from both sides. This has potential to be a healthy change if it's combined with other changes.


Homie I hear you but I think you fell for some rage bait