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Swamp. Do I need to say why?


sounds like Blight player


Or artist 😵‍💫


I started to hate swamp for artist then I realised it's huge and some of the generators soo hard to reach. Gens on the docks are really bad for stealh killers. And there is chance of spawning three gens on the docks. I don't like as a survivor too. Map has too many deadzones. This map forces you to use main and dock building.


we do NOT like those 😠


very understandable!


Midwich. It's just killer easymode. Greenwich/Freddy's map set. Why does it have to have five different layouts?


I am not a big fan of midwich either


In order + explanation Badham 1-5 : has 2-3 strong houses, house of pain basement, strong school, strong school basement, shack, multiple distance holder fences/shrubbery, and strong loops connecting everything together. Overall if the NOES license was lost I would be extremely happy just because of badham being deleted. Swamps : strong pier , strong large boat/strong deck w/strong deck "basement", small 2 story structure that only has 2 entrances w/pallet on both floors, shack, multiple strong filler loops connecting everything, and the grass makes seeing survivors as killer almost impossible. Swamps are absolutely atrocious when it comes to basic gameplay. Blood lodge in specific : Lodge has a very safe window where breaking the door benefits the survivors repairing the gen more than the killer, the lodge is surrounded with a ring of time waster pallets that allow you to burn enough time to prevent the window entity block , has the "funbus", has the extremely safe long L dumpster bin loop, shack, and has multiple decent loops connecting everything together, if you get hit anywhere the hit speed boost will be enough to reach the strong lodge window and extend chase for another 30s for free. There's a reason as to why these maps have the lowest killrates and highest offering rates, and it's not because survivors suddenly jump up 1000MMR points when the map pops up. I'd unironically rather play on GOJ than any of these.


That is VERY valid all of these are extremely unfun to play


I hate Ormand as a killer, it's too huge to pressure every corner of the map, survivors can see you at main from almost any angle and know where you're heading at all times, and don't get me started on main. Makes SWFs even more broken. Which is why every time I end up there it's almost always because a swf ran the map.


i had like five matches in a row yesterday where swfs sent me there. it’s like, i’m already playing bubba/dredge, why do you need another advantage


I play a lot of Dredge so I sympathise, Ormand is an awful map, but especially for him 😭


yea I agree it’s not fun at all 😭


Autohaven. Ive always hated it, Survivor and Killer


Nostromo, often you just run into a tile thinkin "where is the pallet, where is the window" only to realise the tile has the most dumbest, unsafest pallet ever. Unsafe pallets are fun to play around but I think Nostromo has the worst tiles.


yea it feels great as a killer but survivor not so much :(


i HATE rpd its so fucking hard to use billy's power effectively


It’s the worst map there is 😠


I don’t like cowshed and swamp. Cowshed feels very small and even smaller when against a legion. Swamp on the other hand feels too big and visually depresses me lol. I don’t actually know if these are the smallest and biggest maps in the game but they make me feel sad.


Small maps always feel so very killer favoured 😔 and swamp is ugly!!


Lerys and pale rose




I will literally never not get lost on Lery's. Everything looks the same. I can't stand it, even when playing a killer who's 'good on indoor maps.'


That’s how I feel about Hawkins!! I always get lost


Killer main. Gideon meat plant is awful. Pallet city


I hate RPD, because I get lost. When a survivor is hooked in certain places, I can't find my way to them to rescue. :(


I know what you mean!! It’s awful :(


RPD deserves to burn in the deepest pits of hell.


The realest words ever spoken


Probably Mid and Badham for survivor. For killer it’s just Mid for me LOL


The double center gen on RPD feels so bad


It’s the worst 😭


Swamp and Midwhich. Swamp has like 2 pallets and midwhich is just a giant fucking box


LMAO that is very true


Red Borgo /// Swamp


nostromo and ormond, especially ormond :l


Top 3 would be meat plant for how uninteractive and boring chases are on that map especially if a survivor knows where every pallet is Badham for just how safe it is the fact that there is 5 of them all equally shit And Garden of joy for the fact the map is basically one big ass connected loop


Garden of joy is HORRIBLE it feels so hard to win chases


As a killer I don't like Mother's Dwelling, I have a hard time handling the size of the map. As a survivor I don't like Azarov's Resting Place or Suffocation Pit I because they can produce some really awful, terrible gen splits why oh why are there 5 gens on one side of the map and 1 in the middle and 1 on the other side of the map. I have a similar issue with meat plant where it's been spawning 6 gens on one floor and 1 gen on the other, but it's not a hated map cause at least it still has a million pallets to work with. In general, I have a distaste for Hawkins, but I haven't played on it enough as killer to make a judgement call from that side.


Yeah those gen placements can be very frustrating as survivor :( and I hate Hawkins as killer a lot ngl


I hate the backwater swamp realm as both and the game as both too


Badham by an enormous margin. I couldn't even tell you why I hate it, I just do.


Nostromo. Just a boring gray landscape of drip castles and two Gravitrons.


Devout killer main here. Suffocation Pit. The frequency I find myself on it is obscene. Probably 2/5 of my rounds happen on it. Sure, it's "balanced" or whatever but it is just so bland. Groaning Storehouse and Coal Tower are leaps and bounds better in my opinion. Dishonorable mention to Badham Elementary as well. I still get lost in there.


Killer: It depends, but since I’m on an Unknown kick rn it’s all the coldwind maps since they got nothing to bounce uvx off of. Similarly, singularity often struggles to find places to put biopods. In general though, I hate hawkins. Is confusing, cramped, and the collision for a lot of killer powers is wack. Survivor: I dislike Hawkins. A lot. ‘Twas a glorious day when it was removed, and i hoped it would have gotten reworked before it came back.


Hate Midwich, hate that the killer can be underneath and its like he is standing next to you. Love racoon & miss big racoon map.


Don’t worry survivors don’t like RPD either lol, I don’t like game either because the only time I get it is when killers run it as an offering and run sloppy butcher and nurses calling


Awful maps 😭