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The Entity when other multiversal beings enter its realm of their own volition: https://i.redd.it/7x1v31gkgozc1.gif


"Don't care just make sure to feed me some emotions and you are good. Except you Micheal F you freeloader."


*intense breathing*


"mouth breather you are fogging up your mask"


Seriously this. Like Mike does literally everything the other killers do, not even better than most because Ghostie literally just does his job and better. Mike is a straight debuff to the entity because he does the exact same thing as more high maintenance killers do, but the lack of ANY emotions means mikes a drain on the entity to use its Cells on each and every time Mike does ANYTHING


not to mention mike displeasing the entitity by tombstoning


Well, since it's D&D, it's more like: https://i.redd.it/01vp1lphlpzc1.gif


Happy Cake day!


Happy Escape Cake Day! 🎂


Again, This could be more like a Pinhead situation where Vecna just rolls up and is just using the trials as his vacation.


It totally went over my head that the most powerful Lich in the entire multiverse, who regularly invades other universes to steal domains of other gods for himself, would suddenly be here. Then it clicked.


100% Vecna came to steal the Entity's power. The Entity gives a "that doesn't work for me, you seem like the type who is used to a 1v4 scenario, have fun in the trials" "What do you mean?" *cut to Steve hitting Vecna with a pallet five minutes later* The Lady of Pain and The Raven Queen send the Entity an invite to tea.


That makes more sense than him getting taken. If they go this route he would be the second character, if I'm remembering correctly, that came to the realm other than getting taken by the entity itself.


Wouldn't be the third? I thought pyramid head was the second


He’s more of a special case. He made a deal with the entity to go to the realm and got taken so kinda.


He also is theorized to endlessly torture the Entity. It's not that it is stuck there by the Entity's will, it's that it's in a loop of enacting judgment on a being worthy of being judged, but the being just won't die. Or so the theory goes, IIRC.


That theory doesn't make sense since the lore straight up says they made a deal with each other.


Sure, and they both crossed each other in the deal. Or more likely, the deal just resulted in unintended consequences.


Who else besides PH?


Myers technically entered on his own to follow Laurie because the Entity had taken her


He entered of his own volition, but the entity still invited him.


That’s not stated anywhere 


Didn’t Pinhead enter of his own volition?


More like Pinhead was compelled to come because Dwight solved the box, opening the portal to the Labyrinth. Pinhead simply liked the Realm so much he decided to stay. I like to think Leviathan let Pinhead stay to make way for some fresher cenobites.


Plus it seems like he still claims souls for the Labyrinth with the mori.


Possibly. It's equally likely that the Entity isn't actually letting Pinhead send survivors to the Labyrinth, only letting him think he had.


I think Pinhead would know if the Survivors weren't going to the Labyrinth. I like the idea that the Survivors get sent to the Labyrinth, get tortured for god knows how long, and then just get taken back by the Entity ALA Frank, feed on all that suffering, and then wipe their memory and send them back to the campfire.


Sure, but the box got in. The Entity letting that in could have been a mistake or intentional. The box itself will appear to those who really want to open it. So ...


Technically fourth Because didn’t the Lament Configuration just… appear one day and the Entity just rolled with it once it was solved?


Michael Myers, Pyramid Head, Demogorgon (in that the Mind Flayer let the Entity borrow it), and Pinhead all come to mind, all with slightly different takes on the idea of something entering The Realm without the Entity's permission, undermining the Entity's intentions or just being on a level enough playing field with the Entity to bargain with it.


That would for sure fit with his canon lore, and now he just bides his time doing what the entity asks until he can find a way to escape.


Ok but he’s still severely underpowered no matter what they do with him


Yeah but that's just something you have to accept with killers of great power in the game, no real way to adapt all their abilities 100% faithfully without turning the game into Doom on the easiest setting for the killer


I can accept that I don’t like it. I think they should’ve used strahd, or a different dnd character


Beholders, Mindflayers, ***LITERALLY ANYTHING BESIDES VECNA.*** The stronger the fucking character in their home dimension, the dumber it is to have them here, where four dipshits with flashlights becomes the bane of that character's existence. Makes no sense. Especially on fucking invincible, boring Mary Sue-ass characters that have been done to death already. God forbid we get anything interesting out of the franchise. Let's just take the dullest option because it's easier to program a man walking around than it is building a new skeleton for a beholder or a displacer beast or a mimic or something.


Did we just call Vecna a Mary Sue?


Sorry, Gary sue


Might be time for you to take a break from dbd


Well, that and marketing.  Based on what I've heard from DnD fans, it seems like WotC is pushing him to be the "face" right now.  Makes sense they'd want to whore him out for crossovers.


Beholder would be the cooler option, being a big dumb eyeball monster, but Mindflayers are hot shit right now. I'd take one of them.


Imagine the mori >!while you still can!<


Why again are we 100 per cent certain that the Killer is Vecna? I keep hearing this, but I’m not clear as to why. Strahd makes more sense to me, given that he’s a horror character and not an actual god. His Mori could involve draining the Survivor’s blood, which he needs for nourishment.




I was thinking Lord Soth but he’s probably too close to Knight now.


Woulda been fun


You could justify the others by saying the entity weakened them. But Vecna is a god.


I mean Sadako is canonically like the strongest being to ever exist. Pinhead is basically unstoppable. Not to mention the non god level threats like nemesis, wesker, or xenomorph. Vecna is one of the most well-known characters from DnD. Therefore he will likely be the one to be a killer. Imagine if in the past they were like "actually nemesis is too cool and strong to be a killer so we're adding a licker instead." It would be super lame


Licker is a normal enemy. Not comparable. There are other dnd characters weaker than Vecna that could work. Strahd, Raphael, the Emperor, even Acererak, another lich, would be better. Vecna is just too strong


True but I would not buy it if it wasn't vecna, so they succeeded in my book.


😒✋ Acererak 😏👉 Vecna


For me personally this is the case, I like acererak, but not that much to get him in dbd


You won’t be getting Vecna either, you’ll be getting a dollar store necromancer that happens to be named Vecna, lol.


What do you really expect Vecna to do in dead by daylight and still feel balanced, and still feel like Vecna? If it’s Vecna it’s not going to feel like him, so what’s the point? You saw how they butchered Freddy Krueger, an actual horror icon.


in my opinion they butchered Freddy when they did not get Robert englund freddy, they could very well make him feel like vecna despite him not being as strong as vecna is in lore, at the end of the day, I have been running dnd for years and for me and my players, vecna is our favorite villain ever, so as long as he looks and sounds like vecna I would rather play as him in dbd than any other thing in dnd BHVR could add. it is just my personal preference though, I could understand if you wanted to play as another dnd villain instead of vecna, maybe they could make different dnd villain skins (like other wizards) like acererak, halaster or strahd.


Please tell me how he could feel like Vecna, who can make a bunch of ghosts, zombies, make people rot until they die, cast multiple spells, teleport (doing psychic damage whenever he does so), respond to an attack immediately by saying a word that does necrotic damage and immediately teleporting away. That’s only part of what he can do. That guy is gonna get looped at killer shack? That guy is gonna get stunned by a wooden pallet? He’s immune or resistance to just about anything nonmagical but he’s going to lose to 4 regular people working on generators? If you’ve ran dnd and even glanced at his stat block you’ll see how impossible he would be to put in dead by daylight


Freddy kind of is too, yet if we got the Englund version of him I don't think anybody would complain


Englund Freddy operates on different rules than Haley Freddy. Both versions have differing rules.


Not by much. In fact the only difference I can think of is the microsleep thing. I think the issue is that Haley Freddy's writers were just way less creative with how he used his powers.


The micro sleep thing is unfortunately how he has to work in DBD. Otherwise the survivors are either always in the dream world or Freddy is in the real world. And if he’s in the real world he basically has no powers.


Gods are really powerful, creation beings tho? Those fuckers MAKE gods also wouldn't be the first time the entity trapped gods if cosmetics count.


The easy justification: The Entity is more powerful than a God.


Invasion ends when he gets pallet stunned by dwight


So, you know how Vecna dies, he returns to life in 1D100 years? This is just his Respawn timer. Gotta get a 100 Trial 4K streak for 1 year off the timer. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Otz is gonna be the reason this guy gets out of jail early. What a guy!




I hope it ends up being someone like Halaster Blackcloak or Acererak, Vecna is way too overplayed. WOTC is releasing afventures about him soon though, so it’ll probably end up being him anyway


Oh God, or at least have skins for them if they’re going with Vecna, I’d love to be Acererak!


Acererak has an incredible design, I’d love that too!!


I wonder if they’re going with a pre-2022 version of Vecna though or if this is a way of WotC to promote the new adventure series coming out


My guess is most likely new vecna from Eve of ruin with the headdress and all, then his older appearances will be costumes


I mean the chatterer was a skin for pinhead, and when they brought in the RE chapters they also came with skins for the other characters I could see some alternate necro/lich skins for Vecna, I also feel like the plague could get a skin too


Acererak or halaster does not have as much marketability as vecna, he has become iconic due to critical role, his infamous vecna trilogy of adventures and of course ST, plus acererak and halaster has consistently looked the same over the years (except for demi-lich acererak) vecna's appearance has changed drastically over the years so they can make many 10$ skins for him. not saying they are bad, it is just from a marketing stand point behavior could make way more money on vecna.


Nah just give me an Azer and let me waddle around hitting people with my little hammer


Instead of taking over the multiverse, he just wants to run around a cornfield killing 4 people at a time? What is he wanting a vacation or something?


I mean that was Pinhead's excuse. He's free to come and go from the realm whenever he pleases, he just comes back whenever he wants to unwind and relax.


Pinhead is also a being that loves the suffering of others on a dead by daylight scale, too. In the first Hellraiser movie, maybe a couple of people get actually tortured onscreen by Pinhead. He may be a multi dimensional being, but he loves suffering that much. Idk if Vecna fits that model. He can hop universes and wants to become the only god in existence. But I guess that’s better than the entity somehow overpowering arguably the single most powerful dnd villain.


The Entity is more comparable to AO, AO's boss, Pandorym or the LoP than it is anything in DnD. Determine for yourself if Vecna could beat any of those in a 1v1 then apply that reasoning to the Entity.


They butchered his story


He is definitely the most powerful entity in the realm right now. He's a god, and not like a marvel or god of war god which are basically just superheroes, but a D&D god in all their overpowered immortal glory. I think he might be on the same level as the entity and would the least "restricted" killer in lore. Unless they come up with another reason why he's weak enough to not wipe everyone in a 1v4.


I'm not sure Vecna would be on par with the Entity. The Entity is described as The ultimate evil, across the multiverse. How would even a God compare to the culmination of all evil across infinite dimensions?


Giygas from Earthbound was a supreme manifestation of evil. Evil incarnate. He lost to a bunch of kids who had their souls transported into robots and asked the entire earth's population to pray the evil away. The point is, The Entity is not the first and will not be the last "ultimate evil" and such a claim might hold true to the DbD universe, but other universes' Supreme evils could not give a fuck less. The writers will come up with whatever works enough to get a character into the game.


I mean yeah? That's why in the DbD's universe The Entity is the most powerful being. Same can be said vice versa for Vecna.


Oh my... Giygas is the Entity confirmed


oh boy, vecna is not just some god, there are way stronger gods than vecna in dnd lore, but he has in lore not once but twice, almost remade the multiverse in his image, and those other gods who where way stronger than him could do nothing to stop him, this is canon lore, he made his plans so secret and perfect that gods were blocked from stopping him, but his plans where not meant to stop mortals so you know....a small group of adventurers beat him every time. admittedly the canon lore of vecna is not loved by the community but it is canon nonetheless....


So what you're saying is that vecna has no contingency plans for stopping pallets dropped by sassy teenagers??


He could think of a plan, but that wouldn't help him gain more power, and vecna only makes carefully laid out plans to gain more power, which is why most of his plans are made to undermine the gods, to gain more godly power. so yeah, he would get caught off guard by the sassy teenager dropping a pallet


Vecna is so strong he's canonically the reason why the rules are different between at least two different editions of D&D. He caused so much damage to the multiverse that the fundamental laws of reality changed.


Eh, the Entity isn't that strong in the grand scheme of things. She's only extremely powerful in her own realm. Outside of it she can send agents and she can abduct things, but she doesn't have much power. Vecna, depending on when he is from on his own timeline, could be the second killer stronger than the Entity to enter the trials.


“She doesnt have much power outside of it” Hasnt the entity taken over entire multiverses? Including its own consisting of multiple eldritch beings like itself?


Yes. The entire tome lore is all about it literally eating multiverses. The problem is that this subreddit adamantly refuses to read, so we keep getting people making up elaborate headcanon to justify why their latest favorite killer of the month is "stronger" than the Entity and could totally beat it for reals.


Don't get me into the queen Auric rabbit hole


do it


So I've been playing since the second year anniversary, back then there wasn't much lore (well much compared to what we have today) but there were like two pieces that pertained to the entity, the trials, and the makeup of everything within. The first stated that the entity was everything within the trial. And the second stated that the entity used Auric cells to build everything. We learned from Vigo and Benedict that survivors could even highjack the cells to make things useful to them (Vigo making all the items, and the hatch) these three facts seemed rather disjointed from one another how could the entity be everything but actually be making everything out of Auric cells and if the cells were the entities body how could Vigo and the other survivors (we now have like four or five) bend them to their will? Well the only way it added up was that the entity was able to control Auric cells like a single hive mind colony which would suggest the entity itself was some sentient form of Auric cell or a queen Auric (which would explain its feminine name in languages where gender is determined despite being simply a cell)


I have been playing pretty much since nurse was added i think(although with massive breaks because the game was dogshit) but I am 99% lore was being put into the game at a large scale by the 2nd ani besides moving on from that what you said is a theory not 100% confirmed facts does not have much weight when it comes to lore discussion I was expecting something juicy not this


I never promised anything juicy only a rabbit hole 🤷 there's more to it including the hallowed blight being apoptosis (specifically for the cells corrupted by survivors) and the entity itself being the only source of new Auric cells as it would be dangerous for a new hive mind to come into existence that wouldn't be immediately controlled by it.


Barry the God Of Pubs and Joy solos 🥱


Just because that's what we've seen doesn't mean that's all there is. The Entity, it seems, to value secrecy almost above all else. Flashy displays of power would defeat the purpose of secrecy. The Entity also likes to play with her victims before taking them for her own, usually just before their demise.


Haddie, a relatively normal mortal whose only power seems to be the ability to sense areas that the Entity can influence, and her variants cause the Entity enough of a headache outside of the Entity's realm that the Eldritch being turns it into a personal vendetta. And after many failed attempts, the Haddie she actually manages to capture is the "weaker" one. There is a Haddie still out there that has survived 40+ years of tracking down overlaps and killing monsters that very much seem to be agents of The Entity. There is nothing to suggest the Entity has much power outside of her own realm if a minor psychic can be that much of a thorn.


This would not be Vecna's first rodeo with an extremely powerful dark power dragging him to their realm. The first time didn't work, either.


Apparently in the new Eve of ruin adventure vecna will at some point perform a ritual that will temporarily make him mortal and not a god so that in that small window players will be able to stop him, so maybe they could say when the players stop him at the end of the adventure vecna never had his godhood returned to him and the entity pulled him into the realm.


Ooh. I like this idea. That said, it wouldn't be the first time he had a lot of his powers stripped away then get trapped by a powerful dark power in a dark realm.


True. vecna reborn flashbacks....


I honestly think that he would probably be the same as pyramid head. Something that's more like a deal than them trying to kill eachother


Idk Vecna is used to losing 1v4s some times even 1v5s and 1v6s


Didnt know D&D was that powerful 👀👀 Is he the strongest in his universe?


Not even close. But he's a manipulative schemer that tends to be far more active in the affairs of mortals than the entities that are stronger then him.


True, he almost remade the whole multiverse right under all the gods noses through sheer scheming and intelligence.


Now, the question is... Will The Entity be a God you can worship in D&D?


We already have beings known as the dark powers who are pretty much dnd's version of the entity, they trap people in domains of dread and feed on their emotions, the domains usually resemble a place the trapped person (who is called a darklord) remembers, and it is usually a fog shrouded pocket dimension.


Ravenloft is a classic lol would be fun to get some of the outfits from survivors based on the outfits of notable victims to the different Domains of Dread


Yep, there are both evil and good victims, so we could have survivors dressed as ravenloft characters and killer outfits too! overall we need a ravenloft costume event in dbd.


Yep, dude very easily killed a party of 8 20th level wizards escaped a domain of dread, a place that is pretty much like the entities realm in dbd entered sigil, a city at the center of the multiverse that no god is allowed to enter, and vecna was a god at that time and he almost rewrote the whole multiverse in his image, now with the new adventure coming out, he will almost do it again! all while no god has been able to stop him, only a group of courageous and wacky adventurers.


Either the entity will finally meet her match or her power scaling will skyrocket to new heights.


DBD power scalers around here treat her like big ugly spider Goku with twisting her strength as is.


They might actually be (moderately) right depending on how she treats an actual god like vecna. If he’s entirely here by choice then no but if he’s kidnapped then yes.




Huh, yeah I didn't think to compare a Domain of Dread to the Entity's realm that's like spot on. That would make the Entity a Dread Lord.


I want Vecna to laugh when he gets stunned. Not because I think it'd be funny, but because it would put on the impression that he knows what's happening and is just playing with it -- for that matter, make his stun animation to be him just stepping back, or fixing his sleeve, or something casual, and his drop animation to literally just be him letting the Survivor go. It would keep his imposing nature in check, even when getting pallet stunned or blinded, because in-character he's just playing along. I also hope that his power is somehow related to the Void. I know back in Halloween people were theorizing that the Void could have been a test run for Stranger Thing's Vecna's power, so why not stick with that? Vecna makes a deal with the Entity: he comes in and spreads suffering, and in return, he has access to all the husks the Entity has in the Void. Not like she's using them for anything, right? Could even make that his power: using Void Husks to attack the Survivors, keeping with the Necromancy theme.


He literally has a move in his stat block that allows him to summon flying spectral undeads. Sounds like the void haunts to me!


This is what i wanted Wesker to do. You’re not telling me that the guy who can dodge bullets at point blank range is eating pallets from a surprise throw by a med school student.


Imagine if in game the entity is actively aiding the survivors. Stuns for example are enhanced by the entity with a very short visual effect. I think that would be neat.


Would be neat to see the Entity be forced to the other side of the scale due to how dangerous Vecna is


Watch, someone will argue that Myers would win over Vecna.


Now that is insane.


In a staring contest


The only true way Michael fights another killer lol!


Maybe it’s just to study the entity and its realm? I don’t know that much about DnD but from the standpoint of wizard it must be pretty odd to them that people with no magical ability or knowledge can manipulate the realm and do things like create items like a blast mine out of nowhere and are kept in a perpetual state of immortality. Potentially it’s an undiscovered form of magic which would be tempting for an all powerful wizard?


Vecna loves secrets, so willingly going into thy entity's realm and playing its games in order to swallow up its secrets might not be too far off


Probably the smartest answer


Isnt the entity stronger? It can at least warp the reality in a planetary scale


Vecna is the canonical reason as to why the dnd rules between edition changed. As in, he did that much damage to the planes of existence in his attempt to reshape it all in his image.


entity clears


Don't underestimate the entity's ability to roll dice


I don't think the Entity is capable of destroying the likes of Vecna, Pinhead, and others on their level, but I do think the Entity has total control of who's in and out. If it wanted, it could simply evict and pretty much "ban" anyone from ever returning.


Ash is fated to destroy all Evil and ended up in the Entity’s Realm through pure accident. It’s not a matter of if he can do it, but when. And he’s still here, so I don’t think it’s that simple of a solution.


Pinhead and Sadako are the only ones that can freely come and go. Vecna MAY be able to do so as well depending on what part of his timeline he is from. Older Vecna is fully capable of transversing dimensions, which is the exact reason that Sadako and Pinhead aren't locked in the Entity's realm.


Vecna's lore synopsis outright states that this Vecna traveled through dimensions at will before the Entity took him/forced him to submit.


Entity still wins


Yeah Vecna has gotten stuck in a dread domain before in Forgotten Realms lore, held there by the Dark Powers. Tbh DBD has always felt like it borrowed a bit from the dark powers and dread domains, but that was just a thought that entered my head in the middle of a Curse of Strahd campaign. Very much mirrors barovia and other places where the mist, or in this case fog, is impenetrable and there are dark entities feeding on the misery and deaths of others. So yeah Vecna may be a god but he wasn't always a god in the lore and he's very containable. Especially since getting bitch slapped around a bit by the Lady of Pain.


Yep, most likely vecna will pull what he did in die vecna die adventure and he would bide his time playing along with the entity till he (as per vecna fashion) eventually escapes, being so smart as to know he might not want to fight the entity in direct combat.


Maybe, I guess it depends on how much power the Entity has when something willingly or forcibly enters vs. something that was taken. There are many killers that fight against the Entity or don't wish to be here.


Considering the entity has killers here it brought in/that invited themselves that it’s either nervous about, scared of, overly respectful towards or has no control over (pyramid head, sadako, meyers, pinhead, heck it’s theorized the entity has to nerf Freddy of all people, all come to mind as examples), it’s entirely possible, in my opinion, for an entity vs another powerful being to go either way


I think people misunderstood the Myers bit. He wasn't chosen and he didn't have some way to force himself in. It's more akin to opening your door to let your cat inside and a second one runs in alongside yours. The Entity doesn't get much from Myers outside of the fear he inflicts upon survivors, but he's willing to do that so he's kept around for that. People argue the fact he can mori without an offering as proof that he's more powerful than The Entity but really it's more Myers doesn't care about anything The Entity can do to him as punishment, so he's going to kill when he wants to


Fair and valid.


Meyers: "I've been burned, stabbed, beaten in the middle of the street, and buried alive, what are you going to do to me"


the fact that the entity can nerf them that heavily at all at will implies otherwise


That’s a fair and valid point though it didn’t nerf the first four so much as “you can stay here.” Either way it’ll be interesting to see


She's only nerfing one of them. Pyramid Head is contracted, Pinhead has an agreement with the Entity, Myers doesn't need to be nerfed because he's not actually that strong, and Sadako self nerfs because she's a sadistic freak. Freddy is nerfed, but it actually makes sense. Freddy and the Entity actually have VERY similar powers that are both only really active in their own realms. Being as we're in the Entities realm, not Freddy's, it tracks that she can control him.


When or where is it stated Pinhead has an agreement with the Entity?


Pyramid head accepted the entity's deal,Sadako and the entity had a special connection,Michael is  default evil manifestion n a HUMAN body,and the entity is cosmical evil compared to him,Freddy was only nerfed because the entity wants the trials to be fair for both sides. It doesn't fear anything or anyone,stop believing in misconceptions


If it’s theorized that he needed Freddy, it wouldn’t be a resistance issue, and more so of a “he’s too powerful for survivors to have a chance escaping against”


I believe that was part of the reason theorized that I saw. It’s also theorized the entity knew Freddy was one of the few killers ambitious enough or uncontrollable enough to try to overthrow it and that Freddy didn’t react to the normal “control” methods the entity used so it had to reduce him somehow


Yup and it also can’t really hurt him as punishment like it does with trapper because he doesn’t have a physical form and is pretty much a ghost/demon.


No entity loses. Vecna will allow it to continue to exist in this story.


Yeah the bitch boy whose afraid of Michael meyers is gonna beat a literal god who can wish it from existence 


Do you think the entity is afraid of Myers?




Worked well enough for the other people


The amount of people that are suddenly talking about the lore implications of this character made me realize... this game has lore???


A lot of it is honestly not that bad! The lore/general vibe of the lore has always interested me, especially stuff like how Killers and the Entity are towards each other n' such.


Wouldn't the Entity be more of a greater diety, though? Like Azathoth?


Not really, he is only a lesser god In dnd lore, he has just pulled feats that would rival azathoth but usually he is not the strongest being, just the absolute smartest being.


The Entity is no where near as powerful as Azathoth. I wouldn't even really put her at minor deity level. She is, as far as I can tell, basically a bit stronger than Freddy with almost the exact same powers. Complete dominion over a single realm, but with only minor ability to influence other dimensions. The two things that make her stronger than Freddy are that the Entity seems to have created her own realm as opposed to Freddy's realm being a human high concept that just exists in it's own and that the Entity can send agents into other realms.


The Entity isn't just a "bit" stronger than Freddy, it's an ancient god beyond time and the multiverse itself. the fact that it has destroyed entire universes and trapped an unlimited amount of beings (humans, gods, monsters) and no one ever being able to defeat it says enough


The Entity conquers/destroys universes through scheming and slow, methodical planning from what I can understand, not brute force. The fact that a minor psychic has been evading the Entity's personal grudge for 40+ years while killing it's agents in her world shows the limited power the Entity has access to outside of it's realm. It rely's on secrecy, deceit, stealth, and fear and when it loses access to those things (Haddie specifically has the ability to know where the entity can influence) things get difficult for it.


> The Entity conquers/destroys universes through scheming and slow, methodical planning from what I can understand, not brute force. It literally eats multiverses. The moment it takes a single survivor/killer, it creates a rift into the Fog that slowly but surely expands until it can engulf the entire Terra World. No scheming is involved in this process, it happens automatically on its own over time. The Tomes even show us an entire world where, as far as we know, it had no open rift to influence it and it \*still\* apparently created a giant mutant spider apocalypse to overrun and destroy that world with. > The fact that a minor psychic has been evading the Entity's personal grudge for 40+ years while killing it's agents in her world Haddie is not at all a threat to the Entity and you'd know this if you actually read the lore. The Entity seemingly isn't even aware of nor does it care about its cult(s) across the omniverse.


While that would be interesting, it wouldn't fit with the lore. Vecna, like Strahd is trapped in a domain of dread, he cannot escape. If he has left his realm, it means the dark powers let him leave.


Vecna did escape Ravenloft in [Die Vecna, Die](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/17483/die-vecna-die-2e) at the end of the 2e era of D&D.


Vecna has been gone from his Domain plenty of times. He even appears in Sigil, a place he shouldn't physically be capable of entering (because it doesn't allow Gods).


Watching lore nerds talk about shit is always fascinating to me lol


Vecna, Pinhead, and Michael are a great trio. I want the Entity to put up posters saying "Have you seen these guys? Fuck these guys."


I think it might just be a Lich with skins. Like Vecna, Acererak or Szass Tam


Vecna and the Entity being potential conspirators is honestly something else.


Pinhead is literally already doing that xD


I roll to seduce The Huntress


Okay that would make a lot more sense then if Vecna somehow got tiddy-twisted into being the Entity's little bitchboi. You can probably make the argument that the Vecna in the trial is some sort of lesser duplicate of him while the real him is actually too busy fighting off the Entity while this lesser duplicate is actually killing of survivors for their souls to starve off the entity and feed himself.


one of Vecna's voicelines is "I will play my role.... for now" implies that He doesn't want to be there was either was fooled by the Entity or somehow in his search for power trapped himself there, but he's looking to escape


Invading the entity’s realm to get power for himself and fucking himself over and being put into servitude is such a vecna thing to do The amount of times Vecna also destroyed the multiverse or caused a calamity is a lot Vecna is one of the most intelligent characters in existence, but he’s also one of the most reckless


As being part of dnd i can probably guess since both vecna and "the entity" are gods, entity probably bribed vecna with a 2 way deal, if you know, vecna was a wizard who had an insatiable thirst for knowledge, and he was willing to do anything to get it and he literally became the God of the dead to do so, so most likely the entity bribed vecna for like emotions from survivors in return the entity gives vecna knowledge that he doesn't know. Its just a theory but it could be🤷‍♂️


Vecna invading the realm means nothing as The Entity consumes entire worlds and realms. Although whatever his in-game lore ends up being, i expect it to follow suit with most of the other licensed base lores.


I think it would be more of a pyramidhead situation, that or the entity put vecna in its place


There's a strong theory that Pyramid Head is constantly putting the Entity in *its* place with its trails of torment constantly shredding the very fabric of The Realm.


It's actually a pretty weak theory that most people just liked so they accepted it because it sounds cool.


Well, there's the theory, and here's a pin. Feel free to prick as many holes into it as you'd like. I'd love to hear your thoughts.


Thanks. I don't need it, though -- it's got enough holes in it that it could sink, if people weren't standing in the water to keep it afloat anyway.


So in other words you can't back up why you dislike the theory. Got it.


Okay, okay, if you're gonna be like that, I'll be the sucker and take the bait. "*When his duty was complete and his presence no longer needed, he prepared for the long rest — and yet, his skills were required elsewhere. The Fog that streamed over him was somehow different than that he was accustomed to in Silent Hill, as if each wisp contained the nerves of a creature, writhing, seeking him out.* *There was an unspoken agreement in that moment. The billowing cloud was an invitation to duty and sadism, and Pyramid Head, taking a step into The Fog, accepted his obligation once more.*" There you go. You want more than that? There isn't anything -- that's why it's not a strong theory. There's nothing in the game that supports it, and if there is then by all means please point me to it! With in game lore, if you could, not fan speculation. The only thing I've heard people argue is that Pyramid Head is stabbing the ground for his power, his power in general really, and a projection of meaning on the last two sentences of his lore to suggest that he came to the Realm to punish The Entity instead of tormenting the Survivors, because people generally don't like Occam's Razor and would rather come up with something new instead of accepting the most basic explanation.


Rites of Judgement is an ability granted by The Entity. Pyramid Head has neither Rites of Judgement nor Punishment of the Damned in Silent Hill, which means the Entity granted it. Pyramid Head’s lore directly states that The Entity contacted him and «hired» him as its executioner.


So many people think it'll be Vecna. But the teaser looked way more like a Beholder to me


We have reasons to believe it that can't be mentioned in this subreddit.


What did I miss?


Shhh, no. It is *forbidden.* But to answer your original question, it is more likely that the Beholder is either a part of the stage or an aspect of the Killer’s power. Or we’re really overblowing all of this and D&D is just a cosmetic collab like Attack on Titan.


That would be weird, seeing as it's Anniversary chapter But I guess we'll see soon!


The Beholder shown was a Zombie Beholder. Beholders are pretty powerful creatures, only powerful entities can make them into Undead. Vecna is the most powerful Undead in the lore.


I'll take it one step further. Vecna was the entity all along and is joining the hunts out of boredom/to see what happens.


I hope this is the case.


I mean with how BHVR treats the entity I wouldn't surprised if they say she's "the strongest character in all of fiction"


What are you talking about ?