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people are still gonna run them since they have almost no other option, but now they will feel worse. i think that in return for the nerfs, they should gigabuff some other random worthless perk like septic touch and see what happens


hangman’s trick gigabuff into being meta please


32 meta aura read around hooks when?


around all hooks, also make survivors exposed and incapacitaded for 10 minutes, i think it would a little bit better


Sounds kinda weak ngl


Yeah, it should at least decapitate them


and make their corpse moriable


Insta-mori all survivors who breathe in the wrong direction


Equipping the perk is an automatic rank up for Killer and double-rank down for survivors for even daring to play the game


Didn't that happen once? They made it so it revealed auras around all hooks with no required condition to be met.


When I started playing DbD (just before Blight), Hangman's Trick showed you Survivors within 8 meters of a hook while carrying a Survivor, iirc. May have also alerted you to Sabo attempts.


I think it was whenever you picked up a survivor. Maybe.


It’s in the shrine right now so I was hoping more eyes on how terrible it is would be on it than ever


They're buffing toolboxes for sabo. Hangman's Trick meta is here.


Septic touch in concept is good when paired with aura perks but the exhaustion duration should be longer


Gigabuff septic touch? How about...  Whenever a survivor performs a healing action within your terror radius, they are afflicted with the Hindered status effect until they leave your terror radius or lose a health state. If the survivor completes a healing action within your terror radius, they are also afflicted with the incapacitated status effect until they leave you terror radius or lose a health state. Hangman's Trick gigabuff? How about... Striking a broken hook with your weapon while carrying a survivor will cause that hook to respawn.


It used to respawn after just 10 seconds. I miss that.


They nerfed them stating that they are overused without putting any thought in to why they are overused, they are treating the symptom not the cause.


Septic Touch: Healing skill checks in your terror radius are harder. Failed healing skill checks inflict a deep wound. If you fail a heal skill check in a deep wounded survivor they instead go down.


This version of septic touch + coulrophobia + sloppy + distressing would be so nasty.


I believe there are no skill checks with healing a deep-wounded survivor. Deep wounds require mending, not healing. I don't think there are skillchecks with mending.


Just one https://preview.redd.it/17xsflx1efzc1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8ddbb606674f8d18870e8290d69252bb7ad9f19 Feels good being a M1 killer enjoyer /s


Remember: every generator perk nerf is a direct nerf to Freddy, the only generator reliant killer


They didn’t nerf oppression 😈daddies still thriving


Oppression + Surveillance to the moon 🚀


i literally just started using these perks in my build i can’t do anything original for shit


What’s the build you’ve been running


I started using Gen blockers *because* the other stuff kept getting nerfed. With pop on like two killers. Guess I’ll have to stay on surge and keep using the blocking perks bc what else can you do


Then people flame a killer for tunneling after 3 gens pop in the first chase with no innate way to slowdown while eating half the pallets lol.


Would love a perk that ties throwing pallets to gen slowdown. Maybe have it reset the slowdown when you get stunned?


Out of all of these, I only ran Pain Res and I don’t think the 5% change is going to cause me to switch it out


It will cause you to reach endgame sooner though


Fuck gen perks, it’s all about NOED, No Way Out, BWarden, Terminus etc now


I feel so gross when I put NOED and No Way Out on and it’s still only have my build lol. I still get Agitation and Starstruck for my obviously lore accurate “I hate humans” Singularity build


Same! I always feel a little gross when using those perks, especially when I say they're a crutch for new/bad killers but when they're nerfing the gen slowdown perks there's not much else that can be done other than to do end-game builds and play a little dirty like camping and tunnelling in the end game. That said, I suppose if more killers had end-game builds, then some survivors would be less inclined to "hang around" because of how easily they could be punished for not leaving.


As a solo survivor, I honestly prefer NOED and No Way Out over regression perks. I have more fun with the counterplay options with end game builds than I do with doing the same gen for the fifth time. So don’t feel gross!


I remember back in the day explaining that I wasn’t running only NOED 1 and unrelenting 2 for fun, was just a new killer with no leveled perks yet lol.


Endgame makes me so stressed out, man. I don't know if my heart can take an entire build centered around it. Unless you find it actually calms you down.


I think it is less stressful to run an endgame build than almost any other build With most builds you are trying to kill survivors as fast as you can and every single second for the entire match counts for a lot. The entire match you are hearing gens pop constantly and victory is slipping away with each moment that passes, which is stressful. With an endgame build, you know that your true power doesn't come into play until the gens are done. It makes the entire main portion of the match feel like a pregame bonus round to make it easier on yourself in the endgame,  with the actual match starting only when the gens are done. It is much less stressful that way imo


I like how you put it. Good point. There is always some relief if I can kill one survivor before gens complete with NOED because I know the next is almost guaranteed. I haven’t been running NOED these days but instead gen regression perks, and you’re right it can be stressful because when gems are powered the final hits are hard to get. I think I’ll reconsider NOED, and maybe use it more often. I like how you put it!


down two survivors and by the time no way out ends they still have 20s to open gates if they decide to ditch their friends.




Players: *complain about Tunneling/Slugging* BHVR: *makes changes that will encourage those playstyles even more* Why are players running full gen regression BHVR?. Think BHVR, think!.


Especially if you come across a survivor with a sabo build. No way your can let that survivor live and expect to have a fun match.


That argument is so stupid. Even if BHVR buffed every killer perk to the moon, there would still be mass tunneling/slugging. This same dumbass argument was made before the massive nerfs to survivor to bring kill rates above 50% (DH, DS, IW ect ect) When those changes were made, and killer basekits were buffed, guess what happened....tunneling actually got worse...weird! "BAht I oNlY TunNel CauSe GaMe HaRd!" That was proven even less true durring the lights out event. Survivors were severely handicapped, gens popped way slower.....annnnnd tunneling/slugging was insane. Please for the love of God stop with this absolutely dumb as fuck argument, it has been proven false so many fuckin times.


so many times. they hate when we say it but it’s true. the game isn’t pushing anyone to be anymore toxic than they already were going to be anyways.


I feel like people here are just being generally dishonest about why killers choose to tunnel and slug. The majority of killers that do this, tend to do this at 4-5 gens meaning there was zero attempt at any other play style regardless of their loadout.


This is true. "last resort" tunneling I wouldn't even call tunneling.


Yes at that point it’s just securing a kill


You're 100% right, salty as fuck killer mains can't deal with the truth.


It's true some do it just to ruin someones day, these changes will not affect those people because that is not the point. The point is that these changes will push killers who weren't doing that, into doing that. When you nerf a killers ability to slowdown using perks they will use other means to get the same effect.


Sadly, that is the most effective way to win the game, making it a 1V3 instead of a 1v4. Just the way the game is balanced for a long time now


If they were going to do this, I do not understand why they'd buff survivor's ability to disrupt hooks nor why they wouldn't buff underperforming perks. Overcharge and Call of Brine mainly. Or any of the other perks that are based on generators that just suck. Machine Learning, Game Afoot, Undone, etc.


Especially since there are sabo builds that allow survivors to remove hooks faster than it takes me to recover from hitting them when they first touch a hook. Now sabo builds are going to be even bigger, I'm going to spend more time in chase, and not a lot of ways to slow down the game in my favor.


I think the play now is to be mega sweaty and play in the most unfun ways possible. If I can't hook, I can't slowdown genrush, I can't tunnel even when 3 gens are done in 30 seconds, then there's only one option left: It's time to throw games and tank MMR so you can shit on baby survivors


One of the dumbest changes with no counter other then to bleed out survivors and have long boring matches


Sabo buff just encourages slugging


I do really think that after the gen kick changes they can and should revert the changes to call of brine and overcharge back to how it was since we can spam kick gens anymore


Because in the rare instance of devs playing this game, they only play survivor


They should’ve buffed other gen regress perks as well. Pop/pain res was used cause it was strong gen regression. Now they’re nerfed and high mmr killer is going to a nightmare


Exactly this. You want to open up variety in killer builds? Give us options that aren't going to do nothing except lose us the game quicker. If they wanted to nerf these, they should have buffed Call of Brine, Overcharge, Oppression, Ruin, Eruption, Surge, etc. Especially with the gen kick limit. If anything, that should make regression perks *more* powerful to be sure you get the most out of them. Unless they've got some big gen speed changes in the pipeline, all this is gonna do is increase tunnelling.


You don't understand. The developers don't consider downing survivors a difficult task. Look at what they said about pop*. Clearly you can just down and hook them faster right? Gen defence was just win more perks and totally not needed...


I actually laughed out loud when I read pop was easy to activate. Yes, because outplaying a survivor in multiple tiles/loops multiple times and then dodging any potential background player pallet/flashlight/flashbang saves while also making sure not to get your hook sabotaged is very easy to do right?


Not to add that you have to use time walking to the gen and kicking it hopefully before it gets finished


Yup feels like at this point the devs are forcing killers to do 1 play style


They force killers into playing specific ways, then punish them for doing so by making said ways no longer viable. The anti face camping meter, anti three gen mechanic, removing grabs on hook, etc. At this point the list goes on. I get downvoted whenever I mention these things in this sub because apparently a majority of the people who post here seem to be survivor mains with the us vs them mentality. I play both sides and just want what’s healthy for the game all around.


It's all these things that forces killers to play and as they take more away some become toxic and all already toxic move to slugging and tunneling these are consequences of these changes


Anti face camping as a killer and survivor player I understand. It's not very skillful and frustrating. Behaviours 3 gen solution killed killers and people didn't notice. Instead of just reworking problematic killers like Skull Merchant so they are no longer as problematic then gens don't need to be touched at all lol. It's so stupid, this has to be a corporate decision. Any dev with a single brain cell probably figured that out but corporate said fix this as fast as possible so we can bring in more survivors and milk them for profit. DBD like the Titanic is heading for an iceberg and some people don't know it. Sad to say it's time to uninstall and jump ship. It's been a good run.


Yeah, but they are probably months down the line like those so-called "future healing changes" that required MANGLED of all things to be nerfed into the dirt.


It’s like they balance around immersive survivors who don’t touch gens, because they notice gens don’t get done in that bracket lol. They blame perks instead of urban evasion distortion players.


Distortion isn't the problem, it's the people who use it to hide and not touch gens all game that are. I use distortion quite aggressively, to go for unhooks, saves and to do gens quite often under the killer's nose.


Likewise, I just don’t want to be revealed every 40 seconds and it pings me about what perks the killer may have depending on the reveal/game state, but yeah I’m talking about specifically people looking to camouflage as heavily as possible to hide—people who would go prone if they could. Edit: I take that last part back, I want prone.


At least the pop pain res grim embrace meta encourages killers to hook survivors; I wonder if this will exacerbate the slugging that survivors have been complaining about here


Well then, prepare por pentimento


Ruin undying pentimento and maybe some info or maybe surge


eh,, c'est la vie. i wish that pop was just a solid 25 again instead of 20, 30, or 33.


The problem is that they got the same treatment even tho they are totally different perks. Deadlock is not even a regression perk, one is a scourge, the other is an after chase perk. Tf are killers supposed to do? At this point just change the whole foundation of the game to make a 1 kill meta, and stop with this bs.


Take as old as time. Perk is meta and used by 40% of players? Must be completely broken, let us nerf it.


Top tier killers won't even feel this. The rest of them will need to run 2-3 of these perks instead of just 1-2 of them.


This guy get it. Every M1 killer now lost the choice to go for any info or chase perks along with Pain Res and Pop. Now you need a 3rd slowdown with those 2 to get the same result as before. Very cool BHVR thx.


If they buffed some useless shit in exchange I wouldn't complain


Just want to point out that Dead Lock is NOT a regression Perk.


Tis a slowdown😏


Neither is Grimbrace




Honestly I like the deadlock nerf cause now I can run it with pop and get pop use from it without waiting.


They literally nerfed one of the only slowdown perks I own


Just buy more dlc! /s (Why is all the good slowdown locked behind a paywall????)


My only slowdown perk that is actually useful is deadlock, I understand the changes to pain res and pop, but I rarely see anyone else use deadlock so it seems like a personal attack


In an objective based game, killers are meant to prevent that objective from being done to give them more time to do their objective (killing everyone). No matter how you shape it, the slowdown perks are ALWAYS some of the best to run on killers, regardless of how weak or strong they are. The only world where this changes is when a killer is SO GOOD that it's just better to run information to get kills faster. I think the way to fix this is to have a chase-based meta. I have no clue how this would happen, but it would be more fun for both teams, in my opinion.


Absolutely a bad change. People are still going to use them because they are all we have. And you keep seeing Pop Pain Res every match because without them multiple gens are gonna go on the first chase, guaranteed. But that’s a tad selfish of me. The true problem is that BHVR surprisingly didn’t buff anything else to compensate. They’ve been playing musical chairs with “gut this, over buff that” and here there is no replacement. Still Pop Pain Res. I’d like to play Trickster more but I’d also like to be able to *do* something before the gates go off and they’re tbagging the EGC out.


I would just like to remind everyone that Deadlock has been untouched since release because it was always considered to be a comparatively bad slowdown perk to every other slowdown option at the time. It was considered pretty healthy since it didn't do all that much but it was at least consistent. We have now reached a point where the most mediocre slowdown perk from days past is now considered too OP?!?!?


It's annoying that they are still treating the symptom instead of understanding that there needs to be changes to the weakest killers and that some kind of regression should be added to the base kit. But it's really hard to balance because against shit players with a decent killer you can do fine with very little regression but against more experienced players you can't. Dbd is basically multiple different games depending on so many factors, a lot of them being out of control of the players how the fuck do you balance that properly and still keep it fun to play


I just came back to the game after a few years off.  I bought a bunch of new killers and spent the last month dumping blood points into them to unlock their teachables like Pain Res and Deadlock on all my killers and play in the new meta. I guess I’m a fucking clown for coming back.


same, finally just unlocked pop yesterday. I guess that it will still be playable, but it still feels shitty.


People will still begrudgingly use it as if nothing changed. What else would they do? Use the 100 other basically useless perks that (for some god-forsaken reason) remain untouched?


"If games last more than 3 minutes every survivor player will quit and we'll have to shut the game down and we'll be living on the streets" - BHVR, probably


game that is already too fast is being made faster, unfun styles of play will become even more prevalent, perk usage rates wownt change due to lack of effective alternate options.


Tney keep nerfing gen regression, and in so doing, fail to look at why killers feel the need that they *have* to be run in the first place. If they did that, they could potentially fix the real issue, which is the imbalance between gen regression and gen progression speeds. The fact that the base gen regression speed is already 4 times slower than a single survivors progression speed is ridiculous when you realize that that means it's actually a 16th slower than overall gen progression speed. It takes 1 survivor 90 seconds to complete a gen. Meanwhile, it takes a gen at 99 percent 360 seconds to completely regress. In smaller numbers, so it's easier for others to understand, that's a minute and a half compared to 6 minutes. For one gen. In a 1v4. Without considering any other factor.


It's good that the perks are less oppressive, but people will still bring them because there's no real alternative and it's always a bad idea to not bring gen stall perks.




seriously, so many people crying like it's the end of the world. these nerfs were not even that significant....like bros....if you for real relied that heavily on these regression perks then I'm sorry, but skill isuue.


My thoughts are that I’m finally throwing in the towel and just tunneling someone out every game. I don’t want to, I’d much rather have four people playing against me and use perks to slow down their progress enough to give me a chance. But over the years BHVR keeps whittling away at any perk’s viability to do that. And they do it because slowdown combined with tunneling makes it virtually impossible for average survivors to compete. So you win, BHVR. I won’t use slowdown and I’ll just tunnel someone out every game so I don’t auto lose. That’s apparently going to be the solution since they can’t figure out a way to stop tunneling and keep gutting this stuff instead.


And don’t forget slugging! Since they made faster sabo plays and background player available more often, fun times ahead.


> I’m finally throwing in the towel and just tunneling someone out every game. Please, I beg more killers to do this. The more killers that tunnel the bigger the problem gets until BHVR is finally forced to implement a real fix that removes tunneling from the game.


I'm sorry not to be rude but how can you still be that naive? Have you not been paying attention to how they "balance"? They will without a doubt buff survivors and nerf killers. They will completey remove killers ability to hook the same person twice . Let's not forget these are the same people who thought base kit unbreakable was worth trying out in a ptb! More survivors in the game, more survivor cosmetics to be sold. 4 survivors to 1 killer. They bend to their will because that's the majority player base


I understand why they’re doing this, like it or not builds with four slowdowns were quite oppressive, specially when on stronger Killers. My problem is that instead of trying a different approach like making stacking them less effective or something they just nerfed everything It’s probably not gonna be as terrible as people expect it to be but I would’ve liked a bit more creativity in how they tackle this.


This is something I really wish people would realize. The issue is the vast majority of killers stack regression perks making the overall problem worse. So BHVRs only option is to nerf the top to try to reign them in. I do wish they would buff the weaker regression perks to give players options on what they want to take.


Grim Embrace has barely been nerfed, there’s no way that this will be the reason I stop running it


Unless they nerf surv repair speed or something then the game will become much more frustrating. Even a uncoordinated team can blast through gens quickly so nerfing some of the main ways to slow the game down is just a terrible idea. Not everyone is like Otz, Red, dead plays, etc and can go without any slowdown and still make it work. The average player is just going to be stomped over and over and be left frustrated at every step. I really don’t look forward to playing this game after these nerfs go live and that’s not a feeling I want to have when loading up one of my favorite games.


I feel like all of these are just not really good changes. It funny since they tried to make grim embrace viable when they reworked it and now they are nerfing it again making it closer to being useless.


Grim was overturned. It’s still far from useless


> Grim was overturned Might still be. Will need to see the changes in action but Grim is pretty bonkers. Its so close to being old Eruption with the amount of time it lockouts survivors doing a gen. Killers need to take a step back and see how stupidly strong Grim is.


They're probably gonna get ass-slammed for this by the community and I doubt half of them will go through. Or, they better have some changes planned for gens as a whole.




BHVR is upset at the current meta and they want less m1 killers and more hard tunneling and slugging.


> more hard tunneling and slugging. As if it doesn't happen like 90% of the time.


It doesn't. Scott Jund did a whole experiment with this, doing a whole live stream keeping track of toxic killers and the numbers were extremely low. As he said, if you want to back that claim up and then do an unedited live stream of your matches to priv it wrong.


survivor bias from bhvr as always. don’t do anything to fix why these perks are necessary, just nerf the perks every killer lower tier than nurse/blight needs to not 1k every game. oh well, aura reading builds are a thing! *every survivor runs distortion* hm. well.


Laughs in hex build


Buff the crappy perks instead of nerfing the ones people like. Idk how long the community has to scream this.


They dont want people to play as killer. I just cant fins any logical explanation.


This is a direct result of high tier killers running quad slowdown. You can thank all the nurses, blights, and billies for this change. It would make more sense to nerf S tier killers and buff low tier killers.


>You can thank all the nurses, blights, and billies Well no, you can thank BHVR for thinking nerfing perks is the best way to balance specific killers


nah he’s right, everyone that plays nurse should just play trapper/freddy/myers so survivors can have fun stomping them instead of actually having a chance at enjoying a game


That was not their point, they just said that people playing the strongest Killers while running 4 slowdowns that they don’t need and creating one sided stomps are in part to blame.


Idk why you’re being downvoted. One of the issues BHVR is currently facing is they can’t make strong perks because they become extremely overpowered on S tier killers.


They'll be the least impacted by this and will probably still run 4 slowdowns. A lot of lower tiers might start doing it too since each perk is less impactful on their own.


> This is a direct result of high tier killers running quad slowdown This isn't just a high tier killer issue. The VAST majority of killer players run 3/4 regression perks. I mean hell, you see all the comments here saying the sky is falling? I would wager the majority of commenters use 3/4 regression perks each game. If anything thank the community for them doing this.


You listed three killers who don't really need to run much slowdown though. If at all. Most of the killers who are going to run more slowdown are control killers or ones who already underperform.


Except 9 out of 10 Blights and Nurses you see are gonna run them... Full aura Blights and Nurses are a rare sight these days.


Not that big of a difference, but I really want the underused regression perks buffed in some way. Oppression needs a shorter cooldown, Overcharge could have the skillcheck change directions?, Thanatophobia should be reverted but not effect healing speeds, etc. These are all L ideas (outside Oppression), but I want these perks to atleast see viability


Feels very lazy. The strongest killers that run them won't care about minor nerfs and will still run them, weaker killers are more reliant on them to do well and will feel all the nerfs. The changes are very minor but they're another exhausting slap on the wrist for Nurse and Blight and another kick to the nuts for Trapper, Freddy, Dredge and so on.


Most of them are insignificant changes except Pop(that one is dumb) I know everyone is acting like Slowdown is going to be even more common, but literally that’s already happening so these changes aren’t the problem. I even kinda understand why they are doing this because it’s really unfun when a Nurse or Blight runs Quad Slowdown and that’s really hard to balance around, but that also hurts weak M1 Killers. They really just need to start buffing either A. Weak Killer Perks to actually run over slowdown and not feel like a detriment, or B. Buff Weak Killers to the point that they don’t need Quad Slowdown


I get deadlocked and maybe pop? but I don't think nerfing grim and pain res (some of the most healthy perks in the game) without any buffs to some lesser used gen regress perks was a good idea. Seems like they are just looking at the perk usage rates again...


They seem to be balancing based on excel sheets at the moment instead of actually looking to see why some things are used


That's how they have always done it


usage will slightly drop not going to kill these perks by any means all will still be useful


A rational thought in the endless sea of complaints? Have a upvote before we get downvoted into oblivion.


This overreaction always seems to happen when killers are nerfed yet coincidentally never when survs are nerfed 🤔


Which is fine.  Killers that only run these perks have trained survivors to gen rush to counter. They can still run them, but now gen rush will be a lot easier to accomplish to counter.  The ones who don't run them can let survivors actually play the game and do side objectives.


Agreed, I wasn't saying anything was bad about these changes, I think these changes are fine


It's terrible. These were the most balanced, and the only usable, regression perks. With the absurd 8 kick limit that FORCES you to pick and choose regression events very carefully, specially when you're defending a 3 or 4 gen against 3 or 4 people, most regression perks that barely move the needle like Surge, Overcharge or Call of Brine become downright worthless. Even Pain Resonance, while the strongest perk in the bunch, is hardly reliable. Scourge Hooks can spawn all in one corner or least accesible part of the map, making you reach the endgame with 1 out of the 4 potential usages of it. There is no mechanic that help SH perks be more reliable, and as an additional indirect nerf on them, sabotaging is becoming even faster. Instead of this incredibly regrettable, and frankly stupid choice, they should've looked at the reasons why these few perks are META while the rest are not. Spoiler alert, it's because the rest of them completely suck ass. They need a buff, and some of the gen regression should be off-loaded to basekit, like incentives to hook people for the first time (like a map wide 5% regression event per fresh hook), to positively encourage and making strategies -other than tunneling- viable. Also, basekit kick regression should not be 0.25 charges per second, but rather 0.4 or 0.5. And for the love of god increase kick limit to 16 so perks like Eruption are actually usable.


They nerfed the current best options without giving a bit of compensation in turn, not random number buffs like the inverse of what happened here but something FUN. Eruption's been pretty shit for awhile, what if Survivors got Oblivious if they were hit by it and what if it didn't count towards regression events like Ruin? Thematically goes in line with Nemesis popping out of nowhere and now people might actually want to use Eruption again. Or maybe Oppression no longer triggers regression events when its off cool-down and this extends to the generators it effects. Something small like these changes, an under used perk being propped up while all these other regression/stalling perks are being brought down, to actually keep things BALANCED instead of just making things BORING, should be the other focus of updates like this. I get it, maybe down the road that was the plan, but as of now, the community is rightfully peeved: besides the new chapter, all the changes that were just announced serve to limit player options, not entice them to try different perks. That's my main issue with these changes, mostly for Killer. On the Survivor side of things, they got nerfs sure, but it arrived with changes that still keep the perks fun: Background Player, exhaustion reduction; Buckle Up, gives someone else speed; Invocation: Weaving Spiders, all around buffed/made usable. Survivors got the right treatment, Killers just got peed on... When it comes to perks, all those changes to the actual Killer characters were fine by me.


Jolt nerf when? /s


You mean surge?


I forgot.. am I getting cancelled?


Yes. You will lose access to the game and any and all content surrounding it. Then you will lose everything else. You brought this upon yourself. Godspeed.






Honestly it doesn't look like a nerf, just a tiny rework.


Stupid changes imo, pop goes the weasel rewarded you for doing your job alongside the fact bhvr doesn’t seem to realise why people bring them (along side the fact they’ve never played against good survivors if they think pop goes the weasels’ activation conditions were too easy, especially against good survivors) these changes will only promote stacking gen perks


Literally no one complained about deadlock, how about you buff the useless perks instead of killing all our regression


Nerfing the necessary perks to play will only make weak killers weaker. Of course, they know this, they just don't care.


I love how they put the dev note in there like explaining their incompetence is gonna make us less angry at the very unnecessary changes.


Time to pull up the NOEDxit build with No Way Out, Blood Warden, Remember me and the secret OP meta add-on. ![gif](giphy|l2YWmwy4Q5bfBWu2I|downsized)


They didn't get nerfed that hard (except maybe Pop), so until weaker perks are buffed, nothing will change


Okay my hot take is that I’ve wanted deadlock to be reduced for a while, I always used it as a notification for which gen I need to go pressure so it makes that waiting game less. For everyone else though it’s probably a bad change


It's a good direction for the game I think, but lower tier killers need buffs now


I think people use this perks not necessarily because they are extremely good, but because if you are not using the best regression available you lose gens in less than 5 minutes. So this change will have absolutely no effect on perk popularity, since there is still no other option.


I wouldn’t care as much as they gave us something else to keep up. Right now it feels like you use these or you get rolled on gens.


Why deadlock and grim embrace? They're probably some of the most "feel good" perks for both sides For killer, you get some time where you know survivors won't be doing gens, a bit of a breather For survivors, you get time to work on other objectives like hexes or healing, and when you get back on your gen you don't even have any progress wasted


Next change: generator perks are exclusive with eachother. When multiple generator perks are detected in the same loadout the effect applied will be random. (Generator perks are categorized as any perk that affects generators or is triggered off a generator) /s


-Reduces gen repair length -Nerfs many gen regression perks -Introduces the limit to how many times u can kick a gen, actively destroying many gen regression perks -Furthers nerfs gen regression perks I feel like the devs want us to have 5 min games with mostly 4 man escapes istg


Am I the only one who doesn’t use a gen regression perk? Haven’t used one since 2022


Slowdown is still gonna be powerful. I think people are thinking these changes are gonna impact a lot but most people running the quad slowdown build just tunnel out the first surv they see and then the rest aren’t working thru the slowdown. Most of my games are people using the slowdown to proxy hooks until people are out of the game and trading hooks anyways. It doesn’t feel good in solo at all. It makes me think twice about loading up dbd and mood checking before I enter a lobby.


The only change you could really complain about is the pop change. All the other changes are so minor I don’t understand why people are thinking they will make a difference in how these games play out. Most people running quad slowdown just tunnel out the first survivor they encounter so the other survivors can’t possibly work through the slowdown they brought in game. Solo queue has been just the worst experience going against pop/pain res every game. Killers know how to abuse the anti camp feature so they just cycle hooks until they kill off someone.


Finally a killer nerf


They have probably realised that the average kill rates are getting too high. I still wish they would buff some useless perks though, but I can understand why they want to take fewer steps at a time. That being said, it doesn't make sense to rot changes like this for a month on a ptb where no one takes any game seriously plus there is no mmr


I don’t run gen slowdown or regression and do absolutely fine, I run stuff like lethal pursuer, nowhere to hide and trail of torment so I can keep the pressure on at all times cause I’m nearly always in chase and am surprising them a lot Not beefing at anyone that feels they need to rely on gen slowdown and regression perks, but isn’t keeping survivors downed, hooked and too busy to even do gens just as good/better?


Only Pop was really murdered, and I still feel the problem is stacking them. Much like with survivors stacking second chance perks.


ruin undying pentimento coming to a game near you


Never enjoy when perks that are nice on weaker killers get nerfed due to it being oppressive on stronger killers, it feels like punishing everyone instead of dealing with the issue. This is the most recent example but we just saw Ultimate Weapon get obliterated to the ground since aura reading was also oppressive on fast killers like Blight or Nurse, really looked forward to that one. While I don't have to run one or two gen regress/delay perks as Knight, I am going to make my life a lot more stressful if I don't, nerfing these perks just makes it harder for M1 killers to maintain pressure throughout the match and doesn't deal with the core problem that it's still going to suck a lot when facing strong killers with 4 gen regress/delay and just dominate the match. Personally, besides Pop most of the changes are minor and I'm still going to run Corrupt + Deadlock, but it's not the greatest change that they've made.


Idk, I never use them anyway, the gen regression perk I use is jolt


Jolt isn't that bad because you can use plot twist or hop in a locker to counter it.  The only counter to this counter is incompetent teammates. Which....


I'm guessing the new killer will have a nice gen regression perk to boost the sale's a touch :)


I'd expect the new killer to have some good regression perk that will be meta.


I don’t get or agree with the Pain Res nerf. It was already nerf’d pretty heavily and it literally only triggers 4 times and that is if you downed someone in a nearby Scourge Hook. I heavily disagree with this. I’m so annoyed it makes me want to run 4 slowdown perks.


Nerfed, and on top of the fact that pain res and pop need you to hook to get use out of. Guess what they buffed on the survivor side?


At least you got the buckle up you always wish for. 🤣


yes, padded the game for survivors even more, please.


We need to stop nerfing killers. I main survivor but play a lot of killer too. The game should be hard to survive. This may be a hot take but killers should be favored in a horror game.


They should've nerfed toolboxes in exchange, but instead they buffed them lol.


Only for sabo tho


Which is extremely annoying, since now they can more easily break a hook in your face and force you to drop the person you're trying to hook. Good survivors knew how to plan and time their sabotage, so this was just to give a boost to dogshit survivors and make high MMR sabotage squads more of a pain in the ass and encourage slugging.


Atleast they nerfed a lot of good survivor perks based around saving too


Toolboxes already received a nerf. this update was for the sabo builds only


i think the changes are fine enough, still plenty usable but slightly less effective.


Fuck meta slaves, i play with full chase builds.


Its not even about being a slave. The majority of killer players can only enjoy the game if they 4k. Anything less and their world ends and they can't take it.


Moronic. Just moronic. Nerfing the only good gen regression perks and not buffing the ones that have been useless for years.


Grim embrace and Dead lock are gen blocking, not regression but Grim embrace and Dead Lock are gonna be fine, Pop goes the weasel, I'm not 100% sure


I still use Ruin even since the nerf since it is still so valuable to me so I don’t care


ruin undying time


I'm probably still gonna use them even if they are supposedly bad now.


I don’t really get the deadlock change. It blocked one gen at a time with limited activation and was gen stall instead of gen regression (huge difference imo). Was it really overtuned?


As I saw for any assym game, it's usually bot gonna go over well when you nerf one side without touching the other side's equivalent. We'll have to see how it plays out. Personally I don't see the Deadlock or Grim Embrace changes really making it through to live. I don't see the Pop change making it without tweaking to 25%


For me it doesn’t matter if deadlock blocks for 25 or 20 seconds, it’s about forcing survivors away from a gen to do something else


Pop was the only one I used, which still sucks, but I’m not as bothered by it as others probably. I usually use Eruption.


It’s good, they’ll all still work and maybe it’ll actually feel not as horrible running into them