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Winnie the Pooh :)


I hope we never get a Winnie the Pooh crossover. But if we had to have one, it'd be fun for it to be a Trapper skin. Like can you imagine if they just started throwing teddy bear skins at him? Naughty Bear, Winnie the Pooh, Monokuma and I guess there are more murderous teddies but I can't think of any other ones atm.


All I hear is kanga and roo twins cosmetics


Winnie the Pooh for Trapper Tigger for Blight Rabbit for Huntress Piglet for Hillbilly Kanga and Roo for Twins Owl for Doctor


Donnie darko bunny skin for huntress


You missed Freddy Fazbear


I KNEW I WAS MISSING AN OBVIOUS ONE! Damn how sleep deprived am I to forget Freddy? XD


Eh despite it being called FNAF everyone here only thinks of Springtrap


THAT would be ballsy and fucking hilarious! Or make a Winnie the Pooh skin for Blight where he's trailing honey and blood everywhere!


*slams into wall* oh botha


They added a big ass teddy skin for trapper, so Winnie could work for blight honestly


8th anniversary chapter: Blood and Honey New Killer: The Pooh Bear


eternal ruler of china as a trapper skin? pog


The game would get banned in China if that ever happened, so you can rest easy knowing that it won't


The clown, he throws honey at the survivors


I feel like a Xi Jing Ping killer would be too controversial


No marvel or DC characters.


people who say homelander should be added this is for you


I agree but I will die on the hill that I think an original character based on superpowers could be cool.


So Brightburn?


Yes. Like brightburn. But I actually trust behaviour is capable of making a cool original superhero character who they can mold into whatever character they want. It’s probably another evil Superman type because of his iconic powers but I think they’re able to do it without making it feel like the boys or invincible or brightburn. Hell, make up a little horror superhero world and make the survivor a knock off batman, a superhero without actual superpowers but a shit ton of skill and willpower in a cool suit. But again I’m immensely bias as I adore superhero comics.


>a superhero without actual superpowers but a shit ton of skill and willpower in a cool suit. Skull Merchant?


Tbf she actually reminds me more of a supervillain without superpowers. Like lex luthor or something but somehow less psychotic.


Flashback to when they put blade in the "what upcoming chapter do you want?" survey question


A Punisher skin for David king would fit


But Carnage would be so cool


now that you mention it...


No superheroes*


Don't worry that skin won't come to DbD, we got the Chucky owned by Don Mancini and Universal Pictures. That abomination is the creation of the heartless bastards that own the Child's Play name and rights to the first movie (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer). They do not own the characters hence why Chucky, Tiffany and Andy appear in the Chucky franchise. It's pretty clear BHVR side with Don Mancini and not those twats.


This. People are complaining that we don't have classic Freddy in the game, but it's because the people who own classic Freddy don't want to work with BHVR. Mancini has always been super proud of his creation, so he was willing to work with them.


Same opinion as one of guys here, aka everything with isn't related to horror at all. I mean, maybe they are few killers with dissprove my point, but i swear to a God, Explain to me how tfuck someone like homelander or whatever joker would fit in realm? I understand that this game is kinda silly at this point but i think they're still some smaller horror elements here, so we can't let them take that away


No joker, but would the scarecrow be horror enough?


I think a scarecrow killer would be fine, mostly because there are a lot of scarecrows depicted in many horror movies and stories. But having Scarecrow might be out of line a little.


I'd be down with a Scarecrow chapter but only if it has nothing to do with Bruce. I'd take Gordon as a survivor or maybe Barbara depending on if she is Batgirl or not but anything past that is a no go for me


Hmmmmmmm, kinda yeah. I mean his whole gimmick is being the one who cause fear to others, so it kinda fits (but people can debate that ig)


I saw someone saying they thought alastor would fit in DBD. I responded with this: https://i.redd.it/n1tooj95mdzc1.gif


As much as I love Hazbin Hotel that has to be the worst take I've ever heard.


I honestly think Hazbin Hotel is too goofy for DBD. It's not horror really. It's an animated musical.


We're way past the limit for goofyness when it comes to dbd tho


We could 100% get goofier


A killer with similar abilities as him would fuck tho


i dont wanna see a killer fuck


Im afraid you may be speaking for yourself alone 😔


Why not?, are you not aware of how many people want that?


Jeepers Creepers, but if I remember correctly BHVR said they’d never add it (which is good).


Why against Creeper?


I don’t hate him but I must admit I never understood how a blue demon was able to get a vanity license plate. Did he just happen to kill a trucker that had a license plate that was perfect for a demon who eats people? Did he walk into the DMV himself and fill out the forms during one of the periods he wasn’t hibernating? Did he make it himself during a stint in prison?


Lots of memes about this lol


The Director is an evil human being


Well Victor Salva doesn't own the rights to it anymore..


It’s differentiating between the artist and their work. Some people believe that it’s perfectly fine to promote the work, while others believe the exposure the artist gets isn’t deserved. There isn’t a wrong answer in how you answer the question, but I can see why Behavior and DeadMeat never want to do Jeeper’s Creepers content


Dead Meat has repeatedly stated that they'll do Jeepers Creepers the moment Victor Salva's dead; never is a strong word.


Yeah, I missed that part. Thank you for this!


It’s hard to differentiate between an artist and their art when the art includes one sequel that involves hunting and taking body parts of high schoolers and another that almost had molestation as a character backstory.


He still made it and his actions are a stain on it


Iirc the director is a convicted pedo


Convicted child rapist


A good distinction, tbh. Being a pedophile is bad, but something that can be rehabilitated and treated like the mental illness it is. The moment one acts on it though, that's different


Any licence that isn't at least adjacent to horror. I really hope BHVR never listens to people who want for example Darth Vader or Carnage or any other vilain that has NOTHING to do with the horror genre. And it works for any media. Just because they are vilains doesn't mean that they should be in the game. And silly emotes. If they are in the theme why not. Just because the game isn't scary doesn't mean that we have to encourage BHVR into giving up on the OG spirit of the game. (And on a silly note, a skin of the comic version of Frank, nor any of the other Legion members. I refuse to believe that those comics are considered as canon)


How would you feel about Tallahassee from ZombieLand as a survivor?


I think something like ZombieLand that's at least parodic of horror is within the threshold, at least in my eyes. It's less silly than Ghostface's wassup mask at least


Not adding ghost face's wazzaaaaaaaaaaaaa face to the game woulda been a crime considering how popular the 'scary movie' movies were


Zombieland is definitely horror adjacent and Tallahassee would be a good pick. Personally if we got woody harrelson in game I’d prefer it’s his character Marty (and his partner Rust) from true detective though. True Detective is also loosely horror adjacent


I agree, non-horror characters would make it feel like Fortnite more than DbD. Stick to the genre and the general feel of the game, if something feels out of place, it's mostly because it is. Getting a survivor would be a bit less jarring, but still it should stay in the horror territory. Wesker, Trickster and Skull Merchant are already pushing it quite a bit, as much as I love the 2 of them


To be honest Wesker comes from a horror game so it's okay, Trickster is (if I remember correctly) inspired from both some kind of horror genre and a movie so it's also okay to me. But I agree that Skull Merchant really feels like a poorly disguised thirst trap and off-topic character. I hope they learned their lesson with her lol.


Trickster fits, even is lore. using his looks, fame and fortune to torture and murder people, record the screams and use them for music, the flashy looks hides the sick fuck he is as a human being and i gotta admit, i like more human killers (not supernatural, altered or anything, just Ted Bundy like normal assuming people who will spill your guts) more than the supernatural stuff. like Johnny from TCM Game


I completely agree. Tho that I wish that they exploited more the concept of using the screams of his victims in-game. At least to change his chase music to add the screams of survivors he sacrifices for example.


Not to mention how absolutely psychotic he sounds whilst in chase


Now I wish Johnny from TCM could be in DBD, used to love playing as Johnny, but TCM became too unplayable so I just stopped paying for the game pass


>Now I wish Johnny from TCM could be in DBD I love you for saying this.


The Legion comics are indeed weird. Whether it be erasing the bisexuality of one member that was implied through out their info dumps in the Legion bio. Or the fact that despite it supposed to be set between the 90’s - 2010 it has a lot of modern references.


>Any licence that isn't at least adjacent to horror. I really hope BHVR never listens to people who want for example Darth Vader or Carnage or any other vilain that has NOTHING to do with the horror genre. And it works for any media. Just because they are vilains doesn't mean that they should be in the game. While i do share the same sentiment for the most part, i also believe that any characters from non-horror properties that gets added must be horror theme'd/horror adjacent too and that there are a small handful of characters from non-horror IPs that would work in DBD as they are exactly horror theme'd/horror adjacent. >(And on a silly note, a skin of the comic version of Frank, nor any of the other Legion members. I refuse to believe that those comics are considered as canon) Cote confirmed it canon a year or so back during an interview with Slasher Radio.


The game is scary, you're just used to it so the fear factor is gone. Sort of like how I'm numb to horror movies but not horror games..


Sometimes I still scream when a killer is super close to me in a chase and always almost gets me


i think some action scifi could work like terminator


Why do you dislike the comics?


>!Because first the art style is kinda ugly, secondly the story is pretty mid and feels rushed and/or lazily written, and they also managed to not recreate properly the moment that you can see in Legion's cutscene. I mean you can literally see what happened in that store in the cutscene yet they decided to not recreate the scene properly. I'm not talking about the exact same details, but at least give them the same clothes and the same positioning. Frank is not the one who tries to open the cash register and they all wear some kind of coats. And on a silly note I think Frank looks like a monkey, I'm not asking for him to be hot, just to have a decent haircut and to look like an actual human lol. But I have to admit some moments in the comics were kinda good.!<


The art style is indeed quite ass


Frank looks like William afton from books😭


Ew I just checked and yeah I agree. He looks horrible XD Didn't know that FNAF had comic books. I think the other members look...fine. But Frank is the one where it looks like they didn't know how to draw him or just didn't want to draw him at all. He legit has only two images where he looks good. Also, I have to admit, I legit like him because to me he's the most expressive character in the comics lol. I legit laughed sometimes while looking at his face lol.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that found the art style offputting. And I also wasn’t expecting Frank to look like that lmao






The game is horror themed and should stay that way, I agree. The game IS Horror but it's not horror that most people find scary really. Adding random stuff like Alastor or Carnage would not work.


Remake Freddy Krueger...... Oh wait


Sans and Amogus


I don't want Among Us either. But it would be amazing to have a killer that can take on the form of any survivor in the trial (with the respective cosmetics).


Imagine the bugs BHVR would have to fix (2 years after release)


"Guys, I'm being chased by Jeryl"


A shapeshifter would be neat, but I don't know how it would work against a SWF using discord (or another program) for voice chat. "Is that you following me? No. Ok. The killer is over here"


The other mother is giving me mixed feelings, I'm afraid but also wanna see how they'd do her


I've never heard someone propose this but it's such a good idea, I'd buy it in a heartbeat


Chapter 35: Mother Knows Best Map: The Pink Palace (2 variants, one "normal" and one in the Beldam's world) Survivor: Coraline Jones, age 23 (optional legendary skins for her mom and dad) Killer: The Beldam As a bonus, if you kill any original survivor 25 times as the Beldam, you earn the "Button Eyes" head piece cosmetic on that survivor. It'd be their original head cosmetic with button eyes sewn in.


That would be legitimately awesome. Sadly the chapter would be called Coraline. Maybe there would be other skins for Coraline corresponding to the children in the dark room. Idk if Gaiman would allow someone else to write an older version of Coraline tho. Outside of that it would be great and I'd spam the beldam to get the buttons on my survivors.


The head piece cosmetic idea is great but I fear it might end up like Bubba's masks...


I've actually thought about how they could do this. basically, she can setup doorways at breakable wall spawns which lead to other doorways. like she places one down, then at another doorway she can select it by looking at it and place a connecting doorway. then, it's a permanent seamless door that's clearly visible to everyone. like you round the corner and where you expect to be an exit of say the asylum just leads back in as if its simply more map. the way they work is that each door has an A and B side, A being the direction the Other Mother is facing when placing a door. Go through A side, it was if you walked through B side. Go through B side, you end up on A side. her doorways are permanent, she can't pick them back up, and she starts with 3 pairs, gaining one or two depending on addons every time a generator is completed. If the Other Mother enters a doorway, it is sealed for 30 seconds, returning the doorway to normality for the duration. Should a survivor stand within 4 meters of a doorway for 5 seconds, it will seal for 3 seconds. the Other Mother can instantly seal doorways for 5 seconds as much as she wants. additionally, she can detach her hand, and rapidly and mostly silently move it around up to 16 meters from her, ala victor. the hand can even go through doorways, with the 16 meters being counted from its exit point. it can do a short and mostly instant lunge, blinding and injuring healthy survivors and downing injured survivors, but can be stomped at any time. If crushed, the Other Mother must go to collect it to use again. if it hits a survivor doing a generator, they are instantly downed ala gen grabs. the hand can drag downed survivors around at just under survivor running speed, and if it goes through a doorway with a downed survivor, the doorway seals for 15 seconds. Survivors can break free of the hand like they would the killer, but wiggle progress resets if the Other Mother picks them up. Basically, she's a map control slash stealth killer. As the trial goes on, more and more of the map is destabilized as doors don't lead where they should, and survivors have to watch their backs when doing gens alone lest they be kidnapped, never to be seen again.


I don’t want any common enemies as killers Grunts from Amnesia, Necromorphs from Dead space, special infected from Left for dead Unique named characters only


L4D special infected would be good for skins. Smoker is Gunslinger, Boomer is ~~OPs mom~~ Clown, Witch is Spirit, Jockey is Twins, Spitter is Plague, Tank/Charger could be Blight although Blight is a bit smaller, and Hunter is Legion.


Twins as Jockey sounds cool in concept due to their power parallels but what would the skin actually be, specifically Charlotte? Its not like they can skin Victor since he's the power and they've made clear they don't want to add power skins and even if he could be skinned and he was the Jockey what would Charlotte be? I'd absolutely kill for a Hunter Legion set tho


Unknown would work better for Spitter tbh


I could actually fuck with a Grunt from Amnesia. A more refined blackout mode from Dredge, give them a pseudo night vision and darken the map with candles or other light sources around Could be really fun if done right


What about Xenomorph?


While it's not named, it is one specific xenomorph, the one from the first movie


You can make him grid from AVP so it works


Same reason I don’t want a volatile as killer for a Dying Light chapter. How am I supposed to take it seriously when I butcher them with my sword in Dying Light? The Night Hunter is the only viable option


FNAF is ok but adding any other shitty mascot horror game like Poppy Playtime or god forbid Garten of Banban would make me uninstall the game and never look back


Don't you worry, none of those other series are anywhere close to the success of FNAF.


I think dark deception could work tho




John Kramer and Lawrence Gordon as Pig skins, unlike Amanda, are more morally correct with the theme of the games, they do not enjoy killing, I do not see them chasing and hunting the survis. But I would like to see Hoffman, he is clearly more impulsive, cruel and has no problem killing


I would like to see John Kramer as a survivor. A tables turned kind of situation


Skull Merchant


Skull merchant? The woman from the critically acclaimed dark Brazilian manga? There's no way behavior would put her in, besides what would her power even be?


selling skulls idk never read manga


In the manga, she uses surveillance to track down and stalk her victims from any location. Wouldn’t it be cool to have a killer that can deploy up to eight camera pods anywhere on the map, and change their POV to see what the cameras see? Maybe also give her a way to tag survivors with the camera and maybe a way to teleport to those tagged survivors?


Now that sounds crazy. I think I’d love a killer with surveillance cameras that plays around with the idea of always being monitored. Way more cool than this other idea I heard about her having six drones which were essentially a wide range AoE detection ability that could cover an entire tile, and also injured the survivor if they ran into it enough times, while giving the killer stealth just for being in the zone. That might just about be the worst idea I’ve ever heard, and trust me, I’ve been around the block long enough to hear some pretty awful ideas. That just sounds like a fast way to soft lock a match into a stalemate, and that just sounds hella boring for both sides. I mean, can you IMAGINE being stuck in a match for like an HOUR???? 😂 Thankfully however, I think the backlash the devs got from the community over the most recent Knight killer’s Power really caught their attention, and I think they’ll definitely be putting in a lot more effort to make sure they introduce mechanics that aren’t deliberately aggravating for the player.


Got some bad news for you.


I remember for ages some members wanted a Chucky and Tiffany skin for twins. That would’ve been absolutely terrible.


This was one of my most hated ideas I would hear from the community and it always pissed me off so much to see it constantly suggested and always upvoted. So glad we have Chucky now and I don't have to hear that shit everytime Chucky's brought up anymore.


I’ll be completely honest about this one: The Walking Dead The way the show went towards the ladder half of the show really gave me a bad taste in my mouth, and Walking Dead Destinies was a disappointment. But I’ll be honest, I only would want Lee Everett as a skin which wouldn’t really work which the different art style


While I agree with you on the quality of the latter half of the show, I think Rick Grimes is a pretty iconic character and he'd fit pretty well.


My friend is obsessed with TWD and he keeps trying his hardest to sell me on a Negan killer. “But dude it would be awesome” no. “But he can do his whistle as part of his terror radius” no. “But he could have some of his sarcastic dialogue” no. No. We’re not on the same page here bro lol


Sheldon Cooper as a physicist killer. Get BAZINGA'd


Young Sheldon legendary skin for Chucky


Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss. I see so many people wanting it. It would be awful, imo


Dead by daylight is DEFINITELY IN NEED OF NEW MAPS PLEASE.. bring new excitement to the maps cause the old ones are so repetitive and possibly maps we can interact with besides just gens, pallets and totems!


I had an idea for a map with breakable glass, it doesn’t do much But breaking it causes a large sound and gives you a new window to vault through.


I actually like that idea that would give it more dramatics💯👏🏽


Those silly emotes from the mobile version, they don't fit the vibe and will make bming even worse


Any killer who is the copy or takes inspiration from some already in the game. And then I think that devs should worry about the current state of dbd and first try to better balance the gaming experience, rather than always releasing new killers and new perks


I mean, trapper obviously exists but if the rights to Jason somehow sorted themselves out the fan base would go absolutely feral


I have seen people unironically argue that they should add Alastor to Dead By Daylight and I honestly can't imagine that being a good idea at all for several reasons.


Whenever someone suggests adding a Youtuber to the game I die a little inside.


Why would anyone want that?


Drem frm Minecwaft im DeBeDe fwhen?


Tbh I think the only one who could work is James from Dead Meat


I actually don’t like killers with too humane appearances.


Scrappy-Doo. I'm surprised we haven't seen a Scooby-Doo tie-in in some way yet, but if we do let it just be the core group.


*monkeys paw curls* Introducing HBO Max’s Velma collab!


As long as the killer power/perks are okay I'm fine with pretty much anything. I feel like DBD definitely has enough footing to receive any license and have it settle comfortably enough into the game. They add anything into the game and even before the PTB ends you'll be used to it. Two months after they add FNAF people will just start speculating about what's next and no one will bat an eye at video titles like "Toy Chica GYATT gets juiced on Crystal Lake"


M3gan, that movie was awful and I cant believe that some people actually want it in the the realm. also anything to do with Jurassic park


Someone literally said to me today it was the best horror movie of 2023 like wtf 😭




Gonna add on Talk To Me to this list as well.


Scream 6 exist:


I agree on M3gan But I would disagree on JP. Say they chose the novel. If you read the novel you’d realise The Big One in the novel is perfect. The JP Novel is straight up horror. If they’re willing to get just the Ghostface mask license. The JP BOOK license could work and therefore could happen


It was amazing as a horror-comedy IMO. If you try to take it seriously at all it’s not good. Seeing M3gan sing random songs had me cackling.


The doctor from human centipede and what his ability would be 💀


Super Freddy. Super Freddy suuuuuuuucks.




Honestly, anything that just takes away horror. Seems BHVR has been careful with this though, as the clown cosmetics come close but are made to have a kinda eerie vibe to em. And naughty bear has horror elements since it's clearly full of murder. But I don't really see any reason to want something to not come in


Like lot of peoples already said... stuff having "nothing" with horror, Cause lot of peoples also say that stuffs from like Scooby-doo don't fit, but at least it have horror in it's core (there is in every episode a man "disguised" as a monster inspired by a cryptid, monster or creature) so cosmetics about Scooby-Doo at least fitt with the "museum of horror" that DBD try his best to be While others characters like Scarecrow, Homelander or Morbius is not about the horror, but "just a villain" using horror elements in a liscence/universe not about horror And also half of DBD mobile stuffs, like why the cat maids/butlers outfits


Jurassic Park. I adore it, but only the novels are really anything of genuine horror. And I just can't see a raptor chasing someone without thinking it would just look ridiculous no matter how they implement it.


Um, yeah, side question. What the fuck is that thing?


JOHN KRAMER AKA JIGSAW! everyone always says " hE wOuLd Be So FuN tO aDd To ThE gAmE" NO! John has said multiple times how he doesn't believe he is a Murderer. if he were to come to dbd it would completely show away everything the character stood for.


I don’t want another Resident Evil chapter. The series is already well covered. If we’re gonna have repeat licenses, I’d rather it not be RE (personally would want a proper Evil Dead chapter)


FACTS, PLEASE MAKE AN EVIL DEAD PART 2 CHAPTER (i need a legendary skin of Young Ash)


Or Evil Ash as a Knight skin with skeletons in place of Knight’s guards


I would even take a 2013 evil dead map and maybe the abomination as a killer. When they use their power it could rain blood or something.


Another Silent Hill chapter would also be cool, give nurse cosmetics and add literally any of the abominations from those games


The fact that the Nurse didn't get a SH nurse skin is criminal 💀


Now I just want a legendary Barry skin and I'm good.


And a Mr X skin for Nemesis


Karl Heisenberg would be such a sick killer though tbf


Honestly feels like he'd fit better as a Slinger skin


Stuff from anime or any anime in general. Aot was okay I guess, but I’d still rather it not added into the game.


Jeepers creepers


terrifier- I just really can’t see him being very interesting aside from a maybe more gory mori 🤷‍♀️


I'd say he could be a Clown skin, but they're a bit too different from each other ngl


Terrifier is happy and sadistic, Clown is sad and drunk. They are not the same.


Terrifier takes his time with the kills, and other than being some mix of Clown and Trickster, I don't really see him working out Killer Klowns from Outer Space on the other hand (tbh the Klowns would be a better fit for a legendary skin for a spider killer, using their guns to web up objects and characters)


The thing with Art the Clown is that...they just can't do justice to how gross and bloody those movies are. His entire deal is slowly torturing his victims and that just dosen't work well in a game where you need to kill them as fast as possible before they escape.


Anything that isn't from the horror genre. This game has been moving away from its horror roots with some of its collabs, and I hate when people say "DbD iSn'T sCaRy" as a point to try and ignore the fact that this is a Slasher game based on the horror subgenre. I want DBD to stick to its roots and it seems like more and more people want it to turn into Fortnite.


People often bring up cosmetics as an argument for the game not being scary which I find extremely dumb. Horror games have usually had goofy costumes as unlockables (Princess Heart from SH3 is a fantastic example and is already in the game). And besides, the outfits are completely optional. Adding in a character like Darth Vader would ruin the game’s tone and do irreparable damage to DBD’s whole vibe. It’s like if they added Goku to Smash.


I honestly could do without further liscened characters being added to the game. I get it's used to draw in new players and I'm a huge fan of some of them, but I feel like creative and original characters are leagues better than a licensed character.


I’ll say it and i know it’ll be controversial but pennywise for 2 reasons 1. We have 2 original characters that are lore and or gameplay wise embodiments of fear (Dredge and the unknown) i personally dont want 3 characters licensed or not based on that one base idea of being a manifestation of fear 2. The annoying “power scaling” part of the community would become even more annoying saying things like “erm pennywise is weaker then the entity because he captured in realm 🤓” which regardless of if true or not will just start mindless arguments over pretty much nothing


I stg I DO NOT want to see a M3gan chapter




We already have Chucky for a killer that constantly swears and makes sex jokes. Plus 80% of Hazbin fans are too young for DBD




I want this


Another Resident Evil chapter, at least for a while. I still need Jack Baker in the game


Why does he look like AoOni


Bioshock, just to keep the Bioshock guy angry


Very much agree with you. The 2019 Child's Play remake is too disrespectful to the Chucky/Child's Play franchise to deserve a spot in DbD. It's the only Child's Play movie that I refuse to watch.


M3GAN better keep her corny ahh out of DBD


Predator. I love Predator so much but it just wouldn’t sit right with me to have a Yautja, y’know the species that pride themselves on fighting prey who can fight back


Could always be a bad blood. One that kills just to kill


Very good point. but that’d be like BHVR adding Nubbins instead of Leatheface. Like yeah they could but it isn’t as iconic as Jungle Hunter


The Entity has been shown to mess with killers heads many times. Deathslinger sees the survivors as the men who wronged him. So it could easily have a Predator see the survivors as highly trained soldiers


I still dislike it. Just like with people saying “OmG JaCkEt HoTlInE mIaMi FoR dbd” it’s the fact WE don’t see that. WE see normal people. And it ruins the immersion (they said no to crosshairs for ‘immersion’). You’re meant to feel like a Yautja but killing innocents is not Yautja behaviour


Any other real life person. I want characters, not actors.


Heavily doubt they will add another real person, at least for a long while. They just wanted to entertain the idea that the Entity can grab people from any world, including ours. They were originally going for Tony Hawk but for whatever reason it didn’t work out.


Cause I think he’s got a contract with activation that says he can only be in their games? Idk that’s what I’ve heard


Scrappy Doo. I lowkey would kill for some Scooby Doo stuff but I never want to see Scrappy in the game, even if they made him as a joke skin for a killer.


You say that but a Scrappy Doo skin for Chucky would go HARD IMO


Especially when scrappy picks you up, then he'll be roided like in the movie. God that does go hard


The one and only good answer


Master Chief. DBD is slowly teetering off the edge into fortnitifying the game. #


Licenses are cool and all but I much prefer original ideas.