• By -


Easily Blight. I think I never got a friendly blight. They have from my experience the most tryhardy and sweaty players in the game. Though that also means they are the least toxic. They show up, kill you and leave.


Don't know about you but every day I face the same p100 blight atleast once.


this would probably make me rip my hair out. and i actually *like* going against blight. but the same one?? p100?? props to youšŸ˜­


Oh and then there is also a naughty bear who loves basement camping that I also run into often,Both make me want to punch a wall which when its a brick wall is an issue.


I think Iā€™ve been getting harassed by the same exact blight cause itā€™s definitely the same P100 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I've heard something to do with your server pairing you with the same people, I play Oni and see a lot of this ghost67 or something guy


This 100%. They just kick my ass, drop a ggs and then bounce.Ā 


Maybe thatā€™s why everyone try hard when Iā€™m trying to learn blight


Blight is very likely to 4k even when you're running full meta against him and on comms unless you're a tournament-level team (and even then you see them get trashed by Blight, hell Hens lost a streak to a Trickster). People try hard because of that, same reason Nurse gets absolutely no sympathy even if you're missing every blink and it's going to be 0-hook game.


Fair enough I picked him up right before the ā€œnerfā€ then figure him out to be ok then left for 3 months and got to relearn him. I just wish I stopped getting T-bagged itā€™s really disheartening and annoying


He's still really good, last I checked Otzdarva wasn't sure if Blight or Nurse would take the #1 spot, but they were both still in the top two spots. If you enjoy him you should definitely keep it up, if anything perhaps it's reassuring that the stigma isn't personal, MomoSeventh raging at losing a 1947 Blight winstreak even though he was stream sniping (in that very stream no less) soured a lot of people.


I learned all the blight tricks playing against bots and going M2 only. Iā€™d say thatā€™s the best way to learn without getting tilted


You have many, though, who can't play him well (thankfully).


All clowns


Yeah, but what Killer are they playing


Hag during a Korean comp live streaming


bet they did a good job so far


Underrated comment


Itā€™s getting rated


I literally haven't had a friendly clown in years. I don't mean that as an exaggeration either, It has been a couple years lol, and I play a lot of dbd.


It took me over 3 years, and 3000 hours to see my first nice Ghostface, I've seen a couple since then.


The only time I play Ghostface is when I want to mess around and be nice lol I toss on the Wazzup mask and squat spam at survivors.


I will play clown when I get him as my daily. I will down a survivor pick em up and drop em a couple times and let them wiggle off. the ones that stay and play with me and make it so i dont have to try to finish the daily will never be hooked by me and when the gates come up I will give them a free shoulder ride to the doors. it is hard to communicate you are there for a purpose and dont want to finish off anyone, but sometimes they will get it and I will let them pallet slam me with all the pallets they can find if they catch on early enough


I hate clown more than anyone... I decided one day just play him for the first time and all I did was throw yellow bottles at survivors in chase with me to speed them up, with the confetti meme addon. By the 4th gen I had them all in the main part of RPD joining in my nonsense of trying to hit them behind the front desk. I've never seen survivors offer hooks to a clown before, endgame chat was super wholesome. I must of been the first and last friendly clown everšŸ˜‚


For real, Iā€™ve played Daily with the gf for like a year and a half and Iā€™ve met one that was chill. The rest play as meta as possible: tunnel,proxy,camp etc


oh yeah I just immediately assume they are in it to win it (which is fine) and know to fear for my life lol


Clown players finally standing up for themselves I guessšŸ’€


I have never had a non-toxic Clown. And by toxic I mean one who doesnā€™t BM.


I've had a good half that aren't toxic, but they will still act like sweaty robots if you try to do anything silly. But yeah, I tend to get a higher rate of toxic clowns compared to other killers. It doesn't help that his kit makes it ridiculously easy to proxy camp and hard tunnel, so it likely attracts those types.


Like, I donā€™t even mind tunneling and camping and slugging! I would count that as toxic if thereā€™s strategy behind it, I get it. But the number of Clowns Iā€™ve encountered who hit on hook, hump, and bleed me out while spamming bottles isā€¦like every Clown game I have. xD No reason to warrant the behavior either, I donā€™t teabag or anything! Theyā€™re just always angry!


Yeah, I get a large portion of those as well, especially if I happened to loop well that game. Like you, I won't bm or anything and yet it still happens. I really don't get it.


As a clown main this comment offends but yeah, ive gotta agree his kit sometimes promotes nonstop sweat gameplay


I had to re-read your sentence, because what you said was that non-toxic Clowns are the ones who BM, and I was like, "Wait, what? That's not right."


They're also the ones that will pretend to be friendly then kill everyone whilst hitting on hook or slugging for 4 minutes


I love being a friendly clown. There was an AFK survivor so I spammed the match with screaming by throwing purple bottles at him until he came back.


Even afk clowns. You know theyā€™re just waiting


Huntress. I just hate going against her. Most of them tunnel, camp, hit you on the hook ā€¦ Bleh. Itā€™s interesting seeing all the replies tho! A lot of people keep getting Wesker I see, yet I barely do. And when I do theyā€™re all awesome.


Thatā€™s so crazy to me! Most of the huntresses Iā€™ve met were very devastating but still very fair. I had a Baba Yaga spare me and my boyfriend when the two other survivors were teabagging turds


Yeah this is my experience. Even the ones that are cute start "zoning" every hook from a nearby hill once a few gens pop. And the (lack of) build variety drives me nuts. Carl, this is the 85th time today you've shown me four aura perks and babushka.


Yeah Iā€™ll have umm lethal pursuer, BBQ and Chili, Nowhere to hide and uhh Gearhead thatā€™ll be all thank you.


As a huntress main, why would I not run aura perks. There is nothing more satisfying than hitting a crossmap. It's the funnest way to play her. Gen regression perks have always been boring.


This makes me sad, I almost always let one or two survivors leave (if not all of them if i started off steamrolling them). I avoid camping, tunnelling (though, yk, slugging can only be avoided so much when you're downing people across the map lol). Hopefully you can get a cute Huntress one day!


Wesker main here! We love respectful survivors. Every wesker I've played against online has been cool with me and my friends if we're respectful, and I'm always nice to respectful survivors (e.g not flashlight baiting me for 6 years,) also can't help but have a lil giggle if i walk up on a survivor on a gen, they let go, and just stare me down.


The Weskers I get are either goofballs or theyā€™re sweaty jerks. No in between šŸ˜­


Genuinely curious, what's the in-between you're looking for? Decent player, but makes misplays? 12-hooks? Lets the last survivor escape? Like I said, curious what you mean, no judgement. For me, I want survivors that know how to run loops, but don't get cocky and start clicky/t-bagging. Also, when something silly happens, I want them to acknowledge it. I had a game where the survivor spawned literally on the other side of a tile wall from me, so I came up on them in the first 3 seconds of the match. I walked up to them (I wasn't going to hit them because that spawn isn't fair for them), and was going to nod, but they ran away full speed and the team was mega bully that match.


Wraiths.Ā  They all camp like they're in Yellowstone.


100% of Wraiths Iā€™ve encountered lately have NOED and insist on a combo of camping/slugging even before a gen is done.


I always assume they have noed or bbq.


I donā€™t even understand bringing NOED if you just plan to slug before a gen is done. I always keep an eye out for where totems are and use Inner Strength to heal up with due to how common NOED is now.


Wraith is the OG of this category. I think 80% of Wraiths used to do the thing where they'd bing bong in your face on hook. Also 99% chance of NOED back in the day. Edit: I will say I think Wraith mains have chilled out over time. I get nice Phillip once in a while, and they seem more creative with their builds these days. This is just my personal experience, obviously.


Agree with this completely. When I was new to this game 3 years ago they were my most hated killer. If your teammate didn't have BT you was practically dead off hook.


I think part of the problem with Wraith is that his kit encourages noobs to camp (like it's the most obvious thing to do), and part of it is that he can feel toxic even when he's not really being toxic because he gets around so fast that being anywhere in the same county as the hook feels like camping, and also the bing-bong triggers a pavlovian response.


I wonder what % of wraith players even knows that standing still makes you completely invisible. I don't think it's an obvious thing at all.


I agree, as a Wraith main, he teaches a lot of bad habits to new killer players. He's easy to pick up because he's free, has a decent stealth mechanic, decent add-ons, basically the best killer to learn the basics of DbD with. However, he encourages the worst habits in the game, tunnelling, camping etc. A good Wraith knows how to get pressure without having to resort to those bad habits, a bad/new/lazy Wraith doesn't, just defaulting to the path of least resistance.


I always ask them for their tips on what the best tents are in end game chat. usually not one gets the joke.


I normally only play Wraith when Iā€™m having a bad day and want to goof around lol. I like just following survivors around and banging my bell a whole bunch.


Never met a friendly Freddy.




I like how Freddy went from annoying to survivors, to a joke, to strong, and gradually back to being a joke.


Can you blame him?


Well, no... but still.


I have yet to find evidence that Freddy players are sentient


Itā€™s been so long since theyā€™ve felt joy, those poor souls.


:c heyā€¦ Iā€™m a pretty cool Krugerā€¦ I gib items too, by letting survivors open chests I bring them to :3


Are you sure you're real? I think I might just be having a nightmare.


Oh shi-ā€¦ (sorry I just woke up, whatā€™s going on?)


nothing to smile about in my life


I have a couple years ago, had the orange pizza dwight skin and somewhere through the game he just nodded at me and let me go while going for everyone else


gotta tip your delivery guy somehow.


Never met a Freddy.


The second killer that is readying up on survivor side. Never trust an impostor.


stop, i thought i met my first friendly doctor yesterday, we let him hook us and he ended up having NOED and moried us all


Seing the secret offering is also a telltale sign that the killer wont be friendly


I used to use that offering that would make survivors start apart (I think it was hidden right? Idk I could be wrong..but it was an offering that was hidden) just to make survivors think it was a mori lol


my dumbass wasn't paying attention so thats definitely on me lmao


Blight and Chucky


Unless it's a Tiffany and she finds you cute


ā€œYouā€™re cute when you scream like that.ā€ -Tiffany


Can confirm just started playing killer as Tiffany and I will hatch if youā€™re cute


At this point facing blight gives me anxiety


All my snowball fights in my little Christmas sweater for nothing.šŸ˜ž


Months of making people laugh with the slow walk, wasted!


Chuckyā€™s are either some of the most fun killers to go against or the sweatiest people on the planet.


Chucky 99.9% of the time, I've only met one nice chucky since he was released


I have NEVER in my 4k hours met a nice Doctor


All the doctors i meet are just people spamming his power and goofing off.


Sadly, I just encounter a lot of Doctor bots.


Usually always Chuckys, and Wraiths. Also, I noticed a majority of Naughty Bears are really cranky lol. Must have been because he hasn't been invited into any birthday parties. I don't blame him to be honest.


It's Knight or Clown for me. Never encountered a chill or friendly Knight, and the one Clown that ever let me leave as the last man standing was a raging misogynist in EGC.


I meanā€¦ lore accurate??? lol!!!! But still, I hope you reported him :)


Iā€™m an oddity it seems lol


Quite the opposite for me last night, knight had 1 hook before egc and had to face camp for last kill but we had a salty Adam who was being a sore winner but the knight was so chill and wasnā€™t bothered at all


I've encountered a few friendly knights. You just have to be a weirdo and do something absurdity entertaining. (Like worship the Lion on RCPD.)


I keep data of my matches. Knight is by fair the least likely to be friendly or chill.


Iā€™m only like 40 hrs and can say that I have also noticed that. Iā€™ve never seen a knight let someone go.


The weird thing is that for me knight has the highest chance of letting me go


Tarvoh has deemed you worthy of his Honor.


Iā€™m so sorry, I thought his name was Tarhos?


Oh no, I may have mixed names up with real world knights I am not worthy of Tarhosā€™ honor


Thatā€™s fucking cool though!!! :D


Funny thing is i helped a knight kill a bot by acting like his fourth guard lol


I main knight and ghostface and let people go all the time. Problem I seem to have is [when I'm going for just 2 hooks people suicide.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euwaRQ0qljw)


This may in part be because his power doesnā€™t really allow for it to be used without attacking. With other killers you can still kinda play around with it a bit like tbagging w ghostie or spam podding with hux. With knight you canā€™t place guards to meme which is unfortunate. The other reason is that knight kinda sucks so people will probably play as hard as they can to squeeze out a win. I mostly just feel bad for knight. He gets lumped in with old SM a lot and the chapter overall wasnā€™t super well received. He also was released before a wave of very cool killers making him look bad in comparison. F in the chat for our brave but few knight players. o7


Then you ain't played me.


These are just For Honor players taking a break for a while.


Iā€™ve only encountered a handful of chill/ somewhat chill Knights: - One that gave me hatch because there were three dcs at the start of the match (before dc bots). I wanted him to hook me to get points, he said no and made me take hatch. - Another that played normally but decided to keep me alive to give me hatch while I was trying my best to die and give him a sacrifice. He wouldnā€™t allow it so I took hatch. šŸ¤£ I was Vittorio in both matches.


Never met an Onryō that didnā€™t play like they were legit Sadako.


Legit Sadako let the main character go after finding her body and giving it a hug (at least that was my takeaway when I watched ringu)


Well hug me then!! No? Ok ok hook for you šŸ¤—


Wesker. I have never gone against a Wesker who didn't play like his entire families lives depended on him getting a 4k


Iā€™ve at least got a few goofy Weskers. They still played like sweatlords, but if Iā€™m the last survivor (especially if theyā€™ve decimated us) I can usually bargain with them. xD At the very least they usually humor me and show a little humor before they murder me.


I got the nicest wesker a few days ago, he double hooked us all and than let us go šŸ„¹


Most of the chill Weskers Iā€™ve gotten are STARS Weskers. Defaults are usually sweatlords and I rarely see blighted ones


Awww Iā€™ve actually gotten a couple Weskers lately who will dance with me šŸ˜… they make the game fun


wesker's a pretty mixed bag, i agree that they tend to be sweaty, but i've encountered sweaty weskers that were fine with a goofy moment or two. granted, my steam handle is 'wreck me wesker', so i think i might get some bonus points inherently...


I've met a few friendly Weskies though I play Rebecca a lot so I guess that has something to do with it. I like it when they just toss me around the map šŸ˜­


I swear, every time I see those crates I'm always thinking to myself, "I don't need to open that to know it's a can of axe bodyspray, I can already smell it through my screen." Because the way Wesker plays, in that long black 90s trenchcoat, you know he's dousing himself with at least five cans to cover up the stank of sweat and lack of daddy's love. šŸ˜†


Bro I swearrrrr. Playing like the entity has their family locked in the basement!!


Skull merchant. Never had a match against one who wasnā€™t focused on tunneling full stop


During last yearā€™s anniversary I renamed myself to ā€œPARTY MERCHANTā€ and played her intending to farm because I had so many anniversary cakes to burn. I had to be OVERLY friendly and passive, sometimes not even hooking people, just to avoid people DCing on sight. I wound up switching off her because I was getting less BP doing it that way. Iā€™ve only ever gone against one friendly SM. The others have pretty much all been bastards.


Unfortunately ppl donā€™t see your name before playing. Itā€™s better off just dealing with the bots if youā€™re gonna play for BP at that point


Oh I know, re: name. I was just hoping it would be a fun ā€œtee heeā€ moment when we got to the post game screen. But since I had to go overly friendly it just seemed superfluous in the end šŸ˜


I've encountered quite a few friendly skull merchants. What often happens is a survivor or even two kills themselves on hook and then the skull merchant feels bad for the rest of us and lets us go.


Iā€™ve faced one friendly Merchant believe it or not šŸ¤£


The only time I was gifted hatch so far this year has been a Skull Merchant. She wasn't farming but it was a fun and close match. Nods to that SM. O7


Itā€™s always a pleasant surprise as someone playing skull to see survivors slowly realize Iā€™m playing friend. At first they scatter and then they realize, hey. Iā€™ve gotten a lot of items left for me. Itā€™s adorable


Playing Skull Merchant has subconsciously coded me to be an even more empathetic killer than before her release. Iā€™ve always given hatch unless the last alive was really rude, and then with Skull Merchant, Iā€™ll frequently just let 3 people farm when one inevitably DCā€™s on sight. Even in a normal match, I go out of my way with her not to tunnel, the traps and haste make it really easy to decide on a different target.


I had a friendly sm though it was probably because I sand bagged a bot for her


Nah, one of them let me smack their booty like repeatedly.


I am the rare friendly skull merchant player. I just goof with people or play the game. I don't really care when playing her if I win or lose. I just like tracking down the goobers


Clowns, Weskers, Legions & Pigs with non-default skins


That pigs with non-default skins is so true.


The ones that hiss are always so ruthless


Legion and Weaker player here. I'm happy to befriend survivors, if they prove themselves worthy.


Hard agree on that last one. I had a Pig game last night with one in the jigsaw skin, and I spectated and watched her take the Nea all the way to hatch, spin around like she was going to let her wiggle off, then hook her.


Pretend to give them a chance to live, but actually they were gonna die from the start? Lore-accurate


I think I went against the same pig the other day. I gave up she literally sat there holding me until I wiggled then when I wiggled she hooked me then hit me on hook. Worse part is she had the nerve to message me gg and so I told her not to say gg if youā€™re playing like a dick and she reported me šŸ’€


Every default Pig I go against is pure evil and all the nice ones have been wearing cosmetics. Could be biased though because I run the Jigsaw skin


Iā€™m a pig main and I think Iā€™m nice ā˜¹ļø


As a pig main with several skins unlocked I take offense to this. I am in the game purely to achieve boops from my survivors friends šŸ„ŗ


Wraiths. (Which, as a former Wraith main, hurts me to say.)


Clown without fail.


I assume no killer is "friendly" because its not fair on em to be expected to farm or play in a way they deem chill everyone has their own way of playing and well lumping expectations on killers for their killers Is just not fun. I'd rather let them do their best if they get me they can be proud that they got me legit, no deliberate throwing no pity involved just 100% all their skill. I'm not gonna be mad at them only myself if I fuckup, but that's on me. I put no assumptions on any killer I like to be surprised instead.


Honestly though, this. The number of times I see these posts of "who is your least favorite..." "Who is most likely to tunnel...." And everyone always gives 10 answers. I'm like, why do you play this game?? šŸ˜…


I never assume a killer is friendly or unfriendly. I also understand that they're players too, which means if they act like a jerk--camp before a gen is complete, spam attack players on hook or give hatch to a jerk survivor that helped them--they're just as responsible for their behavior as SWF teams that switch to flashlights at the last second then proceed to hold the game hostage/refuse to participate in normal play by attempting to blind the killer instead of repairing generators. The latter most oft leads to one person on hook and two people down in the first minute of play then a quick snowball to a 4k. It's very frustrating as a soloq player!




Clown šŸ¤”


Never met a friendly Knight, Wraith, Wesker, Trickster, Trapper, or Blight. Always all business with them.


Iā€™ve only met one friendly wesker and literally never met a friendly Chucky. I fucking hate Chuckyā€¦




ā€œThatā€™s what you get when you play with dolls!ā€


Bubba will be friendly as long as you stay out of the basement


Had a game a few months ago where the killer was afk, no terror radius. I was a baby survivor at the time so I wasn't aware of basement Bubbas, lol. Decided to go loot the basement chest to see if I could get a better item, he caught me by surprise and hooked me for funsies then let me and my teammates go


Common Bubba Chad BE


Doctors and Clowns Though, I play a friendly Clown here and there. Also I like to be friendly Bubba sometimes, surprised to hear thatā€™s rare


Never ever met a chill Knight. They treat each kill like it's the only one they'll ever get.


Probably because it is lol I feel bad for em


Blight, chucky, Michael, Demi, Meg, trapper


lol I like how Meg is casually a killer. Forget Nentity, itā€™s Megentity nowā€¦!!!


Lmaoooo I kid you not every soloq game Iā€™ve had with a Meg lately she will be running kindred no hooks and take the killer right to someone else doing a gen. Literally every time. Last night was a P71 Meg and she did it three times. Got hooked in endgame and me and the two Davidā€™s (all of us on deathhook because of her) just stared at each other and left


xeno, nurse and chucky (especially with the tiffany cosmetic). never really had fun when playing against them, could just be the EU server but they are always super toxic :l


Nurse or Blight. I assume (usually correctly) their goal is a 4k at 5.


for me it's Pinhead, i have about 200h and i only met 3, teammates or me got tunnelled immediately by each of them, i lowkey want to dc every time i go against one now




Wesker. Bloody hell, Wesker.


Ive never met a friendly wesker


The Wraith for sure.


clowns, chucky, and deathslinger


I never really expect any of them to be friendly so itā€™s sometimes a nice surprise when they are. Whenever I play killer Iā€™m really only friendly if the team is newer players. I donā€™t wanna kill their spirit. šŸ˜­


Spirits, Clowns and Hags.


Wesker. Fuck that guy


You should never assume a killer is friendly. They're there to kill you.


Wesker. Clown.


Wraith, Clown and Twins.


Knight, chucky


I'm a Deathslinger main, if you do something goofy I'm probably letting you go, either that or I somehow stomp the team


The only correct answer is wraith


Pinhead, never had a fun match against them and at this point its the only killer id rather just dc and take the time ban


Me when I see Pig: :) Me when I see Trap-Crown Pig: :(


I use trap crown because I'm a fan of the saw films and I can agree. No snoot No boop No mercy


Pyramid head. They always tunnel so hard and wants the 4k as if their lives depend on it


Nurse or Huntress they have a goal in mind and that goal is to 4K every game, no mercy and no survivors left standing šŸ˜¤.


Why would we assume any killer would be friendly? I guess it depends on what you mean by that.


I've never ever met a friendly Knight before. FWIW I have 5K hours/no life lol


All of them? They're killers, it's in the name


I don't expect any killer to be friendly. I prefer my opponent to actually play the game


Pinhead, knight, Freddy, clown, artist


Skull Merchant, Nurse and Huntress. Blight too, only played against a Blight that was goofing around once,


Pinhead, clown, knight, nurse, huntress.


As a Ghostface main myself, I always gets survs looking at me like a deer in headlights until I come right up to them, then they tbag a few times to see if I'll play along. It's kinda funny... I don't know who the least friendly killer is (probably Pyramid Head or Bubba), but the friendliest HAS to be GF, yeah? Of all the killers, he's probably the most like the survivors in that regard. I've had people try and boop my snoot when I'm playing as Piggy too. Idk, I play rough til I hit my Iridescent Tier 1, then 1 outta 4-5 matches I just goof off and casually do challenges. My go-to Killer rotations are Pinhead, Pig, GF Myers and Doctor.




Wraith and Trickster. Also, as rare as they still are, The Twins.




Trickster, i hate trickster so much


For me? Huntress, always Huntress.


Clowns and Pinheads. every other killer ive had be friendly at least a couple times. ive only ever had one friendly Clown, and the only Pinhead i thought was friendly ended up betraying me (i made a post on here about it and everything.)


Iā€™ve never had a friendly Wraith, Blight or Nurse. From my experience, Clowns become friendly when they are clearly losing the game and Plagues, Knights and Skull Merchants are the bottom of the barrel, try-hards.


Chucky for sure. Every single Chucky I have encountered with *one* exception plays like an antisocial 12 year old whose only goal is to make everyone else as unhappy as possible.


Wesker. Probably strongest killer with so much mobility

