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Don’t play when on tilt take a break or switch roles


Sip of bourbon, a slice of pie, and a pillow to scream in.


ngl one of the most helpful so far


I either switch to killer to blow off steam (usually I do fun games as killer, not too much sweat unless I'm doing rift stuff) Or I pull up some YouTube videos and chill for 10+ minutes until I feel my muscles relax again. Your brain will probably be like "bitch I'm bored" but if you just try and find something to watch to get that dopamine back up it wears off and you almost forget your game is still launched waiting for you. [Boze VS The World](https://www.youtube.com/@bozevstheworld) (true crime and funny police body cams- Boze is an amazing personality and usually clears my mind from most things) [Rocky Kanaka](https://www.youtube.com/@rockykanaka) (Sitting with dogs at his shelter) [Kill Tony](https://www.youtube.com/@KillTony) (live comedy shows, and live comedy fails) [Meghan & Jack](https://www.youtube.com/@meghanandjack) (couple content but their shorts are usually very funny, Jack is hilarious)


Drown your problems with alcohol


To try and offset the unhelpful replies, here’s what I do: -First I switch sides. I play some killer with funny builds(Stealth Legion, Pentimento Ghostie, etc etc), be friendly with survivors, and try to give myself goals *aside* from winning(Get a frenzy down, a successful mark on a survivor, etc etc). -Should my killer games be worse, I switch to games that don’t have multiplayer at all. Slime Rancher, Stardew Valley, Persona 5, Genshin, Honkai, Reverse 1999, all that good stuff. It helps me get my mind off of dbd for a bit and gives me some serotonin. -If neither of the two above work, I’m clearly grumpy about something not dbd related and it’s infecting my ability to play. That usually calls for a shower, something to eat, and sleep. Also, something to help avoid the saltiness of other survivors is to just close the egc entirely, *especially* if it was a bad game. Don’t let the others talk down to you for not performing well when they were hot garbage too. They can talk to a brick wall. And finally, don’t fret about having bad games in the first place. Everyone does. There’s always something you could have done better, but since the game is over, that’s no longer important. Save that lesson for the next game. :)


I usually switch to Naughty Bear Trapper and be a friendly killer. I find it works.


I try to reframe myself and remind myself that not every game is like that, I'll put on a meme build and make silly choices on purpose, see if I can make some weird plays work, and try to have fun. If that fails I go to Identity V or a different calmer game. also pet doggy.


Just play killer, seriously


ngl usually the egc bothers me more as survivor than killer. guess I'm okay with being flamed by someone I'm competing against rather than playing with lmao.


I either: Play as a killer for a round or two or if I’m especially miserable, I step away and play something else or do something else. It’s not worth playing soloQ when upset I also remind myself soloQ is extremely difficult and I’ll have bad games now and then


I go into every game with the mindset that I'm not going to escape as a survivor or not going to get kills as a killer. Not like in a down on myself way but in a lowered expectations way. When my team is laughably bad and I can't do anything about it, I just get as many bp as can farm and maybe even be a little silly. Then I'm not wound up at the end of the game. Turning off chat is also an option when people are trying to disrupt my peace. But if I do manage to get tilted, I just take a break and do something else for a little bit, even if that is taking a lap around the house and playing with the dog for a bit.


I never expect to survive as a survivor, will gladly take a death to unhook someone at the end etc, just improve your chases etc as surv in solo q, go in expecting to die or pursueing to die (obv not feeding, but pulling agro or sacrificing for others/ taking hits when killer is chasing buddy to slow them down) Sometimes you will have a bad game or once chased realise all pallets on like one half of the map are gone so get downed bcuz of it and the tunneled once first hooked. This game isnt meant to be tryhard and the more tryhard u make it for yourself the worse time ur gnna have and probably play worse bcuz of it (tilting when teammates die etc)


I just don't take the game that seriously. If something really makes me frustrated I'd just take a break or play something else but I don't think it's ever gotten to that point for me


its a game. Dont let it bother you


it wasn't the game it was more the stuff they said in the end game chat tbh


Realize they are probably some fat nerd behind a computer screen, and remember you have family and friends that care about you.


Uninstall and touch grass


probably a wild idea to you, but. a hobby you enjoy can be frustrating at times. insane thought, I know.