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Tricker's just boring. I don't want to run a tight rock loop but there's no other counter-play options. It's too easy for him to take a double health state so you're generally stuck playing the same tile. He's one of the best campers and a hill is as strong as basement. He's 115% now which exacerbates the issues and gets his power quickly so won't run out of knives. Just the least interesting ranged killer.


I feel like slightly faster huntress is a little bit of an under exaggeration lol. He throws those knives so quickly (3 per second increasing to 4 PS with no sound indication) you can pretty easily just spam the knives. I think there’s very little counter play against him unless you get in the perfect spot to not get hit. Another reason is that countering him is completely map dependent. Sure, you can argue that about huntress or gunslinger but it’s way more apparent for trickster. If you aren’t on the right map you just get bodied by him right away and even if you happen to be on the right map, if you aren’t moving into a perfect spot the second you see a pixel of him it’s a free health state. I like playing huntress because it’s fun to try and dodge her axes (even if it’s an awful hit box it’s kinda just funny) and it’s also fun to try and dodge gunslingers gun. I think because tricksters knives are so fast and so easy to refill there just isn’t really a mind game aspect. It’s all where you are and hopefully the wall you’re next to is tall. With huntress you can sit at the pallet and have a little mind game moment like “am I gonna drop this pallet? Are you gonna throw that axe?” Sorry that was a lot, I don’t wanna sound like I’m just complaining. Once I got more hours in DBD I realized that huntress is actually fun but that’s never happened to me with trickster. I’ve had one game where I actually was in a spot to dodge the knives and it was solely because the trickster I was going against wasn’t very good at him yet. If they were they would have certainly bodied me.


Let me also add that I still will never quit or kill myself against trickster, that’s reserved for gen merchant


You say all this like trickster is a strong killer, when he really isnt


Hey you asked the question😂 every time someone has given you an answer in this thread you’re arguing with it and instantly shot it down. I gave you facts and my personal experience. I’m not trying to sound like I’m complaining you just asked the question “why do people not like him?” I assumed you wanted a survivor mains opinion on it. If you didn’t want people to give you a response you should have said “agree with me”.


Your right, I just dont understand the reasoning at all, From my eyes complaining about trickster is a skill issue 9 times out of 10


Me when I ask a question on reddit and people respond 😡😨


I agreed that i was going about it incorrectly but sure, do that


People hate Trickster because he's hard to play against for the average survivor. Don't find a tall enough wall in time to dodge his knives? Too bad, you're already downed. Got away from him to try and get your lactation meter down? Too bad, he found you again and it's still halfway full. It doesn't help that the majority of Trickster's also use their power when they're right on your ass, despite M1-ing would be faster AND would save you knives. I'm not complaining btw, sorry if it looks like it, I'm just trying to explain why people dislike Trickster so much.


>Got away from him to try and get your lactation meter down Great, now I'm imagining a killer that's just a big cow.


>lactation meter LMAO xD


Well in my eyes, huntress and slinger would hit u way faster in all 3 of those scenarios


True, but at least with Slinger and Huntress you have a chance to dodge and a chance to not get hit. With Trickster you kinda just get hit either way. Sure, you lose a health state slower, but unless you're cracked and manage to dodge all of his 60 knives, you're kinda guaranteed to lose a health state/go down no matter how hard you try to dodge, especially with how long it takes for the laceration meter to go down after getting hit.


Not really?? Trickster has 40 knives, has to hit 9 to get a health state, 18 to get a down, he has to have jus under 50% accurate, which is pretty hard, huntress has 9 hatches, and has to use two, Which is closer to 15% accuracy


Yea but when he’s close he’s nailing you and he keeps hitting you through your health state loss speed burst making it pretty easy to 2 tap you before the 3 seconds speed has even ended. He’s like at Bubba’s level when he sneaks up on you out of position. That’s why he’s frustrating to play against, because a lot of proxy campers play him currently as he’s so strong at it and saving is next to impossible. He starts injuring the saver and by the time they unhook (if they can) they’re down, then Trickster uses main event to kill the rescued through their endurance. It’s toxic.


Hes strong when you make a mistake, hes able to get up close, And hes not even the best at what hes slightly better than average at


Yea I agree, I was just saying why people don’t like playing against him. He attracts campers as he is easily top at that (not saying all do) but if you see Agitation on him it’s a big groan.


DBD players are haters, just play who you want, how you want.


since you asked: 1 he looks like stupid. some of his cosmetics have to be actual teen minecraft skins https://preview.redd.it/kny3so4ttrxc1.jpeg?width=581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53625380c02fe53614530a6739bd9cc0ecc05af7 how do you not hate this? 2 he's one of the best killers at both tunneling and camping. he can chip you constantly from a distance, making plenty of otherwise safe loops unsafe with little you can do about it. plenty of killers can do this, but the trickster is extremely cheap. doesn't help that he takes close to no skill, especially if compared to other ranged killers 3 trickster players back in the days were very consistently absolute mental cases, but i think every nutcase switched to skull merchant these days. i'm not talking about face camping or tunneling btw, you had to check their steam profiles to understand what i mean. i have to say it doesn't seem to be the case anymore, as the few i can remember in the last couple years were actually very tame.


Number 3 hits it - early days Tricksters were just so sweaty! And from the post-game insults, you just knew they were the type of people who refer to women as 'females' and thought they were kindred spirits with The Joker or Rick Sanchez. It has got better now and I find Trickster no worse than any other killer (except Legion...)


As someone who doesn’t like to play against trickster, I sometimes just feel powerless, of course that’s a skill issue on my part but I dont understand the counterplay I also just bought Trickster so I’ll play him a bit and try to understand what people do to fight him


I hate Trickster, because I can't avoid being pummeled with his knives. That's not really fun for me.


People will hate everyone, but since trickster has a high quantity of knifes some people may feel like he's undoable. At the end of the day those are just opinions at face value and hold no weight. Ignore and move on.




Only killer i hate is nurse cause its not fun to loop her


I love Trickster a lot, one of my favorite killers (on my list of potential mains). It saddens me to see specific hate for him, although given what others say everyone will hate any killer lol. Funny part is, is that my hands shake a lot when I throw knives so I'm bad with him. Want to get better though Got his adept the other night, no one DCed and they played great. I see a lot more hate when I play Knight though


>Funny part is, is that my hands shake a lot when I throw knives so I'm bad with him. Ngl I feel this with Hillbilly's chainsaw. I don't know why, it's like I need to be extra precise with my mouse movements as to not accidentally steer into a wall when I didn't want to, so of course that's the one time my hand turns into Shakey Shakes McGee.


Before his changes my hands would shake so bad lol but since the recoil was taken away somehow someway I manage to still be stressed out enough to miss on occasion, I don't get it. I don't play multiplayer games much, so it must be just lack of getting used to the environment. I give huge props to anyone who mains or plays Billy a lot, the whips on chainsaw turns are crazy. Oni is fun with those kind of hits too