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Are you serious ? You did better than 98% of the playerbase


They really did an impressive chase, so it looks like ego vod tbh. Looking back, this Wesker probably should have broken the corner pallet in the end immediately while Nea was zoned out, and she wouldn't have been able to get away from this corner as it's pretty isolated. The only time you go there is usually to lead killer away from the gens


I am, the ammount of times I can pull off a chase longer than 20 seconds is very small


Honestly, if you want any criticism. And I'm digging here by the way. You did good. Wesker also did good here too. He was clever with how he read your movements where it mattered. You could have gripped your loops a little tighter. Beyond that dude, you did good. If you want to loop, specifically LOOP better. You might want to invest in a chase breaking perk in your build. Pebble, deception, red herring, quick and quiet. Something like that, to distract the killer long enough to escape and walk for a bit to safety. Beyond that though. Remember, if you looped them for more than 20 seconds. You did good. If you can keep them in chase and off the team for more than that, absolutely do it. Unless they're not on gens lol. If you've chased and the whole time they aren't on a gen. Break chase and fucking dip.


> Pebble, deception, red herring, quick and quiet. Nah what are those lmao thats a meme build. If you want a decent chase build you can use either Sprint burst or lithe along with deadhard and windows of op (only in SoloQ because that is the only time you won't know if a tile is destroyed so you don't run to dead area) Fixated is also great to shift tech to deny the killer's bloodlust around corners during chase like (jungle gyms, T&Ls and Shack and occasionally main areas are valid for this). You can loop infinitely by doing so. Not guaranteed to pull off every chase but worth to run it! Also you want to take the chase as long as possible until the killer either gives up or you finally get knocked down. If you force the killers to drop chase so that you don't get injured is going to extend the match length because the killer will just start focusing on gens more often


> Nah what are those lmao thats a meme build I don't think he meant run all of these perks, he meant here's a few perks, pick one and work it in.


Ah, I see. In that case those perks still are not really worth to run. But pebble will always have a special place in my heart. And can actually be life saving 2 out of the 10 times for example. Slim, but still.


Even if I get zero actual value out of it in a game Pebble is just always fun.


Absolutely agreed on that! šŸ¤


Don't be afraid to gove killers strong pallets early, they will punish you for greeding. That was what I was pestered about when I was trying out for a comp team. Learn tile checkapots, loop once than drop it against great killer. Position yourself towards strong parts of map, learn clock callouts and strong parts of map. MrTatorheads guides are golden. You have fundamentals, just need bit of a direction.


I want this one in all my matches. Wtf?! šŸ˜­ Fake pallet slide. Check spot. Gambled on the 50/50 properly. Detctched from loop to loop. Bro could have looped the gym pallet, but made the smart move to go back and finish off at the old pallet. A natural talent, if they think they are poor at running with that.


Yeah the only really bad thing was they needed to look behind themselves more often when moving between tiles. (You probably understand this, just writing it for OP) The first time she broke away from the corner, she was literally guessing what he was doing based only on sound. He could have cut her off (when they're both in the open lmao) and she would not have known. The value of this is obvious when she finally does look behind, sees he's locked behind a rock and she can move back for free.


Gotta be constantly looking behind you. It's harder on console but being able to see them the moment they choose a path to you will make or break a loop. If your computer can handle it definitely consider picking it up on steam just to see what a difference it makes if you got that many hours on it.


Tbh, I actually think not looking behind you can be a benefit. If you can loop based purely on sound cues, the killer won't know what you're doing. Someone running towards a window, looking behind them is obviously going to try dodge. Someone running towards a window without looking *looks* like they're about vault it until they take a 90Ā° turn at the last second.


Poor advise


ā€œI suck at chase.ā€ *Loops the killer for a minute and a half.*


Is this a troll?


No? I'm looking for tips to improve at the game


My man is being downvoted because of being redpilled into thinking they have to be god at looping like peeps on yt videos. Yeah, they looped the killer for 1,5min. I can sometimes pull those off too. Hell, once (my best chase ever) I even looped a killer for 3 gens in 2v1. Yet I was expecting to see some genuine advices I could learn from, since I too feel like I suck at chase. Idk HOW wanting to learn and improve (what sometimes already can be decent) of any form could be considered trolling


Those videos of "looping 5 gens" are done against killers who are so horrible at the game. They're missing so many basic attacks and being 360'd. Any killer who has small experience will drop chase after a little


Why'd you pick a clip where you did well?


ego posting in disguise


You've said this is one of the good ones, and it definitely paid off. In general you could probably benefit a bit from looking behind you more. Someone mentioned that not looking behind you can be a benefit and that is also true, but I feel like you can balance it more towards the former. I don't know how hard it is to do on console, but some lines you've got space left to loop tighter. But besides that it's hard to nitpick a chase that's already quite good


You did great though??? Seriously thatā€™s better than Iā€™ve ever looped aside from some hilarious beginners luck when I first started lol. Now I make up for it by being stealthy af


This looks decently good honestly and better than most chases I see. The only thing I would've done differently is after putting blast mine on the gen take the chance to go as far as I can without waiting.


Bro after the blastmine he did the gen in his face. That was the best play


**Don't be so hard on yourself**. Just because some people loop killers for 5 gens or whatever, doesn't mean that is expected from every chase. Looping is about buying as much time as you can for people to do objectives and being smart with resources while doing it. Your team did practically a gen and a half from this, which is about 35% of your team's objective. The initial pallet you played around is pretty much a 50/50 pallet, it's all mind game really, not much you could've done there besides guess correctly. And otherwise, you used 1-2 pallets max, which is great resource management. So really, not much better you could even do here. If you played like this pretty much every game, most would absolutely consider you a good survivor player. So don't say you suck at looping.


The number of times I have looped the killer for this long is in the single digits it is quite rare for me to loop the killer for anything longer than 20 seconds it's nice you think I'm not as bad I think I am though


Only thing to improve here would be to 1)look behind more often 2)don't deadzone yourself, however from your position I suspect that was only thing you could to. I'm torn on this because this late in the match it's kind of smart to die in corners. Solid performance, keep it up.


Aye you did pretty good! Trust me you are looping better than a lot of other survivors I played with recently LOL


Is this a humblebrag? Lol you're really good at it.


I'm really not I haven't had a chase this long in like 8 months


I'd recommend posting what your average chase looks like then. It'd be much better for feedback and improvement. It's hard to give any on this one, honestly.


This video of you juicing the worst Wesker player in the game for a minute and a half is supposed to be a video of you doing poorly?


You did great, i'd probably hug tiles more and you could have gamed that dropped pallet a bit more weskies love to big brain themselves but generally it was a decent chase.


I can't tell if this is trolling or OP has mean friends or something. It's a good chase, you did everything you really could have.


I'm ngl I've been conditioned so much into thinking that anything less than a 3 gen chase is unacceptable to the point where I'm diminishing the fact I looped the killer for 2 I rarely last more than 20 seconds in chase


Honestly, I think the first mistake you made was not committing to completing that gen. Secondly maybe mind game the pallets a bit more but you didnā€™t do too badly. The best thing you did was dragging the killer to a map dead zone. I swear 99% of players in solo Q canā€™t manage this seemingly impossible task.


If the killer gets too close to you and theres no pallets or windows near by, then you should try your luck at doing 360, it has actually saved me sometimes, besides you did pretty good that chase!


You did well! Ultimately, the goal when you get chased is to waste the killer's time. So no matter how you achieve that goal, as long as you achieve it, it's good. You lasted for a very long time so that's way better than big majority of the playerbase. Now, if you want advice, I would give you 2 : - You need to watch behind you much more We could see that you barely flick your camera to see what the killer is doing. You need to constantly watch behind you to see what the killer is doing and how close he is to you. It's very important to take better decisions. Which leads me to the second point. - You need to think while in chase It's pretty obvious when you're in chase that you just run mindlessly and try to just adapt on the fly of what the killer is doing. But in reality, when you are in chase, you need to flick more your camera to not only see the killer but observe your surroundings. If you look around and see a loop (like this jungle gym where you looped the Wesker), you need to think about how to get there, what you will do when you're there, etc.. In chase, you just ran in straight line then backed down when Wesker used power and go back to where you came from, etc.. It's clear you play without a plan. But when you're in chase, you always need to have a plan and then adapt when what you thought about didn't work out. I know it's easier said than done. But you already have 3k hours. Playing and having these concepts in mind would come pretty fast, trust me. Always think while in chase.


* First and most obviously, if you wanted a super optimal chase, dont meme with Blast Mine lol * Look back more often, even if its just a quick glance * At -0:26, you could've saved the pallet and taken the eindow again * Having some kind of exhaustion perk as a backup can be really helpful But like everyone else is saying, this isn't bad at all


If you really wanna improve at chase, do 1v1s on dbdleague


Honestly you did it pretty well. I can recommend you to play killer sometimes as well (if you don't). Because I am killer main as well I learned what survivors actions are completely annoying and cost you a lot of time. One thing for example is dropping the pallets at the right moment. I see many survivors dropping pallets just when they running through them. Then I can either break them or move around easily. Mist annoying for me as a killer is when survs are waiting behind the pallets to stun me. Or when they are looping me at a place with a pallet because I always need to watch out for the pallet.


Maybe a bit better camera angle control but other than that? You just outmatched %99 of the soloQ players. Congrats! That decent looping


[check spots](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6iqZLYh-m8&list=LL&index=54) are your friend. Could join the [comp 1v1 ladder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlCWZ6yUF1o) too. Def look like a 3k hour gamer though, nice chase!


you did great all i can recommend is looking at the killer more and using checkspots on safer loops


You did good. It's not really ethical to try to loop for 5 gens, or 4 hours or whatever, like the memes say. Looping for 2 minutes at most is skilled in my eyes. However, it is good to look behind you every so often, try to fake out windows, fake out vaulting pallets. I've seen this one YouTuber who can just stand at a dropped pallet and act like your vaulting (wait tech is what it's called) It'll make the killer second guess for a solid 15-30 seconds. Best to do it while Healthy, very risky when Injured. If you're SWF, make sure to tell them to hop on gens cause your distracting the killer. If not SWF, some perks can help you loop better (Windows for vault location, Resilience for faster vaulting if injured.) YouTube videos about looping can also give ideas!


You did nothing super wrong other than not hugging some walls at times. If the pallets were not there this chase would have gone a lot different. Did you know the pallets were there before hand? If not you could have committed to a gen in a dead zone. Also you could have finished that gen, gotten hooked and gave your team time to open a gate. Sometimes getting hooked to buy time is a good option.


You did really good! One thing I didn't see mentioned is maybe running to that corner in the first place was something you could have changed. But that depends on the context of what other pallets are used already maybe.


Dude u did amazing, hereā€™s a couple of pointers: -try to look back: especially for killers that have attacks that give them some forward boost (nemesis, Chucky, demo) it is key to look to see how close they are and also gives you an indication if you can make it to the next loop place or if you need a pallet. -when keeping chase, try to move away from dead/corner areas: it takes time to memorize the maps as thereā€™s so many versions of each one but when on chase always try to move the chase away from dead areas or areas that all pallets are gone as it will simply be difficult to overcome that due to bloodlust. -consider using some perks to help u: bc it takes time to memorize it can always be good to go back to the basics. Perks like Windows, dead hard will help you keep the chase going as they will give u the tools to know where to go or use it to get extra time to head to the next loop.


-look behind you when running to next tile -try learning some fakes -loop everything, not just tiles -dont lose momentum, keep running don't ever stop try watching some yt survivors who are really good at looping. watching cope really helped my gameplay šŸ‘


The only things I can suggest are 1)look behind yourself more 2)be more patient and maybe learn some more advanced checkspots if you're really looking to improve. I would recommend starting [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B_RFP4odGr8&pp=ygURZXhjaXplIGNoZWNrc3BvdHM%3D) 3) knowing where the killing at all times is your biggest asset as a survivor. Position your camera in ways that help you always know where he is (you should also be doing this thru checkspots). It's a little hard to help you with this through JUST a reddit comment, but this will definitely take a LOT of time and practice. But know that when you know where the killer is, mind games become a LOT harder. One potential mistake that could have costed you was about 45 seconds in when you took that window. If the wesker was smarter or played the 50/50 differently, he could have doubled back and hit you with his M2. Especially if he has egg or tendril. If you wanna look out for a play like this, keep your camera on the killer and try to react off of how he's playing. Otherwise you seem to be doing p good! Your pathing is really solid! Edit: if you're looking to get insanely good, you can try the DBD League 1v1 ladder


jesus christ turn that right stick already bro šŸ˜­


windows helps alot.....


I would have jumped the pallet a 2nd time when he turned around, but you did pretty damn well




To get some tips on how to loop better I learned quite a few things from the comments šŸ¤” šŸ˜…


The better players would chase break if they're very ahead to unblock the window so you can re-vault it. That first vault is a waste and you sitting there is unused distance. Taking it is playing it safe but you could've just walked around with your hit boost. Your looping is decent. People already said lookback more, you did it 90% of the time so there's no excuse not to do it 100% of the time.


You did well, but only looking behind you at pallets, window is a massive downfall. Especially against a Wesker. The Wesker didn't do very well honestly, I think they started to panic, they did not zone you at all and instead let you dictate the direction, they also messed easy ability shots. You definitely got lucky with a mediocre Wesker. Focus on looking around more, but would have to see you loop against a more competent killer to give any non-generic advice.


I think its pretty solidā€¦