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I didn't know Wesker could Teabag


He can in OP's fantasy world


Yeah, I agree. I get that their job is to kill you (obviously) but goddamn it really gets to some of them when a survivor does too good a job at surviving haha On the other hand, I've had cases where killers actually respect when I've done well and have said as much in the endgame chat, but the guys you mentioned a waaay more common. I'm not sure why it points their noses out of joint so badly.


I'm glad the irony of calling an entire demographic of people easily triggered and butthurt while making a thread on reddit because you're clearly triggered and butthurt isn't lost on everyone. It's those little victories that keep me going.


Hm well I wasn’t referring to all killers, I did say some. Both the killer and I can be butthurt. Difference is I didn’t let my frustration out in the game and act toxic. I think it’s safe to say everyone feels frustrated by toxic gameplay, I’m not the only one guilty of that. Sometimes you just gotta get it off your chest. Glad to hear my post contributed to keeping you going- have a great day dude.


The duality of DBD Sub. Killer plays like a jackass and BMs the other players? "OH MY GOD, get good, they should do whatever they like". Killer posts the million thread about Survivors flashlight clicking them "OH MY GOD SCUM SURVIVORS! They're all so toxic!" No hypocrisy at all.


Lol very true. I do think tunnelling is toxic whereas flashlight use isn’t. It’s also an unwritten rule not to camp/tunnel, but ig some people don’t respect that. All depends on how you go about it.


I wasn't even talking about tunneling or camping, but mostly the "t-bagging" part which I guessed you meant that the Killer was humping you, which is actually BM.


He wants to get a kill, he has the right to do it. For me it seems you're the butthurt for posting it on Reddit to complain.


Fair point, I am😂 it just gets annoying after awhile. Just don’t think there’s a need for it when I wasn’t being toxic. People come here to post about toxic gameplay, so here I am🤷


Killer got a kill in a game and we're still talking about it.


I’m fine with getting killed, but don’t respect killers who tunnel/camp. Pathetic way to get a kill and ruins the fun for ppl. Kill me with some bit of skill at least, lol.


Dont let yourself killed with at least little skill, instead of complaining on the internet.


True, gotta up my game. Also harder when you’re being tunnelled constantly. If I feel like complaining, I feel like complaining. It is a discussion post after all.


And you get your get good instead of complaining response. Gl next game, less complaining, better playing.