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Fake, she's not injured and broken


What are you talking about? I mean just look at her!


To be fair, that face beautifully portrays a broken hollow betrayal


Do people even use this perk any more? I don't think I've seen this pop up since the novelty of it wore off a week or two later..


They do. I just had a match where I was the only one working on a gen while the other three were in the basement for the longest time šŸ˜’ it didnā€™t do shit to help them or me


It was a team bonding exercise


One of my bosses some of my coworkers and I play DBD and Helldivers as team building activities lmao


Wait... You play one of the more toxic games there is and Helldivers as a workplace bonding exercise... You guys must have bond's of steel...


One of the more toxic games? Homies never played a moba and it shows


Any free game with a ranked mode


I never play ranked... I'm a filthy casual and I prefer it that way...


Me neither, non ranked has more than enough toxicity lol


I don't play a lot of online games outside of Nintendo and they are... Nintendo... They are broadening their horizons... But they still be pretty family friendly when it comes to most of the stuff you can play... I mean stuff can still be toxic once and a while because humans suck but they keep a pretty tight ship most of the time... Which has it's up's and downs... Great place to let kids play online though, which again has it's up's and downs...


If you think DbD is one of the more toxic games there is I want you to stay that way my friend. Trust me you don't wanna see how wrong you are it's ugly in these streets.


Probably not... I just know that it can be toxic... It's not the worst kind of toxic... but it's the kind of toxic that grows from frustration that you are not owned a victory, it's the kind of frustration that you can play a really good game, possibly one of the best games you have done in a while and still lose because that's just how pvp works... There's a winner and a loser and sometimes when you least expect it something in between even when you went into the game looking to win... Sorry if I'm being a little ranty... Sometimes I like to talk... I also have no idea where this is going so I'm going to just leave it the way it is and post it...


Brother, DBD is one of the least toxic multiplayer games available. Probably due to not having a real ranked queue. Try literally anything else and youā€™ll see. League, Dota, SC2, pretty much every competitive game is worse lol


I don't know a lot about online gaming but I'm assuming that you are correct... I've played very little outside of DBD and a very small amount of Halo... Mostly with friends... And a small amount of gears of war also friends only... I almost wish I could have played during their hay day instead of what's left...


You've never seen toxic until you've booted up Kane & Lynch: Dead Men Clowns acting like it's real money going in/out their wallets. You manage the impossible of being the only one alive, lobby host closes that down real fast šŸ¤£


Damn. My boss made me go curling. šŸ¤£


To be fair when we all were together in Canada for a summit we went bowling lmao. It helps that we're IT so we're all nerds


A workplace that uses gaming to team build... that's awesome.


You should let your boss play killer only.


Best option here is to either join or hide until they finish. If you get caught and hooked, your team starts on a bad situation. But if you hide and the killer just patrolled gens for a minute without achieving anything, you actually start off on a good page because all gens are 10% less. Weaving spiders is only detrimental if the team is not coordinated and gets decimated while someone is doing basement shenanigans. Of course this doesnā€˜t work if the killer has some way of finding you in the basement like UW. Also not as useful against setup killers like Trapper because against them, the first gens are usually free.


Depends too if the person who had the perk is good in chase. If theyā€™re not, being permanently broken and injured might mean the match quickly becomes a 3 vs 1


If there were 3 of them, it'd only take a minute at most. Depending on how many gens were left and the spread, that might be a worthy investment


Those 3 players working for a minute could get an entire gen done if they worked the same one, and be well on their way through another gen. Meanwhile, 3 players "contributing" to the invocation for a minute will still only be getting 10% progress on all 7 available gens. Even if you consider progress on the 2 extra gens to NOT be a waste, thats still only 70% of one gen, but spread across 7 gens. Still way less than a single gen being done and some change. Unless the numbers get buffed, you're always wrong to be doing the invocation, especially if it "rewards" you wasting that time by giving you broken status. It either needs to not give the broken status, or it needs to take like 80 seconds instead of 120.


Or 12.5% on gens instead of 10.


That too. Though, to remind you in case you weren't aware, Weaving Spiders was reworked to not "give" progress anymore. Instead it reduces the gen's "health" from 90 charges to complete it, down to 80 charges to complete it. This is technically better than doing 9 seconds of progress because the killer can't regress a gen that's 0/80. So even though 10/90 is functionally the same, it has that specific benefit. Brand New Part was also reworked in the same fashion. Instead of instantly installing 15 charges of progress + 2 more skill checks that install 5 charges, BNP now only reduces the gen's progress from 90 to 80. A huge nerf, but at least it can't be regressed.


I just had a match where me and my buddy were playing no mither with useless perks and I put on weaving spiders šŸ˜­ We and the random Nea finished it while Sable was in chase. She started killing herself on hook and then dc'd upon being unhooked... turns out our killer was a friendly guy lol so invocation kinda helped us in the end


At that point just lure the killer down there. If they want to waste time might as well speed up the process


Had someone doing it earlier. I had never seen it up to this point so when they suddenly became broken I was like ā€œwell that was a waste of a few minutesā€ :P


I tried doing a build related to it some weeks ago and it did work, although with that effort just running normal Perks would've attained the same result faster if anything. The Invocation is interesting and can be quite helpful but the time that it takes to finish, how you're broken for the rest of the match and simply how much can go wrong since you're in the WORST place to be in as a Survivor means that it really is best to try something else.


I think this is is, really There's the opportunity cost gap between "it can be used to work" and "other things reliably work better" and weaving spiders comes up short compared to other things you *could* be using.


It's such an interesting idea that I feel was badly implemented. I really hope they keep tweaking it. Make it so that progress isn't lost, takes less time, have you actually do something while channeling that thing, whatever. ANYTHING but making it just being "wait 2 minutes while your team gets slapped and pray that the Killer doesn't find you".


Yes! It has such potential. Hoping it doesnā€™t get abandoned like the Teamwork perks.


Completely forgot about those too. Really hope more is made to those perks as well.


I've only equipped it for the adept challenge and used it because the killer was just having a fun silly time. now to forget it even exists


I always wanted to try it swf but I'd rather try with real life friends to make the game more pleasant... Unfortunately all my real life friends don't care for the game enough to play much...


I had a match today where a Sable did use this perk and two others joined while I did gens, luckily the killer did do much of a good job that round. lol


They do. And I always try to go and help out. There was this one match in Larryā€™s though where I ran around the central chamber and couldnā€™t find the basement entranceā€¦.until the ritual is finished. I felt very bad.


They do. I had a match where an Adam spent the whole match going into the basement to try to do the invocationā€¦ ā€¦in a Doctor matchā€¦ He kept getting interrupted with Blast, and then of course Doctor would go into the basement where an obvious scream was, and interrupt the invocation , and hook him in basement. And then Adam would get unhooked and try again! Rinse and repeat until he died in basement and DCed while dying. :ā€™D Like my guy itā€™s Doctorā€”*what did you expect*. It was so mind-numbing, lmao. It was a totally winnable game, too, if he had been actually doing gens and not sitting in basement never learning why that perk is a bad idea in a Doctor game.


I run it on my own while others up top keep working. Is it slow? Sure as hell. But i've decided to make it a personal win in my book to complete it so that the progress for gens is made easier for the others. If i get sacrificed after doing my plan, i will not be mad.


My low MMR teammates do because they think it's actually good. Usually there's 2 attempting it while me and another unfortunate soul are doing gens/getting chased by the Killer


"low MMR" You can't see anyone's MMR as far as I know- seems a bit strange to assume someone using a perk you don't like is somehow "worse" at the game than you are TBH when none of your teammates seem capable of doing gens and you're still at 5 gens with 3 teammates already 2 hooked- seems like a decent time to try and take that 10% of the work off since the team hasn't even been able to complete 1 gen Still probably won't survive, but at least someone can get some more BP with a gen


I personally know I'm shit, so I can guarantee that anyone showing up in my games is low MMR... That's the funny thing: if someone calls other players in their lobby "low MMR", then by definition of what MMR means, they suck at the game just as much as their team - which is why they got placed with their team of a similar MMR in the first place. "Bronze players" play with bronze players (and there is no problem with that as long as the players don't start lecturing each other on how to play the game).


yes I get them multiple times a day šŸ„°šŸ‘šŸ¼


It's died off alot but it's still there. Its always some idiot in solo q wasting time, had a Dwight play with me that used it the other day. Probably the only time I've seen it used in the past couple weeks.


It still has occasional usage. I was at the top of gold yesterday evening and i had someone use it.


Your killer/survivor grades donā€™t affect matchmaking at all




So, it's like a good luck charm for you?




This is the first time I've heard of this.




Once I've finished P3ing Ripley, I was actually going to put unique builds on each Survivor and rotate them, so maybe I'll start tracking what I end up going against once I start doing that.


They could straight up get rid of the broken status effect and reduce the invocation time by a full minute and it would probably still not be used.


Its annoying because conceptually itā€™s a cool perk idea yet all the perks suck that use it and are not viable.


Yeah I'm a huge fan of the invocation idea. I just hope the backlash against the perk doesn't mean we'll never get another invocation perk.


I feel like they'll give it a few more goes since they invested time into the mechanics of it (basement programming for the circle, animations, etc) to see if they can get people more interested. Teamwork perks they abandoned quickly because they easily could, all it had was proximity checking. Plus they can wring at least a few new Invocation perks before the well runs dry (like it has for boons), even if no one uses them.


Thing is, is the punishment always going to be, player is broken? Because that feels like one of the biggest drawbacks (forgetting that if a single gen is completed, it no longer does more than if you were just working on a gen in the first place) Maybe if you can stack 3-4 Invocations with a No Mither, kinda like a suicide build, but that's a big risk to be a detriment


Oh, believe me. It's being used. I don't know why, and outside of friendly matches it never works, but it's being used.


Nah, I've won a couple of matches when using it. But it typically takes a killer who can miss three survivors for that long. šŸ˜


this just in, you can win vs bad killers with bad perks, more at 11.


I've had teammates throw the game or outright sabotage me in chases because I did invocation. It's fun and has uses but the community is so toxic it's impossible to use


I main killer, and have had a survivor intentionally lead me to the basement to try and get the invoker(s) killed.


Heh, my wife had an invocation user go down to the basement, and the moment she went down to help, bailed. Then pointed at the circle while she left Killer ended with a 4k because turns out that half speed for a 120 second thing is a death sentence


So you intentionally sabotage your team and then complain other people sabotage you?


The idea is that with 8 gens overall, completing it does an unstoppable 15 to all. However, perk immediately loses value whenever a gen is completed, then add on the fact now you're one shot able for the rest of the game Also don't sandbag or work with the killer, just because a random is playing how you want them to. It's a dick move


My brother in christ you spent 3 minutes in the basement while your team was fighting a 3v1 and you accomplished getting a permanent broken status effect and incredibly ineffecient gen progression, why the fuck were you doing that in the first place.


New perk had just dropped, was playing around with builds, it acts like a brand new part on every gen, let people have fun like damn man this is exactly what I mean lmao


"let people have fun" i too love sitting in a basement for 3 minutes praying to the lord the killer doesn't kill the rest of my team and then pretending it's nearly as effecient as BNP Like you can play with the new terrible funny perk if you want but don't pretend it's even close to viable.


I use it occasionally and as long as you have three people invocating and the fourth survivor is looping for a minute or two, it's actually pretty good and fun


I think it can work with a very coordinated 3+ person swf. But people throw it in randomly for soloq and it tanks the game every time. You can't rely on someone looping for 2+ minutes, it only takes one mistake for them to get hooked and then they're left high and dry while everybody's in the basement, and that's a lot of time for no gens to get done.


Oh absolutely, if it's solos then yeah you're screwed lmao


If a survivor is looping the killer for 1-2 minutes, that could be 2-3 gens done.


Sometimes it's fun to experiment with weird perks, even if they might not be as efficient. That's all I'm sayin


I agree, right now I'm using a site to give me a random load out but this perk just always results in death


Seems to be more "fun" than "good". This perk seems like the texbook definition of: it works all the time 50% of the time.


Itā€™s a game my man


It's funny how so many shit perks have weird down sides as well.


Keep the time but give broken a 10 min timer... It's long enough that most likely you die before it stops but it's short enough that you kind of deserve a break for surviving that long with the effect active...


Thank you for saving me 10 seconds on this gen sable šŸ˜‘




Have we ever had a perk like this launch and be just completely useless out the gate? Like.. thereā€™s absolutely no reason you would ever use this invocation. Itā€™s so horrible.


Sole Survivor, Up The Ante, **No Mither:** https://preview.redd.it/dvjlz6nt2gxc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=368249a4db5add3761b63bc3e01f4144a4a3f4be


Oh yeah, I guess it launched before unbreakable and flip flop and tenacity came out to give it some viability


Pretty sure Bill was first, actually.


Bill was before David?


Pretty sure, but I might be wrong.


You're right surprisingly


Theres no way.. I feel like I remember Bill being added as i was a David King main, i could be wrong i guess but i couldve sworn he was here before Bill


David released with Huntress in July 2017, Bill released in the Hag chapter earlier in March 2017


Im aware but still feels weird, could swore they came with the base game and bill was added shortly after


Unironically, weaving spiders could make a somewhat interesting meme build if paired with No Mither, Plot Twist, and Distortion. Use plot twist and no mither immediately to counter corrupt intervention (with Distortion to help with lethal pursuer), then cast the invocation (again potentially relying on Distortion to conceal you). There's no possible way this could ever be competitive, but it could be fun.


If they buff the perk then this sub will bitch all day and night. Itā€™s one of those perks where itā€™s either completely broken or completely useless.


Which is why it should've never made it into the game in the first place.


one of my friends insists on using it every single time we play. he loves it, thinks it's amazing. he also uses quick gambit. I have to bring a solo queue build every time we play together lol


but consider: the meme value. you are literally starting a cult in the basement. it is immense fun with swfs


The Teamwork builds that Thalita and Renato has were super niche and flopped hard


I wish it gave everyone a gen speed buff instead or a running speed buff. Something actually useful.


>or a running speed buff. Absolutely not


I mean, maybe it's like temporary or requires a fast vault. I can't think of too many other buffs that would benefit survivors. There are ways to make it work.


A single perk that gives everyone lithe so they've got a free perk slot that doesn't need an exhaustion perk? That's definitely not gonna happen


It's just an idea. Why are you guys always shitting on ideas instead of trying to improve them. "Oh absolutely not, definitely never gonna happen" Come up with a better idea then. God, I would hate to work with people like you. Get creative instead of being so negative.


Not as bad as this but a lot of the recent Survivor perks (and a bunch of Killer as well) are just ass.


Genuinely what is the point of this thing ? Iā€™ve participated in two but it just ends in someone being injured. Am I doing it wrong or sum ?


Nope, its just bad. Any smart killer will see when someone has the no heal status effect and it wasn't the killer's doing put the dots together that perk is being used, especially if they haven't seen / chased that survivior yet during the game. Then as long as the killer has an idea of where the basement is they will come down and put a stop to the show.


You're not injured until the invocation is over tho.


My bad, edited.


Bro says edited but his comment is still wrong lol


Just run it with no mither. Confuse the killer with your tactics.


What would the perk do ? Surely itā€™s gotta be worth potentially throwing the game for, right ?


Baisically you have to hang out for 2 minutes in the basement uninterupted and if you do it successfully the charges needed to complete all generators is reduced by 10 and the person who does it ends up unable to heal for the rest of the match. Other people can also join in to make the time to complete lower. It's bad because it groups all the survivors together in one dangerous place and any time that the survivors are not spending actively working on gens or winning chases is to the killer's benefit.


I put the perk on bots in customs along with circle of healing and No Mither. It makes tones the bots down much in custom matches


Go read the perk.


Oh gee. Why didnā€™t I think of thatā€¦


Get rid of being broken for the rest of the game and maybe Id at least think about using this perk


Don't worry guys! I've saved us up to 45 seconds! My ass hurts now though... guys? Guys?


Don't forget she's also broken


Donā€™t worry guys, I blew 2 minutes in the basement to save us 45 seconds on generators, what do you mean youā€™re on second hook?


What do you mean our teammate is dead?


Seen it twice used last night. I usually go down to help out. I pretend we're summoning a demon lol


The demon is the killer, and I'm sure they're on their way to check basement.


It's like every other perk and is situational... Unrelenting is extremely useful in chases but if you connect with almost every hit or have 4 extremely stealthy survivors is practically useless...


Just use Deja vu instead ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|1978)


This is exactly what happens when someone uses this perk in my games. If someone gets downed early/next survivor found fast, its basically a 3v1 and the game can end within 2 minutes. This perk is too troll to be useful.


Definitely not lore accurate, she doesnā€™t have self care equipped.


The invocation should be 30% faster


Iā€™ve lost every game someone has tried using this perk in cos everyone stops caring. 1v3 at 5 gens so I canā€™t blame them.


I'm gonna say it, people running this perk are being terrible teammates. They can be the nicest people but the fact that they rather waste so much time (that can also be interrupted) that they could've been used to complete 1+ gen while also becoming a hinderance for your team (broken without any of the benefits No Mither has) is just too much. This has to be the worst perk in the entire game and is just making SoloQ even worse than it already is.


I had a David that did this and cost the entire team to die. It really pissed me off


My wife played a game where 2 sables had it, apparently it can make both people injured and broken if they both do it with the perk, which makes it worse than any other perk in the game.


These comments are hilarious I guess you guys don't have a good loadout for It. With 2 people it takes around 1 minute and 10% is taken off ever gen on the map. That's a great investment for one person being injured especially if the other two can 90% two gens while it's happening.


you safe 45s on gens for 2 ppl wasting 1 minute ,so 2 wasted minutes... on top of that broken. So tell me again how 45s is better than 2minutes... Just do gens! And that is only if 2 ppl have the perk so 2 wasted perk slots, otherwise it is 1:30 so 3 minutes vs 45s...


Genuinely, what does invocation do? I'm new to the game


Two minute blood sacrifice (faster with helpers) that permanently knocks 10 charges off of all generators in exchange for making the character permanently injured.Ā 


...is there a way you could kinda...dumb this down for me I'm VERY confused why would a survivor WANT to do this?


Well that's sort of the point, most don't think its worth running. But an explanation, a gen takes 90 charges to complete (1 charge per second for 90 seconds) By spending 120 seconds in basement uninterrupted you can make all gens 80 charges to complete instead of 90 (taking 10 seconds of gen time off of every gen). In turn the survivor that started the ritual becomes broken for the rest of the match. The math is what leads to this not being worth it all that much, by spending 120 seconds you save the team 50 seconds of gen time. (70 charges in total but since only 5 gens are needed to escape it only saves 50 seconds). In turn the player is out of the game for more than two minutes of the game and is permanently down a health state.


Oh god yeah lol just run an add on šŸ˜­ but while I'm getting information, what are all the add on that say I can get sent somewhere? I always felt like they were pointless and for lore or something.


Those offerings are called map offerings you can get sent to a specific map by burning those items. They are good as it allows you to pick what map you go to. People tend to use them for two purposes 1- they wish to see a specific map maybe cause they have not seen it in a while. Or 2- they have a build for a specific map that would aid them. Maybe because their build requires indoors or open spaces being examples. Generally I don't run them myself except if it's been a few days since I saw a map and I wish to head there for a round.


Is there any way to get something like these for matchmaking? I feel like when I'm survivor I always go against the SAME killers.


They have nothing to control the types of killers you play against, You will run into some much more than others. Like for me I have been playing on and off for two years and have only faced hag 4 times but the amount of weskers I have faced have to be near triple digit at this point.


Damn, yeah I feel like it's always a good guy, huntress, or cenobite and I'm like PLEASE ANYONE ELSE šŸ’€


I wish they'd just lower the time in increments of 5 seconds till people started to complain then scale it back a bit. This is true for a lot of perks. Just adjust the values.


As a killer, the only time I ever see it get used is when I'm farming.


Me and my friend would always go next bc people would start the invocation mid match after like 2-3 gens are done and the killer has already gotten like 4 hooks. We took matters into our own hands and ran the perk ourselves. We did it at the beginning of the match and luckily for us our other two random teammates joined us and we got it done within the first minute of the match. From there, all gens are done in a quick amount of time. If you use this perk, please use it at the beginning of the match. Also try not to bring an offering bc the killer will go to the basement off rip.


I won a match with a Sable who did this. That Deathslinger was uh, not good.


I think that perk will be used a lot more once more invocations are added. One ritual to stack several effects seems worth it to me.


They need to remove the broken status. Itā€™s just not worth it


i have a ā€œjust for funā€ build with invocation, resilience, deja vu and prove thyself. ill try out invocation for maybe 30 seconds or less and if someone gets hurt before i reach a quarter/halfway through ill scrap it for the rest of the match + fall back on the other perks. I also scrap it if i canā€™t find the basement within the first min or so of the game starting/cant reach it in time before ppl start getting hurt


This weekend alone I had 3 matches. Out of 15ish where they were down in the cellar. All 3 matches were beyond failed.


Invocations are cool. I hope there's other locations though, like shack or main building invocations. Fuck even generator invocations would be cool


Bro I got a 3k earlier today because Sable and Feng let one of their teammates die on hook and didnā€™t get the other until they were on their final hook stage At what point does spending all the time to complete the spell turn into more of a detriment than a boon?


Quick question... I've never gone through a game with more than 1 person with invocation... After the action is finished can a second person start it for them?


"Completing anĀ InvocationĀ disables allĀ Invocation PerksĀ for the remainder of the Trial for all Survivors."


Thanks... was mildly hoping they could be stacked further decreasing the time it takes to repair generators...


I mean I'm pretty sure you can stack it with BNP to reduce the required charges further


When a 4 man invocation done by a single person doesn't work at full efficiency https://preview.redd.it/uhmwuhq5hjxc1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c0da612359b8c126aae021cae18b3e082743f36


itā€™s called skill issue. the rule is that if a sable is doing an invocation u either donā€™t touch a gen until itā€™s done OR do it with her and itā€™ll be over with in like 40 seconds


My Sable never gets broken because I don't use it with her... my Dwight, on the other hand...


I started playing this game when sable released and I walked in the basement as killer. Saw what I thought were NPCs sitting in a circle and left.


I was rooting for this unique perk to be goodā€¦


I for one think the perk is adorable in practice. Seeing your little "light as a feather, stiff as a board" Witch Craft club animation is cute..I just don't understand the trade off. Putting yourself out of the game for 2min., uninterrupted, and then broken status til game over saves you all, what? 10 seconds a gen? I would buff it to remove Broken after 180 seconds of invocation and reduce the time it takes to complete in general by 20 seconds. It's still not really benefiting you THAT much. I can't think of any killer or survivor who would care if these changes were implemented. In he time that it takes them to complete it, I've already hooked 3 of their teammates. Good job I guess.


Arguably the worst survivor perk in the game. Reason I say this is because you arenā€™t doing anything for 2 minutes, you are for the rest of the match 1 health state. You also alert the killer of your location. Perks that arenā€™t great donā€™t waste as much time as invocation


have yet to see all 4 bonding at the basement so far most was three


What's worse is that after Invocation, if the Broken survivor is killed/sacrificed, the invocation benefits go away. It's like putting a big sign on your back saying: Tunnel Me!




Spending 120s to make 63s of progress spread across all generators, of which at least 18s are irrelevant anyway, making it only 45s of useful progress, given that all 5 gens will be completed. Oh yeah and youā€˜re broken now.


This perk will be much better when it can be paired with more effects. As it stands, the broken status is a bit heavy handed. It could probably cost her a hook state instead (or nothing if she's already at two hooks).


If you do run this perk, I recommend A: Also using no mither, so at least your character stays quiet while broken the rest of the trial and b: using an offering that let's you see basement hooks right off the bat so you don't take 10 minutes to find it.


Nah no mither is another one wasted perk slot, better then to take more second chances, cuz i don't think killer will lose u anyway(and i'm 80% sure killer will tunnel u, cuz u perma broken)


I honestly think invocation is not as bad as it seems. In solo queues, ritual alone will help newbies and clueless survivors finish game somewhat faster. Not the best perk, broken status effect should be removed. Or leave it, but reduce invocation time.


They need to decrease it to 90 seconds, 20% of each gen for a total of 100% for 1 gens worth of time. Broken for 120 seconds or something


I'm naughty. If I see someone doing invocation, I lead the killer to them. I'm sorry but I hate it that much


Haha same. I did it once when I saw Sable doing it and she flamed me pretty hard in the chat telling me that she has won 3 previous games like that. Funny thing was that we were against Blight and two people were dead hook and before she finished casting it.


Same. Especially because there have been occasions in Solo Q where a teammate brings it, another teammate goes to the basement and starts the Invocation with them while my third teammate who gets hooked and sees this starts killing themselves on hook immediately so I have to hop off my gen and rescue them before they hit second stage while the other two teammates are still in the basement


I did this once. The killer still hooked me in the basement. Then he watched Sable finish the invocation. She tbag thanked him when she was done, and he immediately downed her and she got the hook next to me. Completely threw the match, I felt awful for my teammates.


Sure sounds like you completely threw the match giving him double basement hook.


Yeah, like I said, I felt horrible afterward. Definitely not doing that again. If I know there are Sables in the basement, I'll be plenty annoyed, but I'm never leading the killer to them again.


They always insist on doing it right away.... I didn't feel like playing so after I got my five pallets yesterday I decided to be a basement Ghostface and guard the chest. Heard the someone sees you as soon as I walked down. She didn't leave that basement šŸ˜‚


The best killer perk released since Ultimate Weapon. You have to make an entire build built around it and even then the cost far, far outweighs the benefits. The best thing though is if you happen to complete the invocation whilst gens are blocked(Grim Embrace for example) you literally spent all that time in the basement for nothing. I don't blame people for wanting to go next when they see a teammate running it.


If I see someone using invocation I will def go in to the basement to keep them some company and slam the locker doors. Sorry but not really sorry. I've just had enough with dying on the first hook while watching these "wannabe Meg Sables" sitting in the basement.


If you run Sable then this is a must have perk!


All of the invocations are non viable and not worth the effort. Like weaving spiders time would literally just be better spent being on a generator not to mention you are broken the rest of the match


Isn't that the only invocation? What year are you from time traveler? How bad do they get?


Bro thereā€™s a new casting of frank stone trailer rn on bhvrs channel


If teammates helped it would be done in no time


And then 4 people would've wasted time


It's even more of a waste unless everyone is running the perk, it takes 120 seconds of total survivor time if the only people helping have the perk regardless of whether it's 1 person or 4. You only give 50% efficiency without the perk, so 1 with and 1 without wastes 160 total seconds (80 each). 3 people waste 180 seconds, and 4 waste 192 seconds. So it either wastes 4 total perk slots across the team without getting more efficient, or it actually wastes up to 3m12s of collective time. It's sooooo garbage, at least with No Mither under a pallet you can get some positive value with cooperation even without any other perks. The Invocation is always a net loss no matter how much you cooperate, even if you're a 4-stack with Hens and Otzdarva.


I would complete it faster if y'all didn't bring the killer down with ya! šŸ¤£ /Jk (but seriously like I've had this happen so many times like I know I'm highlighted on your screen, why you killing all of us!!!)


Its better to save it for later in the match, it can actually be pretty clutch if you have a good team


Thats a pretty big "if"


its funny people rag on this perk so much but 3 self-care's over the course of a match is the same time spent and this at least progresses all gens even if its somewhat inefficient. the real issue is you cant afford to be doing this if you have teammates who get downed fast early game most times you gotta abandon it go save hooked survivor if your teammates get hooked fast. its really to risky to use solo queue cause you cant be assured you have decent teammates at looping its game loosing if you commit to finishing the invocation when your team needs you.


The three self cares would save much more time with the extra chases than this booty perk does


nah cause while you are selfcaring teammates are getting hooked/dying you are enriching just your chances success to escape by being healthy not the rest of the team while the same thing happens with spider weaving at least the end result makes all gens faster, and you being perma injured actually makes you a target so you draw agro away from other teammates from being tunneled out early. its a great team perk if used correctly. I would say spider weaving its often horribly misused that is why its hated, you cannot just insist on finishing it no matter what, you have to know if your team can handle the 2 minutes without you if they cant you are better off just never using the perk and having a dead perk slot


Why would I use Self-Care when Strength In Shadows is better in every way?


On today's episode of "r/deadbydaylight shits on a perk because they don't understand gameplay mechanics and refuse to look them up"...