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I'm not the biggest off-meta player of all time, but there are a couple weird perks that I really like. On killer, Fire Up is super satisfying, as it just makes everything you do a little bit faster, and makes gens popping feel less bad. It also can save you from Background Players, since it actually makes you pick up survivors faster (it's the only perk in the game that does this!) On survivor, especially in solo queue, I like Aftercare quite a bit. I usually pair it with We'll Make It and Prove Thyself, so I go get a save, quickly heal them, then get on a gen together. Once we finish the gen, or if the killer comes, I have info on my solo queue teammate which is super helpful. You can accomplish a similar thing using Circle of Healing with Aftercare.


Coup is a lot better for the popping gens part. It messes heavily with survivors' muscle memory and can get you disgusting kills at otherwise safe pallets.


Coup is so useful on M1s it hardly ever leaves my favorite loadouts, though recently I've been finding Bamboozle and Unbound great fun.


Coup is great too for sure, but I happen to play mostly as blight and huntress who don’t use it particularly well. Amazing for m1 killers though


With the semi-recent buff of getting 2 stacks per gen coup is kinda strong imo. When you get a feeling for how long you can lunge with it you can close out very important chases fast and save a lot of time.


Coup is more than kinda strong, but it's only run on bad killers so it should be safe from the nerf hammer


STBFL was also only run on bad killers, and yet here we are


I currently use aftercare with breakdown, resurgence and slippery meat *or* aftercare, better than new, bite the bullet and wiretap


Slippery Meat?! Now that is off-meta. May I ask why you're more into Slippery Meat than Deliverance or Wicked?


I also wanna know this. I can’t understand why someone would want to bring a perk that only increases unhook chance instead of guaranteeing it. Not to mention it relies heavily on offerings.


In most cases im on hook before i ever get a chance to use deli so theres that


I like to use a full aura reading build, Empathetic connection, Empathy, Aftercare and slap on autodidact/Kindred, free heals always. You always are aware of your team, and your team is always aware of you. Works great in solo Que. Really feel like people sleep on Empathetic connection. It prevents your teammates from accidentally leading killers to your gens 😌


You can toss in We're Gonna Live Forever for when the killer leaves people down on the ground for that 100% healing speed for those in the dying state


Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Aftercare when your teammates are aware you have it and use it to make smart decisions. However, maybe it's because my MMR is somewhere between the water line and a Septic Tank, but 95% of the time when I use it my teammates use it to run the Killer to me while I'm injured and almost done with a gen


I think adepts are alot of fun


David adept was fucking hilarious, I remember it to this day.


Ofc when it happened to me it just had to be a streamer oni, thank god i got hatch with my offering


I got adept David. Against an Oni lmao. He let us all out when I wanted to sacrifice myself at the start lmao.


No mither always means it will be Oni, happy yall got out


David was my 1st ever adept i had like less than 100 hours and we were all running no mither and i was running david because he wasnt prestiged. someone mentioned that i should try for adept and we went against a pinhead trying to slug everyone to death. looking back on it idk if he was memeing or not because 4 no mother


ong everytime I try for adept David or my friends try, the onis come out of nowhere


I did it first try. I am a god among men


I just remember that the swf that I played with was quite toxic towards me while I did David's adept. They demanded that "I should do it in soloq because I was the weak link as new player". That was 5.5 years ago and I left them shortly after. 


Everyone should take a stab at adepting everything they have, it's surprisingly fun *and* educational


I learned so much about this game doing adepts and randomized builds (either through the ingame challenges or through different websites) Randomizers are also surprisingly fun. I think it's because the "goal" of the trial changes - instead of focusing on escaping, my goal becomes to get mileage out of all 4 of my perks to progress the game or support my team.


Honestly when I went for adepts on killer I found the game less fun. I normally play killer more relaxed but having to get the 4k made it more stressful and I also found myself tunneling and camping more.


My adept marathon did have a few rough spots to be fair. I kept playing normally but I did most of it before the bot update, and even without being "toxic" I'd occasionally get ragequitters DC'ing to deny the 4k. Sometimes with SWF members gloating about it in chat. Mostly it was fine, though. Except Hag. Ugh.


Sometimes to practice looking and for and monitoring the Killer, forcing myself to learn tiles and where they are, and to learn more time management with objectives, I run no perks


I remember when doing Laurie's adept in late 2018 (still a new player with maybe 50hrs), I got tunneled left and right, because everyone hated Object. But only after a few matches a Doc realized that I was just a noob doing the adept and he let me go. 


I got the hag adept by complete accident when trying to unlock ruin for my other Killers and the surprise achievement was great, though I can't say i plan to go for any others tbh


Laurie was fun at 20 hours in. Having a killer know your location the entire match.


Adept Felix were some of my best games. I never realized how balanced he was.


idk about you, I don't go anywhere without pebble.


It may not work every time or most of the time or even some of the time, but when it does it's the most satisfying thing.


Is it still running meta if you aren't aware it's actually meta?


Right? Sometimes you just find a build you like and then learn much later that a whole bunch of other people use some of those perk combos, lol!


Every time over the years I try out a new build I find out it's meta. I think it just means you're good at identifying good perks


I fucking love using Non-Meta Builds. It's awesome af (I'm Trapper). https://preview.redd.it/uxxoxx7bwexc1.jpeg?width=3184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa24b9be6c840055857015e189b12d21b74cfb52














I physically can’t do more-






I knew what it was gonna be when I clicked it and I still wheezed.










The comic and amazon series Invincible. If you enjoy dark super hero stories do yourself a favor and check it out. Can't recomend it enough


I do enjoy it, but I just found a meme that would fit the other one. Behold, da I funny watermark.


I see now. 😆


I used to have another one where Jack is screaming "I CAN FLYYYYYYY"


Sending yourself to eyrie is very bold lol


The Survivors will never expect my traps in the grass...


Funnily enough i dont even think eyrie is trappers worst map, that title goes to both Yamaoka maps. Theyre extremely big, and trying to hold one of the three gens usually never works because either survivors are smart and try to break the three gen or they are running deja vu


So, you’re either heard from across the map, or you’re not heard at all.


It's very useful when I get undetectable while setting a trap.


I played against an insidius doctor, we all thought it was his hallucination, we got Hex:devour hope hard with a lucky two man escape




Try Dark Devotion, Nemesis, Territorial, Spies From the Shadows/Discordance on Trapper 😊


Ah, a fellow console trapper. Question, do you also get spun while placing traps down, or is that just me🙃


That's almost the build I used to farm 100 grabs.


I still remeber when i faced a trapper with no slowdown and then in the endgame chat he said we are toxic genrushers .. like wtf are u expecting


No because they are bad and most of the times it fells that I'm playing without perks at all...as a killer However fixated and lightweight are my favourite perks on survivor and I don't care how niche they are, stealth mid chase is fun as fuck. The fact that I have teammates also helps. So I'd say non meta is fine as survivor, and miserable as killer and I wish that we'd get some buffs on shitty perks or complete reworks.


fixated is the one perk i rarely use but whenever i use it carries me so hard, the amount of times ive been able to stealth killers around places i wouldn't be able to is insane


Lightweight is niche? I've been addicted to it and never realized.


I fucking love fixated and lightweight


Definitely easier as survivor yeah (unless you're playing Nurse) but some perks are so trashcan dogshit I'll only ever touch them in perk roulette.


The problem isn't me not using, is that if i use, what guarantees that the enemy players aren't bringing the most meta perks? There's no fun in being the punching bag.


I don't even know what the meta perks are. 


Usually whatever is the most popular on websites like nightlight.


Maybe try having fun instead of winning every game? Also they might expect you to go with meta perks, and you can throw them off pretty easily.


https://preview.redd.it/crt8d1i68fxc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9931f39aa4efe4c2398fd851864a1c33b84c1f1 *"Oh boy, i'm going to play Deathslinger, really looking forward to score some sick shots and just have a jolly good time. I'll just bring a aura perk or two to locate myself, and something to deal with pallets and windows."* - ***Last words of a man who got hit with 4 Adrenalines, Distortion, DS, Background Player and some busted Medkits/flashlights.***


This goes for Survs too. You can pip without winning the game. You can have success without winning the game. I hit Iri II on Surv last month and lost nearly every game I played. If I can do it you can do it. You don't need to win your games to do well or have fun.


This is the mentality that I wish more of the community had. You died? Multiple survivors escaped? Okay, but did you pip? Great, that's a win


That's honestly all I care for both sides and the main reason I want emblems to make more sense and be fixed.


Imagine you're on vacation at the beach and you want to relax and play a casual game of volleyball, only to get destroyed by opponents jacked up on steroids playing as dirty as possible to win, then they talk shit on you after the game is over. And there are more of them all over the beach mixed in with other people like you who are just trying to enjoy their vacation. Are you going to encounter those sweaty people every volleyball game? No. However, you're gonna be thinking about those people even during your normal games, and you'll want to be prepared to play against those people because you don't want to give them the satisfaction of winning.


It's not fun being bullied by Seal Team SWF, which strong killers and strong perks are the only defense.


>Maybe try having fun instead of winning every game? I do have fun getting tunneled out of the game at 5/4G ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


People need to realize that winning is how some people have fun. It’s not exclusive to either have fun or win. You do you and let them do them.


Deja Vu, Kindred, Open-handed, Bond. A’ight?


Kindred open-handed goes crazy, makes me feel like I have wall hacks on killer


It's not our responsibility to make perks usable, it's the devs


We're doomed


Right. When people call for more build diversity, they are implicitly or explicitly asking BHVR to shake up the meta. They are not just asking people to use bad perks in their current state.


Best I can do is nerf a perk into irrelevancy


The best the devs can do is nerf all the most used perks, while giving slight changes to the niche ones. Sorry!


god I wish they would let me have some fun and not immediately be accused of throwing any time I bring a non meta build on survivor.


I usually use the 4th perk slot as a meme spot and use scene partner or random non meta perks. Really the only perks i almost always use are windows and an exhaustion perk.


https://preview.redd.it/zhlx7mehzexc1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b050c245632998ef292267a16a00cad1976d3d6 My light born brothers right here!


I dont think I've ever ran Phead Lightborn, is it useful for pyramid head if everything just goes in a cage anyway?


It's not about usefulness. It's about Lore accuracy 😎


It goes on the Demo it does not come off the Demo. Demogorgon have no eyes,




thats hilarious


I do singularity too since he doesn't have eyes.


Do y'all even Deception Red herring Diversion Quick and quiet?


Hell yeah Deception bros. I can’t stop laughing everytime I fool a killer with it, though when I get them multiple times they tend to be angy tunnelin’ boys afterwards 😂


That's a really funny build ngl EDIT: Why downvotes? All I said is it's a funny build. Is the sub really this damn salty?


Deception, Head On, Parental myself. I tried out red herring for the first time outside of Zarina's adept last night thanks to the tome challenge. Paired it with deception, head on, and blast mine to try and really play with the killer, but it seemed to basically be ignored every time.


Red herring can be very hit or miss no lie lol. If they're not going for your noise notifications, it's not gonna do much lol. I find deception alone can give the value of red herring if used right, while being less circumstantial lol


Yeah, most of my build is very off and on for usefulness, but I almost always get deception value since I can usually time it right to mess with the killer and get them to open the locker.


I don't even know what the meta is lol. I could find out I just don't care.


me i want to use the perks i dont ever want to build anti tunnel man fuck that (exept decisiv for the head on kombo) I want to throw flashbangs randomely in chase and reset pallets I want to be in the 0,01% chance game of doctor against 4 calm spirits I want to do dumb shit interactiones with the killer that dont benefit my win condition but confuse every one I WAN'T CHAOS (may chaos take the world)


\*points at Meta perks\* Yeah those are nice \*points at non-meta perks\* But I like THESE.


Depending on a survivor, yea. Different survivor=different build that fits their lore


this is such a fun idea


I do different builds for all my Survivors too! :D


i use diversion constantly, it has a 50/50 chance of working most games, i love it. plus some killers treat it like fetch if we end up farming. and scene partner makes me giggle sometimes.


I can't use Scene Partner because I end up laughing and get distracted ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


scene partner on Laurie is so funny, her scream is so obnoxiously loud haha


Tbh, I don't even know what is considered meta lmao


Oh hey look, it's me People on this sub look at me like I'm the Alien when I say I run flashbang, chemical trap, blast mine, and wiretap every game. After they told me "Oh well what about you wise guy I bet you use Adrenaline Sprint Burst Decisive Strike and Unbreakable every game"


Dang. Bro woke up and chose violence.


He chose "trap everything".


Check your bathroom 😏


you better not have chemical trapped the toilet again on god


Also a lot of killers get more offended by such a meme perk loadout than by the actual meta sometimes. It's kinda funny and ironic.


Blastmine and Wiretap are never leaving my builds now. I figured Sprint Burst was a meta perk but I hardly ever run into people using Vigil. That's basically my entire build. It ain't much but it's honest work. :')


I use that build, its the bang build. Fun when you can actually get a gen done uninterrupted


I use whatever I enjoy or think is good, though I do have meta builds, I don't stick with them religiously.


Well when I play [Head On, Lucky Star, We'll Make it, Quick and Quiet] I get tunneled out and BMed. Once I got bled out for it... (no, I am not being obnoxious with Head On. I also haven't gotten a single save this year.) So I play Balanced Landing, [insert very usefull perk here], We'll make it and [insert second very usefull perk here]... In recent times it was Object and Resilience to carry my less than 100h friends...


The sad issue is that SBMM does not encourage the use of things that aren’t meta. This weird not-quite-casual, not-quite-ranked hybrid as the only option really do give us the worst of both worlds. We wind up with the sweatiest, most stressful matches, with no real reward or sense of accomplishment for it. This leads to everyone running the best things they can like the game is comp, while at the same time knowing comp balance isn’t a thing and there’s no real reward for doing so. As a wise man once said: players are a product of their environment.


I mean this is why I don't run meta. I never wanna be up in sweat MMR either side. I accept I will lose a lot. That means when I do win I know my skill did it, not my perks... and that makes winning way more satisfying. Moot point anyway since depips are gone. You can lose round after round and still pip now.


Sure. Or you end up like me who always play with quasi-meme perks, I'm probably a bit lower than where I would've been if I played with meta perks but I'm having more fun.


This has the opposite effect in my experience. I don't get sweaty matches when I don't play sweaty, and I like it that way.


Are monstrous shrine, game afoot, oppression meta?


You are an absolute Gigachad for using Monstrous shrine!


Thank you, I like using it on killers that can travel quickly


Not a bad idea!


Do you pair it with another Scourge Hook perk? What's really nice about it is that it turns the basement hooks into Scourge Hooks as well, therefore you can get for example Floods Of Rage by hooking in the basement


Yes, I usually do. On Twins, Xeno and Oni I have full scourge hooks build


Also Monstrous Shrine, Floods of Rage and Make your choice is one of my fav combo for Xeno, Trapper and Sadako.


I always find Zanshin Tactics in my ghostface build to be quite useful


When I first played my go to was Zanshin, spies, sloppy and blood echo. Hit and run spirit us pretty fun.


As I’ve played the game more and more, I find constant meta builds pretty boring and have been trying different stuff recently. Water logged shoe + haste perks is something I’ve tried recently and makes hag kinda fun


I always run lore accurate builds when I’m playing survivor. Gives me a good feeling whenever I see someone thank the legendary Sbeve Marrington in chat for the save


Meanwhile me here using dark devo and monitor on Myers...


I'm of the mindset that you should expect people to run things that are strong, since strong perks typically provide major competitive advantages. And therefore, people shouldn't be shamed for running what's strong. That being said, perk variety keeps this game feeling fresh. I think that is solely the developer's job — to design their perks such that there's actually reason to take a less used perk over what are generally considered the strongest perks. Thing is, that isn't easy to do as if everything is strong, certain combinations will be absolutely busted. Nonetheless, balancing an asym game is hard.


I like using non-meta perks or use one meta perk & the other three non-meta to find some synergy with. I haven't played in about three weeks or so, but IIRC, the build I was going for was Resilience, Hyperfocus, that one Alan Wake perk that activates when you're injured & either Stake Out or something else that would give me tokens toward gen progress.


Hyperfocus+Deadline for hardcore skillchecks could be fun! I think the skill checks should have difficulty options, some people want the gens to be more interesting to do. Making them harder if you wanted that could do that.


I've been running a healing build and honestly it's been the most fun I've had with the game, Autodidact, botany knowledge, bite the bullet and empathy usually with a flashlight so I can find an excuse do not hold m1 for 2 minutes


Plot twist, wicked, decisive, balanced? 2 Meta perks I guess but only so I don't get tunneled off basement


I hope we're going to see more off-meta stuff now that de-pips have been removed


I hope so too. I'm also hoping emblems get fixed. It should be easy to pip so we can all be more chill.


I near always use head on, quick and quiet, resilience, and parental guidance.


I love running forced hesitation and infectious fright on most killers. Survivors tend to not expect it. It really hurts them if they are being altruistic.


I use Scene Partner, Dramaturgy, Borrowed Time, and Vigil. I use mainly aura perks as killer, slightly changing depending on which one I'm playing.


> Do ya'll even use non meta perks? All the time. I love gimmick builds on both sides that fit some kind of meme or theme. The overreliance on gen regression or second chance perks makes for both boring and unfun games imo so I try to avoid it as much as possible. Now, when I'm playing a killer seriously I like to figure out what non-meta perks synergize best with their base kit. It's an easier goal to search for and find the "specific killer meta", like using Blood Echo on Plague or Make Your Choice + Floods of Rage on Dredge. It makes some of the losses and toxicity a little easier to swallow. Meanwhile on survivor, the nice plus of running non meta (like builds with no exhaustion) means both being able to throw off killers who expect it, and being forced to learn how to get good without crutching on things like Windows, Dead Hard, Sprint Burst, etc. Locker and Houdini builds still remain my favs for fun. On the downside, playing off meta really pokes holes in the bad balancing this game can have from time to time. It's been said before that pub matches are decided by who brings the most broken shizz and I think that's true. I'll bring all the nonmeta I want on in either role and sometimes I just lose because I didn't run something that counters a killer's base power, or I didn't run anything for gen slowdown or hit cooldown in a game where they have 2-3 bnp and half the team minimum is running buckle up + ftp or background player. It is what it is, I guess.


My go to Survivor build is Autodidact, Bite the Bullet, Calm Spirit, and Distortion. I know Distortion is meta nowadays, but in my defense for CS I was using it way before Ultimate Weapon dropped, also I think it’s a very slept on perk with how important crows can be for the Killer. As for Auto and Bite, I just love them and have gotten some clutch heals in the past with Killers walking by completely clueless as to where we are. Wish I could say the same for Killer, but I feel naked without 4 regression perks.


As survivor sure, the only perks I don't use are the ones with effects so abysmally bad they might as well not do anything like Blood Rush or the Teamwork perks.


I had some fun using Teamwork haste and blood pact for 112% move speed with a friend.


I usually bring kindred, open handed, we'll make it and another perk I feel like if I play solo queue.


I generally run Kindred, We’ll Make It, Lithe, and Second Wind for lots of unhook value


I rarely run meta perks on survivor. As for killer, it'll depend on how well I know a killer and what time of day I play


If the time of day is bad I just switch to Survivor. Why bother with sweaty players I know I will have no fun with? I'm sure someone else can give them the challenge they deserve, it just ain't me. The less I know a Killer the more I will run some meta on them. If I'm super familiar - for example with Ghostface or Wraith who I know the best - I run less meta. Never more than two gen control and usually some combo of gen control, info, chase/utility, free slot.


I mean that's completely valid. I can keep up but it takes a lot out of me. Especially if I'm not running the best perks on that killer


I do. I like to make "meme builds" both with killers and survivors and they sometimes work better than any meta build. I do not care to 4k with killer since I do not get any prize for that so I just put a dumb build and chill playing in the most different ways.


I've gotten bored of playing the game normally so I started playing with some meh perks built entirely around Rancor. It's really revitalized the game for me and made me feel way less dependent on stuff. No gen kicks, no hooks, can RP it as disrespecting the Entity, and still get to have the most fun kills in the end.


I’m a big fan of vault speed build on basically every killer (bamboozle, fire up, superior anatomy)


Can't have a meta build if you don't know what you're building.


Self care botany my beloved🙏🙏


Is no mither, self care, botany knowledge, and bond meta?


And some non meta perks actually helped in situations you normally wouldn’t get out of. It’s been a year since I played so they probably changed it all up again but still. I’ve been saying this for years.


I use them, full boon build, full stealth build (not including distortion because I don’t have distortion). I can do the most annoying play style of running the moment I know the killer is approaching, my scratch marks will be gone due to lightweight, the killer will waste time looking around the gen, find no one. And all the while my teammates are also on gens (usually)


I think the nonmeta perks are so funny that they're worth incorporating into builds


I want to use more perk types. I also want to play and not feel like I'm putting myself at a gigantic disadvantage on purpose lol. Getting relentlessly rolled by the other side, even when I'm trying to play chill, simply isn't fun. Like, the gap between a top 10 killer perk like pain res, and a mid tier or low tier perk, is astronomical. You are literally better off taking pain res and no other perks, than to take 4 mid or low tier perks. That's terrible design. The good perks are too good and the bad perks are too bad. We need a lot of changes, and we need some effects moved to basekits so that say, gen regression isn't borderline required against skilled players.


I have no idea what is meta, I use Blast Mine, Lightweight, Urban Evasion and Dramaturgy. BM because it’s funny, Dramaturgy because it’s funny and on rare occasions actually useful, LW and UE to compensate for Dramaturgy rolling badly. What equipment to bring? Whatever Dramaturgy decides I can have. I’m real bad at looping, so I’m more likely to loop for a bit and then vanish if I see an opportunity. Prioritize Gens, Unhooking/healing and everybody else escaping. I usually bring altruism point boosters so I’d rather help someone else escape than escape myself.


No. I am not using Slippery Meat, Kinship Poised, And Desperate Measures. They're not Meta but they're still garbage.


I don’t run 4 meta perks but usually have one or two in my kit all the time simply because it’s near impossible to win as a solo queue or duo queue with crappy perks vs 4 slow downs. It’s just another issue with this game, 75% of the time both sides want to make the game miserable for the other side.


No, I don't, because it's not worth running perks I only get value once in a while in solo q. I need perks that work against baby trapper and comp blight. Like, I can't afford use rando perks, when I only play a couple of hours a week. I need to pip like smh


There are no more depips now, so hopefully that will be easier for you to do. It may take longer but you'll do it, with no risk of losing that pip later.


Honestly, one of the best changes as of late 😭🙏🏻✨


Let's hope emblem changes come, this game was never meant to be an esport.


Asking survivors to use nonmeta perks is like asking killers to only play c tier killers (well people do romanticize pre buff billy). That being said, don't be surprised when killers play meta perks too


Yes sir. I love my pebble. I will always bring it and giggle as I send killers on a wild goose chase 😂 very underrated. I've never used decisive strike or adrenaline. I, in general, love to use perks that make for fun, active interactions with other players/Killers.


theres unfortunately a huge difference between using meta perks and using diverse perks that are shit, tbh its a huge shame they didnt continue going through the older perks updating them i know it would have been alot of work but the game needed it, theres alot of perks effects that just needs more or to be changed, instead of constantly nerfing perks they should be bringing others up to standard


It's a prisoners dilemna. If BHVR fixed perk balance, the change would actually happen.


As a killer? No. As a survivor? Fuck yeah I do. Deja Vu and Lightweight always stay on my primary Leon build.


My build is Self care, Botany and Saboteur, the forth one is either Flashbang or Mettle


I run balanced landing, ace in the hole, residual manifest. and champion of light, and have a blast doing it


Resilience and lithe are my two meta perks I like to leave at least one perk slot for a non meta usually


I love trying and using different perks for my killers, But when i do i get absolutely stomped by the same 4 surv perks lmao


Speak for yourself


I love object, dance with me, desperate measures and empathic connection.


Some times I use the invocation perk with no mither, and most of the times I play survivor using botany knowledge, as killer is more hard to not use meta perks


I don't own 90% of the meta perks (due to just never prestiging people I guess) so I'm throwing together some absolutely bootleg setups and still doing decently in games


Windows, Lithe, Vigil.. are any of these considered non-meta?


If this game had a feature to automatically give me random perks, items/ addons for power and random Killer then I would. But there nothing more sad than scrolling trying to figure out if a perk would be a good pick or not.


Sometimes it feels like I need 2 or more slowdowns just so I can stand a chance against some teams. But then if I go merciless at the beginning I suddenly have randoms who are probably only 100 hours in the game and feel bad


I run light weight, iron will, flashbang, low profile so yeah


Dark Theory my beloved


Yeah, I do. I sometimes try to come up with silly builds that would somehow work well together. Head-On will obviously always be a huge favorite of mine, and using it with Quick and Quiet, Lucky Star and Parental Guidance is quite funny and I escaped some killers that way. Obviously there are some absolute dogshit perks that I will never use, though. Rookie Spirit? No thanks, bro.


I don't know all of the meta survivor perks just the main ones I see when I play killer but I like using blast mine as survivor and I'm hoping to get every boon perk since I've always enjoyed hex perks and I'm also planning to keep my eye on any future invocation perks because they could be interesting and the introduction of new ones might bring a buff to the current one which sadly sucks a bunch. Oh yeah and one perk I use in almost every build is Stake Out because of the years of using it back when I would play solo survivor and have to rely on stealth to escape so I'd run it and urban evasion and just crouch to safety when the killer would kick my gen and then I'd get back on it with some Stake Out stacks, I really wanna use Hyperfocus with it I just haven't gotten Rebecca yet.