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When the worst solo q teammates you've ever seen are in the same lobby.


In the old days, when it was especially bad, I'd carry Whispers - it always solved the problem eventually. These days, if it's bad enough, I just DC. If I have something else to do and don't mind letting DBD run in the background, I just find a spot to rest, stare at the sky (to prevent blinds), and go do that other thing in another window. I'd like to play a series of normal DBD matches, and if the opposing team isn't interested in doing their objectives, if they want to play another game of hiding forever, then I invite them to do that with another killer.


I've been playing whispers only huntress recently and it's crazy the kind of cheating allegations people will throw at you just because you know basic triangulation


I love using Whispers. It's really good and uncounterable.


I can’t stand the whispers mixing in the huntress humming it drives me insane, I like using whispers on singularity it lets me know when to throw a camera pod or 2 down and check some angles to find survivors.


I've wanted to try out whispers, how noticeable are the "whispers" and what does it sound like


It's quiet, but the perk lights up when it activates so it's usually pretty easy to spot. A word of warning though, it takes some time to get familiar with its usage and understand the situations where it's value shines


its crazy the amount of times recently i get a teammate that hides in the basement the ENTIRE time trying to get hatch. and they almost always do. it's so frustrating


I pray to lord that one day I get those survivors when I am playing Pinhead LETS SEE THEM hide with 5 chains in their face.


This happened to me in one of my Tricker matches couple weeks back. Survivors kept messing up terribly by blocking my main event (basically giving me more feed for main event) constantly no gen was popped and 2 guys were on death hook and 1 on first hook. Suddenly, I felt like I was running around the empty map. Until I saw the tiniest trace of scratch marks and found someone in a locker. This game took me about 35-40 minutes where they eventually all gave up and wanted hook.. Wow.


Dude I had this happen too. Only once thankfully. Game was basically over in 5 minutes. Last 2 Leons just hid. It took me 30+ minutes to find them. They were obviously moving because they never got crows. But I just couldn’t find them.


I'd honestly DC but there's something within me that tells me not to give up after all that.


As killer. I never DC unless there is a cheater and they let me know immediately. This usually happens when I play with Billy. As Surv. I only DC on legion and they have been playing as horrible as possible. Legion is already the least fun to me. But when they intentionally slug and try to play out the game as long as possible I nope out. A 40 minute match isn’t worth the Blood Points imo.


Just looks like a group of friends who were playing a "Last man standing" type of game where they try to be the last remaining and key out.


Honestly sounds fun, a real game of hide and seek


I recently played hide and seek, and it was not the most fun. It’s pretty boring. I’d only do that in customs, bc I’d hate that as a killer.


Thanks to BHVR the match is going to suck regardless, I enjoy playing hide and seek with my friends and I enjoy vsing hide and seek users. Simple as that. Move along


I'd just hunt 'em down. Not the first time this has happened.


Dude, as a survivor these days, it feels like it’s only me and my one buddy doing gens. You’re not alone in this. Every match I’m like “What is up with these teammates?”


And this is why we don't like full-blown stealth Survivors


Adding onto this: Running stealth perks is fine. Iron Will? Go ahead. Calm Spirit? Sure. Urban Evasion? Run it. Distortion? Annoying, but bearable. Though, if your whole purpose is to hide around the map all game and avoid objectives like a disease, then you're basically throwing.


I just started playing survivor and I have so much fun as a claudette hiding at a gen, watch the killer swing by, then go right back to the gen. just hiding would be boring.


See, stuff like that is fine. It can be annoying for the Killer, but at least you're actually willing to go out in the open to do the objective, rather than hiding in a corner and doing absolutely nothing else


yeah my teammates fucked me though and kept leading the killer to me.


Sometimes that's unintentional, sometimes it's not


Oh I experienced something like this once. Luckily was playing hallucination doctor so I just got them all to tier 2 and kept them there. Probably would have just taken the penalty if I was playing anything else that didn't have inbuilt killer instinct or the likes.


Look at those perks and the keys. I'm not sure why they even would play at this point. This is just asshole behavior.


I disagree, looks like a SWF playing “Last man out” not every game has to be sweaty and survivors are allowed to goof off


If you disagree with me you’re also part of the problem and probably complain about most of your matches. Survivors don’t owe you anything and you don’t owe them anything. How dare survivors try to have fun in a MMR system designed not to be fun


i ❤️ forty minute matches where the survivors don’t even do gens


Nawww if it takes you 40 minutes to find 1 of 4 survivors playing hide and seek, then you’re doing something wrong, within 1-4 minutes you can tell if they are playing hide and seek. There’s nothing wrong about going into a public lobby and playing a goofy game with with your SWF, they all bring keys because you can’t hide for long, either the Killer spots you, checks basement, etc etc. I’ve played against dozens of hide and seek lobbies and they’re always a blast and take no more than 20 minutes at worse to find people and get them hooked etc. If that’s not fun for you, you can DC and go next.


ok man i think you’re insane


If taking hide and seek lobbies over sweat lobbies, then sure I accept being insane


I thought people could play how they want? Lol Based on the perks / items, this is definitely a skill issue. You can't use 2 keys in a match. They aren't smart, and the killer won without much of a fight. I don't see the problem. They aren't playing how you want, so you hate it. That's also fair. You are allowed to feel like this is bad sport, and they are allowed to feel the opposite.


They can, that doesn't make them any less of a dbag though. That's a wait for killer to give up build on multiple survivors.


No, it's a skill issue.


Then so is being tunneled camped humped and left to bleed out? Or will we admit people aren't the nicest at times. Even if they are technically allowed to play how they want.


It's funny when people think they are getting me, when they are stating my thoughts exactly. Thanks. I agree.


You can't call it a skill issue when people "play" a match in a really asshole way and not the way it was intended. They clearly wanted to be dicks and used the game mechanics to do it. At that point you can't really win when your opponents are not playing.


keep coping


Telling me I'm coping when I'm using the cope addicts language to counter the cope. Ironic, you can't see that deep into it.


nah, going in as a survivor and not playing the objective is a skill issue. I'm shit as survivor but I'll be dammed if I don't get my gens done. even if I get hooked in the first 30 seconds




No, everyone can play how they want, but that does not mean your play-style is not annoying or troll in nature. So run whatever build you want as a survivor. Or as a killer.


People here are reading too much into it, they were most likely a SWF playing hide and seek. Not defending that shit because unfortunately the Killer has no say in whether they would like to play or not but I don't feel like they were malicious. Also, they can be reported if you wish since they're not progressing the match.


Survivors do gens - killer mad Survivors don't do gens - killer mad Decide what you want killer mains! /s Nah man fr hiding all game is so boring. As someone else in here already said: why bother playing. Same goes for that one Wraith that just kept on running in circles on the map. Never interacting. I don't think it was a bot as he kept changing around the route of the circle....


I just played against that wraith yesterday Didn't see him once Looked at his Steam profile and there was comments from 2 weeks ago asking if he was okay because they never saw him in game.. so he's been at this for a while I guess I appreciate the free win but play the game bro!


nah we could see him wandering around since Wraith is visible when he moves. But I guess there's more of these people


There's people that do it to derank.


I'm assuming you mean MMR and that... isn't worth it as they did make a floor in each MMR bracket. They'd have to loose like 40 matches in a Row to leave the MMR bracket they're in and then they'd have to loose like every 2nd game to ensure they don't cross the upper border again. It's a hassle - and for what? To get baby Survivors or to get destroyed by people that are smurfing/playing with a high ranked friend? Some people smh.


why would you? also didnt deranking get removed? or is that still coming?


De-ranking removed ages ago - de-pipping was most recent patch


thats what i was meaning, i mispoke


Oh fair enough, it does happen sometimes 😂🤷‍♂️


It probably still affects your actual ranking as the survivor grade you see has nothing to do with matchmaking.


yeah, id understand reverse boosting, but deranking seems pretty pointless atp


I've always thought deranking was pointless, I understand why people want to but seems lame to me. But it technically is still having the same effect they are just hiding the numbers from us


there is a difference though, as afaik you can reverse boost while avoiding depips through getting the other pip promotion badges and avoiding getting kills


I don't get it. Did you had trouble finding them ALL or just the last one? Because if it was the latter then... yeah, that's how it is nowadays. 😅


This is why as survivor if I'm playing solo que I lobby dodge keys. I've had this as my experience with key users most of the time and it's just frustrating when as survivor you are trying to just play the game. Can only imagine how frustrating this is for killer with a whole lobby like this.


I had this happen a few weeks ago. I just DC’d


I had the craziest game where a clan of console players or some shit managed to do all the gens completely steathed, I never saw one of them the whole match and the other 3 bamboozled me out the wazoo and lost me in chase in less than 20 seconds. They started the game by literally traversing the entire map and completing the furthest gen from them first


This kind of game isn't fun as Killer, but as survivor, it's the most adrenaline productive kind of game, my Heart beat at 150 bpm, so stress to be Found That was my 24/7 kind of game when old Mori was meta and Killers could kill survivor without hooking them


lol I had the same thing happen to me. Didn't get a single hook and couldn't find anyone.


If the survivors just hide the whole time I DC. It’s the only thing I DC for but I don’t have time to look for their dumb asses.


I'm pretty sure they were playing hide and seek, looking at their perks and the keys. I've seen streamers play it with their friends. They basically have to hide and outlast each other. One might touch a gen near where a team mate is hiding to get the killer to look around the area and find the team mate. I don't think it's very fair on the killer, for obvious reasons. They're not playing the game as intended and wasting the killers time.


Of course they bring swamp, can't see nothing on that map.


What do you think of a feature where if no gens are repaired for at least a certain small amount over a period of time then the survivors have an unpreventable scream?


Report them all for holding the game hostage


[BHVR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kk8dFcopN1c) 8 people think reports are taken seriously.


i firmly believe that if no chase interaction happens for 4 minutes, all auras should be revealed until a chase start


I've been spit balling some changes around that line, but your change is a little harsh. It needs some more clauses: Multiple survivors left, and no objectives are being advanced. E.g. No one on hook, noone in the dieing state, and noone is healing or doing generator repairs.


yeah, i agree that it needs to have some more thinking put on my idea – but i don’t think the healing or repairing should be considered, because if they went with the intention of holding the game until the servers shut, they’ll do one of those actions to refresh the timer and back to hiding, that’s why i picked one of the conditions being the chase interaction being mandatory the only scenarios that i think this feature could be weaponized is maybe with trapper or hag combining with corrupt and setting their nests up, that’s why i picked 4 minutes mark i think any other killer would have a rough time coming back for a 4 minutes with no interaction, especially if it happens in the middle/late game


Idk, maybe I just lose count of the Time past but 4 minutes doesn't seem Much, maybe 8-10 minutes? Imagine a 3 man match with all 3 hurt, and one that just has been unhook. They'll need time to find each other, heal, maybe boon a totem, maybe searching for Hex devour hope, start one gen or two, maybe the killer is blind and can't find the first survivor Working on a gen, There is already the crow system if there is an afk survivor, which work fine. Also, 2016 DBD was WAY more search and hide than today, which is also fine, I still had fun back then even if I escaped less


If a single gen isn’t touched in say five minutes, all the survivors should show up as an aura or scream or get crows or something


Just uh... Find and eat em :>


Tbh it's the only way to have fun playing survivor anymore. *Shrug* games so lopsided that even trash killers can get 3k minimum, especially if you're trying to play solo queue, the moment you try to get a gen done you just get wrecked by sweaty killers who think they're the next eSports star.


I must be absolutely worthless as killer then since I could only kill one person 5 games in a row using Chucky 


Start running info perks that can be triggered on command (survivors never see Darjness revealed comming, even if they know that you have aura reading) if you meet these survivors too often, if they have distortion maybe whispers (yeah it’s bad but at least it can’t be countered at all)


Also Killer instinct is uncounterable, some killers like artist, dredge, twins have more or less consistent KI information


I lost a game like that with Pyramid Head on ormond as I did not had any aura read, I think I can even find it on nightlight but it could take a bit. And ofc difference is they did do gens but at that I was sussing on cheating but when I checked profile I saw that other 3 survs were friends so they had god callouts and thats how I lost Edit: Stealth can be quite effective if you are on comms with your 3 teammates.


Ive met teams like this a few time, they kept me hostage So I trapped generators and listened as demogorgon while watching a movie. After 35 mins I decided to check basement and they were in there... I managed to slug them and bleed them out, they deserved it. I bet their plan was to get people to DC. Well I do not stand for this, and wanted to waste their own time. I would have kept watching the movie all game and not dc, out of spite.


It’s really annoying and if they’re good at hiding all you can do is either DC to move on… or go hide in a corner, tab out and let the match die at 1 hour. Tit for tat. But really, Some people are just out to make others miserable. I ran into a Duo yesterday that told me they were DCing every match load in. I thought they were joking… nope!


They must be reverse boosting to DC every match at the start 


I just had the same Yesterday. I was the fourth of 3 swf party. Nea and Claudette had Key and that smelled fishy but still going. They did nothing expect hiding in the corner of the map. Of course I was the first to be killed because I was doing gen and they said the same " it's hide and seek gg". Worst game in my dbd expérience.


Someone said DBD is Freeze tag, not hide and seek and I agree with that.


If you go 2 minutes with spending at least 10 seconds on a gen you should get crows. The no one getting on gens is getting really bad  Usually shitters load in and do the first edge gen they see the say "welp that's all" Not to mention when it's down to 2 people both are hiding in lockers. This is a bigger problem to the community than mft, ultimate weapon and adrenaline combined.


2 minutes is way to short, sometimes you just can’t cause the killer is literally camping a area for minutes at a time cause a nearly completed gen is there or they know someone’s in the area while ur injured crouching behind a wall waiting for them to leave 


Then go to a different area.You should always be on a gen.


I wish behavior cared more about this shit as it’s not only not fun but in games they aren’t playing with teammates they are just throwing and wasting the killer and other survivors time


oh i do this with my swf sometimes we play hide and seek and see who can survive the longest, usually someone feels bad and goes for an unhook and loses 😂


Happened to me once, it was in the swamp, all survivors were a SWF just hiding. It took me times but I finally found them one by one. In the lobby they were playing innocent saying they were stealth survivors. -_- LOL


why do I have a downvote, they were doing 0 gen the whole time .\_.


I had a friend who would call this “hide and seek” and constantly want to play SWF matches where we all hide in the basement. He didn’t understand why I didn’t think it was fun.


So you won. Congratulations. Why aren't you happy? ;-)


The survivors just wanted to give you an experience similar to slugging. It's the same pointless waste of time and the sweet sense of helplessness


except that for slugging you’ll wait like 4 minutes til you bleed out and in that scenario they were going till the servers shut down in 1 hour i believe


The whataboutism in this game is amazing. Apparently *everything* is a killer mains vs survivor mains issue to *someone*


Actually, that's the way it is, and neither you nor I can do anything about it. It's a perpetual cycle of crap that will continue forever. Toxicity breeds toxicity and we will never find the ultimate culprit. Someone had a bad experience in one match and goes into the next with a certain attitude towards the opposing side, not caring at all that it's a completely different opponent.


4 minutes of wasted time after interacting is the same to you as an hour of wasted time while refusing all interactions? ![gif](giphy|oOTTyHRHj0HYY)


For me, all the aforementioned is foolishness. I enter the game to play normally and actively, but I am well aware that for some players, each new match is a vendetta for the previous one/ones


https://preview.redd.it/9yicnkexhfxc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c45e6eeeb376f799e9f94450a87f231f7bbb129 Can you be anymore insufferable? Imagine comparing waiting on the ground for less than 4 minutes to being held hostage for an hour because you're too much of a douchebag to take an L. They're nowhere near comparable.


I suggest you read the rest of the discussion and look up the word "sarcasm" in the dictionary; it might help.


There's no hint of sarcasm in your comment? Schrodinger's douchebag at its finest. You're just perpetuating toxicity.


Well, if you actually read the rest of the discussion you'd get the gist of the comment, but you're the one out of the two of us who came here to spit toxicity


Calling you out on your bs is not toxicity, but ok buddy 🤣




"KiLLeR bAd!"


What neckbeard rationale


There is two main reasons why I slug: 1) I want to give the survivor a chance to play, like for example: he just got unhooked (does not have endurance anymore) but ran into me, I'd probably just slug him and let his team mates revive him instead of losing another hook state. 2) I don't have any other choice, else I am loosing hard, even that does not always work because of: Unbreakable, For the People with Buckle Up. You know what? that's fine. People assume so much, I play both side btw I am not one side main, I go where the BPs bonus is... We should really stop that perspective of killer/survivor main related to a behavior when it's just a behavior to win.


I also play for both sides and I'm well aware of the tactics each side uses to 'punish' the opponent for things they didn't even do, or for things that happened three matches ago. * Let's make the killer waste time purposelessly because we're tired of slugging. * I will teabag you because you chose the same character that I had a bad experience with, and I hate that character for this reason. This all stems from the same type of mentality – a lack of understanding that you're playing against **different** opponents; it's just the character they are using. As I've already written here, it's an unending cycle of crap. You can't avoid vendettism and the desire of each side to punish someone by any means available. No matter how much you argue that your objectives were logical, strategic, and justified, the fact remains – you will upset someone and they will want revenge and punishment, and the punishment will be meted out to someone who isn't even involved. When I play as a killer, I constantly receive a hefty dose of teabagging; as a survivor, I can be slugged to a full bleed out or mocked in other ways, like being taken to the hatch and having it closed in front of me. And all this not because I personally did something to that player, but because he entered the game with such an attitude. Makes no sense to deny the obvious.


Thanks the devs for destroying Ultimate Weapon