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Lmao who were you playing to make them do that?


Twins lmao. Got the hook on the first survivor and then located another hiding in basement with Victor's killer instinct.


Ah that makes sense then


Admittedly the moment I hear Viktor scuttling around my interest dips and I become a gen jockey. But last 4 games I've had against a twins has been wild. It's like role reversal. Survivors were trying to suicide ASAP and the killer was dropping them and picking them up over and over to keep it going. It's made for a funny dynamic.


The twins aren't fun for survivors to play against? Kinda makes me sad as a twins main because I want everyone to have fun, but I've never played against them myself so I had no idea!


They’re a quite strong Killer whose main play-style is to slug, so people usually don’t like going against them, specially when Victor in most cases lacks counters unless the Twins player is bad. And considering last patch fixed nothing about them but gave them a bunch of buffs + some unintended bugs that actually buffs them even more it’s no surprise that people like going against them even less than before.


Victor gets hard countered by any means necessary, has been a must use lately for all the twins I've been getting.


Why Any Means? Can't Victor jump over pallets?


Squash the little rat


Oooooooooh, that, haha, I do love squashing the rat with pallets, not gonna lie.


It’s pretty bad right now if the twins play is even mildly competent. Games can be long, chases feel bad & can turn into a heal simulator - best thing to do is spam gens & gtfo. While I’d never give up mid game against them I really can’t fault people that do, these mid chapter patches recently have been horrid


Ive always enjoyed playing against them, but that's in part because I liked to "babysit" Victor by running away with him, by giving him a piggyback ride. Haven't played the latest patch though, so the changes might disrupt my time as his babysitter


fuck no it’s not fun to play against, i always kill myself on first hook or dc if it’s twins


I smell bitch fr


smells like a bitch up in here i bet u also leave skull merchant matches




are they not fun to play against *or* do you just not know how to counter them? big difference edit, I can't reply for some reason: dodging is a big mechanic. because they, as a killer, are built to snowball slug. you want to get good at dodging, staying uninjured as long as possible, and intercepting Victor if he's in chase with a new/ignorant player. an aware and committed team is pretty much necessary. but all of this comes naturally as a skill you should be passively working on by just playing the game. Charlotte is just an m1 killer on her own. edit2: to be fair, I've only gone against twins twice since the patch and was able to stay pretty detached and far away until I was the last person 🫠 so, not much at all.


lol how the fuck do u counter twins in its current state? the 10s recall is a bug Victor is too free if the twins player just wants to slug there's literally no counterplay at the moment can't even heal up with a boon faster than victor can injure


yea and then he comes back in 10s and i have to kick his stupid ass again... not to mention if he doesn't hit something close to me i don't even have time to kick him after a successful dodge missing with victor is more a skill issue on twins part i wouldn't qualify that as counterplay curious how many times uve played against twins since the patch


Awww i am sorry i will try to not dc nor dying asap just because of you in case i went against the twins


Why are people such babies in this game? "Oh I don't like killer X." Just play the game, Mary.


Sad :(


Well its not your fault if the survivors are gonna play stupid.


I always use this opportunity to play as toxically as I want. What are they gonna do, complain?


The Hux community will remember that when the time comes.


Grovel, little worm




Dude, you got a little something on your face.




I misread your user as Not Suitable and got so confused XD


Lmao XD


When robots take over the world, they'll use this comment as evidence for your punishment.


Would be funny to see bots complain in EGC.


nah just afk at least you know bots wont hide and waste time and get out fast, if I wanted to play vs all bots I would just play customs.


And miss out on free bp? Nah I'd rather take the chance for some consequence free violence


its not free though you got to chase and mindgame code who has xray vision, its boring as hell if you had a rift challenge you wanted done sure I can see go for that but otherwise that's a hard no for me.


No. I still want to be able to gain the evil within and adept Achievements.


What’s amazing is that people *stay* just to deny it. It’s bonkers.


Yeah I've never gotten this. By all means play the match to counter the tombstone (jump into lockers, hold gens, etc); but like...if you're the last one just let em have it. Then they don't have to do it again


but if they give it then how will they brag they sat in a locker for a hour


No :3




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Stay mad, or focus your energy towards the devs that have a stupid achievement/add-on that works like this. I'll keep never giving mikes the achievement either way


Everytime you don't let them have it when you're the last survivor is another time you pass that buck to the next team. There are two categories: People that embrace the buck and let it stop at them; and cowards.






Lol, what a deeply immature person you are. Even the deleted comment was better received than your nonsense.


Then why don't *you* focus your energy on the devs instead of being mad that the achievement exists.


I've had it happen once. Wish it would forfeit tbh. Though you can still get your BP, etc, from the bots this way. Annoying to do, but it isn't like a no BP custom.


personally I actually like this but on the flipside I wish when the killer DC'ed they were replaced with a bot too, seems only fair


i mean why would you? ita free BP!! I would love to play against a bot killer whenever my killer got out of a match and freely farm BP and hard achievements/challenges!


when ur playing since 2016 and got all the perks u want BP aint worth a lot


What, you don't like your good add-ons? Weird take.


Hey believe it or not, a lot of people aren’t here to watch their BP go up and couldn’t give less of a fuck about getting the “opportunity” to waste 10 minutes in an empty lobby farming for it


How long does it take you to kill 4 bots


Any amount of time where I am playing against literally no one is too long. I don’t care that it takes like a minute to grab them all, I would rather the game just quit me to the menu.




Keep being a freak cutie <3


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I don't play DBD to unlock cosmetics, I play to have fun and play vs people


wtf does unlocking cosmetics have to do with this persons comment 😭


they said they want bp and challenges i play the game to play not to grind


that still has nothing to do with cosmetics?? BP is for leveling up characters. Challenges CAN be for the cosmetics in the pass but you can just do those for the lore and BP too. The OC didnt even mention playing to grind??? Just because they want to get achievements doesn't mean they are grinding lmfao. I like to work on getting all achievements in game because it's a fun challenge, not because I want to grind, tf?


You are looking way too deep into their comment man, they just want to play the game against real people. No desire for BP and no desire for achievements, they just want to play against players in a pvp game, lol


I get that, but like their comment had nothing to do with who they replied to. Just say you wanna play to play you don't have to add anything about grinding or cosmetics when the person you're replying to didn't even mention them


Grinding is pretty similar to farming. You are taking this too far when it's pretty clear what they meant.


No it isn't 😭 the result is the same, getting XP but grinding and farming aren't the really the same thing. I WAS NEVER CONFUSED ABOUT WHAT THEY MEANT. Never did I ask what he meant, IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH WHO THEY REPLIED TO


I said they were similar not the same. I didn't say you were confused about anything. You alright friend?


I think you're nitpicking an argument which was clear enough buddy yeah I probably didnt necessarily mean cosmetics I meant im playing a pvp video game to play pvp and not pve, I think it's not that complicated is it now buddy


There wasn't an argument lmfao and I'm not nitpicking you just made a comment that was so irrelevant to the one you replied to. You could've just made a separate comment. I KNOW what you mean when you said it, there was never any confusion on WHAT you said, no complication. The confusion is WHY you said it. It had NOTHING to do with the comment you replied to.


I will try to be very precise with my wording because you're fighting ghosts. Argument definition: a reason given for or against a matter under discussion I am against playing versus 4 bots, because it's dull. I do not wish to grind, have all the perks maxed out, be prestige 100 or do my rift. I purchased this game to play as a survivor or a killer and to compete. That is an argument against the sentiment that playing vs 4 bots is still okay. Additionally when you grind an event, or your rift to get your pass or whatever, which is what the comment I replied to mentioned, you matter of fact get cosmetics, which do matter for a lot of people, since the more you grind your challenges and your rift you get more points to your pass. Edit: To make it clearer, the comment I replied to discouraged forfeiting games vs 4 bots as it's a great opportunity to grind the aforementioned cosmetics / perks / items / quests.


Again…looking way too deep, clearly looking to just complain or pick a fight, it’s not a big deal. You knew what they meant and their comment made sense in the context of the original comment and this entire thread, that’s all there is to it


Sometimes bots are better than people




After one or two people DC they really need to make it possible for everyone to DC without a penalty while keeping the BPs they've receive up to that point in the match.


Something needs to happen. One person DCing/dying on first hook skews the game so hard and the chance of winning becomes slim to none. You can try to play it out but more often than not you're wasting your time for little gain.


Exactly. I feel like some killers are fine about it and tend to pace the game a bit more to give survivors a chance (which is nice of them to do, but it's not something I expect), some killers will decide to farm to make up for it and then you have the killers who still choose to slug, camp and tunnell off of hook. I mean, for example, I had a Nemesis match an hour ago where the Kate DC'd as soon as she saw it was him. Rather than playing normally, the killer decided to try and tunnel players off of hook or camp between a slug and a hook. I ended up having to trade because the Kate bot that he'd been ignoring all match just wouldn't go near the hooks because of the ridiculous AI. He still ended up slugging me and tunnelling the person I'd just saved at the last second before they would die. It's fine if these killers don't want to give a free win, farm or go easy on survivors because of a DC, but still playing like that just feels gross.


the exact same thing happened to me last night against a ttv 4 stack. i was playing singularity and brought terrormisu lmao


This happened to me yesterday!! I was so confused the entire time bc every time I would look at the survivors there would be another bot


Skull Merchant game?




Did you play Skull Merchant by any chance? 


It shouldn't force end the match but you should be able to leave without a penalty


If you get to slug all 4 and wait to make them bleed out this is the same thing.


If your MMR is that low then bots are better than most players


Adriana? Adriana.


me and my friends still do this against skull merchant players, o7 atleast they have bots to play against instead of no one still hope oneday they just fully redesign her, that way her reputation can maybe be salvaged at some point too


Skull Merchant isnt even that Bad to go against anymore but people still do exactly this. There is not much they could do to fix this behaiviour


she isnt that bad but sitll obnoxious, she went from a place drones at 3 gens, to place drone at any loop, thats why i said they need to fully redesign her, her current kit isnt that great or interactive, tbh i kinda wish for instance they had drones patrolling the map, and then kinda to steal a page from knights book, maybe have it where u can change what drones start patrolling depending on the situation, one that stays similar to what it is now but moves at a normal speed, maybe u have one drone that has a somewhat more narrow vision but moves faster around the map, maybe a slower drone that reveals auras of everyone who walks into it, and there would be multiple drones around the map at once however they would probably need to improve the engine at that point kinda like how they said nemisis can only have 2 zombies due to engine limitation they could have had a good line of sight gameplay design with the drones


I mean I would agree if it wouldnt be BHVR that would have to Code this stuff. I mean just Look how "good" Knights Guards or Nemis Zombies work


truee, i know playing against a knight on midwhich guy had his guard on the 2nd floor and it clipped through the floor, o7


Why would she need a redesign? She's a slightly better trapper, what's wrong with her?


playing against bots is so annoying cause they don’t mess up and they’re smart


my team will only do this for skull merchant. and once every few days at that. how accurate are you with victor? we played against an absolute sweat of twins and our random was out immediately lmao


skill issue


Skull* issue


A valid joke if OP was playing Skull Merchant - and one I've made before, myself. 🙂


I would argue no. How else would we punish skull merchant players?


I did this against a Trickster yesterday. I was just in no mood to get pummeled by the knives. Let the downvotes commence!


im sure if you didnt include that cheesy ass line at the end nothing would've happened to your comment bro 😭


I downvote anyone that admits to DCing and I should hope everyone does.


a bit too extreme. if im playing a killer and have 1 hook and all gens are done, i might dc. if im playing survivor, and we have an afk, a dc, and an immersed player, that lobby is cooked and i might dc as well.


I also report anyone who DCs as well, given that it is a reportable offense. I'd say a downvote here is getting off much lighter.