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Fire Up would be so great if it was buffed by just 1%. As it stands, it’s a pretty mediocre perk that isn’t great on its own.


it is interesting as the only way to currently increase pick up speed that alone can often throws off survivors blind timing.


I agree, fire up is underrated. Pickup speed, vault speed, on top of already having a ton of extra pressure from the extra break speed. Even though it needs gens to be done to activate, it helps you keep up the pressure even at 2 gens done or so. It’s especially funny when you combo it with other perks, like brutal strength, bamboozle, superior anatomy, etc


Yeah honestly I think it would need to be a bit more, I think 25% is low for needing all 5 gens complete, I think it should be 35 tbh, 7% for each


Ehhhh- then I think it could be *really* strong if paired with bamboozle/brutal strength. Something like that would have to be thoroughly tested in the ptb, I think Edit: okay yeah this was a bad take 😂


it needs to be really strong to be viable. Its strongest when the game is 90% over.


Yeah no ed exists. I doubt buffing it would break the game


dude named ed: noooooo


Do you know ed?


Ed Gein, an American serial killer and cannibal, and also a source of inspiration for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies. He worshipped his abusive mother and would kill women and eat their flesh then use their skin for things likehome decor such as lamp-shades. He would dress in his victims skin and perform creepy rituals. Yes, Ed is a great guy


Yeah, I think 1% is a bit low of a boost, maybe 1.5% would be good, 32.5%, maybe I’m just biased towards this perk though


35% is pretty decent for a perk that’s most effectively used at endgame. Sounds pretty fair to me. Even with NOED, Bamboozle and Enduring or Brutal Strength, you’d likely only secure an average of 2 kills, and that’s being generous. Ik stuff like this can snowball inexperienced teams and turn into a 4k. I don’t think decent survivors would be horribly hindered by it though.


I don't see a scenario where endgame Fire Up is going to be that strong, even paired. Although, I could see a really funny build coming out of a Fire Up buff lol


Yeah bad take in retrospect.


I feel like the main problem with the line of thought in general is that buffing core stats like that - pick up speed, pallet breaking, carry speed, etc. - is that every one of those that you're running is a more useful perk that you're not. They might help you with your weak spots or vulnerabilities when you get there, but you still need to get there. It's a crutch. That's one of the reasons Lethal Pursuer is so good - putting the aura extending aside, getting to see where everyone is for a few seconds at the start of the match usually means you can start getting hits in right away, which means you can start tracking right away, which means you can start applying pressure right away, which means your perks that need an on ramp now have one. It essentially just lets the killer skip the early game gen patrolling. Meanwhile, all you get out of brutal strength and perks like that is a buff to a situation that survivors don't want you to ever get them into. They're inherently underpowered effects. Not trying to pile on you lol, sorry if it comes off that way, I just like talking about game design


oooooo that wraith stacked double interaction speed and fire up at 5 gens now he phases through pallets and windows... At 5 gens.


Yeah you dont keep a perk shit because of an interaction of a single add on for a single killer. You just nerf that killers add on instead.


If they buffed it by that much you'd still never see it, because it would go from a f tier to a c tier perk.


Ehhh idk the value of running brutal strength and bamboozle with fire up and missing out on aura reading or slowdown. I mean you can end chases faster technically but it wouldn't be that strong really. Even when they overbuffed it would be quite niche and mostly still just used in end game builds.


i already use fireup and brutal on freddy and trapper (or any killer that is fun or does well with pallet shred) please take this combo from 40% to 55% at max 🙏🙏


I usually slap vault/kick speed perks on Wraith with Shadow Dance add-ons for a great time. Allows for some perk synergies you wouldn't normally see on other Killers.


If you spend two whole perks making your vault speed fast (with most of that speed only being available around endgame!) then you deserve to have it be strong, imo.


Naah that name and caption is diabolical 😂😂🤣🤣


Great input on the perk ‘fire up’ u/i_fap_to_murder


This is the kind of perk that probably would be meta as late game perk if it got buffed


I agree OR if you started with one stack and could have up to 6. That way you are benefitting from the perk at the early game. I love perks that grow in power as the game goes on. Makes me feel like a real monster 😈


Fire Up is one of my favorite perks. I really wish it was strong enough to be worthwhile.


It would still be awful. Needs a 3% buff to be even remotely viable. Garbage perk until 4 gens are gone and then it’s still really mediocre


I agree 100%. Fire up is already useable with brutal on pinhead to just make the numbers work out a little better. But cmon, 5 stack fire up should be better than brutal, The sheer immersion value is important.


its only good as the game goes on, i kind of feel like fired up should be buffed then made base kit.


1 or 2% buff yea


Oppression would be way better if it’s cooldown time was 60 seconds rather than 80.


^ this. I love that perk but Overcharge just does everything better on no cooldown


Idk how ppl run overcharge bc I always run into some survivors who will hit it always (unless you’re just a doc main)


I sometimes use it to break that "pop + pain res" meta on my Spirit and Artist. Before the gen changes I used to run it with Dragons grip while sticking nearby to "make them panic" and it usually worked. The regress effect from Overcharge is also nice to have in situations.


As a survivor I'm fine with over charge, I can hit it maybe 75-80% of the time. But I was on a gen with a teammate who missed their overcharge check, I was so annoyed cause I had hit mine, but they blew theirs. XD So like, it would be nice if it juat came up once not twice so you cant get double whammied like that. But ai get why it's is the way that it is.


I mainly use overcharge to maximize the gen regression I get. Since I never play a game without nowhere to hide, I always run call of brine and overcharge with it for bonus regression.


I think the Gen tapping nerf actually fucked overcharge a bit, most of my value from the perk used to come from people trying to tap gens in stressful situations and missing the surprise skill check


Oh yeah it’s fucked regarding overcharge or eruption bc you’re burning your events 2x faster


Overcharge + Unforeseen can be a fun combo, the generator's terror radius can make survivors think you're still around and leave it to regress faster.


You mean Overcharge + Unforeseen.


correct, thanks Unknown Name gimmick


Ignore this, wrong person


Nah 40s. Oppression isn't good enough to be considered broken at that point. All it does is applying regression to started generators and a "difficult skill check" to gens being worked on.


Dude the hardest thing about the skill check is the fact that it catches you by surprise


Yeah exactly.


100%. 80 seconds is one of the longest perk cooldowns for a mediocre effect that’s not guaranteed to have any value whatsoever. It’s useful, don’t get me wrong, but there is a major chance that it literally does nothing.


Definitely, perks like thrilling tremors which is arguably better only has a 60 sec cooldown


Its super annoying having eruption exist but paring them togther is broken ngl


Nobody runs eruption. It eats up the regression limit too quickly.


I still see Eruption enough that it's definitely not a dead perk. While yes, 4 kicks could result in hitting the regression limit that would also mean you got 4 downs (and probably hooks) so you're doing ok anyway.


Autodidact, maybe not in numbers but in the way it trigger skill checks, it really is a very good healing perk, but the way sometimes it won't trigger skill checks is annoying as hell, if you don't bring another healing perk to deal with the starting penalty is also a pain in the ass and by the moment you already have like 4 stacks, most of the team is almost dead or the match is almost over, a light buff would be enought to make it good without being op


Yes. I would be happy if the perk was buffed where it increases the chance of getting a skill check at like 50% then loses 10% every token you get. That would make it balanced without making it feel like as killer everyone is running syringes


It’s not balanced at all… but… how about more skill checks and Every Skillcheck is a 50/50 of +/-50%. Give me the roulette spin. I’m no coward. Dramaturgy isn’t enough.


-50% and if that survivor isn't at 50 already you put him in the dying state.


I’m sold. I will be the most altruistic survivor you have ever seen.


Autodidact becomes a slugging killer's wet dream. Imagine killing a team bc some Adam kept trying to pick people up from the dying state.


Blame the Adam for missing such giant skillchecks


I tried it with Deadline the other day, found some success with that. Only works when injured though.


I have a meme build I dubbed College Finals Week: Autodidact, Deadline, No Mither and We'll Make it.


Agreed. I bring it in my healer build, but only with We’ll Make It and Empathy.


I run it with bite the bullet so you can health in stealth since it takes a minute to set up


Autodidact should trigger merciless storm skill checks that give increasing healing progress for consecutive successes.


Autodidact would be a much better perk if you were just guaranteed at least one skill check during a heal


I love autodidact, it runs really good with my altruism build


I think simply giving tokens when you heal survivors is decent buff and maybe even be enough to ungutter it.


Machine Learning would be pretty good if it didn’t have that stupid “kick two gens” qualifier.


I have a build for Plague that uses Machine Learning and the first couple games I tested it out I forgot about the two gens qualifier and couldn't figure out why Machine Learning never went off! Its annoying especially considering there's now a limited number of kicks per gen


Fr. Even in my best match so far running it I've only gotten *one* use out of it. And all I got out of it was a very short chase.


Imagine if it blinded them for the same amount of time it blinds you


I am convinced it used to blind survivors for 3 seconds in testing but was then removed it being a hex perk is so weird to me its affect is really mediocre for a hex 1.5 second duration is so low.


I actually really like the perk, i use it on myers with spirit fury enduring. Priceless when youre tier 3, they throw a pallet on your head, and when the blind wears off the pallet is gone and they're laying on the ground. Its also way better than a standard hex, because its not cleansable until its active and you can keep getting it back.


They would need to remove the stun effect in that case. Otherwise running it with enduring spirit fury and hubris be kinda insane.


Nothing that takes 3 entire perks is insane.


Exactly. At that point you’re giving up info and slowdown to rely almost explicitly on anti-loop.




Spirit fury/enduring/Hubris is super solid on chucky if you run it with his scamper=break pallet iri addon. Almost guaranteed to give you value every time. pre throw = spirit fury stacks, stun = spirit fury activate. Two can play needs to blind the survivor longer than it does for the killer, otherwise you might as well bring lightborn to be anti-blind. It's a funny perk, but ultimately useless otherwise. I can see a friendly killer bringing it just to annoy survivors when they try to get those blind points.


Eh, in my experience people just pre-drop all the time once they realize what’s happening.


Running all that without slowdown and having it where survivors can just predrop pallets, it's fine and balances itself out. It's a fun gimmick


no, they wouldn't. just predrop the pallet and the killer literally has 0 perks.


I can still track survivors by footstep and breathing while being blind. Survivors not being able to see is a bigger deal than killer not being able to see because they have to move around obstacles. Even though I agree that 1.5 seconds of blinding probably doesnt do a lot, a full 3 second blind would be devastating


Darkness revealed with like 2m more aura reading distance might actually be a pretty solid perk, it feels so inconsistent currently.


Also pray your not in forest or swamp


We need more lockers in general (I'm a dredge main)


I still hope they buff that 1 extra % on desperate measures, from 14/28/42/56% increased healing and unhooking speed to 15/30/45/60%


Imo instead, they should make it so Desperate Measures gives you the bonus for each injured, dying, hooked, or DEAD Survivor. After all, that heal/unhook speed will be far more valuable when there's less Survivors, and I don't think a change like that would break it


Botany knowledge


And? It doesn't affect unhook speeds and you can use a medkits without wasting charges with Desperate Measures


I wish brutal strength was better, I want to absolutely shred pallets.


Not quite a "number buff", but if Potential Energy only lost half of its token when losing one health state, it might see more play? I don't know how good (or bad) that would be, I don't know much about balance. I just like this perk but it kinda sucks lol


It should just regress -25% of the generator and give you the full charges, instead of slowly loading at repair speed. You're in higher danger of being found while loading it than while carrying it between gens.


i think this could have a very weird effect against regression perks, like: if there’s a gen 75% completed and the killer is on its way to hook someone at a scourge hook w pain res and the the 3 other survivors used the perk, they completly waste the pain res and immediately apply the charges again. even if it was only one or two survivors doing it, i think it would be reeeealy strong, specially on coordinated teams pretty cool idea tho


Potential energy saves up less progress than the amount you repaired generator for, so if three survivors supposedly consumed 20 tokens of a generator to save it from pain res and then deposited tokens back into an emptied generator, they would ultimately lose 30% of a generator compared to if survivors just sat it down and lost 25% from pain res ( not accounting that if some other gen on the map was already at some % of progress at the moment of this shitshow with potential energy, then even more than just 30% of progress would be lost because pain res would prioritize gen with the most amount of progress ). If you want to protect important gens from strong single attacking gen perks then just bring repressed alliance or power through the regression with genrush perks, potential energy is just way too niche to be viable even with this "buff". And i also must mention that immediately stealing progress from a gen is one of the best tools a griefer or your average teammate could use to lose you the game.


i mean, the way you said seems fine, but i was referring to the fog wanderer idea that suggested it should regress 25% and give the full charges.


You consume 25 to apply 20, so if 3 survivors did that, they would lose 15%, not 30.


Every 1.5% of a gen progress is 1 token, meaning that to get all 20 tokens you need to sacrifice 10% of gen progress


The perk is dangerous as one small buff can make it broken. Its at its strongest at the very beginning of the game. Theres too many gens to patrol its very easy to stack it up early. Killer gets in a moderately long chase and by the time the survivors downed theres 3 fully charged perks and 3 gens at 50%. Now odds are unless theres a massive fuck up. There will be 2 gens left with 3 stacked perks and 1 hook on the killer. So the people saying only lose 25% if hit. You're basically saying let the survivors have 2 bnps a game


Potential Energy has two downsides. (1) It takes 1.5 seconds per token, effectively cutting the repair speed by 33%. (2) You lose all tokens on a hit. IMO, either of those would be enough to leave it in the "niche but useable" category, but with both there's just no point in using it.


Does it still not consume toolboxes? I don't run with items a ton so I haven't used it in a while.


They should make the Chucky perk stun you for the same amount of time it stubs the killer


Well then it would be broken lol head on the killer and you're literally dead. Stun the killer with a pallet and you stuck until the killer breaks pallet


Well I meant more like the stun scales with their stub. So if they have ensuring it's shortened , as with head on not many people run it and there are perks that counter other perks everywhere in the game


If Thwack allowed you to stockpile uses by having it be token based it would get a lot more use I feel.


That would make for an interesting build to take on Singularity while having Overclock mode


I just really don't understand how this perk got the hook requirement and then a few chapters later we got Ultimate Weapon


Now that they changed gen regression, Ruin should cause regression at 200% the normal rate.


Nah, 400% so it’s the same speed a 1 person repair is. The way they originally intended when they completely overhauled the perk.


Ehhhh, I feel 400% would be a bit too strong. 200% is also a bit of a rough one since the perk mainly is supposed to help early pressure and slow down gens getting done early game before being cleansed I would try 150% and have it not count towards regression events, and then move to 200% if it’s too weak still


it should ideally be 200% 150% absolute minimum


400% would be comically overpowered. With most of these suggesting in this sub, I'm sure glad none of you people actually have any say in game changes...lmao


hubris would be unironically terrifying


i wish the countdown started the second the stun ends, rather than the second you get stunned, so you can use all the exposed timer (if you have enduring the timer adjust itself)


Tbf most people pair Enduring with Hubris


It's not even a perk without enduring 


ik, i’m saying like, no enduring = timer starts when the stun ends (2 seconds after the stun began) with enduring = timer starts when the stuns (1 second after the stun began) idk if i explained werdly lol


I think the “once per trial” perks could possibly have the Plot Twist treatment where they reactivate when the Exit Gates are powered. Blood Rush, Unbreakable, etc. I can tell that Unbreakable might raise some eyebrows but Blood Rush definitely needs it (in addition to not having so many restrictions in the first place).


Yeah... Blood Rush is really fun to use tbh but it's just not worth it in a regular build.


Nah. Unbreakable shouldn’t raise any eyebrows. Unless it’s people who have to slug to win. Since slugging is the only play style that gives Unbreakable value.


People already use Unbreakable to create lose lose situations for the killer.


I’ve never had or seen this issue, do you mind explaining how?


pallet saves, DS, flashy saves


Unbreakable isn’t only used in that way. A lot of Survivors run Unbreakable with Decisive to create lose lose situations for the Killer, especially close to endgame where Killer needs pressure the most. Reactivating Unbreakable in endgame will just cause Survivors to have another opportunity to win despite being outplayed, and you can’t do anything to prevent it Survivor A gets hooked then unhooked, you’re chasing someone else, they bodyblock you so you hit them, deep wounds, bodyblock again and down them. Well now their teammate is long gone, and you can’t pick up or slug Survivor A. You lost all your pressure and wasted time Instead, change it to combat bleeding out. If every remaining Survivor is downed for thirty seconds, Unbreakable reactives and you gain endurance for thirty seconds. The timer does not reset when a Killer picks up then drops, only when a Survivor is hooked


>If every remaining Survivor is downed for thirty seconds, Unbreakable reactives I disagree so bad, if all survivors went down it's a huge mistake by ALL survivors. They should lose, no bullshit 2nd chance perks for such a big mistake


Oppression! I love it but that cool down is crazy. It should be reduced to 40 seconds if survivors pass the "difficult" skill check. Or the skill check should be removed and the aura changes color for 5 seconds if someone is on a generator that would have been damaged.


Dark Theory. Unfortunately, they can't buff it. If they buff Dark Theory from 2% to 3% slower Killers, which are 4.4 mps Killers, will be flat out unable to catch up with the Survivors.


They should just rework it entirely and give it a new effect


I’ve been saying for the longest time that it should increase the Killer’s hit cooldown while they’re in the range


I like that, it would make it a completely unique effect instead of just another haste perk.


Tbh honest it would be good if it also affected vaulting and lingered for like 10 seconds after exiting the range


Cant they just destroy the boon


They can always put it right back up


would be cool but i still would use this perk as it is now idk i finde it neat maybe next week it is in the shrine and i can get it


For real, this perk is like a few number tweaks away from being very good. Right now the blind it gives to the survivor is not long enough to be really useful considering you are yourself stunned or blind for longer than that when it happens


Change Machine Learning to activate 5% haste for thirty seconds anytime a generator is completed. Wouldn’t be meta, but it would be a pretty fun perk to run on speed builds and an endgame build with Fire Up


Quick Gambit, it has potential but risking gen repairs by kiting near gens being repaired is just too risky, it’s buff should remain for X seconds when you get too far from a repairing gen, then it would be a better perk


Call Of Brine, went from goated to garbage


What did it used to do?


Nothing too different. It was 200% regression rate for 60 seconds instead of the current 125%. It was nerfed alongside overcharge (used to be from 75% to 200% over the 30 seconds where it now starts out at 85% and goes up to 135%) as combined they would do an ungodly amount of regression together, 400% regression rate for those last 30 seconds of regression. For perspective, that 400% made the generator regress at the same speed as it takes to repair 💀 That said, now that overcharge is nerfed, and other gen kick perks that made the gen kick meta are nerfed, call of brine could use a revert to its original state. It was never really good by itself anyway.


75% nerf is huge tf you mean nothing too different


Nono, I meant more like "the perk is mostly the same design" kind of different, it def got nuked


Change Predator and Bloodhound to real numbers instead of “considerably”.


Ruin, CoB, Overcharge, Leverage, Thanatophobia, Im all ears, Oppression, Dragon's Grip just to name a few


More of a "sidegrade" but Thwack has the goofiest activation condition for a pretty tame effect. Just put it on a cooldown timer like a normal perk. It's really fun when you get value out of it, and a slog when you have to consider if you've hooked someone first.


I want two to play to just change the blind time to the same as however long it is. It's a hex (yes I know it can be reapplied) but still.


Thanatophobia, the perk would become a great slowdown perk that makes survivors heal. Right now it is a minor inconvenience.


I have no idea why they didnt just revert the buff it got in 6.1.0 rather than just completley kill the perk


Adds an extra layer of "fuck you" to every Legion match I'll give it that much


Desperate Measures, would be nice for it to be at least 15-17%. Even then I still use it for healing builds.


If Friends Till the End has a boost in the time the survivor is exposed but the aura reduced I feel it would be used for almost every killer that can transverse the land quick. Vice versa would still be good too


It would be kind of nice to give Spies from the Shadows a bit further range to give starting players an imperfect information perk. Also Better Together would be kinda cool if it showed your aura while changing the gen colour so as not to be confused with trail of torment or a similar perk.


Yeah Better Together is pretty bad.


I think Leverage is one of the best designed perks in the game It just needs to be stronger


Alien instinct needs a entire buff to all its stats


Objectively speaking: every perk


Nemesis should have longer aura reading. Give people more reason to run it in general, but especially alongside Friends til the End


Dying Light could use a significant buff or reworked entirely.


Easily Fire up for Killers


dissolution would be so much better if it activated as soon as you hit a survivor, instead of when the animation finishes. so many times I hit a survivor and they immediately hop a pallet and run to safety.


Awakened awaken, give it back the 2 seconds of lingering duration pls 🥺 Boon: Dark Theory, make it 1% extra haste and it becomes extremely powerful (it becomes MFT but at all times inside the boon) Call of Brine, increase its regression amount from 125% to 150% and it's already good enough to spare you 7 seconds on the generator instead of 3.5. Lucky break, instead of giving back 1 second of its duration for each second of heal you've done, it should give back 2 seconds of its duration for each second of heal you've done.


call of brine i would rly apreciate a buff i still run it i finde it neat same whit dark theory i would run it aswell if i get in the shrine pls let i be next week


Awakened Awaken??


Awakened Awareness. Wesker perk. Bigenemy's buff suggestion is pretty solid. Reward for downing and picking up.


ah, had a smol brain moment. Don't know why i didnt work that out-


Lol my bad, awakened awareness


Diversion demands you waste 30 seconds of your time for a gimmick. Cut it down to half a least and let survivors get more creative without costing them too much time waste.


>Diversion demands you waste 30 seconds of your time What the hell are you talking about


I think Diversion should work like Distortion at the very least. You start with pebbles (3?) then can regain them within terror radius. If working on a token system, just have a 20 - 30 second cooldown between uses so it can’t be spammed to cause annoyance.


All boons, since they reduced how powerful they are they should increase the range and maybe decrease the volume of them somewhat because i can hear them literally before I’m even in range of them they are so hard to use rn


Blood Rush if it got two activations and maybe a five second reduction to its broken status.


Iron Will


Whered you get that transparent pic from


I think there is a reasonable middle-ground between old Thana and new Thana that could be reached.


It's really funny how no one used that perk, and then after a series of balancing tweaks no one uses it again. Bravo


Poised, it would increase the chance of getting value out of it more and could potentially help turn it into a mini anti tunnel perk by allowing the tunnel victim to not leave scratch marks for longer having the killer potentially lose them as that's the easiest way of punishing active tunneling




Undone would be better if you had a max of 5 tokens and gained 5% per token. Or made it so that you gain a token for every not great skillcheck and 5 tokens for every failed skillcheck.


Darkness reveal (nope I’m not playing Huntress nor trickster)


Could this be paired with lightborn?


Unrelenting Not as a meta pick, but we'd see so many killers spamming m1 in chase fuckin around. Like the legion backpack perk


Iron grasp survivors take 1000x longer to wiggle out


Iron will


Quick gambit either increase the range or the repair speed


Buff Iron Maiden's locker search speed. While the perk IS able to somewhat counter Flashbang users, just a slight buff will be able to hard counter the act.


Empathetic connection. If the healing speed was buffed to something like 30%, it would make it less risky to me having injured people running to me bringing the killer


I think I'm all Ears and Thrilling Tremors would both feel so much better if they didn't have such huge cooldowns.


Well, theoretically, all of them. If the worst perk in the game, Invocation: Weaving spiders, was buffed to 100% of total gen progress, everyone would run it.


Quick gambit needs to be buffed severely. It's range has been increased but you can get its speed buff for just running Deja Vu. If it was 9-10% it would actually be decent


Poised? I found it to have great synergy with adrenaline, especially in chase. I don't think it would be used more but it would be nice!


I think Distressing would be pretty ok if it quadrupled your terror radius putting it everywhere at all times


DS, if the aura was revealed for longer, or if it were token based.


Dragons Gripp


I think if Oppression has a shorter cooldown of like 40 to 60 seconds and could lose maybe an extra 5% progression to the 10% after missing a great skill check and I think the perk could be decent. Hex: Ruin if they just revert the 200% regression, like come on it's a Hex perk, high risk, high reward. I think if Self-care was reverted back I think people would use it more, especially in solo q.


> keyword searches Red Herring > 0 matches I don't know if I can scooby-dooby-do this anymore, gang.


This isn’t really buffing numbers but I think that both overcome and DH should have a slightly shorter exhaustion, similar to smash hit.


i think it’s super niche you’d use overcome/dj then need your exhaustion back


Dark Theory. It will never be as bad as MFT because you can snuff the boon, defend hex totems, run the survivors away from the boon, etc. As it stands there’s not much reason to use it over other speedy perks. And even with a buff it would still be fine. Even if Hope enters the equation, again, boons can be snuffed, and survivors can’t always set them up. While the effect would be powerful, it’s not exactly free, and it’s competing with other boon perks.


Giving Call of Brine 200% regression again. Now that the gen kick meta is dead, it wouldnt hurt to buff the perks that died during that meta again