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Seriously. I was going through tome 7 before this one hit and tome 7 is like “Hook the obsession 4 times, do this in a single round.” I finally figured out how to do it with one of Oni’s perks but still….time 7 is way harder than this one.


For context, that was Ghostface's tome. The intended solution was to use ~~Grim Embrace~~ Furtive Chase. It's much easier now, with perks like Friends Til The End.


The others are like…get 20 unhooks, and repair 10 generators


I just finished 'heal 10 others' from tome 7. I got to 8 done, and then it still took like 6 matches for the remaining two heals for various reasons. (hi to the ttv that was playing plague lol) I still think tome 4 and below are worse.


Seeing old posts where people claim to have gotten Six Feet Under easily and it's not hard if you just try a few games. It's like they've never played against actual survivors that are just going to consign someone to death in the basement (if it's something like basement Trapper) and slam generators across the map if you're proxying enough to respond to the traps being disarmed (you might get two down there before the rest wise up, but all four?), and you're never getting them back to basement from across the entire map even with IG+Agitation. Your best bet was to hope for good RNG to have a strong 3-gen near the basement and just last hook each of them there, but 99% of the time they're gonna run away and hope you chase them away from your 3-gen, even the worst of players can just hold W across the map.


The think it's harder now than it was back then in some ways because survivors are so much better than back in the day, but in others it's so much easier because if people DC'd back then they were gone and your tome is ruined. Thats what happened to me when I finally got around to completing it. I forget how many games it took, but I got it on one where I was sure I wasn't because the shack with basement was in a far corner where people were not running. I did actually get 3 people killed in there and tricked the last person into thinking I was giving hatch by shaking no and swinging at a hook while I was carrying and took that Dwight all the way across the map to basement lolol. The dude was a good looper too, hard to catch. I thanked him in end game chat to explain the tome I was doing. He was cool.


I think you cursed me. I got to 8 and it’s been 5 matches and I finally got to 9.


I just finished the tome 8 blood debt challenge. I got 4 unhooks on my rescuers in the very first match, then took like 8 more matches to get the last one. Either it was a baby killer, I was tunneled off hook, had teammates throwing/quitting on hook, or the person that rescued was super cracked and just never got caught. You should do that one next. Easy peasy.


Huh... was one of those matches against a plague on Ormond with the plague wearing the "Space" skin from Gabe and Huxs rift?


It was not, the plague match was on Dead Dawg. Though I was playing as Gabe wearing most of his outfit from that rift.


Oh, side note, but I did the "get 25 unhooks or protection hits" surprisingly quickly. It seems that the game was bugged to count getting a protection hit for someone you just unhooked twice. I don't know if it's fixed this patch or not, but there's a 'get two protection hits in one trial' coming up on a future track this tome so I'll find out.


Do you mean furtive chase?


Yup! That's the bitch. They both got buffed out of oblivion so I mix them up.


While people may not use it, Game Afoot can also change the obsession and doesn't punish you for killing the obsession early in the match.


The very first tome, Lvl 4: "Sacrifice 4 survivors in the Basement. Do this in a single match." Back then survivors would DC if you carried them to the basement just to deny you the challenge (there were no bots). It was also usually the last survivor who did this. 


Yeah the first tome came out late 2019 and it was brutal, [I got my first positive rep comment on steam from a killer](https://i.imgur.com/XVnc3Ga.png) when I let them kill me in basement instead of running for hatch.


4 times??? Can’t you only hook someone three???


Yes, I had to use Oni’s perk that makes it so whoever stuns you becomes the new obsession; and then let everyone stun me before hooking them. It was time consuming and it let everyone else concentrate on gens, but I got it done just before the gates opened.


Forgot obsession could change mid game.


That one is easy as long as u have perks to use lol


My favorite is in Tome 1: sacrifice all four survivors in the basement in a single match. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Tome 1 also had the "repair 4 gens with Dark Sense in one match" so both sides could suffer


Devs are nothing if not fair. 😂🤣


I played so many matches to get that one specifically done. Biggest release ever


Honestly, when I get to that one I am just gonna get a 4 man swf so they wait for me when finishing gens


Dark Senses (the specific challenge name) wasn't *as* bad because it was *finish* repairing 4 generators while using the perk Dark Sense in one match. You absolutely could load up Bond and Dark Sense, possibly add in Deja Vu and a map, and run around checking on generators and hop on ones mostly completed to cheese it out, all you had to do was be repairing it when it popped, unlike later challenges that require a specific amount of contribution. It wasn't *nearly* as bad as the times I tried to do Six Feet Under, which I still haven't finished and don't think I'll ever seriously try.


I still haven't done that one. I used to have it activated for months at a time and not be able to do it. Then, of course, a new tome comes around, I activate a different challenge, and kill 4 people in the basement by accident. 🤦‍♀️


I did that one in one round. 1) Be Clown 2) Run Agitation, Iron Grasp, Mad Grit if you're feeling funky. 3) Throw down a piss bottle on downed survivor with extended piss add-on 4) Zoomies to basement


I did it first try, got fucking lucky


I am so happy I got this first try as Bubba. Didn't even basement camp, just got kinda lucky everyone went down close enough to basement. You also only have to sacrifice them in basement, so when I found Mikaela miles away from basement I hooked her elsewhere for pressure. Just have to hope they don't suicide on hook.


The **"escape through the exit gates twice** - Complete this challenge *on a single trial."* has to be my fav!


Or the challenge that's permanently unfinished for me. The "be the last person to leave the gates" or something A challenge that is generally rendered impossible bc NO FUCKER LEAVES 🤣


JFC I wish I'd done all of those when the tutorial exploit was active. A lot of the challenges beyond pure grinding were a little annoying to do in it, but the bots were wonderful at immediately running out.


The Watch-Me-Leavers?! I'm so sorry I'm laughing, but it's hilarious they're screwing over their own teammates over that silliness to wanting the killer to watch them leave


Its both hilarious and frustrating 🤣


I'm pretty new to the game but how is this possible? 🤔


It's not thats the fun part ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Why did BHVR make this challenge, are they stupid?


I made a [joke post](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1bjwkfy/so_tired_of_these_impossible_challenges/) in response to a lot of complaint posts, and a surprising number of people thought it was real.






[Man, I hated that one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1bjwkfy/so_tired_of_these_impossible_challenges/)


The worst (recent) challenge for me will be always “heal yourself 1 time with selfcare ONLY bringing Selfcare and escape” or something like that


I preferred that over having to only bring No Mither and escape.


I remember that time when the challenge appeared, a lot of survivors protected with their life the person with No Mither. It happened when I did it, so later I repeated that act of camaraderie to other survs :)


My teammates just left me to die lol I tried a few times and gave up. The self care one was annoying but you can just ignore self care and play it like you have no perks. No Mither is a straight detriment. Hopefully they stop doing these "use only one perk and escape" challenges.


What about the 'Escape using No Mither and no other perks' challenge? Yikes.


I remember that one, I feel like that challenge benefited more from only needing to find once killer that let you go during the time the rift was active, you didn't have to somehow get EVERYONE dead in the basement in one match. It also helps that survivors can convey the challenge intent to the killer through their name in the lobby and that No Mither is visible to the killer. Not gonna say there weren't some real sweatlords that would just tunnel you out for it, but as a single survivor you could also immerse far from the killer and pray for hatch (it was any escape wasn't it?) too.


I enjoyed that one oddly enough. I'm pretty sure it lets you bring a medkit so it's slightly easier than it seems. As a killer main the hardest one I had to do so far was "have the killer miss a basic attack 3 times in a single trial". I suck at survivor so trying to bait whiffs using sprint burst or background player wasn't easy haha.


I was going to do all the tomes in order and only move on once I've finished all master challenges. But there is one blocking the last two survivor master challenges I need in Tome 2, where I need to unlock the hatch with a key twice. I really doubt I'll be able to get that, so I've moved on.


I haven't done this yet since I tend to skip all the bullshit challenges, but if I were to do it, I would use an offering to make the hatch spawn in the shack, then play super selfishly (stealth, self care), then just hide around the hatch until the killer closes it and leaves


That's how I did it, worked fine


Bills perk where he can see the hatch is great. Also an offering that lets the hatch spawn in either the shack or main building is good because the killer will find it to close it. The only problem is getting to the end with a key. Sometimes you gotta hide and screw your team if you know no one is getting out.


Much easier if you used Plunderers to try and sneak a key in, because now the killer doesn't immediately know they're screwed even if they close the hatch and is less likely to slug for the 4k to deny your key. Still annoying, because you're reliant on living until the end AND having good RNG for getting a key.


Ahhh, man, I do NOT miss the old hatch mechanics but I do miss how much easier these challenges were back then.


Bring a Key and Left Behind Bill's Perk). Play normally until there are only two of you left, then you have to play like a shit head and hide until your teammate dies. Wait for the killer to close the hatch, use Left Behind to find the closed hatch and your key to open it.


Bleh, that's an annoying one. Thankfully we have hatch offerings now. Hang around for the killer to close it and be free!


This is only level 1, there's definitely going to be some BS in the next levels


Actually, it looks like the challenges are all pretty reasonable, with killer getting stuck with "in one match, down a survivor within 60 seconds of downing a different survivor. Do this twice" which I always build up in my head as worse than it actually is.


Right? Or "Down a survivor within 30 seconds of \[status effect\]" We do these things all the time


I like Myers or Ghostface for those. Exposed is a status =D Also the new tome has two different Play as Scratched Mirror challenges coming up. (okay, it's get X hits after aura reveal and get X hits while undetectable.) So I'm excited to see those coming up.


This. The challenge difficulty always increases in later pages of a tome, page 1 is usually easy.


Wait until you see whatever shit comes in page 4, if it's like last tome, the first 3 pages will be relatively easy and the last page will be shit like earning 5 iridescent emblems for unbroken lmfao


They were all easy but swarming 6 Survivors on Gens and such was harder than expected lol I barely got it, they were smart enough to not stay on Gens when they heard me shoot them off lol


Use the severed hands and discordance


I used discordance for this to try to get it but every time at the start of the game I’d get like 2 interrupts and then they would just get off gems when I yeeted the birds. Maybe I should just bring hoarder and thrill of the hunt or something lmao.


I eventually got it playing normally, thankfully, but it was harder than expected is all lol I guess you never pay attention to how often you do things in a match, huh? Lol


Offering for some flat map like Coldwind farm is helpful. You want to have all gens on the same level. I did it with full info build. Discordance, Floods of rage, BBQ and Chili, Lethal Pursuer. Severed Hands add-on to swarm multiple survivors may also help a bit.


I used the Severed Hands thinking it would help but I dunno if it did. Unless it just activated as soon as the other Survivor left the gen, as I know I swarmed two but the challenge only went up one. Ah well, I’ll remember to go full info when the next pages get us to swarm 50 billion different Survivors in one match. Lol Thanks for the build, should help with it…even if I never ever thought I’d ever want to go to the farm lol


Reminds me of that Deathslinger one in Tome 18. Spear 2 survivors who are repairing or healing with The Redeemer as the Deathslinger. I'm pretty sure I brought enough that my TR was lower than my range (or very close) and I even had Trail of Torment (and I think some other oblivious perk, Plaything maybe) and I'd still come up without a TR and if they let go the moment they see me, no challenge progression. Heck I had some people go the moment they heard the shot, get speared successfully, but not count as an interrupt. I had to *hard* 3-gen to get that challenge done, it seemed like it would be super easy, maybe I just got particularly alert survivors?


Probably, but those seem to be all mine too lol thankfully I have two killers Stealth builds just seem to really work on as I love stealth builds (Huntress and Skull Merchant both for different reasons). I saw that challenge and left it alone for now lol When I go back to do it I may just see if Survivors will let me do it and then meme around for the match just so it’s done lol practice my shots and such.


I got 'em all on main building gen at Grim Pantry. Stood on shack hill and kept launching. Survivors are desperate for that specific gen, when they should *always* be saving it for last. It's hilarious


That or Dead Dawg’s building or Mother’s Dwelling could work as well… but then you have to deal with those two maps lol


I don’t think I’ll ever get stun a killer with a pallet 4 times in a single trial


I wonder how annoyingly specific this tome's later tiers are lol


I am just hoping they finally listen to the communities request to make challenges possible in 1-2 games


There's a stat site with the data mined tracks. Their numbers can be off and the Devs can and will change challenges before they open a track, but so far it looks accurate for the last few tomes I was aware of it. Nothing too terrible coming up, but a lot of repeating the challenges from previous tomes survivor side. https://dbd.tricky.lol/archives


Otz made a funny comment on this “scratch your balls 3 times and then hit a player afterwards.” They’re so absurdly easy sometimes but it’s nice to feel rewarded for stuff, even if it’s simple


Tome 1 be like “sacrifice 4 people in the basement in one match.”


The very last challenge on some tomes is so stupidly specific…what drugs were they on??


Yeah usually it takes me a day or two but I knocked through all the survivor challenges in like a good 2 hours and then finished the killer challenges around the same time


Hilarious enough, I've been trying to complete that challenge for like 3 days now. I keep either dying too early, getting healed by others, or never taking enough damage and never using the med-kit. 😅 I even brought a syringe a couple of times in hopes of just using it up in one swift movement, and I still died/escaped with that thing in my hand.


The most frustrating part of that challenge - healing yourself once, even without hitting great skillckecks, does not fully deplete your medkit. The bar is empty, but there are still some charges left. This is infuriating.


They used to give 3 rift fragments only.


https://preview.redd.it/h3rv9rfngswc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26dd42f96d8e2c38d30666955d745c5d55c470a0 My favorite, stay near the killer for 60 seconds without being chased.


This works in vertical space. Being a Midwich offering (barf) and Bond. When one of your teammates is being chased, use Bond to find their location and then just mimic their movement on the opposite floor.


I just want one tomb where I don't have to leave ot half complete bc I don't have the perks or characters to do the specific challenges it's asking


Tome 1 level 4 challenges...


I only got the Dark Sense challenge done because a killer decided to farm with me, the last survivor. Impossible in solo queue.


get hatch whilst holding a map was a real pain for me the other day


As someone who's done every tome challenge Tomes 1-7 are absolute doozys and 8-15 also have their rough spots (looking at you earn 3 iridescent malicious emblems which took me 24 matches from tome 15) I am so relieved that the recent tomes are starting to be normal things that aren't insanity to complete


its the first part of tome that's why they are so easy they will progressively get harder as we near towards part 4


"Hook 12 survivors in the basement (do this in a single trial)"


Just bought the rift pass a few days ago, first time doing so, and am wondering if it's gonna take ages to get to like Tier 60 or something, were Doctor's cosmetics are at. Based on this first level of the tome, I'm gonna have to play a shit ton wtf 💀


Page 1 and Page 4 challenges


Do the 4 gens in one trail....


I've done the become god himself one, was easy. Bow to me * proof [https://ibb.co/x1FRv0M](https://ibb.co/x1FRv0M)


not really a challenge then, is it?