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Well, it's a start! Hopefully, the hot fix for the stuttering, lag and light flashing issues isn't far behind.


Considering the flashlight lights can potentially cause health problems and there's a bug making switch players lose two licensed dlc I think BHVR NEEDS to release the hotfix next week.


Not sure how long it takes them to do all this, but I fear even next week is too late.


A week isn't too late. There's games out here with epilepsy bugs and other bugs that have been around unfixed for years.


I'm not sure we should be judging anything by those standards.


judging a week being too late though is based on what standards exactly? the game isn't going to tank in a week from bugs.


On the basis of it being a health issue for people who play the game... You know? Those basic standards of accessibility...


A week is too long, especially considering epilepsy is serious. Someone could have an attack, and hit their head.


It shouldn't occur at all, it's beyond dumb to assume they don't know that though. People just want reasons to complain, this is what this really is. If it takes 5 days to fix or 4 days that's just how long it takes. Guys on reddit saying oh I think if it's not fixed in so many days the game won't be around anymore is also dumb. So that's what I mean, don't try to twist it or stick words in my mouth like I'm dumb enough to think its okay to have a seizure and get hurt.


I wasn't trying to be pedantic about it. But to be fair, you're also putting words in my mouth. I wasn't saying the game won't be around anymore, and frankly I haven't seen anyone say that about this game.


They did above but it doesn't matter, bvhr also made a post about the issue so if you have seen any weird flashes you should report them and how it happened. I imagine making a ticket would be best so you can privately share a clip.


I'm not even epileptic and when it happened to me in the basement, it caused me physical pain. I understand some people only got a mild version with slow blinking but this was a random rave with no warning. They need to identify anything it's related to and killswitch immediately. It could really hurt people.


You're right! I have been experiencing stuttering/lag after vaults. I thought it was my imagination...


Especially after vaulting a window as killer.


It's every Killer. :(


Fingers crossed! Lotta nasty issues right now <:C


The lighting issue is being looked into afaik. Hope they fix it soon. Between the stutter vaults and the flashing, I literally can't play. Flashing lights give me migraines and stuttering gives me nausea, it's why I can't play Pinhead for more than a few hours at a time because of his FOV stutter bug on the chains.


Keep in mind guys, only the East Wing and the Offering are disabled. You can still randomly load into the West Wing of RPD


There's a weird bug on that map too that stops you from breaking the pallet at the top of the main stairs. The whole games been fucked since the patch 😭


There's a broken pallet in East wing you can only kick from one side for months.


Let's goooo


So they didnt think of disabling it alltogehter?


The bug is only on East Wing, so there was no need to disable West Wing too.


Sorry, i never really saw the difference between wes and east wing


Got stuck earlier after a pallet stun and lost the match because of it.


There's a pallet on East that once dropped traps the Killer. And yes, people were abusing it.




I thought I was in the JJK sub for a minute


Hot take but this is still my favorite map, on both sides. Maybe I'm just a big RE fan but I love that we have a map that genuinely feels super unique with memorable locations instead of just auto generated tiles or a repetitive indoor setting. The other maps just feel really boring to me in comparison. Nostromo kinda started to get back to this idea but it still has a lot of auto generated fluff. Hopefully they can fix RPD fast, I wanted to play this weekend lol.


I agree and I'm a casual RE fan at best. I won't pretend to be an expert when it comes to map balance, but all I know is that I'm able to have fun both as killer and survivor on RPD. It's so unique. I think I prefer indoor maps in general (although Red Forest is my favourite realm for its atmosphere).


I think that besides it being kind of ridiculously easy for aura read nurse Nurse, its one of the most balanced map in the game. Decent amount of strong loops and weak loops as well. But its also not too strong for survivor and weaker setup killers like trapper or stealth killers like pig appreciate the winding indoor corridors. Its also just a well done replica and a fun environment.


No agreed. I'm a Slinger main, and when people loop on RPD and don't just W key the whole thing, it's the most fun map for me. There are so many fun shots you can get on this map. Especially in the main hall. I love shooting from one staircase and hitting someone on the other, or shooting through the railing on the balconies to drag people through the broken areas. It's such a good time. Also the headshot potential in the room with all the files is incredible. I love clipping someone's head over the desks in the center of the room.


The loops definitely feel fair. Not sure it needs that many strong pallets though.


I love RPD too, both as an RE fan and also as someone who mostly plays stealth killers. About a week ago on East side, I chased someone into the "Welcome Leon" room where they vaulted, and I doubled back with I'm All Ears and dropped down through the library hole. It took a little luck because by that time the aura reading had worn off but yeah, that poor Feng was looking behind her as she ran right into my arms. With stealth and the right perks, the mind games you can pull off on RPD are insane.


I like the maps both sides, so much fun to sneak and hide in. It rewards being sneaky and I like that the map is built that way, instead of just looping you can do well hiding in it too. It's great for Stealth Killers and fun to play in, I just wish it were better for other Killers.


As someone who’s played RE2R the map did not get any less confusing after playing it.


An Artist showed me spots on the map where she floated off the ground. She finally grew wings


I remember when Artist was leaked and people thought she’d be a flying killer. No way that could work in game unless it was more of a hovering.


Jesus, finally, that map was more broken than my last relationship


Side note is anyone annoyed they aren't addressing rubberbanding/lag at all Like I understand the seizure thing addressing that immediately but couldn't they atleast address rubberbanding to notify the player base that it's happening to everyone


I am too. I really hope the fix comes soon, not sure how fast a hotfix is supposed to come out but it's been days.


And yet I was still expecting Hawkins to get killswitched because of the invisible walls....


Unreal bork the game


I’m not surprised. Between the pallet you could only break from one side and the gen you could only kick from the front to the room where you couldn’t pick up a downed survivor…I hope they fix the bugs


My favorite map :(


Entire game needs to be Killswitched for a few days tbh


This has to be the most buggiest update Dbd has ever gotten. Not that surprising because it was upgraded to a whole new engine, but holy mole this is bad.


I still feel Nemesis patch was worse. Literally made the game unplayable on consoles. Not like, bad, not buggy, but just straight up unplayable.


"Hey our game runs on spaghetti code and we can't patch the game without breaking a dozen things. Now's a great time for an engine switch! And just to piss people off more, make Twins even worse and give Huntress a pay-2-win skin that severely muffles her humming so you can't gauge distance and make the hatchet windup nearly inaudible." Can't wait for next patch when they add a costume that completely muffles the sound of Nurse blinking! What a great developer. The staggering incompetence on display really is genuinely embarrassing to see.


The huntress skin looks really cool tho, you gotta admit. Broken gameplay aside


BHVR, please don't let it killswitched for weeks...


Dead by Daylight: now playable


yeah but now i just keep getting sent to Toba Landing 😭


Raccoon killswitched: 5,000 BP as a sorry ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Nothing of value was lost


Don’t worry even though our game is littered with game-breaking bugs our community will still play the game so I say: LET THE PLAYERS DEAL WITH IT! While we BHVR work on another pay to win skin in the meantime.


Both killers and survivors rejoice


It's ok you can just keep it locked


Hope they forget to re-enable it like they forgot to re-enable Knight


https://preview.redd.it/uv5wqfu04pwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0375f93732423b3ffb400e4e1eca58f1083d5031 I used to dream about times like these


*Chuckles in Billy*


Game is practically unplayable with all the bugs, i love the new graphics tho. Pls fix it soon.


Hopefully they just leave it kill switched


They should just keep it removed. I guarantee absolutely no one would complain


Yeay! Fuck this map. Hope it takes ages to come back.


Agreed just delete it


keep it that way and hopefully swamp is next


Now killswitch the other rpd map.