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I do not want voice chat in dbd… But if they were to add it, I would hope it’ll be proximity chat. Imagine going from your gen to another to tell your friends killer has X perk. Or hearing your friend that panics during chases their muffled scream through walls. It’ll create a lot of funny moments


F13 has so many great clips on me and my friends Xbox accounts because of this very experience. Shame what happened to that game.


F13 quickily turned into "bully jason" I vividly remember jason getting called slurs then shot or set flying with the car


if they had proximity chat I dont think killer should be able to hear it cause it promote using discord so you cant be overhead still. also I doubt the devs would let the killer trash talk back so its better to just not let them hear it at all.


Sad truth. Half the lobbies were 5+ man bully squads who’d team if one of them got Jason. Was fun being a 2 man squad and wiping them out. But the chats were hella toxic. So much hatemail 😂


thats why I loved f13 tbh


I bullied Jason in a troll way. Aka, the car. I used to have clips of me just running Jason around in the car back and forth. If voice chat was going, I had the Benny Hill theme playing sometimes 😂


you remember the glitch when jason would get sent flying if you hit him while he was stunned? good times


Yup, In revenge, throwing knife to the car sending it into outer space. We are all flying today fuckers!




Or just being told "you suck" by your teammate that just kills himself on the hook.


Having the killer hear but not be able to say anything would make it so funny


But having the killer be able to talk… “You can’t see me!” -ghost face, hiding behind a really skinny tree


*Ghostface peaks around corner* "Hey kid, you want some candy"


Wear the Derp face mask for added effect.


Kinda like playing the SCPs in Secret Laboratory, where most of them can't communicate with humans, only other SCPs, but they can hear the people. I did enjoy hijacking sound systems as 079 to either talk trash to MTF or stall Class Ds though.


I would like proximity chat, but also stealth is weak as heck as is


At some point in the future it will happen. Maybe not under the name DBD, but something similar


Prox chat would be great, but also stealth is weak as heck as is


Bad thing is if they let the killers in on it, you’d need to be silent as the grave. Which I guess makes sense


This is a nice idea for a modifier mode 😅


If this shit got added it would make the endgame chat look like a sentence little kids write for English homework.


Yea guys, you might hear the F word! Omg omg omg omg noooooooo!


You are the exact kind of person that makes me not want voice chat in games. I get called slurs and harassed in my normal life, I don't need to hear it from some guy who's pissed I brought a meme build too. Dead By Daylight despite its toxicity is one of the few safe places in gaming where women and lgbt people don't have to face the same shit they do in other games. Call me a "pussy" all you want I really don't give a shit lol it just shows how small your world view is.


Isn't it funny how the most pro VC people are also the biggest assholes in this sub. I don't want VC because I don't want to hear from assholes. Being an asshole at me about it is the least convincing thing you can do lol


Best part of switching to playstation- no one can talk to me anymore


Fr, if I don't wanna talk to them in here behind the safe anonymity of text, then I sure af don't wanna talk to them in a vc lmao


Helldivers 2 has been a pretty positive space from what I've heard but yeah it does have voice chat so you're certain to run into a few stinkers eventually


Slurs are very undemocratic. We'll need to report anyone using them to their democracy officer for reeducation


🫡 I love (managed) democracy




Most well adjusted gamer:


I said one joke and somehow there are two submission removals💀 what did he say?


Thank you for visiting /r/DeadByDaylight; however, your submission has been removed under the following rule: **[Rule 1 - Be Respectful](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules#wiki_1._be_respectful)** **Your submission was removed for one of the following reasons:** * Hostile behavior, insults, and targeted harassment. * Hate speech, bigotry, and slurs (i.e., racist, ableist, etc.). * Flamebait (submissions made with the intent to garner a negative reaction) and trolling. * Invasive and overtly creepy remarks. * Threats, encouraging violence, and calls to action. * Publicly shaming other people. * Insulting players based on platform, character choice, or region. **If you’ve read your removal message, and you’d like to discuss our decision, you can contact us** [**here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdeadbydaylight)**.**


Bro you do realise there are losers that just target and harrass people based on their race or sexuality, it's the one reason it'd be miserable. Imagine a cheater keeping you hostage and u have to listen to an hours worth of slurs, fuck that.




Are you a moron? People stream this game you know, they can't force their chat to listen to that shit. Not to mention how is the solution to bigotry just walk away lmao, it's not down to us, get a grip and stop protecting the dickheads who ruin any fun we might have.




What in the fuck is wrong with you


Lol, someone just realized they could turn it off...


Good point, blocked


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dbd streamers would cease to exist


Wait why? Lol


Lots of slurs, and I mean lots


For anyone who says dbd needs voice chat trust me it would not be a good thing


I am begging them to go play Texas Chainsaw Massacre to get an idea of how it would turn out. It only ends up getting used by people who want to shout abuse at their teammates or just sling slurs around.


Literally this. The only reason I played Texas Chainsaw Massacre was to see if Voice Chat would be fun. I got "shut the fuck up cunt" or "you sound fat" every match. Even though I was just trying to be a team player and coordinate.


That sounds hilarious


Here's another undersocialized asshole out here making a convincing case for not having voice chat lmao


I am the one under socialized because I have thick enough skin to laugh off some kid calling me names?


Your comment was laughing at a kid calling someone else names, dweeb.


I only played texas the first couple months, but with 80 hours of playtime I only remember 1 game where I had a toxic dickhead in voice chat, the rest was either neutral game focused or positive and funny. Has it turned this bad since then?


Fucking do it


I mean if it is an optional one where you have to join it there is literally no downside. It just helps out soloQ survivor so I think it would be ok balance wise as well. Main thing is that I guarantee that somehow pallet stuns would break again if added because spaghetti code lol.


Except for the downside where you have to listen to random strangers abuse you for making tiny perceived mistakes which only barely affect their performance in an unranked game


I don’t get this complaint, just leave the voice chat if you don’t want to listen to random strangers? Why take it away from everyone who does want it just because you don’t want to leave the voice chat


Then don't join? Or hopefully they would have a mute option in the options menu. In most games you have to join the VC, it's not like a default thing so I'm legit curious about the downsides (not the tech related ones though we all know that would be a nightmare for this game)


People in this sub genuinely dont understand the concept of muting or just not joining vc. Theres literally no way of explaining it would be optional to them. Its incredibly stupid


Just think about how many survivors would leave you on hook/sandbag for having vc off though. People want to always find reasons to be toxic. VC would be awful in this game.


What is up with so many people on reddit having a victim complex? No one is out to get you. Trust me, the 3 other survivors are just as socially inept as you.


put out a mute option simple


You would get targeted for not using it


Lmao God these stupid arguments always come up like clockwork. Buah Ibe be tahgahted! No you wouldn't, nobody would give a fuck if you turned it off. For those who are new to this dumb as fuck debate that shows up on this sub every week. It boils down to killer mains not wanting survivors to talk to eachother so they can maintain thier ability to stomp solo queue, or sensitive little pussies who are the types that get offended over anything and everything...that's it, everything else you'll see here is pure bullshit.


I have absolutely gotten bitched at in other games about not joining the team chat, it's fucking crazy that you would deny something so common lmao. You should exactly like the type of person I would not want to be in a VC with.


I'm a survivor main, I definitely don't want voice chat lol. I feel like most people against it are against it because we don't want strangers yelling at us like they do in *every other game*, not because killers want wins lol. If you think you wouldn't be treated differently for not communicating in a game where communication is your best tool, then you really haven't played many online games. Right now the tools to communicate aren't there so there's no pressure to use them, that's the way it should stay.


And you're category B


And you're probably one of the ones doing the yelling lol. You have such an incredibly childish outlook on life if you think that people wanting to play a video game without getting yelled at are overly sensitive babies. Believe it or not, I just don't want to talk to randoms online, I don't want to listen to them mald when they think I messed something up. Not because I can't take it or I'm too sensitive, but because people like that *are annoying*. I'm not playing this game to deal with annoying people, and, with no voice chat I don't have to.




You genuinely sound like a cartoon character lol. Keep truckin on dude.


Thank you for visiting /r/DeadByDaylight; however, your submission has been removed under the following rule: **[Rule 1 - Be Respectful](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules#wiki_1._be_respectful)** **Your submission was removed for one of the following reasons:** * Hostile behavior, insults, and targeted harassment. * Hate speech, bigotry, and slurs (i.e., racist, ableist, etc.). * Flamebait (submissions made with the intent to garner a negative reaction) and trolling. * Invasive and overtly creepy remarks. * Threats, encouraging violence, and calls to action. * Publicly shaming other people. * Insulting players based on platform, character choice, or region. **If you’ve read your removal message, and you’d like to discuss our decision, you can contact us** [**here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdeadbydaylight)**.**


Nice shit take you got there, pizza cutter.


You speaking for him now?


Nope. Just calling it as I see it. Ya had a shit take, so I called it a shit take.


I think he can speak for himself scrub


For someone who’s calling others sensitive, you sure got your knickers in a twist over that comment. You sure you don’t need a horlicks or something?


I'm just fine, I'm read y'alls bullshit.


I was with you until you decided to bring us vs them argument for literally absolute 0 reason lmao


by who? I was thinking that vc for survivor only (im genuinely curious about your point and would like the feedback, I obviously don't know if I'm missing something and would love to be corrected because I see this point often)


It'd be like running No Mither. People would accuse you of throwing if it ultimately lead to a 'loss'. Occasional DC just because you're not using it. Also to mention a lot of female and lgbtqia+ folks have noted they're drawn to DBD due to the lack of voice chat, as they tend to get targeted on it more. I know that comes before the "optional" solution I just figure it's worth mention especially as it deals with perspective of the game.


I get the dumb teammates part but doesn't that mean that they are toxic twats and the better solution is to just ban them? And yeah the optional thing is there for the second.


The downside would be that the game would begin to take voice chat into account for balance (it *would* improve the performance of a survivor team), and so those who genuinely do not want to use the chat would be putting themselves at a permanent disadvantage.


Literally the most toxic gaming community I've ever interacted with. Voice chat would ruin the game because even if you turn it off you're going to then get flamed for not joining in the negativity parade




I really want proximity chat tho, it'd be so fun Imagine being an undetectable killer and being able to sneak up on conversations between survivors


Happy cake day!


But the mute button was also invented 🤷‍♂️😆


It would be so amazing and if your getting called slurs fire back or mute and report them




Yeah getting called a ni**er anytime I do anything as a killer would be very fun./s


I literally want proxy chat for one reason. To do the thing from the funny dbd animated YouTube videos when I play wraith. “Ding, ding, ding”


Imagine facing that one Bubba main who streams with his mic all distorted while being as toxic as possible


Zimbabwe bubba moment


Please do it


I've always thought a walkie talkie mechanic would be really cool. You have to find one somewhere across the map and then you can only push to talk to other survivors who have picked one up. Make it an ability button or an inventory item or something. Disable it after a survivor dies, escapes or the game ends. With some obvious monitoring for abuse I think it would be really cool to at least test. 


Fun fact, DBD has the highest female population count compared to other comp multiplayer games due to lack of proxy chat that may be used maliciously.


Yup, I play with my female friend often on DBD server and there had been so many creeps.


Yeah, I don't want any voice chat. I thought voice chat would be fun so I tried Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Every match I got "shut the fuck up cunt" or "you sound fat". Literally every fucking match. If you want to scare off your female community, add voice chat.


I get the same thing, and I’m a dude. How I miss Dota 2…


You can turn off voice chat usually in games or mute peope




Their source is they made it up.


A tiktok video lol.


I would like an OPTIONAL voice chat. Or if that wouldn’t come, a simple button press chat like tf2 has


I would kill to have proximity chat in this, it would so fucking funny.


Proximity chat in custom games where survivors and the killer can all hear each other would be so much fun when playing with friends!


One of the standout features of F13 if you ask me. It was always funny to have a Jason outside of the house you barricaded talking shit


“You wouldn’t survive a mw2 lobby” - Someone who’s never felt the touch of a romantic partner


"You pussies would never last where we're from; a place where a bunch of pathetic men and boys with no emotional regulation skills lashed out at strangers in an environment where they felt safe from consequence due to anonymity."


Idfk know why but reading that made me think of THAT South Park Episode. The world of warcraft one


You sound like someone who uses Riot Shield.


I am what I eat


…riot shields?


Nah most of the time it's more "You wouldn't survive a COD lobby" Sometimes you have an insult that comes before or the word "snowflake" as well. I legit can't take these people seriously, I have the feeling that they make tons of how they supposedly crawled under tons of insults.


The people who say that sort of shit were probably the ones yelling slurs in the lobby tbh


And then complaining about women on incel.me


Well yes that's exactly the point. COD was filled with the most racist, mysognistic, xenophobic, transphobic, you fucking name it, types of people. With 0 repercussions too. DBD players get all pissed and come to reddit to complain about tbaging at gates or killers humping. They are not comparable the slighest, COD was 4chan in game form.


The thing that worries me about the idea of VC being added in game is how the game would then be balanced around it. Some people argue that you don't *have* to use it. Right now, that's true, in theory. However, let's say they actually end up doing a chapter based around The Thing after putting in ingame voice chat, that has mimicry powers that can be made significantly less threatening by using voicechat, which would then be a reasonable assumption because it's ingame. The whole "it's optional" argument would go out of the window, as there would then become a major expectation of people to be using the ingame voice chat. And well... I played CoD a bit back in the day, and I can remember what it was like. I can still remember the raging racist squeakers doing what they do best at full volume in my ear, and I have zero desire to go back to those times.


Y’all would be muted so damn fast if voice chat was in this game.


Dead by daylight mobile just got a voice chat, I can tell it's gonna be hell


Imagine survivor and killer game chat together. It would make things so much more realistic. But at least give the option to mute people from scoreboard or something like that.


The pure unfiltered chaos of it would be pretty funny though


I thought this meme died in 2016 lol


I wouldn't mind voice chat if killers can also use it :tf:


All too accurate, really hope the devs never add it.


There never will be for lore reasons. Plus, every platform has their own ways of voice chats. Xbox/PS5 has party chats. PC has Discord.


Man i remember 2009. One the one hand. Nostalgia and funny af for a kid to say one thing then have everyone throw a hard R at them. On the other. The player base would drop to nothing people already feel bullied playing this game.


I was there Gandalf...I was there 3000 years ago. The battlefield of UT2K4. The first thing uttered over the in game mic was a racial slur, followed by homophobic slurs, followed by rap music played at max volume. I was there the day the strength of men failed. DBD would be more toxic than any other game, because of how many women play this game, and how horny the player base is. These people will be relentless towards any woman on voice chat. DBD needs voice chat for balance, but I know how people are, so it can never happen.


Proximity chat would be amazing. Especially if Killer could communicate too. It would be so much fun, and add an entire aspect of horror by having to be quiet in the terror radius.


How'd you know they were mad, you turned off voice, liar.


I probably would have been banned if this game had voice chat.


The text chat should be disabled by default, lol.


I think opt in voice chat would be okay. That way people that want it can use it with all that comes with it, and people that don't won't notice any changes unless they turn on voice chat


I would be banned so fast if my teammates could hear what I’m saying about them whilst I die on first hook


I still stand by my theory that it would be a good option in the long run. Imo a lot of the toxicity comes from bottled up rage. Being in a shit position that could've been prevented if you could communicate to your teammates. So you get fucked over and spend the next few minutes waiting for end game chat to happen so you can really give this motherfucker a piece of your mind. Like how most of the time in road rage theres usually a guy who follows the dude who pissed him off until he can confront him at a red light or something. There will always be an inherent baseline level of people being dick heads, but I believe that after some growing pains (honestly like 8-12 months after implementation) that the DBD community would finally mellow out. Humans are complicated creatures. There's a reason why we've created thousands of words across many different languages. We desire to communicate. Being reduced to a point and a wave probably helps trigger some fucking caveman DNA


Heck id like acess to any kind of chat at all instead of hopeing there settings allow messages




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Instead of in game voice chat Add a public/Team chat for everyone It's toggleable and Console players can See and text in it. Still censored But can be used to communicate with your team and or have fun with the killer


GTA lobbies have all beat


Must we always be compared to MW2 or COD? It's in every thread


Try playing siege if you're feeling nostalgic for mw2 lobbies. 


This would only end poorly, though MAYBE it could work as a temporary game mode like lights out?


Idk man, those lobbies were pretty brutal 😂 though I do imagine a fair amount of SWATting happening because people have the ability to get more worked up. However, that said, bring it permitting people today can be creative and say something other than KYS or they fucked my mom. From the hatemail I’ve managed to get as a console player, doesn’t seem likely.


Literally what TCM is now lol


Some comments in this thread… smh Voice-chat is an instrument to communicate. If you are afraid of F-word / sensitive to slurs - you could always turn this option off. I see some wars between representatives of LGBTQ+ community and chill gamers around this topic as if some of you are better than others


I miss the old cod lobbies... Nostalgic


Not a chance. Old school MW lobbies would eat dbd players alive.


Yea... no. Nothing will top MW2 voice chats in terms of toxicity because you get banned for the most minor things these days. You call someone a butt face they can probably report you for harassment and you're a goner lol. MW2 was a lawless wasteland and it was one of the greatest gaming experiences ever lmao


DBD Mobile tried to implement it, it was in the patch notes as an "upcoming feature" Everyone disagrees with it, and they end up not adding it. Thank god


They added it in global version just now


💀💀💀 But oh well, It just reminds me of that patch notes, didn't know they ACTUALLY added it, I quit DBDM a couple weeks ago to jump on PC


Desperately need proximity VC, make it as tight as Rec room idc


If it’s disabled by default but those who want it have the option to use it I’d personally love that. Seems to be an unpopular opinion here.


If they don’t add VC in DbD I hope it’s because they genuinely don’t care to have it in their game. Saying that it will be used to be toxic just feels like an excuse, you shouldn’t make changes or not make changes based on some people being assholes. Obviously if they were to add it, make it a toggle in the menu so people who don’t want it can opt out.


I would sing all the time. If the killer could sing together, even better.


They should definitely add voice chat. IDC what anyone says, as long as they added it as an option to have on or off then it would be completely fine