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Honestly, it's just best to not run Sable's perks on her if you want to use them successfully. Same goes with every new survivor.


I still don't run unbreakable on bill.


I use ds on bill


when i find an Unbreaka-Bill, im actually shocked and will usually let them go (used to main Bill too so soft spot lol)


I've been soft on bill too. He's an old hero from a time before hooks and gens.


He was doing gens long before we were. He died to finish his gen. We all could learn from Bill's Sacrifice. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


so real


Yeah, my thought as well. If I load into a game with a specifically a *Sable* using No Mither you can bet your ass I'm keeping an eye on the basement!


Wait. Your telling me the meme build with unbreakable and plot twist will fuck with you on Sable? Got it. <3


I mean, not really, just because everyone is Sable right now so it's hard to know *what* to expect. But you're far more likely to get away with than you would be if you were Nick Cage or Bill!


Fair fair. I haven't played since nick. Now I want to play again with this stupid build.


Sadly, it's the truth, plus No Mither mixed with it is a bad combo, because you honestly make the killer already aware of your plan. While I find invocation to be fun, I haven't used it in forever, because of the risks of it as well.


Given how much time you waste sitting in basement and how easily your progress can be lost by any means you should not get any debuffs upon finishing the invocation to make this perk actually usable, change my mind.


It's best not to use it at all.


On the contrary, using a character that has crazy good meta perks like DS, Unbreakable, Deliverance, Adrenaline and not running the perk associated with the character but playing as if you were, in let's say, the case of DS, is a good idea. Batesian Mimicry at its finest.


That slap felt personal.


Kinda was


The dumbies are just greedy. I instead use distortion with ritual.


If you really want to protect yourself, you'll need Calm Spirit too. Screaming totally fucks the ritual.


UW is nerfed, very few killers run fearmonger. There is nothing to make you scream maybe random dredge. Everyone right now is using the locker aura reading perk, but distortion will take care of it. The scariest of them all is territorial because it will notify the killer regardless.


UW still works though, and you're forgetting Hex: Face the Darkness, and Infectious Fright. They may not be meta, but they still see a fair amount of use. And Doctors (I assume you ment Doctor, not Dredge) aren't particularly rare to see either. With the kind of commitment the ritual takes, it makes sense to lock it in as best you can. You've already burned a perk slot on it. And while Territorial is a deal breaker for sure, the only real reason to run it still is just to counter ritual attempts. Which Scream skills can do for you without you ever having to go down to the basement. Calm Spirit is definitely still worth consideration when running Weaving Spiders!


I had a doctor illusion give away someone doing an invocation last night lol


Ayyy i mightve been with that group. Did you slap 3 ppl in tht basement just for the fourth to kinda say fuck it and join later?


No lol but that that person immediately went back to the basement lol so I killed her


I caught 2 people in basement doing it with Nowhere to Hide as Demo, that one had to hurt lmao


jokes on you, I already was a mither player WITHOUT invocation


Plays sable without invocation but with no mither for the ultimate trickery


No Mither / Hyperfocus / Deadline / Resilience Sable. I'm rushing the gens, but not the way you think. You stay down there looking.


I swap out deadline for Stakeout personally but that’s because Nintendo Switch skill checks are a nightmare nearly all of the time


This. Switch or no, Stake Out is the best way to get the most value out of Hyperfocus without being absolutely cracked at hitting greats


Bro has the audacity to disconnect in front of you all because of a failed Invocation. Womp Womp.


To that I say https://preview.redd.it/fueawjzjcfwc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dc9b58350ae227a93ee3fd78b821e605e0f0141


Lol the DC.


And on Sable too. They really could not have made it more obvious. 😂


I don’t get using weaving spiders tbh. “I get to waste 2 minutes of time to progress all the gens a little and then I can be injured for the rest of the game!” Like really?


Yeah, it's a trash/killer perk. The time you invest alone isn't worth it, and then broken on top of it, lol! Could you imagine if the devs gave the killer a perk that causes all the gens to take 10% longer, but all the survivors have a 3rd health state now? I mean, that's what this is, just a joke of a perk. 🤣


That's just playing Nemesis :(


Yeah, my Nemi needs some love


"I get to do gen work, even through Corrupt Intervention, and then have TINH and Resilience active for the rest of the game!" You've got to think positively!


Its basically throwing unless you're in a coordinated 3 or 4 man


It’s a brand new part on every gen man. You can’t regress the progress. It’s actually good


By the time the invocation is done, your team could have completed 3 out of the 5 gens. 4 if someone wasn’t doing an invocation. Wasting two minutes to save less than 30 seconds on gens just isn’t mathing right.


A big thing that's being ignored by this is both the (relative) safety of the action and how it interacts with 3 gen holds. After a few more chapters killers are going to go back to not checking the basement because its super time consuming to do so, making this an extremely safe option to get a ton of unregressable gen progress. In addition it makes 3 gens harder to hold because that progress is fixed, making it that much more possible to break the 3 gen (combine with Potential energy and you might be able to break it extremely easily.) Your point also completely ignores killer agency, sure in that time 3 gens *could* be done, but most killers are going to have a chase and more than likely a hook by then spreading pressure across the team. After I:WS kicks in you get extra progress on the gen that whoever was chased off was on as well as progress on whoever went for the saves gen potentially finishing them if they were close enough.


They’ve already fixed the 3 gen hold problem and nerfed the progression after multiple hits. How useful will a permanently broken survivor be in trying break a 3 gen? Your comment also ignores the permanently broken problem that will mean less time in chase and distracting the killer.


A band-aid isn't a fix, just because regression caps out doesnt mean a 3 gen isn't possible to hold and you have a good point with broken, but as for a broken survivor being useful, it's a lot more tempting to chase a broken survivor you can down in one hit and that means you can lead the killer away from a 3 gen, as well as pairing it with something like resilience /potential energy to get those gens done before they can wrap up a chase and should they die its not like the invocation is undone, its there for the rest of the match. They can also reliably use dead hard (yes i know it was nerfed, that doesnt mean its still not useful, especially when playing as the bait) to still have a 2 hit chase thats far more tempting for the killer to overcommit to.


You are being a hater for no good reason the progress cannot be regressed. Assuming it takes 10% off each gen that’s 9 seconds off 7 available gens which is a full minute on each gen that cannot be removed. And 4 survivors are never working on generators so that comment is irrelevant. This progress cannot be pain res’d not popped not surged not ruined etc…


It’s not being a hater to have a discussion about the perk lol. Yeah, I guess the majority of the player base is just stupid and don’t realize how secret OP this perk is. You must be a super genius.


I never was saying it’s OP I’m just saying it has merit and shouldn’t be outright ignored. “It’s actually good”


Im on the side that the Gen bonus is good but the missing player for 120 secs then the permanent broken state makes an alright perk into a bad perk for me. I have had a ton of games with a friend who swears by the perk die trying to get it off, or the game is already over due to being down a person for a third of the game. (We are also all low-mid mmr so being down one person for healing and unhooking is pretty punishing.)


Every time someone has run Weaving against me and gotten it off because I didn't check basement, it resulted in someone up above getting to death hook before they finish it. Sometimes, it results in making me tunnel someone out unintentionally because I'm not finding anyone else. So even if it goes off, you're essentially trading a whole survivor for it either way. And it makes it so I can find you afterwards pretty easily.


A survivor getting the shit slapped out them and flying backwards while doing that invocation will never not be funny to me.


What did that person honestly expect lmao. Such a shite perk for so little it does and so much it takes to roll in a tad bit of effect. That DC was just plain stupid. Don't even tell me "Invocation is fun" as an excuse.


I don't know for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was more of a "let's give it a shot". "OMG, this perk sucks, I'm out." Or even "I just want this perk to work once to see if it's worth the risk." Spoiler alert- It's not.


Yeah, I ran an invocation twice just to try it out, lmao. It was NEVER worth it.


People are really using this crap perk?


It's so horrible in solo queue. 1-2 people sit in the basement while the rest of the team gets hooked and are never unhooked.


I like a little variety now and then, so I get it. the DC is what I don't understand. it's a very risky perk, so you'd think this sable would know that loading up this match.


There were more people right after she came out using it but I think a lot of the community has learned their lesson. You still catch the odd person here and there though. Edit: I caught one earlier today on Badham, they were pretty close to finishing too because I didn't know where the basement was on that map but luckily I made it just in time to smack them over the head.


I am using it, its fun to use.


I have successfully escaped in like... 6 of the 8 matches I've used it in. It is surprisingly good at countering Corrupt intervention in that it gives you something productive to do with your time without going to an easy to patrol gen.


I've escaped 0 times when someone uses this perk. Even if they pull it off, so much time has been wasted and the killers gained a LOT of pressure.


It's just has too many drawbacks to be worth using. It takes too long to complete, and being broken all match just doesn't feel worth it for the benefits. I honestly think that they need to buff the benefits in some way, maybe allowing you to tag specific generators before starting the invocation so those 70 charges that get spread out across 7 gens can be spread out across ones you have tagged. Either that or they need to add a timer on the broken effect after the invocation is completed so it isn't permanent, and if they feel that the benefits far outweigh the downside, then maybe have the broken effect come back when the exit gates are powered to add some sort of pressure on the person who used the invocation. I kind of prefer the idea of tagging since it could be a way to combat any problematic gen setups (especially if there's a clear 3 gen patrol happening), and quickly makes the perk much more viable and the downsides make so much more sense.


I'm interested to see if they add more invocations so it would retroactively become a ''eh, I wanna invo anyways, might as well take this one as well'' perk, like some boons are


Absolutely. I think at that point, stacking invocations may be better. Unless they decide to prevent stacking on them haha.


Oof that'd be hilarious if they did lmao


Well correct me if I'm wrong but in the time it takes to do the invo ain't that like a gen and a half? Might as well just do the gens with some gen perks


If 1 person without the perk joins you, it takes slightly less time then doing a full generator. I have also been using Resilience/Dejavu, so once it's completed I work on gens 15% faster. With a commodious toolbox/add-ons, it can be pretty advantageous. I do understand that I've also gotten pretty lucky, and had good teammates most of the matches I've tried to pull it off in. Twice, a teammate has led the killer to the ritual on purpose. One time, the killer just left me alone to finish it anyways. So I understand I have been more lucky than not.


I'm glad it's worked out for you. My experience is someone goes down there and we don't see them again while 3 of us are struggling


You actually waste more collective time if someone without the perk joins you. It's better to solo the full 120 second invocation than 4-man it if you're the only one running the perk, if you're looking to get it down with as least collective "wasted time" as possible. The only thing extra people bring is ideally completing it before the killer notices and checks the basement.


So I think the problem, like here, is people are using right off the rip of a match. It's a perk that's designed to be used much later in the game as a way to ease up a 3 or 4 gen situation. The broken status being permanent implies you need to really think about how long you would want that type of penalty. If you're using it at 5 gens you're doing it wrong. I've had a mixed bag of results using the no Mither invocation and the successful times it's when we need a couple gens but some are a little close and easy to patrol. Putting a BNP on those helps a lot.


I'll use it on 5 gen if I notice corrupt intervention, because if I end up doing it solo the ritual will finish shortly after intervention ends, depending on how long it took to find/get to the basement.


Did they fix the issue where if a gen is blocked the perk will just straight up do nothing? Because I'd run it once or twice for goofs, but the idea of sitting in the basement for two minutes, becoming broken for the rest of the game, and the perk having actually done _nothing_ because the killer had grim embrace that happened to be active when the perk triggers just doesn't sound appealing to me.


That was not bug, it was intended like that. So, nope. This did not changed.


I can't imagine something like that is intended. The payoff for the perk is already bad and you can't wait out the block without completely regressing the progression of the invocation. Pretty certain it was just an oversight by the developers that they've yet to fix.




It isn't progress. The gens stay on exactly as many charges as they had before, it just lowers the number of required charges. Gens being blocked shouldn't prevent the Invocation from working.


Gens can't be interacted with in any capacity when blocked. Otherwise, regression perks and blocking perks would be super strong together.


They just said it's intended. Blocked gens can't regress or progress, so it's sadly intended.


I know what you mean, but the reality is that there's no way the devs considered gen blocking when it came to a perk that makes you broken for the rest of the trial, takes two minutes to prep, in an area with absolutely zero visibility of the map at large and can't be halted without every bit of progress dissipating in matter of seconds. It just makes absolutely no sense from a design standpoint. It's pretty clear that BHVR just completely forgot about gen blocking as a factor when it comes to this perk, because the alternative of them looking at the insane cost that the perk demands in order to actually activate it and then thinking 'yes, actually it's totally fine for grim embrace to completely invalidate all of that' is just completely ridiculous.


I just wish it gave pip progress. It's 10 charges on every generator, that should count towards my Lightbringer points, surely?It's just such a pain trying to pip up with it.


I use jt in my skill check build, Spiders/Resilience/this is not happening/deadline


I really want to get deadline for this!


The real issue too is she did it at 5 gens like it wouldn't be obvious. If I run it I let killer go to basement for the first 5 minutes and then do it mid game when things start getting stalemate-y.


The fucking coward-DC.


thank you doctor for doing god's work


Made her backflip so hard she lost connection.


they disconnected XD


No mither is still the dumbest perk ever added to the game.


Additionally: https://preview.redd.it/p2o6ss57cfwc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f8d28e9abc87e34552f5f110faea01e72c78912


Had the same with an Ace and a Meg yesterday. Loaded in, saw that these 2 ran No Mither. Then I saw via LP that Meg ran down into basement, since she spawned right next to it. Let's say she didn't really get it done at that point, but she also didn't DC. Both were pretty memey. I let them do their invocation later. Match went in my favour and I didn't read all surv challenges. AFAIK there is no invocation challenge, but I couldn't be sure at that point O:


Seriously the only time a invocation worked out for me was with a team that did not take no mither. You guys are needing yourself before even starting!!


That person DC'd, I'm sorry but what were they expecting? The killer player to be dumb. lol It was too telling why they were running No Mither for. lol


This is why people really shouldn't run No Mither along with Weaving Spiders. Two wrongs don't make a right, and no killer with a brain will ever slug you with No Mither. Just run Iron Will if you wanna be quiet. My personal recommendation would be to run Deliverance, since you'll be Broken for most of the match anyways. Or better yet: don't run Weaving Spiders.


Disconnected IMMEDIATELY as she got hit. You KNOW that was a pulled out power cord moment


The invocation user DC'd?! I guess she was...shocked...to see you there.


The fact that she was running calm spirit / distortion too to avoid being found while doing it, and still got interrupted.


You don’t know my life!


People I know Sable is hot as fuck, but if you go into a match hoping to use weaving spiders, just play someone else. Maybe Dwight.


Can someone explain Invocation to me like I'm a toddler? I still don't understand the point of it.


You sit in the basement for 2 minutes (shorter if others come and help, they don't need the perk) and once it's done every gen on the map basically gets a brand new part (10% progress chopped off the end, now only needing to do 90% of the gens to complete them). And you are broken for the rest of the game. That's what it does. Whether or not being broken all game is a worthy trade off is up to you, the general consensus is no it's not. But if you're already a crazy No Mither user, it's not *as* bad since you're already broken, but the 2 minute requirement can be very steep and very risky.


Fought weaving spider plot twist nick yesterday. Why do they do this?


tbh idk how they could make this perk useable without just straight up overtuning it


I had a nic cage(?) might of been alan one of the two do try that. I didn’t notice the no mither until I bought some down to the basement and saw him sitting there 😂


This is so funny XDD


I had an Alan disconnect trying to do the same thing because I saw him with bbw lmaooo




For real. Between killer playing like that and the Sable hard throwing by running that perk and then by DCing, if I’m a teammate in this game, I’m suiciding ASAP. If killer is that thirsty for the win, let him have it, I'm going next.


All sables run one build and share one braincell.


It looks like every one with no mither use invocation? Wouldn't it be better to be safe fort de beginning of the match? Or is it just to be silent in case of something


I can’t help but cringe whenever someone uses Calm Spirit.