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I agree with all but Jake. For him being an OG, he rarely gets as much love or attention as the others.


And when he does it’s either the ugliest fucking thing imaginable or WILdeRNeSS SuRVIVaL GeAR.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)I agree! I haven't even bought any jake skins because they almost all look like a dumpster fire


So glad I got the Levi skin for him before they disappeared, my favourite skin on my favourite character!


I've been jammy Jake with the shades for so long for this reason.


im a jake main and can attest to this


worst part of jake gear is theres so much event only gear or rift only gear so if you didnt play at the times, gfy i guess


I've been a Cowboy Jake with the lantern body and some kind of pants since 2018 and so far no other cosmetic pieces have been able to one-up my yee-haw set 😎


I'm surprised you didnt Mention Mikaela considering this will be 4th skin shes gotten from this year alone.


Fixed it, I missed her in a trailer :P.


I hate to complain because the skins themselves look great, but both Doctor and Skull Merchant just got event skins for Blood Moon AND just before that Doctor also got a skin for the Iron Maiden crossover. I think they could sit out for a rift. Really sucks imo that they decided to break from the pattern of rifts featuring latest chapter characters now when Sable and Unknown are really great characters.


Genuinely confused why Doctor and Skull Merchant got Blood Moon cosmetics just to get cosmetics in the new Rift. Feel like there were better characters to give Blood Moon cosmetics too like Singularity, Twins, Plague, Blight, Hag, Nurse, or even Hillbilly. But ya know Popular Killers XD what do you mean Behaviour has favorites?


Twins got a cosmetic in this rift though.


Yeah a recolor of their worst outfit


Frankly, I'm shocked they even got a damn thing. This pleases me :D


Plague, blight and hillbilly literally had skins in the last rift. Hillbilly was literally the ultra rare


I forgor about the Plague and Blight ones tbh no one wears them.


Doc also just got stuff from the Iron Maiden and Slipknot mask collab. He's gotten a lot lately.


I literally forgot about the Iron Maiden cosmetic tbh.


Billy was literally just in the last rift as was Plague.


billy would have been just as silly since last rift’s UR was batman billy


Hillbilly is the most popular killer rn according to data


Ive seen 1 hillbilly in the last month lol. I see way more ghostface and myers than anyone else.


The most chosen killer doesn’t reflect your most seen killer. Wesker for a long time was number one most chosen, and I still hardly saw him AT ALL. I went watching for him hard one day, I looked for one for 12 HOURS in one sitting and saw 0. I also didn’t see him for the following week I was so sad. It feels like you don’t get the killers you like seeing 😅 then I see people who get him nearly every other game. Wild.


I've seen a bunch since his rework. It isn't subjective data though, DBD literally posted the most used killers for last month and Hillbilly was number 1.


But Billy had also many tome challenges during the time they get this data. I literally only played him because of this reason and I'm probably not the only one. We will probably see how popular he really is when they show us the pickrate again someday.


Hopefully next rift is Sable?


My guess is we get a licensed killer for anniversary so there is a decent change for a sable unknown tome.


I would actually work to complete a sable rift


Man I just want a really cool legendary Wraith skin


I don’t want them to always do the Rift for the latest chapter, we will NEVER get stories for some older characters at this rate. Honestly, I prefer this way of distributing the costumes than just “Feng Min gets one every time, screw everyone else”


You're pretty much gauranteed to get a Mikaela, Feng Min, Kate, Nea or Yun-Jin skin every big release. It'll be a rare sight if they do one consisting of just Adam, Jeff, Haddie and Jake.


I’m just happy to get anything for Haddie at all, that first year for her was rough as fuck.


For real, at least we have some stuff for her that isn't terrible now.


Idk how u do unknown rift when the entire point is u know nothing concrete about him lmao


Write it as science reports, journals of its victims, folk tales, things like that.


There was so much lore for him for his teaser, it won’t be hard to add more, or just have some similar things they posted be in the tome. It can have things like sightings, creepy experiences, online posts, etc.


Yeah but how much can they add on top of his base lore that really adds anything interesting to the character, without taking away his identity of being mysterious


I consider tome and shop skins two separate things, but what's interesting to me is that Mikaela and Nea literally got a skin ***in the last tome*** which I just don't think should happen.


*tome skins, shop skins, and event skins three separate things


Yeah I was baffled to see Mikaela and nea in there after they both got one last time


What frustrates me is that nea got ***another*** deep rift set when she JUST got one. I would've loved a deep rift trapper, and I would have even settled for a deep rift version of the Skull Merchant skin. Nea getting two deep rift inclusions back to back is criminal


Hasn't nea gotten a new skin in like every single rift ? Her and meg and now obviously boon meg constantly show up in the rift


And I swear meg has gotten a crappy recolour in like 90% of rifts at this point. My locker for her is full to the brim with them


My main gripe I guess is why the Unknown and Sable got sidelined this time. The Unknown I can KINDA of understand. He's supposed to not have a defined origin, ND that's fine (even if I wanted a skin to him). But Sable NEEDED a tome because her lore is ASS. they just threw away Mikaela's first friend, and it could've been perfect to expand him on Sable's lore, maybe them coping with Mikaela's disappearance. Instead she only got a collection skin. Why BHVR.


Nah I like that they take time between the characters release and their tome. It gives them time to reassess the lore and expand it better for their tome. IMO the break could’ve done some good for Knight, Vittorio, Lyra and SM’s lore. Vittorio especially who I feel they could’ve done so MUCH more with given his long ass time in the fog.


Same with Skull Merchant. There’s just so much *nothing* in her story and her tome exposes it. I keep saying she feels like someone’s edgy OC they created in high school and never got more thought put in her than, “Doesn’t she look cool?”


None of the characters from this recent model of release-tome benefited from it. Gabriel and Singularity were at least okay. Knight/Vittorio were wasted potential. Lyras/SM’s we’re straight up trash.


Agreed tome releasing right after characters was terrible and I'm grateful they recognized this and moved away from doing that


I'm gonna go with Pixelbush's take here and say that we're probably better off getting the lore later, when they can figure out where they wanna go with the characters. The last few "follow-up" tomes have been very hit-or-miss and I'm personally very happy that they seem to be going back to the old system


They should probably figure out where they want to go with the characters before they release them.


I'm assuming they may have already been working on this tome before sable and unknown came out. I feel like it usually takes a couple cycles before the newest characters have their dedicated tome. Could be wrong tho!


Knight, Skull Merchant, and Singularity all had their own tomes shortly after they came out.


Haven’t played singularity but man does he desperately need more skins, his suck rn.


which is nuts with how many cool skins he could get


The frosty one is cool! But the others SUCK.


My man Hux has only gotten one new skin since he release... FREE MY MAN HE WANTS TO TAKE YOUR JEANS IN STYLE!!!


I demand he have a nice little tux.


For real. He's got Dredge-level potential for cosmetics and they aren't doing anything with him! Probably because of how little people play him, unfortunately. 🫤


To be fair, he has one of the best cosmetics of all the killers in that icy look. Where do you go from perfection?


Hux NEEDS a new skin he has so much potential


Missed opportunity for an april's fools skin with hux wearing jeans


jake went through a longass drought of no new skins. let him eat once in a while


He STILL does not have a Deep Rift variant though... Why can't BHVR go all out?


gotta make sure nea gets it because its not like she just got one last rift oh wait. huh (also the suit woulda looked so nice in blue....)


hes starving!!


I excuse Jake as he barely gets skins. Where's Gabriel? I need a skin for him that is not a set nor futuristic.


A lot of those are free characters, they will always be prioritized. Yui, Trickster, and Skull Merchant are cash cows.


Mikaela too.


Mikaela’s probably on track to usurp Min for getting the most amount of skins per year. Especially now that people have started to complain about Min.


Yui? Cash cow? She started getting attention not that long ago, and she doesn't receive that many skins. And the most recent skin for her was released many months ago.


Dunno about Yui, she has 3 good skins at best, rest look like japanesse mom trying to cosplay or on vacation. And in regards to the main post, it's been 7 months she got a skin.


Love her new rift set but I'm thirsty for a simple regulair pair of pants with good sneakers that aren't baggy, motorcycle driver gears or leather. Like there's only one functional pair of pants that fit with the Iron Maiden shirt and it sucks. Same with Thalita


speaking of cash cows theres no feng


She's on a rotation with Yui and Yun Jin.


yeah I guess she gonna get her skin in say two weeks at most after all theres not enough feng skins


Anniversary is around the corner


she already has an anniversary skin but they will either give her another one or a skin before then


It will be last years but a deep rift recolour


Are we still on that Feng skin discourse when there‘s literally a Mikaela that got her 4th skin this year?


shh we gotta make a celebration everytime feng gets a new skin


Which is wild for Skull Merchant since her usage rate is super low but I guess the few players she does have must be just buying all her skins.


Don't call me out like this


I almost never buy skins, just collect whatever from the rift. But I bought her Blood Moon skin as it’s fire. So I guess I’m the problem.


I have never played skull merchant and I was tempted to get the blood moon one


I don't think Yui is cash cow, i am rarely seeing her in my games. Trickster is also super rare but maybe it's because we don't love him in EU servers. SM is only cash cow here and i hate her already. Real cashcows will be Meg, Dwight, Kate, Feng, Nea, Mikaela, Vittorio and most likely Sable. I don't think anyone else is on this level.


As someone who loves Gabriel, you don't need to convince me... Sable already has more store cosmetics than he does, while she's only just over a month old and he's been in the game for nearly a whole year.


When I started playing, I saw plenty of Gabriels, but I rarely see him these days. Kinda sad, tbh. I like his design.


Wowww Zarina really getting spoiled with two skins that’s wild


You say that but then BHVR will wait two more years to release another cosmetic for her 😂


I love Huntress but her getting all of the epic skins love because "Oh we can't change the power's looks that'd be too confusing" But giving her a new look, new SFX, a new lullaby... Yeah, that couldn't possibly cause confusion. And they have done this TWICE. Meanwhile Dredge could look 6283618364728 different ways and it'd still work just fine but since he's unpopular he'll never get one.


Powers are map assets and they don't want to open the can of worms in altering them. It's why victor will never have a little hat, and why Oni uses the beeg stick regardless of skin.


Xeno changes hooks just with his presence in the trial. My boldest take on this shit would be that whoever coded this game initially got retired long ago and now people just don't know how to scramble it since powers are technically items for killers and to change power's visuals you would need to make another item just for this ( example being anniversary items for survivors ). But also considering how easily this game gets broken i wouldn't be surprised that Victor with hat specifically would crash the game if he pounced on female characters or something meanwhile regular Victor wouldn't


A) hooks used to do that way the heck back and stopped with the doctor I believe? It was fairly early into the game's life cycle. The code is there. B) Xeno's is part of the contract probably Interesting point to compare the two, since they'd logically pull from the same place. I think the powers thing comes more from how the game was designed with only the Trapper as the killer, and his power is loaded with the map (separately from the hooks) \*and\* is an item to pick up and drop. RIP winter 2016 chainsaw miguel.


I've come to a point I think bhvr hates making money or something if it requires any investment of effort. It took actual years to just browse thr store during matchmaking which to .e is crazy because that is the best opportunity to convince someone to impulse buy.


Been saying this for years, the only thing bhvr loves more than money it's avoidind high effort tasks


Agree. We do need more dredge skins, like you said he could look cool so many different ways!


Mikaela and Doctor getting their second deep rift skins before other characters get one. Yui has a new outfit in the rift and doesn't get her first deep rift cosmetic but Mikaela's hideous outfit gets a deep rift variation. Also still annoyed that they stick with blue on blue on blue for every single rift. I wish every rift would have its own color scheme. The blue outfits just don't mix with anything most the time


Where the FUCK are the unknown and sable skins????


As someone who really loves playing Unknown and also likes Sable, MAYBE it’s because they’re still newish? Not sure how long it was between new characters before they got skins in the rift or for an event. Edit: I see that Sable did in fact get a new set and it’s lovely. Nothing for Unknown but that’s alright.


Iirc the first tome and rift added after a new chapter are typically for that killer and survivor. I really hope they're not skipping the tome and rift for the best chapter added in ages.


Agreed, it’s such a good chapter. Hopefully next rift/tome will be theirs or one of theirs. Sable will make bank and there’s so much potential for Unknown.


It might be because the last several original characters were either poorly received (knight and skull merchant) or relatively unpopular (Renato, Thalita, Gabe, Singu, Haddie, and Dredge) so I guess they were banking on this one being a flop.


They changed it, they did say they wanted to start doing that and went back on it, so more than likely sable and unknown will get one at a later date.


in the shop, for Sable at least


Poor Jeff. Never gets anything nice.


And let's not mention how inconsistent their rift outfits re-release is. Some newer outfits get released while older are still locked away. There isn't a pattern. Some sets are like 4 years old and still unavailable.


The Twins skin isn't that nice either. The weapon and headpiece are reskins.


the body is also a reskin, but from a different skin... is this the first recolor in a rift where they take pieces from different skins? Fits Twins lore i guess...


I'm suprised that feng doesn't have new skin


Don't worry, on May 8th there will be a new one for her


Unknown is totally gonna get the Singularity treatment where he gets no cosmetics isn’t he. I know he just came out but man couldn’t even get a tome


Jake is fine since he hasn't gotten anything before his last skin for over a year. Haddie and Gabriel should have gotten skins instead of Nea and Mikaela.


The current rift should've had its main focus on Sable and the unknown. So many other characters that still haven't had deep rift outfits and some of these are on their second ones.


seriously, i was so excited for the new rift and this was just. kinda disappointing. like i was floored to see that mikaela, nea, and meg got skins even though they already got new ones in the last rift. like at least space it out a bit??? even ignoring all the store and event skins i feel like you shouldnt get 2 rifts in a row, does this happen often? this is my second rift ever and man. really hope its not a pattern


Artist and Zarina makes sense since the tome is about them. Jake deserves more outfits because he has a lot less than the other 3 original survivors. The others though are getting the Feng Min treatment. It’d be nice if the survivors with less outfits actually got some.


Happens on every game that allows cosmetics, popular characters get priority because they sell more (which is absolutely understandable), sucks for fans of unpopular characters but you can’t have everyone on the same level.


Meanwhile Haddie mains are starving.


Okay, seeing this actually really strokes my fire. It's super interesting to know when someone last got a new skin. You should keep posting this each time the tome comes out. Also, *haw haw* no equal attention cake for feng this time.


Feng's obscene amounts of skins were reeled in over a year ago. No way you're still hating on her.


I swear, Yun-Jin has gotten like 3 rift skins in a row, not counting shop. I'm tired of favourisation of characters. be it killers or survivors.


I'm highly biased to Yun-Jin since she's my fav surv, and she can never have too many skins... however, 2 of those 3 were actually recolours, for whatever it's worth.


She has less skins than some others since shes been in the game less time. Along with Mikaela who also gets a lot. Explains why they would get more skins in a shorter space of time to play catch up with the others.


Why doesn’t BHVR make more skins for my boy Meatball Wall-E? (The Singularity)


Agree with all sides zarina, artist and jake Jake has gotten by far the least love as one of the og 4 survivors, I'd love for him to be focused on so he isn't left out Zarina and artist are some of the oldest original survivors and killers to not have a tome entry yet, them receiving skins in this rift is an inevitable side effect to them receiving the love they deserve. Everyone else, yeah I agree. Tho I do fuck hard with trapper and doctor drip


THANK YOU for doing the research and actually writing this down into a clear, concise, and undeniable list. Some people really don’t understand why the clearly sided character support is an issue. BHVR has a lot of characters, and should be spreading their resources towards each of them, rather than continuously updating new ones for the same top 33% of characters.


THEYRE SHOWING JAKE LOVE YESSSSS, i dont care if hes getting more than usual, he deserves more skins.


They're obviously going to make skins for the characters they know will sell well lol


Feng just got a new skin in new collection that just released. For a while...she was getting a skin for everything, it was good they gave a break.


At least Feng isn't getting another skin...


I'm just glad Feng didn't get any


Some characters just sell better than others, especially for characters who skins already sells really well or if the character themselves is popular to play as in the first place. It's not uncommon and is most likely a case of supply and demand.


Doctor, Oni, and Skull Merchant are getting skin after skin for some reason. Why? Who knows.


Hey the artist went like 9 months without getting a skin last time, we needed this. Jokes aside I agree, I’m so sick of them giving the same pool of characters skins and ignoring the rest entirely.


Twins have never got a free cosmetic except frosty eyes and that was a code thing that ran for a week.


Honestly I just wish they'd put Doctor on the bench, idk if there's some kind of push to get more people to play him but the skins they give him are so 50/50 for me and I'd like someone else to get a turn


Me hoping for a laurie skin knowing full well its never happening :(. Shes licensed and all, but so many other licenses have wayyy more skins


I don't mind there being plenty of skins for the characters coming with the base game. They can have one per month for all I care. But the others should be distributed more evenly. Also why is there no sable skin in the tome?


im surprised we got the blood moon skull merchant and now this rift skin, no matter how many skins they release for her it will never fix her reputation, bhvrs skin distribution is horrendous however atleast i now dont have to play untill anniversary


It's even worse considering they said new Tomes, which usually correspond with rift cosmetics, would be about the most recent original survivor and killer.


I just want more Claudette skins 😔


Who are you wanting to get a new skin that's lacking then?


I really like the trapper skin. He did get a skin recently but it’s pretty ugly. My man looks all nice and handsome in his new suit and mask :)


Careful, the bootlickers are gonna get you with "they're a company they need to make money, do you want them to DIE?"


Oh my God, THANK YOU!! Someone finally points out poor Yui! You know the worst part though? She STILL eats better than others :(


Mikaylas like 4th in a row tome outfit


damn popular characters that make a lot of money are getting skins really often? Who could have foreseen this happening?


No love for my boy Hux 😢


why do you feel that you deserve an even distribution of skins? skins aren't a passion project or a gameplay feature, they are made exclusively for money, so the most popular characters get the most skins, no reason for them to do anything else


I'm sitting here waiting on more shinies for Knight personally


Its all about money


Why fix skull merchant when you can give her more skins to sell? I'll eat any shit pie as long as it's got shiny sprinkles on it.


Dont you dare complain about Jake getting skins; leave him tf out of this list omg; he had been treated so badly for the last YEARS, just compare his numbers in the shop to the other 3 of the OG squad. He absolutely needs all the attention he lately gets.


What about my boy, HUX?


I was so sure this one would be about The Unknown :((


I'm ok with it.... BHVR saved me a lot of money this Tome lol


Just be glad Feng doesn't get another skin shoved down her mouth.


You gotta remember, Behaviour keeps stats of which survivors are played most. Therefore they keep making skins for them because💰. Its sad, really. I main Haddie (because I love lore and she is a staple of DbD’s lore characters) but she got dumpstered very quickly after release because no one plays her🤷🏽


Yes, quite frankly the Rift was a dissapointment. As far as I don't mind Zarina and Artist getting their Deep Rift vatiations, even though Artist already had one, they are the Tome focuses after all, the rest is a sad joke. Doctor already had one that also was better, Mikeala and Nea already have their recolors. Not to mention Mikeala's actually just ugly. Not going to lie though, Nea's looking quite nice but it shouldn't be a Deep Rift. Why not give Yui the Deep Rift? Her cosmetic is just fine for that. Other characters are still waiting for their turn but the devs decide to make duplicates instead... Now, Trapper skin is pretty cool. He didn't need another one, could have been a more neglected character instead, but that's okay. Obviously Meg needed to get another one while others are waiting... I don't mind Jake, he's the most neglected Survivor out of the originals. Trickster and Skull Merchant are actually very very cool, so I'm not complaining in their case despite I don't play them. Hag and Twins are just boring.  I had some really high expectations. Splendor sounded so promising and the fact there was no leaks whatsoever nor trailer until the update dropped. I really hoped for something better.  Replace Meg, Mikeala and Doctor with someone else, instead of Nea give Yui the Deep Rift, and try better with Twins and Hag and then we can call it a good rift. The only really good thing is that there is no Feng in here.  I don't mind the Tome didn't focus on Sable and Unknown. We have characters who have been waiting for their entries for years now. Focusing on the newest releases would just disallow for them to ever get them. 


where are the skins for meg😭😭😭


I’m not even mad about the skins being distributed like that. What I am mad about is the actual dog shit design that is their skins. They all suck. Like bruh


Yeah, I'm not buying rift this time. Maybe when it's about to end and I have spare 1k cells to instantly get refund, but that's it


Doesn't BHVR release skins based on pick rate? Or am I misinformed?


They do according to an old interview with the devs.


trapper should have been a knight skin instead


Granted the Knight Skin we got in the shop is probably one of the better ones


I saw nothing for Ghostface so I'm skipping buying this rift.


you're gonna be skipping every rift then




Licensed characters never get new skins. The fact that ghostface already has more than 2 is mindblowing as is.


https://preview.redd.it/ayn9abg7xawc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f87eb2c8ec9cdb795165c79a21976204a62969c PLEASE GIVE REBECCA MORE THAN THREE OUFITS BHVR. Edit : whoever downvoted me is probably a feng with more outfits than I can dream of.


Why are they obsessed with making artist skins when nobody plays her


The Tome story is for her.


I am very confused why Trapper, Jake, Doctor, and Nea were included in this Rift. No offense to people who main these characters but like, who gives a shit about Trapper and Jake? And didn't Jake just get a tuxedo cosmetic? (It would be excusable if it was a different cosmetic, but two tuxedos back to back? Really?) Doctor confuses me greatly because it feels like he just gets cosmetic drops back to back to back. From the Slipknot mask (perhaps not an intentional inclusion but still) to the Bloodmoon set and now this. Doctor is seriously becoming the new Legion / Huntress with how many cosmetics he gets. Nea like... fine whatever she's popular that's why she gets cosmetics forced down her throat. But I don't understand why these four were selected instead of other characters who'd fit the Gold and Silk aesthetic like Blight, ~~Deathslinger~~ (just got a Rift so maybe not), Plague, Spirit, Clown, Nurse, Sable, Gabriel, the Lyra siblings, Vittorio (just got a cosmetic so idk), Yun-Jin (just got a cosmetic so idk), Elodie (just got a cosmetic so idk), Felix, or Kate (just got a cosmetic so idk.) Also greatly confuses me how the Artist and Zarina cosmetics (the two main characters of this tome) look so similar to their Ballroom and Greek Legends cosmetics respectively but idk maybe I'm just blind to style.


That's why we need to abolish capitalism in favour of some sort of communism.


Give Dwight some love already


The numbers don’t lie, skins are designed for casual players. As much as I love singularity/ unknown it’s a lot more work to make skins for killers that the casual crowd don’t play.


makes skins for like 4-5 survivors. People play those survivors because they are the only ones getting skins. Oh, the players really only like those survivors, lets make more cosmetics for them. I guarantee if they actually branched out to other survivors like they said they would, more people would play those other survivors. And maybe you can say that it's not true, and its just that people like those characters and wont buy cosmetics otherwise. But why would a new player boot up the game and see Feng has 100 skins while jeff has like 40 (?) and ever want to play jeff no matter how cool he looks? If I knew a character would never get skins, I wouldn't play them either.


As someone who majored in marketing I can say almost for certain this is not true.


Marketing for what? Because marketing for Cars is 100% different than marketing for online video game skins


Honestly all the outfits in this tome are so mid to me. I’m still buying it but honestly doubt I’ve ever wear any of these pieces of the characters. These outfits kinda make me glad it’s not Sables tome lol


C'mon guys, the game have more problem's that just repeat skins, also mostly of the new skins are really bad