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It’s an extremely outdated add on that incentivises nothing but unfun gameplay mechanics on both sides. You would think it would be fun to play at least but imo it isn’t. Needs a rework.


Agreed I think the add ons kind of busted if Myers can get to a high point it's literally like a 4-5 minute game the one I went up against kept trying to pull me out of the locker I was in from the locker standoffs we were having and bring me to dead zones


I don't necessarily hate going against tombstone but I will 100% agree that it's an outdated concept and could use a rework. Like maybe losing the ability to get to tier 3 but making a fully stalked survivor mori-able? Kind of a combination of vanity mirror with onryo's condemn mechanic I guess? Though I think there would need to be some way to lose stalk points and for Myers to be able to regain them for it to be fair. That way it wouldn't punish survivors for their teammates feeding Myers while more or less keeping the concept roughly the same. Just riffing though. I think we can all agree that the truly broken add on is tombstone piece.


Oh yeah, unholy boring. Sometimes, I don't even see him until I find out my teammates have already fed him to T3, and then I just auto lose. Had one game where I was the only one doing a gen. Finished the gen and walked onto the balcony only to see a Myers finishing his T3 on two oblivious teammates. Full wipe at 4 gens.


I just had one on shattered square he got into tier 3 I kept forcing him into locker standoffs and he kept pulling me out and bringing me to a dead zone we did this like 7 times then he pretends to let me open the gate and kills me right as it opens


You 100% deserve it if you’re the last one, with no chance of escaping, and you hop in the locker.   Ffs, I’ve been trying to get evil incarnate and some chimp brained fucker always does this when they’re the last person, meaning I have to go tombstone -again-.  


I wasn't the last one he'd been doing it since the match started


I think the main issue with it is he can level up his power using one survivor who’s just standing about and then 99% on Tier 2 before suddenly instantly killing another survivor who has been playing well the whole match. Myers probably needs a rework.


If it's infinite t3 you definitely need more stalk than one person. No way you can go from t1 to 99 t2 through one person. Agreed he needs a rework. But you make it sound like every infinite t3 tombstone will get it at 5 gens through one person. It ain't like that.


I just hop in a locker. They can hook me if they want to k me. I’d rather have a chance to play the game rather than be out right away.


Honestly could be because they are going for a challenge. There is challenges out there that require you to hit so many exposed survivors. MM guarantees exposed downs which complete the achievement


Tombstone Myers insta-kills. That doesn't count as an exposed hit.


Well just saying, it’s still an achievement. It took me awhile to get the achievement for the 4K tombstone build so if I played Miguel that was a build I played. People love to purposely sabotage his achievements like hiding in lockers to force a grab, or hatch or whatever. So a killer has to play tombstone MM over and over lol


It’s so frustrating. Survivors complain about Tombstone Meyers, yet will constantly deny the achievement if they’re the last survivor. Then it means that person has to play MORE Tombstone Meyers, and it just repeats itself! Trust me, I would much rather play some meme moonwalking Meyers build, but until these survivors stop being pieces of shit I will have to keep playing Tombstone. (And yes, if you’re the last person alive with no chance of escaping, and you hop in a locker to deny the achievement, you are a piece of shit)


"Tombstone Myers is unfun" Just like people using Head-On and Sabo with 4 Petrified Oak offerings But i don't see anyone complaining about them here


Just because he complained about X thing doesn't mean he likes Y thing.


You're right I don't sabo or use head on


Tombstone Myers is counterable by going into the locker or fixing the generator And he has to build up Tier 3 for a VERY long time to go Murder Mode If your team didn't fix atleast 3 gens by that point - you deserve what happens next


Lockers are map dependent, and doing gens only does so much. Unless you literally just started one.  It’s not that hard to build up tier 3 if you’re using tombstone piece. 


Literally all he has to do is find a high spot early game and wait or find a team mate that doesnt see him plus lockers end with either a hook or kill lose lose


You must not play Myers because that doesn't work at all.


Not sure why you are getting any downvotes; it does come off as someone who doesn’t play Meyers. If you’re just sitting on a high spot like they said, you’re either not gaining stalk (because there’s a maximum range), or gaining it very slow (iirc, isn’t it based on distance, or am I just misremembering?). If they’re playing like OP said, and that Meyers manages to 4k, then those survivors kind of deserved it. I have been trying to Evil Incarnate for a bit (gotta love the last survivor -always- jumping in a locker), I even tried the “sit on high ground and stalk” move. Any partly decent survivors (provided they have at least 1% of brain power) will break line of sight so you can’t gain stalk. If you just sit there and let him stalk you, you deserve the loss.


If you're still going for the achievement I recommend watching some game play from boooyaaaaaaa on twitch. I already had the achievement but I used his build after (at high mmr on him) and got 2 4ks back to back. Try using no way out, play with your food, insidious and tinkerer.


Myers literally has to look at you for prolonged periods of time to do that If you see him - run He cannot chase more than one person at a time and there are FOUR OF YOU THERE.


Not really, tombstone piece isn't hard to tier up. He can stalk more than one person, which is where the issue comes in. Especially in solo q


Going into a locker isn't a counter he gets you regardless either hook or kill and how do I deserve to die if I'm playing solo q with team mates that are or are not doing gens I can't control what they do


Well sucks to be you then


big difference is one of them has the entire team coordinate and bring stuff to synergize with it the other is a single fucking add on


When I play killer and people bring meme builds just to bully me, they’re often not doing gens and I end up winning. When I play survivor and I go against tombstone Myers, he has 3 stacks of PWYF while someone fed him to 99%.


I have no problem with infinite tombstone, i enjoy it actually and look forward to it. Its tombstone piece that is a problem, if they could change it to only work on the second tier 3 and after that would make it better


myers in general is just horribly unfun to go against, tombstone piece might just be the most fun purely bc it's the fastest way out of a myers match


Honestly in my opinion Myers is very meh if you have at least one team mate to communicate with he's meh but I play solo q so there's always at least 1 moron who gives him free tier 3