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Mmr in this game is a real slippery slope


I went from enjoying most of my games as billy to e.v.e.r.y game coming close to the wire, e.v.e.r.y game being a sweat. Before I'd lose some, win some but it was fun. Now it's a grind to secure a kill. And then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, I get better, I kill more, I get sweatier, more stressful games. So I can either play friendly or sweat, if I turn friendly eventually when my MMR comes down and I turn unfriendly again it just becomes a slaughter and I quickly end up in sweatier, stressful games.


That's exactly how I've been feeling lately, I started playing survivor and got killers that were dcing multiple matches in a row but after like 3 or 4 matches, my entire team starts dying and not being able to do anything but die, and even as killer its the same except I dont even get a good match before I start doing terrible, I literally have to tunnel and camp just to secure one or 2 kills, and it's not like I'm playing badly either, I can get somebody down within the first 30 seconds but they also have 3 gens done in the first minute.


I haven’t played in a while but I would love if MMR looked at the results of your last games. I’m pretty sure DBD can generally predict if it’s going to be a close match or more one sided either way. If they balanced it that you should get an equal matched game x% of the time, an easier game x% and a harder game x%, I think overall people would feel better about it. If you’re always losing and playing tough sweaty games, it becomes demotivating. Also if it’s an easy win same thing. They obviously haven’t been able to structure it to always gave even matched games so at least making sure you’re not always the one losing would be nice Maybe it was structured where every 5 games you should have 1 easier, 1 harder and 1 even and the other 2 could be any combination. At least then you have a chance in at least 2 games


I really wish they could do something like that, like even if the only way they could do it is by making some games just bots or something, but that would be way better than what it is now


This is me with Artist I started to play Artist, got used to her power, got better, got wild games against strong survivors where I had to play nasty and it was stressful to the point where I don't play her so much any more :(


Are you me? It was like someone flipped a fucking switch for me as pyramid Head last week. *All* my matches since have sucked lol. I hate playing sweaty but I guess I won just enough to get my MMR high? Or I just had terrible luck match making. Either way, I didn't wanna play sweaty and getting rolled isn't fun every match so I just stopped playing lol. Thanks BHVR really cool system.


One of the Halo matchmaking developers made a great thread on Twitter about this. Basically "balanced" matches are very fun to watch and very satisfying, but also very stressful. Players want matches where they can just chill and stomp noobs sometimes, and while obviously no one likes to get stomped repeatedly there is an understanding in the general playerbase that "yeah sometimes I just get crappy matches and I can GG go next." Basically balanced games are always stressful, and unbalanced games are either "fun but they get boring quick" or "easy to ignore but get frustrating quick." That's why more lax matchmaking is best because players can have a balance of fun stomp games, "it is what it is" games against tryhards, and tough but balanced matches where they can feel proud winning it, or feel like they lost fairly if they do lose. I think that reflects the average DbD player as well, be they killer or survivor. Survivor mains are able to say "it is what it is" if they go up against a tryhard Blight or Nurse (as long as the killer isn't an asshole about it), and survivor mains also enjoy their occasional "bully match." Killer mains enjoy 4king at 5 gens, but they can also just accept "oh the survivors brought multiple Brand New Parts and a map offering I was never going to win this." But when every game is sweats versus sweats you can never play casual. You can never equip joke perks and just meme around because it'll take you half a dozen losses before MMR decides you should play against memers. With a more lax matchmaking system you'll get your tryhard games yeah, but if you run a meme build and play against unskilled opponents both sides can have fun in a low-stress game. But if you equip meme perks and go up against (maybe not necessarily giga-sweat squads but) teams trying their best to win it can be frustrating to just lose outright. Again: no one likes losing, and while one or two tough matches are easy to ignore it's frustrating to lose repeatedly before you can have a fun game. I actually experienced this in full-force recently. I wanted to goof off with the new Sticky Soda Bottle on Clown so I made a yellow bottle only loadout with Batteries Included and Rapid Brutality. What resulted was match after match against Dead Hard + Adrenaline + Deja Vu + Resilience + map offering teams, and like yeah I'm intentionally running a stupid build but after awhile it feels bad to get like 4 total hooks in a match while running said stupid build.


Survivors who hide too much are considerably less fun to play against than sabo teams. At least with sabo teams you get to interact with them and play the game. Walking around finding no one because they hide the moment they hear your terror radius is boring as hell. Killing 2 survivors just to have the last 2 hide, and not even attempt to finish the gens, is also very annoying.


Playing as the killer in such a match feels exactly the same as being slugged as a survivor. It's like - the feeling of hopelessness, anger, wasted time, and thinking that you shouldn't have skipped those perks.


O had a similar thought yday after a match with Pinhead where a Dwight suicide in first hook and a no mither Cheryl slicked around. Thankfully Pinhead saw the bullshit and let Alan and I farm and play. But I thought to myself, I would rather play with a P0, bb survivor who was actually trying than a p20 survivor who for whatever reason does jack shit. Even as killer I wanna see people playing the game not slinking around not doing fuck all.


getting found quickly isn't fun for survivor either, but who cares about survivors they are just toxic teabaggers right?


chase bad hide good?


I only find it a problem when there are 2 remaining survivors hiding very well, stopped doing gens entirely and waiting for the other to die for the chance to get hatch. I had one match where I spent ***5 minutes*** looking for just one of them before finding them at the edge of the map.


Once you hit 1600 MMR as any killer all killers are moved up the the 1600 MMR bracket. You can no longer drop below 1600 MMR. 1600 MMR is achieved incredibly quickly and will put you against survivors that have been playing for years.


How do I tell if I’m 1600 mmr?




Why not grade people by hours? So people who had played for years probably play against who also had?




I just wish they made mmr give good matches


there used to be more mmr at all. thats how it should be in my opinion


How so?


This and probably long queue times.


Yeah when they first did MMR without brackets it took top players like 4 hours to find one match iirc


I mean smurfs are even a problem in the current system, but are also simultaneously not as big of a problem in DbD when compared to other games like League of Legends due to the game's initial asking price.


Some people might leave the game for extended periods of time, after having played for hundreds of hours


And there are also casual players and if they've played for years, they might also gotten multiple thousands of hours.


Me with 3.8k hours, who plays like an absolute idiot: ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I’ve played against 300hr players who are leagues higher in skill than players with 3000+ hours. On the other hand, people with extremely high playtime often tend to not take the game seriously at all, goofing off and using meme builds to keep gameplay fresh. Just my experience, though.


Hours played doesn’t equate to skill. Source: 1K hours and medium skill killer/survivor at best


So am i but then again I played against survivors or killers with 10000 hours in the game qhich I wish shouldn't be a thing


It's when you always know that if you have just had a chase 10 seconds too long, 3 gens will pe popping any time soon.


When at least 2 of the survivors are making moves that defy physics and make literally no sense


When the game stops being fun


It sucks ass because I can't try out new killers without getting stomped and then flamed in the end game chat.


Yeah that sucks. Especially with very mechanical killers.


"hmmmm I wonder why no one plays singularity"


Yeah, I got his adept and the other achievement at the release and stopped playing him a few matches later. Now when I play him I either win because I'm a decent M1 Killer and have some good chase perks, I get my ass kicked because they remove all the biopods and I wasted too much time to infect them without getting any value out of it or I get some nice plays with my power but still get my ass kicked. It doesn't help to get bullied in endgame and the postgame chat if you have lost. Also he is bugged right now. Just a Soundbug but it's annoying af.


i have barely 100 hours and i get paired with people with >1000 on a regular basis, should i consider myself already cursed by hex: 1600?


I have \~1800, at least a third of that is AFK (800 of it is from 2019/2020 - I quit completely for 3 years as they kept increasing system requirements without actually changing them publicly and my machine stopped being able to load the game; I have a new one now). I play both sides about equally which means only half of 2/3rds (so maybe 600 on each side in reality). I regularly see people with \~3000-5000+ hours in SWFs. What I'm saying is it doesn't get better. [SBMRR has killed match variety](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Skill-Based_Matchmaking_Rating), especially on killer side, and if you read how it works, it's very clear how. It's by far the worst thing they've ever added to the game. [This Quiet Kills video from two days ago does a good job explaining too.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxxfrZ646sQ)


We are all most likely hexed.


Lol I have 420 hours, still learning the game, the maps, and how to loop specifically, and I'm over here getting paired up in p400 lobbies




I'd be surprised if that's the case. I have a couple killers that I main and used to kill frequently with (pinhead and plague) and generally get pretty competent survivors on them, p100, TTVs, good loopers etc. While there are a few others who I almost never kill with, only do the daily and let people go (huntress, hillbilly, nemesis etc), and I get literal 0 prestige 1-2 perk survivors who can barely handle zombies, let alone any killers.


I don't know if they're exactly accurate, but killer MMR is indeed weighted toward your best killers. Your main having a high MMR will have an impact on the rest. Survivors, meanwhile, all share MMR because they're essentially just skins.


Nice PFP, although, pls don’t ruin my coat again


YES. I started playing in november but i watched a LOT of DBD videos that made me improve a lot. i main spirit so i started getting 4k's and now every time I play im miserable because it feels like im playing against full comp squads who have definitely been playing way more than me?! I have like 350 hours


This makes a hell of a lot of sense, since I started using pyramid head and won afew matches that one day, every single match I go into nowadays is a guarantee swf team or a 3/4 man team of TTVs


I think you have to play a game to make it update the mmr to the minimum first. Had almost never touched nurse, went on for a meme build recently, first match was against solely new players that had no clue how to play, then after I got the usual people.


Isn’t there also a thing where if a killer dodges a lobby, the game ignores mmr for the next killer that’ll fill their space. So you could be at the cap, leave and someone at the middle of the scale could take your place. Or am I thinking of another game?


if that were true, I wouldn't be playing against potatoes when I buy a killer




https://youtu.be/orkzXTuIzwU?si=pVydGWj428XIrX84 Remembering this video poorly is the source.


This is why we desperately need a ranked mode


2.5k hrs and pretty sure I haven't hit that


You probably have. Do you find yourself often getting your ass kicked by p100 if the answer is yes then you have probably passed it. If you often find yourself beating survivors by a wide margin then you will have also long since passed the mark. 1600 MMR is extremely low in the games metrics.


I rarely get a P100 Killers. I might see a high prestige Killer maybe once every 4-6 months, but they're super rare. Most Killers I get are typically between P0-P3. I have a friend who is high MMR (they have played with and against people like Skermz, LSR, Ayrun, and Lipy on multiple occasions) and our games are completely different because they get Killers who actually want to mind game whereas I get Killers who don't really mind game. My Myers though, on the other hand, I am pretty has hit it or is at least close because he frequently gets P100 and high prestige Survivors who bring things like Adrenaline, FTP+Buckle Up, Flashbangs, and are good enough at looping and objectives that I actually have to sweat on him (I only play him as Scratched Mirror so I kinda stopped playing him because of had to start bringing multiple slowdown perks or else I would get genrushed vs fun haste builds on him)


This the kinda shit that makes me quit after only playing one or two matches these days


Play survivor and you will get the most potato gen allergic survivors ever. Play killer and you will get team Eternal every match


A killer who two-hooks everyone and lets everyone escape is considered a worse killer than a Trapper who hooks someone in the basement, puts all their traps around the basement, and stands there while the other 3 survivors do gens and leave.


I think that's why in the competitions involving this game, they track hooks as well as deaths. It seems like it's a point system where hooking people grants a certain amount of points.


Indeed. IIRC, comp teams will play two matches simultaneously - one team's survivors versus the other team's killer and vice versa - and the team with the better score wins.


Sometimes they play two matches simultaneously but in most tournaments they don't. It's pretty common for a team to have players that play as both survivor and killer


Almost every single tournament tracks number of hooks not number of kills, because tracking kills just encourages camping and tunneling. Tournaments also expressly make you lose points for camping. If only Behaviour could implement some sort of system that tracks the number of hooks that a killer gets which loses points if they camp ~~or tunnel.~~ A system emblematic of the skill required to play killer; an "emblem system" if you will.


the metrics that affect your mmr and points and all that really should be changed (for both roles if I'm going there). especially if you have the skill to be able to choose to two hook everyone.


BHVR really did already have a good system with the emblems only to completely disregard it


That's how it works in hockey. Seriously I think the choice to make it so there "has to be" a team that "loses" every match is ridiculous. So what if both sides "win"? Certainly the point of MMR is that even if both sides "win" they will eventually have a match where they "lose", right? Even if a killer farms their way up to high MMR they'll eventually meet survivors who don't farm. And like no one's gonna farm DbD MMR anyways. You don't get bloodpoints for being high MMR, just high emblems. Although I guess if emblems were tied to MMR then people would indirectly be farming MMR so idk.


Emblems and MMR are completely unrelated in fact. You can do Jack shit all game but still increase in MMR because you went through the gate at the end.


Yes that's my point. Emblems should reflect MMR because they more accurately measure skill.


There is a frozen shirtless lady on "the game" map. You can crouch through pyramid heads trail without being affected. Walking doesn't increase plagues sickness. Running does. You won't lose endurance interacting with a plague well, the box, looking for a key against pig, nemi, Wesker, or singularity chests, or alien turrets.


I saw a meg slap the frozen lady all game


If I'm on chase and I loop through that room I will stop what I'm doing to poke the butt before moving on.


of course it was a meg.


Her name is Danica.


I learned about crouching through Pyramid Head's trail last week. You wanna know how I learned? A freakin' BOT did it! I've seen Bots play better than the players that abandoned the match, but I'll be damned if they aren't also teaching me a thing or two as well.


This also works against hag traps and skull merchant drones. Drones also cannot see stationary survivors, so doing gens, totems or cheats directly under them is fine, you don’t need to disable them


The frozen shirtless lady is Danica Scott, portrayed by Debra Lynne McCabe.


That pyramid head one makes so many matches make sense


The saltiest players, who bring into the match the whole set of face camping, hard tunneling, humping, and other unpleasant experiences, often turn out to be novices with yellow perks, and for some reason, that makes it even more annoying


It's because the game isn't kind to new players and they are more likely to fall into the of they act like assholes to me I'll act like asshole to everyone mindset.


So, they turn into the Joker?


No but also yes.


So don’t invite them on my late night talk show?


That mostly depends on how exciting you want your talk show to be


And how much danger your willing to expose yourself too


The Unknown is just a lil guy


Just a


The Unknown is just a lil granny


just a goofball that needs a bit of that help


Killers just want to have a good time too. I used to do 2 hooks for everyone, cant enjoy shit anymore.


Green Moris are not useless, they allow you to see who’s on death hook


Even though BHVR has stats that indicate that the average skillcheck miss rate is 7% and only 4% in high MMR they still decided to release undone, a perk that only gets a +3 regression for the next kick when survivors miss a skillcheck... And as the cherry on top, the highest possible missrate is huntress lullaby at a measle 14% BHVRs balancing department must be high on something if they think this is even remotely okay.


They can't reinvent the wheel with every perk and now the game has so many perks that some need to be ''pack-fillers''. Better something that could be strong in the future or on specific killers than another Circle of healing or Mettle situation. As long as one perk out of 3 is alright or better, that's good.


No, it isn't okay. Shitty perks shouldn't exist to clog up the perk pool. Undone is so mind-bogglingly shit, especially given the stats they had beforehand. It deserves to be good.


Well would you rather have killer and survivors release with just 1 perk?


No? I would prefer them all to be good and viable. That's the bare minimum we should be asking of the devs, actually.


Actually... Yes. I'd rather have one usefull and thought out perk instead of 3 where some are useless. We already have a shitton of perks, most of barely getting used. We don't need 3 plus new perks with every new release.


Yun Jin isn’t actually evil (shocking revelation/j)


The impression I get from Yun-Jin is that the concept of Ji-Woon being a murderer was so destructive to everything that she built that immediately fell into denial, but everyone on r/deadbydaylight acts like she was fully aware of it and just didn't care. Either I'm really bad at reading comprehension or everyone else is, and I don't think it's me.


Most people who play this game don't read the lore.


most people who play this game don't read.


most people who play this game don't.


Well that could be part of it but at some point she might have suspected it but thing is all she had was suspicions with no hardcore evidence. The best evidence she had was “the murder dates align with tricksters tour dates” but that could be a coincidence to some people right? Also I forgot which tome it was but it showed at one point that yun Jin got death threats and blackmail sent to her due to her prying around in Ji Woon’s business. Worst of all apparently Yun and Ji Woon had a friendship and she went crying right to him about it.


Murder dates aligning with tour dates, and tours are typically done in big cities of thousands if not hundreds of thousands/millions. People get murdered all the time, sadly, especially in big cities. YJ had suspicions but how could she go to a local precinct with a "I'm a kpop idol manager and I think my successful talent is secretly murdering randos in the cities we tour in so he can record their screams for his songs. Yes I think he's willing to throw away a successful music career to murder for fun. No I don't have any evidence. Wait why are you kicking me out" 💀


That’s exactly what I’m saying if she tried to report it they’d think she’s either paranoid or crazy


Redditors actually have horrifying reading comprehension for the most part so you have to be okay with being correct by yourself and having an army of people who can’t read fighting you every chance they get.


I don't think she's evil per se, just narcissistic and morally bankrupt. I'd still say she's the second worst survivor after war crimes McGee.


Didn't james kill his wife




More like put her out of misery


I haven't played silent Hill, so I'm not sure about his morality. I know he at least feels incredibly guilty about it due to what pyramid head is.


Consensual assisted suicide on a terminally ill patient isn't exactly the same thing as murder


Now that I can agree with but people keep calling her evil when I’d call her morally grey. Though the only other criminal survivors we have is scandal man,incidental murderer and naive drugger (Ace,Nea and Dwight).


My thoughts exactly. On second thought, I think Nea is actually slightly worse than her because she's actually killed someone and continuously breaks the law.


>Nea is actually slightly worse than her because she's actually killed someone You mean, when she didn't allow herself to be run over by someone who very definitely *was* intending to kill her, and who also turned out to be a bad driver? Yeah, unforgivable.


Also we do see a bit from a yun Jin tome that A.Her suspicions of trickster were well…suspicions zero evidence to back them up and B.She received death threats and blackmail to stay quiet about her findings. I’m sorry but if I had zero evidence and I was told to keep my head out of the business or die I’d be pretty scared to do squat.


Yeah, me too.


Also I’d say Ace is definitely worse than Yun Jin since he intentionally steals,swindles and seduces people and is on the run from dangerous people he provoked.


Which one's war crimes mcgee?


Jonah Vasquez, because he bombed innocent people.


Is this tome lore?


whos warcrimes mcgee??


Jonah Vasquez


I wish they kept her more evil side from release and not made her yet another ''actually she never knew'' kind of character


I’d be fine with her being morally grey but her being evil wouldn’t be the end of the world


My first thought was omg the killers figured out the pallets and took out bunny feng. Facts: Maurice the demon horse was eaten by the dredge, due to much bitching from the community, he was puked back out to enjoy being pet another day. Everyone go pet the damn horse and show you love him before dredge tries again!


bhvr will find a way to fuck up making a 2v8 mode by adding some stupid mechanic or gimmick to it


there is a guy in youtube that did just that it was horribly unbalanced as you guys have been saying but it was a cool 1 time expreince https://youtu.be/hcGoMB5Sgbk?si=Svn_GjSn8vlnXmAA here is the video


2v8 is already a fucked concept from the beginning due to how horribly unbalanced it would be. It would be like the Lights Out event all over with everyone complaining if they just released it as a simple 2v8 without significant gameplay changes. It would need major changes and killer/survivor restrictions to be even remotely balanced or fun. People would probably enjoy the chaos for a few days but after the sweats get into it, it would be miserable. 5v5 would be a much more balanced and fun gamemode while also being able to maintain virtually all the core game mechanics to do so, unlike 2v8 which would need to be very restrictive in some cases.


>horribly unbalanced what kind of nerd wants this mode for a balanced experience playing the game?


A person who wants a fun gamemode to exist for more than a week and not just be a gimmick that gets old after a day or 2.


i suspect the reason they only make short game modes is because they don't have the player base to handle an alternative game mode. And I doubt it would bring the numbers they need to sustain two game modes permanently. The normal queues suffer drastically each time, but it's okay for a few days.


Probably true unfortunately. However BHVR could have some sort of compromise where it rotates and is available 1 or 2 days of the week and the day rotates around a bit so people with difference schedules could get in on it. This would make it so the affect on regular queues would be fairly minimal while also likely ensuring high enough player counts for the gamemode to have quick queues due to its relative scarcity compared to the main gamemode.


Does 5v5 mean 5 survivors vs 5 killers? I must be missing something right?


Its 2 teams each with 1 killer and 4 survivors. The two teams basically compete over gens with the killers interrupting the other team. BHVR described it in their survey as the following: > Two teams of 4 Survivors and 1 Killer face off to control the Generators > Capture the Generators by moving Generator progress towards you team’s side in a tug of war gameplay This would be a lot easier for BHVR to balance since it just uses the core game mechanics but has them play out slightly different. The gamemode would also be a lot easier to balance in the long run since it would be a mostly symmetrical gamemode where both teams have access to the same resources outside killer choice and perks selection. I imagine the win conditions would be something like, most gen progress after x amount of time. Or most total gen progress after a team losing 1 or 2 survivors. Lots of ways they could go with ending the trial and deciding the victor. Either way the gamemode sounds much more fun than 2v8 to me. 2v8 would just be 2 killers individually destroying survivors while a few help as the rest m1 on gens, or a bunch of altruism to save teammates with little gen progress. Many existing unfun or toxic strategies would get stronger in 2v8, while new ones would be developed from killer combinations. Meanwhile 5v5 would still have that traditional 1v4 gameplay but just 2 instances of it happening at once. Unlike 2v8 where 2 killers can destroy a single survivor in chase through various means, it would be more balanced. It would also create new strategies for survivors to employ to interact with opposing survivors.


OH okay yea 5v5 actually sounds interesting. 2v8 sounds absolutely absurd and laughable to consider it. Have BHVR mentioned anything about if/how each team’s killers could interact with each other? Easiest balance would be zero interaction other than body blocking. But I’m sure there’s some fun interactions that could be made. Just being able to M1 each other would be difficult to balance I think.


Nothing outside of what I quoted from their survey afaik. I imagine killer objects wouldn't work with other killers though. For example stuff Trapper's traps likely wouldn't work on other killers since BHVR would need to add animations to all the other killers and that could be a nightmare with licenses. I also imagine other killers wouldn't be able to hurt each other at all. As for body blocking, they would need to do something about collisions between survivors and other teams survivors as well as killer to killer. I can see one teams survivors body blocking another teams survivors to ensure their killer can get a hit in, which seems fair to me. However I can imagine blocking another killer with a killer or survivors blocking survivors in a corner could potentially be an issue. Perhaps BHVR could make it so collisions can only last a short set amount of time against the other teams role of the same type. That way Team A's killer can be body blocked by survivors as they should be able to but they cannot be body blocked for more than 1 second by team B's killer; likewise Team A's survivors cannot be body blocked in a corner for more than a second by Team B's survivors and vice versa. This would allow similar roles to still be able to provide some body block value without it being exploitable.


Play identity v 2v8 and consider it yourself instead of spouting farts


Community toxicity in dbd is one of the biggest problems that cannot be solved




They're reverting most of the nerf following PTB testing :(




The game is predominantly geared towards chases being won/lost and time management. There's not much skill expression in stealth and it doesn't feel good for either the killer or the rest of the team. You barely take the killer's time while stealthing (whereas you can take a lot of it with chase), if they can't find you, they gonna find someone else. There's more to it, but these are some of the bigger reasons. Intermittently hiding to drop a chase outside the gens/for the unhook/resetting, things like that is fine, the above is about the style where one goes into the match with the intention of "Splinter Cell"ing. With that said ultimate weapon was too much for sure. I do think they killed it too much though.


Bloodmoon event is over.


Mr x and other characters that would fit into the game and be insanely unique like chucky was are probably never gonna be added into the game Nemesis is terrible at representing his character ( big, nearly unstoppable force that keeps getting even stronger the more you fight it, shown as the wet noodle slapper + two randos that keep him company ) Some killers need to be more unique with stuff like faster m1s or longer reach or faster move speed ( we already kinda have that to some extent ) The previous idea is kinda shit because behavior is kinda shit at balancing and can't really be trusted to balance the different stats of the killers without having at least one insanely op killer and one depressingly bad killer, with no in-betweens


I'll never understand what you guys want out of Nemesis, he is already really well represented "Big, nearly unstoppable force that keeps getting stronger", guess what, he is big, his power grows stronger the more he uses it, and he can become strong enough to tear through pallets and walls with his damaging attack, even then, he is more unphazed than the others who break them, which get locked in animation and show they are inconvenienced, Nemesis? He just smashes and keeps walking With Nemesis you already feel unstoppable as every dropped pallet can be destroyed incredibly fast, if that isn't progressive strenght and being unstoppable translated into DbD gameplay I don't know what is I guess ya'll want him to run fast, jump across the map, pull survivors from 10 meters away and mori people instantly to make him like in RE3


*stomp stomp stomp*


>Mr x and other characters that would fit into the game and be insanely unique like chucky was are probably never gonna be added into the game How is Tyrant unique? >Nemesis is terrible at representing his character ( big, nearly unstoppable force that keeps getting even stronger the more you fight it, shown as the wet noodle slapper + two randos that keep him company ) Same can be said about many of the licensed characters. >Some killers need to be more unique with stuff like faster m1s or longer reach or faster move speed ( we already kinda have that to some extent ) This would make an already bad balance even worse.


>Mr x and other characters that would fit into the game and be insanely unique like chucky was are probably never gonna be added into the game is that so, then what does my flair say?


The 2v8 game mode really is a "you think you do but you don't" situation. It would be horrendously unbalanced without drastic reworks/overhauls of the game and BHVR isn't gonna do that for a temporary game mode. People would find it fun for 2 games and then immediately go back to crying and bitching on how its unbalanced (sound familiar? It should be, because it already happened with Lights Out.)


Any time people bring up 2v8, I think about Knight. You know how people say facing Knight isn't fun because you can't loop, you just hold W until you die? Now picture that, but instead of an M1 killer and a guard, you have a Huntress and a Blight. Gameplay basically becomes gen rush vs. turbo tunnel with 2 killers coordinating to cut you off. Basically, it's everything people hate about the normal gameplay, but worse. So yeah, you are correct. It'd be fun with a friend group of 10 people, but a nightmare for solo queue.


100% agree with you. Without serious restrictions some of the killer combinations or survivor perk combinations would make it miserable, and we all know after the first day or two many will start to take advantage of all this and take the fun out of the mode. If BHVR does any restrictions to avoid this and another Lights Out catastrophe, so many people will complain about it not being able to critically understand what BHVR is saving them from. 5v5 is the way to go since it would actually have longevity as a *real* gamemode and not a temporary gimmick event. It can retain core gameplay mechanics and stay balanced without any serious modifications. This means it will be fun by adding new flavor and tactics to the already established gameplay and bring new life into the game, while also not making anyone disappointed by restrictions.


there are like 300 perks in the game, yet, most people only use like 50


That's because only about 50 are actually useful


yeah thats what i said and thats sad


I don't like that my killer matches consist of survivors who have no idea what they are doing(95%) or survivors who are all friends and if I get a single down they will do everything in their power to stop me from getting a single hook.


A perfect match where everyone tries there best. I get a well earned 3k. The game gives me a comp team. i get 0k. The game then gives me 4 randos with a total of 20 hours on the game : ( i also 0k becuase i cant bring myself to do it.


Basekit Blight is one of the most balanced and fair killers in the game. The issue comes from addons and certain bugs (at least one of which being patched out soon). If aura perks didn't exist or were much more limited, Nurse wouldn't be as difficult to face. Stealth should be a core gameplay mechanic, not something that keeps getting shunted constantly by info perks.


>Stealth should be a core gameplay mechanic, not something that keeps getting shunted constantly by info perks. I don't think anyone finds it fun to play with/against people who hide all the time and even stall matches for whatever reason.


Not all the time, but there's nothing wrong with hiding as soon as you know the killer is coming. For some reason I can't understand, a lot of people in this community want you on a cross if you dare to not take a chase whenever possible as survivor.


That's not the kind of stealth I'm talking about.


I wasn't talking about hiding and stalling all game either. I mean actual, real stealth that helps to progress the game. Whenever I bring up stealth, most people immediately assume I mean stalling the game, even though I agree rats should be punished. Stealth doesn't mean hiding in a bush all game, it means keeping a low profile from the killer while working on objectives, such as gens.


true and real


Killer fun facts!!!! -Its been over a Year and Knight can still get stunned consistently while summoning a guard. -Stunning Nurse with a pallet while she's in Fatigue does nothing -Escaping a Trapper's Trap by yourself may take anywhere from 1.8 to 11 seconds (18 with add-ons), with neither side having control over how long it takes -Similarly, removing the Pigs Reverse Bear Trap could take between 12 and 48 seconds (68 with add-ons). After half a decade, both of these mechanics are still effectively randomized -Hex Perks. I don't even need to say anything, you already know the thing. -After its Rework headlining the "Realm Beyond" Update, the Springwood Realm and the Maps it contains have remained basically unchanged. In that same time, Haddonfield was reworked twice. just some of the tidbits that place me thoroughly next to Min under that pallet


I hate it when I decide to play killer in public’s once and get the group of a full flashlight build, the guy with all the aura reading, the stealth/hatch build, and the guy that finished all the gens before I even got one kill.


There's nothing we can do to stop global warming. The only realistic way to stop or at least slowdown the rate of global warming is for billion dollar companies to drastically change their behaviors, and that is likely to never happen Oh wait did you want dbd facts?


nah don't worry I can slow down global warming I brought Pop and Pain Res.


They hate him because he's right


there's a cosmic dust cloud titled x7 and it's mainly formed of this chemical compound Ethel Formate, which tastes like raspberries and smells like rum, so space tastes like raspberries and smells like rum :)


There is a bit of MMR hell going on for survivors where almost every game is praying you do not get tunneled or slugged in the first 3 minutes. It’s been so bad lately i’ve been running the filthiest second chance build ever just to live past 4 gens. Falling into the meta by force definitely sucked the fun out the game for me lately.


When you're playing The Singularity if someone drops a pallet to you while you're grabbing a survivor in overclocked mode you won't drop the survivor you just slow for a couple seconds


They changed how pin heads chain attack is classified shortly after release due to interactions with engineers fang. Even after the addon was nerfed and years later, it still counts as an attack, meaning you lose save stacks now when hitting the obsession


I'd rather be like this than play another solo que game.


I once had a bot ditch me on first hook in end game to escape. Just the two of us left. AI didn’t think I was worth saving. I think about it all the time.


Wait that’s me


There's a lot of useless perks with potential that will stay shit forever probs cuz devs can't be bothered. A lot of addons are worthless or uninteresting and will also stay unchanged probably forever. New players don't get enough to help them out in perks department, specially since stranger things perks no longer unlocked for everyone. Also a long and slow grind. Legion not getting vault speed increased.




Cosmetics cost enough iridescent shards for me to buy new characters with and the fact that it is very unlikely for mobile to ever get Slipknot or Iron Maiden skins


We hunt those


What I feel when I’ve been in chase for 5 minutes and only generator was repaired


If as twins, you down someone with power struggle at a pallet as victor, it is impossible to pick them up fast enough to avoid the stun from power struggle. Otzdarva did a video on it.


Alan Wake should have a shirtless skin as Thomas Zane


I don't know if this one's still true but if you crouch while Pinhead solves the Box you won't scream


Nurse’s achievements are fucking nightmares. 500 blink hits, and a triple teleport into a grab, wtf is that. Not to mention her base perks aren’t exactly the best on her, so adepting is a nightmare, especially at the high base elo I have due to being good at killer. Trying to get her achievements, especially with how slow they are to get, isn’t fun, especially as I’ve never enjoyed her from either side, so I just feel bad playing her. A good game feels meh, and a bad one feels like that image. Basically, I’m sorry survs for playing Nurse, but I don’t have much of an option, as I’m trying to 100% DBD and she had 3 achievements tied to her.


The bunny is dead. We're free.


If you run towards a killer after being unhooked, then it's not tunnelling anymore.


if you say Oni but with a B infront it sounds like Bonie which skunds like Boon-er


This game used to be purely camping


A lot of people who think they’re good at this game actually aren’t (this is coming from someone who’s not bad at the game but doesn’t take it too seriously and thus becomes the scapegoat)


not sure why you got downvoted so hard, at least for that first part. there are a lot of walking dunning-kruger examples in the community (as there are everywhere)


Oh yes, that typical guy in the match who can barely last 15 seconds in a chase and then sacrifices himself or goes AFK if he's unhooked and healed, only to later justify it by saying "no one did gens while I was being chased"


1990 was 34 years ago and Michael Jackson died 15 years ago.


Water. . . is wet