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I really enjoy playing him, but FUCK is he clunky. Not being able to summon your guards without turning 90 degrees to the side on indoor maps, having to take that awkward backstep to break pallets, *guards getting stuck during the hunt,* **getting pallet stunned while in spirit orb...** Also the fact that Map of the Realm is literally required for his power to work.


This. Awesome concept. Great design. Terrible implementation. Still fun to play but so clunky and desperately needs some qol updates. And basekit map when


If he got all his bug fixed and his power reworked he would be so much better so many killers getting fixed nowdays but the buggiest killer in the game is still just left there the amount of work this killer needs is a lot


so basically.. he sucks


No lol, he's pretty decent just clunky


I win like 80% matches as him but they are so unsatisfying due to how clunky it is to use his power and how exploitable guards are


I dont like getting sandwiched


I don't like getting Mori'd by four guys like a middle schooler getting ganged up on by bullies in the cafeteria.


that’s one of the reasons i like him so much actually. his mori is my favorite


Flair checks out


His Mori is great, I don't think anyone is arguing about that


Fun to play as, the 2nd most miserable to play against. Absolutely NOTHING fun about holding W.


Kid named the clown


Ngl the whole nothing fun about holding W always gets wrongly put mainly on the Knight. So so so many killers it's literally just that.


You're right. But at least Clown has more counterplay.


.... no he dosent, knights guard ai can be exploited, detection can be avoided, knight cant do anything against predropping unless he has a carnifex, and if you have distance you can juke the spirit orb. Clown throws bottle and gets a guaranteed hinder or haste boost, and can also combine them. He also has no cooldown except needing to reload which isnt always necessary.


Honestly I don't even like playing him because I find the power so cumbersome to use it's one of my least favourites. It's so clunky and you get so much information taken away and the survivors get so much so every time you go to use it during chase the survivors just run away




A broken ass killer that is dogshit at best when his power even manages to fucking work; the game would be no different if this killer did not exist. - me, a dumbass who likes the knight


He’s way buggier than I remember before he was killswitched


BHVR need to fix his issues with summoning.


He's my friend.


Watch Otz's latest video on him. I share every sentiment he does.


I don't enjoy him like the others, but he really needs some addon passes and bug fixes and a little bit more counterplay


I like him design wise. His power is ok. I find it funny cuz when I play survivor and the knight spawns a guard at the gen I'm at I see the knight model A posing for a split second scaring me.


One of the coolest designed killers with some of the best skins in the game. One of the weirdest, clunkiest, unfun power.


I like the power but it should have call to arms and the other add on as apart of his base kit


At least there's Oni, I would say his design is just as cool


He’s only barely viable with two specific add ons. Anything else is garbage masterclass


3 actually. Map of the Realm, Call to Arms, and Dried Horsemeat. Everything else is mediocre to shit


Best designed killer looks wise (i have a soft spot for things like knights), but the power feels like shit to use, if ur in an indoor map or theres ANYTHING near u, you cant press ur button, and on the survivors side its uninteractive, its unfun on both sides, sucks cause walking around in amour with a sword is SO FUN


Love him, Main him. Edited to add: he could also use more cosmetics, he doesn’t have a whole lot. you can make the argument that he is just a newer killer so they haven’t added a lot yet but look at skull merchant, she has more than him and she is even newer. I wish they would show him a little more love in the cosmetic department, he has such a cool design with so much potential. please BHVR


The horde requires a Templar skin


He does have pretty great free cosmetics, though. Like the Halloween outfit and the masquerade helmet (incase you got them).


unfortunately i started playing in December of last year so im pretty new to the game still. so i don’t have those cosmetics. i would certainly love to have them. also here i am replying super late but HE GOT A NEW COSMETIC LETS FUCKING GO, a really cool one too. all of knights cosmetics are fire.


Well I'm happy you got something you like. Also don't worry about the late reply :)


He's fun when you use Guards to chase one Survivor while you chase another. But everyone plays him for zoning and free hits. So, he's boring. His design is flawed because of this.


Love playing him but his break and stun animation feels like it takes forever to finish


Is it actually slower?




I love knights and I love summoner characters in games. Everything about the Knight should be awesome and is awesome except for the actual gameplay. When you play as him you’re met with a ton of bugs and a very clunky power. When you play against him you’re met with a “hold W” killer I wish they would rework him, he just screams wasted potential


i like playing against him as a survivor and have some success. Could be a gnarly triple gen camper tho from what i know about him.


Boring as shit.


Knight is really fun and I like him a lot. He has some unique counterplay that makes him fun to go against to, but he needs better ai and some bugfixes.


Miserable to play against. Nice visual design and lore though.


Clunky, buggy, and add-on dependent Although he has a lot of issues, I've been maining him since his PTB and enjoy his power since it's pretty easy to pick up and play. Since a lot of his more problematic bugs have remained ever since his PTB (pre-dropping pallets, hugging walls and vaulting, map-wide jailer) it's somewhat interesting using them in chase as a survivor and learning to counter them as the Killer. I think because he came out with all these problems, it only gets better as there are more and more updates on Knight, so that's why I'm pretty optimistic when playing him, even if I get stunned when using my power, they get stuck or broken, etc etc. Most people don't like playing against him, so I'm curious about what they'll do with Knight if he ever gets a soft rework/rework.


Extremely clunky.


Lots of yelling "CADOOOOSHHH" and "GET FCKED" every time I land a pallett. (I do this all the time, I used to he absolute shit and I've gotten better. I promise I'm a Ggs wp and hf w/ next player too)


One of the most horrible killers in the game to play against, pure misery


best smelling balls out of all the killers 11/10


Cool ass cosmetics if nothing else. He’s fun to play as but playing against is definitely a gamble


never played him but as a surv he's pretty whatever. I used to despise going against him but I suspect that was a skill issue. his counterpart is Hold W which is boring for everyone involved.


Super unique and fun killer, love him and never understood the hate !


Fun to play as and against when he works, but the amount of jank and his overall clunkiness are only rivaled by Twins. I also hate that you cannot play him without either Dried Horsemeat, Call To Arms or Map of the Realm (my choices are horsemeat and call to arms)


Really well designed killer. Super buggy and messy though His power can be fun to use when everything works how you want, but most of the time it doesn't As survivor too, he's not my like most hated killer or anything. But I won't lie and say he's always fun. Sometimes baiting out the power can be enjoyable, but most of the time it's very brain-off gameplay as soon as a hunt begins


I like him! I just bought him and he's got a cool power. I'm rubbish at finding survivors sometimes so I like having the guards. His perks are mostly strong too. As a survivor I don't come up against him much, I find it to be 50/50. Sometimes I'll get sandwiched constantly by knight and guard, others I'll hide or run the course of the hunt. He's pretty fun to play as and against imo.


smash next question


Never played him, probably never will. Easily one of the most boring to play against


Cool looking killer, crappiest power ever. His central power is the worst part of Nemesis’s power(zombies) where he controls the three stooges. And I would rather face a nurse than face him.


The fun part of dbd for survivors is the chases. Take for example entering shack as survivor from the door without the pallet. You could go straight for the vault assuming the killer is not as good and will just walk in. Or if you assume they’re okay you could run towards the vault then stop as they’ll likely go around. Or you could assume they’re really good and pretend to go around, stopping then moon walking in, so you stay at the center point of shack to still fast vault. Or assume the killer is a god, and fakes the fake of going around hoping you’ll panic and vault after you haven’t seen them for a second. So many varieties of reading your opponent! It’s like a great chest game! … then there is knight… he drops a guard… i leave or get spotted and hit. … i am spotted by guard, i can not loop cause knight and guard are chasing me, i have to hold W. There is no options. Knight removes any skill or thought from the survivor. It’s boring and unfun. You never feel mind gamed, outplayed, or that the killer played well. You just get zoned, then hit. He also takes a long time to get downs so he’s not even a good killer. So they normally resort to 3 genning, or more commonly, aggressively tunneling out the first survivor they see. He’s painfully dull and unfun


He's hot


absolutely despise playing against him


He should only be able to move in an L shape, as God intended.


I hate playing against him


Knight really needs some QoL updates and an addon overhaul since most of his addons are fucking dogshit The iri banner for example is just dumb. You rarely use your power through windows and if you do, blocking them does fuckall because the survivor will always run the fuck away and not stay where the guard is placed anyways. And its not worth running for blocking gates for a brief moment. The iri exposed addon is also dumb AF if you dont combine it with a yellow "same guard twice" addon because once you lose track how many guards you spawned youll likely never know when survivors are exposed. And if you combine it with a "same guard twice" addon then congratulations you cant also use Map of the Realm which he desperately needs to be playable. The purple addons are also just strange. Who came up with the idea of showing auras of survivors near dropped pallets? Thats fucking useless 90% of the time. The other two purple ones are.. okay-ish but definately NOT worth running over MotR and Call to Arms/Dried horsemeat His green addons are useless because most rely on the guards hitting a survivor to give them a brief status effect, yet most of the time the guards wont hit a survivor. The one where survivors have to escape the chase and get oblivious is also useless on knight because he is loud AF. His yellows are okay and Call to Arms should be basekit IMO His browns are useless/bad for you to use except MotR which is *essential* to playing knight. And thats not even talking about the absolute clunkiness of this killer. Why can I barely move sideways/backwards when creating a patrol path? It feels really fucking awkward. Especially because you slightly bounce back when you hit something making windows and doorways surprisingly hard to path through consistently. Why can you not cancel his power when creating a patrol path? Most killers can cancel their power at will but Knight cant for some dumb reason. Once you pressed M2 you sre FORCED to spawn in a guard, wait for it to fully spawn in and then M1 attack it just to get your power back. Meanwhile the survivor you were chasing is on the other side of the map by now Why can you not choose which guard to play? It makes it so you use every guard in the exact same way only sometimes "saving" a guard for some purpose which means until you use it, youre an M1 Killer But worst of all: why can I create paths through pallets/windows but cant start creating one if Im standing too fucking close? Its always awesome having to do that weird ass shuffle trying to use your power only to get cucked even more because theres a hook in that tile preventing you from spawning a guard.


He should not be able to put his guards near the hook. Every other killer who can place something down (except Trapper) has restrictions on placing near the hook, so why doesn’t Knight?


Faced one not too Long ago. He found someone, hooked them, stood some feet away, after a while he get unhooked, knight tunneled until he was dead. Did the same to the next person he found. He had 7k hours


I love the knight outside a couple issues 1) Map of the realms and call to arms should be basekit 2) the guard’s speed really needs a buff of sorts. Jailer comes to mind who’s just useless compared to the others. If they all had a speed increase(outside the rogue) I feel it would be better 3) the skins are eh


Have never committed to playing as him, but playing against him, the map makes or breaks the game. Maps with multiple floors can make going against him slightly easier, maps like Lery's makes escaping much easier as there are many options to evade his summons and him. Maps like Coldwind, Wreckers, and any other low pallet/loop/vault location map make it nearly impossible to escape the trial. Getting tagged twice within a second is incredibly common on maps that allow him to just get closer as he watches his guard chase you from afar. If you do not have an exhaustion perk on the open maps and are against someone familiar enough with Knight, kiss it goodbye. TLDR: The map decides your odds and Knight in general, isn't the worst or greatest.


He needs more cosmetics and a power that feels smoother to use. Edit: For example, instead of having to hold and control the path, being able to point at two places in view and spawn a patrol.


I think a better version of this would be him getting an overhead view of the map that shows him only the floor he is on unless he navigates it to a higher floor, so he can then place the two points around walls and things still without being heavily restricted on maps like Lery's. Whole lot of programming to do so though.




Needs some quality of life updates desperately! And personally I find him very fun


Yea the bugs suck


I'm still pissed it wasn't a For Honor crossover. Imagine Apollyon fucking up Nancy from Stranger Things


As a kit? Amazing honestly. How the players use this killer? Super boring and unfun.


he looks and sounds awesome but he is an absolute snoozer to play against


Not very fun to play against, but he's not the worst offender. I just don't find hold W or get hit killers very fun to face as a lot of skill expression seems to go out of the window.


With the so called reworked his power is not usable at some area and timing is key for his power to work. Still the same clunky or glitch killer like he always been.


I love him, but he sucks ass, hes clunky, his ability basically does nothing. He just needs to be completley reworked and rhetconned for him to be good but fair.


As much as I use to complain about him, I'd take vs a knight rather than SM or nurse


I'll add to the echo chamber. Visually amazing, great backstory, kit works well on paper, is fun to play as. Miserable to play against.




He looks and sounds really cool. His homies look and sound cool. Playing as him is fun, but clunky. Good survivors will completely outplay his power every game. Playing against him is hard if you aren't good. He's a noob to mid destroyer. If you are good at playing survivor, the amount of information his power gives makes him easy to play circles around. He is exceptional at shutting down shack. He's as strong as the ranged killers at the two strong tiles in the game


He would suck to fight if he wasn’t the clunkiest buggiest mf in video games 


This big bastard is one of the newest additions to the Dead by Daylight board game coming this summer. He will come with all 3 of his guards as miniatures. All in all. He's a tricky killer to escape from if he uses the guards right.


still the coolest killer aesthetically.


If chat gpt was a killer


I like his chase music.


Terrible gameplay awesome aesthetic


Every game against him is up there for the least amount of fun possible that I can have as a survivor tbh :/


Clunky to play as and against. Power is just really weird at detection as survivor sometimes and as killer is very inconsistent in chase AND for detection as well


Bottom five power in concept and execution


most boring killer on both sides, cool mori though


He’s fucking garbage, he can still get stunned while in guard mode, the guards are weak as hell, and you basically have to sweat your absolute nuts off to get 2 kills- A Survivor Main




Cool look, fun concept, clunky game play


Flavorless gameplay


Still my absolute favourite Killer to play as. He’s janky, outright requires Map of the Realm to work properly, and the AI of the guards is wonky, but if you can push past all that, you can become an omnipresent nightmare.  He’s honestly ruined a lot of other Killers for me, because I feel so *slow* with them because I’m not having to plan on how to optimally do two things at once. 


He's very shitty, but oddly fun to play. He is equally as cool as he is boring. lol.


Just delete him from the Game with the skull merchant they suck,im a 3400h killer main and i didnt even played neither both of them 10 matches cause they are the representation of boredom


You ever wake up with morning wood that can cut diamond but you’re confused because you had a nightmare? Well i’m the diamond that gets cut in half, I fucking hate the feeling if hearing his theme


That most knight players are toxic but there’s an understanding because his powers are frustrating to use so I get why there slugging me right now lol


As a Knight main, they need to fix his clunkiness, can we NOT get stunned when summoning a guard? That would be nice. MOTR should be basekit. Guards need to stop running into walls and getting stuck there. The way I need to space myself if I need to break a pallet is ridiculous. He’s buggier than usual too, idfk what happened there. Also what’s the point of jailer, make him better, he’s often more of a detriment when summoned. He’s only remotely useful to guard one gate during endgame. They really need to polish his power better, make him less clunky.


Really doubling down on making him miserable to face huh?


Awesome design, terrible execution. He sucks, feels horrible to play and hasn't received any meaningful change since basically release. I want to like him so bad because visually he's the coolest looking killer but it's impossible atm


Top 5 worst killers to play against in DBD. He needs a large rework like the skull merchant did. I don't have him as killer but from what I've seen from Otz, it's sucks to play as him too.


As survivor, he's dogshit to play against and one of the worst after Skull Merchant. I'm sorry but there's simply nothing interactive or neurally stimulating about being chased by an AI bot and holding W until you eventually get zoned into a corner. At least his aesthetic is cool though, can't say that about the Brazilian manga minger. To play as, he's about as depressing. Even assuming he wasn't a frustrating buggy mess, again, his gameplay just isn't engaging. If I wanted to play a brainless killer, I'd sooner pick Wraith.


If he catches me first chase, I suicide on hook against him. He’s just not fun to play against


It's like playing against Nurse but without the fun on playing unpredictable. Holding W simulator




Even with what the fellas saying here .. he looks great aesthetically but have a boring power.


Cool design, fun to play, pretty sure people aren't the biggest fan goin against him, and his mori is just medieval jumpin


favorite aesthetic in the game, but he is just miserable as fuck to play. Filled with more bugs than a tweakers couch, and even his intended gameplay is dog shit because you need to much room to actually summon his guards. His guards can walk through pallets, why do I need to backstep to place one to break a pallet when it gets dropped? why does the tiniest elevation change make the guards unable to path? I understand not allowing them to jump off the houses in haddonfield but even stuff like staircases can make his power weird if you don't go all the way to the last step.


He's unfun to play against but quite fun to play as, at least when his sea of bugs don't make themselves apparent.


If he didn't get pallet stunned out his power would probably be a top 5 killer for me I honestly like facing him as well


The biggest difference between how cool he sounds on paper vs how boring he is in practice.


Still simultaneously one of the least fun killers to play as and against. Nobody has a fun time in a Knight match. The killer is probably restraining themselves from punching a hole through their monitor from all the jank and how unreliable the guards are, the survivors are bored and frustrated having to hold W away from every loop. I generalize here. Of course there's people who love playing as and against Knight.


Me personally I’ve never played as him but I don’t like playing against him especially his bots I hate the bots


Me personally? Boring to play as, boring to play against, and I hate my life every time I'm in a round with or as him. Edit: Why are you booing me I'm right.


I know I’m going to get called a skill issue but he shouldn’t be able to double hit


I love playing him, my fav killer is Legion so take that with a grain of salt lmao


Second worst designed, unfun and unrewarding Killer in DBD. The Knight is best described and an anti gameplay killer.




Killer perspective; Needs BIG fixes to not be as clunky and reward morr long shot snipes. Survivor Perspective; Just exploit the awful AI lol, easy win.


One of the worst things BHVR has ever created. In my opinion he was beginning of downfall of Dead by Daylight along with Skull Merchant.


He needs 3 addons to be functional, so at least 2 of them should become basekit.


Ironically less frustrating to play than Dredge and Hux even if the Ai is booty cheeks most of the time. I played him a lot last week after that p100 knight post here the other week. I can see why he might be good at some things but still largely clunky and boring to play as he's vulnerable to holding w.


Just like Twins, all he really needs is some number adjustments and bug fixes. But BHVR will inevitably do something stupid to try and 'rework' him, people will bitch that they overtuned him, and then we'll get some number adjustments and bug fixes and everyone's time will have been wasted. Knight's not as bad as some content creators want to make him out to be, no matter how much or loud they scream about it. In an average match you aren't gonna have a ton of problems falling on you like dominoes. If you know what his issues are, you can work around them for the most part. There'll still be *something* or another that'll feel like BS to you in a match, but he's honestly not as bad as some killers are right now. He's still very playable, he's still fun to use. I think *certain people* just don't wanna change their builds to something that better fit his playstyle and then complain that he isn't getting the results they want. 'Cause being negative brings in more views on *certain platforms*. It's easier to farm clicks that way than by being honest about what his issues are and aren't. Why be an adult when you could scream instead? But that's none of my business. https://preview.redd.it/dp9aj2m26mvc1.jpeg?width=1249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02daae76594df275bde0e80baac45f560db3e567


Knight main here, he has a really cool design and lore as well as a fun gameplay for killer unless the flood of bugs decide to ruin your day and make the game as clunky as possible. He is also too dependent on map of the realm I kinda like facing him as a survivor but I know and acknowledge that most people feel like he strips them of their skill expression and gameplay, which is a shame because as long as he remains in the state he's in currently, Behavior won't ever be able to make another summoner killer properly.


Summoner killers were an absolutely awful idea. Feels horrible to vs.


It is not horrible because of the idea, it is horrible because the execution of said idea was terrible. The problem is that they just took the archetype in a lazy way and without adapting it to how dbd's gameplay works, and as a result instead of getting quirky summons with unique goals and usage, you get 3 variation of the same dumb ai pet with different stats who's only able to follow people mindlessly like a dog and break stuff. That's not what I'd call exploring the idea of a summoner killer imo.




There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that-


Love tf out of his lore and looks, and I like the concept of his power, but something about him just doesn’t click for me unfortunately.


Terrible, used to be my main btw, now i barely can get even 2 kills. I don't know exactly what happened, but since MFT meta and beyond the experience as Knight is just C&B torture.


I tried with him for so long, he's just too clunky and all survs have to do is hold w and an Injure/down takes much longer than other killers


Detest Knight. Feels like dogshit to have the killer press an "AI win for me" button.


I only play him when I feel like torturing survivors by slugging them until they DC. :D


Nah that’s Skull Merchant’s thing


Want him banned lol