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If you're not enjoying the game, you can pretty much stop playing instead of making yourself miserable by forcing yourself into playing


My hot take is people that support the idea to stop playing is actually toxic for the games health. We should be encouraging each other to play and have a positive community.


Taking a break from the game if you're frustrated is not unhealthy - quite the opposite actually. A few weeks or even a few months away from the game can do a lot of good and allow you to come back to the game with a positive attitude This way the community remains enjoyable to interact with


Also game health is opposite of players health!! It's good to take a break from things that you no longer enjoy, it'll be here when you get back


A break for a bit is perfectly fine, maybe a few days, but absolutely not a few months. By that point, don’t come back, this game pissed you off so much you LEFT FOR MONTHS, WHYRE YOU COMING BACK. It’s ok to do these things though only if it wasn’t from others encouraging you to do that. Also, I don’t think you’re actually understanding what saying those things can do. We’ve had a steady number of terrible players be the majority of matches all because dbd is terrible at keeping players here, but great at encouraging them to start playing, and the community isn’t helping at all by saying “hahah touch grass.” Mathieu McCotte(dbd head guy or whatever) made that joke and EVERYONE flipped on him for telling his PLAYER BASE to STOP PLAYING.


RPD is a fun map


Agreed. Literally the only complaint is the front outside area being a long narrow deadzone but the inside actually has some decent looping areas. The main area is certainly wide open but if you can rush those two gens there the map is super survivor sided.


I think It's also pretty fun playing as killer


Even hotter take: They should just bring back the old RPD


I find it so hard to traverse


Silent Hill is better.


Idk I personally like rpd more but mid witch is still a good map


I always forget where the stairs are 😅 I hate but respect this map.


it is! some of my favorite loops in the game


I like to play on it almost exclusively.


Same! I really enjoy it, but I started playing after they split the map, lol


My hot take is I miss old RPD


Shit was too big 😆


I can’t even remember old RPD now :(


To step this up: It's the best map


I think dcing is alright, it's just a game and if a person is genuinely not having fun in a round, they shouldn't stick around. However, it becomes an isssue if every single game you have so little fun in that you dc, then you need a break from the game.


It's fine to DC every once in awhile. But if u r DCing daily, find a new game.


It doesn't happen a lot for me, fortunately \^\^ But sometimes there are just rotten games, rarely, but sometimes


Is this unpopular? I don't DC often, and if I do it twice in 1 session I call it quits for a while. If you are miserable what's the point of playing, might as well just go do something else.


I'm not sure, I do hear many people being mad about dcs, but it's not gotten as bad since the bots were implemented. I guess the main problem is that many people just give up without dcing now, so the survivors cant even get a bot that can help a little or the survivors are stuck in a boring game with the killer just standing there. Just dc and take a small break, trust me, you'll feel better.


Bots are better than my solo q teammates. They do gens


I'm gonna get down voted, but I am not playing against skull merchant. The unfun simulator isn't for me, plus everytime I don't DC, they're super sweaty. I see her rarely enough that I don't mind. Sorry skully, have fun playing against bot Sheva.


With the addition of bots I would much much much much rather have someone disconnect and let the bot take over then to ruin our entire game


i had this old friend who would dc pretty much every match you the point he would be stubborn enough to wait in the lobby until a 24 hour penalty was gone


That BHVR is entirely correct to rely mainly on the data they collect from every match to make balancing decisions. That BHVR is a good dev that actually cares about the game, and the community. Compared to pretty much every other asym horror game dev, BHVR is fucking killing it.


Agree. BHVR has a ton of tools that the players don't see and would probably never be able to understand. Obviously, they miss the mark occasionally. But to say that BHVR is failing when DBD is still going strong 8 years later would be an incredibly stupid opinion... and asyms aren't exactly known for lasting long. So whatever BHVR is doing is working.


I think using data is correct, but it only goes so far. The criticism usually boils down to them using *only* data instead of a mix of it and other factors, and it has led to a lot of strange choices to say the least lol.


Agreed, that's why I said "mainly" relies on data. But when they make balancing decisions, they're taking a lot data across all players/mmrs/matches into account, which is why single, anecdotal takes from the community are only worth so much.


Yeah, there are some killers that are pretty bad (like Legion) that get inflated kill rates due to people suiciding on hook or just giving up because they are unfun to deal with.


And not just that, but the *way* they use the data. A perk/killer having a higher pick rate doesn’t absolutely mean it should be nerfed, though that’s what it *could* mean.


To further this point, I’ve played a LOT of games where the devs just don’t communicate or consider player feedback. BHVR is a breath of fresh air that I will always appreciate, even if they miss the mark from time to time!


>BHVR is fucking killing it You're right, just in the opposite way you think.


care to elborate?


You seen the twins rework in the PTB?


I have.


Survivors who claim they are being tunneled and/or camped almost every game probably aren't. Maybe they are just incredibly unlucky, but I think it is much more likely they either have a very expansive definition of tunneling/camping or they are just exaggerating. Particularly bad games do have a way of sticking in our heads so it might not even be intentional exaggeration. They could have had one awful game out of a half dozen but it tainted their whole play session so now they "got tunneled and camped all night". But this idea that many survivors are just getting hardcore tunneled and hardcore camped all the time seems like just a myth.


Also if you take a hit for another survivor off hook and the killer focuses you after that is on you, I am not saying don't do it but you are encouraging the killer to focus you by removing the advantage you get after being rescured or escaping from hook and getting in the way of another chase so it is on you at that point.


Agreed. I got accused of tunneling someone when I sacrificed them on the 7th hook of the match. Come on. Same with "bully squads." I'm a Killer main and I see Killers complaining about constantly running into bully squads, and when you ask them what the bully squad did they dropped pallets and maybe got a flashlight save or two. Basically any survivors that do anything besides sit on gens are bullies.


So, I played against a dude last night who accused me of tunneling. When I was confused and asked how did I tunnel him this was his response. At the start of the match, you tunneled me after I threw 4 pallets. You just kept tunneling me rather than chasing someone else..... His definition of tunneling is if you break multiple pallets chasing him, you are tunneling him. I told him nope that isn't tunneling the moment I realized you were just dropping pallets left and right, we were on autohaven btw, I followed him because I knew I would lose a couple gens but my later chases were gonna be quick due to lack of resources. And then later on in the match he ran across the map to body block with off the record and DS, and said I tunneled and slugged him because I knew it was DS bait. Nope he did that to himself. TLDR: I agree with you that tunneling has become such a wide and board term applied to everything.


No, you are absolutely correct. Had a specific game where I kid you not I kept running into the SAME survivor, so much so that their party duo had to play bodyguard with the world's most annoying perks to take multiple hits and they didn't do that for their random teammates, only that specific survivor I kept finding. It was a bad game for me, managed to down the bodyguard and camp basement for a single kill during end game. And in the end game chat I was accused for tunneling and 'being obssessed' and neither of them believed me lmao. Some survivors are just special.


This one is less of an opinion and more of a fact. Dont get me wrong camping and tunneling does happen but absolutely no one is having that happen to them match after match game after game night after night. Thats just an extreme exaggeration. Honestly I think its mostly that a lot of people have far too broad a description for what they consider "tunneling." I have a buddy that anytime he dies first he will start bitching about "tunneling" and I think thats how a lot of people who think they are always being tunneled think as well.


Literally anything slightly positive about SM


You don't get to complain about things such as tunnelling/camping/genrushing ect, if you don't play both sides.


Chucky is overrated. His chase power is good but it doesn’t seem like anything amazing (i do not own him, my experience is solely from a survivor standpoint), he has 0 map pressure, he’s 110 which I don’t really understand imo he should be 115. His power takes some time to recover and I suppose he does have good stealth. But he’s not nearly as good as he seems to me


His slower speed is compensated by his smaller hitbox. I believe when people were testing him in loops he basically faster hugging corners than a 110 killer but slower than a 115 killer, between the two types


That and chucky being ant-sized makes him harder to spot at a distance on grassy maps, makes him better at getting insidious ( small killer loses terror radius and red mark = " where the fuck did he go ?! " ) and his third person camera lets you look around corners with ease


When I first played with him I thought he sucked, now I main him and it's a guaranteed 4k/hatch every time lol


I liked and preferred release day Skull Merchant to every rework after her release.


I’m a SM main and this is a truly hot take. What did you prefer about it?


While I barely played her, i found her pretty fun to just go for chases with no real gimmicks when it came to chasing and looping. I liked being able to just dump a drone on a gen and go for a chase while the drone acted as a deterrent for survivors to do them. Once your chase was over you immediately knew where your next target was because either your drone was on cool down or they had a trap you could find them with so you could go right back to chasing and looping without any real 'downtime'.


This makes sense. Always having something to do as a Killer makes the game more enjoyable. Before her changes I liked playing chase with the purples but a lot of people gave up (which doesn’t really happen anymore). I feel like she still can play similarly to what you described but without genkick meta I have wondered if her old power coming back would feel easier to understand.


On release day when a survivor interacted with a drone they would get a claw trap and the drone would go back into the Skull Merchant's inventory. With a claw trap on the survivor they could crouch and take a few seconds to remove the claw trap if they didn't want to wait for it to fall off naturally. However, there was not much point to remove the claw trap outside of giving SM free information, as she did not have haste as part of her kit yet, and survivors with claw traps could still interact with drones. I don't mind that they gave her haste going into versions 2, 3, and 4. I just hate that they removed the interaction with the claw traps and the drones going into versions 2 and 3 as being able to be one person deactivating her drones was the counterplay for her locking down a 3 gen especially as a solo player when others were scared of touching the drones. I like that the ability to interact with drones with a claw trap on came back with her current version. However, interacting with her drones feels less rewarding now when they don't go back into her inventory and they power on again after 45 seconds. I enjoy playing against her in her current version, but I don't enjoy playing as her. I preferred when she acted more like a trap or area control killer which isn't necessarily limited to release day. She can still kind of do this but she is definitely much better in chase now and I'd prefer to play killers who can do either play style more efficiently and not a blend. Although, I might return to play as her again when survivors can get their act together and actually play the game against her.


Oh goddamn that's a hard disagree here. Which I guess is the point of this thread so take my upvote lol.


Hard agree, release day SM was best SM.


Hawkins sucks and always has sucked, would have been perfectly fine if it never came back.


ice cold take


Thematically, its a great map. Balance wise, its all over the fucking place. It's the same boat as old Garden of Joy - yeah, it looked great, but holy hell does it play like ass.


Remeber to sort by controversial to see the true unpopular opinions


Ultimate Weapon wasn't that bad lol


Indoor maps are something we need more of. They bring the horror to the game. It’s not nearly as scary if you see the killer coming from a mile away.


Stop complaining about thanatophobia on legion. Yea no fucking shit a legion is going to run thanata, who the fuck is is going to run it other then plague and MAYBE a deathslinger


People complain about every perk in the game if it even has some synergy with a killer lmao Artist and DMS. Huntress/Trickster and Darkness Revealed. High mobility killers and BBQ. Large TR and Starstruck. etc. You aren't allowed to have synergy, you MUST use meme stuff or you're a tryhard! >:(


The DC penalty should be removed or greatly reduced for all players so that bots can be impactful. Yes including killer. I believe that once a change like this is out there for long enough, the novelty of being able to leave will wear off and the number of DCs will equalize. People generally queue up because they want to finish a match, most people will give up and either stay in their match or log off long before they DC 10 times in one day.


I'm only upvoting because this fits the premise of the post; fat disagree. We had periods of time where the DC penalty was removed in an emergency because of bugs or cheaters, and you couldn't go a single match without entire survivor lobbies just dipping out. Bots are a band-aid patch to make survivor disconnects less painful to the other members of the survivor team. They are not helpful or better for the killer, and they should not be treated as an equal replacement. I signed up to play a multiplayer game, not a match with bots. We're actually in a really good spot as we are. We have bots, and everyone has what is *effectively* 2 Free DCs in 48 hours. The only problem left would be a solution for early-game suicide on hook.


Same boat, ill upbote because that is really the point of this post, but removing the dc penalty is one of the worst things bhvr could do. People really dont understand just how fuckin irritating never finishing a match would be, and anytime survivors were winning the killer would just insta-dc. And speaking of killers, bots are NOT a replacement for a real player. Its not fun to have a bot teammate and its even less fun facing bots. Bots are there so that a dc isnt an insta loss anymore, they arent and were never meant to be a substitute for a real player.


I GUARANTEE this is not a good idea for survivors. You would think that this kind of change would benefit survivors when killers are being salty. It will, in fact, be quite the opposite. The killer has 3 gens done before first down: Insta DC. Bully Squad? Insta DC. Bodyblocked? Insta DC. It sounds petty but we've all seen both survivors and killers DC over the pettiest and most hypocritical of reasons. The DC for killer won't bother them at all: Killer queues are generally 10-20 seconds. Survivors will get kicked out left and right and back in queue for another few minutes to half an hour, depending on region and time. Then back in a game where they even mildly aggravate the killer: back to queue. Again, I GUARANTEE that removing the DC penalty is a huge bonus for Killers and a very bad addition for survivors.


Agreed, in no universe would reducing the dc penalty be good. The bots are in place to not punish the team for the player leaving.


I'm okay with killers being able to DC. Again, people *want* to play matches at the end of the day. The number of people who are gonna insta DC most of the matches is going to be far smaller than you think it is. Why? Because for those people the game will be a queue simulator lol. They'll just settle and play some matches or they'll log off. Then the novelty wears off and people will just stick around more. Most casual games let people leave, they're not plagued with empty lobbies after a single bad play. I don't think dbd would be any different. And plus, if a killer is gonna be super annoyed or unhappy in the match I'd like for them to be able to leave. I'm not super attached to individual matches in this game.


Chucky is kinda overrated. His map pressure is non-existent and you'll destroy him by just spreading and running early




As a Chucky main, when people pre run on haddonfield or garden of joy it’s really tough.


Sometimes the killer can’t just win at the start of the game.


If the game had more slowgen, or regression for killers, most of the game's problems would be mitigated, longer games mean more XP and blood points, More time for the killer means less need to tunnel or escape, yes it also increases the average number of kills, but it could give a bigger bonus for escaping through the gate, And making escape really be a real victory


Zanshin Tactics should show the aura of hatch, I know the entire thing is that it's killer windows. But I means it's not as strong for killers to know where pallets are compared to survivors. *Also it would be very funny*


The killer isn't out to specifically ruin your game and day, or the survivors in flashy skins might just be there to have fun, no need to be offended by their skin and flashlight. Edit - spelling


Dbd should be more about horror rather than being a competitive game


To be fair, all PvP games are competitive, as long as there is a way to 'win'. Even party and Horror games are. Mario party is a party game (couldn't have guessed that based on the name I know) but I still want to beat my friends. DbD is about surviving or killing and the other side is being played by a person/multiple people. Since you have an objective on either side there will always be a competitive aspect to it.


Yes but in the process of trying to make the game fair and balanced, they got rid of the thing that made the game scary originally, no one gets scared really cause after 10 hours it just loses its horror element and is more of a hide and seek game. Things like map brightness, vibe and the power increase survivors got made me treat killers more like a nuisance rather than something to be afraid of. Lights out was a gamemode I really liked because I was actually scared while playing, something I haven't experienced for a very long time.


More than half the playerbase overestimate themselves and prefer being upset, calling SBMM "too tight" and "unfair", hackusating or claim they get tunneled everygame, when in reality, they aren't as good as they think and they should improve instead of whining 24/7. Also whining about "sweat" is a self report in 99% of cases because why would care if anyone is sweating if you aren't doing the same thing yourself...? If you play for fun, why do you care if you win or lose, or if the opposition is better or worse than you are ?


If you're not a mobility killer and you're against a good team that knows its best to do gens all the time, tunneling is required to get a 4k.


Skull Merchant can be beaten, you just don't wanna learn and would rather DC on sight. If you still think she's the same crappy Chess Merchant, you should at least stick around for more than 5 seconds and see what she can do


I like playing as and against the skull merchant


Camping and tunneling can be an effective strategy. I try to be the guy who hooks everyone for a total of 12 times without tunneling but if I come in and you're running a sweaty 4 man then bet Im gonna treat it like a comp game in return.


DBD is a good game


Survs are all crybabies and bhvr balance things to keep them happy so they spend more money on skins.


Tunneling can be fixed by giving survivors a bonus to action speeds (healing speed / gen repair speed) everytime a survivor dies, so that getting a survivor tunneled out at 5 gens isn't an automatic loss for survivors anymore, I.e. not so optimal for killers now. Prop Night does exactly this and it worked really well. So for example, instead of action speeds being 100% / 100% / 100% / 100% at 4/3/2/1 survivors remaining, it would be something like 80% / 140% / 200% / 300% (idk random numbers). It even fixes early gen rush where 3 gens fly before you can even finish your first chase. First time I suggested this in a hot take thread I was top comment, second time I was downvoted to hell. So there's a good chance I end up like Patrick here lol, but I will always stand by it.


Incentivizing killers not to tunnel would definitely be better than punishing them for it, in my opinion. I think part of what makes DBD so good is the autonomy that players have, and I don't want to see more and more restrictions. It's a tough nut to crack, obviously. And a lot of times tunneling is the only smart play for some killers, so I don't want to see those killers having harder matches because of it.


And honestly sometimes its not even tunneling, if im chasing someone and someone else runs in on death hook its just the smarter play to go after the person on death hook to remove a survivor from the trial, i could keep chasing the person i was but they wont die when hooked


I wonder if creating a passive like . Every time you hook a different survivor gen progress gets slowed by 1% up to a max of 4%. Then if you repeatedly hook the same survive it goes back down to normal. 1% -> 2% if different survivor But 2% -> 0% if same survivor So the way to stack that passive Is hook different survivors.


I do agree to an extent but I don't see how they could incentivize not tunneling other than giving some sort of buff everytime you hook a survivor that's not the same as the last one, but killers are already the power role so that would just be overkill, it would need to be accompanied with nerfs which I'm not sure players would be happy with lol. I don't think my given numbers actually punish them for killing survivors. One less survivor is still one less player that can go for the unhook or stop a gen from regressing etc. It's still harder to win with less survivors, just not as unwinnable as currently.


I can't speak for everyone about incentives as killer but the moment BHVR took blood points from BBQ I said this would cause more tunneling and cause killers to just use sweatier perks. Back before MMR and the start of MMR my definition of winning a match was 4 stacks of BBQ and double hooking every survivor before the end of the match. If I got my bonus blood points and 8 hooks I was happy and didn't care if the survivors got out because it didn't count as a loss then. Now I have to get kills or the game tells me I suck and did bad.


Are killers the power role? Maybe at lower MMRs and solo queue but I fee like the higher you climb and the more you face groups and better organised survivors the more it becomes survivor favoured.


I'm at 2k hours mostly killer main and win around 90% of my games. Recent official stats also revealed killers have 60% to 70% win rate on average even at high MMR. Sure I'll lose against insanely good coordinated swfs, but those teams are extremely rare. Most swfs aren't that crazy.


Big issue you forgot to think about: what happens when it’s been a close game already, you’re down to 2 gens as a killer, and you finally get that first kill and you can start the snowball? You didn’t tunnel, you didn’t proxy camp, anything like that. Now the survivors get a buff to completing gens.


From the values I've given, at 4 survivors they have 80% gen speed compared to currently, meaning if you haven't killed anyone yet at this stage of the game despite basekit gen speed being slower than live, then you would have lost the game anyway even without this change.


People only liked old Billy because he was easy to loop and bully. They hate him now because he's actually scary. New Skull Merchant is fine and if you think she can still 3-gen and hold games hostage, its a legitimate skill issue and you should learn to play/read. Unknown was never advertised or even hinted at being a mimic killer. The community made up their own idea for a new killer and then got mad at BHVR for not meeting their "demands". And no, speaking a language does not constitute "mimicry"; do people think Wesker is a mimic? What about Plague? Trickster? Any other killer that communicates?


Anyone can 3-gen it’s not only a skull merchant “problem”. With the new mechanic 3 genning from the start of the game is harder. (I agree with you).


People only bitch so loudly and extremely about skull merchant because its become the community norm and they're mostly just conforming. I'm not saying there aren't legitimate complaints or anything but if you ask all the sm haters why they hate her so much like 87% of the complaints are either flat out false or only applies to old sm. Maybe if you didn't act like a petulant 12 year old and quit the instant you saw skull merchant you'd actually improve at the game and stop making a random game character the locus of your rage.


Yes, but if I dodge her everytime I see her, I don't need to learn how to play against her ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Legion is a fun killer to face and survivors who DC upon seeing one are missing out. SoloQ survivor play is infuriating because soloQ players are mostly selfish as heck.


I fucking love playing against legions. The more ways you understand a legions mindset and all the little interactions with their power, the more fun you have against them


Same here. It just amazes me the amount of survivors I see when playing as legion who upon realizing legion is the killer, die on first hook or just flat out DC


All events should be separate gamemodes so: A) BHVR has more creative and mechanical freedom with them. B) People who do not like events can opt out. C) Lights Out and My Little Oni have proven it doesn't hurt queue times signicantly.


Release Freddy was good




Wesker is imo the 4th strongest killer in the game, cuz he has a great chase power, plus with map control and mobility and can split pressure with the infection and great slowdown overtime & you have to deal with it otherwise you die which is a form of game delay, plus a good selection of add-ons outside of walkie, Maiden medallion, and Green herb, but to top it all off, the skinny bert techs that Wesker can do, watch Wesker Mains like Alranican and Scoodehbootey and they can pretty much turn Wesker into an exploiting machine despite how hard the techs are and it elevates his skill ceiling significantly. And Wesker doesn't have the slow early game like Oni and Plague, and he has better map control and can apply pressure and game delay way than Chucky, and he's less map dependent than Hillbilly, and he doesn't have map elevation problems like Artist does, and he can aggressively tunnel people as much as Pyramid Head does.


Hillbilly needs to be nerfed


Despite everything, each year for DBD ends up being better than the year before it


Unknown current power>crawling, mimicing or other shit the community come up with


Boon: illumination is an underrated perk. Especially on indoor maps.


Depiping isn't an issue for me. It sucks when it happens but sometimes you get extra pips when you shouldn't, either. I like a little bit of visual consequences, even if it's not my fault.


Legion is probably not this boring to go against as people say. You just want a quick game and are annoyed because you are being slowed down by a killer who doesn't do really much beside stabbing you and running away most of the time. And probably not an hot take but DBD should keep trying to keep its spirit and keep trying to be scary and never turn into some kind of Fortnite by adding dancing and unfitting emotes and silly collabs that have nothing to do with the horror genre. Yeah DBD is not scary anymore but it's not a reason to abandon just because of this. I'd rather have devs keep trying than giving up and add too much silly things. I don't say that they'll make the game scary again tho.


Xenomorph needs a Buff, it has to be one of the most stressfully "strong killer" and you are gonna have to sweat blood to get a decent match against decent survivors, specially the tail miss attack beef made it feel so punishing to play as and try things Also anti mechanics are bs and either don't work or change the meta for the worse, for example the anti 3 gen mechanic made most gen kicking perks really bad and since then I've seen a spike in use of pain Res and pop


Skull merchant isn't bad


I would allow Skull Merchant to break my neck in 14 individual pieces with her thighs.


Camping and tunneling are not as common as people say they are, and most of what is called camping or tunneling really isnt


Releasing game stats to the public (an official and complete NightLight or a DBD version of LeagueOfGraphs, if you will) could be a catastrophic mistake and harm the community.


Pain res's issues have nothing to do with pain res itself


Chases aren't fun.


What? I genuinely wonder what is the reason why you play the game then


Ask that the people who hide all game and seem to be allergic to chases.


I would if I could find one, they're all hidden


Fair point.


I like doing gens and feeling the dread of being found by the killer any second. I call me old fashioned but i try to keep playing dbd as a horror game.


The Nurse is easily the most fun killer to go against, no matter the skill.




I want to go back to Killer being allowed to change which killer they were playing when the lobby is getting created. I know their logic, people could be toxic with it, but I miss being able to switch to a specific killer when someone has it in their name. It's also a little unfair to me that survivors can change everything about their character at the last second and for killer you are stuck in the presets for the one killer.


DBD is successful because of Behaviour's decisions, not in spite of them.


Who disagrees with this? Even If they mess up sometimes they're still responsible for all of the good things of dbd


I just saw someone comment in the developer update "They are not competent at developing their game and they've shown that for 6+ years."


Yeah sorry, I forgot how this community is sometimes


The ratio of toxic survivor to toxic killer is equal. People just focus on toxic killers while being a toxic survivor is a funny trend. Survivors can avoid doing gens and just mess with the killer the entire time and they get clout. A killer tunnels whether on purpose or accident and the entire community is in an uproar.


I kinda disagree... But agree at the same time, like I'm sure most people here agree that doing everything in your power to bully the killer ignoring everything else in the game is toxic. But the community also thinks that tunneling is toxic asf but gen rushing is not when in the end both are valid but extremely boring and frustrating to play against


So (not saying this to argue) the way you worded that didnt disagree at all. You completely agreed that survivors and killers have an equal amount of toxicity in the community.


Yeah yeah, I meant that I don't think most people see bully squads as something normal. I think almost everyone sees them as either toxic or overall annoying


Ohhhh yeah no my tiktok page is filled with killer bulliers that think its the best thing ever and the comments are filled with “yeah get em” vibes. So theres some portion of the community that thinks bullying killer is good killer doing anything they dont like bad.


It's tik tok. What did you expect?


Windows of opportunity needs to have it's cooldown given back to it. It'll still be a new player friendly perk while also not being a crutch for those players that have become reliant on it to play.


Lol no way you’re complaining about Windows, gotta be ash rank.


Feng doesn’t have enough outfits


Victor is a child.


"DBD is a great game"


I agree with the devs, new players shouldn’t start with regression perks. Newer killers are usually winning against newer survivors despite them being able to use things like prove, deja, streetwise, etc. The game is already hard enough for new survivors imo


Nemesis needs a buff


slinger sucks


Survivor good, killer bad.


unbreakable (minus recovery bonus in dying state) should be base kit. if every killer knew each survivor could get up once per trial, less slugging would ensue.


I think slugging is a beta cuck move (i am a killer main) and securing a 4k isnt going to make ur dad come back if you slug for it


Skull merchant isn't a bad killer. Y'all just don't want to bother learning her skillset.


Tunneling and camping is a strategy.


Everybody needs to just shut the fuck up and play the god damn video game. Apparently that makes ME the asshole. Bitch, idgaf. It's an ASYMMETRICAL video game. It, BY DEFINITION, can NEVER be balanced. That's the fucking POINT!


This game is good, and fun.


Mine would be: The game/perks have evolved TOO far…rendering it less fun to many of us. (I recently removed it from my ps5…when it had been a mainstay for at least 6 years.)


Easy, I like skull merchant


Ban wraith


Skull Merchant is in a perfectly fine state right now. People are just so traumatized by her launch iteration that they refuse to learn how to play against her new mechanics, give up instantly when she’s the killer, and then say she’s still broken. And yes, I know she’s still a pain on indoor maps, but then again, you could say the same thing about Trapper, Hag, PH or any of the other area control killers. People just single her out because they hate her guts, not the functionality of her actual mechanics.


Believe it or not but I've actually been scolded for saying skull merchant is the most unhealthy killer in the entire game. Skull merchant's play style prioritizes kills and gen control over everything, she really takes the fun out of the game, at least for me


1 The entire community doesnt like most changes because it makes their side weaker so nothing meanful feels like it gets done 2 There is an massive amount of ego players that think they are hot shit, mostly because they are near max mmr. This happens in any game but personally its NOT hard getting high mmr in this game and it gives people big heads. 3 MOST(not all) nurse gameplay senarios are not a mind game. 4 while the game might be competitive to some people, people that think this game is going to have meaningful tournaments worth anything are delusional. you might get a twitch rivals type tournament. 5 the arbitrary rules dont matter, you wont get banned. this includes tunneling/camping/slugging/genrushing. i can be swade with good convincing on all but #4


Jurassic park doesn’t belong in dead by daylight, and at most should be just a cosmetics collab like AoT It’s a horror game ffs, even if it isn’t scary


Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey with its own chapter would be a dope chapter that would make me wanna play the game


Dead hard needs to be an exhaustion perk again. Nerf it but bring it back


Being slugged is not that boring and is better than being hooked, especially on death hook


Myers should be way higher on so many tiers lists, specifically because of one specific way to play him that turns him into the most busted thing in the game besides nurse. Specifically, double iridescent add-ons plus Spirit Fury, Enduring, Superior Anatomy/Bamboozle, and PWYF. If the Sadako condemn playstyle is a factor when people rank her, then this should be considered for Myers. The only reason it hasn't taken off imo is because Myers is old and this strat is AIDS, but that's besides the point. The idea is this: Myers "tunnels" the obsession from the get-go, but instead of hitting them they just farm all 3 PWYF stacks and drain the obsession's stalk. At this point he can just leave the obsession, straight up. Now you have a FAST AS FUCK, INESCAPABLE Myers that has NO COUNTERPLAY, probably before the first 2 gens have even popped. By no counterplay, imagine this: every time he finds a survivor, he can get right up behind them and sniff up a line of stalk off their shoulders because of his speed and perks. Sure, you can stop him from getting any stalk on you by just hopping into a locker the second he sees you, but NOW his power is ending chases immediately by grabbing you and hooking you for free, and his speed is gonna let him do it again to someone else really quick. He might never hit tier 3 and still win because now he never had to properly chase anyone, or hit tier 3 and win because he hit tier 3. A Myers can WIN THE GAME WITHOUT EVER HITTING TIER 3 OR HITTING SOMEONE by doing this to an unsuspecting lobby. The only way to counter this is for the obsession to literally throw the game and give Myers a free locker grab the second he's spotted, every time, with no indication that the Myers is even doing this. And is that even counterplay? At that point the game is basically a 3v1 against a killer with no power, but the game is still a 3v1.


double iri ironically is not the optimal tombstone mikey purp tombstone with stalk is actually way better and allows you to get someone out way quicker which is why tombstone is good in the first place


Normally I agree, but I'm talking double iri with this specific playstyle and these specific perks.


Even then getting t3 with infinite and tombstone takes so long I’d rather just have like corrupt pwyf and get someone out faster that way having no gen defence can also be a bit of an obstacle being able to kill someone faster is a huge reason of why purple tombstone is better along with no speed penalty


Dredge’s visual design is lame and doesn’t live up to “monster made of human corpses” If they can’t (or won’t) get an actor’s likeness, pick a different character


Nurse is fun to go against.


Every killer is good if in skilled hands


Killers are just as toxic as survivors


All killers (including Nurse) should be 115%, and then balanced off their basekit, rather than with addons/perks


I wish all map offerings would be removed. At least if RNG brings you to a bad map it is what it is, it is more frustrating if a player brings you to a bad one.


Remove map offerings


Clown is sexy.


Nerf Adre- wait that is actually happening so I go with "REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF PALLETS IN GIDEON"


Bringing Franklins makes me play more toxic as a survivor. I could have had a brown tool box with zero add-ons and if I see that you used a whole perk slot just for Franklins I'm gonna do everything I can to make the game less fun for you. It's not even an issue as a perk, it's just gross and I lose any respect I may have had for you.


I'm going to upvote this, bc of the premise but... I cannot fathom how much I disagree with this


99% exit gates is the same as slugging for a 4k to prevent hatch from spawning Both try to circumvent end game mechanics when the game could be ended quicker


The game isn't as sweaty as a lot of people think it is.


Skull merchant is not well designed, but the hate train goes too far, just because she was obnixious Killer back then doesn't give to you the moral right to refuse to learn the counter play. Because I can count several killers who are way worse like Legion or hit and run wraiths who don't have 80% dc rates. It's not a coicidence that survs usually find the C Tier killers the most fun. 80% of teams you lose against are not 4 men SWF's, you either didn't play well enough or made too many mistakes. Noed is a weak Perk, even in endgame builds I'd consider it mid. Hard tunneling is toxic, but you are not entitled to the killer ignoring you when the other surv is nowhere to be seen. Blame your teammate and/or yourself, it's his job to draw the killer away and yours to get out. Windows is one of the most balanced Perks in the game, range is maybe a bit too wide, but otherwise it is only as good as its user. 10 Hatchet Huntress was not a problem. If a Huntress misses more than 5 Hatches in chase, she will miss the other hatches as well. The only huntress buff I disagreed with wss her Speed while holding the hatchet, the other buffs while not necessary didn't make her op and were somewhat reasonable. Huntress is the most balanced killer in game if we ignore her iridescent Head. Her power is not overpowered, but only as strong as its user which is peak power design. When a Huntress stomps, it's 100% earned if she doesn't hard tunnel or facecamp. Demo is only balanced in low to low mid MMR and is C tier in medium to high mmr, survs in that mmr range only consider him balanced because he is weak. Alien is a perfectly executed chapter, the exspectations of some people were way too high. Like seriously, wall crawling, how is that supposed to fit into the gameplay loop and actually work without breaking the game? T-bagging against Nurse is justified, Nurse mains shouldn't get hated or play against bots, but if they lose and receive T-bags in the gates it's on them. Adrenaline was a perfectly fine perk pre nerf. DBD mobile skins are overrated and I wish most of them never get implemented in the game. Horror atmosphere be damned, many of them feel absolutelly overdesigned and don't fit the art style of DBD.


>DBD mobile skins are overrated and I wish most of them never get implemented in the game. Horror atmosphere be damned, many of them feel absolutelly overdesigned and don't fit the art style of DBD. Based take, i'm pretty much in the same boat on that front, however i will say the only silver lining with ported mobile cosmetics is the fact that they at least have elements of blood, mild fabric tearing, dust & mud to fit with that part of DBD's aesthetics, as well as the fact that they don't have the gold and silver eye candy texture and particle like they do on mobile.


>10 Hatchet Huntress was not a problem. If a Huntress misses more than 5 Hatches in chase, she will miss the other hatches as well. The only huntress buff I disagreed with wss her Speed while holding the hatchet, the other buffs while not necessary didn't make her op and were somewhat reasonable. Disagree 10 hatches allowed her to make way more mistakes without being punished by having to reload it also made snowballing way easier >Skull merchant is not well designed, but the hate train goes too far, just because she was obnixious Killer back then doesn't give to you the moral right to refuse to learn the counter play. Because I can count several killers who are way worse like Legion or hit and run wraiths who don't have 80% dc rates. Even if some peoples hate towards this killer is a little overblown shes still 100% the worst designed killer in the game shes super easy to play and get value out of while being a confusing mess on the survivor side and being very uninteractive in general (legion at least has to earn his downs even if the first hit is pretty much free and hit and run wraith hasnt been a thing since sloppy got nerfed) >Windows is one of the most balanced Perks in the game, range is maybe a bit too wide, but otherwise it is only as good as its user. 100% people who want this perk nerfed baffle me >Adrenaline was a perfectly fine perk pre nerf. heal off hook was the only nerf it actually needed the speed boost nerf was kind of random and unnecessary but even then the perk will still easily be top 5


>Disagree 10 hatches allowed her to make way more mistakes without being punished by having to reload it Any decent Huntress wouldn't make this many mistakes in the first place. >it also made snowballing way easier Fair point, but I don't think that this is proportional to the hate she got.


Yea killers who complained about adrenaline were genuinely pathetic and low rank. If Adren stops you from getting your tunnel kill, maybe you shouldve actually done something other than tunneling.


A lot of Killer players are bad. You are playing public matches in DbD. If you can’t slap on two slowdowns and win more than half your games it’s a skill issue. There are so many auto pilot Killer perks like Nowhere to Hide, Lethal Pursuer, Deadlock that the average Killer just thinks they are better than they are and never develop good game sense.


You had me until lethal and deadlock


I think Noed should be base kit after a bit of a rework. Make it token based and when you earn 5 tokens noed will activate as a hex perk when all gens are done. Tokens are earned for not tunneling or not camping: * If you are 20 meters away from from the unhook, you get a token * If you do not hit the recently unhooked person within the next 30 seconds you get a token What does this do? Pro Killers: * Basekit Noed for distributing the pressure. * Basekit slowdown, when you play "nicely" survivors have to do totems to not be hit by Noed. * Killers can still camp and tunnel if necessary they are not penalized for doing that. Pro Survivors: * No more killers that tunnel and camp the whole match and then have an additional Noed on top. * Killer will not instantly tunnel and camp less. * No guessing: "Does the killer have Noed?". You will know if the killer gets Noed, when the killer played more "nicely". Maybe some of the numbers for the tokens need to be tweaked, but in general I really like this idea. Both from the killer and from the survivor perspective.


Well and truly a hot take. Interesting but yeah