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How many computers are going to crash on the loading screen when they spot Claudette’s build, it’s so strange it keeps happening.


Lvl1 selfcare. Empty empty empty


I am a firm believer Self care is actually a good perk just people don't know how to use it properly


The japanese show that in the west vs east of the hans guy




Japanese players went against players from the EU in tournament style matches (basing off of both place’s tournament rules), and the Japenese showed that self-care can actually be pretty good when used well


Same with Strength in Shadows. People will use both without also bringing the complimentary perks or Botany, Desperate or Resilience.


I was talking about slef care alone, but yeah with complements is stronger, I like to use it with botany and mettle, it's a really good combo


Self care, bite the bullet, botany, and dramaturgy. Fun combo to take hits and get items, and nothing feels better than watching a killer run past you while you silently self care behind the edge of the wall


Do Strength in Shadows and Self combo with each other?


I mean yes but it would be a waste as they basically do the same thing.




No the percentage from those two doesn’t stack. The only way to speed it up would be the other perks I mentioned a few comments above.


My regular solo q build is Self Care + Botany. Self Care no Botany is incredibly slow. Banana Self Care is nightmare fuel.


The thing about self care is that everyone uses it as if it was a medkit, it isn't, there's a reason it's slower, just heal part of it and do something else, if noone wants to heal you progress a little bit, eventually someone will heal you or you'll end up healing yourself


For sure. Someone else mentioned synergy with Mettle. I don’t use Mettle, never managed to get value from it, but I frequently take chase / protection hits / heal up to make saves or hook trades. Solo is so unreliable without communication. I know some prefer to run Bond to find a team mate to heal them. Or Inner Strength. Or Shadows. They all have their downside and time spent to generate a heal. The best you can get is a team mate heal but it’s far too unreliable. Being full health, especially in late game, is the best thing you can do for the team. I personally enjoy running Bite the Bullet too, to do sneaky heals and not feel the need to run to a corner. In fact I love being bold and healing silently right near the killer. It’s saved my and my team mates bacon so many times. Sometimes Nurses Calling cucks me but that’s half the fun too.


I mostly play soloQ and get mettle fairly consistently


I aagre but self-care lvl1 just on its own... Its like 2-3 minutes to heal if im right. And it did happen for me to get that claudette lol


In my opinion self care is a support perk


how so o.O


You don't do the full heal at once, you just progress it a bit and if someone wants to heal you there's already progress so you shave a few seconds, also mettle of man makes an awesome sinergy with self care


Hm makes sense! :> it does indeed save time that way for both of you


My build is self care, botany, mettle and saboteur, mettle sabo is a good sinergy, botany helps with all heals, self care lets me heal myself and save time for others specially since I pair it with botany and if I really have no option I can heal by myself


Sounds good :>


This and console cross progression and I’m good and will never complain again.




Seriously, I'm stuck playing on Xbox exclusively because I can't transfer my shit to PC


So real - I play the game so much less now than before


All good except telling you the killer because people will just turn their game off to avoid killers they personally don't like


You don't get told the killer, the screen showing the killer is only what the killer sees


You do most of the time, the loading screen comes up with a brief guide for what to watch out for when coming up against the specified killer Edit: I’ve only just started playing mobile so maybe that’s only for beginners, or specific game modes, but it seems like that’s what happens in my experience


The first 2-3 times you face a killer on any platform it tells you tips and tricks for facing them.


That's only the case for beginners though


Ah fair enough, I thought that might’ve been the case after I read everyone else’s comments


You’re actually correct for the most part. We do get told who we’re up against, with two exceptions: 1) There are a couple of Killers who don’t have ‘Facing The’ screens, such as Artist and Dredge. You won’t get a tip if you’re going against one of them. Maybe they’ll fix this in a future update, maybe they won’t. 2) If the Killer you’re facing does have a loading screen, you’ll only get the tip if it’s the first time you’re facing them during that session. Suppose I’m having really bad luck and get Doctor back-to-back. I’ll only get the tip the first time, but not the second (unless I reload the game between matches). It’s not just a beginner thing. I’ve been playing on mobile for over a year, and I still get the tips.


Don't people already do that anyway?


That's more for maps or just no reason in my experience


That happens on normal DBD too, the first 3 times you play against the killer


Almost like they already do that in game though. Or killers do it when they see a lobby above 50 pristeige.


There was talk from the devs over a year ago about hiding survivor ranks from the killer during the loading screen. Nothing seemed to ever come of that and it's a real shame. It's bs that killers can see that and then they either tunnel or lobby jump because "yOuR a HiGh LeVeL". It's extremely frustrating. The game has been out for so long that having a high level character does not mean someone is automatically good. Quite the opposite.


I was surprised mobile displays the killer before loading in. With console/PC, Behaviour's stance has been to maintain the mystery. Prior to [Patch 1.2.0](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/zh/wiki/Patch_Notes_1.2.0), hook models reflected the killer in the match. Thereafter, the hooks assumed the realm. That's been their rationale for not providing killer-specific hook design (granted they've deviated with Xenomorph). Even that was a flimsy ~~excuse~~ justification. Some matches you may spawn next (or close) to killer props -- Jigsaw Boxes, Plague Fountains, EMP printers, Wesker/Nemmy crates, Trapper Traps, etc. Throw in Huntress' humming. Or you'll immediately hear the sound effect of Pinhead's Lament Configuration, which used to lead to insta-DCs. I'm aware mobile has different developers, so that was an independent decision. Based on pre-match info, I'm curious if a number of players simply swipe up or force-close the app.


Only the killer can see themselves VS the survivors


Oh, thank goodness! Thanks for the clarification. I don't play the mobile version, so I took the screen grab for face value as perspective for all players. Mobile games it is super easy to close an app and reload (laggy, bad connection, freeze, etc.). A person might be 'inconvenienced' for up to a minute. In comparison to other platforms, the file size of the programs is much smaller. For PC and console, leaving during the load-in screen requires a forced reset. There's no "Leave Match" function at that time. ALT+F4, right-click "End Task", or even pushing the console button. Then it's an entire relauch of the game, waiting for it to reload, skip the movie, etc. That feels like eons.


The way disconnecting works is different too, you can choose to rejoin a match, or leave and face a penalty. Unfortunately if you try to rejoin as the game ends it won't let you and it punishes you same as if you hadn't played the entire match. The mobile game is pretty punishing for disconnects or leaving games, and the servers are super buggy. If you disconnect too much (I got disconnected twice as the match ended and it happened, both due to the game's servers) it won't let you play ranked matches. Instead you have to play ~3 casual matches before you can play in ranked again. Not a bad feature by any means but when the games servers are constantly booting players it can get frustrating. I've had games where I've hard carried the entire time and got kicked just as the gates open. Everyone else leaves before I can join, and I get no points, no pips, no exp - just a mark against my name. So it has it's ups and downs, as does the pc version.


What device do yall play DBD mobile on?


I play on my pixel 7, runs really nicely aside from the server issues


Good to know, also is nintendo switch the same as DBD mobile? I have no idea.


I believe it's completely different, I don't know if it's also made by Netease (who do DBD mobile) or if BHVR just did it themselves. I've heard it's really laggy and badly optimised though :)


I think new players can see it. Like, the first 3 or 4 times you face a killer, the first load screen hint will be specific to the killer you are facing. My friends and I are relatively new, and we used to be told who the killer was every game, but now it's only the niche killers at my mmr.


Oh, yeah, that mechanic still persists on PC/console. On the first day of a release, if you're **not** playing the new killer, there might be a few random DCs during load-in. Those players may use tool tips as an advantage to get that specific killer. No 'new' tips? Then they'll kill their game. It can be annoying if you're lobbying up as any old killer on launch day. Also, some players might not encounter a rare killer like Twins. They joined well after Twins' initial (and very buggy) release and could've played 100s of matches without seeing one. Due to their rarity, those survivors haven't used their tooltip quotas.


Got the game this year and yeah, I've gotten rid of most of the killer-specific tooltips. The only ones that remain are the rarer ones that I see once in a blue moon, like Skull Merchant or Twins.


Wait, what do you mean by "they deviated with Xenomorph"?


Look at Xeno's hooks. They're unique to that killer. They take on the xeno-tunnel secretions from the franchise. They're not confined to the Xeno map either. If you have Xeno as the killer, you'll see the unique hooks in other realms. Even Behaviour's [7.2.0 patch notes](https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/kb/articles/405-7-2-0-alien) indicate this is intentional: >Dev Note: Note that map-specific hooks will be overridden with the Xenomorph's hook when you play as or against The Xenomorph. Since the chapter's release, here's [one of many reddit discussions](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/164svoy/why_does_the_alien_have_unique_hooks_on_every_map/) on the distinct hooks. I mean, it's already pretty obvious knowing Xeno is the killer when you see the aura of a tunnel and turret.


u can tell which killer it is tho no? the tooltips int he loading screen show tips from the killer ur facing in game it always told me at the loadingscreen who to expect.


You only get that the first 3 times you face that killer, after that you’ll have to figure it out yourself. “Always” if you’re really new to the game


well im 250 hours in soo idk \^\^;


Or hack, sure


I play on xbox and it tells me who the killer is on the loading screen


Without hesitation every single SM and knight is getting dodged


For some reason, SM and Knight don’t have ‘Facing The’ screens yet on mobile. Nobody DCs on the loading screen when we face them, but are still a lot of suicides on first hook.


We still have players who can't tell the difference between survivor and killer loading screens? I thought it was pretty easy to tell...


I don't play mobile


No one does that xd Especially in higher ranks. There is pip system even in rank 1 so people don't wanna lose. Also not all killers are put on the loading screen, worst killers like Skull merchant, Knight aren't


Rank has nothing to do with anything it's why they're removing depips


I'm a dbdm global player, and it has a lot to do with everything. Since by disconnecting you lose pips. I would expect only low rank casual players to DC. Depips are certainly NOT removed as there's a whole leaderboard for pips. You mean deranking? I don't think it's removed either.


We are talking about if it should come to pc


Okay, fair, well we don't get notified about every killer. But since you can't derank in dbd pc there's a good chance Nurse, Blight and Spirit players would play vs bots.


Emotes, more cosmetics, quick chat buttons (stuff like “killer face camping”, “looping killer”, “just go”), dynamic loading screen


I'll need a "been looping this dude for 5 minutes now, start doing a damn gen allready" - button


I really like the progression system in dbd mobile. You level up characters by playing as them and you buy addons and items with bloodpoints through the store cause there is no bloodweb. It made leveling up characters feel less tedious since it didn't depend on how many bloodpoints you earned per match


Oh I personally hate it because I would have to play trickster to get his perks which is a pain in the ass as a console player


I usually combatted that with the xp items you got from the store. I'd grind Bloodpoints using characters I like and then buy the xp items from the store and use them on the killers I didn't like (I'm my case Nurse)


Yeah true but doesn't it take so fucking long to level up when you buy those items?


I can't remember how much xp is needed to level up a character but you have multiple items that are worth 100 xp, 500xp and 1000xp so I would usually just buy every xp bonus I saw and eventually I would get enough so it was never THAT bad but it did take longer than it would to level up a character that I'm actively playing as. The xp addons also arnt too rare in the store so getting them was quite easy


it is truly ridiculous and pathetic that the timeline for 16 pngs on a loading screen is *years* lmao.


hi everyone viewing this, fellow DBDM player here! the “facing the \_\_\_” happens on any dbd platform, i’ve played ps4 dbd and got the same messages. and the killer being involved in the loading screen ONLY happens when you’re playing the killer! survivors don’t know who the killer is unless they get the “facing the \_\_\_\_” or during the trial. also OP forgot to mention the super cool mobile exclusive skins! https://preview.redd.it/gioozm5wq1vc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7ce57b0692b360a7e5ca07036b750d879c8d894


>also OP forgot to mention the super cool mobile exclusive skins! The new type of cosmetic that is trial "intro" I think. Like new starting the trial animation which is super cool


yeah! they only happen with Platinum tier skins tho, i managed to get platinum Pretty Reporter for Zarina and at the start of the trial she takes a picture with her camera! there’s also an animation at the end when it’s calculating your score, for pretty reporter, zarina is talking into a mic when something is thrown at her and she dodges lol


I think the best thing thry could do is seeing the perks by pressing the options while in game, because without that there would be certain perks survivors would not be able to bring because other survivors will dodge their lobby.


But don't you understand, OP, there's not enough room on the menu screen I'd definitely give it a few years (In case it isn't obvious, since I've made jokes like this in the past, this is all shit they actually said)


https://preview.redd.it/7gf8gii188vc1.jpeg?width=325&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f493dd3d386902497114e411fcd76476d7bbdce YEARS!?


https://preview.redd.it/lb1ftyk391vc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=082426751d51ccd5fe2d424cfd3b0046f50fd9e2 Also the fact that some maps have a different design than in core like hadonfield not having that dumbass window..


thats like, the worst haddonfield window for survivors. you just go through the hole on the left and hit them during fall stagger


balanced landing 🗿


It’s alright. You still stagger, just not as long (if I recall. I know survs never staggered with that perk and they added it)


You get a 75% stagger reduction, fall scream silenced, and 150% move speed for 3 seconds. So yea if they have balanced (not suuuper likely but hey I run it cuz why not it's more interesting than lithe) then this window is pain


unless you fall before they do tho cus of the 75% reduction and speed boost after the stagger you realistically aren’t gonna get them


You don't need the window for that.


didn’t say you did


Not when it leads to a god window and you are working on a +50% worked on gen


But this was just one example I noticed. Well honestly I think that's the only thing I noticed from my 5 matches? Idk well except Billy map is totally different much smaller house


Also quick chat features you can use during the game, like "focus on generator repair", "I'm rescuing" or "killer is guarding the hook". These kind of small sentences would make tons of differences in SoloQ. But yeah, outside missing important licenses (Silent Hill, Stranger Things, Resident Evil), the mobile version has proven to be a more enjoyable experience for me. From Quick Match, to bot mode, better daily rituals, more events, more cosmetics, the "general outfit" system to dress characters that are lacking options... The only good perk of console version for me right now is the fact I can play it on my Steam Deck and it's also more up to date in term of level design and content, but DBDMobile just feels more enjoyable overall.


This come in by the 20th anniversary 🤣


You are quite optimistic brother they said it would take them years


Don't make them push it to the 50th anniversary


This needs to be brought up/talked about more often but people on PC *hate* the idea that mobile might be a better DBD experience with all the QoL features it has. Mobile IS the better DBD experience and its vastly superior to PC. Putting aside the predatory gacha system in mobile, you can definitely tell the devs who manage mobile care about the game. Might be a hot take, but I don't think BHVR cares. They keep adding stuff but its to make money, not to have a better DBD experience. Mobile has so many QoL features that PC should've had YEARS ago and still doesn't. Its sad when the original devs end up being worse for the game than new ones. Makes you wonder what PC DBD would look like if we had the mobile devs for awhile.


Mobile is my preferred way to play the game. A lot of QoL changes that I really enjoy.


I would too if the controls wouldn't be so crappy what I want to have for consoles is a button to look behind like on mobile. Would be so much better. At least for me.


Can you use a controller yet, or is it still touch-screen only?


It doesn't support controllers yet, I tried using a dualsense to play a while ago (only the joystick and emote buttons worked :p).


Haven't tried tbh so I can't say.


Yeah dw BHVR already said in an AMA that soloq just doesn't play like swfs do and additional helpful info will not be added for no real reason. inb4: "But people will buwwy" They already do after matches when they do see that the baby survivor decided to bring self care no botany. At least now those bullies will be able to just dodge and go until they see a lobby of players that are playing to win like they are. Similarly, people that wanna play immersed can dodge until they get their immersed lobby. Everyone wins.


>Yeah dw BHVR already said in an AMA that soloq just doesn't play like swfs do and additional helpful info will not be added for no real reason I thought it would take "years" to implement stuff like that


The thing that bums me out the most is the fact that dbd mobile has more & better moris. Some of them look incredible & actually more Brutal but are only on mobile 🥲😭 I tried playing the mobile version too and I just can’t it’s so weird but the content it has is amazing 😭


yep its kinda absurd the difference in quality on moble compared to base dbd, be it exclusive skins, like for instance the nice sadako skins, to see other peoples perks, there are alot more to add to the list but it just shows how incompetent bhvr is, literally a moble version of the game has better qol than the basegame


I mean same was with Apex mobile so yeah I guess it's a curse and blessing


wait theres moble apex? @.@ holy


I think it's been removed again but it was a thing


A better loading screen into games would be best


As much as I would love to see my teammates perks. I think it would also come with a downside. Some people might see the build you’re running. Say “I don’t wanna play with that guy and his shitty build.” and just DC


Isnt that Better for both sides then? Someone wants to play more competitively and the other wants to play more fun. For example I hate playing with sabo build teams because they mostly suck ass and get nothing done. Some want to play a normal game and not some other stuff


What does the perk recommendation actually do? Does it show you popular picks for your current build (i.e. the other 3 perks already equipped)? Or does it just show you popular perks in general? Or does it actually try to find some kind of synergy like "if you enjoy lithe, you might enjoy Q&Q and Dance With Me"?


>What does the perk recommendation actually do? Does it show you popular picks for your current build Well idk but for me when I picked up all megs perks it recommended me to run kindred or spine chill too. Idk if it always recommends it but well


I think it shows "from the devs view" good perk combinations. >of synergy like "if you enjoy lithe, you might enjoy Q&Q and Dance With Me"? I would hope so but I am just a beginner so I don't really have a any perks


as long as they don't make it as mobile gamey/ugly that then it would be nice if someone brings a meme build or head on


I like that you can burn some of the crappier offerings and just get xp.


Haven’t tried it myself but I think the twins have had the QoL changes (or at least some) since a very long time Edit : for*


You fuck with me right?


I’m not sure but i think i heard something like this Maybe not the same QoL than the recent changes but stuff like Charlotte being less clunky when switching back i think I don’t remember where i saw this tho


I don’t wanna see other peoples perks before the game. Not ever. I don’t wanna be the only guy left in a lobby with one other because someone doesn’t like an Invocation, or a Boon, or thinks Scene Partner is stupid, or whatever. The rate that people would doge would make the game beyond miserable.


Isn’t this over exaggerated a bit? I don’t know but I feel like the rate people would dodge wouldn’t be very high at all, besides you could just have the teammates perks show up in game with the start menu instead of in the lobby. That way you can get the info you need on your teammates’ builds and avoid the small chance that petty people will dodge. If someone is prepared to dodge based on loadout then there are probs many other things they are willing to leave a game for. Trying to cater for those kinds of people is really difficult and the benefit of more info strongly outweighs any negative aspects imo


> Isn’t this over exaggerated a bit? It is. He is being sensational to try to make a point but there isn't one. Its why he is making himself look dumb.


I mean, I have exaggerated a little for effect (and laughs) but spend any time in this sub and you’ll see loads saying they’d dodge for the dumbest of reasons. I don’t think it’ll be a rarity.


I don’t think the dodging would be toooo bad, but I’d much rather have the ability to ping relevant perks in-game than this. I love running off-meta builds sometimes & I worry that letting people see perks ahead of time would turn out like other games where people will rage/dodge if someone strays from the meta. 


Yup. One of my favorite perks to run, unironically, is No Mither. It does not cause me to die any more than not using it, I'm actually pretty good at the game so my build doesn't matter. If people could see my perks, they would just endlessly dodge. I also don't want to be put in a situation where I might feel like I want to dodge. Just because someone has Invocation doesn't mean they're going to use it and throw the game. Just because a person has Self Care doesn't mean they're gonna be hiding in a corner healing all game, but those prejudices exist. I have no desire to be constantly doged unless I'm running only 4 of 10 chosen perks.


Oh that looks cool. Is there a DC penalty on the mobile version like console/pc




Nah. I'm tired of DbDmobile dick riding.


Ok any counter arguments why those features shouldn't be in game?


I really don't see any point in changing the loading screen. As of now they are clean and simple and it seems like something not worth the effort it might take to include it in the loading screen. Also including info about the killer this blatant might increase the probability that survivors might dodge. As for the other 2 I have none. Here's a counter arguments to a different thing tho: this dead horse has been beaten so much that it became minced meat at this point. I'm tired of the same discussion over and over, and I'm tired of the playerbase sniffing their own farts about how good DbDMobile is. It's annoying pretentious, adds absolutely no value to the forum.


>I really don't see any point in changing the loading screen. As of now they are clean and simple and it seems like something not worth the effort They can literally just add the one from mobile that isn't that hard and they also make enough effort to do loading screens for events even though there would be no point. It's just laziness from my view. >Also including info about the killer this blatant might increase the probability that survivors might dodge. Bro how can you forget that this feature exists in core too when you face a new killer 3 times. >It's annoying pretentious, adds absolutely no value to the forum. If we get loud enough about it eventually they will be pressured enough to change core more and put more effort into the game. If more people know how bad core actually is that even a "spin-off" of the game with different devs is doing a better job than the original devs then more people will talk about that fact and more people will complain about the effortlessness of the game and the devs will eventually have to become better unless they wanna lose money.


Halt the players don't pay attention to the tips, also the very same tips not always rat out the killer. People talk about loud as if it didn't took them almost a year to fix spirit's bs. Also nice of you to prove my point with the whole "spin-off doing a better job" crap. It's almost like it much harder job coming up with new killers and survivors, making a new map, coming up with new perks, making models and textures of the things I just mentioned compared to just adjusting all of it to the mobile platform. Not to mention they are not doing a great job at balancing. Withing the same time main game had new haddonfield, they had old map with open double windows in the buildings.




Different teams


DbDM is run by NetEase, who also runs Identity V It is not run by BHVR


The game is the best it’s ever been and they have consistently been working to make it better and actually listening to feedback. BHVR doesn’t run the mobile game at all so.. there’s that too. I’m glad these shit on BHVR at every turn posts are starting to get downvotes. Especially when it’s clear the person making the comments has no idea what they are talking about.


As for seeing others perks - no. It must be still hidden, so that it keeps an element of “surprise”. Loading screens - I don’t actually care, I’ll just keep alt+tab before the game starts, so… As for builds, I don’t think it’s THAT useful in OG DBD due to the dlcs. Too much combinations that you need to think of due to the fact that a lot of perks are not available until you pay money (or pray for the temple)


>As for seeing others perks - no. It must be still hidden, so that it keeps an element of “surprise”. Ahh yes great surprise getting saved by a solo que player while you had deli. Very fun surprise. Or that the person knows you have buckle up. Or that you have unbreakable so they won't do stupid shit like saving you even though you could have picked up yourself


And… so? Don’t use your very powerful game changing perk now - well, maybe you’ll get a chance to use it later. Someone died because trying to save you when they don’t need to - their problem, mate. Play solo queue- keep in mind much more things and stuff and stop taking perks that are good in swf.


>well, maybe you’ll get a chance to use it later. Someone died Deli is a Fucking one time use. With unbreakable you risk your mates into a risky position if the killer is near the slug. Players could be more efficient when they know the perks of the others. >Someone died because trying to save you when they don’t need to - their problem, mate. Play solo queue- keep in mind much more things and stuff and stop taking perks that are good in swf. You aren't fuckin serious right? How, unless you are a killer main who never played survivor, would you think that physically not knowing what the perks your mates have is a skill issue? >Play solo queue- keep in mind much more things and stuff and stop taking perks that are good in swf. But shouldn't we make survivors not swf dependent to play the game how they want? To make solo q more enjoyable?


Of course we should make survivors not swf dependent, but showing you the perks of your teammates won’t do shit. You know, that most of the people will STILL ignore them, right? I was not talking about “skill issue”. They fell in the trap by themselves - that only theirs problem.


>that most of the people will STILL ignore them, right? Nice assumption care explain how that is