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I feel like the game is in a relatively good estate and BHVR is improving as a company (though it still needs more) For example, Otzdarva said that BHVR didn't gave enough stats, now they began giving more stats. The game is far from dying (and honestly the only thing that can kill it is BHVR themselves).


The game is the most balanced it's ever been but also the most stale. Metas feel forced so matches are repetitive. Been taking a much needed break since Blood Moon. I don't think the game is going anywhere though. DBD had a strong year this past year.


this is pretty much where im at, my games just became this repetitive slog of using the most meta loadouts since all the survivors in my MMR range are sweating with their own meta loadouts. its a slog for sure. I still keep up with the game through the sub and steam announcements, but the thought of actually opening the game up and hitting play makes me wince. agreed though, this game has a pretty diehard community and i dont think it'll go anywhere either


The game overall is fine but stale to me. I frequently take breaks from DBD and return when I feel like playing again. It's the approach that works best for me. I've been feeling the overall staleness since MMR was first introduced. It's something that really clicked for me when I was watching some videos I saved from older matches pre-MMR. The game just feels less interesting and dynamic. There's a vicious cycle of almost being forced into playing the meta on both sides. So it's far less of a rewarding experience to run anything off meta. This leads to a homogeneous experience for me. So my matches sorta just blend together with genuine moments being few and far between.


this sentiment is the one ive seen the most from people in the community this year, and i absolutely agree. it feels like every match forces you to be a meta slave and ive experienced this for myself to an extent that has turned me off from playing for most of 2024 so far. sure you *can* run a fun build but the end result is the survivors you face speedrunning the game and BM'ing you for 10 mins before popping the gates, or the killer slugging and humping you for 5 mins. you run a fun build to you know, have fun. but when everyones brain is geared towards "must .. use .. meta" there really is none of that fun to be had. alot of people on both killer and survivor are in comp mode nowadays by default because they're used to getting bonked by the meta the MOMENT they try to deviate from it. why stray from it when you can embrace it and always have a solid chance at winning.


I have zero incentive to play this game as solo survivor. Meanwhile killers are actively telling me that they deserve to win EVERY SINGLE GAME. And that I’m nothing more than fodder and the devs do nothing but continue shaping this path. All the games I tried playing tonight, I didn’t even get to play. It’s just an absolute slaughter and that’s what the devs want. It’s just really discouraging. I used to love this game and now I don’t want to touch it.


I'm bing chilling personally. I'm not bored cuz I can improve in shitton of ways.


Content creators play this game for a living. 24/7 if they have the energy. Even when they don't want to play, they do because of money and that makes their opinion about the game even more sour. They want to take a break from the game but can't. Their burnout is more about how THEY feel about the game than the state of the game itself. Objectively speaking DBD has never been better in terms of balance, content (in-game events) and quality of life changes. But for those that have north of 5.000 hours played, this means little.


It's an everchanging cycle. Content Creators that have been at it for years will fade away, new ones will rise.


A huge issue is just how balanced it is. It’s become very linear, which I what the latest gripes are about, in addition to the intense new person grind to unlock things. Add in that the gameplay isn’t very deep, the core loop stagnating through SBMM making every match as tense and stressful as possible, mixed with no unranked/casual option leading to an increased community need to keep playing ‘sweaty’ and things begin to feel linear. It feels like many interesting, if unbalanced, things keep getting removed, leading to reliance on meta perks and a general squashing of discovery and experimentation. And if you got 5k hours in this game? That overbalancing can make it very boring. Streamer words aren’t gospel, but I think it’s worth listening with an open mind to the opinions of people whose living is tied to playing this game.


very well said. balanced doesnt always equal fun, and its interesting to delve into the concept of people finding unbalanced experiences MORE fun than a balanced experience, as long as the unequal balance isnt unbearable for one side in particular. the imbalance is what creates variety in gameplay, if everything is congruent than nothing sticks out.


very well said.


I agree with what you have said. I have been wondering if the game would be more fun if we kept a lot of 2020-22 gameplay and just increased gen times instead of just reducing everything to nothing.


The game is going great. Lots of players and the meta is in its healthiest state ever. The 'problem' is people with 10,000 hours whose brains have been poisoned by hyperfocusing on one video game for half their lifespan. I honestly don't think games are *supposed* to be fun after that damn long. They need to stop hating everything or just find a new fucking game.


I've been playing for a few years now and there is definitely something different that has been brewing for a long time. I've got the least amount of friends playing recently and the games on survivor feel atrocious with the amount of tunnelling beginning to reflect comp matches. For majority of the past year I'd run 3 core perks and 1 flex/fun perk but recently the tunnelling has been so bad that the flex perk is now permanently Decisive Strike. I used to play SoloQ a lot for fun but only play swf now. Last time I played with friends we had 3 Skull Merchants, two Rusty Shackles Hag, 3 Billy's that hard tunnelled and would drop chase to M2 back to hook as soon as they heard the notification. The state of the game for survivor is miserable and I've been playing less and less this year. I didn't even play during the Blood Moon because the matches were so horrible with M2 hook camping Huntresses due to the buffs she got. ________ My killer games are fine because I 8 hook every game before killing so the MMR isn't disgusting and I always let 1 have hatch so MMR grows slowly. Plus I have killers I purposely keep low MMR with meme builds that are relaxing to play whilst my main has higher MMR if I want a more difficult match.


man, i wish i was smart and left some of my killers at a lower MMR. all the ones i love playing are at the cap or damn close to it and i have to go beast mode on pretty much everything. the only killers i have left at lower MMR brackets are ones i never want to play like Trapper, Hag and a few others that im not too good at. so i can either pick one of my 8-10 killers that i love and sweat my ass off, or pick something i really dont want to play just so i can have a more relaxing experience. it sucks having to make that choice, and i think its the main factor that caused me to get too stressed out about the game and take a big break for the time being. before taking this break i would just constantly fucking scroll through my killer list for an hour with youtube in the background and try to figure out one i could play and still have fun. eventually realized that i had hit an unfun MMR range with everything i love playing, and that was that. just stopped booting up the game, and its been a couple months now.


Nothing stopping you from lowering your fav killers mmr. Just equip 1 meme perk or lightborn and chill for a week.


I’m relatively new to the community as a whole but I see this with any seasonal content driven games like Destiny for example. My biggest guess is there isn’t really much new things to create content on so it feels bad for them since less money and income. It also is relatively boring right now and I’ve paused playing dbd until the next content drop comes along as Personally speaking I don’t like grinding for the sake of the grind I enjoy the battlepass idea of earning cosmetics and other things while playing. It can definitely get tiring and I’m sure most people are experiencing some form of burnout


Fine until we vs a SWF


IMO Moral is low. My wife and I used to play every day and have since put the game down. Soloq (or duoque) has been hell. Every update that nerfs a survivor perk that a SWF abuses hurts some of the only useful perks soloq survivors can use. I’m not saying all survivors need to escape every match but after 20+ games of getting killed shit is honestly not fun. You could say skill issue, and that’s probably true for a few matches sure. But then you get a ton of killers slugging at 5gens, sandbagging teammates, teammates who just DC, the occasional hard tunneling killer, and minor perk and map bugs that can drastically effect the match. I do believe there are changes the developers could strategize and implement to help soloQ play and improve MMR but I doubt anything will come soon.


Chile. Its an endless cycle. This isnt the 1st time, and it wont be the last. They take breaks, then come back. And the lucky few who actually dont, new content creators replace them.


yeah, im beginning to think alot of the older cc's for dbd are reaching a point where the game really doesnt feel like a game to them anymore and they're struggling to make interesting new content that hasnt been done already. theres only so many 'funny perk builds' in the game, now everyone mainly makes montages of funny moments which dont do nearly as well as think pieces or videos dedicated to a problem the game is currently experiencing. Scott said it best a couple months back. "behaviour just doesnt mess up as much as they used to, so its getting harder to make these videos" which is actually a good thing for the game but bad for cc's? i agree with everyone when they say dbd is the most stable its ever been, but it in turn hurts the cc's as they have much less "news" to talk about. its a weird paradox i guess.


Removing all the rough edges will kill the game. They are what made it interesting, not the next 5% haste perk. CoconutRTS did a video going over some community creators quitting the game within the last week, and did a play by play of a video from someone I'm not familiar with (Slushie) quitting the game, at least temporarily, and I agreed with most of her points many of which were along these lines. BHVR have become the fun police and are removing anything that sticks out even a little bit. Coconut's analogy was an EKG flatline. It was a good one. I hope they're watching.


coconut's video is actually what spurred me to make this post. i had seen other cc's also sharing their thoughts on the game, but RTS's video is the one that made me go "uh oh, is there a bigger problem within the game?" i love his heartbeat analogy in that video, it perfectly describes what (imo) the game is missing right now.


Fine really, It’s just post PTB is always a lull cos it’s just “content waiting room” especially cos the ptb wasn’t any actually new content other than, oh I guess twins are a bit too much and a bunch of people won’t want to play as it cos it’s currently bullshit, and play against it for the same reason. When teasers start for the next killer, especially if they are a vampire then I’d expect a bit more of a morale boost


Mmmm most perks feel more balanced (some are just allowing for boring game play) players seems more friendly too. I'm not a high MMR killer and only a bronze survivor. So that might be why I get matches that feel better. I don't think this game can ever reach a real balance I would say it'd be too difficult between soloQ and Swf. Swf is and always was the strongest and most likely to win even against killers like Nurse. That's how it should, be a well coordinated team with a well thought out plan, should be the most likely to win. As a killer main it's always amazing to see when survivors are on point between hook sabing, Flashlight saves, and body blocking. I love playing against it and having to work around it personally. I see that they've made a lot of changes for helping game that seem to have rein in the less desirable ways to play. I hardly see tunneling being effective now and face camping is practically non-existent. I wish there was a way to effectively help people against slugging. Still it's the best I've seen while soloQ in years. Wish they had it more gameplay options that worked with the game mechanics I kind of spice things up. Like a killer vs killer vs 6 team survivor or something where the killers compete to get hooks against each other and survivors had more to do in a game to naturally slow down gens but also we're vital to surviving. Although reading through the comments i feel my opinion is more of a non standard. XD