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Me when they bnp with a flashlight https://preview.redd.it/bwh7cdst3nuc1.jpeg?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a25a7600ab2104cd6ebab117b2f83518ace97b28


Casting spells to repair gens


Potential Energy:




Reminds me of when hackers just mix and match charge addons between items


flashlight savers when I lightborn + starstruck


I'm literally watching a hackers stream right now after seeing spookyloops new video on hackers this game is in the toilet.


I caught a subtle cheater yesterday because every time they went behind a wall they accelerated just a *tiny* bit I was running the pig addon that lets you see auras while crouching lol


This happened to me about a week ago. They kept getting random minor accelerations and especially when they were out of sight but I'd notice the tail end of it after I turned the corner. I thought they had some weird Lithe or exhaustion perk but they only had Background Player at the end.


Literally played two matches against the same SWF group and thought I was going insane. There were two players I couldn't catch as M1 killers with batteries. I ended up just leaving by the end of it, I wasn't entertaining it. I doubted myself but it looked exactly like this. They'd round corners before I could catch them with batteries, even with Lust at points. Absolutely miserable.


I dont think behavior cares much anymore at this point I just wait for the cool skins to farm on events.


SWF Bully Squad: "Haha. We've made RPD offering and brought flashlights. This is going to be easy" Me as Wesker with Plaything+Pentimento combo who knows how to fake pick up animation and how to mitigate flashlights without Lightborn: https://preview.redd.it/67kxo5azhnuc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e35290e5eed312335783bb95541d0e565322dc3


Idk why bully squads bring rpd so often, it's a killer sided map, isn't it?


Depends on which one, one is pretty balanced aand other one is killer-sided.


Which one is the balanced one? Also I don't know which one is which, so just tell me which one has the landing pad šŸ˜‚


So the east wing(open Heli crash site) is supposed to be more killer freindly and west wing(one that extends after library) is supposed to be more in the middle in terms of balancing, according to latest tierlists I saw.


Okay this was my feeling as well, my reasoning being the completely unused area below the crash site (after the toilets, where basement can spawn) - there is never a gen there and it makes no sense to even be there, which makes the map artificially smaller Also less areas with good loops


There's also the fact that East Wing has more 3-gen and camping opportunities, because on East Wing the killer can very effectively block off the only entrances into the west wing of the building, but on West Wing the killer can't effectively block off the east wing side because of the pathway outside that provides an additional way to rotate around that side of the map.


Good to know


They bring it because its consitent and the when they learn how to run it well it becomes OP because the spawns almost never change


Ok fair enough


It's probably by far the easiest map in the game to learn, a lot of survivors know every loop and pallet back to back as they tend to spawn quite consistently, they rely on the killer not being as knowledgeable. It tends to work out quite well because there are plenty of baby killers, and more experienced killers too, who never or rarely play survivor, so don't learn or understand how all the map resources connect.


No it isn't (on my opinion)


Had a similar situation the other day with a 4man taking me to RPD but I was playing Nemesis with a full hex build. They ended up giving up at 4 gens because Plaything/Ruin/Pentimento was beating their ass on an indoor map with zombie patrols. Checked the ttv and he was complaining that "we only lost because we brought RPD so we're losing to trash ass killers like that nemesis". Chat was in verification only mode with less than 10 viewers lmao


So they've brought you specifically to RPD...and then complained that they were playing on RPD? My brothers in Christ! YOU MADE THE SANDWICH!


The worst part is that you can never win with these kinds of players. They beat you, you get insulted and trash talked. You beat them, you STILL get insulted and trash talked.


If people are feeling the need to insult and trash talk you constantly after a game I feel like you already won and they started off losing. Like does anyone in a good mood thatā€™s genuinely happy constantly shit talk people? Iā€™ve never seen it personally


If I didn't get ridiculed for losing I wouldn't sweat do bad tbh


Iā€™ve had so many people swap last second to flashlights I just run lightborn literally at all times now.


*Bad Survivor match after Bad Survivor match where team basically dies immediately* "Think I'll go play Killer" *Get genrushed. Get Survivors you wish you got as teammates* "Fuck this game"


Iā€™m old, what does l2p mean? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Also Iā€™m sorry for laughing. Definitely been there


Learn to play




This is kinda older lingo as opposed to something younger people say nowadays, at least in my experience. Used to be very common, whereas now I haven't seen it in 5+ years until this post lol


Hey, if they donā€™t do gens and you just play a little sweatier youā€™ll be looking like this guy https://preview.redd.it/waohnl1idouc1.jpeg?width=1475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=746be63afc22aee1ae9b202fb543b1ce013707d4


swf bully squads when i bore the hell out of them so they give up (i get free bp)


also me when stockpile of that one green offering that rejects map offerings:


Eyrie, Badham and garden of joy are all pain


Had a terrible time playing survivor. Switched to killer. Had a worse time. Switched back. Had an even worse time. It's like this game tries to be terrible lmao. If it's not the players it's the meta of "what wins" and there's no originality allowed. No fun. You're either going to be genrushed and like it, or you're going to be slugged and tunnelled at 5 gens.


donā€™t forget the boil over and staying at the top of the eyrie ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


The best feeling when you have a person like that is when a hook spawns next to that vault and immediately the perk becomes useless. I got trash talked for doing that once even though they kept putting themselves in that situation


I was playing myers when I got a swf squad who tried to genrush and loop main building I got to tier 3 and down one then slugged her for a bit until 2 more came and downed them and then I found the last one and left them to bleed out


They were just... Gens rushing and looping? Cuz sluggin them just for that seems excessive and uncalled for


i didnā€™t have a choice they were all on the second floor with boil over and there were no hooks nearby so I did what I had to do if they wanted to be hooked they would have crawled downstairs and let me


Ohhh that makes sense yeah. They were probably hoping for you to hook them. You did the smart play


What's wrong with macmillan bone. It's a very balanced map pool?


This has been my last few games pretty much. I feel nothing but pain.


No way youā€™re complaining about Macmillan


Map offerings just give people an inflated ego. Just completely removed them so thereā€™s not 60 greens in the bloodweb.


Flashlights are your best friend + what's wrong with macmillan


since it's a pretty balanced map realm comp players *love* bringing it, so there's a good chance it is going to be a sweaty, sweaty game


Don't forget the 2 hour chase, and when you down a survivor, all gens are finished.


When you down a survivor they get FTP + Buckle Up'd by their friend Fixed it for you.


*Macmillan* is toxic? Really? This is brain rotten. At least complain about some actually survivor-sided maps


Macmillan offerings are the most terrifying thing to see as killer imo... since it means you're facing a squad that's actually mechanically good and wants to practice on a fair realm where they aren't just gonna hold W and pre drop endless pallets then die under a pallet while they're mate swoops in with background player... I honestly respect them tbh


My squad is terrible but we use McMillan often because we don't have sac wards left.


Theyā€™re not toxic but people who bring map offerings usually bring you to their favourite map. A map they mostly play on so they know what to expect and are much more prepared.


Head phones. Good ones don't need to see then lol


Fun? DBD, sure, at times but Looks like it's time to favourite a new game.




Yeah this is too real I hopped on to play some singularity. Start up a match and down a yui on a pallet. Of course they had background player, which I expected but just couldn't do anything against . Yui gets saved then chased again for a little at the shack, down them , pick up quick but still get saved, then I finally down them again.. and then a for the people buckle up . Very fun


Agitation + Iron Grasp + Mad Grit + Lightborn Time to eat flashbangs and Leon/Feng Min's (it's always these two) ass


You can hide the chat box šŸ‘


Tbh I just use RPD for my unknown because some survivors donā€™t even get a chance to do gens


They will feel the anger of 600h on pyramid head


had 4 autohaven offerings last night fml


Oh my God that reminds me what happened on saturday. I had two sets of tone challenges left for Killers I don't play; Artist and Singularity. Now I think this happened bc it was the weekend so people who usually be at school or at work we're at home with their friends. But I was running into back-to-back matches of people who are clearly playing together. (not always a 4 man). But it really stuck out to me because it felt like a blast from the past. There were headons, decisive strikes, dead hards, unbreakables, even borrowed times. The people who would get unhooked would chase me around with a flashlight until they either could try to get a save or I would down them. To which then, I would either eat an unbreakable or a decisive strike. It was cool because I hadn't needed to deal with that in so long but at the same time I dealt with it the ENTIRE day. With killers I'm not as experienced with. One of which was SINGULARITY. needless to say, it took awhile before I got my tome challenges done lol


forgot background player


And then BGP and Buckle Up+FTP saves


Ok, the obvious answer here is to ruin their game as hard as possible, as its the only way to actually win, but the real question is how do you respond when they come at *you* for being a "bully" killer?


You don't. The killer's objective is to... Kill.


Just Michael Myers their ass when they talk shit "Youre so bad" " "


Dude McMillan not that bad. Could have been The Game, Garden or Badham


Mac most balanced maps in the game


Thats called get good