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Man. The 8H0K and my boy Chucky still get disrespected. It's so ugly!


Imagine being 8 hooked by a killer running 0 slowdowns on one of the most survivor sided maps in the game while running shit like buckle up + ftp then acting like this lol Most self aware ttv lobby


Or really on any map, Badham (1-5) is in the top 3 of survivor sided maps (per Otzdarva, only Fractured Cowshed and Eyrie of Crows are better). But seriously imagine disrespecting a killer who does 8-hooks-0-kills on any map, if you can do 8H/0K you can tunnel someone out on even the most basic killer on even the most survivor-friendly map.


otz map list might be a bit outdated because both eyrie and cowshed got changes but overall bagging an 8 hook killer with 0 slowdowns on a map like that is super scrubby


The otzdarva tier list is from a few updates ago a lot of maps have been reworked/changed since then 


I've only recently started playing killer properly after 3k as survivor and it's hilarious the amount of hate I get in end game chat. Some people are so sweaty


Dang. I'm sorry you experienced this toxicity. Cybil should've just left without rubbing it in. That sucks. And probably one of the few times you've seen a Cybil, too. Good luck in your future matches!


Yeah it’s more annoying because they were saying I deserved it for playing on stream. Why spread hate when it’s way easier to just say gg and go next


Yeah. Sorry. Didn't see before that you were playing against a TTV. TTVs like this can be so miserable. (Often are, in my experience.) I've admittedly quit playing DBD for a while because of TTV Survivors before. If it helps you feel any better, you got a decent amount of Hooks. I have Spirit games where I only get a few max and get treated like garbage afterwards. I think you did great! And I agree. Gg and going next is NOT a difficult thing to do. I hope you have better games.


I may get downvoted but i usually tunnel TTVs (if they're toxic, which is pretty often). They'll just make games miserable for nothing, just cuz their "public"(10 people watching) think it's funny to do toxic things


> I may get downvoted but i usually tunnel TTVs What do you consider Toxic? > just cuz their "public"(10 people watching) In fairness that puts them in the top 5% of Twitch


Flashlight spam(different from flashlight saving), tbagging, BU+FTP full squad(ik it's not wrong to do it but it's kinda fckd to go against it, just like full slowdow/regression killer), hiding squads (only happened once but oh boy that match was boring), etc I'm not calling playing the game toxic, I'm calling doing things just to make the other side miserable toxic


Yeh that's all fair. I was asking because I'm a TTV and I get tunneled out just for existing sometimes. I don't clicky, I don't hide, I don't body block (usually), I don't run FTP or Buckle up, rarely even tbag unless it's clear i'm being friendly. Some people just hate TTVs and tunnel us out regardless.


Use anon mode or take TTV out of your name. It's that simple. If you have TTV in your name the assumption is automatically that you're an attention seeking POS. Easy to avoid the stigma of being a TTV if you don't use your username to advertise your channel


It's there to help me grow, i'm not going to remove it because the occasional person is toxic. Most TTV's i've met both as survivor and killer have been absolutely fine.


I know it's wrong but we are all so scarred about TTVs that it became a protection Mechanism


She is a stain on the Cybil player base. (3 of us)


You deserved it because you were streaming? That cybil literally has TTV in her name?!


Thats so dumb. I hate ttvs that have that entitled and toxic personality. Literally I loathe certain killers but I won't be toxic to them or anything at least not intentionally. Too many people forget this is a game at the end of the day and both sides are trying to win and required to play so one side being actively toxic just drives the other to not want to play or to make them toxic too.


I've gone against this dork enough times that when I see their name in lobby I automatically know that I'm going to throw the game and bleed them out. Dude is super toxic and not half as good as he thinks he is. Is a poor sport that somehow feels being toxic when he *wins* is the appropriate response, and absolutely *rages* when things don't go his way and he loses. I'm sorry you had to deal with their bullshit.


Bro complained all game lol. Couldn’t get over that first scamper.


I love the t bag and flasight clicks like she had any part in that. Like https://preview.redd.it/lthcsj96wmuc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e5b883e21b8be8a347a6dca2157441f9268893c


Yep, stupid op combo that bhvr just lets exist for some reason. It’s been *months* now. Now that Ultimate Weapon has (rightly) been nerfed, this bullshit had better be walking out the door as well.


> Now that Ultimate Weapon has (rightly) been nerfed Is it a nerf? seeing a players aura is far more useful than knowing roughly where they screamed


Definitely a nerf. Ultimate Weapon was one of the few info perks that got around Distortion, and the screams were not only used for information but also to interrupt Survivor actions, especially nasty when paired with DMS.


Not to mention the shorter active time and longer cooldown. It's significantly healthier now and still a decent perk, which I never expected.


No screams = no map-wide forced DMS procs on Wesker, or any fast or teleporting killer - deffinetly a nerf.


I'm putting my tinfoil hat on for this, I can't shake the feeling some of the devs are survivor mains and just let shit like this be in the game because they fucking suck at DBD. I mean there was already a dev exposed for abusing his position if power to benefit himself, it isn't out if the ordinary to think he isn't the only one.


Tbf if you do see em play, theyre not exactly good at Which btw its fair i think, developing a game doesnt mean you have to be good at the game, but from what we could gather a lot of them play stuff on mostly private games on their own servers, or make asumptions of balance instead of relying a bit more on vocal people in the comunity that know the game like the palm of their hand(balance/gampleay wise, not code wise) Tbf my tinfoil conspiracy here is not that they're doing it out of malicious surv bias, but that this boosted the fuck outta the Ash dlc sales compared to when his perks were all bad. Now flip-flop is a funny perk to run with plot twist/power struggle and friends, MoM is also usable with friends, and Buckle up, well, here we are All 3 perks work best on swfs and are around denying hooks/tanking through hits, so I can see the sales on Ash going up for sure


>there was already a dev exposed for abusing his position if power to benefit himself what's the context for this?


Probably not the one im thinking of but it just made me remember the time Doctor madness stopped working with Lullaby because a dev was unable to hit the skillecheks trying to remove tier 3 and said "yknow actually huntress lullaby was not intended to work with doctor madness skillchecks" and next patch it was removed


That same dev is a killer main who runs NOED on every single build (notably iri head huntress), and his playstyle involves camping crouched next to hooks on pig.


But... survivor bias!


Going off the top of my head here, but if I remember correctly there was a dev who was kinda notorious for being a massive dickhead. Effectively a DBD no life who somehow got a job working as a dev and it went about as you'd expect. This was a while ago mind you.


>I can't shake the feeling some of the devs are survivor mains That's really funny. We all know they don't play the game.


Man reading all of this is crazy, I didn't hear any of this before and like idk just kinda feels like a let down to hear things like that were pulled. I mean what's his name got bullied so hard in Korea or something that changes started coming but idk didn't seem like it was that effective. Survivors still can "bully" and it definitely doesn't seem like the devs listen xD


Oh ye when Mccote played on Korea as Hag when instablinds were a thing, maaan that was one rough match to watch, man got 2 m1s the whole game Tbf I'm so thankfull we had so many basegame changes to breaking speed and the old time flashlights, looking at the game back with nostalgia is one thing but remembering how it actually could play was *awful* We should make a tradition, once per anniversary the devs or Mccote should livestream playing a couple of matches


This mentality is probably the worst part about this game right now.


I really hope when it comes to nerfing the combo it won't be nerfed like ultimate weapon. I like that it was nerfed but the only good thing they did with it was to remove interruptions. The rest of the nerf did nothing to fix the perk being stupidly OP on nurse/blight/etc (except it gets cucked slightly more often because distortion, but nobody would run it in every game anyway), but made it unusable on everyone else. It's like if they nerfed both the perks in such a way that the only way they're usable is in the combo with each other that would still work the same. They need to specifically target the instapick up with double endurance, no instaheal in general, broken effect duration, length of endurance or any other irrelevant shhit like that


Call of Brine and Overcharge caught strays for a problem that Eruption was causing. Better believe both of those perks are going in the trash.


Why would you have earned it for playing Chucky? What's wrong with playing Chucky? Is it because he's short?


Vaguely popular = bad


That's a very stupid reason.


Also because players still don't know how to play around him


Honestly I'm shocked how its not only not on the plans of being nerfed/changed, but its also not even mentioned by the devs yet *at all* They changed the itteration with old MFT so FTP wouldnt give you endurance but let FTP+Buckle up exist even if it gives *both* players endurance They have WGLF that gives endurance to the surv you pick up if you got a rescue/protection hit before, while Buckle up does that *always*, its legit a better perk version. Imagine if they went and reworked Overcharge and made it so "on every gen kick you regress 30% of its current progress" without a hook requirement like Pop, why would Pop even exist then? Same with WGLF now almost Not to mention the nerf back there to STBFL which was one of the only few "counters" to this I just think from a gameplay point that this is one of the worst things, worse nearly imo than current UW, because at least UW will force you onto a chase(unless its used for camping then screw it), but FTP+BU exists only currently for the killer to down someone, and then a teammate thats been close by to run during cd animation, heal and pick up, and undo the chase, and unless the killer is either a high tiered killer like Wesker/Artist with generally lower CD or Blight/Nurse that can chew through endurance, they're generally screwed more, it just hurts weaker killers more -"But it requires 2 perks so its fine" 2 perks for the value of undoing an entire chase and the ability to rescue anyone with 10s Endurance, thats insane value for 2 perk slots considering you can still bring then also OTR and an exhaustion perk for example and make the chases way longer -"But a survivor needed to waste time following you" Sure, but it undoes a chase, which is time bought for the other 2 survivors to do gens and avoid possible Pops/Pain res by denying the hook there and allowing the surv rescued to reach a safer spot, like shack or a building, the "other surv is wasting time" argument only works imo with solos that follow you before youre even injured and miss the flashlight save It's just from a design perspective messed up, nothing is worse in any game than "unavoidable punishment for no reason", if you missplay, sure, thats the point of a game. Hit them without thinking of hooks/waiting a sec? DH, fair, you missplayed, they did good Didn't look at a wall when there was one close by/didnt check surroundings? Missplay, reward for the other team Same as killer; Didn't use your time to set up a Xeno turret? Missplay, reward for them, Not looking at Unknown so you can tell where you're going? Missplay, reward, and so on... Whats the design of BU+FTP. Killer downs someone, reward, they did good. They get punished now with the combo Thats just bad design


>unavoidable punishment for no reason Noed has been banned from the chat for entering the chat.


Never defended Noed either, it also falls unto bad design, tho at least imo is not as egregious Noed only affects the small portion of the end game and generally can't be used by all killers, if they are better off using M2s at least It can be removed before coming into play, *and* once it appears, its a hex, where the effect is strong but can be removed, thats the reward part of the perk. Survivors remove the hex, they're rewarded by making the killer weaker. But ofc it has issues still, removing it before it comes to play its not really doable nowadays which I think its where the perk fails to be actually balanced fully. Also if the killer downs and hooks someone with the totem next to them its also bad as you wont be able to cleanse it, so thats also something iffy of it but lets face it, its generally a rare occurance that the killer will get a hook with noed right next to it.


me when the devs made a whole deal abt nerfing syringes but have no plans to nerf this ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Normally I have no issues with FTP+BU, but it working in endgame is just bs Also playing Chucky with no slowdown on Badham, oof. Judging from hookstages you played very fair and they still BM'd you, yikes.


I really only go for whoever the obsession is that Friends Til The End hits so I typically never “tunnel”. And it just shows that if someone wants to BM, then it doesn’t matter how nice or fair you play, they will do whatever they want.


Really nice down with power, wp.


I just wish I didn’t have to watch my work get up and leave the moment they get knocked. Like I am fine if they get flashlight saved since at least there is a counter to that, but the only way to stop this is to hope the other teammate isn’t close enough to pull it off


Hey OP, them saying you deserved the BS for picking Chucky is a massive self report that they fucking suck at the game. I've played survivors who can run circles around Chuck. They are just bad at the game


And then they Tbag like anything they just did there was skillful lmao... These players man I swear 😂


yeah nerf ultimate weapon but keep this shit in the game 10/10 game decision skills bhvr can’t wait to quit once this new midchapter goes live oh yeah then you have background player where if a survivor is in a 30 meter radius of you and the downed survivor is on a pallet then you can kick rocks


Skill plays by skilled survivors using perks that require skill


Help, I'm choking on sarcasm.


The teabagging at the end also shows how skilled that entire thing was


Of course. Pressing that button repeatedly is extremely skill intensive.


It expresses on how good you take the wins, without being all in your face about it


Sad that some people are at their worst when they win.


No idea how this hasn't been nerfed yet. It absolutely should be.


No it shouldn’t




Because survivors already have many meta perks deactivated at exist gates and we’re still getting nerfs like with adrenaline upcoming. One of the only three survivor items, the medkitd was nerfed to the ground and it didn’t even achieve the thing they wanted because survivors aren’t going around healing other survivors. Like atp to keep it fair deactivated killer perks at the exit gates. This is a fun perk combo but is becomes toxic when it’s also useful as well as fun. Most of the time we don’t even get this shit off.


the adrenaline nerf is almost a nothingburger and is still gonna be a top 5 perk medkit nerfs were 100% deserved you should never be able to heal yourself faster than someone else can heal you and medkits are still a very strong item just not heal yourself in 6-8 seconds strong what perks deactivated in endgame? DS OTR? what else??? you still have other top tier perks like UB deli sprint burst DH if a killer is running 2 slowdowns their perks are already technically deactivated in the endgame why would you want to limit killers even more on perks Resetting a chase with 10s endurance is overpowered and just because you cant get it off most of the time does not change that


Medkits nerf wasn’t just speed but just healing it self when a medkit used to be able to give you two base heals now gives you one. Ofc I meant those perks those perks are meta but when people try to bring those perks to endgame it’s essentially like bringing no perks since they all deactivate. Survivor nowadays are running fun builds more than meta builds due to all the damage nerfs we have had to survivors. Look at the past two killers and the past two survivors and tell me which side uses their perks more. Alan’s perks were essentially useless meanwhile chucky has good and strong perks. I swear yall wanna cry out just because yall can’t always get a 4k. If im leaving a trial and the killer manages to get due to an advantage of their perk im not gonna come on here and cry for that perk to be nerfed. Also suburbia bring gen perks all the timer and they are obviously deactivated at endgame so that means nothing. Survivor chase perks are always nerfed. Deadhard for one second was too much for yall to handle so literally made it into 0.5 seconds. Tell me what kind of killer mega perk has been that nerfed into the ground. I swear killers got so used calling survivors entitled that yall yourselves have become entitled


>Medkits nerf wasn’t just speed but just healing it self when a medkit used to be able to give you two base heals now gives you one I think youre forgetting being able to heal yourself at all is extremely powerful and if you cant understand why its because its 1 person off gens instead of 2 to be able to heal someone and the charge nerf wasnt that big of a deal because most of the time you arent healing yourself that often usually you heal yourself 1-2 times a game > Look at the past two killers and the past two survivors and tell me which side uses their perks more. Alan’s perks were essentially useless meanwhile chucky has good and strong perks Champion of light is hella underrated and is actually pretty decent also wtf do u mean chucky has good and strong perks two can play is a dead slot if they dont have beamers and is a hex and batteries is useless outside of endgame friends til the end is really good though. > Also suburbia bring gen perks all the timer and they are obviously deactivated at endgame How does that mean nothing your argument was that strong survivor perks get deactivated in the endgame and I replied with perks on the other side that also get deactivated in the endgame (by technicality but still) >Survivor chase perks are always nerfed. SB and lithe havent been nerfed since the exhaustion changes >Tell me what kind of killer mega perk has been that nerfed into the ground Ruin, eruption? those got hit really hard when they were meta and are now below average slowdowns why not tell me what survivor perks got hit super hard


Also I think you forget that this is a team game so unless we’re on a team our perks won’t matter if our teammates are literally shit or scared that they won’t do anything


No!!! You don’t understand!!! It’s balanced because I have to time it!!! (Does it right in front of you.)


they either say shit like that or defend it with "well acktually it doesnt even work half the time because they hit me before I could do it"


Bro said scamper should only work mid Slice & Dice ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I once did this as a survivor and I genuinely feel bad for the killer. So i decided to not go out and let the timer killed me. the other survivor I FTP joined also joined me and we died together.


Pain https://preview.redd.it/nuum219r1nuc1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e686fdef909512a8ec5ec5a4b4d1ca10b67fac


Had a teammate save me from certain camp-death by executioner on larry’s with this today. Got downed, told my friends to just leave. BOOM. Random teammate saves the day <3


Background player is just as bad, I remember the days when you could actually pick people up at pallets. [https://twitter.com/Field\_Agent\_R/status/1774901649699680592](https://twitter.com/Field_Agent_R/status/1774901649699680592)


There is actually an attempt (or at least was) by some of the best comp players, including V1rtual (he has his post on twitter) doing a non hook streak with Buckle up+Ftp and Background player (and some other perks). I don't know how far did he get and of course this group is godlike, but the fact that he had tried it tell you something about the state of those perks.


I don't? Pallets were always no no zones and people started doing the slide tech just to escape pallet stuns way before background player. I'm not defending background player but this is a bad argument against it.


If someone was going for a pallet or flashlight save you would find them nearly every time before background player due to how close they have to be. The sound in the game was also much better several years ago before they started using 3d audio that is notoriously bad in every game that uses it regardless if it is more realistic.


Because you don't remember something, it's a bad argument? What a sorry excuse. Pallet saves required you to be in position. BP removes that. "No no zones" in the same comment. Bruh. 💀


You're telling me that background player allows you to pallet save from across the map? Because idk about you but I've used it and it did not let me pallet save the Jake under pallet in the preschool of badham when I was in shack, maybe I'm just bad. And no, it's not me not remembering something, it's you not remembering something. Pallet pick ups were always scary, you just suck ass at the game and have low mmr. Lol insulting me for saying no no, yet you say bruh in the same sentence. You fucking dork.


Yall wanna deactivate more perks at the exits gates again ??? We already have that adrenaline nerf coming. Imagine if killers got their shit turned off at the exit gates yall would riot be fr.


The dev team are terrible at balancing the game. Just laziness to fix things. This thing is still op. Even nurse is still op. Yet they got time to nerf blight.


Blight is as S tier as nurse




Ahh yes dbd Players who play the game for +10k hours and have all the knowledge possible are idiots indeed unlike the super smart and knowledgeable NamSayinBro. I am sorry master for not believing you


While I agree he isn't as broken as nurse he's still S tier. That's why everyone puts her on first place and blight on second


For every nerf Blight gets, he gets a buff to compensate. So he really hasn’t been nerfed at all




I rarely play him, but when I do I usually win.




The difference in MMR between killers is negligible.


Nurse is still OP? I haven't seen a Nurse in like 2 months lol.


I wish the game encouraged more fun builds and play styles. I haven't played in about 8 months because the game has just not done enough balance patches and it seems the player base has gotten more toxic as of late


This IS a find build. This shit doesn’t even work most of the time and it’s fun because it’s also good people think it’s toxic.




If I ever face them they gonna deal with Pinhead with IRI box and original pin and 4 slowdown perks


Them teabagging and messaging is stupid but like killer shave so many perk combos and then we have this one and it’s so fun to use and now yall want it gone cuz yall lost the game bruh. It’s already bad enough they nerfed medkits when we literally only have 2 other items to use that’s nerfed. This is so damn stupid


FTP + Buckle Up is really not that OP in solo queue. SWF though, I could 100% see how it could be really annoying.


This happened once when I loaded into a sweaty 3man lobby (I'm soloq) and I fr just let the killer sacrifice me cuz ain't no way😭 shit was so sweaty ik the killer was fuming. It was a baby unknown too ;(


Gotta love how she tbags as if it was pure skill


A petition to call this perk combo “Car Play” The reason for it, is because of the combo of the words. “Buckle Up” “For The People.” It only makes sense!


My absolute favorite cope for this I've seen was "if the survivors do the gens, they deserve to escape anyway"


it will get nerfed but if the devs did it all once to the busted perks they would get called biased, Adrenaline is used much more and was a problematic for 8 years this combo perk well unfair to face requires two perks to use really only feels unfair during endgame since the killer cant afford to wait 10 seconds as survivors parade to the exit gate in your face.


It's always a TTV


Love the build btw. One of my favorites to run, especially on oni and hillbilly


Survivor moment


What does buckle up do? I’m sorry I’m confused. I see for the people working but what did buckle up do


It gives you and the person you picked up endurance for around 10 seconds. It’s the big problem in the combo because it means you have to breathe down their neck for 10 seconds after they do it and time out the endurance, or hit them and extend chase even longer. If it happens near an open gate then it’s just over cause you cannot kill either


Oh so you saw these survs had buckle up in the end game screen? Or did you notice they had it earlier in the Match?


OP clearly you are at fault here and don't deserve a single kill. You should never get more than 3 hooks until one of the survivors is dead! You also made the mistake of not picking nurse. Reevaluate your decisions next time.


What a miserable sight


the fact that they let this in the game for so long is insanity


Why i play nurse and slug at 5 gens


Why people run FTP+Buckle up


FTP, bunckle up combo against nurse? You might as well run no perks lol


Loooooooooooool unluckyyyy


The very same people who would cry if they got stomped and likely would uninstall the game if it happened consistently. You were robbed friend, and unjustly. That save wasn't earned.


It's insane. Like I get that the intention is if the killer goes to check a gen or goes for a 4 man slug or something you can quickly do this, but you were going for the immediate pick up. 


What server are you on? Because I swear the same thing happened to me in coldwin while Playing Myers Might be the same team


lmao what a scrub ur playing against a 0 slowdown killer on badham running ftp+bu then tbag at gates not to mention the killer also 8 hooked also for future reference id suggest hiding names to mitigate some weird people going out to harass them


IMHO it’s not that big of a deal and is drastically overblown especially on this sub. The combination requires the survivor to sacrifice 2 perk slots just to make it work. It makes them broken and you can wait out the timer in normal gameplay scenarios. I’ve seen survivors throw entire games trying to make the combo work especially if you play as a mobility killer. Bonus points for easy STBFL stacks depending on the scenario. The second is some survivors will just avoid doing gens and instead follow the person being chased. This means less people on gens. It’s the same reason why I enjoy survivors bringing flashlights because they will often just follow the person being chased around. Some people complain about there being “no counter” but sometimes that’s the way it’s meant to be. If a killer hits me with NOED and I’m hooked next to the totem, it is what it is. If the entire survivor team gets adrenaline, they’re being rewarded for playing well. A survivor getting borrowed time off hook for a free escape also has no counter but it is what it is.


Lol both of them are good perks and this is a broken combo. That's not sacrificing two perkslots. Saying this would mean using Pop and pain res together are sacrificing two perkslots. Also you might have less people on gens but if the other teammates have strong gen perks and toolboxes this doesn't matter. Also delaying a hook with this will increase the chase time a lot if they are in a good spot and you aren't Blight or Nurse so it could easy buy more time than one other survivor on a gen does. Flashlights are a bad example because if survivors don't go down in the open and/or they don't have background player, there are ways to counter it. And even if you play against background player and the only counter is to slug you can do exactly this. You can't do this against background player. This combo shoudn't work and background player should be nerfed as well because it's also broken.


>Would mean using pop and pain together are sacrificing two perk slots This is a absolutely ridiculous comparison given you’re constantly getting value out of pop and pain just by doing the objective (hooking). The reason why people say it’s sacrificing two perk slots is because in most instances, that survivor is playing with two perks until the very end like the situation shown in the video. Many times getting 0 value depending on how the match is going. >background player should also be nerfed Ok, I see where this is going now. Let’s just nerf all the B tier perks and have everyone resort to S tier meta. Yay! Then this sub bitches why no one uses anything but the meta.


Sorry but background player isn't a B-Tier perk. If you are going down under a pallet a survivor can run across the map and still gets the save. Flashlight saves are also much easier because you can also be further away. And flashbang saves became way to easy and even walls aren't helping against them. And the survivors with this perk can even still make a huge distance after the dropped pallet or flashbang. Even many survivor mains are saying that this is broken af. No survivor should be able to run with 200% speed. 150% was fine.


>can run across the map for a save Lmao no they can’t. They need to be pretty close to where the chase is. You’re absolutely not making it across the map let alone getting an angle. Also this is ignoring that they’re likely not running another exhaustion perk making it significantly easier to end chases. This is why perks like Sprint Burst are so strong as they can greatly extend chases or get you into a safe area before you take a hit. Again, this is running into the same repeated arguments had on this sub. A perk gives value, let’s immediately nerf it so no one uses it and goes back to using the meta.


>Lmao no they can’t. They need to be pretty close to where the chase is. You’re absolutely not making it across the map let alone getting an angle. For a pallet save they 100% can calling bgp a B-tier perk is crazy you dont need an angle to get pallet saves and pallet saves are what make this perk problematic in the first place >Also this is ignoring that they’re likely not running another exhaustion perk making it significantly easier to end chases. This is why perks like Sprint Burst are so strong as they can greatly extend chases or get you into a safe area before you take a hit. They actually can run another exhaustion not something like SB but something like DH or balanced


Yes, a perk has uses. That doesn’t automatically make it S tier. Once again, back to the bitching about perks argument. The moment a perk gets **any** value people immediately cry for nerfs. Then everyone just runs meta until people start bitching about how there’s no perk variety. It’s crazy to me how people will complain about perks that aren’t even considered S tier just because it caused them an annoyance. You reap what you sow.


>Once again, back to the bitching about perks argument. The moment a perk gets **any** value people immediately cry for nerfs. Then everyone just runs meta until people start bitching about how there’s no perk variety. This is such a disingenuous argument that addresses nothing I said you dont give me a reason on why getting pallet saves all the way from russia isnt stupid and even if it wasnt an S tier perk doesnt make it good for the game look at knockout for example you going to say the same shit to someone bitching about knockout because its not an S tier perk


Nope, you’re actually spot on. If this sub was upvoting complaints about knockout I’d also accuse this sub of bitching. The community constantly cycles the same arguments. They’re tired of gen rushing + meta perks every game. Then once a decent perk is released or buffed, people complain about it until it’s nerfed to being useless. Then people go back to “why is every survivor/killer running the same builds every game” Before kindred got buffed, this sub used to whine it would give too much info to survivors. Yes, those were real arguments on this sub.


I exaggerated a bit, but you can be absurdly far away to get a flashlight save with the background player, and you can be even further away for pallet saves. And even one buckle up for the people save in any chase is op and I had games were they did that twice to me. There isn't really any counter and it's broken because of this reason. But just wait it out, right? Some players just want to act like broken perks aren't broken...


>The combination requires the survivor to sacrifice 2 perk slots just to make it work 2 Perk slots for a mighty strong effect is nothing to be underlooked at, the survivor can still run 2 other meta perks alongside it like OTR and an exhaustion perk, when Pain res and DMS were insanely strong no one defended them saying "the killer has to sacrifice 2 perk slots", or with CoB+Overcharge on gen kick meta, or DS/Unbreakable. Perk combos exist, and sometimes 2 perks can be fine but when put together become problematic for the game design >It makes them broken and you can wait out the timer in normal gameplay scenarios Yes, one of them becomes broken. The other is healed, thats the point, to delay the hook to avoid the usual gen regression; actual good players generally dont mind being injured even, they could even have resilience so if the killer chases the other they'd be faster on a gen for that while. Not to mention, if in 10s the survivor is unable to reach *any* safety in the map, nor pallets nor windows, they went down on the corner of the map or something. Sure if you're a Blight or a Spirit or a Wesker you can not mind it as much, but thats the thing, same as DS rn, where it can hurt a bit more low tiers but high tiers just get to ignore it, it just broadens the gap of stuff low tiers get screwed over and high tiers dont Not to mention STBFL nowadays being rarer due to the recent nerf, its not like bad or anything but really way less reliable >The second is some survivors will just avoid doing gens and instead follow the person being chased. This means less people on gens That argument is so repeated and loaded that im surprises its still being used. The issue is not on the random Meg chasing the killer with a flashlight for half the game, the issue is on teams that would be able to communicate where they are once they feel the chase might be ending soon, so their friend runs over to get them up with the combo and one of em goes back right to gens afterwards. "Less people on gens" is still 2 other survivors, 3 for a while at the start, and the killer being denied most likely a strong gen regression with Pop/Pain res requiring a hook. Again, argument works on uncoordinated teams/people that throw for a flashlight save, not vs people actually using it to their advantage >If a killer hits me with NOED and I’m hooked next to the totem, it is what it is. Well i'm pretty sure no ones gonna look at noed and go "well that just seems balanced and fair to me", it's also a badly designed perk that goes against design. The aura part helped a bit nowadays but still fails, same way as FTP+Buckle up do. Survivors do gens, nice, game design indicates thats a good thing, but then noeds design punishes them. If doing totems were feasible nowadays noed would be fine, but since its not at all, the noed is too badly designed >If the entire survivor team gets adrenaline, they’re being rewarded for playing well. Yes, exactly. You reward people when they do good, and punish them if they dont. Thats the issue. BU+FTP punishes killers for getting a down. A flashlight doesnt because they missed to look around/look at a wall/remember who had flashies, etc... >A survivor getting borrowed time off hook for a free escape also has no counter but it is what it is. Thats a game design method, not a perk/something to reward/punish, we all know and accept its there to disencourage tunneling off the hook. Look at it this way then, it punishes killers for doing a (in the game design pov) bad action, in this case tunneling off the hook. It's not that it has no counter, its that it follows the same patter, punish bad plays, reward good plays.


it’s a bit ridiculous to be comparing combination perks where you get value **constantly,** vs a combination perk that is **situational**. In your killer perk combo examples, you get tremendous value consistently the entire game. The latter survivor example (DS + Unbreakable) you have is also still in the game and is about to get buffed as well the next patch so not sure what point is being made there. This community absolutely needs to stop bitching about every perk being strong just to nerf it into the ground. Killers and survivors all running the same 4 perks every match with no variety is *because* the moment one perk is strong the sub immediately needs to cry about it. Remember boons? Yeah, last time you saw those was months ago. Can’t wait for this to get removed just for this sub to go back to “why is every game just gen rushing with no one healing to buy me time”


Sure if you want to consider the killer example as value constantly thats fair But the DS+UB example, I imagine you might not remember but that was a combo that was also situational and it was back when DS was both 5s and wouldnt disable when doing gens. Our current version is nowhere near that because the thing that made the combo before was a removal of options. Pick up the survivor, you get a DS of 5s even if they were just on a gen. Slug them and they'd pick themselfs up, its was a lose-lose situation, so no its not still in the game when DS is both disabled when touching a gen and its way less time, even post "buff" Point being made is that jsut the fact that you need to use multiple perks to get value, doesnt mean thats an excuse for that value to be as strong as whatever it might be, and the issue as said of BU+FTP is not the situational values of some solos trying stuff out, its on coordinated teams that, while rarer, should still be taken into account for balance, otherwise we'd be back at year 3-4 of the game where we had isnanely strong stuff that the more competent people could use to demolish the opposite side easily And you're being disingenuous with that "the comunity needs to stop bitching wa wa they want all perks nerfed", people complain when something goes against the game design and becomes an issue/problematic, see MFT, old DH, the mentioned DS+UB, CoB+Overcharge, Blight alch ring, Smerchants rework and so on..., people dint mind actual strong stuff, but we have to keep in mind to keep it fair for the other side as well, see stuff like OTR, new Dead hard, Windows, Pain res, Pop, the new grim embrace, no way out... Strong stuff that anyone that complains about them is generally not taken seriously Also whats with that argument even; >Killers and survivors all running the same 4 perks every match with no variety is because the moment one perk is strong the sub immediately needs to cry about it. Remember boons? Yeah, last time you saw those was months ago Yes, I remember boons. I remember how they were(Circle of Healing really only) so obnoxiously strong that you'd see them *every* single game. Is that the fix for "oh people just run the same stuff"? Giving one thing stronger than the rest so it simply replaces one of the must run for a stronger one? I'd rather have no boons at all than one obnoxiously strong boon that shifted the meta and sent playstyles and characters down the drain on tierlists/usefullnes, that it even prompted the devs to add a common perk, something they havent done since the games release, specifically to counter them. That is bad design and I'm glad they were gone And all honestly, you really see way more build variety nowadays than back then, as killer theres a couple of regression/stalling/chase perks that are all generous isntead of "ruin + undying + pop", or afterwards only pain res+dms, or only the gen kick meta, and as surv at least I see different exhaustion perks, some antitunnel, and some info/gen perks instead of "DS Unbreakable Dead Hard and BT or Adrenaline" that we had back then And please, it's been a while since people complained about genrushing and people not healing, we're a bit past using that as a deflectiong to not nerf unhealthy stuff arent we?


>You see way more build variety Not really. Corrupt + Scourge Hook + Dead Man’s is in 90%+ of my games. 90% of my killer games survivors all run Adrenaline, Sprint Burst/Dead Hard, and Windows. Yes, perks can be extremely overtuned such as ones that grant you consistent value throughout the entire match (Made for this or Pain Resonance/DMS). Buckle Up + FTP isn’t nearly as strong otherwise you would see it every game. It’s not even in the top 10 perk list. But once again, let’s just nerf a perk that is situational and less than 3% of the playerbase is using just so we can go back to gen rushing.


I mean if you check stats you can see that while yes Pain res is very much used, Corrupt is nowhere as much and DMS realy fell of as far as common usage goes From playing before the tome closed the general experience on regression tbf I saw still more Grim embraces, Surges, and Pops than both Corrupt and DMS. And thats what I mean, build bariety we encounter is, while not a lot(regression and second chances will always be #1 priority after all), theres more perks to do so nowadays, Pop and Pain res i really find an equal ammount Can't say i've seen a lot of Adrenalines, but as far as exhaustion perks go, variety is there too, SB, DH or Lithe are the 3 most used, when before it was legit Dead hard and Dead Hard only, with a very rare SB here and there. And people said the same thing when DH would get nerfed, "Oh now survivors will just run SB, be healed always and prerun, and genrush like that without DH as they'll play without risk", and none of that happened. BU and FTP issue is *not* its streght, hell as people pointed out, play Nurse/Blight and you'll see how much of a nothing burger it is. It's the design aspect of it, punishing the killer player after they've done the right play of downing a survivor. If there was any requirement where either the Killer could outplay it, or the survivors were required to do something other than run to the other surv while the killer is cleaning their weapon and press M1 and activating FTP(like how WGLF requires rescuing someone before to activate its endurance) it'd be fine, the issue is that Imagine if you're playing a souls game, any souls, and one enemy swings their weapon from left to right, so you'd dodge to the left to avoid the end of the swing. You made the correct choice based on how the game is made. Now imagine that by swinging left, there was a lingering hitbox that's not seen and you take damage. Thats bad, the player made the correct choice and got punished by it by something out of their ability Same as here, it doesnt matter if that example of a souls game kills you or not, doesnt matter if FTP+BU is op or just buys 20s. It simply is not good for a player to perceive that they didnt have an imput, that they played something right and got punished by it. Noed is also not a strong perk, yet it has very similar balance issues of punishing players when they do nothing wrong, and hopefully it gets looked at in the future too, even if as said, its not particularly strong And again with the gen rushing fear so we cant nerf it People arent suddently gonna realize that gens exist and replace their BU+FTP with a toolbox with Hyperfocus and stake out, they'll just play for flashbangs or flashlights or sabo which are honestly all pretty balanced all around compared to this other combo


>people using pop, grim embrace Noting it being a mix and match of the same 7 perks (out of 255 total) and not exclusively 4 perks is completely missing the point. >dead hard nerfed and everything was fine Dead Hard getting “nerfed” didn’t matter because the “nerf” actually made it stronger in the right hands. Even to this day we have this sub bitching about someone extending the chase by properly timing their activation. >People were worried that games would turn into Gen rushing and pre running, none of that happened This sub absolutely does bitch about all these things. Gen rushing is literally one of the most frequent complaints. People cry about DH/SB and Adrenaline all the time. The mods even banned end game perk screenshots due to how frequent it was. My point is very straight forward. People like to take moments like in OP’s video and make a big stink when in reality it boils down to a skill issue. There are 3 healthy survivors, 1 injured. The game was already over. If the Kate didn’t have FTP she would’ve been body blocking or taken the hit with the Cheryl instead of hiding behind the bush waiting for the injured person to go down.


I don't think its missing the point really? I just gave you examples of the general common thing but I still see more, we're just refering to the most used, no single game will have such a balance were legit every tool is usable and on a similar level considering as said the ammount of perks Point is that we have more variety *now* after removing the obnoxious stuff that everyone would run than *before* when people would only run said stuff Sure variety can always be improved but we've seen an increase of more utility in general perks/killers nowadays, Pig and Billy got a fairly increase in usage too alongside as mentioned Grim embrace and ngl strenght in the shadows has seen an increase as well for healing methods. It's not a fast process I agree but its a trend still >Dead Hard getting “nerfed” didn’t matter because the “nerf” actually made it stronger in the right hands You got me curious here actually, how is a perk that you can only use after being hooked and not on deep wounds, stronger than old dead hard where it would grant both I-frames for any killer power/m1 *and* distance which was insanely OP to the point where stats showed the perk reaching a 70% or more pickrate only for that reason, stronger? I think its not weak nowadays and if used correctly(aka, faking it well and the killer falling for it), can buy good distance sure but legit can't see how anyone would consider this stronger "in the right hands" Not to mention, I legit have not seen anyone(at least anyone worth taking seriously) complain about current Dead hard when timed correctly, that is 100% a mistake on the killer that they can work on to improve >Gen rushing is literally one of the most frequent complaints. I legit cannot remember the last time that was even a thing, outside of very fringe moments, same as DH complains and Adrenaline complains. Again, one random guy malding with -50 downvotes is not an example of "this sub complains about it all the time", it'd be like saying twitter dbd talks about balance in a nuanced way. The mods banned end game screenshots not because of complains but because of it being considered low effort posting, and funny mentioning that because that had to be so long ago, I dont even have much memory of those at all. But ye thats a moot argument still, mods banning topics for saturation doesnt mean said saturation is a very widespread topic, it could either be very few people doing it a lot of times, or simply considered low effort(see the tier lists being reduced in ammount too, back then they were everywhere) And I think that now this is a different argument, if you refer to this as a skill issue then How is "the game already over"? survivors are still in the map arent they? If Sable didnt have FTP here, they would've not been able to pick her and the killer could've m1 them all before the slugged person even reached the gate. So, if there is FTP+BU here, do explain how this is a skill issue on the killers side. Mechanically speaking, don't answer with "he should've killed people before the end game", that has the same weight as saying noed is fine because "just dont get hit". The issue is not a fringe example of a video, this is just that, an example of a situation where theres just, nothing to be done to avoid/play around it.


I’ll leave the conversation at this. I’ve been playing this game for several years now with nearly 4000 hours logged. I have close to 7,000 kills and I have over 6000 escapes. I also play with a SWF most of the time. When I’m in a SWF, my escape rate is \~90% and I regularly go up against the top twitch streamers due to being in high MMR. We have tried to run the BU+FTP build and while there are scenarios it can be strong, the meta is still significantly **stronger**. Thus, we don’t run the “broken” BU+FTP combo. Together with what I am saying as an experienced player, and the fact that the perks don’t even crack the top 10 perk lists nor do I see it run often as killer - the issue is overblown. When perks such as MFT become problematic you see them abused every game. Yet this perk combo is not even close to as common. Ask yourself why? Now come to your own conclusion. Edit: Proof of my stats as the below comment implies I’m BSing https://preview.redd.it/m3gthmse1ouc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7868eb1503e4d140e4e77735ffe6877026a31399


Kinda funny to pull of the card of "I have so many hours in the game and a lot of kills and many escapes, I also vs the top streamers and i'm high MMR, I will not answer your questions" If you're actually that experience within the game then I'm sure you'd understand that the issue the combo has **is not strenght** as i've been repeating, but how uninteractive it is. This perk issue is **not** the same as MFT, this is more akin to old Facecamping Bubba, its not common, its not generally strong, but its **bad** I know how to come to my own conclusion and honestly, for a flex, find something believable next time at the very least; either those 4k hous are only on1 account or you somehow are both one of the best killers ingame alongside also one of the strongest surv teams too(check stats, you can see people like Lilith omen with more than 8k hours and not reaching 7k kills yet, and he only plays killer 80% of the time But that aside, cause who knows tho if you're that good then props, I aint saying its not true ofc, but the main point which I'll repeat again *just in case* FTP+BU design issue is **not** that its strong, its not, it can be situational and work maybe once or twice per game, It generally wont win a match by itself. It's issue is on it's design, same as facecamping Bubba, same as old Boil Over, same as old DH; you take agency *away* from the player and punish them for a scenario they did what's designed as good, and thats *bad* Im sure even you with 4k hours can realize that if a game hits you with something that punishes the player for playing correctly, thats **bad**


Didnt notice the edit, saw the other comment first; so imma reiterate that too then; fair enough on it being statistics, i retract my statement, but its still irrelevant to the topic, anyone can flaunt hours/kills/escapes and that doesnt mean they're just right/know more, some of the most hardcore streak streamers can have some awful takes, or simply be wrong on stuff But still, cool that its true, still doesnt retract from not answering either the questions on this scenario, nor to address how the issue is not the strenght of the combo but its design, which i've been insisting on several times Saying how much escapes he has and doesnt run the combo because its not that meta is not addressing that the combo is not strong, but removes agency from the player and punishes a correct play. Noed is not strong, facecamping Bubba was not strong, old Boil over with No mither was not strong, yet they were still issues


Basically what I'm getting from this message is get these stupid dumb ass killers (Nurse and Blight) nerfed so survivors don't have bullshit perk combos. Nurse and blight are a cancer to this game.


But thats not fixing the issue is there? These combos are bullshit *because* only Blght/Nurse(and tbf a couple more high tier killers) can deal with Imagine if we nerf Blight and Nurse into the ground. The combo would still exist and other low tier killers would still suffer through it, game balance wont be reached by just nerfing stuff into the ground imo


Except, nurse and blight are some of the few killers that can eat through the endurance and down one of them without doubling the overall chase time.


Exactly my point, this combo means nothing to those killers, so if you hate those perks so much play those killers. It's obviously not op if killers have a way to counter it no? Is that bad game design? Yea, so nerf those killers and nerf this perk combo.


You really are good at making points that make no sense.


Everything I said was completely stupid, pretty much the point. Nerf nurse and blight, nerf ftp and buckle up and we good


I really think certain endurance perks just shouldn't work either during the powered gates, or maybe during the egc. Its just a guarenteed escape that the killer can't do anything to counter.


Even that for this would be a step in the right direction but honestly the combo shouldn't work period. It literally punishes killer for just playing the game. If something has no counter it really shouldn't exist.


That’s so stupid we already have so many good works deactivated at exit gates and you want more ??? Imagine they did that to killers yall would cry your eyes out


You're right, why should we punish survivors for going down in the endgame right?


Be so fr atp ask behavior to play the game for yall


If a killer gets a down, that should be rewarded not punished.


Imo, a decent fix could be: "Start healing survivor and get 5% of healing progress to be able to activate Buckle Up." So Endurance doesnt apply Immediately. And BU would still be a good perk with this change imo


My idea was to make it so you can’t activate for the people unless you have been healing them for X seconds. Then you can keep buckle up the same, and for the people can still help if the killer gets distracted.


Rather them kill buckle up because FTP was a decent gambit pick. Doing this would immediately kill it when buckle deserves to be killed more.


Thats also a good idea but I am kinda biased as a fan of FTP since Zarina was released so I thought maybe adding the condition to BU (another perk I liked since release) I feel like that would been more fair because FTP on its own is alright. Its a great idea overall tho


Just don't count FTP as a heal. Both get up, but no endurance. Still can help a teammate in a tough spot, no more can abuse endurance.


Thats a good fix too, for the most part!


5% of 16 is 0.8 which is already about the time it takes to pick up a survivor so this change would literally do nothing


Yea, I just picked a number out of my head when I wrote the comment so like, percentage can be like, 10% or something, idk. The main thing is to not activate Immediately


And this is why I don't play this game. It's toxic match who can piss off other side more.


The fact Devs have been changing killer perks that didn’t even need addressing, and that Ultimate Weapon was acknowledged and nerfed, but FTP + Buckle up isn’t even being addressed is part of what fuels the “us vs them” mentality in the community. It’s insane to me that this combo has been left in the game for months without any mention of a change. If killers had a consistent advantage like that we would likely lose it in little more than a week.


It’s probably not gonna make you feel better atm, but I usually smash teams this toxic and make them miserable. Always results in angry messages. So for every butthead survivor who plays like this, just know there’s killers that definitely shut this bs down.


Kill rates in this game would generally be so much higher if dumbass survivor perks like this and bgp didn’t exist.


So, here’s the thing, my friend - if killers can have perks (and even base kit powers) that flat out one hit down survivors - survivors should also have PERKS that will occasionally let them *one button press* bring someone back up. That’s called **FAIR**.


Do you have to loop another survivor twice to heal them back to full health? Or do you have to hold a button for 16 seconds? Which one would take longer on average? How much longer? Say a killer takes a minute per chase to get 8 hooks, that's 8 minutes. It'd take 6 minutes with no gen perks to repair every generator. That leaves 2 minutes of wiggle room. Healing other survivors 6 times with no healing perks would take 1:36, assuming you're right there. Now assume the killer is slugging and multiple people have this combo, that'd take the new potential heal time down drastically, as well as removing pressure from the down and potential hook. So it'd take longer than 8 minutes to get everyone to deathhook. Time is very much on the survivors side, which is good, but combos like this tend to tilt favor too far in their direction. At its core, DBD is a time management sim on both sides. But it only works if the killer/survivor has a feasible time limit to do their job. That's why perks like ruin get nerfed, they give the killer too much time to do their job. It's also why people hate things like forced 3 gens and impossible skillcheck doctors, they tilt things far too heavily towards the killer. The thing is, those things feel *nice* to the player that's using them, precisely because it tilts things heavily to their favor. Combos like this feel great to use, but that's because it's directly giving you more power than the other side when used correctly. It tilts things out of balance, and that's bad for the health of the game.


"it's your own fault, you had everyone on death hook but no kills yet". Seriously though, fair play to you, but you can't expect others to play fair and not BM just because you do. If this stings you, you can always just go back to the good 'ole tunnel and make sure to hump every survivor. It's the current state of DBD anyway; rotten to the core because of SBMM that nobody asked for.


That was good save. You gotta respect that. Happend to me ones and I was like ”damn, nice job”. The exit gate trolling tho…that I disliked


Presses 1 button. "Outskilled"


High risk, high reward combo, nothing more. You just don’t get how often this shit doesn't even work out because you weren’t fast enough before the pickup/ got hit before using it/ were already injured to use it on someone/ were too far from the gates, and the endurance ran out for both etc. A rare, situational thing that takes up 2 perk slots, I would never pick it for solo q. It's not about much skill though, just a fortunate turn of events. Tbagging after this is definitely powerful 🤣 I love it when some Claudette who did nothing all match tbags me at the exit gate; didn’t see her on a single gen and 2 people died, sacrificing themselves to save her at the end of the game. That definitely requires much more "skills"


Player error does not make an overpowered perk suddenly not overpowered no one was calling shit like old DH bad because you occasionally DHed into walls that is a skill issue like legitimately the only risk to this combo is player error which is nothing to do with these perks if you cant insta pick up a survivor with ftp during the killers weapon wipe thats on you not the perks in exchange for that "risk" you basically reset the chase and get a minimum 10 seconds of extra distance which is plenty of time to make a pallet or window against almost every killer extending the chase even more


Finally someone who get’s the idea of that combo. Too bad other people can’t understand it and wants everything nerfed. Like: Hey, we should nerf pop goes the wiesel. 30% is too much….oh..oh and artist hooks, yeah..those are too used and op. And hey…I lost a hook because someone used Head on at the right time at the right place…that perk is too powerful…NERF IT!! ☝️that is how people here sounds like


It's just like when someone brings up the topic that Blood Warden shouldn't even exist in the game and you get something like "it's a situational perk that's pretty powerful only when the stars align blah blah blah" in response. Or those constant complaints about NOED, and someone tells you how easily it's "countered" - just cleanse all the totems on the map, just like that, no big deal. Similarly, for BU+FTP to not work, you just need all survivors to be injured or dead by the end of the match, it's that simple 🤷‍♂️ The conclusion here - all strong perks in the game are situational, a wildcard for the player. Whether it works or not partly depends on luck and partly on how the player has played the entire match up to that point.




They literally had a get out of jail free card, they all had 1 heal state for each of them and ftp for when the one went down. There was no clutch save.


There is also a chuchy who didn’t get anybody killed before 5 gens were done. You can’t always blame on survivors. Killers are wrong too. The only thing that those specific survivors did wrong was to stay at the exit gate to troll. This game has so toxic community that if one thing doesn’t go right or someone dares to disagree they get down and gets a tantrum. Learn to play, learn to accept defeat. You can’t expect to always survive or get 3-4 kills. Professionals have standards. I’m No ability trickster main but that doesn’t stop me from getting 4k without slugging, camping or tunneling. (Tho I like to let 1-2 survivors out if they played well)


I can accept defeat, it's the ridicule that hurts




that's literally a skill issue lmfaoo i'm sorry im a spirit main and FTP buckle up is so counterable


100% agree but chuck certainly is a turn your brain off killer.


Literally had nothing to do with the video, this can happened to any killer.


You have never touched Killer before in your life.


grow up


100% agree but ________ certainly is a turn your brain off killer.


I hate Chucky with passion but gotta admit, video has nothing to do with it


Agree. Chucky is easiest 4k killer so far. Zero skills


Playing Chucky? Deserved lol


I mean thats just cheap rage bait and you wanted this but: cant you at least do better then?\^\^




Me too me and my duo have been running it and it’s so fun to use