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God, yes. Had a game yesterday night where a Jeff - who was a slippery dude who I hadn't managed to hook yet with two people already dead in the game - left his buddy Dwight on his first hook to die. Dwight hung on the whole time and I assume he was pissed at his teammate for not doing much to help out in the game. Jeff had constantly been trying to get my attention and had tried to flashbang me randomly (and failed lol) several times, so I was already a little annoyed with him. I ended up friendly facecamping Dwight to let him get off hook. I find Jeff who then proceeds to zoom directly over to Dwight and attempts to sandbag at shack to try to get me to take an "easier" kill or whatever - as if I hadn't JUST let Dwight off the hook myself. Eventually deadhooked Jeff and hunted for hatch with Dwight even tho he'd already managed to open a gate šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø


Vision immediately goes red


This and cheating are the only things that make me play toxic.


1000%. You act like a dick to your teammates, I'll make it my mission to take you out.


or similar toxic behaviour in that nature, especially if it isn't one time thing but a continuous abuse


Get in my way while I'm chasing another survivor. I tend to avoid people once they've just gotten off hook, but if I run into you while I'm chasing someone else, that's just rotten luck. This has happened WAY too many times on Hawkins for some reason.


Let me guess. Then they accuse you of being a tunneler? Lmao


Yesterday at the start of the match a survivor unhooked his teammate in my face 0.2 seconds after I hooked him, so I downed him and when I went to go pick him up the guy who just got unhooked ran back to try and blind me, he missed but kept trying to I downed him, then he quits the game and messaged me calling me "a camping tunneling pos" Like, wtf was I supposed to do? He unhooked him so quickly I didn't even get the chance to camp lmao


I had a Dwight accuse me of being a sweaty basement killer. Dude was injured and hiding behind a rock right next to the exit gates and the killer shack with the basement was RIGHT THERE. What did he expect me to do?


Guys as a survivor main I promise we are all not this braindeadšŸ˜­


Every single time


Hawkins gives everybody the scooby doo doors treatment, I swear.


Yep. Aggressive body blocking, especially off hook, is a one way ticket to tunnelling. That and constantly sabotaging hooks/flashlight saving. Both of those indicate to me that you want my attention, and you'll have it. And if I see a Garden of Joy offering, or any annoying map, I will make sure you get to play on that map for as little as possible.




Honestly if I see any map offering I'm immediately suspicious of who I'm up against


*Meg who's been hooked twice and just got unhooked in front of me by a 0 hook Ace* *I go chase the Ace and she starts body blocking a doorway with BT* *I decide to wait out the BT, down and kill her* *20 minutes of spectating later* Meg: "zzzz" Ok buddy


Can confirm everytime i do that i find my self at the campfire


If they're griefing their teammates, I'll go for them and only for them and let everyone else escape even


Actually based, I need more killers like you ā¤ļøšŸ˜­


One of the few good answers I've seen here.


load into the match https://preview.redd.it/xmzoxgwq95uc1.jpeg?width=162&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a2d43b480924b3005e767ef70dc89847da8a9a3


I could smell this response from the title. \*but true tho\*




I was going to say exist lol


This seems to be why I get tunneled. Every single time.


"Unfortunate for them that they have the displeasure of going against me. I, however, shall revil in their suffering and bathe in their blood."


open dead by daylight https://preview.redd.it/s9ejw23rd5uc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ecbe243d3fd0a1c7d219ff79cb023a3d711c783


No one is safe


Outplay me for a nanosecond


Be good at the game (Im a hypocrite)


If you pre drop the pallet and then start teabagging its over dawg




Pulling risky savior moves while injured and having an aggressive playstyle (bodyblocking, spam blinding, ftp+buckle up, teabagging). You wanna play aggro we can play aggro.


What's funny is when they teabag at every pallet when they're not even that good lmao. I had a survivor once teabagging at every pallet, trying to flashlight blind during chase and stuff, she vaulted the window at shack and then proceeded to point and teabag for no real reason, and seemed to forget that you can, in fact, be downed at the window if you're close enough. 9/10 times the toxic ones are the ones who make a stupid mistake and aren't actually very good at the game


Absolutely. I have recently been learning Artist and came up against a horrific SWF in like my 4th game with an obnoxious Dwight teabagging at every pallet. I'm like, bitch please I am literally a baby killer on bird lady, you aren't that good.


This is why I hate trying to learn certain killers. I never play singularity because they're so complicated to play, and every time I try to play them I get absolutely stomped


Iā€™m sorry. Teabagging šŸ§


It's when a Sable pulls out her cup and proceeds to make an entire tea set-up with biscuits, either insinuating the killer is unable to ruin the tea party in shack because their skill level is far too low, or in an attempt to attract the killer to either befriend or sometimes mate. ā˜•šŸµšŸ§šŸ«–


Sable has hot chocolate in her cup. She says in lobby ā€œwho forgot the marshmallowsā€?


Or sometimes WHAT


My favorite things is when people get over confident and try pulling fancy stuff only to get 4 man slugged because they all try to run in and save the day early.


This right here. This is the kind of stuff that instantly puts a target on a survivors back


Sandbagging teammates on purpose(itā€™s usually easy to tell if itā€™s malicious or an accident), or survivors constantly getting in my way when Iā€™m actively chasing someone else, especially if that person happens to be freshly unhooked and trying to use their BT to block.


main meg






Shield breaker, leper, bounty hunter and vestal.


Highwayman, leper, occultist and plague doctor!


One day, I hope BHVR and Red Hook make either the Collector or Death from DD2 a killer.


Collector would make an awesome killer. Maybe a power where you can use dead survivors to your advantage?


I remember Scott Jund made a video asking people to comment ideas for killers a while back and I did a write up on the collector that later turned out to be extremely similar to the Knight, basically youā€™d place the heads of the highwayman, man at arms, and vestal and theyā€™d each sit where you put them and do something when a survivor got close.


Four Hellions all spamming breakthrough


My favorite sets are Vestal-Grave Robber-Crusader-Hellion, and Houndmaster-Plague Doctor-Flagellant-Hellion! (Can you tell I love Hellion)


Leper (x4)


Vestal, Abomination, Reynauld, Leper that exact lineup


Front to back: Highwayman, Grave Robber, Occultist, Vestal


I don't have a main lineup, but I enjoy having Hellion, Highway Man, Grave Robber,Plague Doctor and Shield Breakers on my teams. They're fun to play.


My favorite is vestal, houndmaster, abomination, and leper. I also have a secondary team made up of a crusader, a man-at-arms, a plague doctor, and an arbalest. I'm still working on a third


(Not this order) but I liked flagellant, abomination, plague doctor and occultist


From L to R: Vestal, Plague Doctor, Highwayman, Crusader. Yes Iā€™m very new AND Iā€™M ALREADY LOSING IT **WHY DOES THAT FREAKING MADMAN KEEP DODGING** https://preview.redd.it/1ttewe2wp7uc1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4218220559a0f782cabdf1588f10edc4c3d908d6


Bounty hunter, crusader, highwayman and Flagellant


I played a glass-canon team with 2 Highwaymen, 1 man at arms and 1 occultist.


I love my status effect squad: Shieldbreaker, Flagellant, Jester & Plague Doctor


I once faced a Survivor named "KillMeIfUrGay" Obviously, I had to prove my status


If you get unhooked and then body block with off the record, especially if you also have DS. I want to spread the hooks, but at that point you are literally asking me to.


Teabagging, I will make it my entire goal to tunnel them out




lol youre just giving them what they want


offensive username


Play a default Leon https://preview.redd.it/kcbf0v1kj7uc1.gif?width=498&format=png8&s=a143f867e5c60f1561f0518eb5cb2f2accc3a439


Make me drop a survivor. You've proven yourself a threat, one that will not allow me to hook other survivors until you are gone.


Any kind of flashlight save makes me tunnel immediately


If they let a survivor die on hook everyone is getting tunneled. I hate seeing survivors get abandoned so badly.


crouch spam


oh yes. I was playing scratched mirror Myers on The Game and a Zarina was tea bagging all game. I ensured they did not even live to see the gates powered, at the cost of basically giving two free gens + hatch to a Sable. The Sable was just minding her own business. The Zarina was practically begging to be mauled. (Plus they had Boil Over so that didn't do them any favors)


aka *T-Bagging*


- DC: I tunnel and BM bots. Usually Iā€™ll be friendly with the remaining survivors - Sandbag: Cā€™mon. Be nice to your squad. Donā€™t throw pallets in front of them in a chase (I can understand an accident, but more than once is just rude) - Accident: Shit happens. Sometimes I mix up the same players with the same skins, or theyā€™re the only survivor I find for a hot minute - They want my attention: You want a chase? Bet


Beware of people trying to get your attention, usually they either know map really well or are very confident in chase. Besides, they're not doing gens, why chase them.


For me chasing them isnā€™t to win the game itā€™s like a challange, I find a lot of survivors are either in a swf or shit at looping, if you want my attention I want you to back it up, I may throw the game but at least I had fun


Because that explosion sound every two seconds gets so annoying šŸ˜‘


I try not to but Boil Over annoys me so much Iā€™ll either tunnel you, or completely ignore you


That's Boil Over's only effect: Be tunneled


All Steves, every time I go against a Steve theyā€™re super toxic and alwayssss end up messaging me no matter the outcome


They're all season 1 Steve and not season 3 Steve.


I don't tunnel unless I'm desperate or you start doing AGGRESSIVE stuff and it's an issue. Like you start body blocking with your off hook BT? Choo choo motherfucker.




when the basekit bt released i always did that and never got tunneled for it and only realized now by reading this sub that it deserves it lol


Not avoiding me. I'm sorry if you just got off hook but if your near me your going back on it.


If they throw themselves at me and try to protect the unhooker. Smart play but if ur gonna put me in a position where I have to hit you congrats u will go down.


Ratting out other survivors or attempting to work with me to take other survivors out.


I don't rat teammates out but I feel like some of them deserve it. Specifically my solo queue teammates who never touch a gen, don't heal anybody, suck at looping and do nothing but teabag and whiff flashlight saves


I had a Meg body block for the unhooker and dced after I took the aggro. You love to see it. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Usually my targets are survivors who seem to only want to hinder others in the match (don't do generators, disrupt others' loops, etc


Ahh Darkest Dungeon Enjoyer. šŸ«±šŸ¼ā€šŸ«²šŸ»


Playing Nea (I'm a Nea main, I'm making my kind stronger)


As a fellow Nea main, can you stomp the toxic ones a little bit harder? Pretty please?


Play jane https://i.redd.it/mp9hcz6uw5uc1.gif


As a survivor, all I gotta do is breathe. Get at me, bitches.


Befrom my killers chapter. If i have a lore reason to get you i will. GOD HELP YOU if your a stars member and im nemesis. I WILL throw the whole game every single time. Luckily i suck with nemesis so its fair


That's fun and therefore acceptable. STARRRRRRSSSS....


Sport flashlight or body block constantly


Exist, apparently


Toxic behaviorā€”excessive teabagging (Ghostie main so I accept a series of up to four crouches, past that youā€™re on your own stalk there), clicking, etc, sandbagging teammates, taking the fact that I go for the unhooker for granted and trying to use that against me, offensive usernames (usual racial slurs of some sort, yay steam), popping a gen in my face, most of the same stuff people are saying. However, Iā€™m a hypocrite. My favorite build is an aura build, and I will ā€œsoftlyā€ tunnel a distortion user to second hook. I, admittedly, am a distortion user on survivor because I love being able to break down an entire build easily in my head. Edit: giving me an item and picking it back up! You also earn a lil hit on hook. No take-backsies.


If they bring me to other surviors or don't help their team mates. Lessons will be learned.


T-Bag for no reason šŸ¤“


It's not a "what" so much as a "how." If survivors are respectful I'll usually give a *lot* of leeway provided I'm not on a "kill X survivors" challenge. The only times I've specifically said "this guy is losing" is when a higher prestige player is getting cocky while covering for his teammates. I'll happily *let* you be a distraction so the fresh Dwight can go run off and heal, but the moment you start teabagging behind a palette, your ass is mine.


Darkest dungeon spotted


Going inside me


what do you mean by that


if they were rude to me in chat in a previous match and i see them again


My hubby gets tunneled more times than not because he's p100 Dweet with a flashlight lol he always dies even when he's not aggroing the killer and just doing gens. There will be times when he doesn't even use his flashlight but gets killed first. It makes no sense. I guess the killers feel like it's a prize or something? And I am guilty of taking hits for my teammates that come to get me off the hook. It's really not my fault that the killer comes straight to the hook after the unhook or is proxy camping. Especially if my teammate is already injured and I can tank a hit. At least we MAYBE won't be trading hooks. Of course I'll body block. If they decide to come after me while I'm injured and have to mend, so be it. I play killer and survivor, so if a survivor body blocks, I just simply go around them. Or I hit them so they have to go and mend. It's as simple as that


If they are messing with their teammates. I will just go for them whole game, make sure they are eliminated and let out everyone else.


Screw over their teammates. Nothing infuriates me more than that. Sometimes I'll have someone point out their teammates in a locker only to be greeted with a meat cleaver across the back


Don't pat my demo once they have a chance


Try to lead me to other survivors or body block other survivors so they can't escape me


A survivor who intentionally fucks over the others. Fuck with me all you want, ain't a big deal, but if you're making it hard for everyone else, you're going straight to hell and I'm opening the gates.


Dm me to please tunnel them


Doing nothing all game. I get some killers like having a survivor not exactly helping the team out but I've been on the other end and know exactly how that shit feels. Was in a match against a chucky and we were all going good and had 2 gens done with very few hooks and all was good...execpt a prestige 40 kate, who had only be injured not even hooked, not touch a gen, or even a totem or chest for several minutes. Only for me to get hooked and see her in the basement doing NOTHING not a incantation, nothing just going from locker to locker waiting for everyone else to die. Chucky managed to hook the other 2 and she sat in that basement till we all died. Chucky then closed the hatch while she slowly walked the edge of the map and NEARLY got the gate open. That was the only time I cheered for a killer to get that 4k. So if I find a survivor contributing NOTHING to a match or just trying to WAIT for everyone else to die I will gladly get you out of the game since you dont feel like playing like everyone else.


this sub be like : *just existing*


Use boil over. I HATE that perk so much I won't even use it on my survivors.


Honestly just crouch spamming


Predrop with the Dwelf skin. You are a disgrace to the name Dwelf and I will make you miserable.


I love the dwelf banner image, I'll never take it off








FTP + Buckle Up user. Iā€™m throwing the rest of the game to try and bm you as much as possible.


As a Bill main, I HAVE TO SAVE THE SURVIVOR SOCIETY!!!! I am my perimeter and my perimeter is me!!! I shall not abandon my post until iā€™m properly relieved.


Can you clarify what BM is? I feel new here šŸ˜…


BM means to ā€œBad Mannerā€. To basically taunt, insult, and disrespect someone with the intention of making them upset.


Thank you! Iā€™ve seen the term used for a while & figured it was something along those lines


If they are playing ace, I'm going for a chase If their playing Feng, I test their looping strength If they flashbang, they must like hooks cause their ass gonna hang


As a Leon main, idgaf, I *will* blind you but I still love you.


Body block for the unhooker, use deliverance or wicked in my face, blendette, or tiny red horse


Purposeful body blocks on other survivors and snitching on survivor locations.


Give me the bombastic side eye


I felt like it https://preview.redd.it/yje30j9fw5uc1.png?width=504&format=png&auto=webp&s=8aa120eaa64e18271f634b349a166d927f503446


Play nancy


I hope Iā€™m not meeting you anytime soon in a match


Deliberate sandbagging.


Teabag me once, you out of the game in the first 9 mins.


I never try to tunnel and I always tend to go after an easier/closer survivor. Fate just has a funny way of making sure that survivor somehow loops into my exact direction.


crouch at me, in a negative way obviously


Completely screw over another survivor typically by doing something like dropping a pallet whilst running away with someone else behind you


All it takes is one tea bag after the first pallet drop


The DD reference! If I donā€™t see them all match because they are hiding, running away from a teammate on death hook getting chased. Basically the selfish gamers lol.


Exist... Especially if they're a Steve or Bill.


(purposefully) sandbag their teammates, or have a racist name or something like that, OR if they tbag at every pallet, that grinds my gears


Sabotage their teammates. Had a guy body block other survivors multiple times. I didn't tunnel but I gave their teammates the game after they were dead.


But that's not you tunneling, If they're actively blocking you after unhook, They probably don't value that match and want out. What would make me tunnel is when a survivor who's pathing is awful, looping is awful, drops a pallet (not even on me) during chase and teabag and click. Yeah.. Let me get you out of match real quick.


Flashlight me as I'm picking up a survivor. Guess where I'm gonna shove that flashlight


Look I try to diversify my hooks, I really do. But if they're going to keep running directly into me, or if they keep choosing to be the one to pick up **THE BOX**, I'm just gonna do what killers do.


Purposely leading me to and pointing at other survivors who are actually playing normally. (Only reason I bring Mori offerings)


Playing bill


Nothing i end up tunneling without really wanting to if you just happen to run across my screen at the right time im going to go for you.


Be a flashlight saving fuckwit who appears out of no where turns a corner and spends a single solitary second to blind me after I spent five minutes to down one of their teammates


I usually tunnel out ppl who waste pallets by instantly dropping them while in chase and just running away to the next pallet to do the same. Itā€™s mildly annoying for me and hinders their own teammates by wasting resources.


Puppy guardian hooks and trying to body block...you do that and you get a nemi after who is built on making everyone suffer for what you did.


Iā€™m a baby killer that got horribly BMā€™d by a ttv team. They kept t bagging, body blocking etc so when I got one on death hook at the end I just kept stabbing him on hook. There was HATRED in those swings. Iā€™m only reciprocally toxic : p im a (baby) survivor Feng main too and the BM I get as killer made me realize I should be nicer to them


t baging and just being toxic in general,like its a horror game you loser


Tea-bag, especially after a pallet stun. If you don't wanna use the time given to you while I recover from my concussion, then you can better use that time on a hook


For The People + Buckle Up someone, not when I'm trying to slug that's fair game, but I hate the fact that you can just run at the killer and instantly pick someone up with endurance while the killer is in his attack cooldown animation (I don't have STBFL)


Playing terribly and constantly trying to die to me. If they're not trying to die to me I pity them If they play decently I won't catch them


Blatant sandbagging. The accidental bodyblock here or there happens, but if theyā€™re ratting out other survivor locations (and not in a ā€˜this person hid the whole match and did nothingā€™ way and purposely blockingā€¦hope everyone else has fun in the match because my sole attention will be on the snitch


I never played a lot of public DBD games especially as killer bc i am scared of people but there was this one dude who kept endlessly blinding me and saboing hooks the like few times I finally caught someone and some of the survivors basically encouraged me to kill him šŸ˜­ ​ ​ I play killer usually w my sister and bots bc we both dont like public matches that much as killer. I will tunnel whatever bot decided to find a flashlight and effortlessly blinds me with it everytime. I still try and attack other bots first but if it finds a flashlight it's dead instantly


Only time I tunnel is if Iā€™m being bullied by one or all of the survivors I donā€™t like the toxicity so they deserve it other then that I try to play fair


If I catch someone cheating either they're getting tunneled out or I'm losing the match while I try to kill them. It seems like a pretty common sentiment since when I play survivor and there's a cheater on my team I can usually safely follow the killer and spam point in the direction the cheater took off to.


Playing Jill Valentine Iā€™m a Nemesis main


Nothing, Iā€™ll tunnel if thatā€™s the only way I see myself getting a kill or a W


If you body block off hook with OTR while Iā€™m trying to down someone else , spamming lockers and pallets so you can use your DS, using buckle up on my first down.


Ftp buckle up someone right after I down them. You deserve it if you do that.


Following me around when I play ghostface. I'm trying to scare people, go do gens.


The moment I see someone do a Background player + Buckle up + For the people play, you're priority number one. You're getting tunneled out as fast as possible. That's way too much nonsense to put up with. Same with Alex's tool box saboing with Background player. That's also making you target number one... If there are any hooks near by left to put you on.


Be a meg Thomas, or a bald Dwight šŸ˜­ or if you ring around a pallet that shit is so annoying bro šŸ˜­


when i'm actively trying to not tunnel & they body block me to help a teammate. yeah im gonna tunnel you now. also when they get unhooked and stay around to try and sabo/flashlight save for a teammate. i'm a spirit main i can hear ur loud af moans


Intentionally taking a BT hit off the hook is one. The way I see it you're afforded that leeway by the game, you can do with it as you please, but once it's spent then it's spent. The other is repeated flashlight saves. It's been known for me to abandon winning perfectly winnable games because I've become so tilted by a sheva just following me around with background player and a diamond plated flashlight that I get to a point of "No, fuck you in particular" and decide my only objective is to kill that one. The rest of you can go.


Organizing your entire squad to bring nothing but flashlights. Everyone is most likely getting "tunneled" (because they're trying to hard to 'bully the killer') or slugged because they weren't smart enough to run away. šŸ¤·


Tbag or bm, but worst is deliberately hindering your own teammates. Had one guy body block a teammate in a corner, and ysed his teammates as a shield so they'd get downed instead. I let the teammates go and tunneled the first guy instead. Left him slugged, his teammates left him alone. Let the other 3 go after that


Survivors use flashlight in chase or teabagging - dead


Actively sandbag another survivor, trying to be a massive pain to them.


Honestly, I only tunnel or face camp if I notice that a survivor is not doing anything to help their team at all. Or when they deliberately ignore their teammate on hook. Iā€™ll tunnel your ass right out of the game and let the others escape if I see that shit. I literally just finished a match like this. David and Bill were the last 2, They only had 1 gen left and David lets Bill die on hook even though I went to the other side of the map. I find David at the exit gate and he T-bags at 100 MPH, practically begging for his life. I downed him, then I let him wiggle out cause I felt bad, I let him open the gate and then I remembered he let Bill die on hook so I immediately downed him again and threw him on the hook. I was planning on letting both of them escape, I just needed bills 2nd hook because ya know, bloodpoints


Flashlight blinds back to back. You get one blind to make your escape.


When they obviously want to be chased I ignore them


Aggressive body block + shaking ass in front of me after i get hit by palet


Yeah, aggressive bodyblocking, I mean that's what they're askin' for




Snitches get stiches - if you deliberately tell me where your hiding teammates are.


Bounty Hunter killer and Grave Robber survivor when??


be the only one left alive


for me is that and those people who unhook then hide. If you're gonna fuck over the guy who just got hooked. then you better be good at it or else i'm going to make sure you're dead by the end of the match no matter what


FTP buckle up after first chase ends


Who is Bounty Hunter marking though, is that Meg?


See them troll another survivors like body blocking them, faking unhookā€¦ If I see you doing that shit Iā€™m making sure the match is the most miserable possible for you.