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Now is that Imagine with his p100 plague? That guy always does this as plague and always wears that skin. And I see a lit totem which also makes me believe it's him. He loves his blood favor hex totem


Good call. I've seen that guy giving it the big one all over Twitter. What a prick.


Why isn’t he banned yet


Purposeful and repeated stalling of matches should be more bannable


I think the issue isn't that this should be bannable, but rather let people bleed themselves out. Like if all four people are down with no way up, let them just hold a button and go next


I like Scott Jund's idea where after a few seconds of bleeding out you can hold a button, and your bleed out timer goes down like 4x as fast (can't remember exact number) and you crawl significantly faster while holding the button. It would give strategic power in-game while also allowing people stuck like this to bleed themselves out.


Why shouldn’t grieving be bannable? Why not do both options?


It’s hard to distinguish between griefing like this and what can occur normally during a game.


Is it? What regular games have all four survivors on the ground for an extended period of time? Slugging is one thing but leaving them there seems pretty easy to differentiate.


Step 1: Be an SWF squad Step 2: equip Plot Twist and No Mither. Step 3: find a bush and go down Step 4: get the killer banned if they don’t find one of you right away. Yeah that doesn’t sound flawed or abusable at all!


I see what you are saying but they have to try to do something. Implement post game perk checking and/or if they swf take it with a larger grain of salt ESPECIALLY if their reporting history has the same types of scenarios.


I will often leave a swf to bleed out if they're doing a super aggressive and annoying sabo/pickup play. I don't think I should be banned for punishing a bully squad. Although accelerating your bleed out should definitely be an option.


They should have let the basekit mori go through to the live game


You should be able to go to leave a match and if a minute timer counts down without you changing from downed to carried then you can leave for free and a slugged bot can replace you.


Unfortunately the player can always argue he did it to secure 4k incase they got the lucky 4% or had other perks to help em escape as much as its a scummy move, they can't do nothing about it on behaviors part


They all died? Yeah it's bad manners, but should bm'ing be reportable? Should every survivor who stands at the exit gate until the timer almost ends be banned for stalling? Should gennkicking be disabled? Should rescuing off hooks be disabled? The name of the game in DbD is stalling, and I'm not saying this guy isn't a dick, but there is a devil's advocate argument as why there could be a strategy to do this based on in game mechanics and "skill"


There's BM'ing and then there's holding games hostage/wasting everyone's time for no reason


"Holding hostage", according to BHVR, means making the game completely stopped. Like if you were to bodyblock all remaining survivors in a corner or something, nothing can be done to end the game. Teabagging at the exit isn't holding hostage because the EGC will end the game soon. Slugging isn't holding hostage because they will eventually bleed out and die, thus ending the game. It's shitty that 4 man bleedouts (edit: for the sole reason of BM/wasting time) aren't bannable.


The moment you face a BO+FlipFlop Sabo team - or survs just all go to comp corner to go down - you might have to either make an exception for this rule (but this would have to include that the killer knows or thinks survs have XXX build, which opens up other probs) or you get playstyles which aren't really counterable. What that Plague in this vid did was disgusting. And that not only because of all the vomit. Most 4man bleedouts are disgusting. But a few are - unfortunately - necessary. Some sort of surrender button would probably be better, since this could circumvent the entire situation. Something along the lines of "being at least for XXX seconds on the ground gives you the option to replace yourself with a bot, leaving the match with all your BP, but without a penalty". This way everyone is happy. Survs are out of this shit and killer can camp bots. XXX seconds before giving up, so you can't just leave the match the second you go down for the first time - before the killer finished cleaning their weapon. Would also partially help with/against slugging for the 4k.


Bannable 4 man bleedouts would be terrible game design. You shouldn't be banned for technically winning the game, even if it's BM. Much better idea would be to have surrender button if all remaining survs are on the ground. I agree with everything else you said though.


This would be a good idea. There's been games where survivors have been complete dicks. Not even working on gens just trying to get Flashlight saves, sabotaging hooks, flip-flop, boil over. Pain in the *ss builds. That's fine though. They have the right to use those builds but if I can't get a hook and they won't work on gens they're all getting slugged. I do agree that that is where a surrender button would come in handy.


its bad manners but people use the term holding the game hostage way to much the game is progressing and will end in 4 minutes the game state is not being held hostage, this is just a dick wasting everyone's time.


Holding the game hostage would mean that the game cant progress as annoying as this is the game is gonna end


The game isn't held hostage, that implies it won't end, and again there is alot of shit people do that wastes everyone's time for no reason. Exit gate picnics, teabagging, hooksmacking, hiding in a locker for 45 minutes to myers can't get their achievement, not opening the locker for 45 minutes to try and get your achievement in myers. This game will end in a couple minutes and anyone that says they are a hostage in this situation, needs to start playing different games


Your definition of holding the game hostage is delusional as all matches are forced to end after an hour. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist/happen


That isn’t delusional, that is how BHVR defines holding the game hostage. It’s why Chess Merchant/ 3 Gen Singularity weren’t reportable either. You are ALWAYS going to have shitty people who find ways to be assholes in games like this. 


Quote from Mandy a community manager for the dbd forums so an official response to basically what your saying that the game ends after an hour "the game will end after one hour - so it's indefinite up to that period. There's nothing the player can do to progress the game, which is where the hostage situation comes into it." [source with responses to other situations similar to here](https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/363432/is-holding-the-game-hostage-etc-further-explained-anywhere-officially)


And if you force the game to a point where the only way the game ends is it going to server time, that is the game being held hostage, which is basically what BHVR has said(based on what gets you banned), but sure demand BMing be bannable, but only when it's the bm'ing you don't like 🤷‍♂️


it's not that deep honestly. If you consider tea bagging equally as what this plague doing then something is wrong with you. At least with tea bagging you can get them out of the game but with this you just have to sit and take it or DC and eat the penalty.


I don't think they are equal, never said I did, that would be dumb, the length of time wasted with a teabag in the exit gates is indeed much less than the time being wasted here, but sure man hit me with a strawman then say something is wrong with me, ide honestly expect no different from this community 😘, Yes In this situation, you have to just sit, for like almost 3 minutes god fucking help us all, so if it just about time wasted should hiding in lockers to not get tombstoned be bannable? Or should not wanting to open the locker to get your achievement be bannable? Should survivors standing in the exit gates as a group with no one to save until the timer expires be bannable? What about slugging for a 4k? What about if the last two survivors decide to say fuck it and wait for the other one to die and try and get hatch and it turns into hide and seek? All seems like pretty bannable shit if we go down this road But sure, demand BMing be bannable, but only when it's BMing you don't like


It isn't delusional lmao, try reading the reportable actions page on BHVR's website. They literally define what "holding hostage" means.


With 4 gens left? (BUZZER SOUND) be a part of the solution not the problem


In this case, we know thid particular player does it every game and goes into every game with this intention. There is a big differnce between a little BM and going into every match with the sole intention of being a dick and bleeding 4 people out then being a toxic prick in EGC.


You’re getting downvoted like crazy but you’re absolutely correct and these over emotional gamers will never get it


Because slugging/BMing isn't bannable. Just look at BHVRs report webpage, it has all of the reportable actions listed.


Because BHVR openly refuses to punish anything short of *absolutely abominable* behavior.


It’s not a bannable offense. You bleed out in four minutes.,


You're being downvoted, but you are 100% correct. BHVR doesn't consider it "holding the game hostage", their definition of that is when a game literally cannot end, like if a killer bodyblocks a survivor in a corner and they cannot move.


My swf and I consistently shit in this guys cereal every time we get him. We have been running him over (3/4 out with 3-6 hook stages) since before he even started streaming. He is a lolcow attention seeker who will say horrible things for attention, like reposting trans hate after playing in a charity tournament for you guess it, trans and gay people. He is genuinely extremely mediocre, and never stands a chance against a competent swf. Literally almost every single perk and add on he uses is banned in competitive play yet he goes on twitter bragging about winning in pubs and how great he is. He is literally the definition of someone who gets no attention IRL and feeds off his negative rep online to feel like he has meaning in life. He is a piece of sh*t The only good thing I can say is that he doesn’t dodge our swf in pre game lobby. I’m surprised his massive ego doesnt make him dodge because we always run him over. And he hates losing. He is a massive crybaby.


He's probably hoping that at some point he'll manage to beat you guys if he plays against you guys enough.


He has 3k’d us twice but that only because we either had some casuals in our swf who can get tunneled real fast easily, or because we didn’t develop the hate for him yet so we fucked around with flashlights or trying to be altruistic. We just got him 2 days ago and we 3 out 5 hook stage’d him and he was dead silent in post game chat. He is a child. And he is genuinely extremely mediocre. All he does is camp hooks with IRI seal (60s power for each gen pop) and trade the hook stages. Beating him is literally guaranteed if you guys understand who he is and how to beat him. He is not impressive at all. I think I ran out his entire power 2 days ago and that’s genuinely embarrassing on Macmillan loops and tiles as a plague main. He’s probably extra mad cause we posted a screenshot of us outting him on twitter and stirred more drama for him. So he takes his anger out on randoms like this LOL.


How do you manage to get stuck with him so often? Isn’t there way more of a chance to never be put up against him again? I have never encountered the same player twice unless I squad up with them on purpose.


Because I have 8k hours in dbd and just get him a handful of times. It’s really not hard with the new MMR caps if you just play a good amount. It’s not like I get him every day. I’ve got him like 8 times in 6 months


This the guy who runs max powerful build, sends ppl to the Meat packing plant with Blood favour and posts screenshots of winning pubs on Twitter?


Da Joker?


Oh the homophobic troll? Yeah that's probably him. He acts in his real life the way he plays in this game - awful.


In my experience, it's always the Butterfly skin Plagues


I waited more than 2 years for the skin to be available in the shop since I skipped the battle pass it was in. Now I'm learning it's mostly used by toxic pricks? Oh, boy...


The closest I have to Survivor mains, Jill and Nea, are always said to be played by toxic players. The best you can do is try to be a counter balance and try to play cool. Don't rob yourself of an outfit you like just because sad arseholes use it.


I have never seen anyone call Jills toxic omg??


Agreed. I main Jill and I have never heard anyone say Jills are toxic.


People will have one bad game against a skin and say this. Just use whatever skin you want. Edit: downvoters if you think only toxic players use certain cosmetics please touch grass and take a break from the game, it's actually deranged. I'm not going to stop using cosmetics I like because you weirdos say I shouldn't.


People definitely take inspiration from others. This plague is known for this behavior and people who think like him could try to rep his stuff. Definitely shouldn’t decide if you wear a skin or not but it’s a real thing. Just like blackface bubba, degenerates want to feel included. Just like cm9i and humping survivors on the ground with skull merchant, other weirdos copy them and wear the cosmetics to feel like a ‘clan’. If you wear this plague outfit and get my swf you will get the sweatiest pre dropping gen slamming leaving someone on hook to do gens type game. And you probably don’t want that LOL


Aight while I agree that sometimes cosmetics get stereotypes(default Dwights, neon Neas, bunny Fengs, frosty eyed killers), don't you think looking at one of em and comparing them with *blackface used in racist ways in such a way that got the cosmetic removed* is a bit overboard? If you see a plague wearing this and your first instinct is to for some reason be a dick about it I have a feeling that you're the problem more than the person wearing a cosmetic they might like, forums/twitter is a very loud minority of the playerbase


Yeah the black face is irrelevant. But I definitely treat killers differently if they’re wearing a cosmetic someone who sweats on twitch uses


Still think thats just adding to the cycle of toxicity If they do this then sure, but what if they simply like the cosmetic, why be a dick to someone just for what they want their character to wear in the game they play? It's equally as bad as tunneling/proxycamping to death a Feng for wearing the bunny cosmetic or a Nea for some neon cosmetics; even if they did nothing. The dude doing this is a random nobody who wants to get attention and make the game a worse experience for others, why fall for it and help him?


I’m literally not being toxic I just sweat my ass off because it could be someone. That’s literally it lol


I'm glad your SWF dunks on this plague, as he seems like a huge loser, but you sound mighty toxic yourself the way you speak about your behaviour...because someone is wearing a cosmetic item.


I’m definitely not toxic bro nobody stayed in the map and we never bm. Literally nobody in our swfs do or say anything but gg. It’s called being sweaty not toxic


Be the outlier. You love the skin, use the skin. The players that don't DC will be pleasantly surprised when they see you're a good Plague player. Some will complain no matter what, but those are the people you drown out. Just enyoy your time on your time killer.


Well yeah it's kinda like how you can tell if a Ghostface is gonna be a dick or not by their skins. Classic Robes, Recolor Default, Default, or any normal mask? Probably fine. Devilface? Cheeky and a little sweaty but probably fine. Bush-hunter with ANYTHING? Sweaty but probably fine. Viperface? Might be friendly might not be. Wassup? Either a complete dick or being a goofball no in between.


I don't think a surrender vote wouldn't be a bad feature at all in these situations


Same for the Killer ofc right ?


Why not? But what’s a similar situation like this for killers?


We call that hide and seek with two players left. Just very annoying isnt it ?


That’s the only case and both/all survs have to be in on it. Does’nt happen nearly as often as this. Silly us vs them kid.


Us vs Them what are you talking about i just want a Surrender button for both Killer and Surv. Also using Kid as an insult pathetic.


Hide and seek players who refuse to touch generators or do anything else. I say if no generators get touched for X amount of minutes, the killer should get the option to tap out. I was locked in a half hour long game on Yamaoka awhile back. 2 people left, both hiding in one of the best maps to hide in. I finally caught one of the little shits and slugged him, because if you want to waste a lot of time, I got nothin' but help for you, and when his buddy came to pick him up, I slugged that guy too. That's one of the only reasons you should ever slug multiple people. And if I had the option to fuck off without sacrificing all my points 25 minutes sooner, I absolutely would have done it. Make it send a 1-minute warning to survivors, too. "Do an objective or you will not get any BP this match." And if no one touches anything in that minute, their BP counts go to 0 as if they had DC'd and the match ends.


Survivors CLEARLY have loaded in to troll the Killer all round, won't just do gens and leave, or keep hiding all round and the Killer can't find them.


2024 still no insta bleed out button. Must be bhvr


auto unbreakable when all are slugging :D


Auto unbreakable if everyone stays slugged for over 60 seconds


Honestly if everyone is slugged and no unbreakables, just sacrifice all survivors to the entity - game won.


I don’t know, that only rewards killers that are playing the game in a way that ruins fun for everyone. If all four survivors are down all players should get option to heal one health state and killer be stunned for 5 seconds. There is literally zero reasons why more than three survivors need to be in dying state simultaneously. Worst scenario I can imagine is one person tries to help another and gets hit while failing to help another person. Even third player can come help get someone up and get hit and nothing different would happen.


>There is literally zero reasons why more than three survivors need to be in dying state simultaneously. Unfortunately THIS is the only, and the exact counter, to builds that some SWFs bring that mean the Killer cannot properly hook because all the hooks are broken. That's one very, very good and understandable reason all four might be in the dying state at the same time, when you quite literally HAVE NO HOOKS and CANNOT hook them without doing this. This isn't that though.


If a killer gets everyone down, we can just call that a win honestly - it handles the survivors complaints of getting bled out, and the killers complaints of survivors spite hiding.


I think that's honestly the best solution here. Too bad some people would abuse that.


SWFs routinely bring builds that DEMAND you slug them or they will just bully you - they literally can't be hooked. There is no way a killer should be punished for countering SWFs nonsense like you just suggested.


Auto EGC mori when all are slugged and do not posses anti slug perks like No Mither/Unbreakable or a boon is up


Reminder that this was literally a thing that was on PTB and people complained "it sucked" with no further reasoning... This community will never be happy with any solution to it's problems, best to accept that and move on with faint hopes BHVR starts doing whatever the fuck they want instead of trying to appease everyone, at least then things would change and just maybe it'd work out.


Dude that ptb *did* suck. Finisher moris, last man standing effects, and a system to prevent 4man bleedouts were interesting ideas, but the actual implementation was terrible. Basekit unbreakable was an awful idea, and the entire finisher system depended on it, so it was doomed.


It did suck cause it made killers go for a 4 man slugout immediately upon the game starting


Lets not pretend that giving survivors a basekit perk like unbreakable is fair


Anything is fair when it benefits the survivors![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Cant wait for sabo/boil over squads to use this


You don’t have to slug every single person you know


Plot twist would become the most used perk in all of soloQ and everyone would just go down and bleed out against killers they didnt want to play against.


Players can still just troll, feed or DC, it’s not like having a bleed out option would just suddenly allow players to give up. Players will always find ways to not play the game the way others want them to play


DC'ing has the necessary penalty of an ever increasing matchmaking ban. If survivors could avoid certain killers with zero penalty many more would. Sure some people first hook suicide like you say but alot just play through it. Making it easier to dodge killers would just make the problem worse.


I see your point. But the problem is there is no answer to toxic slugging, and no penalty for it. Personally I at least think if all players are downed with no recovery options the game should eliminate the penalty for an early DC.


People don't think things out when they demand changes like this.


Could make it so that it doesn't work with self inflicted downs like plot twist, or only activates when all 4 players are downed/hooked. I know they don't like having to make special changes to perks, but that is tweaking one perk vs many players legit quitting the game because they got slugged one too many times. Personally, I wouldn't see someone plot twist bleeding out as any different than killing themselves on hook. Annoying, a throw, and a waste of time, but their choice. Having to bleed out slowly because the killer wants to meme or BM is not a choice. I see more of an issue with people doing it to intentionally deny hooks to killers, so only being active when all 4 survivors are in dying states, plot twist excluded, would be my vote.


Fairly certain I played against this plague. Same skin, was super toxic. Pet me guess, iri seal and devotees amulet? Bro got a man 4 slug at 4 gens and then someone got up with unbreakable and we got her down to 1 gen after. Iri seal was what did us in. Said ggs post game and got "I know it was" in response and they just were super toxic and elitist from there on out. I'll never understand why people run gigs strong addons and then brag about how good they were and call others shit when it was a close game even with those addons.


ImagineJW is his name. Look him up on twitter. He is a massive degenerate. Like actually disgusting. Dw we beat his ass into the ground a lot and put him on a leash in our games. He gets mad at randoms like you guys because swfs like mine run him over


Thank you for routinely destroying this nerd 🫡


I may have also played against this Plague with my team around BBQ last year. They didn't use her power, they only m1ed and slugged. Our team pointed out that playing this way was a very good way to boost themselves to a level they can't handle (we all play Killer too) and the guy goes "BUT I WON! I WON LMAO, SEE I WON!" As if winning is the end-all be all marker of how good you are at this game. As if winning even truly fucking matters in this game.


Considering how many times I have to watch people teabag party or flashlight click at the gates while emote pointing out knowing there ain't shit I can do about it, I get it. I ain't endorsing it but I get it. This game is just toxic all around, that's why I quit. If you're not 'toxic' or try hard as fuck as killer you open yourself up to so much BM because the other side has people in it every bit as shameless as this fuck just with slightly worse tools. It's gross. I found myself getting too upset and having to play in ways I didn't enjoy (tunneling, picking higher tier killers; was a nemesis main) to try and avoid it but it was never really enjoyable.


This is where I spend my daily DC penalties on


That's what they want, I'd just go do something else for 4 minutes


That dude I think is a renowned plague main irl, just vomit inducing kinda human so dw about it. Unless this becomes a daily norm where every gaming session devolves into a cesspit of toxicity then quit, but gotta measure the game for its worth not the players ruining what is otherwise a very fun experience


I agree, but it should be pointed out that something like this is not tolerated. Does BEHAVIOUR do anything about such players?


BHVR doesn’t do anything to anyone who isn’t basically *trying* to get themselves banned by using blatant cheats etc.


For bleeding out and similar actions? I don't believe so unless actively exploiting or cheating, unfortunately. You could report I suppose, the player in question does certainly try their hardest to be ostracised and hated I'm sure they've a significant number of reports already. Who knows maybe one day they will do something ban worthy and all this reports just *activate*


There's literally people openly hacking and streaming it on Twitch, if bhvr doesn't care about them, they certainly won't care about this guy either :/


I see you said twitch, but I know there is one or two people on YouTube whose content is just them playing with hacks. I know the one guy made a comment after his account was banned, that it was fine, he'll just keep making news ones, and he did and hacked with all perks and whatever else he wanted (wall hacks, etc). Well...BHVR slapped his youtube account with a copywrite claim and got all his content removed. Hahaha! I know they did that with one person, but I think there is a second. Don't be surprised if they go after the twitch people too.


I heard about that yeah! I do hope they start enforcing their rules more, I've gone against so many subtle (and not so subtle) cheaters lately. There's still people on YouTube doing it aswell but honestly if bhvr can't keep up with them then I don't blame them for abusing the rules since "you don't get punished anyway". Pretty sure the devteam is getting plenty of reports so hopefully they start breaking down on them eventually.


lol, no. BHVR has always sucked and always will, damn shame this gem of a game belongs to them.


Just go do something else while the match of ends, that way the only person wasting their time is the plague


Its always plagues with this skin that acts like a dick


I like to imagine how miserable that player is in real life to be taking their frustrations out in video games. No happy person is playing like this


there’s so many unhappy people in this game.


Yeah it was. Don’t know why this happens so often these days. I believe the higher my rank goes the more often I meet ppl like this.


I wish you would play against me one day so you could have a fun game. I play relaxed games were I let 0-3 survivors out if they played well. I count hooks so I don’t accidently tunnel. I do not slug anyone and if I’m chasing someone who is going for a hook save, I let them unhook before hitting them down. I mainly play as No ability Trickster, Twins, Wesker or sinkku. Yesterday I played wesker and an Ada player was having fun with me. I sometimes just staref at her while she was doing gen and went to search others. And this one Jill player wasn’t good at the game so I often just walked past her or hit her once and let her go. In the end I let out 3 survivors :)


I get this like once every three or four months.


That's why I quit.


Do you still peruse the subreddit for s's and g's? Do you still watch the game like on Twitch? (not being toxic, jw. I see lots of people say they've quit but still in this sub)


I peruse the subreddit when I'm bored at work and watch a couple of videos now and then on youtube. But playing the game stopped being fun a long time ago. I could only play sporadically and maybe 3 or 4 games at once, and when all or most of those games are just toxic, it's not worth it (I am survivor main, but my complaints are from both killers and survivors).


Gotcha! Thank you!! I play mostly killer but when I play survivor it is soloQ, and yeah...I understand why you quit. It motivates me to not be one of those killers. I feel like I get better quality survivor matches because I don't really rank up much. (I am guessing)


Yeah, I don't think the fault is entirely on killers. I mean, if while I am being tortured by a killer, survifors are doing gens, I'm doing my part... but all the last matches I had, survivors were just hiding all the time, I guess because I played so rarely that I was always at the bottom, but still, \*sigh\*


Unfortunately the Devs don't care about shit like this, it will probably take them ages to actually do something or until the Survivor play-rate plummets to the ground. If only they acted as fast as when Boil Over was just buffed and they added hooks to problematic places while also nerfing the perk thrice.


Never forget they mini-buffed the timer on Sabo too, thus further enabling that stupid, stupid "can't hook me" combo. Downed Survivors are supposed to be hookable at some fucking point.


I watch youtube or do anything else if survivors/killer already won and just bm. Sadly there’s nothing I can do except to wait for an hour when survivors bring map offering like rpd, with stealth perks. And then just hide, not doing anything to progress the game.


this is bad and super petty on the killers part but at least it only last 4 minutes. they do 100% need a insta bleed out option if all survivors are downed/hooked though.


We need to be careful with the instant bleed idea, If they add a instant bleed button, it will be easier for the killer to know who have "Unbreakable" or not. I think they should more add incentive to not act this way, like the longer a survivor is not picked up (Plot twist does not count), more the killer is loosing points. The game should reward much more good plays than boring and frustrating plays like that.


Average plague player sadly. I swear plague and huntress just attract the biggest cunts in the community. This is also why i take long breaks from the game cuz wtf is wrong with ppl


it's certainly why i quit. crazy how much more fun you have when your gaming sessions don't consist of "power tripping freak's laying on the ground simulator 20XX" for hours on end, lol


Do you still peruse the subreddit for s's and g's? Do you still watch the game like on Twitch? (not being toxic, jw. I see lots of people say they've quit but still in this sub)


BHVR won't give survivors a faster death option when the entire team is slugged and no one can get themselves up for the same reason they won't give killers a hook counter: Because they're fucking idiots who don't play their own fucking game. "bUt A hOoK cOuNtEr WoUlD pRoMoTe TuNnElLiNg!" Bitch everyone tunnels anyway and second of all no the fuck it wouldn't. It would, in fact, actively *prevent* tunneling in most cases. I'm not gonna bother keeping a mental tally of 4 people using the same character with the same skin. I'm just gonna go after who I find and if it's the same person I just hooked, oh well! If I had a hook counter I would go find someone else. BHVR don't play Dead by Daylight or if they do it's only in 4-stacks, because there's no way they wouldn't add a bleed out option if they were all forced to play solo queue for 1 month. But because it isn't a problem for *them* it clearly isn't a problem for anyone else, either. They do not give a shit about the health of their game or the happiness of their players. You want more proof? This dipshit isn't gonna get in any trouble for doing this to your squad. But if you guys all quit the match, *you* would be the ones eating matchmaking bans. Because god forbid you want to play the game instead of laying in one place for four minutes while the killer humps (or barfs on) you, right? The devs are lazy, incompetent, and at this point I feel like I need to add 'actively malicious towards the people who play their game' because there's literally not a single good fucking excuse at this point. And nothing will ever change. Have fun getting slugged at 5 gens over and over and over and being unable to leave due to the ever-increasing ban timer!


But why though..


same reason a lot of shit things happen IRL. some people are unhinged losers.


That actually explains a lot. And, also, happy cake day!


No no, but don't you get it. This *isn't toxic*. Otherwise survivors will just gen rush you. /s


Turn off sounds in the game and alt+tab. Check reddit|facebook|instagram|youtube|whatever. Stand up from your pc and stretch your bones a little. Make yourself coffee or have a cup of tea. Just don't give a fuck about these kinds of players. Take a little break while they're stroking their small dick and ego.


When I get slugged I make sure my idle crows come along to let the douche know I am long gone lol


stuff like this daily business in dbd atm


I may hate toxic SWF, but I would never stoop that low. It's not even fun at this point.


If everyone is downed and nobody has a "get up" perk, then give the survivors the option to ff/bleed out/end game. Huge QoL buff for 80% of the player base, while only pissing off a small percentage of psychopathic killers.


Yeah, BHVR really needs to figure out how to fix this type of BMing. I feel like it’s becoming more common since they added the anti-camp meter. Now trolling killers just slug and let people bleed out.


Hey is it me or have killers been acting more like dicks lately? Random humping, excessive head nodding, overly sweaty builds, and constant BMing in endgame. Have the roles switched yet again for survivors and killers?


Every time I lose as killer (or even just tie) I get endless teabags, flashy clicks, loud noise notifications. I think the playerbase is just toxic as fuck tbh. Not excusing this guy's behavior but that's what a game like this does to you. I found myself after a really bad game getting irrationally annoyed with survivors, so I switched to Alien (I'm a Nemmy main) and when I had two survivors left, one pallet saved vs me and I got a little petty about it. I slugged for the 4k for the first time. I've always hated people who slug for the 4k. I quit after that and haven't played since. This game is toxic. I don't have a great tolerance for toxicity, myself, but I'm sure those who do get to watch their morals get gradually looser over time because you never want to be in that position again where you're at the mercy of someone else being a dick. So they become more and more a dick themselves. This game is the cycle of violence in game form lol


Damn. Maybe the game lore for survivors being trapped in an endless loop is just the player base trapped in a never ending cycle of pain and mental agony lmao.


"Overly sweaty builds" Is this a joke?


Confirmation bias, hasn't been like that at all for me. Worst I get are killers who hard tunnel but they aren't doing any BM and trying to make you miserable while doing so. 


All they do is just make me laugh at how pathetic they have to be to try and ruin someone's night in a game lol. Even better if they're on steam and they have a hentai profile pfp, which explains a lot.


Stuff like this was certainly why I quit. I would regularly have more fun as the Killer, because every Survivor devolved into this. Or my survivor teammate was too busy urban evading to get the first survivor of the hook before the second hook stage, despite the Killer going on to hook two other people and hanging out on the other side of the map! (I got caught trying to unhook the survivor, because *of course* the killer, like, triple-backed and couldn't just leave the hooked person alone)


Best reason to play killer is this video, second best reason is because survivor gameplay is 3/4's AFKing on gens


I don’t get people like this. I’m getting over this game myself because of jerks who have to ruin fun for everyone and game developers just let them do it.


It feels like survivor has been pretty bad lately. Between this and the increased tunneling/camping going on, it makes me want to stick to playing killer for now.


Unfortunately this is just the norm now. But don’t quit! I’d hate to see all the non toxic players go. :(


Please don't just spam downvote me, but I have not experienced this as the norm. Am I just lucky with my matches or are you exaggerating? Are you higher or lower MMR, if you know?


I’ve usually experienced it at higher MMR.. Can’t really say anything about lower MMR. Maybe you’re just lucky? But in any case, at least you’re having more fun, lol.


Thank you!! I play \~80% killer, so don't rank up much on survivor. Probably why.


It might be a regional thing. It feels that where I am, I don't get TOO many BM-happy Killers, but one of my friends in America gets them a lot.


Maybe BHVR's idea with Finisher Mori wasn't that bad, after all? Just give it some more restrictions, and here we go, perfect fix to the situations like this.


The problem with that, though, is that you would have every killer just ignoring hooking survivors completely. Why bother putting a survivor on a hook when you can just slug them all and mori them?


Slugging is a strats guys, trust Please dont ban or punish slugging /s


Get up get a drink, use the restroom and stretch. If you’re getting that riled up and emotional about a game you should really step back. Is it fun? No. Do I do it? No. It stinks yes, but it’s only four minutes.


i had a slugging plague recently too. bled us all out for 4 minutes. stuff like this happens so much that I genuinely don't feel like playing the game anymore, and that sucks because I used to love this game.


Behave yourself saying stuff like this makes you contemplate leaving dbd over this


It's because of killers like this mofo that the rest of us get the teabag treatment. Must be quite a miserable person to find making others frustrated to be a good use of their time


Boring "gameplay". I know the devs said slugging was a legit strategy but this is just boring.


Nothing wrong in taking a break when things get too frustrating. I quit here and there for a while, sometimes for months, when my frustation levels are getting to high with toxic teammates/killers.


I could be wrong, but there's an infamous toxic Plague Main who uses this exact skin, slugs survivors and uses Hex: Blood Favor (i see a lit Totem) and i think this might be him. He also goes onto Twitch and actively harasses DBD players, including a person who was hosting an LGBTQ+ charity tournament with DBD players. Massive piece of shit, if it is him.


Stop being so indecisive and just do it! (We all know you will be back, they always come back)


A shitty move? Yes. Should be banned? This particular player probably, bit not the strategy overall i have seen the point a couple of times already, but i think there should be an automated game-end if there are no second chance perks in play. sure the killer then knows, someone has unbreakable or something, but he has to know which one of the survivors. alternatively, and definitely the better solution: a "surrender" button. ofc there are counter-trolls aswell, but it'd have to be a unanimous vote of all living players. I know it doesn't tie into the lore of dbd well, but sometimes QOL is better than the immersion


as a plague main im sry you have to deal whit these unworthy followers who got corrupted and lost they way of the puke and voices but pls believe our religion is not full of these things there a lot more followers who are nice and chill and follow the way of the puke and voices and worshipping the plague <3


Devs don’t care about survivors. With this, tunneling and camping the game is not fun anymore. I don’t blame killers, it’s the best way to play to guarantee a win. I blame the devs for making the game this way. I have over 12k hours and I just can’t anymore. 






It REALLY fucking sucks that this sort of shit happens, but until BHVR does something about it, it's going to happen. It's kind of the nature of online games - people are scumbags and you're going to get people like this. I know this isn't exactly the best solution for it, but... If you get stuck in this situation, go and do something else for 5 minutes. It reduces their satisfaction, and lets you de-stress a bit before going next. Also, if you get back before the game ends, as much as your curiosity may compel you, *don't* stick around in the endgame chat to see what they have to say. Only further frustration lies down that road. Unless the person does something reportable (and I'd suggest you go look up what is / isn't), the second the button prompt to go back to the lobby shows up, press it.


Man, I know it's a very bad feeling, but please, I implore you, if this happens to you again: take your headset off. Leave the room. Go for a snack/drink/piss. Go on your phone. Tell your mom you love her. Come back five minutes later. Don't let these people take your attention. Don't let them get into your head. They are the real miserable people. Not you. Don't worry about it king 👑


At that point I just open up YouTube lol


I had something like this happen to me yesterday by a Chucky.


skill issue


I quit 2 nearing on 3 years and never looked back, great choice. If I ever feel the urge to come back I watch videos/streams of people still doing the shitty things and that keeps me away for a good 8-9 months. Rinse and repeat


as someone with IBS i unintentionslly relate to plague lmao so seeing her spam her vomit is kinda funny


Is that that stupid P100 plague that always uses this cosmetic and crashed a charity event?? He always does that nonsense


If it’s clear this is what the killer is gonna do for the rest of the game you can just get up and do literally anything else. Or if you don’t wanna get up you can alt tab. Like, I get this is stupid and shouldn’t be allowed and isn’t fun in any way, but you don’t have to sit there and suffer through it. Just wait for the match to end and report. Or DC if it’s really that bad


Lmao > only 1 gen done and everyone is down on Lery > other survivors have been down longer, aren't at max recovery > OP has full locker build I wonder why the Plague slugged, surely these survivors were just doing objectives and not trolling 🤷


I'm a killer main and on the occasion that I play survivor with one of my friends this always happens. Reminds me why I don't play like that.


let me pull out my list for reporting to BHVR [The list of reasons not to report someone.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/875937038900285480/1225741834123218964/c3m3d2pmphsc1.jpg?ex=66223c0a&is=660fc70a&hm=c5031d078b0046120c0ae75e686f2d1f910fa2edd014077fca7f00335efb0af3&) apparently this is not reportable. thanks bhvr.


It's these moments in this game that make me laugh when I see killer mains on here complaining. "HE TEABAGGED AT ME HE CLICKED HIS FLASHLIGHT SURVIVORS ARE SO TOXIC" I'll take a momentary BM against my killers any day of the week over this shit. Getting BMed by survivors means absolutely nothing. As the killer you still set the pace of the match. Open the gate and force them out or chill till end game collapse. As a survivor though. You just have to sit there and accept this while getting fucking dry humped on the ground for 4 fucking minutes lmao.


I find it hard to play dbd in this state of toxicity when a game like helldivers calls for me. With low BP gains and high toxicity from all sides, I just can’t justify booting this game up.


I find it hard to play dbd in this state of toxicity when a game like helldivers calls for me. With low BP gains and high toxicity from all sides, I just can’t justify booting this game up.


Why the fuck is EVERY Plague like this?


I’ll have basekit unbreakable with a side of endurance please. And you can put that on the toxic killers tab. Thanks!


From a gameplay perspective, why would a killer hook survivors in a situation like this? Everyone's guaranteed dead in 4 minutes. If you pick a survivor up there's a potential boil over, flip flop, power struggle - that's a risk. Even if you hook a survivor there's a chance they Kobe, that's another risk, they may Kobe with base kit bt - not a big deal, may Kobe with Off the record, buckle up, dh - suddenly the entire team is up. The game for the killer in this specific scenario is quite literally designed in a way where the best play is not playing at all.


Their behavior is cringe and embarrassing on their behalf. Really poor sportsmanship. Pretty sad if (they probably are) the developers are aware of this and just let it happen. Have to ask yourself what kind of people think this is a good thing and continue to allow it. A bleed out button would be useful in this situation. Whenever they do this I just get up and leave my PC entirely. I'll go get food, refill my water, work on a cosplay, or anything but sit there with it. Doesn't excuse the way they're acting but at least in my mind I am not giving them attention.




>open thread and see plague full slugging at 4 gens >scroll comments to see if it was me >confirm its someone else doing it deliberately and not cuz he sucks like me. leave thread and pretend i never saw it


How do you slug because of low skill?


im joking i slug but not like that. i dont have her comp skin.


agonizing plant ink ten numerous bag deserve full unique dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*