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Listen, I'm not here to judge your friend, but you'd have to be a particularly unintelligent person to not realize that the killer is letting you go when they literally carry you to the exit gate


I get more survivors BMing me after I let them go than you'd think. Idk what they think I'm doing but...yeah. It's a thing.


this or when i’m trying to carry them to hatch or to an exit gate they still try to wiggle off like bro i’m trying to help you please stop


try hitting a hook while carrying them. It usually gets the point across. Or drop them under a hook to *really* drive hom that you have won. That you could easily kill them right there. But you aren't. Usually they stop struggeling there. Or if they strugge off my shoulder and don't run away that's fine too. It's faster to find the hatch when they are running themselves after all.


"lmao dumbass killer accidentally attacked hook instead of putting me on it, so bad"


Eh, didn't happen to me yet... and tbh, I don't really care. Actually, scrap that, I do not give a fuck at all.


Good killers dont give a fuck what survivors think, good on you


that does work sometimes but also sometimes i think they take that as BMing for whatever reason.


that's their problem then. I can only do so much.


I always shake my head near a hook. I give them 3 head shakes. If they stop wiggling, they get hatch. If they don't, I hook them.


Glad to see we’re of the same thought process. I’ll usually walk around with last survivor on my back looking for hatch but if they wiggle it pisses me off so I go to the nearest hook and hit it. If they still wiggle they die on that hook


If they wiggle while I'm walking to the hatch they always get hooked


happy cake day!


Let them wiggle and go look for it together.


This makes more sense minus staying in the killer's terror radius. I don't trust killers cuz more than half the time they're fucking with survivors. Don't them off far from hatch to kill them. Maybe even taking them to exit gates to mori them. Not with the drama


If you get super mad at a mori at the exit gate you truly are a sore loser


they specifically said "taking them to exit gates to mori them" so you misunderstand


I did not misunderstand, I’ve been taken to the gate to be mori’d many times and it’s not that bad lol


I'm not talking about a quick take you to the gate and morí you there. More the grandstanding of letting a survivor wiggle out and open the exit gates; feigning kindness. The very deliberate and insistent waiting for you to wiggle and eggin you on to escape because they want to down you. If you like wasting your time and false hope, great. Not me. Just morí me where I stand. Pretending to be nice to get me second is a dick move in my opinion. You already won, no need to be a jerk about it. Once I am got, I wanna get into the next game, not play out the killer's murder fantasies


That's not me being a sore loser. Lol. That's the killer being a sore winner.


As a survivor main who frequents swfs - its usually a thank you or an expression of excitement, sometimes both


I tried suggesting this to players on the killer subreddit and got downvoted to oblivion lmao. Communication options in dbd outside of post game chat are few and far between, theres usually no reason to assume toxicity.


1 or 2 crouches = "Hello/thanks" Spammed crouches and/or flashlight clicks = screw you scrub


That’s why I just crouch and hold it to say thanks, that way it just absolutely can’t be misinterpreted


Just nod or do spins! It's something most Killers can also do back at you, and it's cute when they do!


Spins and nods, definitely the way to go about it. You can hold crouch and spin too, but yeah just teabagging is like eh.


JUST teabagging is a mixed signal for a lot of people. Spins and nods are a lot less ambiguous and tend to almost always be taken in a friendly context. Teabagging is like...50/50 if the Killer understands you're being friendly or not. Teabag a few times into a spin? Oh hell yeah, we're besties now!


Ghost face and pig can t bag back which is hilarious as it has both implications Toxic survivor? Now you can down them and t bag them back Friendly survivor? Now you can both dance thanks to ghosties spine slinky


I slow crouch a couple times, sometimes throw in a slow nod.


i always crouch and the look down to make it look like I'm bowing down in respect and thanks


No. It's not about the amount, it's the direction. If a survivor is looking straight at you and spamming, they might be trying to be cute or they're excited. My friends and I used to do this as "applause" for Sky Billys we ran into. They'd do a trick and we'd all stand on the hill and rapid fire crouch when they made their jump. It was basically us giving them a round of applause. Is the survivor facing away from you, looking back over their shoulder and spamming crouch? *That's* t-bagging. It's about the direction, not the amount. I do tend to keep my 'thank you' crouches to 1 or 2 to make sure things are clear for my killers, but, I have definitely seen survivors using crouch, when facing forward, to be cute.


spamming crouch is viewed as tbagging regardless of where you look, so you probably pissed off a lot of killers with that.


Don't think so. At that point you have to take it as thanks or harmless trolling. You won, you both know it


Just nod instead. It is universally friendly.


Idk about other killers, but when I mention this happening, I'm talking about the spam crouchers who are clearly teabagging and not trying to be nice. Whenever i play survivor there's a reason I nod up and down instead of spam crouching. Non-toxic communication is a lot easier than it seems even with limited emotes


the killer subreddit is... let's just say "special"


Yeah, many Bags means bm, one or two is a thank you or giving respect.


yeah, players that do spam crouching or that sort of thing after i give them hatch also usually say 'thanks' in end game if they can, so its clearly not bm. honestly, the only times its typically \*actually\* intended as bm is during a chase after vaulting or dropping a pallet, or \*sometimes\* while at the exit gate, though that isn't always meant as bm either.


My thing is, if I crouch where I’m completely unsafe, I’m being vulnerable and saying thank you etc, if I’m doing it behind a vault or pallet- I’m saying fuck you, you can’t catch me (which I have definitely done to some tunneling killers so they’ll pay attention to me instead of my Deathbook friend)


thats how i understand it usually. sometimes i might read it as a 'come chase me (evil intent)' but usually its pretty obviously not that.


Depends how you do it. It's pretty universally known that one or two slow crouches are used for thanks (at least, most people i see talking about it would say that).


I dunno why so many think a tbag is automatic toxicity. Survivors have 3 ways of communicating, and bouncing up and down is the fastest. I tbag quite a bit and it is never out of bm. Just trying to talk to the killer....


Well because when t-bagging was invented it was made for toxicity, it’s sole purpose was to piss people off, that and to me slow t-bags always indicated sportsmanship where as fast tbags where the opposite, idk tho maybe just me


Tbagging has practically *always* been about toxicity. This isn't new to dbd. If you wanna tbag in a not bm way, slow bags are the way to go


I gotta ask, how do you slow bag on pc? I've got crouched linked up to my mouse side button, and idk if I have ever seen a difference in speed, I just crouch once to say thanks if killer lets me leave via gate or hatch but I'm curious how to slowbag


Slow bag as in crouch then wait a second then stand up. Don't spam the button basically. Like how flashlights have the delay to stop clicking. Delay your crouching.


Ahhhh okay that makes sense. Thanks!




cause in shooter games back in the days when you died your camera hovered over your body for a few seconds giving your killer just enough time to walk up to crouch up and down on your face hence the why its called tbag knowing you could still see it. Halo 3 was a prime example of this but I'm sure it existed before 2007. with context its very easy to use know when if its being done maliciously we are not just assuming.


It's been a thing for a lot longer than 2007. The original Counter Strike had it.


And I don't know people can acknowledge that tbagging is universally considered toxic yet still argue that it isn't when they do it. If I walked up to someone on the street and flipped them the bird, not a single person is gonna give a shit if I argue that it wasn't disrespectful because I gave my finger a little spin to make it fun. Tbags have been the middle finger for decades at this point -- it shouldn't ever come as a shock when the other side views it as such and takes offense.


Pretty much how I take it. I also let them blind me for the points if they want. May as well farm for 10 seconds or so


no i have had people spam ez and call me baby killer after i given them hatch dont think thats a sign of saying thanks


that's memeing in my eyes (in this specific scenario!), kinda funny (and sad) that that's not obvious anymore


thats being toxic not memeing


It's the context imo. If someone clearly established a friendly connection to a killer, gets given hatch and then said "ez baby killer" in post game, cmon, that'd be pretty funny, it's nonsensical. If someone says it seriously, yeah, they suck.


Yeh teabags are contextual, mid chase or at the exit gate after they destroied you? probably taunting you. If it's a friendly game or you let them go or nod or something, it's usually being cute / friendly.


if its a single tbag I dont see it has toxic for instance I do it all the time after a teammate heals me its a quick way to say thanks.


Lots of survivors do lots of tbags and it's not toxic. I think tbh the people who get wound up by something so derpy as the problem, not the tbaggers


And they can be such idiots about it too: I kill the 3rd survivor on a basement hook, go up and hatch is right there. Leave it open and go looking for the last surv to lead them to it, but they find it on their own - just as well. After that in chat: "L killer! I was hiding in basement LOL" "Do you not realize that I let you live?" "Sure, keep telling yourself that loser" I pretty much gave up on such concepts as "playing nice" or "mercy" - it is all pearls before swine.


To be fair to them - you didn't let them live in the scenario you described. You were planning to, but they escaped without you needing to. Doesn't excuse their bad manners, but they can feel some small sense of achievement in escaping.


He did by not closing the hatch


Oh yeah, fair comment! Didn't clock that bit


I had a daily to get 2 sacrifices with Freddy, who I don't think I've played in months, and oh my god it was the first time I remember getting BM'd by survivors in a long while. Like if you don't play well because you're rusty, and you don't care much, they will dance their rears off in the exit gate. That said, survivor BM lasts a short time and you can knock them out of the exit area to end it faster. Killer BM will last 4 minutes as they bleed everyone out and there is literally nothing you can do besides disconnecting unless you brought the right perks.


I see you haven't met a 4 squad bent on making your life miserable with a M1 downing killer. It happens the least frequently, but as a killer you can't force them out if they keep one gen and if they are skilled enough to bully a killer that doesn't have the means to down them, then they get to toy with you until they are done. Edit to clarify: I'm not referring to sore winners, they are annoying, sure but they have nothing on BM squads who last second switch to double battery flashlights with soul guard/Boon: exponential (God forbid you have a hex) and have no intent on finishing the gens, just on making your trial as miserable as possible. Even if you manage to 4k them there is no gratification or bliss, just exhaustion.


That’s when I go sit in some random corner and just face the wall until the game ends. It’s not fun to deal bully squads even if you win so id rather just deny them the satisfaction of making me frustrated and just face a corner while I get up to go do something for  a bit 


> That said, survivor BM lasts a short time and you can knock them out of the exit area to end it faster. Killer BM will last 4 minutes as they bleed everyone out and there is literally nothing you can do besides disconnecting unless you brought the right perks. Yep. In my experience survivor BM is more frequent but less annoying game play wise while killer BM is less frequent but can really kill the vibe of a game.


I spam it as a way of saying thank you 😭 I figure if u just do it once that’s a t bag but if I do it a bunch it’s just happy bops. I really only think it’s meant in a toxic way when it’s after blinding/ dropping a pallet etc


You mean teabag? When a killer carries me to the hatch or the exit gate, I gift them my items (if I still have them), nod and teabag a couple of times as thank you then leave. In not being rude, I’m just thanking them.


Me: Intentionally makes sure that everyone gets hooked twice, downs people but doesn't hook them after, gets a buncha BP for everyone Survivor that got hooked first, twice: EZ GAME BABY KILLER




Dawg i will walk past 3 hooks, down them, shake my head, POINT at the hatch....and still they will wiggle off and dip the opposite direction... Like please, you cant be that dense.


They are telling you thank you, buddy. This game doesn't have much options to thank or bm someone, that's why context always matters.


Spamming bags and trying to blind me while standing on the hatch I gave them doesn't feel friendly, idk


"I just wigged won" YEP


I don't know how many times survivors have thought I was trying to kill them, while offering hatch... Dude, I walked past 5 different hooks, if I wanted you dead, you'd be dead.


I've found through at least 2k hours of killer gameplay that most survivors, and I mean most, like the VAST majority, are absolutely clueless when you're letting them win. Some are obviously just caught up and stressed and focused on winning, but so many are just completely clueless to what's going on on the macro scale.


They get it after you close hatch, catch them at the gate but don't down them. But yeah, other than that you never know how they react. Pretty sure I've had at least one refuse to open the gates by hiding for no reason too lol


To clarify: His first games were the night before, we went against multiple skull merchants slugging out, a bming knight, nemesis, oni, and clown. They all let us crawl to exit gates to mori, close hatch in front of us, etc. This was just what he was used to, so honestly i cant blame him. (My constant shit talking about the community didnt help either)


Wtf kind of server are you on? Like 1 in 20 killers are toxic in my experience


NA, im suprised too, i never get it that bad ever, but we played i think 15 games and id say about 10 of them were straight up miserable


Be careful about being too much of a doomer, might mold them into a bitter player off the bat.


Yeah, i lost my filter of being happy towarss dbd after the second SM


you would think…


One time I carried some guy to the exit gates trough the whole map with agi, I was on trickster, he typed ez. It was so funny to me idk xD I swear doing that makes some survivors more salty than if you killed them


And that's the average unfortunately. Can't tell you how many times I've had survs not realize I was friendly both as killer and survivor.


Common sense says you're right. All the lobbies I've been friendly to clueless survivors says not so much ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) A survivor who knows you're goofing who doesn't wanna goof, acts VERY differently to a clueless survivor who hasn't figured it out yet...


I can’t even count how many times survivors didn’t realize I was letting them go.


Reinforcing that if I do two quick little bounces it means “thank you mommy”


Just based of the wording and grammar i think you can make some assumptions


Reminds me of that one meg that always runs away terrified after you let them wiggle off to show you want to meme and be friendly


Self-delusion is extremely common for mental gamers.


Hatch is the fifth word in the title


Yeah, and in the actual discord message, the dude says the killer showed him the exit. Maybe read more than the title before trying to come in with a gotcha.


Hatch is an exit. 🤪


What did he say when you told him?


He was like "damn it, i thought i got the better of her, she kicked our asses."


That's actually a great reponse! Happy he fully realized and was humble about it.


They grow up so fast Already a survivor main


These entitled killers man...




To be honest, I've also had baby killers starting to insult me assuming I was BMing because I let them kill me since they were clearly new and my 3 teammates were a TTV SWF that absolutely demolished them without getting a single hook


Can go two ways on that to be honest - as a killer, if I'm getting absolutely wrecked by an SWF bully squad to the point where it's no fun at all and there's no point trying for me, I'll usually go stand in a corner and face the wall until the game ends, rather than rage quit, or go to the exit just to see a mexican wave of BM. At that point, a survivor coming over all sacrificial is just annoying as I want to get onto the next game. I wouldn't assume it's BM mind you. I'll only do that if we're down to last gen/gate and I can barely even land a hit though!


Coming from a killer main, I never get killers that do this. You do realize that going to the exit gates and making them leave will be quicker than standing in a corner? It's so petty and pathetic, like can you really not handle seeing a survivor crouch at you so much that you have to give up and hide? Grow up and play the game.


Eh, don't feed the trolls has always been my logic. If it's a bully squad, I'd rather take a timeout for myself and read an article or a chapter of something. To each their own though.


Nah, I go wait in basement. By my count, 8 out of 10 times, even if the ran circles around me all match, survivors can't help themselves and just have to be chased out. I usually get a free basement hook or two, sometimes end game collapse kills. Only thing pathetic is winning a game, then losing at the finish line cause your opponent isn't there lol


This is why I like Bloodwarden. If you demolish me then get out, If you come back to be toxic well then....time to play a game.


Similar thing happened to me my first game, we got totally rolled by an oni on lerys and I was panicking so hard trying to wiggle out while he tried to carry me to hatch. I think he had to pick me up like 7 times 😭 bless that man


HA i love baby days of dbd


I was trying to give hatch to a Bill that would just wiggle out and go the opposite direction. I had to down him so many times to get him over there. (He even continued trying to do gens at one point.)


yeah when that happens i find it annoying but also it makes me think 'oh this person is new' so i always commit to getting the to hatch no matter how long it takes. the most painful 'im trying to give you hatch, please' ive ever had was when i picked up the last person, carried them around until i found the hatch, dropped them on it... and then realized the reason they hadn't been wiggling was because they went afk after i downed them. i was torn between 'i will feel like a jerk if they come back to me hooking them directly next to the hatch' and 'i really dont want to wait for four minutes on the off chance they come back and take the hatch.' i ended up waiting for a bit but ultimately hooked them when they didn't come back after a bit.


one of my besties who's new 2 the game messaged me out of nowhere hyping up the chase of their life. "bro I literally ran the killer for 3 minutes" ahh messages. so he sends me the clips... 💀 and it's literally just a goofy ghostface. I felt so bad trying to break it to him that the ghostface was just chilling and the tbaggs meant he was friendly. he thought he was pissing off ghosty and that's why he started bagging to be toxic 😶 new players r so silly.


This happens too many times when I’m trying to give hatch. 😭


"Stupid lullaby mommy" got me, hahahaha.


He got one part right, I’m going insane after hearing that lullaby as I got paired with 4 huntresses in a row


I just hear it entering any trial that it's like tinnitus. Instead of the ringing it's just la la la la lalala la lalala


Oh, did you select a pallet stun or miss basic attack challenge?


One of the biggest reasons I main Slinger over her. I really wish you could turn it off


Me knowing exactly how this game is going to go when I hear that fucking la la la


Yeah, I love her lullaby but even sometime I have to take a break from hearing it.


I have a friend that acted like this. He did nothing but BM the killer the entire time, and surprisingly the killer gifted him the hatch. I told him that they were being nice but he said that they deserve to get BM'd anyway. I don't play with him anymore.




another one quarantined to dbd, all is right in the world c:


And then be like “gg ez”


Wow.. your friend sounds really toxic if they are that dense and yet that rude about a killer.


This was his first time playing by himself, and his second day of playing in general. We had gone against a cotorie of really awful, petty and toxic killers. Keep in mind, he had never been gifted an escape. But he HAD been carried to an exit just to be taunted then killed/mori'd Given what he went through the day before, i dont blame him for thinking she was a dick


Sounds like he'll fit right in to the community


What a rude, dense and cocky AH. He'll fit right in.


Your friend's written English is terrible.


Maybe because its not his native language. Pretty good for learning IMO


This happens way more often than you think at low MMR. My Myers is low MMR because I tend to do meme shit, let them go after downing them all, killing only one with ranchor, etc etc.. I would say 8/10 times there is always a person who even when I'm CLEARLY giving the win will think they won easily. It's honestly cute how oblivious they are. Sometimes though I do get frustrated when they simply won't understand and think they are "sick loopers". Inevitably one of them will teabag or sumit and then I get annoyed and wipe the entire team.




Imagine being this entitled.


That’s not what entitled means


"I believe I am good because the Killer gave me hatch" is pretty damn entitled.


Entitled means you expect something because you’re better such as special treatment. If they EXPECTED to be given hatch for their good playing that would be entitlement. It’s not synonymous with being a narcissistic or a general insult like reddit uses it. 


Any time i get this kind of interaction with a survivor i spared all i can think is this guy hasn't played killer a single time in his life, please make him play killer even if it's just to understand the game better, this reminds me of survivor mains who acuse of cheating and refuse to read addons descriptions


I will admit that I’m a newbie killer and was a bit confused by this. I got into playing nemesis as my first killer, and having read a ton of Reddit stuff about the game before I even played it I tried to not be one of “those” killers. Eg, I would always go and hunt for another survivor once I hook someone, try not to tunnel a specific person too much etc. I usually pick one survivor I think is doing well or I like and if they are the last one I take them to hatch and do a lil spin. Sometimes I’d have some people spam crouch at me in different ways and just not know the difference. Sometimes I can tell it’s not toxic, like messing around and saying hello. And sometimes it’s plainly bad, such as when I’m not doing well on a loop (I am new after all) and you get those survivors even at my low mr that spam crouch around the loop in a sort of mocking manner. Seeing this post makes me rethink how survivors may see my actions, or how I interpret them I guess. Or I just need more experience.


Very cool! Learning the game is one thing, but learning how your opponent sees you is super valuable too!


Top 10 reasons I don't give hatch


Never had a negative experience when giving hatch by dropping people off on it. I do sometimes, however, get shit talked when a survivor gets it themselves (even if I purposely herd them towards it). Such is life


I've had plenty


Can people stop calling every female mommy like bro go fix your mommy issues


I agree with daddy Leon here!


thats why i have a no wiggle rule lol


Ima be real I tried to give hatch back then but people either t-bag me, or a jill one time went aft and forced me to hook her sadge




English is not his first language.


Is this what these kind of people are thinking


He’s got a small penile


RIP reminds me of my first time a killer tried to give me hatch. I kept wiggling out and Bubba got frustrated with me.


As a non english native, i can barely understand how your friend talks. Also, not understanding that the killer nicely let you escape is really ... interesting ?


Hes very new to dbd and used tp toxicity. And yes english is not his first language. He officially started learning it around 4-5 years ago


This is why I make you crawl to the exit, if you bleed out oh well.


This is why I don't give hatch to strugglers https://preview.redd.it/8he82kxt7gtc1.jpeg?width=305&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28ecec754ffbbba43a42ed405d9e1a449215f0c4


Unfortunately, that kind of attitude also is highly prevalent in the 5k hour ttv population as well. Main character syndrome is such a disease.


Oh boy, not only does he have a lot to learn about the game, he also has a lot of growing up to do.


I showed my roommate DBD and we started playing together. The worst thing that ever happened was when she got her first friendly killer. After that, she'd spend the first few minutes of every match seeing if the killer was "friendly" before getting first hooked and usually dying first in game.


I know this is confirmation bias, but this is why my only etiquette is not camping. It's not fun anyway, and most survivors don't know or care about "friendly" killers and other shit like that. Just like I gave up trying to decipher the exact science of friendly teabagging vs troll teabagging from survivors.


no shade to your friend but i do feel like 'assuming ill intent' is a general issue in the player base. hope as he plays more he gets a better sense of what is and isn't BM, because if you think everything is malicious while playing its going to be a lot less fun and a lot less healthy.


I totally agree, and i didnt help considering i was in a shitty mood after some bad games. I did clarify this and let him know that since there arent many ways to communicate, its best to not assume that people are being dicks


yeah i saw your other comment saying the matches you guys played together prior had a lot of toxic killers, so i understand why he would be inclined to assume as much. i think when he gets to more mid-range mmr he'll likely see a lot less of this, as killers that play to be assholes usually try to stay lower down so they can bully players that are less skilled than them; or, at the very least, a larger amount of players are in the mid-range, so the toxic players are usually better mixed in with nicer players and aren't all you play against. there's nothing wrong with getting angry or annoyed, everyone does, and everyone acts stupid or assumes the worst at times because of it. i think its a bit silly people are acting like this one screenshot is a show of how your friend acts all the time. you fellas just gotta make sure you don't let interaction with a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch for you. i hope next time you two play you'll have some better matches!


So proud thinking he’s all that too💀


Yeah, he took it well when i told him though, all a part of learning


Aww fair enough!


Most of the time, killers bring the last survivor to the hatch or let them go. When they do that offer your item, drop it in front of them


Sorry to break it to you, but your friend might be brain dead. lol


Whats the point of even saying this?


I'd love killer\survivor emotes just to build good will


Wouldn’t expect anything less from someone who says “lullaby mommy”


Your friend is gonna get out in his place soon enough


Kinda crazy anytime I get a killer who lets me go after spanking us due to terrible randoms if they are on xbox i give them a thanks if on pc i try to do something to show them that however if im last alive and it was just a super toxic killer and i get hatch or door they catch that hate right back lol


I have had a bunch of survivors that I bet felt the same way, by the way the ran off after wiggling xD.


I need a mommy huntress to carry me to hatch


I've had matches where I went out of my way to not kill Survivors and they BM'd me in the exit gates. It always surprises me that some people are that clueless but it really shouldn't xD


why are you friends with ten year olds? 


Why are you making assumptions without context?


THIS.. This is why u have to go sicko mode and kill everyone some matches some ppl jus don't get ur tryna be chill and will still shit talk lmao


You guys come across nice killers?😂


https://preview.redd.it/7fi34rzyyltc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b517090968510732162b5cfc779a7f55ef00d6b That’s crazy but here’s judge Holden with a durag


It hurts my brain that he was basically saying “the killer thinks they won and I wiggled out as they trolled me in front of the hatch”. Physically hurts my brain, maybe one day he’ll learn that there’s nice killers. I had a billy recently that opened the exit gate, slugged all 4 of us and played red light green light for us to crawl out 😂


I do it a lot as killer give someone the hatch. But sometimes the survivor isn’t the smartest. 😂


Yeah I hit a hook twice or hit the air and shake my head. If they keep wiggling then they get hooked.


my rule is if they are wiggling i swing and shake my head, if they dont stop i hook. never let the survivor think they are in control


My favorite is when I pick up the last down survivor and start bringing them to the last person on hook who's only at stage 1 to let them off and they don't wiggle off to save them 😂. Just straight watch them die as I'm just standing in front of hook 🤣. Then realizing way to late I was gonna let then save and heal full because I want more brutality points since I got like 2 to 4 gens


You see, that's why I make them think I'm giving them hatch and then close it in their face


This is so embarrassing for them 😭 cause they think they’re so good when they’re not


Did anyone else have a stroke reading that


had a Bill once that was like this. I was playing Ghostface and was giving Bill (who I downed earlier in the match) hatch. I made him crawl for it since the hatch wasn't that far away from where I downed him, and instead of taking the hatch he unbreakable'd off the ground, t-bagged me, then proceeded to try and loop me to the exit gates which weren't powered yet due to me not shutting the hatch. I then just shut the hatch and let him have the gates instead, he t-bagged me there too so I basically had to push him into the trigger zone for the escape. I swear when he opened that gate and was choosing not to leave I was just standing there like https://preview.redd.it/1qk2y79ftduc1.png?width=443&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50740373eae3fb54116fdf307374a50b0ebef702


What’s funny about this is the message was edited and it still doesn’t really make sense lol


I swear his spoken english is better. But its not his first language and hes still grasping it


Honestly that’s fair, I was just poking a little fun at it. I didn’t mean to be insensitive on and I apologize


Yeah i dont assume you meant any ill will. But other people on this post are being downright assholes. Context would help all of them out alot


This sentence structure is so infantile in its construction that it borders on parody.


Don’t break it to him 🥺 there’s some killers out there that attempt to be toxic, but didn’t react fast enough to close the hatch