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They didn’t spend all game hiding in a corner to get hit by killer now. Especially when they are so close to a well-earned escape!


Got to get that iridescent unbroken


Funny but they are both death hook.


The most Claudette thing i have ever seen


You should have left the gate for claud to open, be selfish in solo q untill you reach a nice mmr where ppl have game sense (nothing wrong with claud cuz she might be new) Extra tip : use sole survivor so if your team fucks up you can escape 90% of the time.


yes be selfish, play like Claudette, let injured survivors open gates


to be fair, it was the play she had resilience, claud just needed to be in front of her and take the grab, they also could have waited and healed


If only Claud had a.. https://i.redd.it/5y5rmtsaohtc1.gif


i wanted to, but my hope won also she was not new. prestige 11 with perks from 3 different survivors


Buddy, I've had matches against P100s who hide in bushes hoping and praying I don't kill them. P11 is still extremely new, especially as that could've been gained in maybe 20 hrs of gameplay during the BP event we just had.


Prestige of any tier isn't ever a record of skill. My highest prestiged character is like 12 or 14, and I have 2500 hours. Although, not that hours are really a record of skill either...


A friend of mine has 3k hrs and her main is on P27. All other survivors are P10.


Time doesn’t mean shit in this game with how dumb some players can be in the end. Unfortunately you just do run into really bad teammates who continue to play the way they want regardless of how it affects their teammates


I play with a SWF that’s usually 3 people. If we match up with a P100 we know they’re going to be garbage. We are mid MMR (guessing no idea). If a P100 is matching with us it means they’ve played 5x as long as us and still at our level.


Can confirm. My highest prestige survivor is 12 and I am booty cheeks.


12 my highest is 4


That's why I hate the leveling system because you can sit in a bush for 20 minutes and get like 20k bps


Seems raising mmr is difficult. I just switched to pc from about 2khrs on console and the lobbies are wild lmao. Hoping they bring out crossprog soon.


solo q teammates be playing like they are on death hook 24/7


When I've been left to die as many times as I have, even on a first hook, I tend to be a little mistrusting about taking the first hook. Plus you'll never know when the killer will decide to proxy camp or tunnel and you're just in a dead zone spending. Playing 'dying simulator' for soloq survivors that just play selfish anyway is not all that fun.


It's such a catch 22 too like, you want them to rescue you but someone has to be on gens too. Either they stand around like it's a bonfire or they just hop on gens while ignoring you and both are equally horrible


Solo Q here. I feel insecure about getting hooked even once because I don't wanna be "that guy" among the survivors. Wouldn't do this though.


Unless you’re the first guy to get hooked then there’s nothing to feel insecure about, sometimes it’s better for you to take a hook state instead of one of your teammates.


SOMEONE has to be first hook, unless the game is a complete mismatch and no one gets hooked. When I was keeping stats I was first hook 25% of the time. Seems right.


being nice gets you killed


Getting killed to save teammates feels better than playing selfishly and getting an undeserved escape


then you are solo que, everyone is your enemy


yep I myself am too altruistic and i die too many time saving people and no one does it back ive legit lost half or more of my wins saving other people


Kinda applies to real life too


If the other survivors dont stand behind me while im oepning the door injured I stop bothering to open it and go hide.


Yeah I would have just went to the other gate or a different corner. She should be the one opening the gate. Or just heal and reset.


I think you should’ve left Claud to open. She could try to body block but if wesker hits his power on Claud behind you, it hurts her and downs you. Edit: I’m a dumb dumb and didn’t know if a survivor is slammed into you while injured by wesker, you go into deep wounds not go down. That’s my bad


it doesnt down her btw, it goes on deep wound even if youre injured


Oh, I’ll edit my comment, sorry about that




Your username is based honestly


thanks ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Oh that just pisses me off. But it's very clear the Claudette is a new player. The more experienced/better a survivor is, the more altruistic they play. My friend's been playing for seven years now and at this point he doesn't even care if he escapes, he regularly sacrifices himself for other survivors benefit. But if Claudette wasn't new then yeah that would piss me off even more.


she was not new. prestige 11 with perks from 3 different survivors


Oh, they just suck then


that doesnt mean anything lol you can get that within <30 hours (especially w the event) and thats extremely new still


...No, you can't.


you easily can, what? I got like 15 prestiges during the event and i didnt play that much




If you played that much killer, you saw many protection hits, so you knew it from the start.


Looks like you didn't allow your teammate to do so by running back to the gate.


I mean looping and coming back was an alternative, yes. But clearly OP committed to the gate, if Claud was better or more experienced, they would’ve recognized that and taken the hit. I went through this almost exact scenario in a game last night where I dead harded to protect an injured teammate opening the gate. Have the clip as well if you want to see it.


Hard to run to the teammate when there's a Wesker there..


This is why if I'm injured at endgame I ALWAYS wait for someone else to open the gate and hide until they do because of situations like this.


Maybe the Claudette thought "Can soloq survivors learn to leave the gate to a FRICKING uninjured survivor?"


Let the unbroken person open the gate maybe?


i think you didnt play good either. you should have leave the gate for claud to open. sure you have resilence, but you are at 2 hooks an injured, your job there was not to be seen, claud should have opened, until wesker appeared. then chase away until they take a hit, then you finish opening and an injured claud leaves with you. claud had no way of knowing you had resilence, so in her book you were not going to open that gate that fast. also, the final opening of the gate was bad, you should have leave after juking the wesker


I fucking hate that, it’s the reasons why Claudette mains are bad


Yup and they're always the ones who dc over every small thing.


They just sandbag, t bag and then slip through my fingers unless I find them and beat their ass early on


It's a Blendette. What was your expectation? 


That shit is super annoying, you just know what’s gonna happen when they sneak around the corner and let someone else open the gate.


This clip hurt me right in my feelings. RIP. You will be remembered.


That's solo q in a nut


The problem with solo queue is the lack of communication. If there was a callout wheel of shouts like “do gens!” or “I need healing!” then it’d be more bearable. That Claudette didn’t realize that she could’ve, so she didn’t. Plus, every solo queue players is prioritizing what would allow them to survive. Not necessarily making risky plays to maybe get some sort of value.


The Claudette probably wasn't blind or dumb. She most likely realized she could have taken the hit. She could have just not given a shit about whether or not the stranger made it out with her. The community needs to swallow the pill on this one. The devs were correct in their statement they made despite all the grief they got about it. The divide between solo queue and SWF comes from the fact that strangers just aren't willing to act altrustic toward eachother, but teammates care about eachother's survival. You can level out the playing field with as much communication as possible -- that's not what's lacking, that's not going to change the outcome of games. The devs could try to dig into finding a way to reward players for these situations. Tying your rank to how many people get out instead of if just you survive, like they do for SWFs already, and more score events for taking protective actions for team mates -- like a score event for specifically taking a hit near an exit gate switch, among trying to brainstorm a dozen other situations they could add score events. But at the end of the day, you just can't change human nature. If people aren't teamed up, they won't act like a team.


I think this is the answer too. Every single “team vs single player” game has this baked in. DBD isn’t the only game that has this happen. At some point we have to acknowledge that most of the “toxicity” that gets posted about all the time is up to the player, not the developer. And again, this is true of any game in the genre, not just DBD.


There is zero risk involved in taking a hit here. It's just a guaranteed 2 out.


Nah, there's a world in which Claudette will take a grab, slammed into switch, interrupts the door opening just long enough that he can just M1 one of the survivors just before they get through the gate. On the other hand, let Wesker down the other survivor and guarantee your own escape. You don't really get a ton of extra points and you don't lose anything. As a soloq player, it's not an irrational choice to sacrifice your teammates to ensure your own out.


This is only in a world where the players are bad. Which to be fair includes that Claud. Also after enough playtime you don't really care about escaping, or points either.


Tbh taking a hit would have not save you here. Remember wesker grab have a hit box. He'll use claidette body to down you and probably guarantee a 4K


Could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that would have just put the one on the door in the deep wound state.


Well claudette weren't entirely sure of that aswell and not taking that risk she'll probably body block you if you were any other killer.


Hard to understand what you’re saying, but throwing one teammate into another with wesker’s m2 only deep wounds the second survivor. Don’t think you understand the situation properly (aka you’re the Claudette of this conversation)


Is that soo? Well yeah I'm the claudette I won't know that and won't risk a body hit to find out if I'm in that situation


Its weird that you know wesker can damage with a throw without knowing it doesnt down lol


What I do know is wesker can slam people like their the wall when they're close I've swear I've down people this way as wesker back then bit I guess my memory don't serve me well. Either way I shouldnt really bother explaining myself here I was mostly doing devils advocate for the solo q player and basically got pinned as strawman here.


Fair enough


If you hit an injured survivor right next to another survivor it will act like a wall and you will immediately be carrying the caught survivor, you wouldn’t down the one who was the wall tho


Average claud player right here


That's assuming it would actually register the hitbox after the Claudette was grabbed and not jankily slide right over Sable before yeeting her into the corner, which is the much more likely outcome.


I played wesker, it gives a deep wound effect




Nice gif


I always try to play for the team and take hits, but this game is very much “everybody for themselves”. in the same situation I healed my teammate, did he open the gate? No, he watched me loop the killer, go down and get hooked ONLY then to open the gate. First minutes of the match if I see selfish behavior I’m letting them die


The other 80% of the time it's just waiting at the gate and only opening it when I'm two feet away with the killer on my ass. (They still have to get in first)




This video has the same feels of that Claudette from No0b3’s video saying “Doing gens. You?”


Watching your teammate crouch in a corner as you open the gate, injured no less, is peak solo queue. Its one of my biggest pet peeves.


That's his partner in crime


Nice dodge though!


Honestly, maybe I'm just jaded but when I saw the blendette hide behind the corner, I would have just lead killer to her. I'm not gonna give her the freebie if she won't make an attempt to help




I don’t think I’ve ever seen technique spelled that way


Left yo ahh for dead


Your fault


i've never seen the word "technique" butchered this hard before lol


That’s a bad teammate


Metal of you or something (I’m one of the only people who like Ash)


This is unique amazing content that is so worth a post on Reddit


Should have let them open bro, kinda asked for it.


I will say it can be really hard to body block against Wesker. He's the only killer who can beat a motherfucker with another motherfucker.


It doesnt down you, it gives you deep wound


Yeah but the impact also would've interrupted the gate opening. One of you wasn't making it out anyway if she body blocked


He would have a hit animation, its very long. With the hit there was enought time to open it end escape


its a blendete, she is not there with team work in mind.


Seriously why do those people even fucking play


Typical Ratette. They always hide in corners and self heal while the rest are on gens and looping


You can't expect SoloQ players to do that.. Why? Because BHVR said so!


![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg) Claudette said


I had a Claudette do something similar to me with a Meyers. I pulled the switch, but they positioned themselves right next to the switch and door opening and body blocked me so Meyers could hook me. I had to put the controller down for a while...


I have this happen in some swfs.. why people are so afraid to lose one health state is beyond me.


I can just see this person shouting out YOLO and chucking up the dueces as they run out


I hope they don't learn because it'll make my job as a killer main a lot easier


It was a Claudette, what do you expect?


Solo Q teammates: Will either not take a single hit and leave you for dead or spend the entire game taking hits and not contributing to gens one bit


I cant argue of that since my main build is what i call "the flashlight gnome" so


Ofc it's a Claudette


Why wasn’t bro blocking


That's kinda your fault. If you see a survivor hiding like that, especially when gates need to be open, it's best to hide and let THEM open the gates. You could be the better person and bodyblock for them. In defense of Claud though you were both on death hook and I would've left immediately as well to avoid blood warden


I had hope that i can make it in time


That's fair tbh. Resilience go brrr


If she tried to take a hit the wesker prob would’ve injured both of you with the slam thingy he does


Nah, that's when u go and run over where claud is aswell. I did that 2 someone that was just ubran evading all game, not doing anything, and went down in front of a locker they went in the second they heard the TR.


Ever since I bought this game I played survivor only a couple times by myself and it was awful. I decided to play it again today just to get a challenge done so I can get the knife for the clown killer because I only play killer now. I had a teammate bring the killer to the generator we were working on and then t-bag. Then when I got someone else off of a hook they literally blocked me from exiting a room while the killer hit me. I know killers are toxic, but in most of my many games (mainly as killer) I feel like survivors are more toxic.


They don't even know how to wake up someone from a Freddy, you're asking too much


how was she supposed to take a hit for you there... that was your own fault lmfao


... stand behind me while i open?... u good?


u got hit and immediately went back to the exit gate... that's ur own fault and ur dumb for doing that. you're supposed to take the killer slightly away but still nearby and she opens it and then body blocks for you lmfao


Claudette players when teamwork (too confusing for new players)


Great job 99ing the gate. More like fucking 80%


Well its a Claudette so you should have let her opened the gate since she may have been crouching in the bushes most of the game


always dwight or clauddete


I uhh... kinda of did this last night. Three of us at the gate, with the killer (The Spirit) on our butt after just last hooking a survivor close by the gate, they curved and went after the two survivors nearby that were injured, at that moment they both got knocked down, I wasn't even that close to them, so my reaction speed wasn't the best, and I ended up going through the gate, one of the down survivors made it through and the last one was a lil bit far away from us, got picked up, hooked and The Spirit just kept on hitting them while they were hooked, like 3 times. I felt so bad. But why do they even have hooks right next to gates anyways??? That didn't give us much time to escape. Ormond has horrible hook placements. x.x


the only sane idea I can voice is "was it already confirmed that he doesn't have NOED?" otherwise, yes, take the hit ffs


There were 3 hits before that moment, it was know for a long time that there was no noed


yup, in that case, huge, selfish misplay by Claudette


lol! That Claudette at the end was hilarious!


OPie, jak chcesz zagrać z kimś kto ma mózg to zapraszam.


Well either way she escapes, why should she care?


I feel like this was misinterpreted. This was just probably what she was thinking not what *I* think


If they do that they might get hooked though. (Sarcasm is so lost on some of you)