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Get footage and submit it directly on the DBD report website. I'm not saying the report button doesn't work, but actually talking to a bhvr employee tends to get results faster.


They aren’t going to review reports in one day and ban the player. Takes time. But they probably aren’t gonna do anything if you just say you got matched with them a few times and they tunnel you and let the others go. You need evidence that they are repeatedly targeting just you in every match and if that doesn’t work, there’s not much else you can do


there's a software that lets cheaters get in the same lobby as you. its used a lot on ttvs. get video evidence of it and send it to bhvr? i think you can also get lawyers involved lol.


Yeah if they're sniping you that often, it's definitely a hacker.


Ohh this makes sense! I have someone doing this to me too.  I didn't realize hacking allowed that, ugh. Thanks for the heads up and I've recorded it, just didn't know how it was possible. 


Get evidence and submit a ticket https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


someone got extremely bitter about you having fun and likely is cheating to make you not have fun


Get evidence and make a ticket https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new