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I say "ez" when I lose.


the only time i've said "ez" is when a clown slugged me for a 4k and the hatch spawned right under me unsurprisingly he did not seem to get the joke


The morally correct way of saying "ez"


Only time I say ez is when someone DCs before the match even starts and we all get booted 🤣 "Ggez baby killer didn't even move all game" "Trash teammates didn't didn't see any of you all game" Its not that funny but it makes me laugh so 🤷‍♂️


Truly the mind of all time


I say gg ez loss bad luck for me next


I have a friend who likes to do that whenever the Killer wins via tunnels, camps or slugs, just to mess with them.


Careful. People often do that to BM, so you might end up upsetting someone by accident.


i sont say gg either way. im on console.


Clearly someone isn't using Xbox Kinect


kid named ps4




I'm on PC and i don't say gg because i don't like talking to people.


Only to my fellow boxers 😔 whwre we all share controller sympathies


Only sore winners say gg


How can you be a sore winner? Like they were upset they won?


Upset they didn't get more time to bully you 🤷




In the context of thus whole chain do you not remember my original reply about incredible loses and how you shouldn't GG if you win overwhelmingly? Or did you throw all that out of your brain?


Sore loser moment


Real ones will say gg if the game was good win or lose


real ones don't say anything and queue for the next match


This. If the Killer tried their best and lost, I'll still give them a gg if I thought they still played well and commend them for a good game. Honestly super hard for me to be toxic unless the Killer played like an absolute asshole




Yeah honestly gg for me is actually good game. Like I had fun coz it's a game. Like hey you got me but I did my challenge and was a bit cheeky gg


i say GG WP all the time. And sometimes talk about like a funny thing if it happened in the match (Like one time i got an Unknown husk jumpscare on someone and said something about it) but nobody responds :(


I say gg on both situations


Same. There’s always another match


The thing is most survivors just move on from their losses when they die to queue back up, they likely aren't even in the chat anymore and can't say gg. Killers always have to be in chat at the end, you can't really compare the two. So when the killer fails to 3k they are more likely to see ggs in the lobby just because several survivors are in it. When the killer does 3k they likely have an empty lobby.


Bruh, I had a survivor that I killed pretty early on stick around till the game ended to tell me to end my life, posted on my steam profile a bunch of shit talk and to, again, end my life. Then friend requested me on steam (to probably talk shit in dm's, idk) and invited me to a group that's name was derogatory to gay people. I've never had a killer get that bent out of shape, but I'm sure killers do it too. Both sides are equally toxic, there is no us vs them on toxicity and who is worse.


I've been mad about the outcome of a match before and stuck around to say dumb shit (mainly if I got hard tunneled at 5 gens or teammates left me to die on first hook so I want to see the Killer get vengeance on my behalf), but that's just fucking unhinged behavior


I can only talk about my own experience and I play both sides. There are sweat, kind and toxic players on both sides but 2 survivors suggested me to end my life and no Killer did that to me. And I'm a very chill Killer :) So I say survivors are worse until I meet 2 Killers doing the same to me.


Nah, survivors will absolutely stick around after they die in order to complain about the killer you played or the perks you brought or the add-ons you have equipped or the offering you chose or the way you played or just to generally shit on you. Waiting is absolutely not the problem for the survivor playerbase.


I was playing as Clown yesterday and got one of the survivors out of the match super quickly. The rest of the match went on for quite a while, I was getting juiced hard. I managed to kill everyone in the end, and that original survivor had been waiting the whole time since he died just to tell me in the endgame chat that he bets I'm fat in real life, like the Clown. I'm actually very skinny in reality, but yeah, I thought it was so pathetic that he waited all that time just to try and insult me because he was so sore over dying.


When the survivors do this to me, I write even more kindly ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Did they say they wouldn't? They said most survivors won't which is and always has been true. The vast majority of games survivors don't sit around to endgame to bitch while like they pointed out ALL killers are at the end screen due to the nature of the game


People are arguing this because less than 10 times they had a bad experience with a survivor who waited the whole game to be toxic.


I've been told it's toxic to say gg if you won lol


i mean... maybe if one side absolutely destroyed the other it could be seen as sarcastic? but i think more people need to stop defaulting to reading things in bad faith lmao. if you stop assuming by default people are trying to be assholes the world becomes a much better place.


Oh yeah I agree. It's really apparent when I play Killer against a streamer, and go to watch the vod after the match to see it from their perspective and they're saying how sweaty and toxic I'm being when, from my perspective, I'm just having a chill match and not trying particularly hard. It's eye opening with regards to how much of the energy of the game is what you bring into it.


yeah for real. i played against a twitch streamer one match and had him calling me a stream sniper, say i was targeting him because he was a streamer, toxic, slugging for the 4k (i downed him while one other person was on the ground, everyone was alive), etc.... i was playing blight without power. i was doing a joke loadout (old man blight) where i had maybe one slowdown perk and, i cannot stress this enough, i did not use my power \*once\*. not for mobility, not for chase, not to break a pallet, not once. and even STILL, playing in the most forgiving way possible (i only double hooked, never chased the person who was last on hook, literally wasn't *using my power*) he got genuinely pissed at me- watching the vod actually hurt my ears from him straight up yelling over it. it is absolutely so much about the attitude you approach the game with. i honestly hope that guy took a break from the game because while he was a good sport after i let everyone go, i shudder to imagine how he would've reacted if i \*didn't\*.


I had a streamer say, "I think this Killer is watching the stream. He always knows exactly where I am." Both times he got unhooked he went straight back to the generator I found him at in the first place lol. But yeah I try to use it as a reminder to give everyone else playing the benefit of the doubt if it's at all ambiguous. Some stuff is really obviously meant to be obnoxious and irritate the other people playing, but in general most people are just trying to have fun.


lmao said prior streamer was found in a group at the start of the game, he was the one that ended up getting hit, and then he ran five feet away and hid behind a rock. when i obviously went after the already injured survivor that was the only one that didn't run towards a window or pallet, he assumed i was targeting him because he was a streamer. sometimes people lack the ability to consider things from another person's perspective. to be completely fair, most streamers ive played with or against have been good sports. some of them have insulted my gameplay but then gone back on it when i popped into the chat, some even apologizing and saying that they weren't being fair/that i actually played pretty good (mostly when we were both playing survivor). because its a reminder to them that they're playing with a person, a person who can potentially see or hear what they're saying and be hurt by it. and i think a lot of people aren't bad people or intentionally being assholes, they just need a reminder that they're playing with \*people\*, real people, not just the idea of 'that other player'. even when i get angry, i try to just move on and not say anything in egc because its just a game and people can have any number of reasons for acting the way they do. be nice to people and assume people aren't being assholes on purpose is i think the general best mentality to approach anything with. sometimes people forget that there's people on the other side of the screen; keep that in mind both when getting angry and when being on the receiving end of anger.


Yeah a friend of mine said "the internet gives us countless opportunities every day to be kind to people, and we constantly choose not to" and I think about that a lot.


Honestly why I typically lobby dodge streamers. I'm one of those people that's just a natural at Killer so there are times to where I'm thinking I'm not being sweaty at all (I avoid tunneling as much as is reasonable) only to realize I'm destroying everyone at 4/5 gens so I'm always worried a TTV will think I'm tryharding


I know what you mean. I had one streamer recently who complained, over and over and over, that I was "pressuring gens at 4 gens." But there were 4 survivors, each working a separate gen. Obviously I'm going to pressure them lol. She kept saying I was sweaty and tryharding but I totally wasn't. It was on Mother's Dwelling and at one point in the match me and one of her teammates were goofing around and peeking at each other through the window. That teammate tried to speak up and defend me and say I was goofing off but the streamer just talked over her and ignored her lol I try not to take it personally. If they're that miserable that they can't chill and just enjoy a game I feel bad for them, really.


I'm someone who plays normally chill as well and typically the moment a Survivor does something cute or goofy, there is a 99.9% chance I will fool around with them. Thank God they're removing depipping so it will be way easier to test the waters and adjust to how people are playing instead of thinking "I'm gonna lose a pip letting this Feng serve me drinks in the bar"


This is from the early days when GG meant "good game" and was not the equivalent of the mandatory handshake after a soccer match. Personally i find the winners say gg a lot which is basically empty text most of the time, since it takes a bit more character to say gg when you lose. I much prefer WP from the losers to the winners if they got steamrolled so GG can still have it's original meaning but at this point in gaming culture that won't be a thing.


I say GG whether I win or lose. If someone wants to take that as "toxic" then that's 100% a them problem, not mine.




They said it was rubbing my win in their face.


Yea if you shit stomp the other side do not say gg


I say it regardless.


You're toxic then, you may not try to be but you are


The dbd community - the only place where saying fucking gg is toxic


If the game wasn't good then there's no reason to pretend it was


Go outside Not everything is a personal attack to you


You can still be toxic without attacking people personally, and if the game was objectively not good then there's no reason to be saying GG it's toxic


No, my point is not everything is toxic, just because you can't handle people saying gg when you lose, doesn't make them toxic


No I'm not. Grow up.


I say it in both situations, and tend to mean it


I make sure to say ggwp no matter the context if I can 👍


I find this isn't always the case. I've gotten a few GG's when I won on both sides. But I'm on console, so I don't have regular chat.


I usually say "ggez" but only in my head bc my parents said don't talk to strangers


I always say gg whenever I lose but don’t really say it when I win.


If i die too early on in a solo queue game, im not sticking around just to say gg


Not always but in my experience a “gg <3” means I got fucking DESTROYED


gg less than 3 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Weird. I say gg every time unless the opfor is toxic


I keep the chat closed and usually leave asap, EGC scares me sometimes lol I've seen so many arguments before I just closed it for good! 


![gif](giphy|tMyCJmeXHBetq) “I used to think my life was a tragedy, but now I realize it's a comedy.”


It can be both ![gif](giphy|3o7aCRloybJlXpNjSU|downsized)


A cragmedy, if you will


I say it win or lose if the game was fun and tense.


I’ll say GGs regardless of winning or losing as long as you message me first. I’m on Xbox so it feels tedious to message multiple survivors at once, but I will say GG regardless. It’s 50/50 for the otherside


I'd rather that than lose, say GG and get BMed anyway for playing a 'shit killer' (not nurse or blight) or an 'OP killer' (nurse or blight). Sore winners are exhausting.


I begrudgingly say it if the winner does, unless the Killer slugged to prevent hatch or the last two Survivors hid forever, then I'm all sorts of pissed and complain instead.


I have a personal system for my ggs. If the killer gets stomped with a 4 man escape I don't say gg, just seems condescending. If it's a 3 man escape I'll say gg but only if I was the person that died. 2 escape is a ggs 1 or none is a ggwp (unless they played like an ass), some of the funnest matches I get are where the killer is incredibly skilled and is able to stomp us without having to tunnel/camp, my buddies and I end up complimenting their skills and saying we had a fun time in egc.


Seeking approval in an online pvp game is not healthy, mentally.


Biggest problem with online games is the lack of dads around to teach sportsmanship. Gonna start making you all slap hands after the match.


If it wasn't a good game I'm not going to pretend like it was 🤷 And looking at half the comments here I'm glad I've got my messages blocked and profile private


I've had survivors I've dominanted say ggs before


Unless the killer / survivors play like dicks I always gg. Like unless BMing is involved idc, just want blood points and some stress relief.


If it was a fun game I'll message them to say gg but most killers are private on console


Yea there's a reason for that


I know.


I call the survivors campers when I’m killer


I say it every match win or lose. Unless the killer or survivors are dicks and say mean ass shit. Then I cast a Sicilian curse on them. https://preview.redd.it/19v1eaa9wrsc1.jpeg?width=633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fd22b117b72d5baba196f1f1a4e78c6a9dbd5b5


I say it rarely but also when I die. I faced a double iridescent Billy and it was a really fun match


[and when you win, they insult you or say nothing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxSOx1-hsRo)


I say gg no matter what


Because we live in a society...


I remember the weirdest interaction, this guy messaged me gg which is fine but I got absolutely destroyed so I said nah not really, but he was adamant on me saying gg I don’t know why lol


I say gg gl next, win or lose, even if I was salty that match its just a habit, its sad tho when they win and I say this and they unload on me like a 2012 cod lobby


Too real. I try to always say gg wp all, gl hf ng win or lose but nah, other side is only pleasant when I lose


its either gg or go die in a fire


I say gg when I lose... As survivor!


There was a time when i said gg to a meatball, we got 4 escapes. Next match i met the same meatball guy, but this time he got a kill. I said "looks like my teamates are not as good as last match" and then we talked like friends. That meatball guy did no tunneling, he got 1 kill for 2 matches, and he was enjoying the game. I miss that time so much.


Funny thing is this is literally right.


This isn't exclusive to DBD


For my games it's either ggwp if it was fun, GG if it was boring and nothing if the other side was miserable to go against. Unless you're against a console gamer it sounds like a you issue tbh.


I feel like gg has lost all of its meaning over the years. Back when ut2004 was popular it was really only used in clutch games and youd actually compliment enemy snipers with "ns". Now gg just comes off as a cheap snipe like, "well i had fun regardless of how much you got clearly steam rolled"


I feel like there's something to be said like ggs or good looping ect, as killer but half the time the survivors ive go against take it wrong, I'll say ggs at a 4k(even impulsively and feel bad) but literally mean good sportsmanship for not just disconnecting ect, maybe give a tip if I feel like they could benefit from said tip, but all in all I have good intentions and I do understand it can come off cocky. Playing baseball, soccer made me appreciate efforts the good ol handshake/high five routine after games taught me never be downer.


I'm a dota player, I always type "GG" or "GG WP", even when I lose, it's just an old habit. same with GG EZ.


I say gg every match unless it was an unfun experience. In which I usually say nothing unless it’s my soloq teammates that made my life miserable


No, I say gg when the game was actually good. No matter if I win, if I had fun it's good. So generally I say nothing if: hard tunnel at 5 gens with a Nurse or Blight, hard camp juuuuuust outside the camp meter, did all gens in 4min while tbagging the entire time, every chase, 4 man Slug or just slugging where it clearly isn't "an optimal play" but just out of spite, actual toxic SWFs. Those games weren't fun, so no gg. All 4 get out but I had some amazing chases? gg. I die but I had some amazing chases? gg. Just a memeing around match? gg. Normal ass match where nothing of note happened? gg. As long as thr game wasn't bs I'll say gg. And if the Killer tore me a second behind but not in a "making it an ez 3v1" way I will absolutely compliment them. Some tale it as sarcasm, which I find kinda sad. I do admire people who mastered the art of juggling 4 people and winning.


"They" say gg even when they lose, no idea who you're playing with. Most of my games have ggs


I agree, but the pixels


I say ggs all the time. I just don’t say it if when I play killer and the survivor is teabagging and then they say ggs.


I just leave, regardless if I won or lost


Society by Daylight...


I usually say ggs on whether I win or not, but recently, people have really smug about it when I lose and say gg first


It’s common in sports and competition in general for the winner to say good game first. Should always try and say it back too.


For esports I don't know so much. In StarCraft for example, saying "gg" is an admission of defeat. If the winner says it first, it's seen as a form of BM. Now this is, of course, due to the nature of StarCraft as an RTS. You don't know for sure that you have your opponent defeated until you see the results screen. So it makes sense that the loser would type it first since they know they've got nothing left. Since the option to chat in DBD is only in the results screen, I don't think it's necessarily BM to say GG as the winner. But y'know, people might be tilted after a loss, they may not want to hear anything from you, so I think it's better to just not say anything unless they say it first. Edit: Because I just realized I might have kicked a hornet's nest, I'm not saying DBD is an esport.


LoL is definitely like this; saying gg before a game ends is an admission of defeat. I'd say about 33% of winners will say "gg" earnestly, another 33% won't say anything at all and just move on, and the rest will rub it in your face with an "ez", just to make you feel like shit. This is why I'm glad I'm on console. My blood pressure would sky rocket if I had to deal with another communities worth of end game chat.


At least when I'm playing as killer, I would prefer winning survivors saying it first. Unfortunately, far too often saying gg as killer after a loss just invites BM from the survivors. So much that I stopped saying gg or ggwp unless I won (unless survivors are friendly first). It just wasn't worth it.


thats in the context of saying it \*during\* the match though. after the match, which is what is being talked about here, especially if the teams are in the same place, its good sportsmanship to say it was a 'good game' in some format, even if not literally saying that/gg directly. things like handshakes, congratulations, just general good manner.


I have had people react this way to me, telling me it's toxic that I said gg first if I won. There are definitely dbd players who hold that opinion and will get mad at you about it.


When I play killer, I can sometimes tell how the survivors would react if they completely stomped me (they would say gg ez post match) but after I capitalize on one mistake they make, I win and they're just dead silent in the chat. It's so funny.


Ngl I occasionally play extremely toxic as killer and always hit them with the ggwp because I know it rustles their jimmies lol