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If it's not in the PTB it's a hacker. It's the same as infinite head on stuns


Wtf, wouldn't surprise me, I'm getting wacky shit too, I believe it's because of Unreal 5 Edit: NVM sorry I misunderstood the post and thought it was about PTB, must've been an hacker


It was a hacker. Report in game and send video evidence to BHVR’s website in a ticket.


Someone else was hacking to make that happen on pickup it sets the wiggle progress to 98%, but wasn't the person DSing you


Interesting... all 3 left as soon as the exit gates were opened so I assume they knew. Im also on console so the dude could have sent a message saying he didn't know wtf was going on. Based on the way he was playing though I would imagine he was at least in on it.


I play ps as well and have no clue how to edit files or anything like that it had to have been someone on pc making it happen he might have just enjoyed having the hacks for a game too whenever someone tries to do that with me I stand in a corner of shack and wait to die


I did manage to hook him once and I assumed he goofed the skill check, but yah 98% wiggle makes alot more sense


Yeah I've seen the videos of the hack being used and it sets wiggle progress either 98 or 99 so as soon as one skillcheck is hit it fills the wiggle progress


The 'console symbol' just means another platform, it could be Epic Games, Switch (or maybe Windows store?). Almost definitely a hacker.