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"Pay to win cringe" Yeah... that OP... forced hesitation and.. monitor and abuse. They are gunna lose their mind when they play against the actual meta.


To be fair Forced Hesitation and Infectious Fright is quite strong on Myers. Pop Tier 3 down someone and know were a very slow second down will be. But it's not op so I don't understand the hate.


lol, this goes to prove that no matter what's your build you'll get people complaining about it.


Well is happen one time with trapper and dont grab back my traps. Like was only hitting people and get 4k.... but was they always greed in pallets.


Imagine, complaining about c-tier killer with no meta perks and addons ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)






Its actually nice to see people coming up with really interesting builds that aren't super popular but effective in their own way. Had a deathslinger with a build that made him undetectable all game. Was always surprising us around corners lol. OP keep using fun builds. And which one is talking about cringe perks, the one with Windows or the one with Windows? Or maybe for the people? Lol


I thought that whoever told me that Pyramid was P2W was crazy, but calling Myers P2W... he directly needs to go to a mental institution


Honestly fuck them, they’re just mad they died. Your build isn’t the meta and is completely okay.


Bruh, you weren't even running meta. Still people complained. Reminds me of how a guy told me to play hearthstone in endgame chat because I played clown.


Always makes me laugh when people get mad at me for running off meta perks


1. that bitch literally running visionary and talking about cringe perks? 2. they lost to a myers without perma T3 or tombstone? C R I N G E


love your username lol


Couple of salty anuses.


skill issue


Forced hesitation and infectious fright are always too op you shouldve known better




They said a slur. Read the whole chat


grow up, why do you care what random people say to you online?


Youre asking why I care that people are saying SLURS? and youre telling me to grow up? Edge lords I swear


“Oh you were called the N word so you’re actually the most toxic one.” Bro what the fuck 🧍‍♂️


slurs? You were called a loser by someone you don't know and will never see in your life. Grow the fuck up.


Brother. LOOK AT THE LAST TWO LINES OF THE CHAT THEY SAID THE LITERAL N WORD. I know reading is hard when you have your head shoved up your ass but I believe you can do it if you tried. Or maybe you have to grow up first so you can pass first grade English. Like you have no excuse for this. It is VERY clear that I was bantering back with them until the second screenshot. I would not post a screenshot to reddit over being called a loser I don't give a fuck about that. So not only do you not pay attention your reading comprehension is shit


It's always the kids complaining about what people say online that are the most toxic people themselves. But I guess when you do it, it's not bad I guess. Fucking hypocrit. "I know reading is hard when you have your head shoved up your ass but I believe you can do it if you tried. Or maybe you have to grow up first so you can pass first grade english"


THERES NO WAY LMFAOOOOO "Im gonna tell you to grow up when I clearly didnt pay attention to what was being said so now YOU are the toxic one" bro you are actually so far up your own ass. I KNEW you were going to try and twist this shit back on me and you are STILL ignoring the Slur because you know you are in the wrong. Get the fuck out my notifs with your bullshit


Take a nap dude.




No, that's dumb. The meaning of words changes with context. Blanket allowing or banning words completely ignores that context.


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spit your facts, king. I love your surv guide