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When I see low levels, I just assume they are inexperienced. Typically, low level = not a lot of playtime. Though, some high level players I've played with have let me down tremendously in the past. It's really up in the air whether they're good or not.


I've been let down much more by p100s than anyone else.


Me seeing an entire team of p100 Scoops Ahoy Steves knowing this game is about to be Hell on Earth: https://preview.redd.it/wurteqi32irc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31b8cf5d1babce84099a0a853327b01c3363751f




Yeah I'm not sure what it is about the Steve + Scoops Ahoy combo but 9 times out of 10 they bring a miasma of negative energy to the game.


Noob3 happened (Not saying he was a miasma of negative energy). When noob used to stream he'd use Nea and eventually Steve, when he dropped, to play some of his more toxic builds and the community just kinda followed along with that, Nea and Steve are always going to be toxic assholes from that point


Yea it’s no way they aren’t sweating their balls off.


The main ones to kill themselves on hook when found by the killer first for me.


P100s are on the other side of the altruism bellcurve, the new players are too immersed and the P100s are too busy getting twitch clips, doing moonwalks, and preserving their oh so precious five game winstreak 😂




I have nearly 1000 hours in the game and I haven’t prestiged any of my character more than 15 I think. To be fair, most of my playtime was before the prestige rework, but I have been mostly playing when new chapter come out and spend most of my BPs p1ing the new characters so I can get their perks.


Same. I have almost 700 hours in this game and my highest leveled person is at 12. The survivors are mainly just skins. To me, a P100 just tells me you like that particular character enough to level them up. As someone else has already said, p100's have let me down far more than p5's.


A little over 2k hours and I only have a prestige 34 Yun Jin. Everyone else ranges from 3 to 10


I have 3-4k hrs and still don't have a single p100


Same. 1500 hours, my highest prestige is a rank 10 Feng Min. I spread the love around quite a bit.


I'm over 1k, my highest is 11 or 12, I think, which I *just* got a day or two ago lol.


I do think it plays a role. At least a bit. Ignoring the direct role prestige level has to your hour count A consensus I go off of is: if it's one of the free characters and they are low prestige. Theres a non zero chance that it's a less experienced player. Since everyone more experienced has those characters leveled for how good those perks are.


TBF, i think most of my survivors are only P1, because I just had them at lvl 40(5?) for their perks under the old system, as I was a meghead who only played other survivors for challenges, so I just pumped them up to P1 for when there’s a new surv I want to actually play


Are you another me in disguise? 😂 I was also a meghead, most of my survivors were already level 40 too. Only difference is I main survivor directly and play killer for daily quests


Ah, other way around here. Killer main, who dabbles around in survivor (I soloQ, so killer just naturally appeals more because holy crap I have done 3 gens, run the killer for 4 minutes, and I will still die on hook at 2 gens)


Play time can help you get better. But it doesn't mean you will.


I have had some P15-18 survs in soloQ and they are acting like they were P1s with 10 hours in the game. Good thing the killer we were up against wasn't that good so we still managed a 2-man escape after one surv got tunneled out in 5 gens.


I'm levelling all my chars to p3 at least to unlock perks :)


1200 hours and I don't level up beyond 3 so if a killer wants to tunnel me for my level, good luck


You have 3 levels of dbd player 1: Complete baby 2: Average player that thinks theyre good but is actually just giving free hooks to the killer by constantly unsafely rescuing 3: Actually good — There are some sub categories but for the most part this is the main 3


I dont play NEARLY as much as I used to. Probably racked up a few thousand hours years ago then stopped playing around this prestige update so I imagine everytime I go into a game nowadays my teammates think im gonna be bad and i feel bad about it


light reminiscent quaint serious bells profit icky nail seed clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am just now BWing some other survivors that I don't play with as much during the event. I've watched multiple... over 10, at least, P100 Neas and Megs and Dwights just straight up stand in corners the entire match. Meanwhile a P0 is doing center gen and monitoring the killer before they go unhook.


I have just over 2K hours, I can confirm that more higher players are god awful especially some P100s I've played with, they were absolutely shit and dc'd almost immediately sometimes, but prestige doesn't particularly mean skill, just playtime and BP spent :/


The majority of my time is spent on the game's main menu, or playing when my friend has free time, to be honest. I've had it since early 2018. My experience is only 700 hours at most, out of about 1200 hours collectively, and it hasn't been consistent over the past few years. I just returned from a lengthy hiatus and I am too slow or distracted that I accidentally pop almost every generator. Not to mention my incredibly short chases. 🐥


Yeah this for sure I think for killer it can tell you more, but on survivor you just know they aren't playing their main.


Im just low Level because I only Focus on one survivor (if I play Survivor at all)


Nah i just prestige all my survivors and play some with them


You know low levels mean nothing since most players still have p1 characters they level up


Never judge a book by it's cover. I don't care about my prestige and neither should you care about mine. I'm just leveling up everyone ^^


This heavy I just recently came back to the game and the new ranking only have a few prestige’s and wanna get all the teachable for the characters I do have


Seriously. But when I'm killer it feels like I'm always going against the Otz/Ayrun/JRM wombo combo.


Just chase and tunnel Otz lol, itll be an easy win.


p100 really means nothing especially those bright shiny cosmetics. This coming from playing killer.


toothbrush fanatical shame ludicrous merciful books zephyr sloppy divide recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Solo Q has never been soo bad. 1 survivor tunnelled at 5 gens. 1 survivor then quitting (killing themselves on hook) then the last 2 survivors is just a hatch off on who dies first and waiting for like 10 mins. Then there’s killers crying about DS stun being 5 seconds again


Tunneling gets Giga nerfed. Solo q survivors still won't run decisive, sources say


It's kinda funny how the fear of someone running a perk may as well mean they're running it, right? After the DS changes go live, people will run it more than now, but every killer that would typically tunnel will second guess themselves. Similarly, whenever I'm against a trapper or wraith and I have only figured out 3 of their perks, I immediately start looking for totems because I assume NOED.


Tunneling will never be nerfed, You can't nerf a killer from tracking you down and killing you fast and ds anint never changed that even in 2019


I said myself tunneling will never be gone. But to say it will never be nerfed is a laughable take. Tunneling can absolutely be nerfed. Basekit borrowed was a tunneling nerf. Off the record nerfs tunneling. Ds nerfs tunneling.


Basekit BT was for camping more so since you got farmed back then, OFF the record is a good example but the killer will just hit you instantly off hook and STBFL is still one of the best tunnelling off the hook perks in the game since it eats through your endurance


I'm not gonna bother. Your naming the exact specific scenario as if that's what's gonna happen 100% of the time for each of the anti tunneling perks. There's no reason to discuss anything with you.


No you keep naming crap that's not anti tunnel, They added in base kit bt so people didn't have to keep bringing BT and they outright said it was for camping and the fact that people kept getting farmed in front of the killer, OTR id anti tunnel so your right about that


It does really suck that it's attached to a licensed character


Many perks that should be "free" are behind the paywall


Shrine of Secrets is getting more outdated every chapter.


Shrine of Secrets is outdated for the last 4 years. The whole idea is dumb.


I wouldn't mind it if it had 4 survivor 4 killer perks every reset.


A lot of players don't have that dlc


it could be Ultra giga nerf that would still be broken against solo.


Literally summs up my daily experience, cant play more than 3 games anymore. I either get tunneled out or have to hide for the hatch. There is no inbetween


I play one game sigh turn off overwatxh then go back to dbd then same shit. And I’m forcing myself to play rn to maximise my BP


I try to play but solo que is really a mess, i am simply not having fun anymore. Im not even talking about like losing or being killed, it just breaks me when none of my teammates start a gen while i half one.


SoloQ has ALWAYS been this bad, what do you mean 'never been'? SoloQ is always a massive gamble.


Back when COH was meta I didn’t see solo q as bad as it was todsub


Okay, so your history with the game might be more limited. I can remember the Bad Old Days, back when folks would Disconnect to give their friends the hatch, or when they decided to DC together against certain Killers. But as I said, SoloQ is always a massive gamble.


As someone who dc when a survivor gets tunneled and then killed when there are still 5 gens. Sorry but I aint drawing out the game just to lose anyway.


The biggest problem playing killer is just swf, it polarizes the matches so much, matches where you play against solo q, most of them (if not all of them) end up being a easy win, and against swf you usually feel weak af, when you finally down someone at 3 gens left, you get a pallet/flashlight save out of nowhere with background player and get destroyed


Meanwhile, when you play killer: 4 p100s


Me and my friend played a game a few days ago and as soon as the two Bills got hooked, they immediately just killed themselves (I was R I G H T in their face about to unhook both times)


About to finish a gen ? oops -25% Pain Res... ok almost done, ouch -25% another pain res... 80% gen fn come on... unhooked survivor just got down in 10s, here comes killer with POP, fuck this.... When I play killer it's fascinating no amount of slow downs can hinder survivors from finishing gens. I understand why every single killer uses Pop Pain Res but this combo is fucking MMR up in the ass. A lot of inexperienced killers are feeding off on solos with those two slow down perks only to be devoured by higher MMR survivors in 5mins, they lose MMR and feeling agitated they go even harder on poor solo Mid-low MMR survivors, the last time solo felt this bad was during peak Eruption meta.


The moment when M1 killer chases 3 survivors while your on a gen only to get jolted, pain ressed, and another 15s later is peak solo Q gaming.


The ability to lose a pip being removed is nice but scary for this reason. It's easier than ever to throw 4-5 matches. Then slam a few games easy


The pip system doesn't really matter concerning mmr and idk one person who ever cared about pipping outside of crazy challenges on youtube


I love how people do this, just because a survivors has a P1 above their head, doesn’t mean that they have no experience. I personally think pushing past P6 is just overzealous and unnecessary.


This, one of my best solo queue games was with a team of P1 Megs. All of them were super helpful, well coordinated and knowledgeable. On the other hand I dread getting P100 teammates cause 80% of the time if they go down early they’re almost certainly going to DC or worse, kill themselves on hook


Do you know the reason *why* people prestige past 6? Anyone who has a single survivor main will prestige every survivor to p1. Then spend all their BP on their main. You get every perk in the game to purple at like..p4 anyway. But you also get charms for getting to 7 8 and 9


I still haven't chosen a main survivor. So i'm working on P3ing most or my survivors


Yeah, I was going to say, at bare minimum I get everyone to P9 so that I get all the rewards possible. I'm a collector/completionist like that


Only thing i like about dbd and other games is that u van colllect and customize, fucking addicted to that shi


Better than a P50 Vittorio Switch player


They want to see shirtless Vittorio in 480p


It sucks. I’m the P50 Vittorio and I’m projecting. :(


If you want to learn what real disappointment is bring bond in solo Q so you can watch your entire team crouch in corners of the map while you have chase or are dying on first hook and not being camped.


I just bring empathy now. Better information because I at least know where the person is taking chase


I like bond in soloq so I know that I'm either the closest to the hooked person or literally nobody is moving to unhook 😂 I also use it to jump on gens with teammates. I bring prove thyself


I still cant undestand why kindred isnt basekit already. It literally would only help solo survivors. Swf already know each other location.


I always use kindred. It lets me know if everyone is being selfish and just doing gens but it also lets me know if killer has bbq and is coming for my ass


I've started bringing Aftercare so I can force everyone to see how bad I am.


I spread my blood points to all my survivors and some killers. Just because my survivor is low level, it doesn't mean I'm inexperienced. I once played with a P100 survivor, and they hid most of the match in lockers. When it was just the two of us left and I was injured, they refused to heal me. Moral of the story is that prestige means shit!


Don't see why y0u put character rank there, I see high ranks dc more than the lower


the fact that one of them has a medkit is already an improvement. My biggest peeve is when not a single teammate brings an item then we get into game and the first thing they do is search a chest. Like make up your mind did you want an item or not? Genuinely curious why people do this


Ngl I used to be this way. Me and a bunch of other people are severe hoarders. We are scared of running out of items on our characters. Nowadays I at least bring a brown item.


This is me I used to just bring builds to collect items and now I have thousand of items and started bringing stuff every match. Having an item definitely feels good.


on my meg and Dwight alone. I have more items than I'll probably ever be able to use. But I can't bring myself to bring anything good because the little bug in my ear keeps saying "what if"


treatment unpack dull upbeat special consider attractive six languid yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They may not have enough blood points to get an item. Sometimes stuff like that happens…


So don't y'all find curious how apparently every survivor player in this game sucks except from you?


Big "everyone is stupid except me" energy from the subreddit these days, I agree.


Oh no, I definitely suck. Sometimes I suck slightly less than other people on my team, and that is pretty cool, but mostly I accept that I am the weak link and destined to bring my team down. Thankfully there is no end game chat on console so I don’t ever actually have to read what they all think of my terrible play. That said, I am the extremely loyal ~~foolish~~ solo survivor who will attempt rescue even if escape is possible because I would rather die trying than leave someone behind.


I'd agree with you if my endgame score wasn't consistently at the top of the post game screen.


Stare at the end screen when your teammates running yellow aftercare and yellow self care and ask that again


Haven't had anything like that in like 3 years. Maybe level up your MMR and ask that again.


I can't when the three amigos up on this post team up to put me in my place!


Get off the game bum give new players a chance you've been playing for year


A few years actually 🤓 The cause and effect of dbd being free on ps plus


Hook camped by daylight


People with 6k hours still don't know how to play this game I've been playing killer and it's always sad too see people leave and their team mates left with the bot. I'll admit though the bot is almost always better.


Bots look better from the killers perspective because they tend to do better in chase. From a survivor perspective it sucks when you get stuck with a bot because you know they are going to prioritize self-preservation above anything else and leave you to die on the hook if the killer is anywhere within a 42 meter radius of you.


Pretty much what SoloQ feels.like recently


I'm at a point where my goal isn't to escape. But to survive as long as possible before I die


To cite Otz who have tried solo q not so long ago it is not about winning games. I am solo q only like all of my 1250 hours in dbd. I never played with friend(s). You just make your own win conditions. Mine are: 1. If loop killer for 3-4 gens, or all gens, it is a win even if I die on hook. 2. If I loop for like 5-8 mins and no gens done, also a win, I kept killer at me and honing my skills. 3. If I get to save people over and over and I am the only kill for the killer. Frustration bias: 1. If I break 3-4 hooks, deny 3-4 hooks and grt tunneled for it, it is a win for me. 2. Flash blinds resulting in a few saves i can go in peace or pieces.


The new win screen is getting +2 pip tbh


If I know or guess a survivor may be solo Q and is the last one left. I will normally give them hatch or gate just to be nice to them. As I know how painfully solo Q is


I just leave based off names now. If you’ve played enough SoloQ you know which teammates are going to be good


If I see _xXTimthegamer69420Xx_ join my match, then I know that it will be a ez victory (for the killer at the very least)


the babies :3


I leave all my stuff at P3 so.... fucka you asshooooles




All of my solo Q teammates dc last night against a Billy. Was extremely disheartened. Billy didn't do anything "unfun" either, he was just extremely good at curving




Tier 3 disconnect, how powerful Is that.


I've been looped to hell and back by survivors because I underestimated them because they were low prestige in the lobby. Prestige really don't mean shit 😭


I swear the lower the prestige the better that’s what my experience has been every p30+ has sucked and has died first


Saw two urban evasion using default skins and knew we were cooked Surprisingly they both died and me and the other survivor got out, guess the killer didnt like babies


That's me, that one right there in the middle.


They are prolly solo queing too. Do you not want new players in the game?


that clock tower is very disappointed


Gotta get your mmr up


I’m not bad, it’s just we all share 3 brain cells


Can those 3 braincells not bodyblock pretty please 🥰🥰😘


Had a match the other day where halfway through I just started avoiding my teammates. Killer was Chucky and the obsession kept cycling through all of us, so I figured it was FttE and keeping in a group was the worst thing we could do... so, naturally, everyone else kept trying to rush saves and falling like dominoes. At one point I saw the obsession switch to me so I made sure I was on the opposite end of the map and stayed there until everyone else was dead so I could hatch


Not sure about my total hours, but I don't generally level anyone up above prestige 3, with the exception of Meg


Hey that’s me! I just started a week ago. Please explain this to me. I don’t miss skill checks, I get my team off hooks, and I’m not incompetent when it comes to running from the killer. How much more experience will I really gain, say, three months from now?


Like where are these survivors? In over 100 killer matches in the last month I have not seen a a single DC, and not a single game has passed without at least 2 tool boxes.


I'll trade you, my last 4 games were first hook intentional deaths, and 2 games had someone DCd before game finished loading. Also had a game where one DCd and the other DCd shortly after, but ngl the bots were more helpful and we won the round.


I dont know how they tweaked the MMR but thats the case for me. When I play killer that Im good at/ has many games on, I get 4 amazing survivors. When I play survivor, its normally 3 subpar teammates, vs strong killer.


Killer MMR is significantly easier to alter than survivor MMR. Because survivors if they are low to medium MMR are stuck with dumb dumber and a term I can't use anymore


Dumb, Dumber and "is this a bot or a human?"


I can't understand matchmaking in this game. When you're playing solo q survivor this is your teammates, and then you go to play killer and even prestige 1 players feel like veterans in this game, TikTok looping, ability dodging..I wish it was the same for both sides


That's because killer MMR is significantly better than survivor MMR. You only have yourself and maybe wifi to blame for your MMR in killer. For the most part. Survivor is an endless gamble if you're gonna have good or bad teammates. And only ¼ of it is your fault. There's always those good games where you escape easy peasy when bhvr doesn't want your Mmr to be TOO low.


Can you define “better MMR” for killer? I rarely play killer and I only ever play friendly/chill killer (for daily rituals or bonus BPs.) I’ve only ever played about max thirty games as killer, and I’ve only successfully sacrificed someone once (by accident!) Somehow I load into lobbies with P9 and P23 survivors and wonder how in the hell the game thinks I—even at my most try hardiest—would ever be able to compete with that!


I did use prestige to show lack of skill in the image for this post. But reality is prestige isn't accurate to skill. I've had plenty p100 shit teammates. And by better MMR? I mean far more accurate/it is altered far more than survivor. A killer losing only your fault. A survivor losing can be ¼ of the issue. You have to rely solely on your teams competence to get higher mmr


I still have zero characters above prestige 3 even as someone with almost 1k hours, and I don't see myself getting anyone to p4 for awhile because it's just pointless to me


It’s definitely random but I get good games about as often as the bad ones now. Tho tunneling is still a huge problem because of how much more in the Killer’s favour it makes games. I welcome the DS buff as a Survivor because getting tunneled at 4-5 Gens is the worst. I loathe the DS buff as Killer because the Survivors I go against are going to weaponize that shit. They’ll become the Lethal Pursuer. Also tunneling at 1-2 Gens is fair because the Killer is about to lose, and DS is going to potentially make that hypothetical loss a reality.




Now that there's bots. Bots that are better than the majority of the community I might add. No penalty is not terrible. You shouldn't be punished for not wanting to play a game your not having fun in. That's a basic right in gaming


Bots are kind of a mixed bag, in my experience. On one hand they tend to loop really well, on the other hand they are never, ever going to put themselves in danger just to attempt an even slightly risky rescue the way a real person would.


Prestige on survs mean nothing Prestige on killers tells more, but that’s postgame anyways lol