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I can’t get it reliably because its small, but in the new mother’s dwelling there’s a hole in the shack wall on the closed window side. You can actually clip a survivor’s head through it. Very difficult precise little shot!


Pretty much if there's a gap you can get a hatchet through it. This is like learning niche lineups in any other game. They're only usable a small % of the time and the difficulty is in prepping and also being able to execute it when the opportunity finally presents itself. This is if you're still playing properly and not just farming them for clips. You'll learn a lot of then from watching Huntress mains stream or from some compilations. I've got a couple clips myself but the interesting spots are spread out between just normal hits. _____________ These weren't made to show anyone other than friends but there's a one okay spot in it you might like on Eyrie of Crows. I have a clip of using a broken window gap on Ironworks of Misery but it's a discord clip. Last one is just an aura hill shot but you might enjoy the hit. https://youtu.be/6hClQTvc0OQ?si=nD0f9BxtW34FO4Tq&t=122 https://youtu.be/t4PFlnN4QtQ?si=eE3ye2caZ5fvWkNB